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About this mod

In the vein of YASH, EnaiRim, Requeim, and more...OMEGA's design goal is to offer the best and most versatile gameplay overhaul available for SSE. OMEGA is the starting point for any mod build that at its core changes Skyrim into a challenging, difficult, and balanced experience.

Permissions and credits
  • Italian
What is OMEGA?

In the vein of YASH, EnaiRim, Requeim, and more...OMEGA's design goal is to offer the best and most versatile gameplay overhaul available for SSE.  OMEGA is the starting point for any mod build that at its core changes Skyrim into a challenging, difficult, and balanced experience. 

OMEGA combines several mods into one in order to save on ESP's while removing conflicts.  And it's modular, offering multiple compatibility patches so that you can pick and choose which mods to use.

This page is currently a WIP as I prep for v2.0+ releases.

What's the TLDR version of OMEGA?
I'm so bad at "short versions" of anything...

The original design of OMEGA was to take the incredibly impressive Encounter Zone design from SR with it's increased difficulty multipliers to spawn higher level mobs and roll all of that into MLU, the best loot overhaul I'd seen, with it's recommended Weapon AF changes.  However the result expanded and grew to become an All In One Mod forming the cornerstone of the best modular gameplay overhaul on SSE.

However before we delve into specifics understand that an underlying goal of OMEGA was to make combat both interesting and fun.  I was sick to death of rerolling to a new character when I got into my 30's or 40's because the game got too damn easy.  OMEGA includes multiple combat mods, a complete enemy overhaul mod, dragon overhaul mods, and many game mechanics overhauls as well.  OMEGA isn't a Loot and EZ mod with a guide.  OMEGA is THE overhaul for SSE you didn't know you were waiting for.

OMEGA is also a Mod Framework in addition to everything else.  And unlike an expansive guide such as Nordic Skyrim or Lexy's LOTD, I wanted to offer something smaller yet equally useful.  However offering a Modular Gameplay Overhaul while also offering AIO Mods could potentially pull my design goals in opposite directions.

To resolve the potential pitfalls of my design, I decided upon a course of action with 4 core tenets:
  • Offer a tight Mod Framework allowing users customization options to swap mods in and out.
  • Offer a core group of mods/patches in an AIO Mod format that would be essential to any user.
  • Offer patches since there would be incompatibilities.
  • Offer more than one way for the end user to get the full OMEGA experience.

Sorry, but OMEGA, MLU, and SR isn't for me...
I still got you fam!

The Mod Framework is Solid and doesn't require OMEGA, MLU, or SR at all.  And it offers a proper Load Order with MCM recommendations.  You can ignore MLU and SR entirely and still end up getting a lot from OMEGA.  Plus there are several Mods and Patches here that don't require OMEGA, MLU, or SR at all.

OMEGA offers the following:

  • A New OMEGA MorrowLoot Ultimate AIO Mod and a New OMEGA Skyrim Revamped Loot and Encounter Zones AIO Mod
  • 2 New MLU Patches that incorporate up to 13 patches in just one esp
  • OMEGA MLU and OMEGA SR are 100% Compatible with all MLU and SR Patches
  • Fully integrated WACCF and Weapon AF design for 100% compatibility
  • Over 30+ NEW Mods and Patches
  • 4 Skyrim Uncapper INI's
  • A Mod Framework of over 40 mods for a balanced Skyrim experience
  • Reduction of total ESP's required by the user
  • Non-OMEGA Patches, offering Patch support for those who don't want to use OMEGA
  • Quality of Life improvements for many mods and general gameplay
  • Many inconsistencies and missing values from MLU have been addressed
  • 4 New Skyrim Uncapper INI's
  • And the inclusion of many more improvements, tweaks, and adjustments

What does each Mod actually do?
Time to show the goods!

As you read further you'll see sections like this that have their own spoiler tags below them.  That's to save space on what is a tremendously huge web page so that it's easier to find everything.  But instead of rambling further let's get right into it eh?  As they say, the proof is in the pudding.  Not sure why they put it in the pudding, but since they do it's time to open up the first spoiler on this page.
Hmm...no pudding.

OMEGA MLU is intended for users who want more from MLU without adding in too many other mods.  
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Hearthfires, USSEP
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Needs to load as low as possible in your Load Order
Lexy LOTD Load Order: If using Lexy LOTD then sort this according to the guide
LOOT: Do not change the Metadata setting to "Late Loaders" as some mods like Realistic Water Two still need to load after MLU.esp
Only 1 ESP

An AIO Mod that uses the "MLU.esp" name so that it's compatible with all MLU Patches.

Also includes changes from all of the following Patches available here on the OMEGA page.  See the Patches section for descriptions.

  • Encounter Zones Uncapped MLU
  • MLU Fixes Patch
  • Simple Fixes
  • Weapon AF Patch

OMEGA SR is intended for users who want more from SR without adding in too many other mods.  
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT, load after SRCEO
Only 1 ESP

An AIO Mod that uses the "Skyrim Revamped.esp" name so that it's compatible with all SR Patches.

Also includes changes from all of the following Patches available here on the OMEGA page.  See the Patches section for descriptions.

  • Encounter Zones Cell Names SR
  • Encounter Zones Uncapped SR
  • SRCEO and Mortal Enemies Patch

OMEGA SR is finished.  I will continue to have this mod available here, but will no longer be supporting it or making changes to it.  

OMEGA Classic Classes
Requirements: None
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

An AIO Mod that uses the "ClassicClasses.esp" name so that it's compatible with all CC Patches.

  • Contains everything from the original Classic Classes and Birthsigns SSE.
  • Many values have been edited (read: nerfed) in order to better fit into the OMEGA balance design.

Many Class abilities have been nerfed to make CC a more balanced option, but you may also choose a Custom Class option (not Traveller) which allows you to pick 7 core skills, a +20 bonus to one attribute (not a bad thing in OMEGA), and one secondary class skill.  So you can avoid the CC Class Bonuses/Structure if you wish while still getting primary skills at 25 and non-core skills at 5.

Inside the Spoiler below are all of the changes made to the original CC mod.  Please refer to the original mod for an idea of how it works.
This balance sweep was not meant to be a complete overhaul of Classic Classes.  It's just meant to bring the class advantages to a more reasonable, or less OP state, so that I can recommend everyone use this without having to seriously self-police themselves on the decisions they make. 

Acrobat (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Acrobatics (Take 75% less falling damage, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Evasion (Take 5% less magic and elemental damage)

Archer (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Athletics (Move 5% faster, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Huntsman (Bows deal 5% more damage)

Assassin (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Acrobatics (Take 75% less falling damage, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Toxicant (Poisons you make are 15% more effective)

Barbarian (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Hand to Hand (+10 Unarmed Combat Damage)
Class Ability | Reaver (Melee weapons deal 5% more damage)

Battlemage (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Unarmored (Armor rating is 50 when not wearing armor)
Class Ability | Kriegshexen (Spells deal 5% more damage with a weapon, or shield, equipped in off-hand)

Crusader (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Hand to Hand (+10 Unarmed Combat Damage)
Class Ability | Justicar (Blunt weapons deal 7.5% more damage)

Healer (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Médecin (25% Poison and Disease resistance)

Knight (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Chain Coat (10% bonus to heavy armor)

Rogue (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Hand to Hand (+10 Unarmed Combat Damage)
Class Ability | Élan (One-handed weapons deal 5% more damage)

Scout (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Athletics (Move 5% faster, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Skirmisher (Stamina regenerates 50% faster) 

Spellsword (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Zsoldos (Weapons deal 5% more damage with a spell equipped in off-hand)

Thief (buffed & nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Athletics (Move 5% faster, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Locksmith (Locks are 25% easier to pick)

Warrior (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Athletics (Move 5% faster, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Footman (Health regenerates 50% faster)

Witchhunter (nerfed)
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Jäger (Deal 10% more damage vs. Vampires, Werewolves, Undead)

Third Era Birthsigns
I made these changes to help bring them in line, but I honestly do not recommend taking Third Era.  Stick to Traveler or Fouth Era Birthsigns if you ask me.

Warrior (nerfed)
+5% damage

Mage (buffed)
+40 Magicka

Steed (nerfed)
+10% move speed

Lord (buffed)
5% weakness to fire, heal magnitude increased from 4 to 5

Apprentice (buffed)
5% weakness to magic, +100 Magicka

OMEGA Custom Edits
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn
Included in: OMEGA Lite AIO Patch, OMEGA Complete AIO Patch
Load Order: Needs to load after Cutting Room Floor and any sound overhauls such as ISC or AOS
Only 1 ESP

  • All 4 Cloak Spells have been modified: Flame Cloak, Shock Cloak, Frost Cloak, and Whirlwind Cloak.
  • FX remains on the player, but the swirling FX is removed.
  • Power affects Magnitude, not Duration.
  • Cloak spells emit no sound when active.
  • All 5 Flesh Spells have been modified: Oakflesh, Stoneflesh, Ironflesh, Ebonyflesh, Dragonhide.
  • Flesh spells don't place FX on the player.
  • Flesh spells have a duration of 180 seconds now.
  • Dragonhide can now be cast with either hand with the same cast time as other Flesh spells.
  • Oak, Stone, Iron, and Ebony have had their Mage Armor perk values modified.
  • This is an edit to the spells, not to the perks, so it is compatible with any Perk Overhaul.
  • +20 Armor at 1/3, +40 Armor at 2/3, and +40 Armor at 3/3 after all modifiers.
  • Light/Heavy Armor have 100 more "hidden" armor when wearing 4 pieces of armor than Cloth does when worn.  
  • The 20/40/40 bonuses to Mage Armor perks means that at 70 Alteration w/3 Perks, your character pays to remove this "hidden" nerf.
  • All Shock/Restoration spell Sound Descriptors have been modified.
  • The ambient sound for holding these spells in your hand (not casting) has been changed to the same sound as holding a Conjuration spell.
  • Disarm no longer works.  See the FAQ as to why.
  • Compatibility edits made to make this play nicer with more mods.
  • Some Quests delayed - similar to Dawnguard/Dragonborn Delayed mods.
  • The Dragonborn quest no longer start until after you have accomplished Dragonslayer.  You can still go to Solstheim without the quest.
  • The Dawnguard quest no longer starts until level 40.  You can still go to the Dawnguard fortress before then.
  • Vampire attacks from Dawnguard do not start until level 30.
  • Vampire eyes can now be selected when not a vampire.
  • You don't have to choose vampire eyes, but now you can during character creation.
  • Night Eye duration changed to unlimited.  Can still toggle it on and off.
  • This won't affect other forms of Night Eye, especially from other mods.
  • No more NPC ninja dodging!!  
  • Some mods will reduce this to 0, while other mods like Ultimate Combat change this to 0.5.  I've set this to 0 because in almost every circumstance you see this mechanic in game, the NPC does some impossible ninja dodge that shouldn't even be possible.

