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About this mod

DO YOU ENJOY SETTLEMENT COMBAT ? Switch your settlers combat damage to stay in bleedout until healed, or be mortal. Scale health and shooting perks with player level. Command them in and out of power armor individually or all at once. Make settlement attacks scale to be more challenging and immersive.

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  • Spanish
DO YOU ENJOY SETTLEMENT COMBAT ? Switch your settlers combat damage to stay in bleedout until healed, or be mortal. Scale health and shooting perks with player level. Command them in and out of power armor individually or all at once. Make settlement attacks scale to be more challenging and immersive. 

[ settlers can now be meat shields or lords of war ]

Default base game settlers automatically recover damage, only the player can kill them. This invulnerability makes settlement attacks, spawns or the ambush kit rather lame as a combat challenge and not immersive. Settlers will randomly grab power armor in combat and break components which may irritate you.

This mod can be installed at any time to provide a [.SKK Combat Settlers Holotape] in MISC inventory which enables actors assigned to player owned workshops to be dynamically switched between:


(1.1) Protected: only the player can kill them, otherwise they will bleedout self recover ~15 seconds. Will turn hostile on player damage.

(1.2) Essential self recover: like 1.1 protected but the player cant kill them. For players who's aim is worse than Companions. Will not aggro player damage.

(1.3) Essential no recover: like 1.2 unkillable needing a stimpak to recover. If there is a Stimpak in inventory they will self medicate, or wait for the player to heal them (optional map markers pop to find them). Will not aggro player on damage. 

(1.4) Mortal take damage from and be killable by anyone. They do not bleedout and use stimpaks, they die, which is a setting to recycle your actors. Will turn hostile on player damage. This can kill quest related settlers, so do not use this setting if you have settlement quests open.

Protect Unique Actors will apply (1.2) to any workshop assigned named unique actor (Sturges, Finch, Abernathy), provisioners and dismissed companions regardless of the general setting to ensure their dialogue wont be blocked by bleedout and they can't be killed. This will not protect any settlement spokespersons you need to turn settlement quests in to as they are not unique and undetectable.

By default robots, children and dismissed companions are excluded from management to avoid killing 'em. They can be enabled as options in the holotape. Workshop animals such as Brahmin, Dogs, Cats are always excluded as they don't have appropriate scripts or settings. 


Enable or disable settlers taking one Stimpak from their local workshop (or SKK Global Stash) if they are configured (1.3) to use them. Checks workshop/stash stock after each Stimpak use when not in combat and replenishes. Run [Find, recover ... ] after restocking to force a refresh. 


Enable or disable scaling settler health from their standard base of 100 hp at configurable  [ 0,  2.5,  5,  10 ] hp per player level. If you already level health, no problem this stores whatever value you start with and restores that when the setting is disabled. The base game leveled actor index is +5 hp per level for most humans.


Enable the same shooting perks as the player (Gunslinger, Rifleman, Commando, HeavyGunner) for settlers, updated whenever player perks change. Combined with weapon mods, settlers can become OP lords of war to take on minigun spraying Supermutant Warlords.


Normal WorkshopNPC settlers always arrive with LL_PipeGun, regardless of the player level or local encounter zone difficulty. With the option enabled any new basic WorkshopNPC settlers added to combat settler management will have their pipe weapons replaced with a player leveled ranged weapon from LLI_Raider_Weapons. Yes it still may roll a pipe gun ;)

The settlers scavenge weapons after combat setting enables them to collect any good weapons lying on the ground and from corpses to stash in the local workshop, along with any extra weapons they have auto stolen or looted. Then they check the workshop for a better upgrade weapon to use. Complex scripting, read note (5) below.

6. Manage Armor

Normal WorkshopNPC settlers arrive with poor armor regardless of the player level.  When the manage armor option is enabled, any new settlers added to combat settler management will have their default outfit replaced by a player leveled armor outfit list which includes all standard one piece and layered armor types.

If you have specific dwessing up needs, use the 
CUSTOM setting will apply a user defined outfit defined in SKK_CSETOutfitCustom & its Level Lists which can be modified in xEdit.


Modify the combat aggression of managed settlers (who are not guards) between:
> Cowardly - will always avoid/flee from threat. 
> Unaggressive - will not initiate combat, avoid/flee from threats if outmatched. 
> Aggressive - will attack enemies on sight (NOT neutrals), will never avoid/flee. This is the base game default and always used by guards. If you want all settlers to not be aggressive, don't make 'em guards.


