100+ quests, including new regional questlines for the Imperial Guilds, bounty hunting, and miscellaneous quests; 290+ exterior cells of hand-crafted landscape; 330+ interior cells, including the massive cities of Karthwasten and Dragonstar, towns, camps, and dozens of locations for you to loot in classic TES fashion.
[Fixed] Dirty cell reference that was affecting Project Cyrodiil's "Anvil, Port Quarter" cell
[Fixed] Beds in Karthwasten can now be rented again
Version 24.12a
[Fixed] Some objects/NPCs disappearing due to broken refnums
Version 24.12
[Added] Compatibility with Tamriel_Data v11
[Added] A few new interiors such as Kartwasten's Briricca Private Bank, the Breton ruin Carvisa, and more
[Added] Cross-integration quest with Project Cyrodiil
[Added] New quest at Iron-Mane Farm outside Karthwasten
[Added] More standardization of mechanics, aesthetics, and general design with other Project Tamriel projects and Tamriel Rebuilt
[Fixed] Countless bugs
[Replaced] Furniture throughout Sky_Main with more appropriate pieces
[Replaced] Deprecated items no longer in Tamriel_Data v11
Version 23.02
[Added] Trade service to Azob gra-Barok in Uramok Camp
[Added] More checks so Malrec can't give multiple copies of his special book
[Added] Ability to recover Davanna's notes prior to accepting her quest
[Added] New Nord priestess dialogue
[Added] More warning that the player is being invited to join a certain faction
[Fixed] Inability to talk with Malthorc in vanilla MW
[Fixed] Caponicus Valian offering to sell his ring after the quest has been finished
[Fixed] "beds" topic not appearing for Dancing Saber and Ruby Drake publicans
[Fixed] Dragonstar East pawnbroker Secucius Ceria's barter service
[Fixed] Objects/NPCs from the third KW Fighters Guild quest appearing too early
[Fixed] Beds in Rhuma's Tradehouse not becoming completely rentable
[Fixed] Missing Map of the Tunnels in the chest in "Karthwasten, Guard Barracks"
[Fixed] A bunch of other issues posted in the #shotn_bugs channel in the PT Discord
[Removed] "carriage service" topic since it's handled by "specific place" topic
[Removed] Skeleton from a certain sorcerer's bed
[Removed] Old records that are now in Tamriel_Data
Version 22.11
[Added] New factions (currently NPC-only): Kingdom of the Reach, Crowns, Reachman tribes, Sogat Dur-Gada, and Ra-Habi Company
[Added] New mercenary for hire in "Dragonstar West, Dragon Fountain Inn"
[Added] Functionality for previously-unused journal entries
[Fixed] Thousands of errors, big and small, reported by the PT-TR Standards Validator script
[Rebalanced] Nearly all NPCs to be more in line with vanilla MW
[Replaced] Assets deprecated in Tamriel_Data 9
[Replaced] Nordic spells on many non-Nord NPCs with new race/culture-appropriate spells
[Replaced] Many dialogue entries to more closely follow vanilla MW's conventions
Version 22.02
• Exterior "Druadach Highlands -109, 8": Renamed to "Mirilstern"
• Exterior "Druadach Highlands -114, 11": Added pathgrid to encourage hostile Reachmen to use ramps
• Exterior "Druadach Highlands -115, 12": Moved a visible beeswarm activator into its hive
• Exterior "Ebonheart -2 13": Recreated cell data to potentially fix a bug where Jurid Fast-Travel would be replaced by a duplicate of another NPC or creature
• Exterior "Karthwasten": Simplified pathgrids in some cells; removed balcony pathgrids
• Exterior "Lorchwuir Heath": Replaced floating fish spawns with bird spawns in cells
• Exterior "Vorndgad Forest": Replaced a Morrowind goblin shaman with a Skyrim variant
• Exterior: Deleted objects placed in walls or underground in Dragonstar and Karthwasten
• Exterior: Raised/lowered numerous bleeding/floating trees, grass, etc.
