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Created by
colinswrathUploaded by
colinswrathVirus scan
About this mod
SunHelm is an all in one survival and needs mod. It includes many features such as Hunger, Thirst, Fatigue, and even hypothermia mechanics all while attempting to stay as streamlined as possible.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes JContainers SE OPTIONAL - For MCM Profiles powerofthree's Papyrus Extender HARD REQUIREMENT SkyUI Hard Requirement. for MCM menu. Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes SKSE64 Hard Requirement Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
- Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
I did not create the waterskins.
Therefore, before using those, permission must be obtained from Volvaga0.
The interface files included are from SkyUI-Survival Mode Integration
I did not create them. Permission must be obtained from GonDragon before use.
I did not create the waterskin/mesh replacement for Campfire Backpacks.
Permission must be obtained from Monops before using.File credits
SkyUI - Widget code based off of the needs widgets in SkyUI source files.
Ineed - Inspiration, as well as the way in which integrated compatibility is done.
Chesko - Author of Frostfall - for the cold visual effects added in 2.0.0.
RNDv2 - Some inspiration for needs.
QDR - Author of survival mode -for much of this mods inspiration. As well as the built in warmth system.
Volvaga0 - Waterskin resource added in 1.1.4.(also used in Ineed)
WSkeever - For Ineed's Universal Water patch. (Which led me to make one for SunHelm)
DrMonops - The campfire backpack waterskin mesh replacer in 2.0.0 (Makes SunHelm's waterskins show on Campfire's backpack instead of the defaults)Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Ukrainian Author: Frozenshtoldts SunHelm Survival (UA - Ukrainian translation) Mandarin Author: Msplash7 SunHelm Survival and needs - SunHelmCampfireSkill chs Russian Author: TOFSIR SunHelm Survival and needs - Russian Translation French Author: colinswrath FR - SunHelm besoins et survie Turkish Author: kagitmiadam SunHelm Survival and Needs - Turkish Translation Polish Author: colinswrath translated by Delirwent123 SunHelm Survival and needs Spolszczenie Portuguese Author: Thukhall SunHelm Survival and Needs PT-BR Italian Author: Kh47 SunHelm Survival and needs - Traduzione italiana Spanish Author: XJeFX SunHelm Survival and needs - Spanish Translation German Author: colinswraith - translated by Fyntastic SunHelm Survival and needs - Deutsch (3.1.4) Mandarin Author: ShrimpBallin SunHelm Survival and needs (Chinese) Spanish Author: MattStalinger SunHelm Survival and needs - spanish German Author: colinswrath SunHelm Survival and needs - Deutsche Uebersetzung - Changelogs
Version 3.1.4
- Fixed: Issue where drinking an item that increases thirst (saltwater), once you reach dehydrated your thirst would revert back to 0
- Fixed: Possible CTD caused by periodic lich race check if you did not have undeath installed
- Removed accidental inclusion of bsl file
Version 3.1.3a
- Mod should now once again detect food and waterskins properly. Sorry everyone, it was a mistake with the last upload.
Version 3.1.3
- Fixed issue with werewolf feed MCM option not working properly
- Fixed issue where eat detection would still run the food poisoning check on an item in the food ignore list (not a huge deal, as it would usually not pass as raw unless it was categorized as such)
- Fixed issue where uncatagorized raw foods were being added to the ignore formlist
- Added an injected "_SHFoodIgnoreKeyword". Adding this keyword to a food item will cause the eating detection script to ignore it.
- Undeath compatibility was not working properly before. There has been some adjustments made and it should be working properly.
Version 3.1.2a
- Small update to main script to properly restart mod when updating from older version.
Version 3.1.2
- Fixed issue where old disease script was attached to food poisoning, causing papyrus errors. Food poisoning should function properly now
- Also, packaged the disease progression script with the main mod
Version 3.1.1
- Fixed an issue where needs were not pausing when in werewolf beast form.
- Removed water record changes.
- Fixed issue where toggle sounds option would not work
- Fixed later hunger stages utilizing "Melee Damage" instead of "Attack Damage Mult" and changed values accordingly. (thank you XsyousX123 for the very thorough report)
- Fixed wrong description on Hunger stages 3-5.
Version 3.1.0
- Actually fixed the update on every save game load this time. It will update once more, then after that you should no longer receive the "SunHelm Updated" message.
Version 3.0.9
- Fixed missing translation entries for profile page
- Fixed mod restarting and repeating "Updated" message after every load
Version 3.0.8
- IMPORTANT: powerofthree's papyrus extender has been re-added as a hard requirement. The mod no longer requires patching water mods with the causes damage flag
- Fixed issue where alcohol beverages that are only marked with keywords will still prompt for food categorization.
- Added integrated compatibility for CC fishing's ingestibles
- Typo fixed in the description for Well Fed
- Typo fixed in compatibility script that was preventing Obsidian from pulling two weather records.
Version 3.0.7
- Fixed an issue where you would be affected by a weather penalty while indoors
- Fixed an issue where eating was not correctly checking vampire condition
- Having the Survival Mode esl will no longer interfere with SunHelm. SunHelm now includes the script change from Parapet's Survival Mode Prompt Removed.
This will automatically stop Survival Mode from being enabled. Sunhelm will also disable the menu option to enable survival mode.
