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About this mod

A remake of the Cistern from pra's "Not Just Basements" that I use as a player home. Partially to save it for myself so I don't ever lose the build again, and partially for others to use if they like it.

Permissions and credits
My primary intention here is to create a Transfer Settlement Blueprint for my "standard" player home build that I do now. I've been using the wonderful [Not Just Basements] by [pra] for this purpose for quite awhile now, and I've pretty well standardized my build in there to my liking. I don't want to have to rebuild that every time I start a new playthrough, and so posting it here as a mod will save me the trouble. Once I discovered that [Transfer Settlements] would work for this purpose, I committed to turning this playthrough's build into a mod and making several blueprints available.

Next up, I realized that not everyone uses my entire modlist, so I promised to make this in stages. Each stage would progressively add more of the customization in, and ... thus, a greater dependence on the mods in my LO. If you just want the structural changes I made to the base Cistern build, great, use the slot 1 file for that. Each slot after that will add more stuff, with thorough details provided below.

In order to go from the "stock" Cistern to being able to import the settlement, I start with some cleanup and settings that will prevent overlapping objects and make room for the customization the settlement brings in. You'll want to have [Place Everywhere] installed, and use the "Enable extra objects scrapping" (by default, the "Ins" key), in order to do this, as some of the objects you'll be removing are not scrappable by default. Take some care when doing so, as it is super easy to delete walls and such when all you really wanted was to get rid of a poster. Steps:

  • Make a save point here in case you do end up deleting something you didn't mean to. Trust me, its going to happen, and you'll thank me later.
  • Go to the workbench, use the box on the wall to set "Interior Settings", and turn off trash and lights. You can leave fog on or off per your preference.
  • Starting in the entrance hallway, remove the two posters
  • On to the eastern room, remove the door, remove all workbenches, storages, posters, etc. Leave only the main linked workshop, power grid switch and interior settings box
  • Northern hallway, bedroom, remove all furniture and door
  • Northern hallway, chemistry room, remove all furniture and decoration, chem bench and door
  • Western room, remove the big equipment and pipes and the grate wall in front of the pipes on the lower floor
  • Central room, remove all the walkways, both in the center and sides, remove the I-beam posts in the center, remove the 4 drainpipes and grate covers, remove the ladder and top rungs

Requirements for the various file slots. Note that these are just the requirements listed by Transfer Settlements in order to properly Import the blueprint.

Slot 1:
This is the most basic build, with the fewest requirements.

Slot 2:
This slots adds some of the workbenches back in, as well as some of the crafting room storage. This also adds fully routed power wiring, conduit and lighting for the whole cistern. Not everyone likes how I choose to wire power, so ... ymmv. Generators are up top in the central room. I hadn't gotten high enough science yet to get fusion reactors, but you can replace that as you see fit once you've imported the settlement. Each slot builds on the one before, so the above requirements are still true, with these additional ones now added:

Slot 3:
Alright. Here's where things start getting serious. Kitchen/Bathroom (previously the room with the chembench in it) and the bedroom are now completely redone. Trophy room has (at least the start of) the collectible shelving and displays. Starting putting up some artwork. Pretty happy with all of that so far. Nothing really in the central room, but that will be slot 4. New requirements in the spoiler.
And finally, Slot 4:
This is the final, fully built out slot. I should note that while I do use some of the modular addons to the Art Connoisseur Systems (ABP, Luis Royo, etc), these are not required at all. You can take or leave them or create your own art as well if you want. In fact, I'm contemplating doing just that. Also, I'm fairly certain that if you import this blueprint, and you don't have some of these mods installed, it just skips those objects. No real harm done. You'll just end up with blank spots in the settlement where you can add your own stuff in. Anyway, new "requirements" for slot 4 are listed here: