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About this mod

NPCs will agonize if they get too hurt. You can help them or hurt them in various ways depending on your current inventory. Based and inspired in Near Death Mod. Now creatures will agonize too and you can help them.

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This mod started as a small patch for the amazing Near Death mod (made by devilswish182 so please endorse it), sadly its permission list doesn't allow modifications or updates from other authors so I ended up making a separate mod with different features.

When an NPC or creature health goes below certain treshold (determined by each NPC stats), it will get into agonizing state, in which you will be able to perform various actions, depending on the items you currently have on inventory.


-Different fall animations.
-Small health damage rate when agonizing.
-If the agonizing actor is a companion, it will stay in the same place even if you move to another location (hopefully he will still be alive when you come back).
-Actor has a chance of dropping currently equipped weapon when falling. Higher player luck will reduce the dropping chance.
-You can help creatures too!
-Very strong and medical skilled NPCs can stabilize themselves and will restore HP while agonizing.
-NPC's with health items have a chance to cure themselves when agonizing, so don't asume the combat is over when you see them down.
-Fiends,  Great Khans and strong Legion NPCs have a chance to keep fighting for a while even if they should agonize under normal criteria (they're tough).
You can also enlable this feature for all NPCs in the INI file in Config folder.
-Agonizing members of the Goodspring militia will be considered out of combat at the end of Run Goodsprings Run Quest. Now the Gangers could spare the life of some villagers if they're in the mood. This should be compatible with other mods that alter this quest. Now in Ghost Town Gunfight  goodspringers can have mercy of Joe Cobb as well, and he'll look some place to be accepted.
- Joe Cobb's periplus: If he survives Ghost Town Gunfight, he'll took one of several random paths (plan to add more in future updates).

There's an INI file in the config folder where you can:
-enable/disable NPC weapon drop.
-enable/disable chance for all NPCs to not fall and keep fighting (Tough Mofos).
-enable/disable blood pools when agonizing.
-Increase damage treshold limit to start agonizing by 15%. NPC's will agonize at higher health, therefore more often. (Weaklings).
- Weaklings but only for Player Teammates (Additive efect over general Weaklings if both are activated).
- Don't affect goodspring showdown (LeaveGoodspringsAlone)

Humanitarian/Brutal Actions to perform on NPCs:

-Loot: Classic Loot
-Heal: Can use Stimpak, Healing powder, Healing pultice, SuperStimpak, Bitter Drink, Auto-Inject Simpak/SuperStimpak.
-Give Whiskey: Painkiller effect that makes the agonizing actor stand up and keep fighting for a little more time.
-Use Med-X: Same as above + classic Med-X effect.
-Use Hydra: Painkiller + classic Hydra effect + confidence boost. 
-Use Antivenom: Antivenom effect.
-Knock Out: Knocks out the actor. When knocked out, damage rate will be smaller and enemies won't consider him a threat (good for protecting him during battle). Also it will let you use other mods that rely on unconscious actors. If you wan't to drag unconscious NPCs check this out.
-Inject Psycho: Go frenzy + classic Psycho effect.
-Pour vodka or flamer fuel: Burn! (try putting some dynamite in his pocket first) + negative karma penalty. With Pyromaniac perk you could set off a chain reaction.
NEW: More features when burning people alive. 
-Cripple: Limb-crippling move. NPCs confidence drop + minor karma penalty. High unarmed stat will trigger different moves.
-Euthanize: Med-X overdose (just 2 of them) to kill in a painless way. Won't be considered an assault and you'll have a small karma reward.
-Smash head with blunt weapon: Brutal slam. Adrenaline boost (extended Turbo effect without addiction) + negative karma penalty. You can spend one hammer to destroy the skull or use your equipped two-handed weapon (at the expense of severe weapon damage).
-Perform surgery: Use one Doctor's bag to save the NPC. Full health regen + DoctorBag effect + different gratitude reactions -from simple truce to becoming your loyal follower- depending on your character's stats and current perks***. It will take one hour to perform and cannot be done during combat. At the maximum level of loyalty you'll be able to give the NPC basic orders. Caution: Some characters are more trustworthy than others.
-Inject Doctor Mitchell's virus: It will make them loose health, vomit and get dizzy randomly for 5 minutes, even during combat (beware of infecting yourself). Dead bodies keep infecting. How to get the virus injection? Doc Mitchell can sell you some doses, but also you can steal the recipe from him and craft them on a campfire. 
The more crowded a place is, the biggest impact this virus will have, as NPCs will re-infect each other continuously. Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence.
Variant: New craftable virus variant that will turn NPC's frenzy and stronger, yet prone to destroy their own weapons. Can cause a LOT of damage if you know when to use it. Use a clean save if you want to steal it from Doc Mitchell.
- Apply Tourniquet: With one leatherbelt you can apply a torniquet that will stop health damage while agonizing (good in case you want to go find a stimpak and come back). This effect will last as long as the NPC has the leatherbelt in inventory. NPCs can apply tourmiquet themselves if they have a leatherbelt in inventory. On NPCs that satisfy a minimum of strenght, endurance and survival, tourniquet have a chance of stabilize them for a while.
Devour Alive: So you're already a cannibal but that's not evil enough? Why not eating them alive? Now with improved compatibility with A Crime Against Nature and Cannibal Reborn!