OMEGA Populated
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

An AIO Mod that replaces Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins Legendary and Populated Forts Towers Places Remastered Edition.

This is intended to make the game more challenging by significantly increasing the mobs spawned throughout dungeons, forts, and camps.  While I find this incredibly fun and challenging, other users may find dungeons like Dustman's Cairn or Forts populated with OBIS to become next to impossible.  They're not impossible, just very difficult is all.  For hardcore combat mod setups it is recommended to consider dropping Populated here at OMEGA if needed and reverting to using only Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins Legendary.

Core OMEGA AIO Patches
Surprises or toys?!!

As I shift gears into a new design philosophy for OMEGA old things must be thrown away.  Which of course makes room for new things to be added in!  For those familiar with my old "Lite", "Complete", and "SJ's" versions of my AIO mods this new section will both feel familiar and set your minds at ease.  Welcome to the Core OMEGA AIO Patches which will save you 6 to 12 esp slots by replacing many patches with a single OMEGA MLU AIO Patch instead.
For older users I just wanted to make sure you understood that the OMEGA Summermyst Patch (among others) was never a part of any of the previous AIO esp's before.  So there is no loss of esp slots.  In fact, many will likely gain back at least 1 or 2 esp slots with this new system.

OMEGA Lite AIO Patch
OMEGA Lite is intended for users who want more from MLU without branching out into too many new directions
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Armor and Clothing Extension, MorrowLoot Ultimate, Summermyst, Immersive Armors, Ars Metallica, SRCEO
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Needs to load as low as possible in your Load Order
LOOT: Do not change the Metadata setting to "Late Loaders" as some mods like Realistic Water Two still need to load after MLU and it's Patches
Only 1 ESP

An AIO MLU Patch that is compatible with both OMEGA MLU and MLU.  Includes the following Patches:

Includes the Ars Metallica MLU Patch, so you no longer need that patch.
Includes the Immersive Armors MLU Patch, so you no longer need that patch.

Also includes all of the following Mods and Patches available here on the OMEGA page.  See the Mod and Patch sections for descriptions.

Includes Custom Edits (here on this page under the Mods section above), so you no longer need that mod.
Includes SRCEO and MLU Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes SRCEO and Mortal Enemies Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes Summermyst SRCEO Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes WACCF ACE SRCEO Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.

OMEGA Complete AIO Patch
OMEGA Complete is intended for users who want even more from MLU without including so much that it becomes too niche
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Armor and Clothing Extension, MorrowLoot Ultimate, Summermyst, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, OBIS, Immersive Armors, Ars Metallica, Zim's Immersive Artifacts, SRCEO, KS Dragon Overhaul 2
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Needs to load as low as possible in your Load Order
LOOT: Do not change the Metadata setting to "Late Loaders" as some mods like Realistic Water Two still need to load after MLU and it's Patches
Only 1 ESP

An AIO MLU Patch that is compatible with both OMEGA MLU and MLU.  Includes the following Patches:

Includes the Ars Metallica MLU Patch, so you no longer need that patch.
Includes the Immersive Armors MLU Patch, so you no longer need that patch.

Also includes all of the following Mods and Patches available here on the OMEGA page.  See the Mod and Patch sections for descriptions.

Includes Custom Edits (here on this page under the Mods section above), so you no longer need that mod.
Includes SRCEO and MLU Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes SRCEO and Mortal Enemies Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes Summermyst SRCEO Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes WACCF ACE SRCEO Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes ZIA MLU Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes KSDO2 Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.
Includes SJ's SIC and OBIS Patch (here on this page under the Patch section below), so you no longer need that patch.

What about SJ's OMEGA?
Awww....you care?!

I've moved to using Lexy's LOTD Guide.  Once OMEGA officially goes live there you can see the guide for how to build out all of my patches yourself if you're still interested.  Many of the patches I'm using (that will be listed in the guide) are not my own so I cannot use them to upload here.

What does each Patch actually do?
Back for more eh?

I needed a ton of patches in order to get OMEGA into the right shape as many of the mods used were incompatible.  The end result is the streamlined format that you see now which offers more than 20 compatibility Patches.  But the best part is that OMEGA offers Patches that don't require MLU/SR at all.  And the MLU/SR patches offered are fully compatible with the original MLU/SR mods without OMEGA.

Whether you're here for OMEGA, stopped by for some patches for MLU/SR, or you happened to just need one of the patches for OBIS, SIC, ME, or SRCEO...OMEGA's design is to be both modular and assist as many users as possible.

All Patches have been added to a Spoiler to save on page space.
Some of these Patches are already included in the OMEGA AIO Patches.  Check the "Included In" before installing them.

All Patches that require MLU (MorrowLoot Ultimate) or SR (Skyrim Revamped Loot and Encounter Zones) can use either the original mod (MLU/SR) or an OMEGA MLU/OMEGA SR replacement.  Always match like to like, MLU with MLU and SR with SR.  

If there is a Patch here that does the same thing as a Patch elsewhere on Nexus, use the OMEGA Patch instead.  Always check the "Included in:" before installing.

Patches are listed alphabetically according to their ESP names.  To be clear, that is not always the same as the names listed here.

Enai Patch
Requirements: Apocalypse, Ordinator, Imperious
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • These are just some personal edits I decided to share. They are not a "core" part of OMEGA, so use at your own discretion.
  • There are 2 versions of this mod.  One which gives Nomadic Heritage to all races and one which does not.  NH is the Redguard racial which grants unlimited Stamina out of combat.
  • You may not find this balanced, nor do I recommend this.  This is not a "core" part of OMEGA, it's here in case you want it too.
  • Carrion Wind, Death Cloud, Horrid Wilting, Life's Finale, and Putrefy work on mechanical targets.
  • Spell Twine and Ocato's Recital: Casting Time reduced. (still not working properly)
  • Death Cloud: Resist Disease properly assigned (missing from Ordinator).
  • I hate horses and found I was never playing anything other than Redguards because of this one passive. So I added it to all of the races.
  • Redguard now have a new perk, Child of the Sands.  This grants 50% Disease Resistance.
  • All Races now have Nomadic Heritage.
  • The Monarch and all Bleed effects from Ordinator perks affect undead and mechanical targets.
  • The Monarch now only absorbs 15 Magicka.

Encounter Zones Capped MLU
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Needs to load after any EZ mod
LOOT: I suggest changing the Metadata setting from "Default" to "Late Loader"
Only 1 ESP

  • Intended to be used for anyone who wants to return to a "deleveled" world.
  • All EZ's will have the same Minimum Level as SR.
  • Assigns an EZ cap equal to the minimum level as originally intended by SR.
  • EZ's will no longer scale with your level.
  • Dimhollow has an EZ range of 6-62.
  • Safe to remove MLU as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

Encounter Zones Capped SR
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Skyrim Revamped
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Needs to load after any EZ mod
LOOT: I suggest changing the Metadata setting from "Default" to "Late Loader"
Only 1 ESP

  • Intended to be used for anyone who wants to return to a "deleveled" world.
  • All EZ's will have the same Minimum Level as SR.
  • Assigns an EZ cap equal to the minimum level as originally intended by SR.
  • EZ's will no longer scale with your level.
  • Safe to remove SR as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

Encounter Zones Cell Names MLU
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Should be last in Load Order next to Smashed/Bashed Patches if you use them
LOOT: I suggest changing the Metadata setting from "Default" to "Late Loader"

Only 1 ESP

  • Adds the minimum level of every EZ to their text description before you zone in.
  • The door to "Bleak Falls Barrow" would instead say "Bleak Falls Barrow (30)".
  • Dimhollow has a Cell Name level of 6.

Encounter Zones Cell Names SR
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Skyrim Revamped
Included in: OMEGA SR
Load Order: Should be last in Load Order next to Smashed/Bashed Patches if you use them
LOOT: I suggest changing the Metadata setting from "Default" to "Late Loader"

Only 1 ESP

  • Adds the minimum level of every EZ to their text description before you zone in.
  • The door to "Bleak Falls Barrow" would instead say "Bleak Falls Barrow (30)".

Encounter Zones Uncapped MLU
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: OMEGA MLU
Load Order: Needs to load after any EZ mod
LOOT: I suggest changing the Metadata setting from "Default" to "Late Loader"
Only 1 ESP

  • All EZ's will scale with your level.  They have no cap.
  • All EZ's will have the same Minimum Level as SR.
  • Dimhollow has a minimum EZ of 6.
  • Safe to remove MLU as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

Encounter Zones Uncapped SR
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Skyrim Revamped
Included in: OMEGA SR
Load Order: Needs to load after any EZ mod
LOOT: I suggest changing the Metadata setting from "Default" to "Late Loader"

Only 1 ESP

  • All EZ's will scale with your level.  They have no cap.
  • All EZ's will have the same Minimum Level as SR.
  • Safe to remove SR as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

KSDO2 Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, KS Dragon Overhaul 2, (MorrowLoot Ultimate or Skyrim Revamped)
Included in: OMEGA Complete AIO Patch (SR version is not included in anything)
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • There are 2 versions of this Patch.  The MLU and the SR versions.
  • Strike Angles/Acceleration Rates edited to be more OMEGA/Mortal Enemies friendly.
  • Stagger values added to avoid KSDO2 script bugs.
  • Damage Multipliers evened out mostly to 1.0 to use KSDO2's MCM menu edits.
  • Injured Health 35% added to avoid KSDO2 script bugs.
  • Safe to remove MLU/SR as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

Requirements: Skyrim
Included in: OMEGA MLU, OMEGA SR
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Form Version 44 records from Mortal Enemies.

