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About this mod
Have you ever looked at your atlas of a character and thought, "Dang!! I did a good job!! I wish he had more to wear though" for those stories you wanted to write. Look no further!! Hopefully... Here are some bodyslide files for a few select outfits I love to use but was sad they slimmed my character down.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Adidas Tracksuit The reupload by DeathbyKitty Adidas Tracksuit - DELETED Only if you want the conversions Apocalypse Survival Set Only if you are looking for the Conversions B.A.E. - Bethesda Archive Extractor If you are not getting the meshes to override (Cross/RR Variations) BodySlide and Outfit Studio Needed Chinese Stealth Suit Only if you need the Conversions Courier Duster Only if you want the conversion CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics Only if you want the conversions CROSS Uni BoS Uniform Only if you are looking for the conversions CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon Only if you are looking for the conversion CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit Only the outfits for now CROSS_MojaveManhunter Only if you are looking for the conversions CROSS_VertibirdFlightsuit Need for the original meshes CROSS_Wasteland_Ronin Only if you are looking for the conversions DC Legends Deathstroke legendary armor If you want the conversion Dead Space RIG For the original meshes El Men's Underwear Conversion for Fallout4 Vanilla and EVB Only if you are looking for the Conversions Evil Detective. (CBBE. JaneBod. Vanilla) Only if you want the conversion Explorer's outfit Only if you want the conversion Femshepping's Wasteland Drifter Outfits (For Vanilla Males) Only if you are looking for the conversions Flynn Lives - Tron Grid Suits Conversions Hera Gym Wear For the original meshes Laurefindil New Clothes And Armours Only if you want the conversions Nanosuit 6.2 Only if you want the conversions Private Military Company Only if you want the conversion Private Military Company Extended Only for the new meshes after PMC Railroad Variations CBBE 1.0 Only if you are looking for the conversions RepConn Hazardous Environmental Suit For the original meshes and Textures ShinoClothes Only if you are looking for the conversions Stealth Suit Only if you are looking for the conversions Super Hero Bodies (Enhanced Vanilla Bodies Conversion) Needed Tactical SWAT Officer Armor Only if you are looking for the Conversions The Mercenary - Pack Only if you want the conversion (Missing Cloth Physics) TheKite's Handmaiden Only if you are looking for the conversions TheKite's MilitiaWoman Outfit Only if you are looking for the conversions Vietnam War Gear Collection Only if you are looking for the conversions - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
- Console modding permission This mod won't work on consoles or would not be acceptable on according to their rules
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Thank you Yulliah for Original mod
Thank you FemShepping for original mod
Thank you ShinoBoru for original mod
Thank you Ousnious and Caliente for Bodyslide
Thank you Smorris2012 and Leito86 for SHB
Thank you Niero for CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon, The Kite Railroad HandMaiden, MilitiaWoman Outfit (Credit also to Th3Kite) and CROSS_MohaveManHunter, TheChosenOfTheAtom, CROSS_2077, CROSS_COURSER STRIGIDAE, CROSS_Prewar_Cybernetics, CROSS Uni BoS Uniform, CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit
Thank you SavrenX for the Additions to the Shino mod and ASA male converts
Thank you Elza and AltheaR for the Original mod
Thank you Littleman117 and AussieShepard for the original mod
Thank you GrinningUrchen for the original mod
Thank you AthenaX for the original mod
Thank you GlorfindelCotton for the original mod
Thank You Scot for the Original mod
Thank you L0rd0fWar for the original mod
Thank you Unoctium for the Original mod
Thank you Crishark for the original mod
Thank you MyCart, BZW, Svarttjern for the original mods
Thank you SkyWest1218 for the original mod
Thank you Vasstek for the original mod
Thank you jonwd7 for B.A.E
Thank you Oynlen for the original mod
Thank you Phibbs for Hera Gym Wear
Thank you Darkman32197 for the original mod
Thank you EvTital for PMC
Thank you Adshield for PMC extendedDonation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
Super Hero Body of course by Smorris2012
Bodyslide by Ousnious and some knowledge on how to build morphs and edit groups. I find it easier to add the outfits to the SHB group so you have the presets already.
