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Last updated
Original upload
Created by
Indigoblade and the OBIS TeamUploaded by
IndigobladeVirus scan
About this mod
Adds over 2500 different bandits into the level lists. They are organized into gangs with 7 tiers from wannabes to the deadly Bandit Lords. Each gang has its own strengths, weaknesses and lore. OBIS Bandits reluctantly work together to ensure Skyrim never feels safe again.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
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- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
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- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
YoungEmmaWatson has permission to reupload Obis to
File credits
I would like to thank Dead Hero for the Modder's Muse for helping me generate names
Than you Jayballz and Leyr for making those beautiful shields
Thanks Trollo for helping me set up the shields into the game
Thanks to JVD and Tonycube2 for helping me out big time
Thanks to volvaga0 for letting me use his mod
I would like to thank all modders for all of the tutorials and showing me that it is very possible to do pretty much anything you wish.
I would like to thank Bethesda for creating tools to make Skyrim a literally endless game.
Thank you ChaosPrincess for being a good friend
And I would like to thank you the reader for even thinking about my mod, please endorse, give me feedback, or share ideas with me I hope you enjoyDonation Points system
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Russian Author: Pinky Tongue OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition RUS Spanish Author: linqueo OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition Spanish Polish Author: anathema83 OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition PL Turkish Author: Negatrm OBIS SE - Turkish Translation (2.76) Portuguese Author: Rozzeno OBIS SE - PORTUGUES BR Mandarin Author: FirstAstor OBIS(CHS) Russian Author: Staticgraf OBIS SE - Russian Localization Italian Author: nicola89b OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition - Traduzione Italiana German Author: MeisterMatze OBIS SE - Auf Deutsch (Lore-Friendly Version) German Author: jash81 OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition - German Translation - Changelogs
Version 2.6.1BETA
- BETA - Do Not Use - BETA
Early Beta for next update - mostly just for Forzane to work on OBIS Loot
Requires Main file - overwrite if asked - Start new game
- Adds in the OBIS Arena - with spawning controls and menu to choose bandit type - flip the lever from bandits to opponents to test combat :)
- To enter Arena use console command ~ coc OBISArena
- minor early bug fixes and optimizations - including the not fully deleting bandits during cleanup
More to come!
- BETA - Do Not Use - BETA
Version 2.5-51
- OBIS SE 2.5 and Sands of Time version 51 and up
In general - Load OBIS after SoTFull.esp. and this patch after that.
This version is cut down a bit as v51 of SoT removed scripts from several bandits and changes to the older scripts.
Use SoT multipliers and turn OBIS Extra Bandits numbers down or off.
- OBIS SE 2.5 and Sands of Time version 51 and up
Version 2.5
- In addition to changelogs for 2.4.0-Beta and 2.4.2-Beta ... 2.5.0 has many more little adjustments and the following...
- Edit to Troll abilities has been removed - OBIS changed the cost to manual calculation and 0 cost but this is for a Constant Self Ability that would have no cost as is. Now it's back to vanilla.
- Increased frequency of Face Masks and the custom Shields - up from v2.4.2 - This is still less than in v2.3 - Both Masks and Shields will be slightly more common at lower levels.
- Bandits...
- - Agents - Increased Magicka offset so they can cast their bound sword spells - this is needed because they are dual wield fighters not mages and their magicka does not increase on levelup.
- - Broken - Checked perk and seems ok - it is only 25% - may increase later.
- - Doomrager - Perk to avoid death triggers at 10% health. This is vanilla setting. Tried to lower casting time to 0. They seem to die too quickly and not trigger the perk.
- - SpellMarred - Perk needs testing - it's at 50% resist magic - may increase later.
- - Vacated - Removed conditions on heal package. Checks like IsInCombat is redundant as it is a combat override already. Player line of sight and distance check were too restrictive in my view, lots of situations where both were not met. The checks for restoration skill level was for setting up form list that is not used now, and was restricting mid levels that were out of skill range.
- - Whisperer - Invisibility does not re-apply if they go out of combat - may adjust later.
- ------------------------
- Patrols Addon Updates
- New Routes in the East of Skyrim as well as on Solstheim!! Check out the new map images!
- New setting added to Menus - You can now adjust the Number of Followers in patrols. Patrols consist of a Leader and up to 3 Followers. Default is 2.
- Re-Spawn Events will now happen only when the Player is indoors. This will prevent the Pop-in and Pop-out of patrols. If you haven't seen patrols for a while, go indoors for a while.
- Telrav, the NPC at Nilheim has been set to Protected in his Quest alias ( dunNilheimQST "Telrav's Request" [QUST:0001BAEC] )
- Bandits that now patrol up to Nilheim won't kill him before you are present. The quest does handle him dying before you walk with him to tower so no issues there. This way could actually work out to where you actually see him attacked, you heroically save him and then he offers reward...
- Unofficial Patch does edit the quest as well and changes its scripts. Setting him to protected does not make USSEP a master but it is highly recommended to use it anyway.
- Added Patch for Female Mannequin mods. Thanks to Archet1337
- Updated MCMenu scripts for main and patrols addon. Added Backup and Restore functions to work with YeOlde-MCM Settings mod by YeOldeDragons
- Updated MCMenu scripts again for YeOlde-MCM version 1.1.4 alpha
- Updated patch for Sands of Time version 50.2 and up. - Now espFE - ESP flagged as ESL - as such you may need new game if you already started game with ESP version of this.
