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About this mod

Are you a Dark Souls fan?
Finding soul-like mod?
Want to use different elements enchantment deal with different enemy just using one weapon?
Hating vanilla enchantment effect shaders always cover your fancy weapon 50%+ visibility after unsheathed?

Then fear not,this weapon buff mod is for you.

Permissions and credits


This mod adds weapon buff spell(Lesser Power) and shout allow you to buff unenchanted melee weapon with animation, can't buff on bow or crossbow.
Each weapon buff has special skill(weapon art).

00:14 - 00:31 Buff animation and visual effect showcase
00:35 - 00:40 Can buff when dual wield
00:41 - 00:49 Buff enchantment effect
01:00 - 01:18 Can directly buff on 2 handed weapon, don't need colorful magic + CGO
01:20 - 01:32 can't buff on ranged weapon
01:34 - 01:47 Alternative sound fx

For now release "Lightning Weapon" , "Blessed Weapon" and "Dark weapon" buff.
Not release frost and fire weapon buff because those visual effects made by me is for straight sword only, other weapons type are not match.
My buff visual effect is for maximum weapon shape compatibility.To keep your weapon type diversity(e.g. animated armoury) and less damage to weapon modder passion.
I don't want people chose his weapon base on visual effect.

How to get

Use "AddItemMenu" to get the spell tome
Now you can use blacksmith forge to craft "Covetous Gold Serpent Ring".(Required 3000 gold & spell tomes: spark & healing & soul trap)
The crafting recipe won't show up if your inventory don't have "spell tome: soul trap".
When you equip the ring you can get all weapon buff spell tome

(Version 2.22) Added spell tome "[Weapon buff] Special skill".
(Version 3.0) Added item "Charcoal Pine Resin" .Equip fire breath shout to use this item.After you see a fire weapon buff icon on your head, a new shout will added after 2 seconds in game(not in menu).

How to use

After you get the spell,you need to draw your unenchanted weapon before you select/equip the spell.
After you set those spells to hotkey you don't need to draw your weapon to select/equip again.

How to use special skill

Two way to use special skill

You can use blacksmith forge to craft "Darkmoon ring".(Required 10 falmer ears)
The crafting recipe won't show up if your inventory don't have 10 falmer ears

Equip item "Darkmoon ring"
When using weapon buff,perform backward power attack to use special skill.

You can use blacksmith forge to upgrade "Darkmoon ring"
"Darkmoon ring +1" +50% skill damage
"Darkmoon ring +2" +100% skill damage
"Darkmoon ring +3" +100% skill damage.Skill are 0.33% more powerful per level of Enchanting

To use lesser power "[Weapon buff] Special skill"
or MCM Special skill hotkey,require user equip "Farron ring"
You can use blacksmith forge to exchange "Darkmoon ring" to "Farron ring"
If you want to upgrade "Farron ring",you can exchange back to "Darkmoon ring" and upgrade it.After upgrade,Exchange to "Farron ring" again.

Do not equip "Farron ring" and "Darkmoon ring" at the same time.The skill damage won't increase more.
It won't break your game but it will make your game load unnecessary script.
(Both ring use Slot61,somehow it can stack with other item using slot61)

Notification for equip weapon buff spell
Consume the food item named  "[weapon buff] Active notification" to active notification when you equip my weapon buff spells
(new) version 4.6: You can toggle this in MCM now 

I am using soul quick menu but I dont like my power/shout slot over than 4 skill so I made this notification use with Serio's Cycle Hotkeys.
I did a test in SSE:
If I set weapon buff spells to default hotkey [1][2][3] and keep pressing [1][2][3] very quickly will cause CTD.But In LE i don't get CTD during this test.
So try not to press the hotkey very very fast.But i think you won't press very fast if you use cycle hotkey.
I uploaded empty NIF for replace the
icons of notification in case if you don't need the notification icons.

