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No translation available on the Nexus
Version 1.3
Added uniform, fixed missing collisions, files packed into BA2 files.
Version 1.2
Fixed issue with control quest
Version 1.1
Fixed several spelling mistakes
Version 1
Initial release
Requires Version 4.1.2 or Greater of Sim Settlements and the Captain Cosmos Creation Club content
New Rec plots: 1
Building Features
Settler Navigation: Yes Construction Stages: Yes Randomized Clutter: no Performance Settings: no
Provides one new recreational plot based on the Captain Cosmos Creation Club pack. A small fan club and museum based on the Captain Cosmos TV show. The plot features displays with some fun little lore and a box redemption machine at level 3, so that you dont have to go all the way to Hubris Comics or Hub 360 just to cash in your boxes. The filre is an ESP flagged as an ESL file so it will not count towards your mod limit. This is my first publicly released plot so consider it beta.
Special Thanks: First of all, shout out to Captain Coots for answering my questions, giving me advice in modding and providing comedy relief with his insanity go check out his twitch Here and of course Kinggath and the Sim Settlments team.