Version 2.4.2-Beta
- Only the esp changed.
Also see change log for 2.4.0-Beta
SoT patch also updated to OBIS v2.4.2-Beta and SoT version 38.3 - More tweaks and optimizations.
- Vacated group heal spell should be more consistent - was not going to work for all of them all the time.
- Please report any issues
- Also - Screenshots and Videos are always welcome!!
- Only the esp changed.
Version 2.4.0-BETA
- In addition to unkown number of many many small changes - the following was done....
From BUG reports.....
- Blackblood Marauder - outfit issues and template. Minotaur loot !?
- Bandit Trained Troll is naked Imperial female - 00035381 - Picks race gender first then can't switch to template race. may be related to blackbloods
- Anska voice not present - when picked at high level (74) LCharBanditWizardNordF Anska "Anska" [NPC_:000443F3]
- Hajvarr Ironhand - spawn as woman...
...above bugs may all be related.
Outlined in Article by Jebbalon...
Basically the main leveled list LCharBanditOBIS has been removed from the vanilla LvlBandit*.. lists. This was causing vanilla placed bandits to pull from the all inclusive OBIS list. Instead of Imperial Female you might see the obis Bandit Trained Troll for example. The placement would be naked Imperial though because it wanted to pull from the Imperial Female list not the everyone lists and the troll with no inventory in particular.
- Friendly bandits - Pinewatch - walkbridge, by draugr, and bar area - b.outlaw archer, b.archer, b.blight poisoner - SOT patch?
- BlackBriar Lodge crash - check the mercs in there...
- Hairmalenord04 - need to generate facegen with the USSEP.bsa version of that mesh in place - to correct hair clipping issue on npcs using it. DONE
- Bandit Trained Animals - need levels adjusted - DONE! see below
- Shield mesh and textures - want to remove shield mesh and use vanilla mesh with our texture sets DONE
- Thornhide effects ? - Does not seem to work! - evil grin - DONE but needs more testing
New Leveled item Lists made for the Face Masks and the Custom Shields. Vanilla lists now point to these new lists instead of individual items.
Bashed/Smashed Patches must be remade. Mods like Immersive Armors will need to be reset using its MCMenu
Bandit Diggers will no longer have the custom shields - they are for wannabes not members of gangs
Renmaed dunMistwatchFjola "Bandit Leader" [NPC_:00090739] to "Mistwatch Bandit Leader Fjola"
Reversed changes made to Blackblood Marauders regarding Inventory and outfits
Bandit Bonelords Leveled lists did not have them at their proper level 50 - Was possible to see them at level 1 - There were reports of this but always dismissed as impossible until Jebbalon came across one in Embershard Mine at level 1 - now corrected.
Bandit Traitors now have no maximum level - gives higher level bandits someone to hate on.
All tier 6 bandits now have no maximum level cap. Previous range was 50 to 60. After player level 60 you would only see level 60 bandits. Now they will continue to level with player. You're welcome! Bounty Bandits and Bandit Lords already had no maximum.
Dragonborn Soltheim bandits are updated to Skyrim bandit standards now. OBIS standards that is.
Bandit Bosses at tier 2 have been changed to range from 6 to 20 instead of 10 to 20. This along with their level list spawning at 1 and 10 will ensure Very Hard spawn points don't skip to tier 3 bandits instead. Low level players will see tier 2 level 6 bandits as they should - not tier 3 level 25 impossibilities. That lower range goes up by 10 for each tier now. 6, 16, 26...
Bandit Trained Animals
- Releveled the trained animals as follows...
Level Multiplier Animal
1 0.6 Dog
1 0.6 Spider *(default disabled - enable in MCMenu)
5 0.8 Skeever
5 0.8 Wolf
10 1.0 Bear
15 1.0 Skeever Defiler
15 1.0 Sabrecat
20 1.0 Troll
- Level is minimum - there is now NO maximum for each animal
- Player level * Multiplier = level of animal but not below min level
- Example is player at level 10 may see a Level 6 Spider or level 8 Wolf or level 10 Bear at Bandit camps.
Added Gang(s)...
Feral - A tribe of werebeasts that tries to hide their monstrous forms by hiding away in bandit
camps. If they are cornered, they transform into angry werewolves or werebears that only attack the
enemy. These tame werebeasts are accepted into bandit ranks since they make great
shock troops, and the others can always call the Silverhand to take care of such animals if they
get out of hand.
- Advantages: Can transform into werewolves or werebears
- Weaknesses: If killed quickly they will not transform
- They will transform at around 50% health
- Choice of Beast type (Wolf or Bear) is random
- Wear rags and have simple dagger
- Names of Ranks - Cub, Youngling, Clanner, Harrier, Alpha, Prime
- 48 total
Weary - A group of world weary veteran adventurers that would like to find a good death from
combat. These old, but battle hardened individuals joined up with bandits to find a worthy
opponent to slay them. Unfortunately, this did nothing to help them find peace, as these
bandits are more interested in looting and pilliaging than killing each other.