Mortal Enemies and Skyrim Immersive Creatures Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Included in: SJ's SIC and OBIS Patch

Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Corrects SIC to include the changes made by ME.
  • Some elements of this patch were written by thelegg77.

MLU Fixes Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, USSEP, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: OMEGA MLU
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Edits have been made for Weapon AF and WACCF compatibility.
  • Leveled Item Lists have been adjusted to match MLU design and balance.
  • Vendors: Silver and Gold Ingot availability added to vendors.
  • Vendors: Refined Malachite and Ebony removed from vendors.
  • Draugur no longer drop Ebony+.
  • Thalmor no longer drop Glass+.
  • Vigilants no longer drop anything higher than Steel.
  • Multiple edits were made to level lists and items to correct values and fields that were missed or incorrect.
  • Blades armor rebalanced to roughly Orsimer armor values.
  • Survival Keywords properly added for Survival Mode & Frostfall compatibility.
  • Several missing Keywords were properly applied that were missed.
  • Gargoyle death items have had Malachite and Ebony removed from them.
  • Dragon Temper Recipes: Require either 2 Dragon Bone or 2 Dragon Scales.
  • Dragonbone Weapons: Crafting Recipes require 3 Dragon Bone and 2 Ebony for one handed weapons.
  • Dragonbone Weapons: Crafting Recipes require 6 Dragon Bone and 4 Ebony for two handed weapons.
  • Dragon Plate: Crafting Recipes require 8 Dragon Bone, 3 Dragon Scales, and 2 Ebony for armor.
  • Dragon Scale: Crafting Recipes require 8 Dragon Scales, 3 Dragon Bone, and 2 Ebony for armor.
  • Regular vendors will no longer sell higher level enchanted robes.
  • Some Leveled Lists including robes no longer drop higher level enchanted robes.
  • Some elements (Keywords and Survival Keywords) were written by thelegg77 and merged into this Patch.
  • Some elements of this patch were written by sabrio204.

MLU Immersive Sounds Compendium
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Immersive Sounds - Compendium, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Replaces the ISC MLU Patch.
  • Corrects values and keywords.

MLU Improved Closefaced Helmets
Requirements: Skyrim, Dragonborn, Improved Closefaced Helmets, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Replaces the ICH MLU Patch.
  • Adds proper keywords and adds survival keyword compatibility.

MLU LOTD Patch - Lexy LOTD Merged Patch version
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, LOTD, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Includes the same changes as the MLU LOTD Patch in OMEGA except as follows:
  • Renamed the esp and removed the Navmesh entry.
  • This Patch is only to be used in the Lexy LOTD Guide in the LOTD Merged Plugin section.  It is not meant to be used anywhere else or for any other purpose. 

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, LOTD, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Replaces the LOTD MLU Patch
  • Encounter Zone Broken Helm Hollow changed to EZ level 10 for LOTD compatibility
  • Encounter Zone Yngvild changed to EZ level 15 for LOTD compatibility

Requirements: Skyrim, Dragonborn, OBISMorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: SJ's SIC and OBIS Patch
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Dragon Bone and Dragon Scale replaced with "Ancient Dragon Bone" and "Ancient Dragon Scale".
  • Ancient Dragon armors are better than Orsimer, but worse than Ebony.
  • All other Ebony+ items have been replaced with Orsimer or lower quality weapons and armor.
  • Safe to remove MLU as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Skyrim Immersive CreaturesMorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: SJ's SIC and OBIS Patch
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Many Aged armors have had their armor values reduced/altered.
  • Temper/Crafting recipes have been increased for Dragon and Glass armors.
  • Some loot has been nerfed to Orsimer levels or lower.
  • Some high end drops have been removed such as Daedra Hearts and Daedric Armor.
  • Some items exist that are better than Orsimer, but less than Glass/Ebony.
  • Many Leveled Item lists have been altered to better reflect USSEP or MLU design.
  • Safe to remove MLU as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

Simple Fixes
Requirements: Skyrim
Included in: OMEGA MLU
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
LOOT: I suggest changing the Metadata setting from "Default" to "Late Loader"
Only 1 ESP

  • Carries over the 5 Stamina cost for Blocking from Wildcat for compatibility.
  • Game Setting: fLeveledActorMultEasy: 0.33 to 0.6.
  • Game Setting: fLeveledActorMultMedium: 0.67 to 0.9.
  • Game Setting: fLeveledActorMultHard: 1 to 1.2.
  • Game Setting: fLeveledActorMultVeryHard: 1.25 to 1.5.
  • Bleak Falls Barrow has had the static lvl 1 and lvl 6 Draugr replaced with higher level Draugr.

SJ's SIC and OBIS Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, SRCEO, Skyrim's Immersive Creatures (SIC)MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: OMEGA Complete AIO Patch
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Includes OBIS MLU Patch (here on OMEGA).
  • Includes Mortal Enemies and Skyrim Immersive Creature Patch (here on OMEGA).
  • Includes SIC MLU Patch (here on OMEGA).
  • Includes SRCEO - SIC Patch, but fixes errors in that Patch that were missed/incorrect.
  • Conflicts have been resolved across the board.
  • Safe to remove MLU as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

SRCEO and Mortal Enemies Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Skyrim Revamped Complete Enemy Overhaul
Included in: OMEGA Lite AIO Patch, OMEGA Complete AIO Patch
Load Order: Sort by LOOT, must load below Mortal Enemies if ME is used
Only 1 ESP

  • Corrects SRCEO to include the changes made by ME.

SRCEO and MLU Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Skyrim Revamped Complete Enemy Overhaul, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: OMEGA Lite AIO Patch, OMEGA Complete AIO Patch
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Fixes compatibility issues between SRCEO and MLU.
  • Includes fixes missed by the original SRCEO and MLU Patch.

Summermyst Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Summermyst, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT, must load after any MLU Patch that affects armor/robes
Only 1 ESP

  • Includes the original MLU-Summermyst Patch.
  • Makes some changes to the cloth/robes enchantments placed in game.
  • Leveled Items have been adjusted to meet Weapon AF Patch design.
  • Several cell name edits have been made to not override the name changes made by OMEGA.
  • Some name and cell name corrections have been made.
  • Newly hand placed enchanted robes that were previously left out of the game, Adept through Master, have been added.
  • College vendors now sell some Adept robes at higher levels, but not all.
  • Powerful Draugr now have a chance to equip enchanted weapons and shields.
  • Some elements of this patch were written by sabrio204.

Summermyst SRCEO Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Summermyst, MorrowLoot Ultimate, SRCEO
Included in: OMEGA Lite AIO Patch, OMEGA Complete AIO Patch
Load Order: Sort by LOOT, must load after any MLU Patch that affects armor/robes
Only 1 ESP

  • This is used in place of the Summermyst Patch if you are using SRCEO.
  • Includes the original MLU-Summermyst Patch.
  • Makes some changes to the cloth/robes enchantments placed in game.
  • Leveled Items have been adjusted to meet Weapon AF Patch design.
  • Several cell name edits have been made to not override the name changes made by OMEGA.
  • Some name and cell name corrections have been made.
  • Newly hand placed enchanted robes that were previously left out of the game, Adept through Master, have been added.
  • College vendors now sell some Adept robes at higher levels, but not all.
  • Powerful Draugr now have a chance to equip enchanted weapons and shields.
  • Some elements of this patch were written by sabrio204.

OMEGA Unique Uniques
Requirements: Skyrim, MorrowLoot Ultimate, Unique Uniques
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Replaces MLU Unique Uniques.
  • WACCF compatible.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dragonborn, WACCF Armor and Clothing ExtensionMorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • The Resist Elements enchant has been brought into line with OMEGA MLU balance.
  • Several Leveled Item lists have been brought into line with MLU design.
  • Safe to remove MLU as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, WACCF Armor and Clothing Extension, SRCEOMorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: OMEGA Lite AIO Patch, OMEGA Complete AIO Patch
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • This replaces the WACCF ACE Patch if you are using SRCEO.  Do not use them together.
  • The Resist Elements enchant has been brought into line with OMEGA MLU balance.
  • Several Leveled Item lists have been brought into line with MLU design.
  • Resolves conflicts between SRCEO and ACE.
  • Safe to remove MLU as Master if you wish to use this elsewhere.

Weapon AF Patch
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn
Included in: OMEGA MLU
Load Order: Sort below MLU
Only 1 ESP

  • Edits have been made for Weapon AF and WACCF compatibility.
  • Leveled Item Lists have been adjusted to match MLU design and balance.
  • Ancient Knowledge Perk: Dwemer weapon/armor bonus increased to 35% (except crossbows).
  • This reflects the added difficulty in attaining the Ancient Knowledge Perk in OMEGA.  The end result is greater than Orsimer, but less than Ebony.
  • Weapon scaling now goes Dwarven < Elven < Orcish to match armor scaling.
  • Greatswords now swing at 0.8 speed instead of 0.75 for better consistency.
  • Elven weapons are now lighter and have 10% faster attack speed.
  • Glass weapons are now lighter and have 10% faster attack speed.
  • Daedric weapons are now lighter, have a higher gold value, and do the same damage as Dragonbone weapons.
  • Dragonbone weapons now have a lower gold value and have 10% slower attack speed.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, LOTD, Zim's Immersive Artifacts
Included in: Nothing
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Replaces the LOTD ZIA Patch.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Zim's Immersive Artifacts, MorrowLoot Ultimate
Included in: OMEGA Complete AIO Patch
Load Order: Sort by LOOT
Only 1 ESP

  • Edits have been made for Weapon AF and WACCF compatibility.
  • Applies the correct values, armor, and damage fields per MLU's and WAF's item design with ZIA's intent.
  • I found multiple inconsistencies, errors, and untouched items in the original MLU-ZIA Patch.  These have all been corrected.

