About this mod
The Pip-Boy from Fallout 76 remade for Fallout 4. Replaces the vanilla Pip-Boy and includes several paint options that can be unlocked as you play the game.
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My take on the new Pip-Boy in 76. This mod is a replacer, it replaces the vanilla Pip-Boy 3000 for the player but does not for other NPCs. Features all new animations as well as several paint jobs that can be crafted at the armor workbench. I made a bunch of paints and will continue to update this mod with more of them. Some paints don't have effects, some do, and some are legendary. There are prerequisites for a lot of the Paint jobs. Also, if you install this mod mid-playthrough, you will be given access to whatever Paints you already qualify for. You will be notified that a Paint is available as it unlocks.
Unlocking Paint Jobs
Base Colors
When installed, you will immediately have access to a handful of basic color options.
Current options:
Modifier Paints
Reaching level 20 on your character will give access to Modifier Paints, these paints have minor effects.
-Factory Finish
-Dirt and Mud
-Drift Wood
-Corvega (1.3 Update)
-Acacia Wood (1.3 Update)
Reaching level 30 unlocks more Modifier Paints.
-Clean Wood (1.3 Update)
-Leather (1.3 Update)
Faction Legendary Paints
Main factions also have Paints
-Brotherhood: Join the Brotherhood of Steel. There is a Paint for each rank, including Sentinel.
-Institute: Join the Institute
-Minutemen: Become the General
-Railroad: Join the Railroad
Misc Factions:
-Enclave: Reach Level 55 (1.3 Update)
-Red Rocket: Reach level 20 (1.2 Update)
-Reilly's Rangers: Reach level 55
Misc Paint Jobs
-Metal Paints: Reach level 20 (1.2 Update)
-------Gold, Steel, Copper, Bronze
-Nuka-Cola: Reach level 30
-Kelly Macabre: Reach level 75
-------The Kelly Macabre is a gun quest mod I made a bit ago. This paint goes well with that gun.
Can I skip that and have all the paint jobs?
Why yes you can lol. The following console command will unlock all paint jobs at once: setstage Neeher_PaintTracker 50

Installs like normal with NMM or Vortex. Manual install is fine too as this mod uses archives. This mod does not require any DLC, F4SE, or other mods.
This mod REQUIRES at least game version 1.10.80 from April 3, 2018 or higher.
The models and textures of this mod are a bit more on the High Quality side. Test out how your PC handles it before committing just to be safe. I tested this mod on a high end PC as well as an Xbox One X and didn't encounter any performance issues.

The plugin does not edit any vanilla records but replaces models and animations with its archives. Likely would not be compatible with other Pip-Boy replacing mods.
Pip-Boy Customisation Framework: Some users have noticed some wonkiness with this mod installed, depending on load order it may or may not have an effect on the Pip-Boy 2000.
Creation Club paints: Those paints may show up in the list but won't have an effect on the Pip-Boy, instead they will just change the paint to Standard skin.
Pip-Boy Flashlight: There is an optional patch file available to download on this modpage's Files tab to overwrite one file added by that mod.

Definitely more paint options. Let me know what kind of paints you want to see!
Also, animation updates. And whatever unforeseen issues that may arise lol

02-01-2020 | Initial Upload -1.0
02-02-2020 | Fixes a few things -1.1
---------------------Adds missing Sentinel Textures.
---------------------Fixes the light issue when using the mining helmet in 3rd person.
---------------------Fixes an issue where you are constantly reminded of a paint being available.
---------------------Adds an optional file to replace the NPC Pip-Boys as well, overwrites main archive.
02-15-2020 | Adds 5 new paints -1.2
---------------------Red Rocket, Gold, Bronze, Vintage Steel, and Copper.
------------------------------------------Unlocks at level 20 along side modifier paints but have no effects, thoughts?
------------------------------------------Metal paints are clean paints.
------------------------------------------If above level 20 on install, you won't be notified of the new paints.
---------------------Retextured the power button light, looks a lot better now.
---------------------Pipboys can now be crafted at chem bench, modified at armor bench, and handed out.
---------------------Added misc file download for creating your own textures in Substance Painter.
02-26-2020 | Adds 5 new paints. Like last update, no notifications for these paints if already available -1.3
---------------------Corvega, unlocks at level 20.
---------------------Enclave, unlocks at level 55.
---------------------Leather, unlocks at level 30.
---------------------Acacia Wood, unlocks at level 20.
---------------------Clean Wood, unlocks at level 30.
---------------------Added effect to Red Rocket Paint, increased scoped steadiness.
---------------------Did some minor paint list reorganizing in the armor bench.
---------------------Added optional Patch file for the Pipboy Flashlight mod, loose file overwrites existing file from that mod.