Makes every enemy that defeats you into a unique Nemesis. Provides continuous gameplay experience without saving/reloading. Creates emergent stories of revenge.
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Shadow of Skyrim - Nemesis and Alternative Death System spanish translation
Version 1.3.4
Fixed a bug where items could disappear instead of being dropped into a backpack if Nemesis quest failed to start due to aliases failing to fill properly.
Added failsafe to detect if Nemesis quest fails to start for any reason. In this case Player will respawn without a Nemesis.
Version 1.3.3
Increased chance Player will respawn closer to last location if Nemesis is easier to defeat in a given dungeon.
Increased chance Player will respawn in peaceful location if Nemesis is currently too difficult to defeat in a given dungeon.
Added new flavor text to hint at how easy/difficult a given Nemesis is within a given dungeon.
Optimized speed of dropping inventory items so that respawning is faster.
Increased default setting for Respawn Starting Health from 50% to 100% to prevent death spirals.
Lowered default setting for Hostile Location Respawn Chance from 30% to 20% to prevent death spirals.
Lowered default setting to exclude enemies 10 levels above the Player from becoming a Nemesis (previously 20 levels above Player).
Lowered default settings for Min/Max Drop Inventory Chance from 25%-50% to 20%-40% to lessen defeat penalty.
Lowered default settings for Max Respawn Time Passed from 24h to 12h to lessen penalty when using needs mods.
Changed default setting for Warn & Autosave to Off. Autosaving when entering dangerous locations is now turned off by default.
Fixed dragon nemeses being too big to land. Now dragon nemeses will only be a maximum of 5% larger regardless of your creature size setting.
Added Optional File to make "Trembling Hands" Debuff unequip weapons instead of dropping them
Uploaded cleaned up "No Startup Message" Optional File (no need to redownload).
Version 1.3.2
*This update will reset all Nemeses, quests, buff/debuffs. You will be allowed to retrieve your dropped inventory when updating.
Added MCM option to disable autosaving when entering a location where respawning is disabled (e.g. Azura's Star).
Added Optional File to skip start up message when mod is loaded for the first time.
Made autosaving more seamless when entering locations where respawning is disabled; now it only happens when going through load doors.
Non-standard body slots are now re-equipped after respawn (unless they were dropped on defeat).
Lowered default Nemesis Health/Magicka/Stamina Buffs to 15%.
Lowered default setting to exclude enemies 20 levels above the Player from becoming a Nemesis.
Fixed a potential CTD when saving after a random-encounter Nemesis despawns.
Fixed a potential CTD when using the MCM to access inventory of a random-encounter Nemesis who has respawned.
Fixed main weapon not re-equipping after respawn.
Fixed non-nearby followers being able to revive the player.
Version 1.3.1
Fixed fade-to-black not disappearing after killing Nemesis.
Fixed Player ragdoll bug/"invisible body" bug after killing Nemesis.
Version 1.3.0
*This update will reset all Nemeses, quests, buff/debuffs. You will be allowed to retrieve your dropped inventory when updating.
Added preliminary support for defeat while in Werewolf/Werebear/Vampire Lord forms (previously, dying while transformed would exit Player to the Main Menu to reload a save).
Now compatible with Moonlight Tales.
Big improvements to Situational Respawn accuracy when determining nearby respawn locations.
Nemesis kills by followers or summons are now attributed to the Player.
Armor, weapons, and spells are now re-equipped after respawn (unless they were dropped on defeat).
Now by default, only NPC Nemeses can take Player's Equipped Gear. Creatures and accidental defeats will no longer remove Player's Equipped Gear.
Added MCM Option to drop Equipped Gear when defeated by creatures or on accidental defeats under MCM > Defeat > Chance to Drop Equipped Gear.
Chance to Drop Equipped Gear is now independent of Chance to Drop Inventory (previously, Equipped Gear could still drop if Chance to Drop Inventory > 0%).
Small speed optimization to dropping inventory items/gold.
Changed the way Player invulnerability works to increase compatibility.
Excluded Nemeses and some NPCs from being effected by Feared Hunter.
Fixed occasionally incorrect landmark being displayed in quest objectives after respawning or fast traveling.
Fixed fade-to-black upon defeat not working for some users.
Fixed fade-to-white upon revive not working for some users.