Version 3.0.6
- Removed p03's extender dependancy in anticipation of AE release. (will still need to wait for SKSE update. When/if po3's extender is updated post AE, I will re add dependancy)
- NOTICE: This does mean that you DO need the old fashion water flag patch for any water mod again. If one is not available for your water mod, forward the "causes damage" flag to water records in xEdit. (Ineed water mod patches will work for this))
- When loading profile, the cold widget will now load the proper coordinates.
- The compatibility script was incorrectly referencing "Warm Drinks.esm" instead of "Warm Drinks.esp". This has been fixed.
Version 3.0.5
- Json was not saving the X and Y values for cold widget location
- Fixed an issue where certain snowy weathers from Obsidian were not being properly detected as snowy in Freezing areas. (really not a big deal but it bothered me enough to fix)
- Vampire needs were overwriting MCM need toggle selections. It should be the other way around. (ie. Trying to force cold on as a vampire was not working)
- The act of transforming into a Vampire Lord will no longer reset toggle selections in the MCM menu
Version 3.0.4
- The blizzard penalty has been lowered. 650->500
- Fast travel detection now works off of events instead of the carriage activator.
As such, patches for CFTO or any other carriage mod are no longer necessary. (CFTO patch has been removed from the fomod) - A bug has been fixed which was causing a miscalculation of exhaustion during fast travelling.
Version 3.0.3
- Cold Rate variable in json profiles was being incorrectly saved as an integer, causing it to load incorrectly. (Thanks for the report nanashi50)
- Fixed quite a few disease descriptions. (Thanks for the report ortleivika)
- The mod was not correctly initializing vampire needs, nor would it actually switch to using the setting in the MCM when changed. This has been fixed.
- The CFTO patch was overwriting the activation perk, causing several things to not work properly including well refills.
>Regarding the above. SunHelm will restart on its own upon updating. Please wait for it to do so. Once completed well refills should work for you again.
Version 3.0.2
- Disease Module Changes
-------------------------- - Unnecessary spin lock removed from the disease hit script.
- Duplicate formLists removed
- -----------------
Main mod changes
----------------- - Fixed typo in continuance that was showing "%" sign in front of numbers.
- Fixed issue with profile values not being loaded correctly when set to 0.
- Data validation added for profiling. (Toggle options will only load if json value is 1 or 0, etc.)
- When starting a new save, the MCM will load default settings if a file is available at: "Data/SunHelm/Config/Default/SunHelm.json" (Must be at this path with this name to work). You can altar these to change how SunHelm initializes without touching the MCM. To utilize this, you must first create a json preset in the MCM with your prefered settings, then move it to specified directory.
- PS. Regarding the above, The Json will now save/load the global for SunHelm being enabled. Which means you can now predefine in the Json for SunHelm to start up when creating a new savegame.
- The filepath for profile jsons has been moved to "Data/SunHelm/Config/".
- The translation file has been moved out of the BSA.
- High Hrothgar exterior will no longer be treated as comfortable (Now freezing). (Needs will pause during dialogue by default). The top of the Throat of the World will stay comfortable.
- Disease Module Changes
Version 3.0.1
- Fixed an issue with the skill tree respec MCM option
- The description for Exhausted was incorrectly referring to stamina instead of magicka.
- The Frostfall frostbite ingestibles were added to the Ignore list in the compatibility script. This will keep SunHelm from prompting you when you get the frostbite afflication from Frostfall.
- Regarding the above: (Select the Reset Lists option in the MCM to make this retroactive.)
Version 3.0.0
- ========================
New Hard Requirements
======================== - Powerofthree's Script extender is now a hard requirement- It shouldnt be a problem, because SKSE is already a hard requirement anyway.
- As such, the seperate Universal Water Patch is no longer necessary, and has been removed from the installer.
- It is now built in to the mod so you dont have to worry about seperate water patches.
- Diseases have been moved a seperate module, and can be selected in the installer. I have done this for a particular reason.
There has also been numerous rebalancing changes and bug fixes to the disease module. - ==================================================================================================================
TLDR: What are the big things that have changed this patch? (More details provided lower in the changelog)
================================================================================================================== - - Seasons!
- - Hot beverage support for the cold system.
- - Much of the cold system has been entirely redone. Weather/Region detection have been split off into their own systems and are now, thanks to p03's extender, quite a bit more performant.
- There are many other changes regarding the cold system listed lower in the changelog.
- - The MCM menu has been entirely redone from scratch, and now includes Json profile support as long as you have JContainers installed.
- - All of the effects for needs/cold have been redone to provide better balance (Details at:
- - Many, many bugfixes and smaller changes
- - New patch for Smart NPC potions
- ==================================
Patches and Compatibility
================================== - - OCW patch was overwriting updated dialogue topics and reverting them to old version. This was making the inkeeper option and Waterskin refilling not work
- - Added a patch for NPC smart potions (patch by ElectricSparx)
- -All of hunterborn's teas have been added to the hot beverage list in the compatibility script
- -CACO's teas and cider have been added to the hot beverage list
- -Nordic cooking's Coffee and Tea have been added to the hot beverage list
- -Mealtime's cocoa, warmed milk, etc, have been added to the hot beverage list
- -Integrated compatibility added for "Warm Drinks - Campfire"
- =========================
BugFixes/ Changes
========================= - -Refilling bottles through innkeeper dialogue will now properly remove empty sujamma bottles.