Enable or disable all settlers using Power Armor (including Raider, BOS, Atomcat etc.) so no need to hide fusion cores any more.

Command individual settlers ENTER nearest power armor or EXIT using their command menu. Command all settlers in the local settlement to EXIT or ENTER (if enabled and available) nearest power armor with holotape. Priority is Guards then Scavengers then high aggression before losers like Jun and Marcy who wont stay in PA anyway. This depends on 3D being loaded to work consistently, so don't ask for a global function. The command will force settlers to use power armor with or without fusion cores. 

The game has no Power Armor animations for settler work idles so they wont stand in guard posts or tend crops. Settlers that are not on 24 hour jobs like guards will exit power armor when their AI package tells them to sleep.

Enable or disable settlers taking damage to power armor pieces. 


Enable or disable a settler activate command menu:

> Show settler home workshop, or trade route from/to if a Provisioner. 

> Command in and out of Power Armor.

> Trade when in Power Armor (normally you can not).

> Become a player Follower with their own dialogue tree  [ Trade - Wait - Go Home - PowerArmor ]. If they are going to mule, skip the dialog interface with hotkeys.ini [ cqf SKK_CSETQuest "SKK_CSETFollowerScript.OpenInventory" ]

> Cancel their trade route and return home if a Provisioner.   

> Dismiss the actor (not Companions or Provisioners) will remove them from the workshop and they will wander off to never be seen again (delete on unload).

> Reset the actor (not Companion, follower or in power armor) to re-roll appearance and starting inventory. Careful, anything in their inventory will be lost.

An object can only have one additional "AddActivate" command item for the [R] button. If there are multiple AddActivates then NOTHING IS SHOWN. As it is not possible to detect if something is already using that space like quick trade, make follower, lock or rename, its up to you to choose which activate mod menu to enable.


A constructable settler spawn button (Resources > Miscellaneous) to add or replenish up to 127 standard WorkshopNPCs (or Raiders if an Outpost) as carne por your machina if your into recycling actors. They are automatically included in all managed settings on arrival.

The holotape menu has an option to mark local unassigned settlers if you are in an owned workshop location and want everyone working, or to mark provisioners anywhere on the map to help track them down.


If you are considering Fallout 4-76 Open World (or Commonwealth of Decay running in OpenWorld mode), but want to keep your existing settlers, this mod can protect them all before humans are removed from the world. It protects any new spawn button adds when it is running, but will not protect base game radio beacon recruits in time (so use the 4-76 recruiting systems). 

Operators Notes (RTFM)

(1) The safe default only applies settings to human settler actors that are assigned to player owned workshops. There are switchable options to include Robots/Children, but kids will not fight and robots are healed with Stimpaks not Repair Kits to avoind a DLC dependency. Including dismissed companions pops a warning that there can be post death quest issues if you make them mortal. 

(1.3) The bleedout need Stimpak 1.3 and Mortal 1.4 settings are imperfect as Settlers have a natural health regeneration that can not be disabled. Damage is not cumulative, so they only go into bleedout/die  if there is enough damage per second to get them to zero health faster than they regenerate. This natural regeneration is probably to offset the lack of health scaling with player level in the base game.

(1.4) If you have actors set to mortal each death reduces workshop happiness by 20. When workshop happiness drops below 10 the player will lose control. SKK Workshop Ownership Utilities can disable the base game happiness loss of ownership function or force maintain a happiness value.

If you are still running Minutemen post ownership radiant quests (trouble at, kidnapping, help defend) often a settler is assigned spokesperson to hand completed quests in to and close. If mortal option (1.4) is selected they will not be protected and can die so the quest will not be completed (but will eventually time out).  Either use SKK Workshop Ownership Utilities to disable MM post ownership quests or do not use the mortal setting.

If you are running DLC04 NukaWorld or Conquerer raids on settlements, you need to configure settlers mortal if you want raiders to do the killing for you or be killable.

(2) Switching holotape settings [ >>> SUBMIT CHANGES ] or [Find, recover ... ] forces a general refresh of all settings on all local workshop settlers, automatically heals any settlers stuck in bleedout, forces stimpack collections or power armor entries to complete if AI pathing is stuck.  

(5) The post combat weapons collect and upgrade process is extremely script intensive, taking around 2 seconds per settler to complete (40 seconds for 20 settlers) so do not enable of you have fps or script lag issues.

The priorty order of weapons to equip SKK_CSETWeaponsListKeep and weapons to ignore SKK_CSETWeaponsListDrop FormLists can be modified in xEdit. 