Fixed rare instances of floating backpacks.
Fixed bug where Player was unable to attack/block/jump after respawn/revive.
Fixed sound not unmuting after respawn when Alternate Death System is disabled.
Fixed guards sometimes taking your inventory items when "Guards Skim" was disabled in the MCM.
Fixed missing warning message when you try to revert to an older version of the mod on an existing save.
Fixed respawn markers in Sleeping Tree Camp, Niranye's House, and Autumnwatch Tower.
Excluded Castle Dour Tower respawn locations which cannot be escaped.
Version 1.2.1
Fixed Player always being spawned in the same hold, regardless of current location, if they visited an "Invalid Defeat Location" (e.g. Azura's Star).
Version 1.2.0
*This update will reset all Nemeses, quests, buff/debuffs. You will be allowed to retrieve your dropped inventory when updating.
Added ability to use other Alternate Death mods. Turn off "Alternate Death System" under MCM > Respawn.
Now compatible with Undeath Classical Lichdom. It *might* also be compatible with other alternate death mods.
Added ability to see Nemesis Buffs under MCM > Tracker.
Dropped items will never disappear now: If you fail to retrieve your dropped items after 10 defeats, they'll be moved into a container which can be accessed under MCM > Developer > Access Lost Items.
Added MCM page for Developer Settings and Debug Info.
Added SKSE version check to make sure SKSE is properly installed.
Optimized speed of removing inventory items by 20%+.
Changed backpack's NavMesh generation to "Filter" instead of "Collision".
(Hopefully) Fixed MCM not initializing for some users.
Fixed retrieving dropped items when disabling mod or when the mod asks to "Clean Update" (this will only work when updating to a version above 1.2.0).
Fixed bug where picking up dropped torches near backpack prevented new Nemesis quests from initializing.
Fixed quest items sometimes being removed upon defeat.
Fixed invisible tokens used by other mods being removed upon defeat.
Fixed "disappearing" backpacks caused by rare instances of Nemesis quests not fully initializing.
Fixed Player not respawning when killed via script. This may also solve some mod compatibility issues.
Fixed Troll's Blood Reward Buff not showing under Active Magic Effects.
Fixed creatures not receiving a Nemesis Buff in rare instances.
Fixed being stuck floating midair when respawning after being killed while mounted on a horse, dragon, etc.
Fixed Buffs/Debuffs showing on MCM Tracker Page even when Buffs/Debuffs are disabled.
Fixed "Debuff Removed" message still showing when Flavor Text is disabled.
VR: Fixed being stuck floating midair when respawning after being ragdolled by a giant, werewolf, dragon, etc.
Fixed respawn marker in Dead Men's Respite.
Excluded Giants from getting Giant's Blood Buff (they're already giants).
Excluded Emperor's Tower and Forebears' Holdout respawn locations which cannot be escaped.
Excluded Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary respawn location which broke immersion.
Version 1.1.1
Added new respawn scenarios when defeated by bandits and animals.
Balanced some respawn scenarios to prevent "respawn loops" of similar locations.
Now compatible with Alternate Perspective and Realm of Lorkhan.
Added "Alternate Start Compatibility" option under MCM > General > Developer Settings.
Added "Bleed Out Style" option under MCM > Defeat. Now compatible with custom bleed out animations.
Fixed mod not initializing correctly the first time it is enabled from the MCM Menu.
Fixed dropped torches being named "Player's Backpack" instead of "Torch".
Fixed missing physics simulation when player is defeated by unarmed or drowning.
Small optimization to respawn code.
Version 1.1.0
*This update will reset all Nemeses, quests, buff/debuffs. You will be allowed to retrieve your dropped inventory when updating.
Mod must now be started manually under MCM > General > Enabled. Mod no longer autostarts to prevent initialization issues some users were experiencing.
Random Encounters Nemeses are now handled properly: Since Random Encounters despawn after the Player changes cells, they would disappear along with the Player's taken gear. Now when a Random Encounter Nemesis despawns they will be removed as a Nemesis; the Player's Debuff will be removed; the taken gear will be transferred to the dropped backpack.
Player will no longer immediately hear of the Nemesis' death if the Nemesis dies or is killed by someone else; for immersion, it will take some time for the message to reach the Player now.
