About this mod
A collection of patches to integrate SKK mods into Horizon
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
These patches are for Horizon 1.8 and have not been tested with Horizon 1.9. It is likely most, if not all of these patches need to be updated for Horizon 1.9. You may use these patches as a starting point for patching the original mods for Horizon 1.9. Please give me credit if you do and let me know so I can point people to the updated patch
SKK's mods are extremely well made and natively compatible with Horizon. Technically speaking none of these patches are required to use any of the mods below with Horizon. However, these mods lack Horizon balance, items, and name tags for inventory sorting.
These patches remedy the situation by doing the following:
- Add icon/sorting tags to new items
- Move constructible items to either the Tech Lab or Weapons Lab to declutter the Chem Station
- Adjust crafting recipes to match Horizon's standards
- Adjust new food/drink/junk items to match Horizon's standards (effects/values/junk components)
- Adjust Leveled Lists to include Horizon items and appropriate amounts of items
- Adjust Armor / Clothing to fit Horizon's standards including lining and utility slots
More detailed change logs available in the spoiler below the mod name.
For your convenience all patch plugins are tagged as light (ESL flag). They will not count towards the plugin limit.
If you are looking for my general Horizon patch collection you can find it HERE
Note: Just because all these mods have been patched does NOT mean I recommend using all of them together. For example, SKK Fast Start New Game should not be used with SKK Synthetic Player. Please read the original mod pages for compatibility notes
If you have problems with SKK's mods AFTER installing a patch please contact me first so I can confirm if it is my patch breaking something.
Installation / Load order
All of these patches require SKK's original mod and Horizon v1.8. They do not include any of the quests, scripts, or other assets necessary for the mods to function.
Once you have installed SKK's mod, Horizon v1.8, and a patch the load order should be as follows:
Patched Mods
- Note: It is recommended to use the most recent version of SKK's mods unless indicated otherwise
SKK Combat Settlers
1. Combat Settlers Holotape Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_CSETHolotape_co)
- Adjust description for consistency
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Adjust crafting requirements for SKK Workshop Spawn button to match Horizon Recruitment Beacon
1. SKK Combat Settlers Holotape (EDID: SKK_CSETHolotape)
- Add [Settings] tag to full name to give icon and inventory sorting
- Add object bounds
SKK Combat Stalkers (Nexus Edition)
1. Combat Stalkers Holotape Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_CSHolotape_co)
- Add pickup and drop sounds
- Remove crafting requirements (free to make)
- Adjust description for consistency
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
1. Combat Stalker Death Tag (EDID: SKK_CSDeathTag)
- Add ($) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Combat Stalkers Holotape (EDID: SKK_CSHolotape)
- Add standard holotape Object Bounds
- Add [Settings] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
SKK Fast Start Location
- v002 update - Starting resources now include enough scrap to build tech lab and weapons lab along with previous items
1. Fast Start Location Resource Container (EDID: SKK_FSIResourceContainer)
- Adjust player starting supplies to fit Horizon balance and items
1. 10mm Mods (EDID: SKK_FSL10mmOMOD)
- Add degraded OMOD (-15%)
- Add 10mm ammo type OMOD
- Set all other OMODs to pistol "standard" instead of upgrades
- Add degraded OMOD (-15%)
- Set all other OMODs to combat shotgun "standard" instead of upgrades
- Add degraded OMOD (-15%)
- Add 308 ammo type OMOD
- Set all other OMODs to pipe bolt action "standard" instead of upgrades
- Change from heavy raider armor to medium raider armor
- Remove hazmat suit
- Add heavy cage armor
- Add gasmask with goggles
1. Player Equipment: rads spawn area difficulty (EDID: SKK_FSLPlayerEquipmentRADS)
- Adjust to Horizon items and amounts
- Adjust to Horizon items and amounts
- Adjust to Horizon items and amounts
- Adjust resources to be able to construct caravan travel hub, recruitment beacon, resource station, small generator, tech lab, and weapons lab
SKK Fast Start New Game
All items in Vault 111 are given to the player. Vault 111 is now empty except for the Cryolator, rad roaches and the Spouse's wedding ring
- v002 update - Field Kit and Weapon Kit now included in the items the player recieves after exiting Vault 111