Skyrim Skill Uncapper INIs
A much needed finishing touch to OMEGA.

Part of the process of OMEGA is to make the game much more difficult and challenging.  However that comes with it's own hurdles and issues when dealing with exp growth and leveling.  The early levels often felt too grindy, while the mid levels sped by far too quickly.  As I've worked very hard to get Skyrim into a balanced state, I had to look closely at rebalancing character growth with Skyrim Skill Uncapper.

Characters will level at approximately 65% of the vanilla leveling rate overall in a full play through when using OMEGA Skill Uncappers.  However Attribute, Perk, and Carry Weight awards are higher per level than with vanilla.  This creates a custom tailored leveling rate that allows for Skyrim to have the largest window of time to remain balanced, while also not making you feel Perk and Attribute starved.  As this is designed with Ordinator in mind, Perk Bloat issues have also been addressed.

All Uncappers have been added to a Spoiler to save on page space.
These Uncappers level at roughly 200% 1-9, 100% 10-19, 50% 20-39, 65% 40-59, 80% 60-79, 100% 80-99, and 66% 100+.  You will gain more Carry Weight than you are used to, while also gaining Carry Weight from Health and Magicka (reduced values compared to Stamina awards).  It is not recommended to use Carry Weight mods with OMEGA Uncappers (exceptions like Campfire/LOTD not included).  You will also gain multiple perks at several levels. 

This is all working as intended.  Compared to vanilla leveling you end up with less total attributes/perks had you earned the same exp.  Though you will end up with more carry weight than you would in vanilla leveling.

Default Uncapper
Requirements: Skyrim Skill Uncapper
Included In: Nothing

  • Based upon Dirty Weasel Media's Ordinator Uncapper INI and modified to be optimized for OMEGA.  If you're not sure what to do, select this one. 
  • This is a straight nerf to leveling compared to Vanilla regardless of what it appears to be.
  • You are supposed to level extremely quickly 1-10, this is working as intended.
  • The Default Uncapper is roughly 65% the level rate of Vanilla for a full play through.
  • Bonus Perks are gained while leveling to make up for reduced leveling rates.
  • Bonus Attributes are gained while leveling to make up for reduced leveling rates.
  • Carry Weight scales off of all attributes, though Stamina awards more than Health or Magicka.
  • Effective skill level can go up to 125.
  • Total skill level for leveling can go up to 255 for the purposes of continuing to level your character.

SJ's Uncapper
Requirements: Skyrim Skill Uncapper
Included In: Nothing

50% Exp Uncapper
Requirements: Skyrim Skill Uncapper
Included In: Nothing

  • Based upon Dirty Weasel Media's Ordinator Uncapper INI and modified to be optimized for OMEGA.
  • The same as the Default Uncapper except as follows:
  • The character level multiplier is set to 50% for all levels 20+.  This will never increase.

Class Adaptive Uncapper
Requirements: Skyrim Skill Uncapper, Any Class Mod (I recommend the OMEGA Classic Classes mod)
Included In: Nothing

  • Based upon Parapets's Adaptive Leveling - Specialized Character Development and modified to be optimized for OMEGA.
  • Levels at roughly 65% of the vanilla exp rate.  
  • Still retains the bonus Attribute, Perk, and Carry Weight growth of the Default Uncapper.
  • See the Adaptive Leveling Nexus page for more details on how this type of Uncapper works.

Nothing below this point has been updated since all of the new changes.  WIP

The OMEGA Mod Framework and Load Order

These mods are listed in my working Load Order.  Removing all MLU mods/patches for a SR setup should be the same mod list and load order.  Please make sure you are checking the Nexus Pages of Skyrim Revamped - Loot and Encounter ZonesMorrowLoot Ultimate, and MLU Community Patches for any Patches you may want or need.

I tried to make all of the needed notes about how to sort these mods.  If I missed an instruction or a specific note, this is my working load order. 

For those who hate Encounter Zone (EZ) mods there is a MLU Patch for Vanilla EZ's linked here that will restore all EZ's to vanilla settings, but you will no longer get the level of the EZ listed in game by my patch anymore.  For those who want Capped EZ's there are OMEGA Patches for that as well for users who wish to bring back a truly deleveled world.

All Mods have been added to a Spoiler to save on page space.
Your favorite mod isn't on this list?!  
  • This is a framework, not a complete mod list.  Feel free to add in, or substitute, mods.  That's the design.
  • Your favorite mod may be specifically addressed by name in the FAQ at the bottom.  

Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes
-sorted by LOOT
-if using MLU you MUST delete the "WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp" as it breaks both MLU and OMEGA MLU
-if you're not using MLU then use "WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp"

Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim
-sorted by LOOT

Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition
-sorted by LOOT

Skyrim Immersive Creatures - Official Patch and Patch Central
-this writes over the SIC esp, so no additional esp will appear

-sorted by LOOT

Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCse)
-sorted by LOOT

More Bandit Camps
-sorted by LOOT
-feel free to ignore this one if you don't use OBIS

Zim's Immersive Artifacts
-sorted by LOOT

OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition
-sorted by LOOT

Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
-sorted by LOOT

OMEGA Populated
-sorted by LOOT
-installed in the OMEGA AIO FOMOD installer

Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement
-sorted by LOOT

OBIS SE Patrols Add On
-sorted by LOOT
-installed in the OBIS FOMOD installer

Thief Skills Rebalance for Ordinator
-sorted by LOOT
-must load above Realistic AI Detection SE

Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn SSE (alpha)
-sorted by LOOT

Dragonborn Delayed
-sorted by LOOT

Dawnguard Delayed
-sorted by LOOT

Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
-sorted by LOOT

Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch
-sorted by LOOT

Economy Tweaks
-sorted by LOOT

moreHUD SE
-sorted by LOOT

Smart Training - Tweaked SE
-sorted by LOOT

-sorted by LOOT

AutoHarvest - Loot Container and Deadbodies
-sorted by LOOT

Lock Overhaul
-sort by LOOT

Armor Rating Redux SE - No Cap - Better Formula - Morrowind-like
-sorted by LOOT

KS Dragon Overhaul 2
-Sort by Loot

OMEGA Classic Classes
-sorted by LOOT
-installed in the OMEGA AIO FOMOD installer

Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim
-sorted by LOOT

Ultimate Combat SE
-must load after Wildcat

Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul
-must load after Ultimate Combat

Realistic AI Detection SE (better sneaking)
-sorted by LOOT

-sorted by LOOT
-installed in the OMEGA AIO FOMOD installer
-this will appear as MLU.esp or Skyrim Revamped.esp
-MLU (not SR) should be near the bottom and one of your last mods in your Load Order (you can see the MLU page for details about this)

MLU Patches
-all MLU patches need to load after MLU.esp
-all MLU patches can change in where they should be if you get multiple MLU patches due to their interactions
-check LOOT and xEdit for conflicts the more MLU patches you add in to be safe

MLU - Ars Metallica Patch
-all MLU patches need to load after MLU.esp
-all MLU patches can change in where they should be if you get multiple MLU patches due to their interactions
-check LOOT and xEdit for conflicts the more MLU patches you add in to be safe

OMEGA Summermyst Patch
-sorted by LOOT, must load after any armor/robe affecting patch
-installed in the OMEGA AIO FOMOD installer

OMEGA Heavy Armory
-sorted by LOOT, must load after OMEGA Summermyst Patch

This Load Order and Mod List is based upon me using SJ's MLU AIO.  If you are not using that you may need patches not listed here such as "SJ's SIC and OBIS Patch".  I'm assuming you can use some common sense and look at what to substitute if you're swapping to a different AIO.

Other Mods
For various reasons the following mods and patches are listed here.

Skyrim Skill Uncapper
-not part of the Load Order, but you still need it

Skyrim Alchemy Fixed
-I don't personally use this mod bc I abhor the alchemy system in general so I don't know where it should go
-I assume normal LOOT sorting will work
-if you ever drink potions you should use this mod 
-I don't drink potions ever, which is why I skipped it in my build

MLU - Encounter Zones (VANILLA)
-If you hate EZ mods and want vanilla EZ's install this after MLU, SR, and all OMEGA patches
-you will lose having the levels added to the description text before you enter a zone if you use this

OMEGA Capped EZ's
-sorted by LOOT
-installed in the OMEGA AIO FOMOD installer
-use if you wish to have capped EZ's and return to a truly deleveled world

OMEGA EZ's Cell Names
-manually sort, this should be the last esp in your load order
-installed in the OMEGA AIO FOMOD installer
-use if you have a mod that is overriding your cell names

Skyrim Revamped - Summermyst Patch
-I don't use this mod because I use MLU for loot
-If you use SR and not MLU then you need this
-I assume this will sort fine with LOOT

Highly Recommended Mods
If you don't have these highly recommended mods you should really look into these ASAP.

Why these mods make OMEGA what it is.
Story time?

I've written this out now 7 different times on 2 different platforms and it's never quite right.  Too long, too short, too much information, not enough information, too much about me, not covering mods equally...  I have not been able to find a description that falls into the Goldilocks Principle.

I've determined there is no perfect way to do this, so I'll just do it my way.  That's the long way if you were wondering.  

Adding this to a spoiler to save on page space.
Story time?
Yeah, it's story time...

If you look at OMEGA the first thing that should stand out is how dynamic OMEGA is.  You can take 10 different people who all use OMEGA, yet they all could have entirely different end results because of how they chose to use it.

A big part of OMEGA is choice.  Finding a way to make your mod build, your mod build.  But at the same time, there should be overlap between users because the best mods that change game mechanics are exactly that.  The best options available. 