• Exterior: Added ownership to many exterior containers
• Exterior: Deleted unnecessary pathgrid nodes
• Interior "Aejoir Cavern": Replaced some loot that wasn't appropriate for the area; raised a rock that was blocking a path
• Interior: Removed unnecessary item ownership in a few caves
• Interior: Deleted coordinate-bugged items
• Quest "A Beggar in Need": Adjusted Halvir's disposition requirement
• Quest "A Forlorn Barrow": Fixed transition to follow-up quest; checked "finished" for a journal entry
• Quest "A Lost Sister": Enabled Carincia by default; cleaned up her dialogue entries in "wretched cave"; added check for whether player killed her before starting quest
• Quest "Aland Remyon's Treasure": Aland's chest is now enabled by default; fixed script error; changed Aland's Lantern to have a unique glow, infinite duration, and a value of 500
• Quest "Alms for Mara": Fixed issue where holding too much gold would prevent quest completion
• Quest "Between a Hag and a Boar": Adjusted Malthorc's scripts so he attacks if provoked
• Quest "Bounty: Bogakh gro-Durz": Fixed directions in bounty's note
• Quest "Bounty: Cegoraec": Fixed journal filter in Veros' "bounty" dialogue; adjusted Eidean's spells so he doesn't kill Cegoraec
• Quest "Bounty: Iztara": Added additional method to get Iztara back to Taurus Hall; added mid-quest Greeting 5 entries for Turoc and Iztara
• Quest "Bounty: Lovi the Gut": Lovi now surrenders immediately if you've finished another Dragonstar East questline\
• Quest "Chthonic Secrets": Fixed some filters that were causing dialogue loops; added additional hints on how to find Taliesinntara; initial journal entry no longer prematurely lists the components of the ritual; gave Fhegain and the second ritual more significance; cleaned up dialogue issues
• Quest "Curses and Horses": Removed Nelisse's forcegreet; updated her dialogue structure and scripts; adjusted horse locations; added horsemeat leveled item to horses
• Quest "Direnni Registers": Fixed dialogue choices when offering to sell a Register; adjusted turn-in payments; removed "Direnni Tome:" prefix from Codex names
• Quest "Divided Loyalties": Fixed a couple of dialogue inconsistencies and filters
• Quest "Facing a Chicken Menace": Separated some dialogue into a new topic; added a player choice at end of quest; reworked mechanics such that a companion can now better assist the player if desired
• Quest "Fighters Guild: Wormmouth Problem": The Wormmouth is now enabled by default in the world
• Quest "Ghoul Hunt": The cultists are now enabled by default
• Quest "Illness in the Alehouse": Added another "accuse poisoner" option to bridge some journal entries; alehouse patrons now get a disposition boost
• Quest "Mages Guild: A Case for Concern": Changed Franco Azarius to new class T_Sky_Barrister
• Quest "Mages Guild: A Crisis of Character": Mages Guild NPCs' "Ravos" entries are now more reflective of the quest choices; journal now correctly records what the player tells Ji'Tavarad about Ravos; fixed Thane Gorvrda's "Send another guild member" responses; fixed Ravos' greetings in the event that he returns to Karthwasten; changed script mechanics to better ensure that one quest path plays as expected; gave Havild Mild-Heart a Sky_NoLore filter to account for possible player choices; Havild's inventory chest now moves with him to Karthgad if applicable
• Quest "Mages Guild: An Acolyte in the Arena": Changed Duncan from T_Sky_MagesGuild to T_Ham_MagesGuild; moved Duncan to the ground floor; fixed possible endless journal update spam if player attempted to help Duncan win his fight; Eranthos and Briesele now have more timely comments if Duncan returns to the Guild
• Quest "Mages Guild: Angturiel": Ciirarril Direnni should now recognize that Galklintha is dead if she was killed before the quest was started
• Quest "Mages Guild: Mesa Medicine": Fixed Aynoc's references to the Braign tribe in her "Reachman alchemy sample" dialogue