1. Vault 111 (EDID: Vault111Cryo)
- All Armor, Clothing, Ingestibles, MISC items, Notes, and Weapons in cell set to "initially disabled" (effectively deleting the items)
- All container references changed to an empty container (more on containers below)
- Red Menace Holotape removed from Recreational Terminal
1. Vault Desk 01 (EDID: Starter_Vault_Desk_01)
- All items removed
- All items removed
- All items removed
- All items removed
- All items removed
- All items removed
- Newly created record copied from original container that was referenced in other locations
- All items removed
- Newly created record copied from original container that was referenced in other locations
- All items removed
- Newly created record copied from original container that was referenced in other locations
- All items removed
- Newly created record copied from original container that was referenced in other locations
- All items removed
- All items removed
- All items removed
- Newly created record copied from container that was referenced in other locations
- All items removed
1. New Player Equipment (EDID: SKK_FSNGPlayerEquipment)
- v002 update - Field Kit and Weapon Kit now included
- Add all Armor, Clothing, Ingestibles, MISC items, Notes, and Weapons from Vault 111 into list
- Add all items from Vault 111 terminal and containers (including Leveled Items) into list
- Changed N99 Pistol to degraded variant
1. Vault Teck Recreational Terminal (EDID: Vault11RecTerminalDesk)
- Remove Red Menace Holotape
Feral Nights By SKK
1. Feral Boss Proximity Detector Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_FeralNightsDetector_co)
- Adjust recipe to match Horizon standards
- Move crafting workbench to Weapons Lab
- Change category keyword to grenades
- Add pickup and drop sounds
- Add description for consistency
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
1. Feral Nights Holotape (EDID: SKK_FeralNightsHolotape)
- Add [Settings] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add pick up and drop sounds
1. Feral Boss Proximity Detector (EDID: SKK_FeralNightsDetectorProjectile)
- Add (^) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Feral Boss Proximity Detector (EDID: SKK_FeralNightsDetector)
- Add (^) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
Hostile Workshops By SKK
1. SKK Workshop force hostile note (EDID: SKK_HWForceWorkshopNote)
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. SKK Workshop force hostile note Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_HWForceWorkshopNote_co)
- Add description for consistency
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
1. SKK Hostile Workshop Holotape (EDID: SKK_HWHolotape)
- Add [Settings] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
Preston Is Killable By SKK
1. Preston Garvey Death Notice (EDID: SKK_KPDeathNote)
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
Move Workshop Markers By SKK
1. SKK Move Workshop Markers (EDID: SKK_MWMMenuItem)
- Add (Menu) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Adjust description for consistency
1. SKK Move Workshop Markers Crafting Recipe (EDID:SKK_MWMMenuItem_co)
- Adjust description for consistency
- Move crafting to Tech Lab
Multiracial Workshop Actors From SKK
1. SKK Multiracial Workshop Actors Menu (EDID: SKK_MWAMenuItem)
- Added (Menu) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. SKK MWA Actor Menu Note (EDID: SKK_MWAActorCommandMenuNote)
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Multiracial Workshop Actor Command Menu Note (EDID: SKK_MWAActorCommandMenuNote_co)
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Adjust description for consistency
- Move crafting location to Tech Lab
- Adjust crafting recipe to match Horizon recruitment radio requirements
- Adjust crafting recipe to match Horizon recruitment beacon requirements
Nuclear Winter Mobility Mutations
1.Frog Legs Serum (EDID: SKK_M76FrogLegsSerum)
- Add (!A) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Reduce value to 50
- Add (!A) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Reduce value to 50
- Add (!A) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Reduce value to 50
- Add (!A) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Reduce value to 50
1. Mutations Crafting Recipe Category (EDID: SKK_M76RecipeMutations)
- Add |!A| tag to full name for icon and recipe sorting position
Quick Player Respec By SKK
- v002 update - Add/Remove perks to list according to Horizon's perk list (Thanks Tugatoga)
1. Quick Player Respec Menu (EDID: SKK_QPRMenuPotion)
- Add (Menu) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. SPECIAL point book (EDID: SKK_QPRspecialBook)
