About this mod
April 2017 #1 File of the Month: Heather is a complex, story-driven character with over 2400 lines of custom, voiced dialogue, quests, etc. that take place in the Commonwealth, Far Harbor and Nuka-World. Heather's unique implementation is designed to improve on the FO4 companion experience.
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February 16, 2024
This update does not require a new save but you do need to replace your current v2.x version with the new one. Do not merge. Old scripts, etc. not removed can cause issues in gameplay so it's important to replace your old version completely with the new one.
What you should know:
v2.7 is primarily a bug fix, however I did add one, new feature. Heather can now be dismissed to a settlement. She is also assignable in Sim Settlements 2. See Change Log for complete list of fixes.
Be sure to check out the OPTIONAL FILES found in the FILES tab if you need:
1 - Bodyslide Files for Heather's outfit.
2 - A patch that will override any lighting mod you use that makes Heather's bunker either too dark or too bright.
3 - You would like Heather to not use CBBE at all (default textures, outfits, etc are vanilla)
4 - You would like to remove all mention of Shaun or the player's spouse from Heather's dialogue.
5 - You play VR and need an esp with the header changed to .95.
I will update the xbox version to v2.7 after the FO4 updates are done.
If you are UPDATING from V1.x to V2.x you should never update to the latest v2 version into a save that is currently using v1.x. The mod will be riddled with bugs if you attempt to do that. Please use CTRL F to search for "THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT HEATHER V2" if you want to know more about installing the latest v2 version if you are playing v1.x.
April 2017 #1 File of the Month
Heather is a caravan trader who grew up in the Commonwealth. She hates and distrusts synths, wishes she lived before the war when everything was nice, believes in aliens and has heard that pre-war donuts were delicious. Heather is a complex companion similar to the vanilla companions in concept with over 2200 lines of custom, voiced dialogue that is delivered throughout the Commonwealth, Far Harbor and Nuka-World . She comments during quests, in specific locations, in random chatter and in conversations with the player and other NPCs. Heather has a tragic past, like most everyone else in the Commonwealth, and when you meet her she still feels that loss acutely. By completing the quest Sweet Revenge you will help to heal her wounds letting her move on with her life. As time goes on her history will be revealed to you through conversations, general chatter, stories and terminal entries. When you first meet her she hates synths and thinks the BOS is awesome, but she'll support you no matter which of the four factions you side with.
Her quest, "A Promising Partnership" will trigger when you enter an exterior in the gameworld after ticking the mod active. If you exit the vault it may take until you reach Concord for it to start. When you exit the vault the game runs a lot of startup stuff and mods may increase that load. You may get the quest as soon as you reach Sanctuary, but it may take longer. If you enter somewhere else in the game the quest should start immediately. That quest puts a map marker on her location and you can go straight to her location to hire her. There is a radio station you are asked to listen to, but if there is a conflict in your load list the radio station may not play. You don't need to listen to the radio to hire Heather. Choose the quest in your Pipboy and then check the map for the quest marker on her location or see the image of the Pipboy map for her location.
If you are upgrading from v1.x to v2.x you should start a new game to player Heather. Otherwise, no. You do not need to start a new game to play with Heather. She has content for quests as early as going to Concord to save Preston, but she'll have comments whether you take her with you or not. She has comments for locations around the game world, so if you have a character at a very high level she'll still have dialogue content for you as you travel around in addition to her quest content. You will miss out on main quest or side quest dialogue content, but if you like her you could always take her along on your next new character to see that stuff.
1. Special Ability: "Never Trust A Synth" -Heather's attack damage is increased by 10% against synths
2. She carries a laser pistol that is personalized with her name and the Casdin Carvan logo. The player can take it at any time and it uses proper ammo, not companion ammo. I've created a unique version of every vanilla barrel available to upgrade the pistol. Those personalized upgrades are available in the workbench.
3. Her default outfit has Ballistic Weave and provides +30 AR and +30 Energy Resistance.
4. Her bag (which can be removed) provides an additional +25 carryweight. If you unequip it from her she loses that carrying capacity. Reequipping the bag will return the effect.
5. She hacks Novice level terminals. You can train her to hack more difficult terminals by telling her to hack a terminal via the command menu. Her skill levels as she uses it. Every five terminals unlocked moves her up a skill level. Once an hour when she hacks a terminal you get +15 affinity points. She will have 100% success hacking a terminal she is trained to hack.
6. She has several perks/settings which improve her performance
-She has four levels of the Sneak perk and doesn't affect the stealth meter.