• Quest "Mages Guild: Out for a Spell": Penumbra journal update should now always fire; changed spell effects on Reachman spell and reduced its cost; fixed some dialogue filters
• Quest "Mages Guild: Public Perception": Changed dialogue logic to account for possible variable-setting bug; Davanna now appears in a different location in the Mages Guild hall if she is convinced to travel to DSW; she no longer shares the same spot as the new Lampknight
• Quest "Mages Guild: Regulated Research": The letter is now enabled by default; adjusted Veros' dialogue filters
• Quest "Mages Guild: The Penumbra": Picking up the notes will only update the journal if on the quest; activating the basin now works if the player never brought the Penumbra to Muirach in KWMG02; fixed some directions and added some for Ruari; added Ruari map marker; added new topics with some info on where to find Rulat's ingredients; fixed quest progression when talking to [redacted] and added filters to his dialogue entries
• Quest "Mages Guild: Turbulent Teleporting": Nistamal should now have appropriate dialogue; added missing reputation gain; added directions to Dragonstar
• Quest "Mining for Worms": Added checks for edge cases; removed superfluous dialogue; added disposition rewards
• Quest "Nahassar's Love Letter": Fixed Nahassar's script that prevented him from properly disabling
• Quest "Pursuit of Knowledge": Davanna's research is now enabled by default
• Quest "Reaching for Answers": Added missing flags to various journal entries
• Quest "Reaching for Love": Conall can now be slightly farther from Lisva to trigger quest completion; Lisva now has inventory to barter and properly gives a discount if she's reunited with Conall
• Quest "S'Viir's Hidden Hoard": The hoard is now enabled by default in the world; renamed the container from "S'Viir's Hoard" to "Hidden Hoard" and slightly adjusted its position in the ground; changed Norjor's "background entry"
• Quest "That Pig of a Nord": Changed boar's name from "Strange Boar" to "Gurskar"
• Quest "The Baker and the Bread Thief": Adjusted interaction mechanics with Rhalan; fixed dialogue and journal filter issues in "stolen bread" topic and Greetings; added additional dialogue; consolidated repetitive dialogue entries
• Quest "The Dragonstar Arena": Moved disqualification mechanics to the gate door; player can now change their mind before entering the pit without being disqualified; the last challenger's weapon is now enchanted as intended; adjusted Orgak gro-Ulagash's stats so he now trains the appropriate skills
• Quest "The Missing Skull": Fixed edge case that could lead to difficulty in progressing; fixed some DSE Thieves Guild tie-ins; added disposition increases and post-quest Greeting 5
• Quest "Thieves Guild (Dragonstar)": Added mid-quest Greeting 5 entries; Cael will now follow the player more closely, no matter their speed; separated Cael's GetDistance checks into their own mini scripts to improve performance
• Quest "Thieves Guild: A Curious Concoction": Cleaned up Rianard's assistants' scripts
• Quest "Thieves Guild: A Dancing Distraction": Fixed post-quest dialogue filter for Lorvacah's "join the Thieves Guild" entry
• Quest "Thieves Guild: Doing a Cat's Job": Fixed post-quest dialogue filter for J'Diir's "deliver moon sugar" entry
• Quest "Thieves Guild: How to Rob Oneself": Locked chest journal update should now always fire
• Quest "Thieves Guild: Papers, Please!": Forged Travel Papers now show correct information when read
• Quest "Thieves Guild: Playing All Sides": Fixed dialogue filters that attempted to account for killing the Sogat Dur-Gada prior to starting the quest
• Quest "Thieves Guild: The Dragon Heist": Fixed edge cases that occurred if the player beat the target to their final location; timer script should no longer run while game is paused
• Quest: Added "[Lie]" prefix check to many dialogue choices where the player says they have an item when they really don't