Humanitarian actions to perform on creatures (creatures are cool so I don't plan to add options to hurt them) :

-Heal: Use Stimpak, HealingPowder, SuperStimpak. 
-Use Med-X: Painkiller effect that makes the agonizing creature stand up and keep fighting for a little more time.
-Euthanize: Med-X overdose (just 2 of them) to kill in a painless way. Won't be considered an assault and you'll have a small karma reward.
-Perform surgery: Use one Doctor's bag to save the creature. Full health regen  + DoctorBag effect + different gratitude reactions -from simple truce to becoming domesticated- depending on your character's stats and current perks***. It will take one hour to perform and cannot be done during combat.  At the maxim level of loyalty you'll be able to give the creature basic orders. Caution: sometimes creatures can't ignore their animal instincts, so be careful if you bring a deathclaw to the village.
High medecine skill will allow you to also heal domesticated creatures when they're not agonizing.
Apply Tourniquet: With one leatherbelt you can apply a tourniquet that will stop health damage while agonizing (good in case you want to go find a stimpak and come back). This effect will last as long as the Creature has the leatherbelt in inventory.

* If you don't see creatures agonizing, try disabling this mod, save game, enable this mod again and then load the saved game. 
**  Feral ghouls are excluded as agonizing for them whouldn't be lore friendly I think.
*** Perks that help you to have a better outcome are: Blackwidow, Ladykiller, CherchezLaFemme, ConfirmedBachelor, FirendOfTheNight, Entomologist, AnimalFriend, LifeGiver, RadChild. Whom they affect is self explanatory (RadChild is for SuperMutants).

I plan to keep adding/improving stuff. Bug reports and suggestions are welcome.

This mod is complementary to my other mod Agonize. Using both is recommended (for instance, it will make some NPCs aproach to the agonizing actor to help him, and if its burning they might catch fire as well).

Compatibility issues:

Idle Variety  seems to make NPC's stand up when entering dialogue while agonizing. A manual fix is to modify this mod's script and add a "&& rAct.getrestrained==0" condition in the check when it force stop idles. DM me if you need help with that. Last version of this mod is compatile now. Thanks to woombat .

The mod Immersive Recoil NPC shows conflicts with this mod and makes it to not work properly . Other mods seem to be compatible. Last version of this mod is compatible now!

Recommended mods:

BLEED or Fallout 4 Survival Mode-Style Damage
Limited Game Savings or Saving Reworked (for a real challenge)
Quick Use + Quick Drop
NPC use Aid Items + NPC can Miss
Immersive Recoil NPC
NPC Level Overhaul
Flesh Burnification
Throwable bottles
A Crime Against Nature
Canibal Reborn
Drag things to ther cells

Go to Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini, find "bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving=0", change 0 to 1 and save (source).
Mutant Knockdown - Abomination Devastation
Sweet Dynamic Detection System
NAWEMO - NPCs use Ammo Variants and Weapon Mods
Perception in Action

Sick peolple don't fight that well..

See you in hell, Pete.