-She is affected by the Inspirational perk and by the perks given by Live & Love. Lone Wanderer works for the player even when she's following.
-Her default running speed is much higher than vanillas and closer to the player's sprinting speed.
-She doesn't suffer damage when she takes a fall from high locations.-She actually stays where you tell her to stay.
-The PA she wears doesn't degrade. And she has infinite ammo for any weapon similar to how it works for settlers. Both of these options can be turned off in the terminal in her bunker (you gain access to the bunker at 250 affinity).
Heather was built using only a few bits of the companion system that the vanilla companions and most other modded companions use. That means there are some differences in how she handles dialogue, affinity and gameplay:
Heather has five quests for the player.
-“Tour of the Commonwealth”
Heather gives the player a list of 18 locations she'd like to visit. This quest cannot be completed until after the player has reached Level 20.
-“Sweet Revenge”
Requires some of the Main Quest be played through and her affinity cannot be maxed until it is completed. Does not trigger for players that have completed the Main Quest until you reach 500 affinity points with Heather. See Articles tab above if you need some ideas of where to find lots of Gen 1 and Gen 2 synths in the game.
-“A Promising Partnership”
This is her affinity quest, however it will never leave your Pipboy quest log. Her location marker is run through this quest as well as other events that happen throughout the life of the mod, as well as most of her dialogue. NEVER RESET THIS QUEST IN THE CONSOLE.
-"Into The Fog"
-This is her Far Harbor Quest. If you max affinity with her romantically you will be prompted to put a wedding ring on her finger (equip it in her inventory). The next time you talk to her she'll suggest you take her on a honeymoon to Far Harbor and the quest is started. If you do not max affinity with her romantically the quest will trigger after you've been in Far Harbor for a few days.
-"Nuka-World Dark"
-This is a tour quest of Nuka-World. The locations there will count toward the total number of locations needed to complete "Tour of the Commonwealth." However, if Tour of the Commonwealth is completed before going to Nuka-World this quest will still trigger.
1. She reliably stays where you tell her to and won't leave that spot ever. She will wander from the spot a short distance, but she will not follow you through load screens, etc.
2. She won't automatically sandbox while following you EXCEPT if you are in a settlement or workshop. There she will wander around and use idle markers, furniture, etc. She'll do this in any workshop or settlement, even modded ones, if they have the right keywords on the location.
3. She has three combat styles you can set in her dialogue menu.
a- Vanilla Aggressive is the combat style the vanilla companions use by default. She'll fight anything, anytime. She won't care if you are sneaking or not.
b- Vanilla Defensive will create a more timid combat performance. She'll be less aggressive about entering fights, although whether you are sneaking or not still doesn't affect her willingness to fight and she'll run away if an opponent is out of her league (calculation done by the game). I don't find it to be all that different from Vanilla Aggressive except that she will flee combat.
c - Enhanced Sneak is an attempt to shut down any detection/aggro on her at all when the player is sneaking and to only turn that back on if the player has been hit/isn't sneaking. She won't run away from combat like she does in Vanilla Defensive and she won't attack everything without restriction like in Vanilla Aggressive. If you sneak she won't attack until you are hit or you stand up. While in this mode Heather takes zero damage outside of combat.
4. She does not spam the player with messages about what you're doing. There will be zero, “Heather liked/loved/disliked/hated that” messages because, "llama hates that." If Heather has an opinion about something going on in the game you will hear it in a comment or conversation.
5. If she becomes crippled or is bleeding out she may heal herself but only if both of the following conditions are true:
a. she is > 3000 units away from the player
b. has a Refreshing Beverage in her inventory
6. She has a permanent marker showing her location. You can see it by choosing the quest, "A Promising Partnership" in the Pipboy and looking on the map for her marker. Her current set of Power Armor will also have a marker in this quest.
7. She can be permanently fired. Doing this will shut down her quests, remove perks from the player, etc. However, even though she will no longer be actively present in your game as a character, you should never delete the mod if it is present in your current gamesave. You’ll destroy your gamesaves doing that. You should never do it with any mod.
8. Heather can be dismissed to her own locations or as of v2.7 can be sent to a settlement as a regular settler. If you choose not to send her to a settlement the following happens: before you've reached 250 affinity she'll return to the spot where you first found her. After 250 she'll go back to the bunker. Once you've maxed affinity with her you can build, "Heather's Chemistry Station" at a workshop and she'll go to there when dismissed. You can send her to either dismiss location (her own or settlements) whenever you want.