- Great stats all around, very dangerous foes, higher level than most bandits
- Rare the most seasoned adventures are worthy of fighting them, low health due to age
- Names of Ranks - Old Man/Woman, Expert, Hardened, Battlescarred
- Starts at Rank 3 - level 20 to 30
- 24 total
Vacated - A group of beast race (Orc, Khajiit, Argonian) Talos worshippers that feel abandoned by their god. A silver tongued bandit
lord that happened upon their chapel tricked them into believing that by plundering the holds of Skyrim the priests gain
vengeance on the god that abandoned them. Not much in the way of fighting, they assist other bandits by healing them.
- Has special group healing spells to aid other bandits
- No armor, will try to avoid combat, high priority target
- Names of Ranks - Faithful, Initiate, Cleric, Priest, Confessor, Vicar
- Based on the Forsaken Order listed in Book of Bandits
- 36 total
108 new bandits!!
- In addition to unkown number of many many small changes - the following was done....
Version 2.3
- =============================
Patrols Addon
- MCMenu added (book menu updated to match)
- Potion options added
- Minotaurs excluded from patrols (they be too slow)
- Animals excluded from getting potions
- Added Routes as follows...
From -> To
Swindlers Den -> Bilegulch Mine
Robber's Gorge -> Four Skull Lookout
Four Skull Lookout -> Bilegulch Mine
- Added Horse Raid at Markarth Stables - Destination is Four Skull Lookout if successful
- - Menu options for Stable Raids added
- - Minotaurs and Animals excluded from raids so they don't try to ride horses!
- - Raids to other holds horse stables (Solitude, Windhelm, Riften, Whiterun) will be added later
Main mod
Changed Forsworn bandits to Forsaken - a splinter group from the Forsworn of the Reach - same bandits, new name.
Description for Forsaken updated in Bandit List PDF and In-Game book of bandits vol 2
- also added Minotaur description and filled in missing descriptions for Lightbringers and Fearstrikers
VIS patches updated
SoT patch updated for version 31.0
'No Minotaur' and 'No Spider' Patches are no longer needed - see below
Other small changes - I can't remember all of them.
MCMenu changes
- Menu Name changed from 'Obis' to 'OBIS - Bandits' to better match patrols menu
- Added toggle for Minotaurs enable/disable
- - this will add/remove minotaurs from the leveled lists
- - May require cell reset to begin seeing them although testing worked right away.
- - Minotaurs already spawned will not cleanup on their own. Kill them or wait for cell reset should work.
- Increased the default extra bandits number from 2 to 3 - there are 2 reasons for this, 1. Just because! and 2. the scripts actually spawn in thirds attempting to spread out the group if it can find three legit bandits to spawn at in the area. Especially nice in dungeons as a group won't be at entrance and then none further in, should spread out the spawns a bit.
- Added toggle for Spiders - similar to minotaurs - both are OFF by default
- - Note that this only affects OBIS Trained Spiders and Dwemer Spiders summoned by Bandit Schemers.
Book Menu
- Added 'Done' button to all pages - no more backing out to start page.
- Added toggle for Minotaurs (as above) and spiders
- Same increase to default as above.
Script changes
- commented out most of the SetAlly() commands. This command sets two factions as allies. Faction1.SetAlly(Faction2) According to CK Wiki there was no need to also have Faction2.SetAlly(Faction1)
- as above
- Added function to handle adding / removing Minotaurs and spiders from the Leveled NPC lists
- as above
- Changed the way book menu is given to player
- No longer a quest item
- Book is given at start and if MCMenu is running then book menu is removed.
- Book is not sell-able or store-able
- Dropping the book will destroy it
- Another can be created at any tanning rack
- Changed spawning section of the code to not use the Form ID Lists.
- Instead the mod now pulls from the Leveled NPC List 'LCharBanditOBIS' through a dummy NPC 'OBIS_LvlBandit'
- Functionality is pretty much unchanged. Should actually be a bit faster.
- This will also make the Minotaur toggle for removing them from game far easier to implement, not having to remove them from the FormID lists.
- no changes
Translation files
- Updated for the new minotaur and spider toggles
- =============================
Version 2.2
- version 2.2
Many edits in this update - here are the ones I remember....
Adding MCMenu - requires SKSE64 2.0.5 and SkyUI 5.2SE or greater
The setting menu book is given when first installed
- If skse64 and SkyUI are installed then the MCMenu script will remove the book. If they are not installed you keep the book.
Added translation files for MCMenu - new to this so let me know of issues
- only english currently - if you can translate the other files let me know
MCMenu shows a logo when opening. In Special setting page you can choose to display that Main logo only or show random images.
- The ten OBIS shield designs are picked at random to be displayed.
- If anyone wants to add images or shield designs please do!!!! (it's not too difficult for me to add them in)
- Added keyword MagicSummonFamiliar to the OBIS conjuration spells that were missing it. Mainly the Vokman summons magic effects
- - This will help them be able to summon multiple manakins as intended. The multiple soul perks they have check for that keyword
other misc edits to spells
Added OBIS_MinotaurSandBoxPackage
- To help move them around a bit - maybe avoid blocking other bandits some- testing it anyway
- They move around just a bit - interestingly Ma'iq The Liar uses similar package and it is set to 10k units! He also only moves a few steps... Hmmm.
