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About this mod

FastStart a new game in less than 2 minutes from Main menu > Looks menu > SPECIAL menu > Outside Vault 111 with most mod added inventory items. This is a scripted bypass, not a static savegame so you get full player customisation and fresh RNG.

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FastStart a new game in less than 2 minutes from Main menu > Looks menu > SPECIAL menu > Outside Vault 111 with most mod added inventory items. This is a scripted bypass, not a static savegame so you get full player customisation and fresh RNG.


This mod is by far the most compatible quickstart/alternate start availble [sic] for the XBOX1 that i have tried. As Todd Howard would say "it just works" so congrats and thanks for this mod. ChaosMonkey83

If you often start new games and are bored of the tiresome-after-the-3rd-time initial dialogue or the same RNG baked into a static save game, this will help get new excitement faster.

You start with the usual Looks menu mirror scene then straight to name, rank and SPECIAL stats. Relax for 20 seconds to emerge from the elevator ready to go. If you know the face and stats you want, this can all be done in less than 2 minutes.
There is a wait option if WorkshopParent has not finished registering base game workshops and you have solutions that depend on this before arriving in the world. It can take WorkshopParentScript TWO MINUTES from looks menu to complete base game workshop registrations ... that's just how busy the game engine is setting up the world 'n quests. Note that this wait is probably not long enough for Sim Settlements to start-up.

The player starts outside Vault 111 with basic vault gear along with holotapes and stuff other mods have added after looksmenu. Read this is stuff is missing Why mod added inventory items are missing from new games.

If you want to customise the player loadout, xEdit the LeveledItem list SKK_FSNGPlayerEquipment. The script is hardcoded to autoequip  PipBoy, Armor_Vault111_Underwear, Armor_WeddingRing, 10mm if they are in inventory. It will not know about any replacements you make, so best not to replace the default Pipboy until after vault exit unless the replacement has an autoequip script. 

All base game Vault 111 animations are fully working and primed to automatcally run/open if you want to return to the vault. Includes the elevator, gear door, locked doors, spouse & etc as long as they have not been messed with by something else. If you want the Cryolator use a force unlock solution like Open Anything.

If you are looking to replace an all-in-one ALT start mod and want to start from different locations/levels, install both SKK Fast Start New Game *and* SKK Fast Start Location as SKK solutions are built on modular choices. 

PC installation 

This must be installed before a new game start.

It is 100% new forms and scripts with zero dependencies on anything at all except Fallout4.exe 1.10.162 (or later) including 1.10.980

As it does not touch any other stuff in your save-game, it has no load order needs.

Copy SKKFastStartNewGame.esp and  SKKFastStartNewGame – Main.BA2 to your ...\Fallout 4\Data directory and add to Plugins.txt, or enable in the Bethesda mod menu, use a mod manger or however you organise. Even though some may get lucky, SKK does not support the removal of any CreationEngine mod from an active savegame. Those who know, know.

You should not ESL flag the ESP.


It works on PC , Xbox and GamePass.

This is of course totally NOT compatible with any other ALT or fast start mods that mess with or bypass MQ101 pre-war Sanctuary or MQ102 Vault 111 including Start Me Up. MQ101 pre war Sanctuary is super fragile, if ANYTHING touches it such as mods that force player UI interaction (notes, terminals, holotapes) this will not work, for example:


(1) Whatever Creation Club Content that has been stopping the Vault 111 door from opening during a normal game start.

(2) A combination of DefUI and HudFramework or FallUI-Hud and BravoHUD.

(3) Mods that try to pop UI dialogs between looksmenu mirror scene and the V111 elevator exit animation completing (MQ101 Stage 10).

(4) PLAYER COMMENTS messing with startup dialog.

Other Known Issues 

(1) If you have any other mods that try and add items to the player inventory at startup (like holotapes, weapons) and that stuff is not turning up, please ask the mod author to read this article: New game quest and inventory problems  because the base game clears the player inventory out before this solution can take control and stop that happening.

(2) If you have a crap-tonne of content that all fires up at Vault exit (e.g. Creation Club) causing Codsworth or Preston dialog to bug out, read New game quest and inventory problems. It is totally OK to move the the CC*.ESL files to another folder until your ready to run that  additional content.
(3) If you have solutions with complex or long running scripted tasks that must be completed before the player arrives in the Commonwealth you will not be able to use this fast start solution. Because you clearly need a slow start for them.

(4) There is an issue with mods or CC content that replace, modify or re-texture the Pip-Boy which can become invisible. There is a [ Toolbox of Pipboy fixing ] under the Vault 111 external control cabin which re-adds and equips a base game pip-boy on the player on activation. If that still has no effect, you clearly have a very naughty mod. Best to add and enable them after the player is in the Commonwealth so they can do whatever they do to the game to load correctly.

(5) If you want to return to V111 for rings and Cryolator, the vault door will open for you when 3d loads but the animation takes some time to play out so it may look like nothing is happening for a bit. If mods that mess with v111 stop the animation from playing, try to force it with Open Anything or on PC console [ 000330c3.SendAnimEvent "Stage2" ]. If they dont work you clearly have a very naughty mod. 

(6) This fast sequenced solution is not compatible with forced console commands like extended looks menu or mods that pop modal UI messages, so wait until it the player is in the Commonwealth to pop the console or enable those mods.

(7) If you have a black hemisphere on the V111 elevator or are falling through the elevator mesh you may have a naughty settlement scrapping mod which messes with precombines, object collision or something which messes with player collision (like uneducated shooter). This mod never has and never will modify ANY game objects so save everyone time and dont bother pointing at it. Blame your government if it makes you feel better.

The SKK Fast series that are 100% main quest compatible

SKK Fast Start New Game - start  a new game in less than 2 minutes to Vault 111 exit. 
SKK Fast Start Location  - start your new game from a different Commonwealth location.
SKK Fast Start Reunions - auto complete Vault 118 and Fort Hagen ready to take down Kellogg.
SKK Fast BOS -  triggers the arrival of the Prydwen once the Arcjet Call to Arms quest is completed.
SKK Fast Start Minutemen - auto complete initial Minutemen quests to unlock their support.
SKK Fast Start Institute - relay direct to the Institute to accelerate the main quest with a helper faction. 
SKK Fast Start Railroad - unlock Railroad faction and HQ.
SKK Fast STOP Institute - blow the institute without the main quest, factions or relay.

If you have read the comprehensive solution description and still need support,
use the SKK Mods Discord channel