0:00 - 2:07 Notification and special skill showcase
2:47 - 3:10 Dark weapon skill combat test
3:11 - 3:33 Blessed weapon skill combat test
3:34 - 4:20 Lightning weapon skill combat test

MCM menu

Set your dodge key in "Toggle dodge cancel special skill".It should be compatible with any dodge mod.

  Weapon buff

Lightning weapon

Buff duration 60 seconds
Deal 30 shock damage
Decrease water creatures, dragon and argonian 33% shock resistance.
Dragon take 28 extra damage
Reduce target armor rating by 150 points

Skill: Falling Bolt

When using 1handed weapon:
Create a shock explosion cause 60 shock damage.
Will stagger your enemies near you.
Cost 75 magicka.

Dragon take 30 extra damage,if dragon base health greater than 2000\3000 point,deal extra 100\200 damage.

When using 2handed weapon:
Create a shock explosion cause 100 shock damage.
Will paralyze your enemies near you.
Cost 100 magicka.
Dragon take 45 extra damage,if dragon base health greater than 2000\3000 point,deal extra 125\250 damage.

Skill: Lightning Dance
(Idea from Sekiro
Reverse lightning with Sakura Dance)

When using 1handed sword or dagger:
First slash deal 20 shock damage.
Second slash deal 40 shock damage,has ethereal effect.

Third slash deal 50 shock damage and stagger your targets
Cost 75 magicka.
Dragon take 30 extra damage
,if dragon base health greater than 2000\3000 point,deal extra 120\240 damage.

When using 2handed Greatswords :
First slash deal 20 shock damage
Second slash deal 60 shock damage,has ethereal effect.

Third slash deal 65 shock damage and paralyze your targets
Cost 100 magicka.
Dragon take 40 extra damage,if dragon base health greater than 2000\3000 point,deal extra 140\280 damage.


Blessed weapon

Buff duration 60 seconds
Deal 18 physical damage to any target.
Increase Caster 10% melee damage.
Caster gradually restoring HP.
Burn undead for 40 damage.
25 points of extra damage to Daedra and werewolf.
20 points of extra damage to undead,Daedra and werewolf if its base health greater than 1000

(patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures) Give a debuff(10s) to skeleton when hit,if skeleton get killed with this debuff,It will turn to ash.

Skill: Sacred Auriel Light (Idea from Lothric's Holy Sword)

When using 1handed weapon:
Fire a holy fire bolt with wave cause 40 physical damage.Daedra take 45 extra damage.Burn undead for 60 damage.Will stagger your target.Cost 65 magicka.

When using 2handed greatsword:
Fire a holy laser beam with wave cause 55 physical damage.Daedra take 60 extra damage.Burn undead for 80 damage.Knockback target if target is Daedra or undead.Cost 80 magicka.

Skill: Stendarr's Rage (Idea from Morne's Great Hammer Weapon art)

Creat two explosions

First explosion deal 30 damage,Daedra take 20 extra damage.
Burn undead for 30 damage.

cost 33 magicka

Second explosion deal 70 damage,Daedra take 20 extra damage.
Burn undead for 30 damage.

Knockback target if target is Daedra or undead.
cost 66 magicka

Dark weapon

Buff duration 60 seconds
Deal 30 magical damage.
Deal 10 more magical damage,unholy creatures will immune this damage
Absorb dwarven automaton soul gem energy to become caster magicka.
30 points of extra damage to dwarven automaton.

Soul Drain:Drain health if target under soul trap effect(Not absorb health,only causes damage just like Drain Vitality).Boosts drain speed, as long attacking persists.

Skill: Soul Slash (idea from Frayed Blade)

When using 1handed weapon:
Fire 6 projectiles.Each projectile deal 15 damage.Dwarven automaton take 5 extra damage.
First and last projectile
has Soul drain effect(Dragon Immune this effect ,7s duration,don't need soul trap effect).
Last projectile will stagger your target.
Cost 72 magicka.

When using 2handed greatsword:
Fire 6 projectiles(longer range).Each projectile deal 20 damage.Dwarven automaton take 5 extra damage.
First, fourth and last projectile
has Soul drain effect(Dragon Immune this effect,10s duration,don't need soul trap effect).
Last projectile will stagger your target.
Cost 90 magicka.