Added Bandit Sandbox package as well
- This is added to the CleanUp quest aliases
- again to help them act more normal after spawning. Should spread out some and not appear to be a spawned group.
Properly generated face gen data - should maybe possibly be better although larger file size - not sure this changed anything
From bug reports
Trained Dogs were missing some template flags
- may have caused issue with dog mods
Cragslane Cavern - Gamblers need to use No Animals lists
- - dunCragslaneLvlDogfightCrowd "Gambler" [NPC_:000D81F3]
- - Changed template from LvlBanditMeleeAny [NPC_:0001E79C] to LCharBanditAnyRegularNoAnimal [LVLN:13000E28]
Spawned Bandit Trained Animals - need to exclude getting potions
- - made new formlist OBIS_BanditAnimals
- - added to script to exclude animals from being given potions when spawning
- - ? should minotaurs be added ?
Vokman Puppet Mistress - CTD when summoning Puppet Warriors
- - Changes to Summon spells and misc tweaks - they seem to be much better now
Split Book of Bandits into 3 volume set - new volumes added to same book leveled lists
volume I - letter from Vok
volume II - Current bandits - added Minotaurs
volume III - Waiting bandits
Scripts edits
- Init - added onplayerloadgame so faction setup happens every load
- extrabandits - changed Referencee finder function to one that centers on player and checks OBIS roster formlist automatically. Extended range of checks also. we'll see how it works
- - - Reference finder that checks roster automatically didn't work for live actors, dead actors are found though. Switched again to Actor finder but one that centers on player this time. Reduced the range a bit.
- Identified potential crash cause - An array was possibly filling beyond its size of 40. That array was no longer needed so removed it. Seems better.
- Menu - Diagnostics option changed to include 0=off 1=spawn messages and 2=debug spam
- cleanup - no change
Menu - corrected spelling and updated diagnostic choices
MCMenu script added
- Copied all vanilla textures used by the minotaurs into a common folder
- Edited their meshes to point to the common texture folder
- This was done to minimize the number of folders the mesh needed to jump around to in order to produce the minotaurs (the common folder has over 80 textures in it)
- Side effect (good or bad) is that weapon/armor re-texture mods wont show on the Minotaurs any longer, they will appear with vanilla textures only - this also may have caused issues as a retexture could be much larger file than vanilla causing lags with their mesh loading into game.
- Also makes mod download size a bit bigger.
- Found one normal map reference that didn't exist - pointed to one that does. ( now uses
- version 2.2
Version 2.1.1
- Re-Upload of 2.1 with hotfix for debug spam included.
Version 2.1
- Many changes on this version. A new game is required due to the changes in quest scripting.
Not every change is listed below - unusual for me not to list but there are many!
PLEASE report anything good or bad.
Minotaurs by Mihail
New gang of bandits joins OBIS
"A ruthless Minotaur Lord from Cyrodiil that heard about the bandits of Skyrim working together decided to check out the rumors for himself - along with his innumerable herd.
Advantages: Really? you have to ask!? - Big 'shock troop' type brutes that are hard to kill and pack a punch
Weaknesses: Slow moving and slow combat, they are loud too, you will know when one is around"
4 types in each Tier - 3 are Melee Giant type the 4th is Shaman
Tier 1 - Bandit Minotaur Pit Bull ....(see what I did there)
Tier 2 - Bandit Minotaur Brawler
Tier 3 - Bandit Minotaur Bloodletter
Tier 4 - Bandit Minotaur Myrmidon
Tier 5 - Bandit Minotaur Warrior
Tier 6 - Bandit Minotaur Gladiator
Tier 7 - Bandit Lord
Scripts & Quests
Went from 8 scripts in the mod down to only 4 - Quests that control the extra bandits spawning have also been streamlined.
Menu has toggle to show spawning messages and modders can use console command below to see additonal debug messages (spam)
Set OBISshowMessage to 2
Settings Book is now quest item. It's script has been moved to the quest alias. This means any patches that change name of book, will need update.
Other edits
Made a ton load of little edits to many many bandits. Males that should have been Female. Females (and some males) using Opposite Gender Animations. Lot's of those. Added OBIS Keyword to those missing it. Adjusted stats on some spell casters.
Found a suggestion somewhere that mentioned NPCs that cast spells don't like the spells to be RIGHT HAND only. I think there is a base Spell-Sword combat style in Skyrim that wants to put the spell in Left Hand and likes the sword in Right. When you make spells you can choose Left, Right, Either, Both, or Voice. Voice is for shouts obviously, Both is for those Master level two hand spells.
OBIS had a bunch of Right hand only spells and this was not allowing casters to really use all their spells. They would look to equip a weapon or attack spell rather than cast a summons or defensive spell.
Edited a bunch of spells to make them Left handed. Some are still Named 'Spell-Name-Right' though.
So look for more Bandit casting fun!!
Again PLEASE report anything good or bad.
- Many changes on this version. A new game is required due to the changes in quest scripting.
Version 1.08a
- Update for the Patrols Addon...
- Adjusted patrol markers around Valtheim Towers to make compatible with the mod [url=]Tactical Valtheim SSE[/url]. Cool mod, check it out.
