About this mod
A substantial quest mod which adds a new town to the Commonwealth. Features ten main, thirty-six side quests, a fully-voiced player, over 5,000 lines of new dialogue, new set of collectable bobbleheads with perks, and plenty to explore and discover. Approximately 8-10 hours of new gameplay.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
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What to Expect
This is not a "campaign" mod with a strict beginning and end. It's a town with a lot of quests to do.
There is one unmarked quest, and two quests which feature moments without markers.
How to Start
Fourville is located near the town of Salem. The closest vanilla location is the town of Salem, to begin the mod travel there and head west across the bay. Fourville is marked with a gear icon.
On the day of the Great War, the residents of Salem made their way to the shelter of Vault 4. Only those registered in the vault programme were granted entrance. Some refugees reasoned that if they could wait out the twenty-year closure period, which Vault-Tec had advertised, then they would be able to find shelter when the vault opened.
More than two-hundred years later the town had changed a lot. A town grew up inside the cave outside the vault, its houses made from reclaimed Vault-Tec equipment and built into the walls of the cave which have been dug out as generations of residents tried to get inside the vault.
When the Sole Survivor arrives at Fourville the town is in the middle of an election where the vault has become a major point of contention. The town's incumbent mayor believes the vault will open one day, and has made this the focal point of his campaign. His challenger believes the vault is holding the town back and attempts to get inside should be abandoned. The Sole Survivor's involvement can shift the scale and change the face of the community forever.
Features - At a Glance
- Ten main quests.
- Forty-one side quests.
- Seven radiant quests.
- 8-10 hours of gameplay.
- One companion, with full affinity and contextual dialogue, whose story develops as you travel together.
- Fully voiced player utilising vanilla lines to create a new story.
- Over 5,000 lines of new dialogue recoded by nearly seventy voice actors.
- A full set of collectable bobbleheads with new perks.
- Forty new interiors.
About the Mod
This mod has been one and a half years in development. The writing, scripting, quest and environment design was all done by me. Where as my other mods have focused on one story of campaign, the focus of this mod is the town itself. This mod is intended to fit in seamlessly with a regular playthrough, with the town feeling like any other the player might encounter. There are plenty of characters to meets, quests to do, things to explore and secrets to uncover.
This mod had no requirements.
Place the esp and archive files into your Fallout4/data folder. Activate with your mod manager of choice.
Although it has been thoroughly play tested, with a mod this size I cannot guarantee there won't be any bugs. If you do encounter a bug please leave a detailed description in the bugs section. Give me information of what happened, what you were doing when it happened, and steps to reproduce it. The same goes for typos, because I often make them and find them difficult to spot. Please give precise information.
If you can't find something, it's not a bug. Not all of the quests have markers, some require searching for things. You'll always be given dialogue clues in quests where there are no markers.
FAQs (Spoilers)
Q: I can't find anything in Roscoe's house
A: There's a safe on his workbench
Q: How many quests do I have to do for the hustings to start?
A: Six. Radiants and fails don't count
Q: I can't find the sonnet
A: Old Corner Book Store, Boston Public Library, or WRVR
Q: I can't find Mr. Abominable
A: Start at Sunshine Tidings Co-op. There's a corpse on the road nearby with a clue
Q: Fourville isn't there
A: You're using an old version of Fallout 4 and need to update
Q: A radiant quest is directing me somewhere, and I don't know where it is.
A: It is likely something from another mod. The radiant quests choose their locations based on keywords. If a mod author has tagged their location with these keywords, the quest can detect it. I can't really avoid this without making their mod a dependency. If this happens type Help Vlt04R 4 into the console to get a list of radiant IDs and names, type SetStage RadientID 10 into the console to skip to the "return to" phase.