9. She gives you a transponder to carry. When you turn it on (highlight it in your Pipboy inventory (it’s located in the same section as chems)) she'll come to your location. If you don't have one in your inventory you can craft one at the Chemistry Station. You can use this if she's been fired. USE THIS TO RESET HER AI IF SHE IS ACTING FUNNY (not following properly, etc).
10. Like the vanilla companions she will not follow you into the Institute except during the end of the main quest. Once Sweet Revenge is complete, however, you can choose to use the transponder to bring her into the Institute with you.
11. Her store inventory resets every three days. Heather carries unique alternative medicine products and scrap in her store.
12. You can set her follow/sneak follow distance in her settings menu (near, medium or long). Default is medium. She will sneak at the same distance you've chosen. So, choose near and she will both sneak and follow near, etc.
13. If you are playing in Survival mode Heather will not cast Lover's Embrace when you sleep with her. Instead she will cast "Heather's Embrace" which increases XP +5% and lasts for 12 hours. This is meant to supplement the Well Rested perk you get in Survival so that the effect is equal to what you'd get if she did indeed cast Lover's Embrace. This is a workaround I had to do because she is built outside of the vanilla companion system and doesn’t automatically cast Lover’s Embrace like the vanillas do (or companions built with that system).
14. Her affinity with the player progresses a bit differently from the vanillas and you do not need Charisma to successfully progress through her affinity quest. As time goes on she likes you more and conversations reflect that.
15. She doesn't count as a companion in the game so you can freely hire your allowed vanilla companion with no issues.
16. She cannot be controlled using another mod like the vanillas can be. If you install a multi-companion mod or another mod that manages your companions behavior you cannot use it on Heather. It will break her AI. The mod can be in the same list, but you cannot register Heather for it or use it on Heather.
(To see the complete list of what Heather awards affinity points for look in the Articles tab above.)
250 Points/first affinity conversation
-Perk awarded 2/5
-She gives you the key to her bunker
500 Points/second affinity conversation
-Perk awarded 3/5
-She increases her carryweight by 25 pounds
650 Points/third affinity conversation
-Perk awarded 4/5
-Gives you a couple of small presents based on previous gameplay
750 Points /fourth affinity conversation
-Perk awarded 5/5
-She gives you the key to the safe in her bunker (contains some worthwhile loot) -Her Alternative Medicine recipes are unlocked -You can choose to sleep with her or remain friends
-No one is in love at this point; if you sleep with her it's not an exclusive or serious relationship. No one says the word love.
-You can stop here if you want. A Promising Partnership is never removed from your Pipboy because it houses her permanent location marker and other things that can happen at any time during the game. If you do nothing more to increase her affinity you could stay at this stage with her forever. NEVER RESET 'A PROMISING PARTNERSHIP' IN THE CONSOLE.
900 Points minimum/fifth affinity conversation
-Only available once you've completed "Sweet Revenge" -Heather confesses her feelings for you and the player gets three days to consider if they'll romance her or not.
> 900 Points minimum /final affinity conversation (takes place three days after the 900 conversation)
-You can remain friends at this point or declare you're love for her
1. Two messages should appear whenever Affinity Points are awarded. One tells you what happened that earned the affinity award and how much was awarded and one that tells you the current affinity point total.
2. There's also a dialogue topic in her Chat With Heather menu that you can use to see the current affinity point total. That exists until her affinity is maxed out. Affinity is capped and you will stop accruing points when you reach 1250. If you max affinity romantically with her that topic becomes a sweet talk conversation menu.
You don't. Heather is isolated from the rest of the NPCs in the game so has no proper faction to protect. She's got nothing against chem use or drinking. She wishes she could have lived before the war and can understand, once she knows what's going on there, that the Institute is a hot bed of technology and pre-war luxury. Also, she's kind of blood thirsty. She enjoys killing Raiders, doesn't care if you kill the NPCs at the Drumlin Diner, etc. However, she isn't against the player doing good things either because she assumes that's why the player helps her. She'll tell you if she has an opinion about something you've done.
Heather's dialogue menus are similar to the vanillas. She has the command menu (trade, stay, follow, cancel) and further dialogue menus. However, those further menus contain different topics. She doesn't have a dedicated "Relationship" topic, for example and instead has a Barter topic and a further menu for talking to her about other things entitled, "Chat With Heather." Feel free to explore her menus so you become familiar with them.
1. She never force greets you. When it's time for an affinity (or other quest)conversation you will get a quest objective to "Chat with Heather" which is a dialogue option in her menu. When there is no quest objective dialogue in that topic she will have other things to say. It will be lit up whenever there is something new to talk about.