A torch will now drop near your backpack to make it easier to find (thanks RaptorNz for the idea!).
Added new respawn locations around Serpent's Bluff Redoubt, Shroud Hearth Barrow, Volskygge, Folgunthur, Halldir's Cairn, Gyldenhul Barrow, Ancestor Glade (I've made sure the respawn locations can be exited)
Fixed respawn markers for Crystaldrift Cave and Bleakcoast Cave
Fix backpack disappearing after you kill your Nemesis and reach your defeat location
Fixed rare instances of backpacks floating in the air
Fixed backpacks showing as empty in the MCM when they were not
Fixed blank Nemesis names in the MCM after the Nemesis has been killed, but Player has not retrieved their backpack yet
Fixed Nemesis name not showing in Flavor Text when they've defeated you more than once
Fixed rare instance of Nemesis NPCs not being assigned a Title
Fixed dragons not being able to land if they're physical size boost was too big (now capped to 20%)
Fixed Bleedout Timer was accidentally set to 1s. Reverted back to minimum 3s to prevent issues.
Default invulnerability time is now 7 seconds
Default hostile respawn chance is now 30%
Default award level for Reward Buffs is now at/above 90% the player's level
...Imagine travesering the murky bog outside Morthal when you notice two beads glowing orange like Masser and Secunda. As you approach to investigate, moonlight now glints off of scales and steel. A sound cuts through the cold air—You raise your shield to brace for impact, but the impressive force of the lizard's warhammer shatters through metal and bone. The two successive blows cave your chestpiece expelling the remaining air from your lungs. Cold orange eyes meet your paralyzed gaze as blackness overtakes you... Hours later you awaken to the drip of water on your bare chest. You look up only to be met with cavernous darkness. You don't remember how you got here, all you recall is a landmark in the bog, a shrine belonging to Mara. It appears you've been dragged into an empty lair and stripped of all worldly possessions except for the buckler that saved your life. Reaching to pick it up, you writhe in tremendous pain. It feels like you'll never raise your shield again and the shame of defeat becomes more painful than the broken bones in your hand. You vow to take back your possessions and reclaim your honor against the bog vampire known as "Breaks-Many-Shields".
What Shadow of Skyrim Does:
Turns any enemy who defeats you into a Nemesis with a unique name, increased stats, and special buff (e.g. Argonian Vampire named "Breaks-Many-Shields" with "Shield-Breaker" buff).
Gives the player a situational or random debuff upon defeat (e.g. Cannot use shields).
Allows your Nemesis to take your gear and use it (e.g. "Breaks-Many-Shields" may be clad in your Chitin armor next time you meet him if your armor is better than his)!
Encourages exploration by respawning the player to a new situational or random location upon defeat (e.g. Vampire lair because "Breaks-Many-Shields" is a vampire).
Gives the player a quest to track down your Nemesis/Dropped Backpack with immersive directions (e.g. Return to Shrine of Mara, near Morthal).
Motivates the player to complete Nemesis quests (e.g. Defeating "Breaks-Many-Shields" will remove the "Cannot use shields" debuff and grant the "Shield-Breaker" buff.
Provides a continuous gameplay experience without saving and reloading (You respawn after defeat instead of dying and reloading).
Intentionally synergizes with other mods that add new enemies, locations, abilities, and perks!
This mod is built for SSE/AE/VR only. Porting to LE or consoles is not possible.
Download and install the hard requirements: SKSE and SkyUI.
This mod works with both new games and mid-playthrough.
If installing mid-playthrough, you must add it to the end of your load order (but before Bashed/Smashed Patch, Synthesis, or DynDOLOD). Not doing this can break other other scripted mods in your save.
Do not change the order of this mod during your playthrough (If you have MO2 you can lock the load order position of this mod)
Do not merge this mod or change the FormIDs. This mod is already ESL-flagged to save you a plugin spot.
Install the new version over the old version and load your last save. The mod will handle the rest.
Do not uninstall this mod (or any scripted mods) mid-playthrough.
If you wish to disable this mod, go to MCM > General and uncheck "Enabled".
Almost any enemy (vanilla or mod added) can become your Nemesis if they defeat you in combat. When they become your Nemesis, they will receive a unique title, stat boosts, and a special buff. When you are defeated, you will also receive a debuff.