OMEGA is obviously something I've spent hundreds of hours perfecting.  So it is clearly a labor of love.  As such, I'm not going to waste your time or my own recommending "decent" or "nice" mods here.  I am only going to recommend the best.

What makes a Mod the "best"?
The meat and potatoes...

If you look at EnaiSiaion, chocolatenoodle, tonycubed2, or samuro_ you may start to notice an important pattern.  Many of their mods are all designed in such a way as to work with each other, often times even building off of each other.  That's exactly what you're looking for when trying to find the best mods.

Either authors who are making top notch mods that are meant to work hand in hand with their own mods.  Or authors who are making mods designed from the ground up to work in tandem with other authors' mods.  

But isn't your list, your opinion, technically arbitrary?
Pouring on the gravy...

No, it's not.  These choices are made with a clear design in mind, not by personal whim.  You can easily draw correlations from my decisions if you look at some of the more popular mods I am recommending.

So if you look at Ordinator, Apocalypse, MorrowLoot Ultimate, Mortal Enemies, Wildcat, Ultimate Combat, and SRCEO you can see that I've got some of the biggest and best mods right there.  High endorsements, high downloads, well known names, and easily searchable.  

While that doesn't hold true for every mod in this list, this gives you a baseline to judge from and a starting point to trust what I'm telling you.  And to further expand that trust lets bring up Ultimate Combat, Wildcat, and SRCEO.  These mods have conflicts and do many of the same things.  So the best question becomes how to resolve those conflicts?

If you look through all of OMEGA you'll learn I tell you to load them in this order: WC > UC > SRCEO.  Then I give you instructions on how to alter UC in the MCM to turn off many of it's scaling options that would possibly have bad interactions with SRCEO.  I set you up to use the dodging and new combat animations from UC.  Then we let WC take over and do it's thing governing combat.  And we top it off by letting SRCEO win for it's improved combat AI over WC.

Take that one break down on how I use the best combat mods and enemy overhaul to all work in tandem like a well oiled machine.  Then keep in mind what I said before about the well known mods I recommend that you probably already know about.  Now look at how OMEGA makes multiple mods all work in tandem with compatibility patches when they have conflicts.  

A clear pattern becomes easily recognizable.  When you start to see how every step I take in OMEGA naturally leads to the next, constantly evolving OMEGA into a dynamic framework, always improving upon itself while remaining compatible and allowing for mods to still be swapped in and out...

All of this is what makes these mods the "best".  My intent is clear and my design is rock solid.

But mod "x" is better!!
Maybe.  Maybe not.

OMEGA is modular by design.  If you like something better I've tried to leave as much room as possible for you to make that substitution on your own.  But for the average user what I recommend is still going to be at the very least one of the best options available.

My only goal so far was to let you see that as truth.  We can't sit down and have a solid back and forth debate about all of this.  So I'm trying to show you the mindset that got me here is all.

Didn't we get sidetracked here?
Yes and no.

I needed you to see where OMEGA is coming from.  Now that we've gotten your mindset re-framed we can get back to the original question.  Why these mods make OMEGA what it is.  

A good opening...

Summermyst is up first which of course points towards Ordinator, Apocalypse, and Wildcat.  All mods by Enai that are used here.  Don't get me wrong, I use more of his mods than this.  But like I said, we're sticking to the best.  I don't know how much I really need to expound upon all of this.  EnaiRim really stands on it's own legs.  We dip into here for an enchantment overhaul, a perk overhaul, a spell overhaul, and a part of our combat overhaul.  This is a good first step in overhauling the game mechanics of Skyrim.

This was extremely important to me.

So I don't care what your definition of a combat mod is.  For our purposes here, we're discussing any mod that significantly changes the combat experience itself.  Not combat, the combat experience.

That said, my definition here is entirely too broad.  So we'll break Combat up into a few categories just to simplify talking about everything.

Combat: The Mechanics
The more typical definition...

I needed to make combat difficult, but I didn't want an experience playing on Legendary where mobs turned into damage sponges.  Combat needed to stay interesting, deadly, and fun.  To accomplish this I looked at 4 primary mods to accomplish this goal.  Wildcat, Ultimate Combat, SRCEO, and Mortal Enemies.

None of these mods played well with each other, often times duplicating changes in different ways.  But each one of these is arguably one of the best mods available.  As I previously mentioned them I won't dive too deep.  But with this combination we get realistic non-aim bot enemies from Mortal Enemies, we get new combat animations and attack styles with enemy dodging from UC, we get improved combat mechanics and damage modifers from WC, and top it all off with significantly improved enemies from SRCEO.

I will take this moment to expand upon SRCEO however.  Not only does it have the best enemy AI decisions in it over any other combat mod or enemy overhaul mod I've ever seen, it significantly empowers all enemies and bosses in game.  It doesn't just add perks to them, it also adds Ordinator perks if you have that mod installed.  And without even using Apocalypse the enemies already have Apoc spells baked in.  SRCEO is the best combat overhaul in Skyrim in my eyes.  And what makes it even better is how agnostic it is, working well in leveled and deleveled worlds.  

Combat: The Spawns
A less typical definition.

I've been playing with Populated Dungeons for so long that I honestly forgot what Skyrim was like without it.  And one day when I tested Bleak Falls Barrow without Populated while making OMEGA I kind of wanted to cry.  For you.  Not for me.  I have nice things like Populated.  It's you getting by without.  I mean...holy shit man!  Did Bethesda ever drop the ball on enemy spawn points in this game.  That place was a snore fest without it.

So I sought out permission from TonyCubed2 to take the Dungeons and Forts/Camps version of Populated to make a merged esp for OMEGA users.  There are of course other options such as Increased Enemy Spawns, Genesis, and Sands of Time.  But none of those options are "agnostic" and "seamless" without issues or breaking immersion.  

I've heard how Populated is buggy and has issues.  But I've been using the Populated series for a long time now using multiple, and different, load orders.  Never, ever, have I ever had one bug or issue related to these 2 mods.  I can't speak for the rest of the Populated series, but then I'm not recommending them am I? 

Combat: Dragons
Dragons need mods too.

I think there's several options available here and my recommendation for the "best" dragon mods may falter at this point as I can see multiple dragon mods appealing to many users in different ways.  However Diverse Dragons and KS Dragon Overhaul 2 are a solid plug and play option that brings Dragons to a whole new level to really improve the player experience when fighting them. 

DD really makes each new fight different while KSDO2 allows you to finally give dragons many of the stats and difficulty bumps they've always needed in your eyes.  That's the important part because KSD allows you to customize those difficulty bumps which is its best selling point honestly.

Combat: Better Experiences
You made that up!

Skyrim Immersive Creatures and OBIS truly stand on their own as two of the best mods ever made for Skyrim.  If you've never used them before then you have done yourself a serious disservice.  I mean that.  And while OBIS has a more narrow focus than SIC does, in tandem the two mods together revitalizes Skyrim making every encounter fresh and often times much deadlier.

The big selling point on these mods in OMEGA is that I've taken the time to make them compatible with OMEGA and the mods it uses like SRCEO and Mortal Enemies.  So you get the full experience of everything, all tied off with a super f'ing sweet ass bow.  The ribbon kind, not the arrow pointy kind.  :)  Then I add in More Bandit Camps and OBIS Patrols at this point to give OBIS a bit more weight and presence in game.  A nice little extra "Oomph" if you will.

Combat: Tying it all together
You starting to go "Damn!" yet thinking about OMEGA combat?  

Taking SRCEO, OBIS, and SIC to make them work together while adding in the combat mechanic overhaul changes from WC and UC, all while improving dragons and increasing spawn points has just redefined the entire combat experience in Skyrim.  It's honestly not even the same game anymore.  It's pretty damn awesome honestly.

At this point we're mostly done, but I do add in Armor Rating Redux here (ARR).  It just makes the armor system work better.  Bethesda honestly didn't implement the armor rating system very well.  And it would be a shame to ignore this mod when we've gone so far to improve the combat system.  And one of the best parts is that you can alter the armor cap with ARR.  So for diehards out there you can even reduce the armor cap in order to make the game even harder.

Crafting Mechanics
A good segue from combat mechanics...

These have already been touched upon by EnaiRim as Ordinator and Summermyst already impact these significantly.  But we do need to dive deeper than just that.  And Ars Metallica (AM) and Skyrim Alchemy Fixed (SAF) are the best options.  

While I don't use potions in my games ever, most of you guys do.  And SAF is your one stop shop to redefine Alchemy at its core.  Whether it's making potions take time to affect you, closing the crafting loop, or any of the many changes it makes.  SAF is a necessary part of any mod list to balance Alchemy.  And AM is for all intents and purposes the Smithing equivalent of SAF, making Smithing work the way it always should have.  These two mods stand on their own laurels without me going on about them though.

But the one thing Skyrim has always been missing is an answer for players who don't want to make a crafting character.  And that is where Honed Metal comes in.  So why the hell did I remove it you're wondering?  Honed Metal is great for immersion and for quality of life.  However it is terrible in regards to power creep and game balance.

By including Honed Metal you are giving your character anywhere between 5-15 perks for free depending on how deeply you end up using it.  And as I can't balance the Uncappers around all of the different ways this mod will be used, ultimately I had to pull it.  Honed Metal is awesome, but it also suffers from power creep and making your game unbalanced.

Other Core Game Mechanics
If we're this deep we might as well go all the way!

That sounds like a bad line to tell a girl.  /cringe  So we've now rebalanced a lot of the core mechanics of Skyrim.  Combat, enemies, spawn points, crafting, perks, leveling (the Uncapper section), spells, etc...  So lets just go full circle.

Economy: Ironically we look to the mod named Economy Tweaks here.  It's a poor man's version of Scarcity and Trade and Barter all rolled into one for SSE.  I've honestly not found a one stop shop anywhere that answers the economy issues in Skyrim.  Even Economy Tweaks doesn't truly fix things.  But it's the best one stop shop available in SSE currently.