- Added Spawn checking script to patrollers. If player has line of sight with the patrol's start marker - then they will move to the next linked patrol marker. This will make it so you do not see the bandits pop-in as they spawn if you happen to be near a spawn point when it happens. Instead they will spawn out of sight.
- Update for the Patrols Addon...
Version 1.08
- - LCharBanditWizardOmit01 [LVLN:000EE523] - Removed Vermin wizards from this list - was same issue as Nord lists
- OBIS Init Script - Added conditions to "bandits seem more common now" with Show Message variable - will now only show if you have turned on in diagnostics menu.
- Added new magic effect which is copy of previous used fx with change to 'Fade Back to normal' after the Bandit Ghost dies.
GhostAbilityBandit "Ghost Ability" [SPEL:xx00112F] - now uses - OBIS_GhostVisuals "Ghost Visuals" [MGEF:xx038F68]
- On any conditions made with SSEedit - Parameter #3 must be set to -1 - SSEedit creates it as 0 - this will cause Bad Things(TM) in Game and CK -on that note - corrected all Tempering Recipies for the custom shields
- Added dunMistwatchFaction [FACT:000C0160] to OBIS_Init script - This script sets all bandit related factions to Ally relationship with each other.
This is quickest way to make Mistwatch friendly to other bandits that either spawn within their ruins or patrols that get close.
Also had to edit Fjola (dunMistwatchFjola "Bandit Leader" [NPC_:00090739]) and put dunMistwatchFaction directly on her. OBIS Bandits that may spawn in her room, will not attack her now.
The leader Fjola says "...found this rabble of bandits. Didn't take much to prove myself and knock them into shape. Now every free blade from here to Windhelm wants to sign on for a piece."
She is actively recruiting so makes more sense that they would want to be friendly to other bandits.
I did find other evidence to support this change in, of all places, a combat idle animation. CombatIdleStagger [IDLE:0001BA9F] has a condition check for dunMistwatchFaction along with the other bandit related factions. Why? Who knows! but it is there.
- Bounty Bandits - Cleanup
Been looking at the Bounty Bandits more. Cleanup of their records to address the following...
All Bounty bandits should be marked as Unique yet most are also marked as Respawning ... removed respawn and confirm all are marked with unique flag
Most all were assigned Template yet no flags to use template data... confirmed no template data is used and remove template assignment.
Females marked to use Opposite Gender Animations ... made all females not use opposite/male animations. Some may be intentional I don't know. This will make them consistent in data though. Checked Males using opposite gender animations as well.
AI Data - Many are unaggressive/cowardly. ... changed to Very Aggressive/Foolhardy - again some may be intentional (Looter bandits) but not as many as there are.
Edited Bandit Lords as above as well.
EncBandit07BountyContestWinner01 "Bounty Bandit Kiren Darnys" [NPC_:xx00112D]
- changed name to "Bandit Lord Kiren Darnys" ... Makes naming in line with the other Tier 7 bandit lords (ie. EncBandit07BountyIronBlood "Bandit Lord Haegrif Iron Blood" [NPC_:xx000980])
INAM - Death Item records for Bounty Bandits should just be DeathItemBandit [LVLI:000C3C9B]
- Then in Inventory the bounties should have the DeathItemBanditBountyXX list according to their Tier XX
- Some Bounty Bandits had the DeathItemBanditBountyXX list in both inventory and the Death Item record. Corrected
Level Multiplier for each tier of bounty bandits ... made consistant
Tier - Mult
1 - 1.00 - Equal to Player
2 - 1.05
3 - 1.10
4 - 1.15
5 - 1.20
6 - 1.25
7 - 1.50 - Bandit Lords
There are 204 Bounty Bandits and 9 Bandit Lords ... Currently!
- Adjusted scripts for adding the Options menu book and Patrols addon menu book to be as soon as installing mod.
- Patrols Addon - New menu book with settings for changing the Respawn timer and the 'difficulty' of patrols. Higher difficulty means it's more likely the patrol will have tougher bandits (Bounty bandits included)
- Updated VIS patch file and added one for the new book in Patrols addon
- - LCharBanditWizardOmit01 [LVLN:000EE523] - Removed Vermin wizards from this list - was same issue as Nord lists
Version 1.07
- - New menu set the diagnostics variable OBISShowMessage to 1 or 0. The scripts that use it however wanted 5 or 0. I changed the scripts to take 1 or 0.
- Made some formatting edits to menu text.
- Updated the Valdacil's Item Sorting Patch to include new Menu book.
- - New menu set the diagnostics variable OBISShowMessage to 1 or 0. The scripts that use it however wanted 5 or 0. I changed the scripts to take 1 or 0.
Version 1.06
- - =====OPTIONS MENU BOOK ADDED !!=======
After updating (or installing) wait for 1 in-game hour and you will get the Menu book
Despite any previous settings you had made using console commands, the new menu book will start out in a Disabled state.
Enabling will set all values to a default setting. You can then adjust settings from there.
- obis_init script - I added fucntion to add NPCs from the formlist DoNotClone into the faction IAmAClone
This will label them to not add spawns near them.
If you find that extra bandits are appearing near a bandit that has a quest or unique dialogue then adding them to DoNotClone list will help.