- -Refilling bottles through innkeeper dialogue will now properly refill partially empty waterskins.
- -The innkeeper meal option will no longer show if thirst and hunger are disabled.
- -The innkeeper refill option will no longer show if thirst is disabled
- -Refilling bottles at a well bucket will now refill partially empty waterskins.
- -You no longer have a 100% chance of getting food poisoning when eating raw food. The chance is now 30%.
- -The effect descriptions will now correctly reflect the buff changes when you have acquired a skill from the tree.
- -Quite a few heat sources from Campfire were missing from the compatibility script.
- -There was a flaw in the variability calculation for the needs. For instances where there was more than 1 update passed, the variability was not correctly calculated.
- Also, even when the rate of the need was changed from 10, variability would be calculated as though it were still 10.
- -The Tundra region default temp was incorrectly set to 100 instead of 125.
- -Fixed an error in the eat detection script that caused potions to be detected as food.
- -The texture path of the waterskin meshes should now correctly reflect the actual texture set path for SunHelm.
- -Adjustments were made to some of the Vanilla game's food categorization.
- -Some of the Misc Properties in the main script were converted to globals to help prevent other scripts having to reference the main script as often.
- -Fatigue has been renamed to Exhaustion
- -The effects for Thirst, Hunger, Exhaustion, and Cold have been reworked to provide better balance.
- -Updated all the tutorials to correctly reflect the revamped effects.
- -The waterskin equipping on the player has been disabled by defualt. You can turn it on in the MCM if you would like.
- -Waterskin automatically showing after equipping a campfire backpack has been disabled for now. It will still auto unequip upon equipping a campfire backpack.
- -Vampires are now immortal by default. You can still select the old options if you wish.
(Lorewise it didnt make much sense for vampires to have a normal thirst mechanic alongside the vanilla one) - -You must now be sneaking in order to activate corpses to eat while cannibalism is active. Otherwise the option will not show. <- Testing needed
- -The unknown food categorization now allows you choose to ignore a food from there on out.
- -Continuance will show percent values for your needs instead of just the raw number now.
- -The skill tree startup has been remade using a "magic effect" instead of relying on SKSE mod events. This should be much more reliable.
- -All Water record changes have been removed from the mod, as they are no longer necessary
- -The issue with Frostfall's frostbite bringing up the food menu should be fixed.
- -The MCM menu code has been completely overhauled from scratch. (Credit to Parapets here, as I used "Radiant Requirements" as a reference for a state based MCM with profile support)
- -Profile support has been added to the MCM menu (Requires JContainers)
- -The Help menu has been removed, as it served little purpose aside from providing very obvious info.
- -Cold needs have been given their own page
- -A profiles page has been added to the MCM.
- -All Water record changes have been removed from the mod, as they are no longer necessary
- -Various changes to how widgets locations/presets are handled in the scripting
- -Continuance now shows percentage values by default instead of stage name. Toggling detailed continuance will show the stage name
- -The hide widget hotkey now also hides the cold widget
- -An MCM option has been added to toggle innkeeper dialogue
- -The framework for "hot beverage" support has been added to SunHelm. Any items classified as a hot beverage (Teas, Coffee, etc) will fortify your warmth rating by 10 points.
- -Your needs will now correctly resume if you escape from jail instead of serving time.
- -Fixed an issue in VR where the cold system would automatically start when closing the inventory menu if it wasnt already.
- ========================
Cold System Changes
======================== - -A good chunk of the cold system code has been refactored. For most of you this doesn't mean much, other than a potential performance gain when the cold system updates, but I will explain anyway:
- -The weather and region checks have been split into their own systems apart from the main cold script.
- -The region system will now only have to update region cold level when your region changes. This means this part of the cold calculation does not have to be performed with every update.
- -The weather system will also now only update upon changing of the weather, meaning its calculations no longer need to be made upon every udpate.
- -Taking a dip into freezing water will no longer instantly make you freezing. To compensate, you gain cold rating twice as fast when in freezing water.
- -The warmth rating effectivness cap has been reduced to 80% from 85%.
- -The Reach has been seperated into its own region. (Before it was treated as part of the Tundra)
- -Blizzards are now much more deadly. Their cold level influence has been increased from 450->650.
- -Snowy weather has had a bit of a buff, bringing it from 200 -> 250
- -When using continuance, cold level will now be shown as a percentage instead of the actual numerical number. (ie. If your cold level is 200 then you are ~22% cold)
Regarding this, cold level will be rounded down to the nearest integer when making this calculation. - -Seasons have been added to SunHelm. These will be enabled by default. This does make the mod more challenging to a certain degree when enabled.
- The cold system might be a bit easier during the summer months. However, as the year progresses into winter, the regions will become colder,
- reaching as high as 1.6 colder than the default cold levels at the peak of winter.
- -Cold now progresses a little more than 10% faster overall.