Stealth Skills: Thief Skills Rebalance for Ordinator combined with Realistic AI Detection (better sneaking) is THE answer if you were not aware.  No more of this bull shit anymore, lol.  TSRO makes some solid all around changes that are designed for Ordinator while RAID makes sneaking work the way it should really work in game.  Lite for RAID is a good entry level.  Medium is what I use, but it's rough. I don't recommend any higher than that because it's just completely unrealistic at that point.

Locks: Lock Overhaul makes dealing with locks in Skyrim...tolerable.  That's the only way I can say it.  I was so done with Lockpicking in Skyrim that I honestly consoled in 100 skill every new game and just gave myself the bypass lock perk.  If I had to lockpick one more time I was going to punch a donkey in the junk.  And the donkey doesn't deserve that.  Let's be reasonable here.  So, enter LO.  It has tons of options and makes Lockpicking interesting again.  So, good on that mod if you ask me.

Training: The way this was implemented always drove me nuts.  If I don't stop everything I'm doing to go back to a trainer, then I forever lose that opportunity to train 5 skill ranks just because I leveled up and didn't want to break my immersion in the game?  F'ing dumb as donkeys.  Smart Training is the perfect solution as it "saves up" your training ranks per level so you can buy them later if you wish.

Quality of Life
It's still a game.  Why can't it make my life easier too?

Dawnguard Delayed and Dragonborn Delayed are just a nice addition to the game since with the new EZ's it's going to be impossible to do those quests early game anyways.  Take Notes also comes in because you're going to stumble upon dungeons and/or bosses that you find impossible to deal with.  Take Notes adds a simple way to keep track of these locations in game without resorting to out of game solutions for this problem.

Perception and moreHUD roll in due to one of the worst issues when adding in EZ mods.  What level is the damn mob in front of me?  Perception adds in a power where you can check the level of something before you're in combat.  moreHUD actually puts the level of the mob on it's health bar in combat making it super easy to know if you just stepped into a pile of dog shit by accident.

Auto Harvest is going to be one of those mods that some people just won't like, but I can't play without it.  For me it comes down to two things.  The first being mining.  I hate mining in Skyrim.  I hates it!!  So this resolves one of the most mind numbingly annoying things in the game for me.  I guess that's technically arbitrary.  

The second is that I personally find the experience of never stopping to loot in a dungeon incredible!!  And I mean amazingly awesome!!! I can't espouse this enough.  Keeping up the pace, exploring and sneaking, charging forward, fighting freneticly, and reaching the boss!  Man I sink right into the game doing that.  Stopping to loot corpses just slows down the game and makes it feel less immersive for me.  Plus it's really fun to open your bags at the end of a dungeon to see all the stuff you found at once, kind of like opening 10 Loot Boxes at once if you know what I mean.

The not easily categorized.
Some mods just stand apart from the rest.

SkyUI: It's amazing.  It's awesome.  And many mods require it to work.  Nuff said.

Zim's Immersive Artifacts: There are these amazing daedric artifacts and ancient items out there in the world for you to find while exploring.  Only when you finally pick them up you realize that you can craft something better.  What a f'ing jip man. 

ZIA changes all of that.  Now when you find an ancient long lost artifact you have to seriously stop and look at it.  Even consider dropping your primary skill in favor of using this new item.  The damn way it should have always been.  This covers ancient items, daedric items, aedric items, miraak items, nightingale items, thane weapons, and even some nice alternatives for people who want to use different primary skills (such as 1H or 2H versions of Dawnbreaker and Wuuthrad for example).  Again, this is one of those mods that should have just been a permanent part of the game to begin with.

OMEGA Classic Classes:  What can I say?  I miss classes man.  This is a nice compromise offering the flavor of a class without messing with Skyrim's classless balance design.

OMEGA Heavy Armory:  I truly feel like this should be a part of every play through. And I'm not saying that because I put the 4 mods/patches together to make this.  I really mean it.  It's why I picked HA to make an OMEGA version of it.  It expands the existing weapons in Skyrim offering legit alternatives that would really exist like Spears, Short Swords, Halberds, and Clubs.  And I've also changed this mod to Weapon AF Leveled Item lists (with an enchanted Summermyst version option) with MLU/WAF value changes.  It's a seamless and perfect addition to OMEGA.

Cell Name Patches:  One of the worst parts of EZ mods is never knowing what you're about to walk into.  We've got Perception and moreHUD for the mob levels.  But my Cell Name Patches are what tells you the level of the dungeon before you walk in.  Because it is entirely possible to walk into a level 60 EZ vampire den as a level 10 adventurer.  And lets be honest, that's only cool/neat/funny the first 2 or 3 times.  After the tenth time that happens you're sick of it.  So this resolves that issue.

Capped EZ Patches:  Unlike me some people prefer a truly unleveled world.  So I made these patches for you.  More power to ya I say.  I'll keep my own uncapped so that at least the weakest enemies will still scale to my own level.

I feel like you missed something...
So obvious...of course we saved the best for last!! :D

MorrowLoot Ultimate and Skyrim Revamped.  Of course I'm going to make a section to speak about these separately.  

Do you know what that means?

OMEGA: The last letter in the greek alphabet.  Omega the word means "Great".  Typically used in references such as "The Alpha and the Omega," with Omega meaning the end.

I chose the name OMEGA for my mod because in my mind this was the end of my search to make Skyrim the best possible version of the game that I wanted to play.  It was the end of the road.  The final stop for modding my game.  Hopefully it's the same for you.

Desert time!

Skyrim Revamped (SR) has the best EZ design out there and it adds in increased actor multipliers to make mobs spawn at higher levels.  And MorrowLoot Ultimate (MLU) has the best loot and weapon/armor rebalance available.  So the only obvious question to me was how to make them play together?  That's where OMEGA came from.

I made sure to still offer a Skyrim Revamped version because I wanted to stay true to my roots.  I don't think SR is a better alternative to MLU, but it is however far better than the vanilla loot system.  And since so much of SR and SRCEO forms a core part of the OMEGA experience I decided to support OMEGA options for players who prefer the SR style of loot/items, which is vanilla Skyrim friendly btw. 

Which is also good news for users that don't use SR or MLU and stumble upon OMEGA.  If they don't want to deep dive into everything the MLU variant offers, they can stay closer to the vanilla experience while still getting something far better from the SR variant.  Part of the dynamic and modular design of OMEGA.  So everyone wins.

Finishing Thoughts
It's been a long road...

I think that covers everything.  And if you actually read all of this I'm going to guess that you're in a percentage of less than 5% of the people who have actually looked at this page, heh.  I hope that answered everything for you.  And thanks for reading.

New toys!

Everything before this point was a coherent and steady stream of thought.  So instead of trying to go back and figure out where to best edit in new changes I've decided to add all new mod entries to the end.

Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes:  The original MLU was already based upon the LE version of this mod.  So of course we're going to include the SSE version.  MLU and OMEGA MLU were already well over 90%+ compatible/compliant with WACCF already.  I just made the finishing touches and added the SSE mod into the framework.

Installation Instructions
Read this part for real.

  • Install Skyrim Skill Uncapper and Auto Harvest before you install OMEGA.  Run the game and load a character to make sure the INIs have been generated properly.  Then install OMEGA.
  • If you have any questions regarding the installation of any mods besides OMEGA you should refer to the mod page in question.
  • The proper Load Order is already detailed in the Mod Framework section.
  • If you did not read through Mod Specific Notes and Settings then do not ask me questions about your setup.  Go read that section, then ask me your questions.
  • I highly recommend you consider resetting your game to Adept difficulty and changing it as you get used to this setup.

Full Installation Instructions for each Mod is in the spoiler to save page space.

  • Follow the above Installation Instructions before coming here
  • Uninstall MorrowLoot Ultimate (MLU)
  • Uninstall Weapon AF (WAF)
  • Uninstall Mortal Enemies (ME)
  • Uninstall Skyrim Revamped - Loot and Encounter Zones (SR)
  • Uninstall any Patches being replaced by OMEGA
  • Install OMEGA 1.9 (or later version)
  • Install desired patches and run LOOT
  • Compare to the OMEGA Load Order
  • Preferably run xEdit to do a conflict check and resolve any issues
  • Rebuild Bashed/Smashed Patches if using them (you should do conflict checks after this as well)
  • Doing this on an existing save always runs the risk of breaking a saved game when you remove esp's even if OMEGA is replacing them

  • Follow the above Installation Instructions before coming here
  • Uninstall Mortal Enemies (ME)
  • Uninstall Skyrim Revamped - Loot and Encounter Zones (SR)
  • Uninstall any Patches being replaced by OMEGA
  • Install OMEGA 1.9 (or later version)
  • Install desired patches and run LOOT
  • Compare to the OMEGA Load Order
  • Preferably run xEdit to do a conflict check and resolve any issues
  • Rebuild Bashed/Smashed Patches if using them (you should do conflict checks after this as well)
  • Doing this on an existing save always runs the risk of breaking a saved game when you remove esp's even if OMEGA is replacing them

OMEGA Classic Classes/Populated Install
  • Follow the above Installation Instructions before coming here
  • Uninstall Classic Classes and Birthsigns SSE (CC)
  • Uninstall Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins Legendary
  • Uninstall Populated Forts Towers Places Remastered Edition
  • Install OMEGA 1.9 (or later version)
  • Install desired patches and run LOOT
  • Compare to the OMEGA Load Order
  • Preferably run xEdit to do a conflict check and resolve any issues
  • Rebuild Bashed/Smashed Patches if using them (you should do conflict checks after this as well)
  • Doing this on an existing save always runs the risk of breaking a saved game when you remove esp's even if OMEGA is replacing them

Mod Specific Notes and Settings
Read this part for real.