- Add (Mag) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Quick Player Respec Menu Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_QPRMenuPotion_co)
- Adjust description for consistency
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Add description
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
1. Perk Points List (EDID: SKK_QPRPerkPointsList)
- Add/Remove perks to list according to Horizon's perk list
Scavver Faction RedRocket Workshops By SKK
1. Red Rocket Scavver Underalls Armor Addon (EDID: SKK_RRScavverUnderallsAA)
- Adjust Biped Body Template flags to match Horizon standards
1. Red Rocket Scavver Underalls (EDID: SKKRRScavverUnderalls)
- Remove "Fortify Luck" Object Effect
- Adjust Biped Body Template flags to match Horizon standards
- Add Horizon keywords for Linings, Utilities, and Dynamic Naming
- Reduce value to 4
- Reduce weight to 1
- Reduce armor rating to 0
- Add Horizon attachment slots for Linings and Utilities
1. Scavver Suicide Note (EDID: SKKRRSuicideNote)
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. High-Powered Magnet(EDID: SKK_RRScavengeContractItem01)
- Change full name to Degraded High-Powered Magnet
- Add [Junk] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add high quality junk keyword
- Weight reduced to 1
- Change full name to Degraded Circuit Board
- Add [Junk] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add high quality junk keyword
- Adjust scrapping components to higher quality/value
- Change full name to Degraded Power Relay Coil
- Add [Junk] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add common junk keyword
- Change full name to Degraded Sensor Module
- Add [Junk] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add quality junk keyword
- Value reduced to 10
- Weight reduced to 0.5
- Scrapping components normalized to Horizon standards
- Add [Mag] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add [Mag] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add [Mag] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add [Mag] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add [Mag] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add [Mag] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Scavver Turret (EDID: SKK_RRTurret)
- Add Horizon perks for damage and resistance scaling
- Reduce health to 70
- Add Fire Resistance (50)
- Add Native Terminal for interaction with Horizon systems
- Add Native Terminal Keyword for interaction with Horizon systems
- Add Horizon perks for damage and resistance scaling
- Reduce health to 70
- Add Fire Resistance (50)
- Add Native Terminal for interaction with Horizon systems
- Add Native Terminal Keyword for interaction with Horizon systems
Random Encounter Manager By SKK
1. Random Encounter Manager Holotape Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_REMHolotape_co)
- Add pickup and drop sounds
- Adjust description for consistency
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
1. Random Encounter Death Tag (EDID: SKK_REMDeathTag)
- Add ($) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Random Encounter Holotape (EDID: SKK_REMHolotape)
- Add Object Bounds for standard holotapes
- Add [Settings] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add holotape model
SKK Script Lag Latency Detector
1. SKK Script Lag Ring 05 Seconds (SKK_SLTRing05)
- Add (Ring) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add (Ring) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add (Ring) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add (Ring) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add (Ring) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. SKK Script Lag Ring 05 Seconds Crafting Recipe (SKK_SLTRing05)
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
SKK Settlement Attack System
1. Settlement Attack System Air Support Grenade Recipe (EDID: SKK_SASAirSupportGrenade_co)
- Adjust crafting requirements to match Horizon standards
- Change crafting workbench to Weapons Lab
- Adjust crafting requirements to match Horizon standards
- Change crafting workbench to Weapons Lab
- Add heavy ammo keyword for Weapons Lab sorting
- Adjust crafting requirements to match Horizon standards
- Change crafting workbench to Weapons Lab
- Add pistol keyword for Weapons Lab sorting
- Add pickup and drop sounds
- Add description
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
1. Settlement Attack System Holotape (EDID: SKK_SASHolotape)
- Add [Settings] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Settlement Attack System Air Support Grenade (EDID: SKK_SASAirSupportGrenade)
- Add (FlairG) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
SKK Survival Utilities
1. Survival Utilities Refillable Water (EDID: SKK_SURefillableWater)