Player Debuffs may depend on how you died. For example, if you were defeated with a power attack, you may obtain the "Off-Balance" Debuff which allows enemies to knock you down more easily (with power attacks).
Nemesis Titles and Buffs may likewise depend on the situation. For example, a Stormcloak Nemesis may receive the "Bear Warden" Buff providing them with a trained bear companion since Stormcloaks are associated with bears.
Nemeses may optionally take your gold and use your gear when they defeat you.
In order to prevent issues, enemies that are quest-related, essential, or summoned cannot become your Nemesis.
By default, enemies 25 levels above the Player will not become your Nemesis when they defeat you. This is meant to prevent you from having Nemeses that are too difficult to beat; this option can be disabled/customized.
Alternative Death System
When you are defeated, you will be transported to a new location depending on the situation. For example, if a town guard defeats you, you may respawn at the local jail.
You will usually respawn somewhere closer rather than father from where you died. The mod will prioritize locations first in the same hold, then in the same parent location, then in the same landmass. If no location information is available (e.g. you are in a Wilderness cell), you may respawn at your last bed, last location, or somewhere completely random.
If you are defeated somewhere you cannot re-enter, the game will have autosaved and you will die normally and return to the Main Menu so that you can reload your last save. Returning to the Main Menu prevents the Save Reload bug.
You will receive a quest to retrieve your gear at the location of where you were defeated. You will also receive a quest to track down and kill your Nemesis.
Buffs and Debuffs
You must defeat your Nemesis in order to remove the debuff that Nemesis inflicted upon you. When you defeat your Nemesis you will also obtain a Reward Buff which is usually a less powerful version of the Nemesis' Buff.
By default, in order to prevent cheap Reward Buff farming, you can only obtain Reward Buffs when defeating Nemeses equal or greater to your level (this can be turned off/customized in the MCM).
If someone also kills your Nemesis, or they die, the Player's Debuff will be removed, but no Reward Buff will be awarded since you didn't kill the Nemesis.
You may have up to 5 Nemeses at any given time.
If your Nemesis slots are full, no new enemies can become your Nemesis. This is to prevent the Player getting rid of undesirable Debuffs by dying over and over again.
You may have up to 5 combined Debuffs/Reward Buffs at any given time. Each Debuff is associated with a Nemesis who has defeated you. Each Reward Buff is associated with a Nemesis you have defeated.
Reward Buffs and Debuffs are only permanent until your 5 slots are full. Afterwards, the oldest Reward Buff/Debuff will be replaced by the newest Reward Buff/Debuff
Follower Revive
Your followers can optionally revive you if you fall in battle. Followers have a limited time to defeat your enemy and revive you.
When revived, you will not suffer any defeat penalties and you will recover a portion of your full health.
If your followers are defeated or fail to revive you in time, you will be considered defeated and will respawn.
Followers will eventually make their way back to you.
Future Content
I plan to create more Nemesis Titles and Buffs, Player Debuffs/Reward Buffs, Respawn Situations, additional mechanics. Support me on Patreon to contribute to the development of free mods like this one.
A Note about Differences from Shadow of Mordor/War:
"Shadow of Skyrim" is a nod to the Shadow of Mordor/War games which, along with other games and genres, have been inspirations to this mod. If you want to play a game with incredibly unique and in-depth nemesis gameplay systems, please purchase and Shadow of Mordor/War and support its developers, Monolith Games!
With that said, this is not a Shadow of Mordor/War mod. Instead I have designed and built my own gameplay systems:
Dynamic Player Debuff and Reward Buff System (inspired by trait systems in RPGs since and by the roguelike genre)
Random/Situational Respawn Locations (original to this mod)
Flavor Text System (inspired by Crusader Kings)
Nemeses Taking/Using Player Gear (original to this mod)
Gear Retrieval System (inspired by RPGs like Diablo)
Dynamically Generated Directions for Quest Objectives (original to this mod)
Customizability of All Systems
For those concerned about the WB patent. This mod does not replicate the unique systems developed for Shadow of War/Mordor:
No Dialog/Dialog Manager (SOS does not track any dialog)
No Interactions between Nemeses (SOS "NPC A" does not interact with "NPC B")
No Changes to a Second Nemesis Based on Player Interactions with a First Nemesis