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Amazing poster artwork by TheKite!


Little is known about the mysterious Mojave Manhunter. Legend holds that the Manhunter has been around since before the war, and has never missed a mark and always gets his prize, dead or alive. Rumor has it that the Manhunter is somewhere in the commonwealth, tracking a group of ghoul bandits hiding out in the Glowing Sea. Of course there have been plenty of imitators, who's to say there's any truth to to the gossip, or if it was the even real deal...

The outfit is split up into 6 separate parts, Underarmor/Gloves/Vest/Duster/Hat/Mask. Each part can be modified with appropriate vanilla mods (ballistic weave, misc mods, ect) as well as its own skin option.

Notes on the scripts: Some parts of the outfit have scripts that auto-hide parts of the outfit to reduce clipping, these scripts only work if you have a single instance of each in your inventory.
Similarly the mask's Heartbeat sensor also requires a single instance of the mask for it's context menu to work. You aren't restricted from having more than 1 instance of each item, so you can still make extras and give them to companions/settlers, but just make sure you only have 1 instance when using them yourself.

XBOX link:

This project is a part of Artstation's 'Wild West Real-time character art' challenge. You can see some work-in-progress shots of how the design was put together and realized on my Challenge Submission page. If you have an Artstation account I'd really appreciate a 'like', they help me out a lot!

-The outfit is not added to any leveled lists, it can be crafted at a chemlab.
-Console search "Manhunter" to get the loadorder unique IDs.

Lore friendly Static Locations:
-Hint: Rumor has it a bounty hunter was asking around Somerville Place about a group of ghoul bandits hiding somewhere west in the glowing sea...
All items of the outfit can be found in the 'Forgotten Church' deep in the glowing sea

Mojave Manhunter Mask:
The mask has a special vision module that allows you to see living enemies through most walls and obstructions. The Heartbeat Sensor mod, when equipped, enables a context menu that allows you to customize when the sensor turns on. To open the context menu just equip the mask through your inventory, equipping the mask through a hotkey will also allow you to skip the context menu. The context menu requires that there be only one instance of the mask in your inventory.
Context menu activation modes:
Default mode when you first attach the mod in the crafting menu.
--Aim mode: The heartbeat sensor will always activate when you go into aim mode on a gun.
--Combat: The heartbeat sensor will activate when combat starts, and stay on until combat ends.
--Combat/Aim: The heartbeat sensor will activate on combat OR when aiming down sights when out of combat. This mode is useful for sneaking.
--Weapon drawn: The heartbeat sensor will activate and stay on so long as you have a weapon drawn.

---Heartbeat Sensor - Allows the wearer to see most living enemies through walls and obstructions, must be further enabled through context menu.
---Hacking Enhancer - Gain 2 hacking guesses
---Human Highlight HUD - Humans are highlighted while in aim mode. Drains AP
---Lock-on Routine - Each shot on the same limb in VATS has 5% increased accuracy.
---Occlusion Counter Measures - Target occluded bodyparts in VATS with lowered accuracy.
---Gadget: Predictive Extremity Targeting - Damage delt to limbs is increased by 25%.
---Recon Visor: Recon tracking on all weapons while in aim mode.
---Situational Awareness Enhancer - Temporary time slow effect when going in to aim mode. Costs 30 AP.
---Vital Point Recursion - Gain Crit charge 20% faster.
---Rebreather - Allows underwater breathing.
-Straps: Enabled / Disabled

Mojave Manhunter Outfit:
-Belt: Enabled /Disabled
--Some parts of the belt are toggled automatically when equipping the duster.
-Boots: Loose Pants/Tucked-In Pants
-Standard Ballistic Weave and Underamor mods

Mojave Manhunter Duster:
Enabled / Disabled
--Some skins default to sleeveless
Longcoat / Shortcoat
-Standard Ballistic Weave mods

Mojave Manhunter Vest:
-Uses the standard chest armor slot

-The rear plate is automatically hidden when the overcoat is worn over it
-Standard Torso armor mods

--Skins provide no functionality or bonuses, they are purely cosmetic.
--The free Skin pack from Gumroad enables full resolution for all the skins.
-15 total skins: the first 3 are 2k with the Nexus Download
--Mojave Manhunter (Default)
--Dark Hat (Black)
--Dia de Muertos (Bones)
--Grey Hat
--Light Hat (White)


This mod is feature complete from the Nexus download, it's mechanics are fully functional. However I have also made available a 'skin pack' through Gumroad for free at

-Every part of the mod is completely free
-The Nexus download is fully functional with 2k resolution for the three skins.
-The extra skins in the Nexus download use low-res placeholders to keep the Nexus file size reasonable.
-The Gumroad download is "pay what you want", with a minimum of 0.00 USD.
-Every part of this mod is still free. No charges are required anywhere, and if you do choose to pay it is still considered a donation.
-There is a second texture download that ups the resolution all of the skins including the three base skins to 4k resolution.
-You do not need to give gumroad a real email address to access the download.


Q: Is this paid mods?
A: No, every part of the mod is still free. The fully functional mod is free right here on the Nexus, just like mods have always been. Gumroad considers anything with a zero minimum price a donation, which means even if you choose to pay for the pack you are still just donating.

Q: What is in the download at Gumroad?
A: Texture files pre-packed into a BA2. Installing the 2k or 4k pack is as simple as dropping the " - textures.ba2" in your fallout4/data folder.

Q: Do I need a Gumroad account?
A: Nope, Gumroad remembers what you've downloaded based on the email you give it. If you want to download something again later but don't remember the link you can make an account with the same email and it will show up at Because the content is free you do not need to give Gumroad a real email address, the download link is provided on-site.

Q: Why do this if everything to do with the mod is free anyway?
A: Several reasons: This keeps the filesize down so people can get the mod quickly. People who don't care about the extra skins don't have to download an extra Gig of content. Gumroad also offers an uncapped bandwidth limit for all users (Nexus caps at 1024 kb/s), which is ideal for huge files like the 4k texture pack. This also streamlines donations for the folks that don't want to deal with paypal.


Manual Installation:
1. Download the Main Nexus archive
2. Unpack all files within the Nexus archive to *Steam*/Fallout4/Data
3. Download a skinpack off gumroad.
4. Place the " - Textures.ba2" file in *Steam*/Fallout4/Data
6. Activate the mod with your mod manager of choice, or use the in-game mod list

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