Skill: Flying swing (Idea from Dragon Nest Flying Swing EX)

Swings the weapon upwards to launch the enemy in front up into the air(Deal extra 30 damage).
While collecting energy, damage received is reduced(60%)
Creat shockwave deal 80 damage and deal 9 damage per second(5s),Dwarven automaton take 40 extra damage

Cost 100 magicka

Dragonborn Flame Arc

Buff duration 45 seconds
quick buff,you can buff while running(support sneak and 1st person animation)
Deal 40 fire damage.This damage can boost by perk or item which increase shout power

Skill: Ember                                      
The fading flame momentarily illuminates and launches itself forward

deal 120 fire damage with knockback effect
Extend weapon buff duration
if victim get burn by this skill and dies,it will turn to ash.

Flame Splitter (idea from Moonlight Splitter)
Swing the sword to send 4 consecutive fire attacks to the enemies in front.

First and second slash deal 30 fire damage
Third and last projectile deal 20 fire damage,10 points of extra damage if target get hitted by first or second slash
All projectiles has stagger effect

Orochinagi (idea from King of fighter)          
Creata a fire wave deal 90 damage
Extend weapon buff duration
deal 33 extra damage when player's health is lower than 50%


Required Dynamic Animation Replacer
1st person custom condition number is 2020
Custom condition number is 1267,1268,1270,1271,1272,1273,1275,1276,1277,1278 please check if you have other mod using the same number.

a ENB support paricles light effect (I tweak the buff visual effect brightness base on Rudy ENB)

Required Nemesis
Run nemesis, in its mod list find and check the "Weapon buff by Loop", update, launch (You don't need nemesis if you use NBE version)

Animation Motion Revolution
for some weapon arts movement

set iMaxDesired=5000(Or higher) in SkyrimPrefs.ini when using this mod

Highly recommend use with Hotkeys mod with cycle feature likesoul quick menu and Serio's Cycle Hotkeys

Highly recommend Individual Shout Cooldown Remake use with "Dragonborn flame arc"

(new) Overwrite previous version files if upgrade 4.4 to 4.6.Reactive the MCM option feature(Toggle on->off->on) if you are using food items feature in previous version
Deleted previous version files if upgrade 4.27 to 4.6 (I updated behavior file)
Delete previous version(4.1AMR or lower version) files if upgrade to 4.46 ,don't load a save that your character applying weapon buff on weapon.It may more safer to load a save without equipping darkmoon ring

Delete previous version files if upgrade 2.22v~2.6v to 4.6
Remove notification and active notification again if using notification feature
Re-equip the darkmoon ring or farron ring to check the "fire weapon art" has been added.
if not,use blacksmith forge to exchange farron ring/darkmoon ring and exchange back to darkmoon ring/farron ring
Equip the exchanged ring you should see the "fire weapon art" has been added
(The ring script will update when you get a "new" ring.Use "additemmenu" get a new ring after drop your current ring will update the script too)
And of course, you don't need to do this if you start a new game or did not install this mod before.

Remember download the newest Skyrim Immersive Creatures patch for 4.46
if you keep using old patch the new effect of blessed weapon won't work.

1.Remove my spell from your hotkey mod.
2.deactive all option in MCM

3.Unequip "Darkmoon ring" if you are using.Unequip "Farron ring" if you are using.
4.Save & Exit
5.Delete my files in your mod manager.

All of my script in this mod is activemagiceffect script.Script won't use if you don't use my spells and items.