- -Added MCM option to disable seasons (On the new cold page)
- -You now get a small warmth rating bonus for having Frost Resistance. (>25% Frost resist = 10 Warmth , >50% Frost Resist = 15 Warmth, 100% Frost Resist = 25 Warmth)
- ========================
Version 2.0.6
- Bug Fixes for Main mod
- -------------
- Fixed the following sources of log spam and errors: (Thank you Thern for bringing these to my attention. Otherwise they may have gone unnoticed)
- -Cold system was trying to reference a ColdWeathers formlist that does not exist.
- The previous update had added a player reference to the basescript. I forgot to actually attach the reference to the scripts (silly me right). That issue caused the player combat check to not work correctly, and caused incessant log spam.
- The message that plays when you catch a disease is determined by a GameSettingString, not a normal message.
- The SKSE papyrus function to set this message seems to have an issue with engine fixes and mods that edit the gameSettingString in their esp.
Therefore, this call has been removed for now. The disease string will revert to its vanilla default unless a different mod (like Your Own Thoughts) edits it. - Removed an invalid reference to a leveled list that was causing log errors
- Adjusted the alcohol check in the playerScript so that there would no longer be a log error when a non food object is equipped.
- Bug Fixes for SkillTree plugin
- -----------------------------
- The first person messages for Perk Progression were missing from the plugin. Causing log errors and messages to not show.
Version 2.0.5
- -Fixed typo with Well Fed description
- -Missing easy wheel patch translation file added.
- -Improved the scripting for _SHPlayerDiseaseHitDetection to prevent spamming of OnHit events.
- -Fixed CTD related to Food Poisoning disease.
- -Food poisoning will now properly disappear after 72 hours.
- -Fixed issue where cold widget would not properly appear upon reload on occasion.
- -Eat/Drink animations will no longer play if the player is running or sprinting.
- -The mod should no longer repeatedly ask you to categorize raw food after you have already done so.
- -It should also no longer ask you to categorize a raw food item that has already had a patch made for it.
- -Options added to pause all needs during combat and dialogue. These are enabled by default, and can be found on the Needs options page.
- -You can now refill 1/3 and 2/3 waterskins when using the "Fill Bottle" power.
Version 2.0.4
- --Cold will no longer occasionally restart when ForceDisable cold is on
- --Cold rate now makes more sense. Before, setting it to 0.5 would make it faster. Now setting it to 0.5 will make you cold 50% slower.
The calculation on older versions was not actually correct either. That has been fixed. - --2.0.3 did not properly trigger a restart when upgrading from 2.0.2. Updating should now correctly do that.
Version 2.0.3
- I apologize for having to update so quickly, but it was important enough that I thought it was necessary:
- Two wild perk edits were removed from the mod. Im not sure how they made their way in, but one of them had the potential to mess with werewolf mods, so updating is advised.
Version 2.0.2
- ----Bug Fixes------
- -Removed bsl file from installer files. It was not supposed to be added.
- -Frigid damage was not being properly applied while swimming
- -Going into an interior after being in a freezing temperature area will no longer keep you from getting warm.
- -Fixed issue where fast travel would re-enable.
- -Fixed issue where dialogue wouldnt actually pause cold sometimes.
- -Unknown food categorization message was readded. (will fire as long as the item is detected as food by skse's "IsFood()" function)
- -New unknown food categorization option added to categorize an item as a drink (no bottle). As you guessed, it treats an item as a drink and returns no bottle
- -Added a message for when the mod detects a pre 2.0.0 version on a save. It will inform the user they are using a version incompatible with this save.
- -Added a check in eat/thirst detection for SKSE's "IsFood" function. This should keep both scripts from running checks when they do not need to.
- -Items with the "_SH_SujammaWATERBottleKeyword" now properly return Sujamma bottles
- -Fixed quite a few missing heat sources:
- "CraftingCookingFireSpit", "DwePipe1wayVent01", "MGMagicFirePillarEye01", "WinterholdLightSpellStatic", "MQ206TimeWound", "FXSteamJet", "FXSteamJetFast", "FXSteamCrack",
"FXSteamBillow", "DLC2CraftingBlackSmithForge", "DLC2CraftingBlackSmithSkaalForge", "Campfire01LandBurning_Ash", "Campfire01LandBurning_LDirtSnowPath",
"Campfire01LandBurning_SnowRocks", "Campfire01LandBurningDirtPath01", "DLC2FXFlamingRockDebris", "DLC2FXFlamingRockDebrisSmall","CraftingCookingPotLG",
"CraftingCookingPotSm", "CraftingCookingPotSmNoHandle" - -Cleaned an ITM from the esp.
- -Removed unused formlist "_SHHeatSource"
- -Added some missing hunterborn items to the compatibility script
- -Werewolf feed now correctly restores needs from creatures
- -Wild edit to the trap version of trap SanguinareVampiris removed
- -Built in detection of SkyrimVR added, so seperate scripts edits are no longer needed.(Update is still save compatible)
- You should still select the VR option in the installer if using VR. Because, it will keep the incorrect interface files from being installed.
- -Changing your waterskin equip location now properly works again.
- ----Adjustments to cold system-------
- There has been some balance changes to the cold system. Freezing areas are now a bit colder. Cold needs will have a slightly larger impact on your game.