• General: Added service refusal when holding skooma or moon sugar
• General: Capturable bounties will now yield after being knocked out
• General: Added more mid-quest Greeting 5 entries, made expulsion dialogue mechanics more similar to vanilla by adding "PC Expelled == 0" filter to guild questgiver greetings, added more expulsion blockers for quest topics
• General: The enchanter Eancor in Karthwasten now has 1,000 gold to be more in line with vanilla enchanters
• General: Sorri in Vorngyd's Stand now sells food and drink
• General: Enabled barter for Ywelac in Dragonstar West
• General: Durak gro-Bal in Uramok Camp now has a lower Unarmored value to allow him to wear his light armor
• General: Changed Rosleen in "Karthwasten, The Droopy Mare Tavern" and Swims-Far-Rivers in "Dragonstar East, Shadowkey Tavern" to class T_Sky_SavantService to more closely follow vanilla Thieves Guild NPCs plus increase the number of map/guide vendors
• General: Replaced many names in "Background" entries with %Name (the "Non Clairvoyant Nerevarine" MWSE mod should now be more compatible)
• General: Replaced references to various forts in dialogue with updated names and directions
• General: Changed "Pachkanan" topic to "Pachkan" to fix an inconsistency with other tribes' topics; added "AddTopic Pachkan" to various entries
• General: Increased the level and stats of the mercenary Rismund; he now properly returns to the Droopy Mare via "Change the plan" dialogue topic
• General: Added more heavy cuirasses to Dragonstar vendors
• General: Added "Water Breathing" spell to Selenya in Dragonstar West and two restocking "Water Breathing" potions to Rianard in Karthwasten
• General: Added "rules" and "requirements" dialogue entries for various Guilds
• General: Fixed bed mechanics in Reachman tradehouses
• General: Changed "my pa" topic to "like my pa" to stop blocking the vanilla "pants" topic
• General: Fixed Hammerfell Mages Guild entries in "join the Mages Guild" topic
• General: Removed Dunmer spells from various NPCs
• General: Replaced some items with updated/more appropriate alternatives
• General: Fixed many instances of item/container ownership
• General: Fixed various dialogue entries' typos, filters, etc.
Version 21.01a
• Exterior: Fixed a few floating and caspering rocks across the Druadach Highlands
• Exterior: Fixed floating fence in "Tro-Tuktura Pass"
• Exterior: Fixed floating rock near Merduibh
• Exterior: Moved Rust Russula out of rock and fixed floating tower near entrance to Dragonstar West
• Exterior: Replaced floating leveled fish spawn near Wilbur's House with leveled birds spawn
• Interior "Angturiel, Skyanchor Halls": Added more higher level creatures
• Interior "Braignainesaide, Marbaildomuin": Replaced accented character in cell name and covered up some spaces where player could see into void
• Interior "Briagmar Mine": Unchecked "illegal to sleep here"
• Interior "Dragonstar East, Castle Dragonstar, Throne Room": Raised a wooden crossbeam above a staircase leading down that was preventing tall characters from moving
• Interior "Dragonstar West, Ra'Habi Company Hall": Added ownership to over 70 items/containers
• Interior "Dragonstar West, Tamisa: Clothier": Moved incense position on counter so player won't be blocked from interacting with Tamisa
• Interior "Dragonstar West, Temple of Diagna": Moved candle that was bleeding into skull pile
• Interior "Karthwasten Caves, Sur-Rata Caverns": Players no longer need to progress through KW TG to access this interior
• Interior "Taurus Hall Legion Fort, Interior": Corrected ownership for a number of items
• Quest BAI01: Fixed typo in journal entry 10; fixed problem where quest would loop after completion
• Quest BM: Moved Bailcnoss-Merduibh quest-progressing Greeting 5s to Greeting 1 to avoid potential issue with disease greetings
• Quest BM: Fixed a dialogue loop in "apprentice's murder"
• Quest BM03/BM04: Fixed checks in "components for a ritual" entry that failed if player had more than one ingredient
