About this mod
Over 120 building plans from throughout the community for Sim Settlements - including a large number of raider themed designs!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

Requires Version 4.2.3 or Greater of Sim Settlements
2x2 Advanced Industrial: 1 Tech Tree (with 10 buildings)
2x2 Agricultural: 3
2x2 Commercial: 14
2x2 Industrial: 6
2x2 Martial: 16
2x2 Recreational: 11
2x2 Residential: 19
1x1 Martial: 7
Interior Agricultural: 1
Interior Commercial: 3
Interior Industrial: 2
Interior Martial: 2
Interior Recreational: 3
Interior Residential: 40
Building Features
Settler Navigation: Yes
Construction Stages: Yes
Randomized Clutter: Yes
Performance Settings: Yes
Over 120 building plans for Sim Settlements from add-on packs and community members created throughout the first three years of Sim Settlements, as well as a handful of never before released building plans!
Mega Packs work seamlessly with existing add-on packs. If an add-on pack that a building plan is from is detected, that add-on pack will be given control of the building plan. This allows us to create merged add-on packs without taking away control from the original author! So if you're already using some of the add-on packs listed below, continue to use and update them to get any additional content or improvements those authors make.
Includes most building plans from the following mods - note that uninstalling one of those add-ons will cause your plots that were using them to select a new building plan:
Blood Moon Raiders by uituit
Intimate Spaces by Sirlach
Ultimate Defenses by Sirlach
Pra's Random Addon by Pra
Plots by Paw Paw
Yultide by Captain Laser Beam
Simple Living by lascus
Slocum Joes by Iztari
Choochoo1's Neon Bar by choochoo1
Captain Cosmos Construct by choochoo1
Brotherhood of Steel Faction Pack by Takarazuka
Also includes building plans donated by Lystraeus and Ausplat that have never been released as addons!
Special Thanks
XV-Versus, Raybo, and uituit for helping test and sort out issues with the content and make sure I didn't miss any files!
Why no Faction Packs????
Despite the logo and the fact that year three was all about Conqueror content, I felt that Faction Packs would not be a good fit for a Megapack.
Due to the long development plans for Conqueror and the need to have faction packs updated to support new features, we didn't want to make players feel like the Megapack versions (if they had existed) were going to be up to date - because we don't do that with the Megapacks. The point of these packs is to give you a sampling of a lot of different author's styles so you can figure out which types of designs you want in your playthrough - this includes leaving the content in whatever state it existed at the time we added it to the pack.
In the future, we might release a collective faction pack, but not until all or most features in Conqueror are considered complete.