  • Armor Rating Redux SE - (MCM) General: Settings: Formula: I recommend Exponential for a similar experience to vanilla Skyrim.  Select Hyperbolic if you want better resistances early game.
  • Armor Rating Redux SE - (MCM) General: Advanced: Use Floor for Exp/Hype Modes: check this on.  Make sure to set the multiplier (next step).
  • Armor Rating Redux SE - (MCM) General: Advanced: Exp/Hype Floor: set to 0.2 (not 0.02).  This caps damage resistance at 80% just like vanilla Skyrim.
  • Armor Rating Redux SE - Note that WC follows in Load Order and sets the cap to 75%.  I do not know which one wins the override; however, since ARR is changing this with a script I assume it does.  Feel free to lower the cap below 80%.
  • Auto Harvest -  (MCM) General 1: File Operation: Load INI.  Go through the settings and make changes as you see fit.  This INI is meant to speed up the process of making your settings.  However you should still fiddle with them as it leaves many items on corpses to be manually picked up still.
  • Ars Metallica - Smelting armor/weapons for ore can break balance when they come from other mods.  Some armors/weapons from other mods can give you access to specific ores far too easily and early when smelted.  I recommend not smelting them.
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - (MCM) the "Purist" option is under General: Select Version Preset.  Use this to be more lore friendly if you want.  Personally I don't use Purist.
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - (MCM) Advanced - Distribute NPC Potions (Off).
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - (MCM) Night Spawns - Start 19 PM, End 6 AM.
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - (MCM) Difficulty Adjustments - Assign Global Difficulty - Set this to what you are actually using (Adept, Master, etc...).
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - (MCM) Difficulty Adjustments - Additional Spawns - Medium.
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - (MCM) Difficulty Adjustments - Extend Damage (On).
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - (MCM) Feel free to modify more settings if you wish, these + Default are the recommended ones.
  • KS Dragon Overhaul 2 - (MCM) AI: Kill Move (never turn this on), Physical Effect (never turn this on), Force Landing (never turn this on).  You can mess with the other options, but these are the 3 specific ones that are reported to cause bugs in Skyrim.
  • KS Dragon Overhaul 2 - (MCM) AI: I personally recommend leaving this entire page of the MCM off (yes, everything) in order to avoid any bugs and issues this mod is reported to run into.  The OMEGA KSDO2 Patch adds back in stagger values and the normal 35% injured health %, so if you do turn them on you are doing so at your own risk when you use my patch.
  • KS Dragon Overhaul - (MCM) Stats: Presets > Difficulty > Mighty is recommended, but feel free to raise/lower the values here.
  • KS Dragon Overhaul 2 - (MCM) Shout: As we're using DDCE I recommend not using this page as we've already added a mod to make variations in our dragons.
  • KS Dragon Overhaul 2 - (MCM) Dragon Attacks: Wait (3 days), Chance (70%), Wait (72 hours), and Randomizer (24 hours).  I'm not sure of the best numbers for this yet, but this is what I'm currently testing.
  • KS Dragon Overhaul - (MCM) Soul Absorb: I left this at 0 as I don't want the mod adding more power to my character.
  • KS Dragon Overhaul - (MCM) Misc: World Cell Settings - you should leave these alone unless you know what you're doing.  FYI, this can be extremely useful if you need to reset cells for installing/uninstalling mods that require it like SIC.
  • KS Dragon Overhaul - (MCM) Misc: Unique Name Generator Settings - Enable.
  • Lock Overhaul - this has entirely too many options and player tastes are going to vary.  Go through these settings yourself and make your own decisions.
  • LOOT - it may warn you that you're missing Patches when using the OMEGA AIO's, such as the MLU-ZIM Patch or the MLU-Summermyst Patch.  Just make sure you're using versions that include the OMEGA Patches already or that you have the OMEGA Summermyst Patch installed.
  • moreHUD - (MCM) you can turn everything off if you want, we are only using this for the Show Enemy Level option.
  • OBIS - (MCM) if using OBIS you do not need to alter any MCM options.  You can play as is.
  • OBIS - (MCM) Special - You may want to turn on Spiders and Minotaurs, I did.
  • OBIS - (Install) I suggest using the Patrols Add On if you decided to use this.
  • OBIS Patrols - (MCM) this must be Enabled in the MCM.  Feel free to modify the settings and look at the Difficulty.
  • OBIS Patrols - (MCM) Enable (On), Difficulty: Tougher (I use Toughest), Give Potions (Off), 
  • SkyUI - (MCM) you should really be using the Equip States as they're an amazing tool.  Check the controls and turn the other 4 on if you want as well.
  • Smart Training - (MCM) Training Perk Points: turn this off unless you want bonus/free perk points.  In other words, turn it off.  
  • Smart Training - (MCM) Mod Active: check this to turn it on, but make sure to read it's warning if installed mid-game.
  • Ultimate Combat - (MCM) under General I turn off everything or set it to zero except for Player Killmove Immunity and Activate Mod
  • Ultimate Combat - (MCM) I strongly suggest you set all of the HP Scale/Multipliers to 1 as SRCEO is already modifying these creatures.  All enemy AI's and enemy dodging should be enabled (checked).
  • Wildcat - (MCM) Difficulty: Allow Wildcat to Manage Difficulty (turn this on, it's off by default)
  • Wildcat - (MCM) I have injuries turned off, YMMV.
  • Wildcat - (MCM) Disable Bow Interrupts: turn this off for non-archer runs to make enemy archers more challenging.
  • Wildcat - For Ultimate Combat I found that outside of the enemy AI changes/Dodging/New Attack Animations that most of what WC does, it does better.  UC goes below WC to win on AI, but I also turn almost all of it's options off so that it leaves WC to do its thing.
  • Skyrim Revamped - The Game Settings changes we've carried over are for fLeveledActorMult.  Easy from 0.33 to 0.6, Medium from 0.67 to 0.9, Hard from 1.0 to 1.2, Very Hard from 1.25 to 1.5.  This means mobs will be much higher level than you are used to seeing bc of both the increased Encounter Zone and the increased level multiplier.
  • Smashed Patches -  When you make a Smashed Patch you need to set "MLU.esp" to "Smash.ForceAll".  Right click on "MLU.esp" > Smash setting > Smash > Smash.ForceAll.
  • Smashed Patches -  Make sure all mods have been added to "Smashed Patch".  You can right click on mods and add them to Smashed Patch if they are not added already.  Then hit the HAMMER, not the big green button. 
  • Smashed Patch - If you can't follow these instructions go watch a video on it first. This solves multiple issues. It can create a few problems, but it fixes far more than it creates doing this.
  • Warning - Adding in Mods that inject mobs into the game can break the MLU/SR loot balance, like how SIC and OBIS do without Patches for them.  It is better to have mods that add in additional spawn points than mobs made by the specific mod in question.  
  • Mods that just alter the stats of mobs while leaving their leveled item lists and equipment lists alone, such as Know Your Enemy (KYE), are excellent additions to OMEGA.  Or mods like Increased Enemy Spawns, which only adds additional spawn points while making no changes to the mobs themselves.
  • Make your own "Override.esp" - No matter what you do Smashed/Bashed will NOT fix everything for you.  You should learn enough about xEdit to make a new esp (I named my Override.esp) that sits at the end of your load order after Bashed/Smashed Patches.  Drag and drop changes that you know should be done to ensure you don't still get weird drops/items/npc values/etc...

Intro Leveling Guide for Newbies
Because it's harder to level in OMEGA than vanilla Skyrim...


Known Issues
Read this part for real.

Realistic Water Two
RWT overrides Aftand Glacial Ruins, Halted Stream Camp, Morvunskar, Embershard Mine, and Broken Oar Grotto.  Nothing else.  The simplest answer is to just go into xEdit and copy over the entries from MLU to RWT.

xEdit fix: Install xEdit. Open xEdit, hold SHIFT + Left Click when you click OK. Run a conflict check. Right click on any esp on the left hand side. Select Apply Filter to show Conflict Losers. Go do something else for like a minute and half or two minutes, this takes a bit. Open up Cells (CTRL+Left Click to expand all on the + symbol) in MLU after the conflict check runs. Now you can see all of the red text and click on them to see what is overriding MLU.

Then drag and drop these 5 options into RWT.  The name edits that add the level.  Don't drag and drop any other fields.  Doing this saves you an esp slot that the Non-xEdit fix uses.

Non-xEdit fix:  Reinstall OMEGA through the FOMOD installer (or do a manual install by opening up the ZIP download of OMEGA).  Install just like before except this time include the OMEGA EZ Cell Names MLU Patch (or the SR option).  Open up LOOT and edit the Metadata of this Patch. Click on Load After and hit the + symbol for filename.  Add RWT to Load After for this Patch.  Now the EZ Cell Names Patch will override RWT and you won't lose those 5 cell changes from OMEGA.  Alternatively, change this mod's Metadata from "default" to "Late Loaders".  Should stop further issues with other mods and also place it below RWT by default now.

Cells Name Changes won't display the levels properly.
See the RWT notes above.  Typically the xEdit fix will be easiest/fastest solution.  Even if it isn't it will at the very least show you where the conflict is coming from.

Follow the "Non-xEdit fix" from RWT.  To be 100% sure of no issues set this mod's Metadata to Load After your Smashed/Bashed Patch (and don't Bash/Smash it).  This patch literally does nothing except change the cell names to include levels.  There's no reason for anything to be below it.  

Armor Rating Redux
There is possibly a bug with ARR that has a weird interaction with other mods.  Being instantly killed by a bash, or instantly killing an enemy with a bash, has occurred for several players using ARR.  However resolving this issue has been done by removing other mods entirely, changing to Exponential, and changing to Hyperbolic.  The only common denominator is that this mod is being used at the same time.

It's unclear at this time whether it's actually causing the issue, but a common and simple resolution is to change the Hyperbolic setting to Exponential (or Expo to Hyper, either way).  For me personally, it was removing another mod I didn't really care about that added in a new armor perk.  YMMV.


Is Auto Harvest necessary?  Is x mod necessary?
Nope.  Nor are many of the mods listed here.  It's a modular framework specifically to allow you to pick and choose mods.