• Quest DSE02: Increased reward's charge from 0 to 20
• Quest DSE03: Modified dialogue choice filters in "accuse poisoner" entries; removed the script commands that added negative quantities of beer after finishing quest since they broke the dialogue results; gave Ildgar restocking beer by default
• Quest DSE03: Reversed filter conditions for Lovir Raven-Call's post-quest and dead-Ildgar entries
• Quest DSE04: Fixed if/elseif check in Sky_qRe_DSE_Ar_Handler_sc that blocked fights with Arena NPCs if player finished DSMG03
• Quest DSE04: Fixed incorrect dialogue condition check which was blocking last arena fight with Skeigr the Swift
• Quest DSTG02: Doors with a lock level of 0 will appear as unlocked, but are actually locked and impossible to unlock. Fixed this issue ("Dragonstar West, Warehouse" doors) by adding new unlocked door reference and script, disabling it when quest starts, and enabling existing DSTG02 doors with updated lock level (0 to 60) and modified script
• Quest DSTG02: There's a chance that the player won't enter the DSW Warehouse and thus won't load Drazar so he'd unable to be moved to the Dragon Fountain Inn; fixed this by creating unique, disabled copies of Drazar and J'Rizar in the Inn
• Quest DSW02: Renamed "Sharga gro-Bekh" to "Sharga gra-Bekh" and updated journal entries
• Quest HA1: Modified NPC's scripts so the entire cultist group only attack immediately if you use Rilor's method; otherwise, attacking one of them now only sets the entire groups's Fight values to 100 instead of StartCombat'ing
• Quest KG2: Moved quest-progressing entries from Greeting 5 to Greeting 1 so they won't be blocked by diseased greetings
• Quest KG2: Player can now properly accept/reject Barjorg's plan after saying they'll think about it
• Quest KG2: Fixed various scripts that were slightly bloated and broke corpse-looting at times
• Quest KG4: Killing Thane Gorvrda now properly stops the ambush script
• Quest KW_B05: Bounty target is now enabled by default at start of game
• Quest KW08: Added missing "Finished" flags to last journal states
• Quest KWMG02: Removed disposition requirement for Caotir to teach the quest spell
• Quest KWMG05: Reworked dialogue trees to stop some looping and fix some edge cases
• Quest KWMG06: Modified dialogue filters to better account for decisions made in KWMG05
• Quest KWMG06: Added script to initially disable Uthore, a miner in Ruari
• Quest KWTG00: Added new KW TG quest which is only given if the player captured KW Bounty 2 before trying to join the Karthwasten Thieves Guild (attempts to reconcile some edge cases)
• Quest KWTG: Removed Skyrim TG expulsion resulting from a failed KW TG quest; the player is now only blocked from progressing in the KW TG
• Quest KWTG: Overhauled trespass crime mechanics in KW TG quests and added some voice lines
• Quest KWTG: Overhauled quests to enable most quest items in the world by default before the quests are taken (to be more like vanilla); a few quest items are still disabled for mechanical reasons
• Quest KWTG: Overhauled quests, mostly TG07, now that the Sogat Dur-Gada cell is no longer quest-gated and the cell can be killed prior to or during the KW TG chain
• Quest LH01: Adjusted filters so dialogue doesn't start until end of KWMG06
• Quest MAI02/MAI03: Lisva now has inventory to barter and properly gives a discount if she's reunited with Conall
• Quest NAR02: Replaced "wormmouth hides" in NAR02 journal entry 103 with "carved goatskin drum"
• General: Changed "Morrowind lore" to "Skyrim lore" in "my trade" entry for class T_Sky_Bookseller
• General: Added SHOTN-filtered Greeting 0 entry overrides to block Morrowind writs from being turned into SHOTN guards
• General: Gave Cypriana (Taurus Hall Legion Fort) the vanilla "Mara" entry since she's an Imperial
• General: Added "Nord" race filter to Nord-specific religious dialogue
• General: Gave Gorelius (Dragonstar, Census & Excise Office) a 33% chance to say "Your papers, please."