- It still tries to adhere to the vision of not being overly punishing. However, cold areas are a little more threatening, and climbing the 7000 steps will now be more treacherous
(If you find things to be too hard or too easy, try adjusting the cold rate in the MCM.):
-As you get higher climbing the 7000 steps, the temperature will eventually become colder. - -Adjustments made to warmth rating calculation:
Warmth rating cap is now 230. Warmth rating reduces the rate you get colder by up to 85% using the following formula: 0.85 * warmthRating/230 - -Arctic regions are now colder. 200->250 (which means you can get cold during clear weather in freezing regions like mountains, winterhold, dawnstar, etc.)
- -Warmth bonus provided by Frost Resistance has been removed for now. It was pretty overpowered before. I am working on a better implementation of this ;)
- -Frigid damage will now be applied even while warming up from the ambient temperature. (As you become warmer, the damage applied will be less and less)
- -You will now only be able to get cold at max after travelling by carriage
Version 2.0.1
- -OCW patch updated to correctly check the price requirement for Full Meals.
- -MCM option for toggle eat/drink animation no longer disables refill animation when using fill all power.
- -Having fill animations disabled will no longer keep you from gaining survival skill.
Version 2.0.0
- -----CHANGES/FIXES----
- --Although this update has added cold needs, I also really wanted to take measures to create a cleaner, more efficient mod.
- Therefore, there are a few aspects that have been altered accordingly. As such , **this update will require a save where SunHelm has never been used**.
- --Well Being has been removed from the mod. Honestly, it didn't serve much of a purpose. It pretty much existed to provide substance to the perk tree.
- --The campfire perk tree has been removed from the main mod, and made an optional plugin. It has also been reworked in its entirety.
- --Thirsty and Parched have had their names switched.
- --Dozens and dozens of script optimizations and changes. Some of which are bug fixes, others are simple performance improvements.
- --Fixed several issues with the compatibility script
- --The neutral needs messages (ie. Sated, etc) will now properly only show when your needs are being restored to that level.
- --Removed the MCM mod start message.
- --Fixed bug where turning back into a human after beastform restores fatigue instead of damaging it.
- --Drinking water now restores much more thirst
- --Format of continuance message has been changed
- --Continuance will no longer show the status of inactive needs
- --Several USSEP changes forwarded
- --Innkeepers will no longer restart inactive needs.
- --Punctuation typo fixed with innkeeper's dialogue.
- --Gourds are now correctly categorized as food.
- --Sleep now restores 50 points of fatigue. (up from 25)
- --The sleep start message has been changed.
- --Black book detection for fast travel removed. (In my testing it did not seem to be needed)
- --Hunterborn teas no longer give back bottles
- --Drinking skooma no longer sometimes restarts fatigue if it was disabled
- --Tutorials properly show only when needs are increasing.
- --MCM Help menu updated
- --Hunger, Thirst, Fatigue tutorials updated
- --Fixed grammar issues in help menu
- --Your chances of finding waterskins/bottles on bandits have been reduced.
- --Rockjoint was set to 10% chance instead of 2%...:(. This has been fixed
- --Option added to split detailed continuance message into separate messages instead of one
- --Fixed some inconsistencies with needs after sleeping
- --Leveled lists for bottles/skins should now correctly reset when restarting the mod
- --Carry weight is now reduced by 150 points instead of 100
- --Innkeeper full meal conditions were checking for 50 gold instead of 20
- --Campfire will now recognize SunHelm's waterskins, when equipping a campfire backpack, your waterskin will automatically unequip from waist..
- --You should no longer take raw meat damage/food poisoning when you arent supposed to.
- --Beast races can no longer eat raw meat without penalty for balance reasons. Only wood elves, vampires, and werewolves may eat raw meat.
- --Diseases will no longer show two messages when you contract them
- --The disease option will no longer be stuck toggled off
- --Survival Mode Integration is now packaged with SunHelm. So, no need to get it separately. (Thanks to GonDragon for permissions and the mod)
- --Fixed an issue where upon unpausing needs after they were paused (ie. Werewolf/vampire transformations), the need would calculate progression incorrectly
- --Transforming back into a human from werewolf no longer restarts needs that were disabled
- --Upon transforming into a werewolf, your current fatigue effect no longer persists.(meaning if you were tired, you will no longer be so as a beast.)
- However, Hunger and thirst will still persist. This is intentional since those needs can be restored from eating corpses in beast form.
- --"Drink and Fill" has been renamed to "Fill Bottles"
- --You can now exit and re-enter the MCM properly. (ie. You dont have to exit the pause menu completely to re enter the MCM menu.)
- --A hotkey option has been added to enable/disable the hunger/thirst/fatigue icons
- --Tooltip added to Toggle Diseases MCM option
- --Salt waterskins were missing a drinking sound
- --Widgets will now correctly initialize when starting the mod from sleeping in a bed.
- --Raw food from CACO should now restore hunger. Usually it restores less than the cooked form (with the addition of possibly getting food poisoning)
- --The same as above but for Hunterborn as well.
- --Feeding as a vampire now restores much more thirst.
- --Easywheel menu patch added (Credit to SeaSparrow)
- --Added integrated support for the LOTD fountain in the safehouse. It should function like the wells do in vanilla for SunHelm.
- --Alcohol no longer restores thirst when you are a vampire
- --Vampire's thirst rate is reduced by 1/4 instead of 1/2 now.