Example is Ulfur The Blind in White River Watch, the cave across the bridge from Whiterun. He would start dialogue and extra bandits would pop in while you are talking. Hopefully this will work. Let me know if there are others.
- Hajvar Iron-Fist dunWhiteRiverWatchLvlBanditBoss [NPC_:000E1F81] (and the boss that replaces him) had the black face bug
Removed edits made by obis but added OBIS keyword to record
- Rigel Strong-Arm - Pinewatch
When I encountered Rigel she was showing as male - should be female.
The following placed NPC is Rigel - I think script/quest alias renames this generic boss to Rigel and on reset of cell will remain just Bandit Chief
[ACHR:0002D23B] (places LvlBanditBossNordF "Bandit Chief" [NPC_:0001B0DE] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of Pinewatch02 "Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary" [CELL:0001F359])
That reference uses template that obis change could have been many race/genders - reverted this but added OBIS keyword - following three records changed with similar issue...
LvlBanditBossNordF "Bandit Chief" [NPC_:0001B0DE]
LvlBanditBossNordM "Bandit Chief" [NPC_:0001B0E1]
LvlBanditBossOrcM "Bandit Chief" [NPC_:0001B0EB]
- A male Bandit Silver Hand Slayer (Form ID: XX00132B, Editor ID: EncBandit05Silver2HNordM) used the Female Commonor Voice type - changed to Male Commoner
- - =====OPTIONS MENU BOOK ADDED !!=======
Version 1.05
- - dunCragslaneLvlBanditGuard [NPC_:000D55D3] - Name changed to Bandit Doorwarden (suggested by Exakter)
- Removed the following Ambient Creatures and Animal Prey leveled NPC lists from OBIS. No more bunny bandits...
LCharAmbientCreatures [LVLN:000EC969]
LCharAmbientCreaturesSnow [LVLN:000EC96B]
LCharAnimalCanyonPrey [LVLN:0004229C]
LCharAnimalCoastSnowPrey [LVLN:000422A4]
LCharAnimalForestPrey [LVLN:00042298]
LCharAnimalMarshPrey [LVLN:00042296]
LCharAnimalMountainSnowPrey [LVLN:000422A2]
LCharAnimalPlainsPrey [LVLN:00042294]
- Removed Bandit Vermin gang entries in the LCharBanditWizardNordF [LVLN:0001B0F7] and LCharBanditWizardNordM [LVLN:0001B0FB] Leveled NPC lists. This did not fit with how other similar lists were edited (ie. without gangs) May have affected Anska the character in High Gate Ruins also may have to do with seeing more mage type bandits in groups.
- Some Bandit gangs were showing up with the custom obis shields - these should only show on Non-Gang bandits that carry them as a sign that they want to join a gang.
Found that the Heavy armor outfit BanditArmorMeleeHeavyOutfit [OTFT:00015BE6] included the shields and was used by a few gangs.
So created outfit with no custom shields BanditArmorHeavyShield50OutfitNoCustom [OTFT:xx006544].
Applied new outfit to following gangs and corrected some other edits as well.
Bandit Iron Bloods - edited for new outfit, any crime, default master package, removed boss outfits
Bandit Trollman and women - edited for new outfits, missing Troll abilities on some!
Bandit Armor Breakers - edited for new outfit
- Updated SoT bandit Patch
- Uploaded new OBIS SE Patrols Addon - description page has more info.
- - dunCragslaneLvlBanditGuard [NPC_:000D55D3] - Name changed to Bandit Doorwarden (suggested by Exakter)
Version 1.04
- - Changed the Ambient Creatures and Animal Prey leveled lists to only include 1 obis bandit - several were set to 2.
- - - (I don't think the game actually spawns 2 in this way, but will make change none the less)
- - - Adding McMenu toggle for including bandits in animal lists would be nice.
- Book of Bandits - BanditBookChance5 - chance of none changed from 95 to 99 => 5% chance is now 1% ...... can we change editor ID to BanditBookChance1 ??
- dunCragslaneLvlBanditGuard [NPC_:000D55D3] - Name changed to Bandit Bouncer (not my preference but it fits in better I suppose)
- dunMistwatchLvlBanditMeleeOrcM [NPC_:000C013C] and dunMistwatchLvlBanditMelee1H [NPC_:000C0127] - Now match USSEP and other Mistwatch Bandit naming.
- Following Bandit NPCs edited to match USSEP changes and other corrections...