(Version 3.2021) Added constant scripts for MCM


- Combat Gameplay Overhaul,  Skysa Grip Switch 
When player equip farron ring, player can't use special skill if equipping 2h weapon. Patch available
Darkmoon ring
is useless if using CGO

- SkySA
Can't use backward power attack when using SkySA,so the darkmoon is useless.
Recommend equip farron ring to use special skill(lesser power or MCM hotkey)

Known issues
1.After buff a weapon and change to other unenchanted weapon.The buff will gone,but the buff visual effects will stay.
This bug is left by bethesda,vanilla shout "Elemental fury" already has this bug.
The worst way solve this bug is buff your weapon again and sheathe it.
The best way solve/avoid this bug:
Set your next weapon to
enchanted weapon,you will never meet this bug again.

There have an
imperfect solution for this bug.(Active "switch weapon bug fix" in MCM)
This solution won't work if changing multiple(>2) unenchanted weapon or changing weapon too fast.
Recommend weapon cycle set for this solution:
unenchanted melee weapon -> unenchanted ranged weapon
unenchanted weapon -> enchanted ranged weapon(include staff) -> unenchanted weapon

Weapon buff enchantment is permanently on my weapon

The legendary "Permanent Elemental Fury" bug,Thanks Bethesda.
This bug will happen if you load a saved game that your character is buffing weapon and unequip(switch or drop) your buffing weapon.
You only can abandon your weapon and get a new weapon if you get this bug
Or delete the enchantment by using "General Stores" "Legacy of the Dragonborn safe house"
No solution for this bug,yet.

But You can easily avoid this bug:

Try not to save your game when buffing weapon.
Just sheathe your weapon before you save game
if you are using weapon buff
if you load a saved game your weapon is buffing,sheathe your current weapon immediately,don't change or drop your weapon.You won't get this bug if the weapon buff still remaining and cancel the buff by sheathe your weapon or buff duration run out.

There have an solution\avoidance for this bug.(Active "Avoidance of permanent enchantment bug" in MCM)
So you don't need to sheath your weapon when save your game to avoid this bug anymore.

1.If using [Weapon buff] Special skill with Warrior Magic(LE),You can use special skill after timed block
2.If using
tk dodge,you can back dodge and keep pressing vanilla block key to active special skill when using darkmoon ring
3.To active Soul Drain effect,you can equip [soul trap enchantment weapon(left hand)] and use
"dark weapon" buff your [unenchanted weapon(right hand)] when dual wielding,if using Summermyst you can make double weapon enchantment(soul trap + poison\disease) for more lingering damage,

Felisky384 author of "Dynamic Animation Replacer"
NickaNak author of "Weapon arts animations"

Script,MCM,visual effects and ESP edit work by myself
Behavior edit work by myself

Buff Animations by myself.
Lightning weapon skill(Lightning dance) animation by myself.
Lightning weapon skill(Falling bolt) animation from weapon arts animations
Dark weapon skill and Orochinagi original animation from MMD, port back to 3dsmax and modify by myself.
Blessed weapon skill original animation from weapon arts animations,port back to 3dsmax and modify the arm&hand animation by myself
"Flame Splitter" skill original animation from weapon arts animations and vanilla killmove animation,port back to 3dsmax and modify by myself
"Flying Swing" skill part of animation by myself,combined animation from weapon arts animations
"Stendarr's Rage" skill animation by myself,last hit from vanilla killmove animation.
"Ember" skill animation by myself.

Blessed weapon skill sound FX record from DARK SOUL 3(Lothric's Holy Sword weapon art)
blessed&dark weapon buff sound fx record from dark souls 3
Lightning weapon buff sound fx record from Code Vein and mix with skyrim shock fx sound.
Lightning weapon buff Alternative sound fx record from youtube(chidori).
notification sound fx from dark souls , skyrim and free soundtrack website.