- --"_SHBloodDrink" keyword added to injected keywords. Use this keyword to patch items that serve as "Blood Potions"
- --"_SHRefillActivator" keyword added to injected keywords. Use this to patch Activator objects from mods to function like "well buckets".
- --The lockpick edit has been removed in favor of using SCP to disable lockpick weight
- --Innkeepers will now actually take gold when refilling bottles
- - A cold needs system has been added to the mod.
- - The cold system will use the warmth rating system introduced by survival mode.
- - A new widget for the cold system has been added that is similar to Survival Mode's widget, but matches the style of SunHelm's other widgets.
- - Credit to Frostfall for the sound and imagespace effects for cold
- - Wyrmstooth region tracking patch created
- - Added Lich support for Undeath, Undeath Classical Lichdom, and Path of Transcendence (As a lich, all of your needs stop, because you are immortal)
- -Integrated heat source support for Campfire, Campsite, and Camping Lite.
- -New MCM options for Cold needs
- -A patch for OCW has been added to the installer to allow you to buy meals/refill water at the college.(credit to BrainBlasted)
- -A patch for Bibliophile's Arcanaeum was added to the installer. You can now study when well rested.
- -A patch for Easy Wheel has been added. (Thanks SeaSparrow)
- ------VR-----
- --VR Warmth rating implementation added. Unfortunately it does not yet show in the UI. It will show you warmth rating through a message.
- -The mod will detect warmth ratings from any mod that has Survival mode keywords first. If it has none, it will try to detect based off of Frostfall Keywords.
- -it will ignore any armor that has the "FrostfallIgnore" keyword on it.
- -Continuance will show total warmth rating total in VR
- -When equipping armor, a message will be displayed showing your current total ratings,
- as well as your ratings for hands, feet, chest, head, and cloak upon exiting your inventory.
- -If you equip outside of your inventory, a message will show immediately.
- -Warmth rating detection will also correctly take soups and torches into account.
Version 1.2.2b
- Fixed game breaking bug that could cause the mod to lock up
- Included the changes from the well being hotfix
Version 1.2.2a
- Fixed logic error with thirst restoration
Version 1.2.2
- Fixed typo in compatibility script.
- Reverted the altered "You have contracted" game setting string in script. It could potentially cause CTD's when combined with Engine fixes and/or some other mods.
- If player drinks a waterskin, the drink animation will now be played. (default animation with player holding cup).
- Items utilizing mead,sujamma, or wine bottle keyword will play the defualt drink animation.
Version 1.2.1a
- Fixed Very Healthy reducing disease resist instead of buffing.
Version 1.2.1
- ------Bug Fixes-------
- Fixed oblivion and chills first person messages.
- Added No absorb/Reflect to respective diseases.
- Both start messages were showing when starting the mod using the sleep method.
- The "Waterskin, Salt" was misnamed as "Waterksin, Salt"
- Astral Vapors was missing its effects.
- Acute and severe Feeble Limb were missing their effects.
- Fixed needs reactivating when changing to vampire lord.
- Fixed mod repeatedly asking you to categorize an Alcohol beverage, even after youve already categorized it.
- Fixed various Wines not being recognized from CACO and other mods.
- ------Additions/Changes------
- Your chance to contract SunHelm's added diseases have been lowered. (it was too high).
- Reorganized and cleaned up drink detection script. _SH_DrinkKeyword and _SHSaltwaterKeyword keywords added to detection. (Patches using these keywords will now work)
- USSEP's meat pie was added to integrated compatibility.
- -----Additional Notes----
- Sleep to level up and arrow weight can be toggled independently from one another using Survival Control Panel at
Version 1.2.0
- -----Bug Fixes/ Changes-----
- Fixed "I need to stand in water" message not showing.
- Beyond Skyrim - Some Bruma foods were missing from the integrated patch. These have been added.
- FOR ABOVE: You will want to use the "Reset FormLists" option in the MCM to make this retroactive.
- ----Changes/New Additions-----
- Dropping from your best level of needs (ie. Quenched, etc) to the second best (Sated, etc) no longer shows you a notification (it was confusing otherwise)
- The widget will now be green for your best level of need (ie. Quenched, etc.). This give some visual differenciation between the most fulfilled level and the second most.
- An entire disease module has been added to the mod. Details below and on the mod page:
- All diseases will now progress in stages. With a total of 3 stages where the effects worsen with each.
- 7 new diseases from oblivion were also added to the mod.
- Eating Raw Meat can give you food poisoning (30% chance) instead of causing damage if you have the disease module enabled.
- An MCM option was added to enable/disable the overhauled diseases.
Version 1.1.9a
- -----Bug Fixes/ Changes-----
- Reliquary of Myth patch has been added to the installer.
- Bug Fixed: Adoption and Marriage sleep bonuses not applied correctly.
- If you are a Wood Elf when the mod is enabled, canniblism will be enabled automatically.
- Implementation of Cannibalism has been redone. It should now be compatible with mods that edit the vanilla cannibalism script.
- If WinterSun is installed, Namira's Favor should now be granted correctly when feeding.
- Both intro messages have been rewritten.