EncBandit04TemplateMelee "Bandit Highwayman Warrior" [NPC_:0001E60D]
EncBandit01TemplateMagic "Bandit Mage" [NPC_:00039D31]
EncBandit04Melee2HNordM [NPC_:0003DE60]
EncBandit03Boss1HNordM "Bandit Raid Lieutenant" [NPC_:0003DEEA]
EncBandit03Boss1HRedguardF "Bandit Raid Lieutenant" [NPC_:0003DEEB]
EncBandit03Boss1HRedguardM "Bandit Raid Lieutenant" [NPC_:0003DEEC]
EncBandit04Melee1HTankRedguardF [NPC_:0003DEA2]
EncBandit04Boss1HNordF "Bandit Lieutenant Overseer" [NPC_:0003DEF4]
EncBandit04Boss2HNordM "Bandit Lieutenant Overseer" [NPC_:0003DEF8]
EncBandit05Boss1HNordF "Bandit Chief Lieutenant" [NPC_:0003DEFE]
EncBandit05Boss1HNordM "Bandit Chief Lieutenant" [NPC_:0003DEFF]
EncBandit05Boss1HRedguardF "Bandit Chief Lieutenant" [NPC_:0003DF00]
EncBandit06Boss1HImperialM "Bandit Exalted Lieutenant" [NPC_:0003DF07]
EncBandit06Boss1HNordM "Bandit Exalted Lieutenant" [NPC_:0003DF09]
DLC2EncBandit01Melee1HDarkElf03M [NPC_:0401E812]
DLC2EncBandit03Melee1HDarkElf01M [NPC_:0401E846]
DLC2EncBandit04Melee1HDarkElf01M [NPC_:0401E85B]
DLC2EncBandit04Melee1HDarkElf03M [NPC_:0401E860]
- Updated OBIS SE - SoT Bandit Patch.esp for version 1.04
- - Changed the Ambient Creatures and Animal Prey leveled lists to only include 1 obis bandit - several were set to 2.
Version 1.03
- Removed Bandit Patrols - will revisit making optional plugin or menu toggled feature at later date.
Added back the default outfit for the Riften Thief - WIThief "Thief" [NPC_:00023EE8] - He gets to keep his OBIS keyword though
Edited Source scripts - they are NOT compiled into the game yet
- Changed Faction OBIS to OBISFaction ... OBIS is a keyword
- commented out the "Bandits seem more common now" message
- faction OBIS to OBISFaction
- pointed logo to new file and location in interface folder - "OBIS\OBIS SE"
- Removed Bandit Patrols - will revisit making optional plugin or menu toggled feature at later date.
Version 1.02
- Packaged files into BSA archives so download looks like the following
OBIS SE.bsa --- contains scripts, meshes, interface, seq
OBIS SE - Textures.bsa --- contains facegen and obis folder
Docs folder with readme
Actually generated an SEQ\OBIS SE.seq file - instead of having old obis.seq file in there
Added 2 formlists OBIS_BountyBandits and OBIS_BanditLords - for future use ;)
Removed the Distance Staff weapon and it's Timer script - was long ago used for script testing may it live on in the void.
Added Tempering recipes for the custom shields - Light takes 1 steel ingot and Heavy takes 2.
Ran all the meshes through the SSE NIF Optimizer by ousnius
Nice tool!
- Packaged files into BSA archives so download looks like the following
Version 1.01
- Removed the .tga files form the face gen textures folder - they are generated by the CK but not used in game so I am told, makes file size much smaller.
- Added bash tags to esp description {{BASH:Delev,Invent,Relev}} - will help keep obis changes when making bash patches
- Corrected mesh and texture set pointers for face masks and shields normal maps
- some minor edits to match USSEP
Version 1.0
- Initial release / port to Skyrim Special Edition

Please see the Comments section for more information...
For the Original Skyrim version of OBIS click here.
On is a version for XBox1 click here.
OBIS Special Edition is a mod for Skyrim SE that adds in new varieties of bandits throughout the game world. Each of these bandits are separated into many different types that makes every encounter with bandits both challenging and fun. All bandits are balanced to have both strengths that players must overcome and weaknesses that players can exploit. A new 3 volume book, The Book of Bandits, is distributed throughout the world, the book will give you a basic lore friendly-ish look into the bandits and the reason why they are working together.

- - Feral - Werewolves/bears
- - Vacated - Healers
- - Weary - Old warriors
- (version 2.2+) MCMenu will show if you have SKSE64 and SkyUI installed. If not a Settings book will be in your inventory. Use the menu to configure the Extra Spawning System.
- Bandit Minotaur Gang adds in Mihail's Minotaurs. They are big brutes! ( Includes Giant Hammer by Tamu75 )
- - Note that the version in OBIS is based off an early version from Mihail, they will look different and will not overwrite each other.
- Over 2500 new bandits, all with different faces so that you might never see the same person twice!
- None of these bandits are anywhere but in the level lists. So if there was supposed to be a bandit there, it will only be there.
- Over 50 bandit types that will make every encounter diverse and tactical.
- Completely redesigned bandit distribution system, that will randomize the types of bandits that will spawn in the camps, only effects random bandits not the ones that talk to each other!
- Over 200 uniquely named bandits that drop expensive rings for you to sell.
- Normal bandits are now classified and named by class type (warrior, mage, and archer), gives you a bit of a heads up now
- Certain gangs have shields specifically designed for them! These shields can be found on bandits that are wanting to join up with these particular groups. There are heavy and light versions of the shields
- Bandits may also have face masks from FACE MASKS OF SKYRIM mod by Volvaga0 - These are integrated into OBIS
- Each bandit, variation and gender related etc, has their own title for over 300 different titles
- Armor is now randomized, regular bandits wear mixes of light and heavy armor
- Bandits will also have a chance to drop The Book of Bandits. A 3 volume book added to the world. Vol. 1 explains in a lore friendly way why the bandits have organized. Vol. 2 is filled with descriptions of bandit gangs currently in Skyrim. Vol. 3 lists bandit gangs that have not yet made it to Skyrim. (note that some time has passed since publication - gangs in Vol.3 have made it to Skyrim since)
- Bandits will make use of weapons and armors that other mods add into the Bandits Leveled Item lists. (ie. Immersive Armors, Immersive Weapons)

- Using the Options Book or MCMenu if you have SKSE64 & SkyUI installed will allow you to change settings for the Extra Spawning System. OBIS provides its new bandits to vanilla spawn points already. If you want to add to those bandits use the menus to enable extra bandits.