• General: Replaced "%Player" with "%PCName" in Gorelius' "diplomatic mission" entry
• General: Moved Sky_qRe_DSW04_Rhalan's "let me go" entries to "go free" and deleted the "let me go" topic to stop issues with vanilla slave dialogue
• General: Nistamal in Karthwasten's Guild of Mages now sells spells and performs spellmaking
• General: Removed Dunmer-specific and inappropriate spells from a number of NPCs
• General: Checked "Illegal to sleep here" for the Reachman settlements
• General: Adjusted various idle animations
• General: Optimized a number of scripts from earlier releases
• General: Fixed various dialogue entries
Version 20.01
• Moved Jurid Fast-Travel out of Ebonheart's Skyrim Mission and onto the docks
• Added a new shipmaster to the Karthwasten docks who can take the player back to Ebonheart (removed the destination from Haldine, the local shipmaster)
• Added three exterior cells at the northern border of the current release area to complete a previously disconnected road leading to Dragonstar, the focus of our next release
• Added new Guides to Dragonstar and Karthwasten (scrolls with vanilla-style art) to various NPCs/places in Karthwasten and Karthgad
• Added new voice lines that omit "outlander", "guar", "slave", etc. (vanilla lines still fire for vanilla NPCs)
• Fixed one of the Ruby Drake's doors
• Fixed two pieces of armor that didn't display correctly on the player
• Replaced the two minute bird sounds with smaller clips of random delay. They shouldn't persist into caves and other interiors anymore
• Fixed unusual script expression error in a local script on an activator in a barrow
• Fixed the 0-condition weapons, armors, and tools for sale in Karthwasten
• Adjusted the mercantile levels of the traders in Karthwasten
• Fixed a broken command in the "Lost Sister" quest
• Revamped the Karthwasten Bazaar
• New NPC Deran in KW Fighters Guild sells equipment and provides repairs
• Lowered the stats of enemies in two KW Fighters Guild quests
• Changed the way some OnDeath checks were being handled in multiple quests
• Updated trolls to new Tamriel_Data cave troll model/sound
• Renamed Haimtir's "House of Gods" to "Great Hallowhall"
• Fixed the script that controls the Direnni doors in Mirilstern (should work in both vanilla and OpenMW)
• Two hidden doors in or around Karthwasten now require another form of activation... (doesn't currently work in OpenMW)
• Added many Reachman-specific dialogue entries to Karthwasten to help distinguish those NPCs
• Added more entries to the "little advice" and "little secret" topics, among others
• Added more Nord religious dialogue entries
• Added missing diseased greetings for Reachmen
• Replaced a Reachman witch with a new Hagraven creature, added another Hagraven somewhere else...
• Overhauled the greeting system to be more like vanilla (high chance of city-specific greetings & low chance of generic fallbacks)
• Stopped some creatures from continuously walking into stable walls in Karthwasten and Haimtir
• Some balance passes here and there for unique weapons and armor
• Laid the foundation for the Dragonstar release and the beginning of the Reach's main quest...
Version 19.03
• Added more goods to many Karthgad and Karthwasten traders
• Moved some outdoor stands in Karthwasten to interior cells to improve FPS
• Added unique greetings for all traders in the Reach
• Added unique dialogue for a number of appropriate vanilla topics
• Added more "background" entries
• Added Rismund, a recruitable mercenary, to the Droopy Mare Tavern
• Added "price on your head" dialogue and mechanics for KW TG
• Added rank requirements to appropriate TG and FG quests to prompt the user to advance
• Added player reputation point rewards to 5 more quests
• Changed Aladoer's book in the Thieves Guild quest to be more appropriate for his background
• Capturing Dovica (for her bounty) before joining the TG no longer creates a blocker
• The vault door in the Karthwasten Thieves Guild quest now disables properly
• Fixed NPC Uldar Ember-Seeker for her bounty quest
• Fixed Sogat Dur-Gada NPCs in their bounty quest
• Each Direnni Register will now appear as a separate "quest" in the journal
• Added two missing journal index 0 (Quest Name) entries for the quest Divided Loyalties
• Replaced nearly all to-be-deprecated books
• Replaced all Dunmer furniture statics used in Sky_Main
• Added blessing mechanics to NPC Unahon and shrine door in Haimtir, House of Gods
• Added creatures to Vorngond Cavern
• Made Haimtir NPC Aynoc a trader and trainer
• Made Haimtir NPCs Qa'darri and Dralen trainers
• Made Uramok Camp NPC Azob a trader
• Made some NPCs in Karthwasten, Hall of the Boar Snout Clan trainers
• Checked "illegal to sleep" for Haimtir exterior cell
• Removed placeholder Direnni books
• Added unique diseased greetings for Reachmen
• Fixed diseased greetings that fire for many SHOTN NPCs
• Fixed incorrect Alarm values for some NPCs
• Guards now have a Flee chance of 0 like every vanilla guard
• Fixed instances of NPCs having vanilla classes
• Updated a number of dialogue entries to filter correctly and/or by vanilla mechanics
• Removed unused objects
• Updated ownership of a number of objects
• Fixed some bleeding and floating objects
• Consolidated a number of unique leveled lists into Tamriel_Data equivalents
• Updated Reachman dialogue
• Fixed a number of typos in dialogue entries and topic names
The Imperial Legion maintains a border wall between Dragonstar East, ruled by Jarl Jona the Ansei-Ender, and Dragonstar West, a Crown holding surrounded almost entirely by the Kingdom of the Reach. Residents of the cities are forbidden from crossing the wall due to threats of constant violence, something they know too well. Outside the cities, life goes on for the Reachmen of the Alovach and Taliesinn tribes; however, they keep one ear to the ground. If war were to again break out in Dragonstar, they would inevitably be dragged in...