- ----New Additions----
- An MCM option has been added to toggle detailed messages from Continuance
Version 1.1.9
- ---------------Bug Fixes/Adjustments---------------
- The method in which the mod detects if you are in oblivion has been updated. Somewhat improving performance. (safe to update)
- DragonRiding detection was also decoupled from the same updating method mentioned above.
- The price of a full meal from the InnKeeper has been lowered to 20 gold.
- 3rd person messages for Well Being will now correctly display.
- Continuance's message has been altered to show the message, as well as exact values.
- The "I need to stand in water..." message now has a 3rd person varient.
- Fixed Bug: Fast Travel re-enabling itself, and dragon riding wasnt being checked correctly.
- Upon starting the mod, the vanilla sleep bonuses will be removed.
- Lovers Comfort and Adoption sleep bonuses will now only be applied if player is Well Rested.
- Needs effects will only be applied upon progressing to a new stage, instead of every time. (Will stop floating damage mods from showing health upon every single update)
- ---------------New Features---------------
- A hotkey option has been added for Drink And Fill
- A hotkey option has been added for Continuance
- An MCM option has been added to disable/enable the "Drink And Fill" and "Continuance" powers. (so you can just use hotkeys if desired.)
- You now have a small chance of finding empty bottles in some random loot. (All Leveled List additions are done through script. No need for a bashed patch)
- You have a small chance to find waterskins (of varying fullness) and/or water bottles on some enemies and random bandit loot.
Version 1.1.8
- Fixed bug: When changing vampire needs, the appropriate needs arent enabling/disabling.
- Fixed bug: When starting SunHelm as a vampire, the correct needs will not be enabled.
- Fixed bug: Disabling the mod as a vampire would keep all needs on.
- Fixed bug: When filling all bottles from water or wells will start the thirst system if disabled.
- Fixed bug: When hunger or thirst disabled cannibal feeding will re-enable them.
- If choosing mortal needs for a vampire, your Well Being will now enable.
- Enabling needs systems will now update widgets correctly after enabling.
- Enabling a needs system will now tell you to restart the MCM menu
Version 1.1.7b
- Fixed Number of alcohol option slider not updating correct number when opening
- Fixed MCM vampire needs option not updating correctly
- Fixed MCM werewolf needs option not updating correctly
- Fixed an issue where fast travel is not disabling again after being near a black book or dragon riding.
Version 1.1.7a
- Hotfix for dialog topic error.
Version 1.1.7
- A fomod installer has been added that contains the base mod, as well as the patches.
- A patch for CFTO has been added.
- Survival Skill is no longer coupled to Well Being. Instead, your skill will progress every time you bring your needs to their highest levels (ie. well fed, well rested, quenched)
- InnKeepers/servers can now refill empty bottles and waterskins for 10 gold.
- InnKeepers/servers can now serve a full meal for 50 gold. (equivelant to 1 heavy food, 1 light, and 1 drink)
- The pause needs in Oblivion message now shows either 1st or 3rd person depending on option chosen.
- The Survival skill messages now show first or third person depending on the option chosen.
- The carriage travel message now shows first or third person depending on the option chosen.
- The bedroll sleep message now shows first or third person depending on the option chosen.
- As a vampire if mortal is chosen for needs drinking, eating, and sleeping will now restore needs.
- As a vampire, drinking from a well no longer restores thirst unless mortal is chosen for needs.
- As a vampire, eating food no longer restores your hunger unless mortal is chosen for needs.
- Eating raw food as a vampire no longer causes damage.
- Soups restore slightly more hunger now.
- A new option has been added to disable getting empty bottles back. (in case you only want to use waterskins)
- A new option has been added to allow alcohol to restore thirst instead of just causing inebriation. (you can still become intoxicated, but the number of drinks can be changed in the MCM)
- Alcohol will now restore some thirst (about half as much as water)
- An MCM option has been added to toggle getting empty bottles back from drinking beverages. (In case anyone wants to only use the waterskins)
- For Translators: Most (not quite all) of the Debug.Notification messages have been changed to use actual message objects now.
Version 1.1.6
- Final balancing changes to Well Being. Well Being now takes longer to change one way or the other. Its more gradual now.
- Legacy of the Dragonborn integrated compatibility added.
- Beyond Skyrim Bruma integrated compatibility added.
- Continuance now shows well being level.
- Final rebalance changes to needs systems. I finally found the right balance here, and the pacing of needs is finally where I would like it to be.
- Max needs bonuses now provide +15 points of their respective stats instead of +25 points.
- Your Hunger/Thirst will progress 15% slower when sleeping.
- Fixed an issue that cause mealtime compatibility not to work
- Option added to choose between third and first person notifications.
Version 1.1.5
- Fatigue balance adjusted slightly (You should get slightly tired about 12-13 hours from being Well Rested.)
- Continuance now shows exact numerical needs values (Easier to keep track of where your needs are exactly)
- Fixed bug where fatigue wasnt updating correctly after sleeping
- Fixed bug where widgets didnt always update after sleeping
- Fixed a bug that caused needs to progress rapidly when exiting oblivion
Version 1.1.4
- Further balancing adjustments to well being.
- Progress towards survival skill message only shows every 6 hours now instead of 1.
- Several more missing water records added.
- Empty bottles now weigh 0.1 lbs.