- Settings will be set to default after enabling. Default is fairly mild only 2 or 3 extra bandits in a location. Settings for added potions also available.
- Other options include - Monster Enabler, where you can enable Bandit Minotaurs and Bandit Trained Spiders

Patrols Addon - Adds patrolling bandits! Small groups consisting of 1 leader and up to 3 followers will travel from camp to camp.
- First release of this plugin included the Thunvu Strah - Dragon language for - The Bandit Road - Which extends from Mistwatch in the Southeast all the way to Robber's Gorge in the Northwest. More routes have been added and now City Horse Stables Raids!
- Book and MCMenu are available to enable and adjust the time between respawning as well as Toughness, added potions and number of followers.
- Patrols routes can be seen in the map below. Orange is established routes, Green is newly added in latest version and Red is the Raids.

Now on Solstheim as well...

Notice Board Addon - With The Notice Board mod by MannyGT - this addon will place Bounty hunting notes in the notice boards found around Skyrim. OBIS Bounty Bandits are uniquely named and carry a fair amount of loot.

SoT Bandit Patch - Patches OBIS and TonyCubed2's mod Ultimate Deadly Encounters aka Sands of Time to have best of both mods.
- WARNING - Using spawning systems from both mods will result in many more bandits.
SoT's system should take precedence.
Turn down or off the settings for OBIS spawns.
Unless you like that sort of thing!
Valdacil's Item Sorting Patch - Adds naming tags to work with Valdacil's Item Sorting mod- Recommend to merge this file with other VIS Patch files. That mod is not required.

If you guys have any bandit ideas that you have yet to encounter or think would be a nice addition to the mod, please do not hesitate to tell me in the discussions tab (not the comments) I will tell you immediately if it is a good idea or if it is already implemented. There is no such thing as a bad idea (unless you already know it's a bad idea)
For more information I suggest watching those videos in the video section they do a fantastic job of explaining the mod in the most broadest of terms.
If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask me either through a PM or a comment
Thank you for considering my mod, making something like this so far is a dream come true
Q: I loaded this in the middle of the playthrough and I dont see any of your bandits in game/ I updated the mod but don't see any of the new bandit types
A: To see any new bandit types you either have to wait until the game cell resets (Vanilla Skyrim that is 10 days or whatever you modded it to be) or start a new game.
Q: This mod is huge, I am afraid that it will effect performance, will it?
A: No. OBIS at it's core does not add in any extra spawn points that will effect your game. But with the settings in the MCMenu you can increase the number of extra bandits that will dynamically spawn near bandits that are already there. This feature is off by default. Setting wildly high numbers will have potential to overwhelm. Special Edition seems to handle this far better than original Skyrim.
Q: I have a suggestion for a bandit gang. Can you make....?
A: We all do :D I want to hear about it. Go to the forum tab on this mod page and tell me about it. I need a name and an mechanic that the bandit can do to change the course of the battle, ie. breathe fire, freeze their foes, terrify weaker foes, etc.
Q: I'm an artist and I would like to make a symbol for one of the gangs for a shield. What do I need to do?
A1: You are very welcome to do so. I suggest that if you want to make a gang shield you make it on one of the hold guard shield as it's a perfect flat surface for it. The book of bandits will give you a general description of the bandit gangs and you can start from there :D
A2: Jebbalon figured out how to add new gang shields! All that he needs is an image matching the style and format of the other shields.
Q: Does this mod require any other mod?
A: Of course not, this mod is built to work with Skyrim Special Edition as well as most mods. Mods that change vanilla bandits or the bandit leveled npc lists may require a patch.
Q: I think there is a bug, are bandits of multiple groups supposed to be in the same area?
A: Yes, the gang names are supposed to identify what bandits are what, so you have a better time figuring out which is which. I will not be separating the groups out, all bandits will be fighting together.
Q: I don't understand the settings, what are good settings to use?
A: Default settings are good to start with. If you are feeling adventurous / insane then use the menus to set extra bandits number to max 30. Save your game. You may want to toggle god mode on! - Head out to a known bandit camp and see the mod in action. If you like what you experience then you are a bandit hunting fool indeed! If not - just go back to previous save and maybe try a milder number of extra bandits.

Indigoblade - The handsome devil who has the time to actually make each bandit
JobVanDam - The no-holds-barred smart talker who expanded OBIS
Tonycubed2 - The company vet who probably forgotten more about code than I actually know
Forzane - This guy I found willing to do things that I would like to do but I don't because of reasons that are reasonable
Jebbalon - The new guy, who can answer all of your questions. (Who also has been making vids of the mod for a long time)
And one final member who's too shy to say that she is a member, but everyone already knows she's a member
YoungEmmaWatson has permission to reupload Obis to