Dragonstar West's Guild of Mages chapter, distrusted by the local population, struggles to maintain its image and waning membership. The Thieves Guild has its eyes on some big prizes and is rumored to be holed up in Dragonstar East. The Dragonstar Arena is filled with nervous spectators hungry for combatants to offer a distraction from every-day life...
Beyond the walls, the Reach is as dangerous as ever. Merchants continue to be attacked by bandits and Reachmen, ferocious beasts stalk the forests and mesas, and bound servants patrol the fortresses of both Clan Direnni and the First Era Nords...
The Skyrim: Home of the Nords Team is proud to present another release in our efforts to create the province of Skyrim as envisioned in the world of TESIII: Morrowind. It represents the work of many talented modders over the past years and includes the following features:
- 100+ quests, including new regional questlines for the Imperial Guilds, bounty hunting, and miscellaneous quests - 290+ exterior cells of hand-crafted landscape. - 330+ interior cells, including the massive cities of Karthwasten and Dragonstar, towns, camps, and dozens of locations for you to loot in classic TES fashion. - Specially-modeled exterior and interior assets to flesh out the settlements of the Reach, including Reachman camps, Direnni ruins, and ancient fortresses. - New books, armor, clothing, weapons, and more.
Notes and FAQ - Please Read!
Skyrim: Home of the Nords is a fan project for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind to build Skyrim inside of the Morrowind engine and worldspace. The project exists under the umbrella of the Project Tamriel team, which includes Project Cyrodiil and other in-development province mods.
The Skyrim of Skyrim: Home of the Nords is our own interpretation, rather than a copy of Bethesda's work in TESV Skyrim. Based on lore from Morrowind, the Pocket Guides to the Empire, and other sources, we have based our creation on what you might expect from having played TESIII rather than later games in the series.
========================================= Installation Information ---------------------------- i. Requirements ---------------------------- Before installing Skyrim: Home of the Nords, please ensure that you have the latest version of Morrowind (v 1.6820), including both Tribunal and Bloodmoon installed, as well as Tamriel_Data version v11.0 or higher. The Morrowind Code Patch is highly recommended for the vanilla engine. Other province projects, such as Tamriel Rebuilt, and Project Cyrodiil, are also recommended. All three province projects are dependent on Tamriel_Data, and seek to offer an integrated and mutually consistent experience, including cross-province quests which are dynamically enabled when these mods are installed together. - Tamriel_Data: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44537 - Morrowind Code Patch (MCP): https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19510 - "Map Expansion" feature in UI Expansion: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46071 (MWSE users only) - Tamriel Rebuilt: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42145 - Project Cyrodiil: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44922
---------------------------- ii. Install Process ---------------------------- To install Skyrim: Home of the Nords, simply extract the contents of the "00 Core" folder into your "Data Files" folder in your Morrowind directory. When prompted to merge folders, click Yes. If you have a previous version installed, be sure to overwrite all files.
If you wish to optionally generate grass, extract the contents of the "01 Grass for MGEXE and OpenMW" folder into your "Data Files" folder in your Morrowind directory and follow the applicable program's instructions for generating grass.
---------------------------- iii. Enabling Game Files ---------------------------- The final step before playing the new content is to ensure that the data files are enabled in Morrowind's Launcher. Simply launch Morrowind and ensure that Tamriel_Data.esm and Sky_Main.esm are ticked. Do not enable Sky_Main_Grass.esp in your load order!