- Some more balancing changes on the needs system and well being
- Drinking blood as a vampire no longer restores fatigue (if fatigue for vampire is enabled)
- All items in CACO that were being injected into Update.esm should now be recognized.
- The salt pile ingredient requirement will be removed from the vanilla meat recipes. (It will still show the salt pile, but it will act as if you always have the salt)
- Many people were asking for waterskins, so I added them in a similar fashion to Ineed. (made by volvaga0)
- For now waterskins will only show up on the player character
- Waterskins can be crafted at the tanning rack
- Upon starting the mod for the first time, you will recieve a waterskin instead of a water bottle.
Version 1.1.3
- CACO water jugs are now correctly detected.
- A few items from CACO were not being correctly recognized by SunHelm. This has also been fixed.
- Remaining missing water records had the appropriate flags set.
- Fixed the animation toggle option description in the MCM
- Fixed several bugs that caused miscalculation of Well Being skill progression
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to spam water bottles, sleep, or food to progress Well Being
- The last patches readjustments cause thirst to start at quenched. This has been fixed.
Version 1.1.2
- Any effect that was supposed to fortify magicka rate, is now fixed. It was fortifying magicka instead of Magicka Regen.
- Widgets will start on Color based mode now when first enabling the mod, so that you can see the widgets.
- Mealtime integrated support added.
Version 1.1.1
- To prevent issues, fast travel is now enabled near black books, and when riding a dragon.
- Well being should be somewhat easier to restore.
- Rebalanced the needs systems. The overall experience should be more enjoyable now instead of tedious. Hunger and thirst have been brought a little closer in line with one another.
- Rebalanced thirst to progress less quickly. (Going from quenched to parched should take around 8 hours or so. Meaning you should be having to drink about 3ish times a day)
- Rebalanced hunger to progress slightly less quickly. (Going from well fed to peckish should take around 10 hours)
- Fixed an issue that caused integrated compatability to not actually work.
- Fixed an issue where the Oblivion needs pause message would show more than once.
- A message will now play when you exit an "immortal plane", letting you know you need to fulfill needs again.
Version 1.1.0
- Added support for CACO. Foods/ Drinks from CACO should now be recognized by SunHelm.
- Added option to refill bottles from wells in Whiterun, Solitude, Riften, Raven Rock.
- Audio sounds will play when refilling from wells.
- If you have no empty bottles, you will simply drink from the bucket.
- Notification added for fill all power that tells you if you are not in water.
- Several water records were missing the appropriate flag that allowed them to refill water.
- Patch added to files for Cathedral Water Overhaul v1.7
Version 1.0.3
- Fixed a bug that allowed oblivion location check to run while mod not started.
- Made some changes to the Fatigue script to allow more reliable tracking of sleep.
- SunHelm quest prompt should no longer show in the Quest journal before Unbound is completed. (Not retroactive)
- Fixed an issue that allowed the needs tutorials to show more than once.
- SunHelm no longer starts up automatically on update unless it was already enabled.
Version 1.0.2
- Re-balanced the Unyielding perk. Carry weight increases are now 25/50 lbs with each rank instead of 50/100.
Version 1.0.1
- Fixed several typos
- Fixed an issue where the Skooma and Intoxicated effects wouldnt disappear after timer expiration.
- Fixed an issue where drinking alcohol without the mod enabled would start the thirst system.
Version 1.0.0
- Initial upload
- Donations
No donations accepted
Some of SunHelm's main features are:
- Needs system's that include Hunger, Thirst, and Fatigue
- A hypothermia system has been added in 2.0.0.
- Seasons
- Overhauled Diseases
- Integrated compatibility with many mods, and patch support for others
- Support for vampires, werewolves, and now Liches in 2.0.0
- Customizable widgets for your needs and cold.
- Hotkey support for many of the more important things.
- Support for popular camping mods such as Campfire, Campsite, and Camping Lite.
- Optional Campfire skill tree
- Many other smaller features that don't need their own bullet point
Requirements for the main mod:
Hard Requirements
- SkyUI
- Powerofthree's Papyrus Extender
Optional Requirements (Skyrim 1.5.97)
- Survival Control Panel - (Do note the warmth system for VR is different, so this does not apply there, especially since SCP doesn’t work on VR)
- JContainers SE (Required for MCM profiles to work)
- If you want to use the Campfire skill tree, then Chesko's Campfire is required.
- Please take a look at the FAQ articles on the page or check out the google site before asking a question or reporting a bug, as many of your questions are likely answered there.
- I am far more likely to be able to answer questions at the Discord than the modpage.
- SunHelm now includes SkyUI - Survival Mode Integration (Thank you gonDragon) to allow display of armor warmth
- You can create your own patches by following the guide video below, and/or looking at the article attached to this modpage.
Survival Spoof:
- SunHelm uses the survival spoof if you have the cold system turned on. If you don't know what this means:
Skyrim has a few things built into the base game that are meant for Survival Mode. SunHelm makes use of some of this built in functionality.
This includes arrow weight, sleep to level up, and warmth ratings in the UI among other things. Check Survival Control Panel's modpage for more details.
- Using Survival Control Panel will allow you to turn on/off certain aspects of the spoof that you do not like such as arrow weight or sleep to level up.
It is much easier for me to ke (ep specific information up to date there than on this modpage.