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About this mod

So I told myself I wasn't going to bother with building much at the Far Harbour after 2 days of "not building much" here is Dalton Farm with several houses, fortified gate house, more scaffold than is right or proper, a slight lantern fetish.....and a giant electricity pylon that thinks it is a helicopter.

Permissions and credits
As with all my settlements, they are not Vanilla - apologies - but when you build this many, you need some help to speed things up, and also more choice of things to build and clutter with, otherwise they would all look a bit the same.  There are many more mods (Homemaker, Doit yourshelf etc) that I could use, but it would get to the point where I'm asking you to install 20 mods - some people are ok with that, for others it's a pain in the back side.  

You will of course need Transfer Settlements to import the file.   I have set this as Settlement  Blueprint number 61.  If you use Vortex it will automatically fill your 61 folder;  if you have your own settlement blueprint number 61 then you need to do a manual download, and rename the 61 folder in the zip file to a number that you have not used.

More Vault Rooms - this is used a lot for decorating the rooms - its a great mod that adds lots of lived in stuff. You could miss it out, but the place will seem a lot more bare.

Sim Settlements 

Sim Settlements Mega Pack Year Three

Creative Clutter - you definitely need this or there will be lots of empty spaces - this is a fantastic mod that I use extensively for bringing a lived in feel to settlements.   The only caveat with this is that the author has removed it from Nexus due to assorted politics (issues with Automatron and wabberjack etc selling the mod without actually paying the mod author! - read more here)

Creative Clutter is an awesome mod and I have used it for years and ALL my settlements feature it heavily - if you want to do some settlement work of your own I highly recommend it anyway!

You can easily get it from here:

Yes this is going to take you a minute to sign up (if you haven't already) but then you just click on ADD TO LIBRARY on the mod page, open Fallout 4, on the main menu click on the Mods option, look in your Library section for  Creative Clutter and Download - its actually very easy.

Build High - Settlements Expanded - you don't actually need this at all, however if you want to do some work of your own in the expanded area of the settlement you will need this, but if you just want to work in the middle you don't.  This is a fantastic mod for letting you work outside Bethesda's original settlement areas and for me adds a lot of fun to settlement building.  

I also recommend Settler SandBox Expansion - this massively improves the AI of your settlers allowing them to wander further and higher - especially useful in a large settlement.

My other Blueprints:

Phanes Home Plate
Phanes Jamaica Plain
Phanes Outpost Zimonja
Phanes Expanded Sanctuary
Phanes Red Rocket
Phanes Abernathy Expanded
Phanes Lakeview Terrace
Phanes Hangman's Heights