About this mod
This is the ENB Complex Terrain parallax version of the magnificent Rally's Solstheim Landscapes
- Requirements
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- Changelogs
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It works with both Rally's Solstheim Lanscapes and Rally's Solstheim AIO.
Available in 2k and 4k version. The Complex Material version it requires
Compatible with
Skyrim Anniversary Edition v1.6.1130 or higher
Skyrim Anniversary Edition v1.6.640
Skyrim Special Edition v1.5.97

Make sure its not overwritten by anything else.
Required ENB settings in enbseries.ini:
If you can't get complex terrain parallax to work try deleting the "enbcache" folder inside the Skyrim SE installation folder.
Special thanks and credits:
markuskarttunen1 for three models from his Subdivide and Smooth - Ash Pebbles which now take advantage of the Complex Material feature.

Rallyeator for his wonderful work and for the permission to release this version. Thanks mate ;)
If you like this mod don't forget to endorse
My other mods
Snowy Surfaces, Sound, Collision and Aesthetics
Jorrvaskr Basement Floor Seams Fix
Solitude Interiors Meshes FIXES
WiZkiD Specific Signs
ELFX Shadows
ELFX Shadows - Official Patches Hub
WiZkiD Lund's Hut
WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter and Bones
WiZkiD Riften and Ratway
Icy Windhelm
WiZkiD Parallax Imperial Forts
WiZkiD Wells with real water
WiZkiD Pinewatch
WiZkiD Alchemy Table
WiZkiD Pavo's House
WiZkiD Carriages
Ancient Imperial Septims
Lanterns Of Skyrim II
Sepolcri - A complete Burial Sites overhaul
Tamriel Master Lights
WiZkiD Lootable FireWood Piles
WiZkiD Patches Compendium
WiZkiD Signs
ELFX - Exterior Fixes
Skyrim Immersive Details
WiZkiD Hall of the Dead Stained Glass Windows
Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes
ELFX Fixes
R's Windmill - DynDOLOD patch
Blacksmith Forge Water Fix - Arthmoor Rorikstead and The Fall of Granite Hill
The Notice Board SMIM 3D Ropes Fix
Underwater Visibility Fix (Wavy Waters version)