My Radiant Quest sent me into the pits of hell!!  WTF man?!
Sorry.  It's one of the downsides of using Encounter Zones.  It happens.  I can suggest Quests Are In Skyrim.  It helps significantly even if it can't completely solve the problem.

Where am I supposed to go so I don't get myself killed?
Whiterun and Falkreath are the easiest areas.  Riften, Eastmarch, and Hjaalmarch are the medium areas. Winterhold, the Pale, and Haafingar are the hardest areas.  Dragonborn has EZ's that range from medium to extremely hard.  Dawnguard has some of the highest EZ's in the game.  Please refer to the Skyrim Revamped page for a full description.

Why are some mobs spawning at level 1 and 6 still?
They are static spawn points that are never modified by EZ's or multipliers.  /shrug

I went to x place and the mobs were crazy high level?!  I found a boss and he was level 90?!  Why would you do this to me?
Levels are just metrics to add abilities, loot, and stats.  I've killed Jyrik Gauldurson at level 23 before when Jyrik was level 90.  Combat in this setup is about skill, preparation, the right gear and enchantments, etc...  That said, I've also gotten my ass handed to me at 30+ by a level 70 boss.  I had to give up and leave the dungeon.  As I said, it's about what you're bringing to the table versus specific problems.  It's far less about the levels themselves.  

Why did you break Disarm?
Ignoring all of the problems Disarm already has, such as items falling through the world, this ultimately came down to Key Binds.  When your weapons are disarmed they are deleted from your Favorites/Key Binds/Equip States.  So every single time this happened to me I had to redo my Favorites, redo my Key Binds, and redo my Equip States.  Sorry, but I don't f'ing think so.  Disarm got deleted and I will never play with it again.  That is terrible, awful, shite game design on Bethesda's part.

Encounter Zones are bull shit!!
They really aren't.  The worst aspect of EZ's is that they do funnel you down more limited paths and Skyrim stops being an open sandbox.  But considering how much they add to the game in this setup it's a trade off that more than makes up for itself.  My Uncapper INIs are specifically designed to get you "out there" and away from Falkreath and Whiterun incredibly fast.  If you can get used to the idea of Skyrim as a world that that would make sense in a movie/novel and accept the idea that you have to level up for content then it's honestly no longer even an issue.

How do mobs get spawned at the level they're at?
This is not simple, but I did make a post fully explaining how this works.  [SJG] PSA: How Encounter Zones, fLeveledActorMult, Leveled NPC, and Non-Player Character (Actor) all interact/work to determine the level of mobs you run into in dungeons. 

The game is too hard now!!  What the hell?!
Difficulty settings mean nothing in practice.  Go play Legendary with Vanilla and then come play Adept with OMEGA.  Trust me, my Adept OMEGA play through is going to be much more difficult by far.  Set the game to a lower setting than Adept.  It doesn't matter what the setting says bc it was made for Vanilla and not for OMEGA.  There's nothing wrong with lowering that setting.  Also, we installed Wildcat.  You can go into Wildcat and change the damage dealt/taken multipliers to tailor the base damage system to your personal needs.

The game is too easy.  I thought this was going to be serious bizness?!
As I said, this is a starting point.  The framework of your Skyrim build!  Feel free to add in other things like Increased Enemy Spawns or Ultimate Deadly Encounters (Sands of Time).  You can custom tailor OMEGA to be far more than it already is.  Don't forget about changing the Damage Dealt/Damage Taken settings in Wildcat to custom tailor your experience.  That's a big part of why we're using Wildcat.

OMEGA is still too easy!
Did you check your load order?  Did you check for conflicts in xEdit?  Usually users having mods override what OMEGA is doing ends up being the most common culprit here.

You have WACCF listed in the Mod Framework, but not the Armor Clothing Extension??
I only made a patch for ACE because I saw that its unique download count was nearly identical to WACCF.  So it's a safe assumption that most WACCF users will have ACE as well.  However ACE doesn't rate a permanent slot in OMEGA as it just doesn't bring enough to the table to rate as one of the best mods that everyone should be using.

I don't see TK Dodge in this list...
I love my enemies dodging my attacks.  But I honestly don't love dodging enemy attacks myself.  I feel it trivializes too much content and makes the game significantly easier.  YMMV and feel free to use it.  I don't because the game is simply more difficult without it.

What about Know Your Enemy or True Armor?
I'm not a fan of rock, paper, scissors mechanics.  I prefer to play specialist characters such as a dagger assassin or a frost mage.  KYE and TA are amazing mods and extremely well done.  But they simply bring something to the table I am not a fan of.  KYE has an armor plugin now and has an updated KYE Patch for SRCEO on it's page.  These mods work very will with OMEGA, so enjoy if they suit you!

What about High Level Enemies?
This mod should work in this setup if you'd like to add it.  But I do recommend you try this setup first without it just in case it ends up adding too much to your game.  As a caveat it adds new mobs in.  Even if it is friendly to MLU loot lists (it is friendly, sounded weird after I wrote it) you are likely to get a wide range of inconsistent enemy behavior because of SRCEO not modifying these new mobs.  So that may end up feeling bad.  One of the additional encounter mods or altering the difficulty setting in Wildcat is more likely a better option.

What about Advanced Adversary Encounters?
This is not compatible with SRCEO as they are both enemy overhauls.  I've looked at AAE several times and overall I find SRCEO to offer more to the player than AAE does.  Add in that AAE ignores EZ's entirely and that SRCEO is designed from the ground up to work with Ordinator, Apocalypse, and Skyrim Revamped...  SRCEO clearly rises to the top of the list in my eyes for a multitude of reasons.  That said AAE does offer some specific niche things SRCEO doesn't do if that's really your thing.

What about Revenge of the Enemies?
This is not compatible with SRCEO as they are both enemy overhauls.  Just like with AAE (read one up), I just find that SRCEO brings more to the table.  If you simply refuse to use SRCEO then I'd look at AAE if you don't mind giving up EZ's and RotE if you absolutely did not want to give up EZ's.

Why are you calling yourself Skeleton Jack if it says you're EverWatch?
I made this account who knows how long ago and I wasn't using Skeleton Jack for everything back then.  SJ is what I go by and I'm not giving up my Premium Account for life just bc I can't name change.  I'm also SkeletonJack_ on Reddit.

So then SJG means?
Skeleton Jack Gaming.  I want my work easily recognizable, but that's hard to accomplish as I have more than one name in different places.  Putting (SJG) before my work clearly identifies who I am across multiple platforms.  That's all.  

Give your favorite mod authors the love they deserve!

I spent somewhere around 300+ hours over 5 months working on this project.  Research, tutorials, digging through other people's mods, youtube videos, experimenting, play testing mod interactions and leveling rates, learning how to use xEdit properly, fomod creation, manual data entry...  And before I did all of this I never truly understood the level of work and dedication mod authors invest into what is for us just a click to download on a mod page.

OMEGA would not exist without the painstaking, arduous, and brilliant work put forth by some of the best mod authors on Nexus.  Please go back and revisit all of the mods you downloaded, got a patch for, or an AIO replacement for.  Consider giving those mods an Endorsement (and/or those authors a Kudos).  They deserve it.

CREDITS & Thank you!

chocolatenoodle - for creating MorrowLoot Ultimate and giving me permission to use his assets.
samuro_ - for creating Skyrim Revamped and giving me permission to use his assets.
center05 - for creating Mortal Enemies and giving me permission to use his assets.
Kearsage and watafuzz - for Classic Classes (LE & SSE) and the permission to use their assets.
tonycubed2 - for permissions to use his Populated mods to create the OMEGA Populated mod.
Parapets's Adaptive Leveling - Specialized Character Development - he helped me create the INI based off of his numbers for OMEGA.
Dirty Weasel Media's Ordinator Uncapper INI  - permission/blessing given by Dirty Weasel to adapt his INI for a custom tailored experience with OMEGA.
EnaiSiaion - because he's the man and created such amazing mods that are the cornerstone in every play through of Skyrim I've ever done. 
sabrio204 - for assisting me in many fixes and improvements on OMEGA.
thelegg77 - for creating the ME & SIC patch, the OMEGA Survival and Keyword patch, and assisting me in many fixes and improvements to OMEGA.
icecreamassassin - for permissions and creating the LOTD Patches necessary for me to make merged options here for OMEGA compatibility.
mtreis86 - for creating the Weapon AF script he let me use to finally finish the proper WAF integration for the Leveled Item lists.
hishutup -  for creating UPF Cell Encounter Level in Name Patcher which helped me Patch Hammet's and formed the Cell entries for Cell Names.
kryptopyr - for creating Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes and giving open permissions "...to include keywords, item stat changes, and other record edits in your mod for the purpose of maintaining compatibility and consistency with WACCF."

Thank you to everyone who helped me make OMEGA what it is today.  From an xEdit hack, to a series of 3 Patches, to AIO mods, to what it is now.  OMEGA exists only because of amazing mod authors and amazing users!

Any other cool stuff?!
I've got other mods!!

(SJG) OMEGA - The Modular Gameplay Overhaul for SSE
(SJG) OMEGA - Heavy Armory - The Weapon AIO Mod for MorrowLoot Ultimate
(SJG) OMEGA - Ashara SSE Merchants and Trainers for MorrowLoot Ultimate
(SJG) Lights On - Spells Emit Light (Compatible with Ordinator - Apocalypse - Sacrosanct - Shadow Spell Package)
(SJG) Lights Out - Spells Emit No Light (Compatible with Ordinator - Apocalypse - Sacrosanct - Shadow Spell Package)
(SJG) Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation for SSE (Works for Spell Blades as well)
(SJG) Better Sounding Female Dragon Shouts
(SJG) Quick Light Patch (based upon in game Torch values for light settings)
(SJG) UPF Patcher - See the Encounter Zone level in the name of the zone
(SJG) Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul Patches - CACO

Skeleton Jack
-Suffer Well Brothers and Sisters...