B.A.E may be required for some outfits since some are in BA2 format and may not produce results without the meshes actively in the data folder. (You would need to extract just the main file)
As for the Outfits, for now
Railroad Variations by Yulliah
Shino Clothes by ShinoBoru
Wasteland Drifter Outfits by Femshepping
CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon by Niero
TheKite's Handmaiden by Niero and Th3Kite
TheKite's MilitiaWoman Outfit by Th3Kite and Niero
CROSS_Chosen_Of_Atom by Niero
CROSS_2077 by Niero
CROSS_Courser Strigidae by Niero
CROSS_MohaveManhunter by Niero
CROSS_Wasteland_Ronin by Niero
CROSS_Pre-War Cybernetics by Niero
CROSS Uni BoS Uniform by Niero
CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit by Niero
CROSS_VertibirdFlightsuit by Niero
Shino Male Additions by SavrenX (They are really called something else but if you have them, you know what they are)
ASA Male Convert by SavrenX (On his Blog)
El Men's Underwear Conversion by Elza and AltheaR
Vietnam War Gear Collection by LittleMan117 and AussieShepard
Evil Detective by GrinningUrchen
DC Legends Deathstroke Legendary Armor by AthenaX
Laurefindil New Clothes by GlorefindelCotton
Mercenary Pack by L0rd0fWar (Make sure to not be wearing gloves or the B-90 suit gloves will bug out and you will need to wear gloves all the time)
Explorer's Outfit by Scot
Chinese Stealth Suit by Unoctium
Stealth Suit by Crishark
Apocalypse Survival Set by MyCart, BZW, Svarttjern
Tactical SWAT Officer Armor by MyCart, BZW, Svarttjern
RepConn Hazardous Environmental Suit by MyCart, BZW, Svarttjern
Dead Space Rig by MyCart, BZW, Svarttjern
Flynn Lives - Tron Grid Suit by SkyWest1218
Private Military Company by Danny, EvTital, TomaHawk and Neto
Private Military Company Extended by Adshield and Chefs Camp
Nano Suit 6.2 by Vasstek
Adidas Tracksuit by Oynlyn and DeathbyKitty Adidas Tracksuit Reupload
Hera Gym Wear by Phibbs
Courier Duster by Darkman32197
I will be adding more as I use them during gameplay or if you request something and I like it! Weelll, I honestly do not have to like it, I may just add it just to see it for myself.
I am going to keep each on separate so you will not have to sift through and find the one you do not need. One thing to know about the Shino Base (shoes), when converting in bodyslide, the body has a bigger rib cage, set of thighs and butt than the SHB preset. So you will get clipping if you do not lower those before building the outfit. I have been using them with other mods that give me pants but I am sure it will also work on bodysuits or things of the like just up the setting they clip through. Do not save over the preset, just build it so you do not mess with the original base.
You can add them manually by taking the data folder out of the zipped folder and drop it in for fallout folder or use NMM. They should automatically come up in your list. I did not give them their own slider groups, I just gave them names Like "Shino Blah blah SHB Refit" and "RRrefitSHB". They should all have the name refit, SHB or Male "Something something"-name of the item- so you know the difference.
Thank you Modders for making this possible!! And keeping my Characters fresh!
Those looking for the Vanilla/ Dlc Conversions take a look here. Vanilla/Automatron by Luceferi, Far Harbor by User_35188365, Nuka-World by Luke 1987
Body Talk conversions done by Ulfbearth. Looking for More SHB conversions? Look here by G121534917!
My other mods:
Second set of Conversions
Bodyslide Support for Femshepping and Radbeetle Female Outfit pack colab