Version 4.6 (22/10/2021)

Version 4.46 (3/9/2021)
  • Fixed some compatibility issues with other magic light mod(e.g.: facelight), reactive the light zone feature if you are using
  • slightly increased the range of light zone
  • Uploaded 4.46NBE version,this is non behavior edit version

Version 4.4 (30/8/2021)
  • Added 2 food items for toggle "stagger cancel weapon art" feature: [weapon buff] Active stagger cancel weapon art & [weapon buff] Remove stagger cancel weapon art (if using Cancelable large stagger please update it to 0.6v)
  • Added 2 food items for toggle "weapon buff create light zone" feature: [weapon buff] Active light zone of weapon buff & [weapon buff] Remove light zone of weapon buff  (Both new features are script free)
  • Updated Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
  • Updated behavior files, deleted some unnecessary files in "Nemesis_Engine" folder. please delete the previous version file to update
  • Updated Chinese Translation

Version 4.27 (22/6/2021)
  • Fixed CTD when misclicked the unlock shout button on "Dragonborn flame arc" shout
  • Fixed sound looping bug when using Weapon Art: Flame Splitter.(This looping sound will stop automatically when you load a save file in previous version)

Version 4.25 (20/6/2021)
  • Improved and simplified darkmoon ring script.Now it is more stable and faster to perform backward power attack to cast special skill.Some scripts has been deleted,please delete previous version file to update and check Upgrade
  • Fixed motion data of Orochinagi that causing backward movement when dodge cancel
  • Added motion data to backward power attack animation file in "Meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\1267".it is for prevent player have backward movement when perform backward power attack to use special skill.My backward power attack condition is equipped darkmoon and buffing weapon.but i am sure there have other mods will cover my backward power attack animation.You may need to rename 1267 to other number.
  • Uploaded optional file "Ring slot change (61 to 60)"
  • Uploaded 4.25NBE version,this is non behavior edit version just like 3.9 version.Use this if you don't use nemesis,This version required Animation Motion Revolution is safe to switch between 4.25 and 4.25NBE version in mid game
  •  i forgot to renamed the state id(142) in behavior,fixed

Version 4.1AMR (24/5/2021)
  • Added movement to Orochinagi & Lightning Dance,Now this mod require Animation Motion Revolution,but not hard requirement(it is fine to use 4.1AMR version without the skse plugin)
  • Unlock camera when using Orochinagi,Camera will lock when attacking
  • Updated animations file,please delete previous version file to update and check Upgrade

Version 4.0Nemesis (22/5/2021)
  • Added Nemesis mod patch
  • Standalone animations for weapon art and buff
  • Unlock camera when using Lightning Dance.
  • Some weapon arts(Ember,Soul Slash,Flying swing,Sacred Auriel Light) will unlock camera when charging,Camera will lock when attacking,just like dark souls. (No script on this.Pure behavior edit work)
  • Updated animations file,please delete previous version file to update and check Upgrade

Version 3.9 (25/4/2021)
  • New notification sound for Dragonborn Flame Arc
  • Added conditions to "[Weapon buff] Special skill" lesser power
  • Updated dark weapon art(soul slash): 1.Fixed broken finger(left hand) animation
                                                                         2.Fixed animation get weird when player staggering
increase total magicka cost
Split the magicka cost for "dodge cancel special skill" feature.

Version 3.8Final-Fix (6/4/2021)
  • Fixed bless weapon art extra damage to undead do not work properly

Version 3.8Fix (6/4/2021)
  • Fixed bless weapon art extra damage can work on any target
  • Modified dark weapon buff loop sound file,reduced duration time(5s to 2s)
  • Updated the 10 damage(unholy creatures will immune) of dark weapon cannot affect by magic resistance,added a new hit effect(dark smoke) for this damage
  • Patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures update
  • Update Chinese Translation(XML) for the 10 damage(unholy creatures will immune) of dark weapon

Version 3.8 (4/4/2021)
  • Fixed weapon buff sound looping bug(The sound looping bug can easily happen in previous version when using weapon buff while dual wielding and change your left hand equipment).Removed ambient sound in weapon effect shaders.Use another script free way to play weapon buff sound,but this way may delay few seconds to cancel the buff sound when dispel weapon buff.I might need to find another dark weapon buff sound.
  • Add new buff animation for 2handed weapon
  • Improved some visual effects
  • Removed some unnecessary conditions
  • Dark weapon deal 10 more damage,unholy creatures will immune this damage
  • Blessed weapon can deal more damage to Skeletal dragon,gargoyle and hagraven
  • Patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures update