- Add [==] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add drink and clean keywords to match Horizon standards
- Change description to match Horizon standards
- Change value to 40 to match Horizon standards
- Adjust Effects to match Horizon standards
- Add [Food] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add "food clean" and "quenches" keywords to match Horizon standards
- Change model to vegetable soup instead of noodle cup
- Adjust description to reflect effect changes
- Add consume sound
- Adjust effects to match Horizon standards
- New effect now gives a clean bottle back after consumption
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add |Menu| tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Stored Power Armor (EDID: SKK_SUStoredPowerArmorRecall)
- Add (!P) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Global Stash Advert (EDID: SKK_SUGlobalStashAdvert)
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Survival Utilities Holotape Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_SUHolotape_co)
- Add pickup and drop sounds
- Add description
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Adjust crafting materials to match Horizon standards
- Add Survival skill requirement to craft
- Change crafting workbench to Chem Lab
- Change category keyword to Ingredients for sorting
- Adjust crafting materials to match Horizon standards
- Change category keyword to Basic Meals for sorting
1. Survival Utilities Holotape (EDID: SKK_SUHolotape)
- Add [Settings] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
Synthetic Player
- v002 update - "Starting Equipment" option now includes Horizon Settings Holotape, Architect Options, Field Kit, and Weapon Kit
1. Commonwealth News Holotape Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_SPHolotape_co)
- Add pickup and drop sounds
- Add description
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
1. Player Starting Equipment (EDID: SKK_SPPlayerInventory)
- v002 update - now includes Horizon Settings Holotape, Architect Options, Field Kit, and Weapon Kit
- Change stimpack to combat stimpack to match Horizon standards
- Change ammo to 9mm and reduce count to 10
- Change 10mm to Deteriorated 9mm to match Horizon standards
1. Commonwealth News Holotape (EDID: SKK_SPHolotape)
- Add [#Holotape] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
Unlimited Combat Followers By SKK
1. Unlimited Combat Follower Menu Item (EDID: SKK_UCFMenuITEM)
- Add (Menu) tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
1. Unlimited Combat Follower Menu Item Crafting Recipe(EDID: SKK_UCFMenuITEM_co)
- Add description
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
SKK Unlock All Companions
1. Unlock Companions Holotape Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_UCHolotape_co)
- Add pickup and drop sounds
- Add description
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
1. Unlock Companions Holotape (EDID: SKK_UCHolotape)
- Add [Settings] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
SKK Workshop Ownership Utilities
1. Cat Kebab (EDID: SKK_WUCatKebab)
- Add [Food] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
- Add clean food keyword
- Adjust description to match effect changes
- Adjust weight to 0.2
- Lower value to 20
- Remove health restoration effect
- Lower fortify action point effect to 5
1. Workshop Utilities Settler Menu Note (EDID: SKK_WUSettlerMenuNote)
- Add [#Note] tag to full name for icon and item sorting
1. Cat Kebab Crafting Recipe (EDID: SKK_WUCatKebab_co)
- Adjust crafting requirements to 3 cat meat
- Add pickup and drop sounds
- Add description
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Change crafting workbench to Tech Lab
- Adjust crafting components to match Horizon standards
- Adjust crafting components to match Horizon standards
1. Settlement Starter List (EDID: SKK_WUSettlementStarter)
- Adjust items to include enough materials to make caravan travel station, recruitment beacon, recourse station, and small generator
1. Workshop Utilities Holotape (EDID: SKK_WUHolotape)
- Add [Settings] tag to full name for icon and inventory sorting
Other Recommended Horizon 1.8 Patch Repositories:
Chrislor2882 - Armor patches and Weapon patches
Greb651 - General patches
Starguard (gpthree) - General patches
sushicid3 - Weapon patches
The Illusion (ThePrinceOfHell) - General patches
Special thanks to:
SKK50 - For all the wonderful mods they've made for us
Zawinul - For making Horizon
Tugatoga - For letting me analyze and forward some things from patches they made previously
Greb, Starguardace, and PiningForTheFjords for their help and feedback in creating these patches (and for keeping me sane)