---------------------------- iv. Updating Save Games (if using existing save with a previous version of SHOTN): ---------------------------- If you have a savefile that has had a previous version of Skyrim: Home of the Nords installed at any point, we strongly recommend a new save. A new save is also recommended if you have used an older version of Tamriel_Data.esm, as many things have changed or been deprecated.
All Skyrim: Home of the Nords content will be accessible the moment you load a saved game, or start a new game.
========================================= Traveling to Skyrim
There are several ways to reach Skyrim.
- Boat Travel
Players wishing to take a ship from Vvardenfell to Skyrim may speak to Jurid Fast-Travel, a merchant on the docks in Dagon Fel. You can also take a return trip back to Vvardenfell from Bronding Wind-Catcher on the Karthwasten docks. Players using the Project Tamriel mod Project Cyrodiil may also take a ship from Cyrodiil to Skyrim by speaking with Annine Golden-Blade on the quay of the Royal Haafingar Company in Anvil. A return trip is available from Cascus Daro on the Karthwasten docks.
- Quests
Skyrim: Home of the Nords also includes a quest which can provide immersive reasons for your character to travel to Skyrim from Cyrodiil. Without spoilers, this quest can be found in Dragonstar West and is enabled by script automatically when the game detects that you have Project Cyrodiil installed. ========================================= Known Issues
Skyrim: Home of the Nords is a work in progress created by amateur developers. Please be aware that bugs and inconsistencies may be found in our quests, worldspaces, or assets. Please report these when you find them on the #shotn_bugs channel of the Project Tamriel discord server.
All Project Tamriel mods are compatible with vanilla TESIII, Vanilla+MWSE, and OpenMW. However, there are certain lua-enabled features (mainly spells) which are unavailable on pure vanilla installs and OpenMW, and only usable on the original TESIII engine with Morrowind Script Extender/Lua installed.
Map: By default, the in-game map for TESIII: Morrowind is not large enough to show any part of the Skyrim landmass. You can fix this on Vanilla+MWSE installations by enabling the optional "Map Expansion" feature in the UI Expansion mod by NullCascade (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46071). On OpenMW installations, the map will automatically adjust itself.
Distance from 0,0 jitter: As the western parts of Skyrim are far away from the center of the Morrowind worldspace, certain engine instabilities are unavoidable. This may result in a small amount of object shakiness, depending on your computer. The OpenMW engine does not suffer from this issue in the same way, and does not experience noticeable jitter.
Unfinished Landmass: The end of the finished, playable worldspace will appear in some parts of the game as an abrupt drop-off of terrain. This marks the limit of the worldspace for Skyrim: Home of the Nords' finished areas. If you want to push this edge further, please consider joining our team as a developer!
OpenMW users must use v0.49, available as development build at https://openmw.org/downloads/. OpenMW v0.48 and earlier will cause errors in Skyrim: Home of the Nords.
At the moment, no incompatibilities between Skyrim: Home of the Nords and other mods are known to us. The worldspace of West Skyrim is located far to the west of Vvardenfell.
Although they are not hard incompatibilities, we recommend against using face texture mods and body replacers. This is because Project Tamriel mods include an array of new races and faces which are designed for visual congruence with those found in the original game. Changing faces and bodies will therefore cause aesthetic inconsistencies in how NPCs look across your game world.
========================================= Future
Skyrim: Home of the Nords is a mod under the umbrella of Project Tamriel. Future Skyrim releases will see the worldspace advance to Snowhawk and Falkreath.
There are currently four provinces in active development by Project Tamriel: Skyrim, Cyrodiil, High Rock, and Hammerfell. Project Cyrodiil is fully playable, and its developers continue to work towards the next release, the Kingdom of Sutch. The first releases of High Rock and Hammerfell are in development around the western Reach and Rihad, respectively.
Tamriel Rebuilt is not part of Project Tamriel, but our two projects share many developers and the Tamriel_Data asset repository. All Project Tamriel mods will always be compatible with Tamriel Rebuilt, and vice versa.