Credits - Other
Texture work, logo and poster - Kathryn Cook, https://www.instagram.com/kathrynsarahjournals
Credits - Voice Actors
Android – MrGasMaskMan, https://twitter.com/AlotOfSpareTime
Bartholomew/Former Father of the Four - J.S. Grier
Ben Armstrong/Steve/Male 02 – jthrongard
Betty - Lilli Flynn, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQWALplxJ1911hsssfHESQQ?view_as=subscriber
Big Ears - Carter Persson
Bobby Wicked – Demitri Cullen, https://www.youtube.com/c/SturkGaming
Chef Sam Page - Ramzey Zourob
Child 01 - Nichalia Schwartz
Child 02 - Josey_Average
Chuck Moon - Mike Christensen
Constantine Campbell - Josh Brabant
Deputy Security Officer Sanders - Dea Simone
Diamond City Security/Male 04 - Thomas Silas III
Dr. Christine Stennett/May Waters - Robyn Rybnik,https://www.castingcall.club/m/rrybnik
Dr. Peter Huxley - Lucas Arthur, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGwBHZUBVQZgL-PZzXzM6A
Father Benjamin - Roger Adams, Roger-Adams.com
Father of the Four – Brett Balfour, bbvoiceovers.com
Female 01/Returning Officer –BashfulEcho
Francis/Lab Assistant/Male 05 –Ryan Do
Jack Shilcock – Brian Walsh
John Shilcock - https://www.castingcall.club/m/MisterNKB, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hS3rbeft5t83BqmC65kRQ
Judith/Female 03 - Adrienne Morse,@the_mockingbirb
June Waters/Dorothy Verner – Abigail Wahl, @wardenwahl, www.abigailwahl.com
Laura Stennett - Maisie P., https://twitter.com/ika_kid, https://instagram.com/ika.kid
Logan Verner - John Harraman "The VoiceoverOutlaw"
Lorraine - Tiffany Witcher, @_TiffanyWitcher, TiffanyWitcher.com
Malcolm Longbottom – Wyatt Henry, https://www.castingcall.club/m/Wyatt%20Henry
Male 03/Follower of the Four - Phil Yeung Tan, https://www.castingcall.club/m/Phil%20Yeung%20Tan
Male 06/Duke – Dantefettman, https://www.castingcall.club/m/DanteFettman
Male 07/Fourville Security Guard - JohnathanDougharty, https://ratedjoe.wixsite.com/acting
Male 08/Dave – Charkiboi, Twitch.tv/charkiboi, YouTube.com/Charkiboi
Marcus Montgomery - Danny 'Master Hirano' Gordon
Mary/Female 07/Child 03 – carimelle
Mayor Wayne Sanders – Forrest Lee
Mike - Eric Umstott (GentlemanT-rex), https://twitter.com/UmstottEric?s=09
Mike Armstrong – Jack Franklin
Mr. Abominable – Torqizaton
Mr. Armstrong - Roger Adams, www.roger-adams.com
Mr. McDonnell – PeeJ VA
Mr. Turner - Jason Cryer,twitch.tv/GeminiDoesGames, @GeminiDoesGames
Mrs. Armstrong/Female 04/Digits – Lily Jane,LilyJaneAudio.com
Ms. Hasenbuhler - Ally MuddyOrbs, https://www.castingcall.club/m/allymuddyorbs
Ms. Paula McKenzie – Nightskrel, https://www.castingcall.club/m/nightskrel
Nelson – Khobis, https://twitter.com/khobis_VA
Nigel Hely-Hutchinson, 12th Earl of Donoughmore –Swiss Walker, https://www.facebook.com/TheSwissVA/
Overseer Chuck Nally - Jimmie Yamaguchi
Paul – mr_bananasham
Pete Roscoe – Rob Barnett, neverfailvocals.com
Quinn – ChiefJerky
Rusty - Kyle Robert Allen
Security Chief Marshal - Corey Graziano
Sir. David Tilley VIII – NoamBen-Avraham, NowYouNoam.com
Sue Janeway – Wubcake
Susie Malone - Laura Brady, https://www.castingcall.club/m/swishnflick
Tent Guard/Male 01 - Nicholas Allaire, www.nicholasallaire.com
Theodore Nally – Eric D. Cota, SplitSkullMedia.com
Vault 4 AI - Caleb Noel, https://www.calebnoel.com
Vince Long/Mr. Wu/Rory - Anthony W, castingcall.club/m/Ay-W
Workshop Willie – Paul Warren, https://www.castingcall.club/m/nevernotninja