Version 3.6 (7/3/2021)

  • Uploaded Simple stagger patch.This patch is for draugr animation freezing bug.This bug happen
    in my game when a draugr get knockback(unrelenting force) or
    paralysis,if it get attacked during get up animation and stagger,it
    animation will freeze.This patch is for my weapon art only,not work on
    vanilla shout(Ice Form\Unrelenting force\Cyclone)
    I don't meet this bug in SSE
  • Uploaded Chinese Translation(XML).Require xTranslator to use it.Japanese translation(XML) can download here

Version 3.6 (26/2/2021)
  • Update special skill "Stendarr's Rage":
       1. Improve animation and reduce speed of animation (92 frames to 100 frames)  
       2. Add weapon impact sound for first explosion
       3. Fixed first explosion texture
       4. Split the magicka cost for "dodge cancel special skill" feature.(First explosion cost 33 magicka.Second explosion cost 66 magicka)
       5. Cooldown time of "farron ring" fixed (2s->3s)

Version 3.5Fix (21/2/2021)
  • Fixed "Stendarr's Rage"  70 damage of second explosion won't work on SSE

Version 3.5 (19/2/2021)
  • Fixed some wrong keywords of magic effect
  • Add new special skill: "Flying Swing" for dark weapon
  • Add new special skill: "Stendarr's Rage" for blessed weapon
  • Update some scripts for improve "dodge cancel special skill" feature
  • Add visual effect(charge) for "Soul Slash"
  • Fixed wrong area value of spell after resaved in Creation kits

Version 3.2021 (2/1/2021)
  • Add MCM menu.Included "dodge cancel special skill" feature and hotkey for [Weapon buff] Special skill lesser power
  • Add items "[Weapon buff] Active avoidance of permanent enchantment bug" and "[Weapon buff] Remove avoidance of permanent enchantment bug" for known issuses[2].Update "Covetous Gold Serpent Ring",
  • Update menu display object of "Dragonborn flame arc"
  • Update fire weapon buff visual effect
  • Update fire weapon buff damage(Added "MagicShout" keyword).
  • Update fire weapon art "Flame Splitter".Removed impact data of second slash projectile for performance.Third and Fourth slash deal bonus damage if target get hitted by first or second slash.
  • Stand alone texture for lightning weapon art to avoid color issue

Version 3.0 (24/12/2020)

  • Add shout "Dragonborn flame arc",please check Upgrade
  • Add item "Charcoal Pine Resinplease check How to get
  • Update notification feature for "Dragonborn flame arc"
  • blessed weapon deal more damage if undead/Daedra base health greater than 1000.
  • Update Sacred Auriel Light: Increase explosion area of laser beam
  • Stand alone texture for lightning weapon effect shader to avoid color issue
  • Patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures update

Version 2.6 (25/11/2020)
  • increase speed of "Lightning Dance" animation (91 frames to 80 frames)
  • Increase projectile speed of dark weapon art "Soul Slash" when using 1handed weapon
  • Fixed color issue of "Soul Slash" projectile
  • Deleted unnecessary magic effect description

Version 2.5 (14/11/2020)
  • Add new special skill: "Lightning Dance" (After finish playthrough of sekiro free update(October 29, 2020,),i decide to make this special skill)
  • Enhanced Blessed weapon buff visual effect
  • Update lesser power "[Weapon buff] Special skill" script for new special skill.
  • Reduce magic effect(jump cancel special skill) duration to 1s.
  • Follower immune lightning weapon art explode damage

Version 2.22(04/10/2020) [Required delete previous version files]
  • Add lesser power "[Weapon buff] Special skill".Work fine with Warrior Magic(LE),did not test with other auto cast mod.
  • Update "Covetous Gold Serpent Ring",add spell tome:[Weapon buff] Special skill
  • Add "Farron ring" , "Farron ring +1","Farron ring +2","Farron ring +3" and crafting recipe.
  • Change "Darkmoon ring +2" effect (+75% special skill damage --> +100% special skill damage)
  • Add new effect to "Darkmoon ring +3" (Special skill are 0.33% more powerful per level of Enchanting)
  • Fixed notification of magicka display when equip darkmoon ring perform other direction power attack
  • Tweak Dark weapon skill(Soul Slash) animation hit frame,fifth and last hit has hit frame.(Prevent player get stagger if NPC block your first hit)
  • Update Dynamic Animation Replacer custom condition file for "[Weapon buff] Special skill".This is why require user delete previous version files.Moved some HKX files again.

Version 2.0(27/9/2020) [Required delete previous version files]
  • Update "Covetous Gold Serpent Ring",add item "[weapon buff] Active switch weapon bug fix" and "[weapon buff] Remove switch weapon bug fix" for bug fix(Buff visual effects and sound will stay when change to other unenchanted weapon).This fix is imprefect.
  • Fixed a bug(Weapon buff spell increase magicka cost if player using any item or perk increase shout power). 
  • Moved some HKX files in "Meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\1270" to 1268.
This is why require user delete previous version files.
HKX files in 1268 are junk files,prevent user using original animation when "using skill while weapon buff duration run out".
  • Add hit frame to special skill animation,dark weapon skill(Soul Slash) has two hit frame only(first and last hit).

Version 1.9 (18/9/2020)
  • Add "Darkmoon ring +1","Darkmoon ring +2","Darkmoon ring +3" and crafting recipe.
  • Update dark weapon skill(Soul Slash),slightly increased damage and deal more damage to dwarven automaton.
  • Update dark weapon Soul drain effect condition,combo with bow of soul trap(weapon enchantment) is possible now.
  • improve dark weapon skill(Soul Slash) left hand animation.
  • Blessed weapon deal more damage to Daedra and werewolf. (12 -> 25)
  • Blessed weapon increase caster 10% melee damage.
  • Update patch for Skyrim Immersive Creature

Version 1.7 (13/9/2020)
  • Enhanced skill stagger effect when using 2handed weapon.can stagger dragon now
  • Enhanced Lightning weapon buff visual effect
  • Update Lightning weapon skill(Falling Bolt),fixed the bad hitreg when dealing with dragon.
  • Update dark weapon skill(Soul Slash),removed the soul trap condition for active soul drain effect
  • Update blessed weapon skill(Sacred Auriel Light) sound fx

Version 1.55 (08/9/2020)
  • Add "Darkmoon Ring" and crafting recipe
  • Add special skill
  • Extend blessed weapon buff to 60s

Version 1.02 (26/8/2020)
  • Upload Alternative dark weapon buff visual effect(The purple particles at hand is too big when using different ENB in LE,and i only use RUDY ENB  in SSE)
  • Update Lightning weapon will reduce target armor rating(Armor piercing).

Version 1.0 (22/8/2020)
  • Add "Covetous Gold Serpent Ring" and crafting recipe
  • Add visual effects(icon) for notification

Version 0.98 (18/8/2020)
  • Update "dark weapon"
  • Add notification feature
  • Update spell tome and spell menu display object
  • Buff visual effect enhanced(Add more particles at hand)
  • Blessed weapon will burn wispmother race.
  • Blessed weapon deal more damage to Daedra and werewolf.
  • Patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures update

Version 0.2 (09/8/2020)
> SSE ver release

Version 0.2 (01/8/2020)
> Patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures release

Version 0.1 (31/7/2020 )
> Update "blessed weapon"

Version 0.0 (26/7/2020)
> Mod release

My other mod:
Sound For TK Dodge
Simple Potion Drinking Animation by Loop
Simple Pistol Shooting Animation by loop
Retimed Hit Frame - 1hm_behavior.hkx replacement for Ultimate combat x TK dodge(Include option file for Procedural Leaning only)
Third Person bows aiming misalignment bug fix for TK dodge(Nemesis)
Giant bash attack hit frame fix
Cancelable large stagger
Additional Attack