If settlers are set to bleedout they are regarded as corpses by other actors whilst bleeding out, so their weapons can be looted by the unstoppable base game auto upgrade process. You will notice obvious stuff like miniguns transferring between actors as they loot each other.

If you have multiple auto looting mods running, they can conflict and lock the game if they try to clear the same corpse inventory at the same time, so be careful with them.

(7) When switching aggression this mod does not know when a settler guard assignment is changed, so their individual setting will not be updated until the settings are changed or refreshed using [Find, recover ... ].

(8) WARNING hostile humans that can path to your power armor will use it in an attack, and the frame becomes unusable when they die. Removing fusion cores may or may not stop this, having unkillable settlers using them absolutely will.

(10) New radio beacon settler recruits are found and included in the managed settings when their workshop 3D loads, or when you force a [Find, recover ... ].  refresh.


This solution has no dependencies on extenders or DLCs and does not change any existing base game scripts, assets or objects. It is 100% pure new Creation Kit forms and scripts which means that it works on PC , Xbox and GamePass. As it does not touch any other stuff in your save-game, there should be no load order issues or mod conflicts. 

Sim Settlements: there have been conflicting reports that this does/not work with Sim Settlements 1 and/or 2 so its a gamble. 

Settlers: This mod will not conflict with settler mods that are unscripted ESPs such as Better Settlers and Lots More Settlers. If you have a mod that hacks base game workshop scripts, or already manages settler Actor health with scripts there may be trouble.

Companions: if you choose to include dismissed companions so you don't have invincible actors, this may conflict with companion management mods if they try to apply settings on dismiss/recruit. 

Spawning settlement attack systems this makes more fun

SKK Settlement Attack System << This was designed to compliment Combat Settlers.
Wave Spawner  
SKK Instant Battleground
SKK Combat Stalkers
Creation Club Settlement Ambush Kit thing

Known Issues 

(1) Script resources: When this solution first finds a workshop to configure it will be extremely script intensive if there are a large number of workshop registered actors (aka "settlers") it can take 20 seconds for 20 settlers at 60fps. This is amped up by configure weapons/armor options which adds 40 seconds for 20 settlers at 60fps, there are no free lunches in compute resources. This actor configuration may collide with the base game ResetWorkshop update and any other workshop/settlement script intensive mods slowing everything down even more. Once a workshop actor list is loaded only new actors or configuration changes are applied.

(2) Game resources: For this solution to work efficiently, all workshop registered actors (aka "settlers") are held "persistent" in a quest alias. With a large number of settlers (36 workshops x 20 settlers each = 720 actors) this can affect low resource systems and Xbox consoles, best not to enable (1.3) Settlers need stimpaks, (5) Manage Weapons (6) Manage Armor options.

(3) If your alt start mod prevents player inventory from populating the holotape, craft at a chem station or console [ help skk_csetholotape 4 ] then [ player.additem 8digitrefid ]

Nexus PC manual installation

Copy  SKKCombatSettlers.esp and SKKCombatSettlers - main.ba2 to your ...\Fallout 4\Data directory, enable in the Bethesda mod menu, mod manger or whatever. 

To disable the mod, select the holotape disable setting and destroy constructed spawn buttons. Even though some may get lucky, SKK does not support the removal of any CreationEngine mod from an active savegame. Those who know, know.

Nexus FAQ

> Why is there no ESL version ? Because maintaining and updating 50 scripted mods already involves enough hassle. Be happy, or move on.

> Why holotape rather than MCM ? Because 90% of SKK mod users are on Xbox which does not support F4SE. Plus I CBA with the regular update admin.  If you would like to write an MCM json thing, all the info you need is in Combat Settlers console configuration article.

UPDATE: A full MCM configuration has been created SKK Combat Settlers - MCM Settings Menu

SKK Combat oriented mods

SKK Combat Stalkers - the hostile spawning solution.
Random Encounter Manager by SKK - amp up or dial down the combat opportunities.
SKK Settlement Attack System - replace base game settlement attacks with something that actually works.
SKK Combat Settlers - manage settlers health, damage and power armor use.
SKK Instant Battleground - when you want to fight, now.
SKK Dynamic Damage manager - tune damage in and out in realtime to find the perfect game balance.
PlayerUndead death recovery by SKK - recover from bleedout death in place or at a workshop.
Unlimited Combat Followers by SKK - recruit disposable meat shields, not waifus.

If you have read the comprehensive solution description and still need support,
use the SKK Mods Discord channel