2. She has a tactics menu where you can set her following distance to short/medium/long (default is medium and controls the distance of both sneak and regular following) and where you can set her combat style (Vanilla Aggressive, Vanilla Defensive or Enhanced Sneak). Default is Vanilla Aggressive.
3. She has some comments in the game world where the vanilla companions do. If you travel with more than one companion you will not hear all comments from all companions. First companion to the trigger usually gets the comment. She does not comment everywhere they do. She says something when whatever's happening is interesting or relevant to her.
4. I've scripted comments to play during quests or in locations and she has a lot of random chatter about those things too. She comments on some holotapes you listen to, but not all of them. She has conversations which play randomly with several other actors in the game. You may hear her talk to some of the caravan traders or Mama Murphy and until you've completed Sweet Revenge she will talk to Cricket. She talks to several of the companions (Curie, Cait, Danse, Deacon, Dogmeat, Hancock, MacCready, Nick after Reunions and Piper). She is NOT mean to Nick and is okay with him following you.
5. She doesn't comment when you pick up junk or read a magazine. She does talk about a few things you do, but not every time it happens and may only say something about it once (she comments once in awhile about the player taking radiation damage, comments about some killed enemies, some clothing items you or she are wearing, your rank, when you heal her, etc).
6. She has options so you can tell her to get out of her default outfit, get out of Power Armor and to put her default outfit back on again. If you remove her bag from her inventory it will not be restored when you re-equip her default outfit in dialogue. If you unequip her bag she loses 25 pounds of carrying capacity. Reequipping it restores that.
7. If you are sneaking she will not say general chatter or combat chatter. She will deliver scripted quest and one-time location lines whether you are sneaking or not.
Heather will tell you about her bunker at Wildwood Cemetery when you get to 250 affinity points with her and you'll get a quest marker for its entrance and she will give you the key then. The bunker is located in the broken down house closest to where you found Heather. There is a hatch on the floor up against the middle wall. See mod images for pic of exact location. This is Heather's house littered with items that fill in her backstory. It is usable, has workbenches that share inventory among themselves, a bed, etc, but it is not a settlement/workshop for the player to redecorate and make their own. It's her house and she returns here if fired after 250 affinity points.
Heather's Cheat/Debug terminal is craftable in the Power > Misc category of the workshop menu. You can use it to set stages in her quests and to access settings you can use to change some of her dialogue or combat behaviors.
FACE: Heather does not use unique face textures and will use whichever face textures you have installed in your game for female NPCs.
BODY: She is set up with her own body so that no matter what you are using in game she is using the CBBE nevernude, curvy body. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE CBBE installed in your game the back of her neck will have an odd discoloration. The CBBE esp fixes that problem.
Yes you can! Go download this file that will give her the same body (CBBE curvy) but without the granny panties:
Heather Casdin - No More Granny Panties by llamaRCA
It's in a separate download because I didn't want the main Heather mod to be tagged as adult.
1. Just like the vanilla companions, Heather won't always do what you tell her to do via the command menu. She is no better at navigating in the gameworld than the vanillas. If you tell her to go sit in a chair, hack a terminal, sleep in a bed, etc there is always a chance she will say she can't when there is no visible object preventing her from doing it. It's a FO4 thing.
2. Heather may follow you into the Kellogg brain Memory Den scene. It's never happened to me, but if you tell her to wait before you go into the pod that should prevent it from happening.
3.When you use the dialogue menu option to have Heather reequip her default outfit it will remove every other thing she is wearing. That's because unequipping only those slots her default outfit actually fails to remove her outfit so I had to unequip everything to get it to work at all.
If you are installing Heather for the first time:
The mod has been set up to be installed via mod manager or manually. Put Heather near the bottom of your list. If you have just started modding you'll need to add the following to your FO4 Custom ini file located in "Documents\My Games\Fallout4":
If you are updating to current version:
Be sure to check the top of this page in case there are special instructions for installing the current version.
1. Installation
a. If you are currently using v2.x delete the existing files, including any hotfix you may have, and install the new version.
b. If you are currently using v1.x you should install the latest version of Heather v2 into a save that has never had a 1.x version of Heather activated in it. Be sure to download both main files.
Deleting currently active content is not recommended and I don't recommend that you delete Heather v1.x to install Heatherv2 into that same save. However, I've been doing this for 10 years now and I know players will attempt to continue on in their current save regardless of what I say. So, if you delete the old version and install the new into the same save you should know the following. I will not be offering support to do this: 1. make sure you delete every bit of the old Heather. You can leave No More Granny Panties, but patch mods that need a plugin are unlikely to work with the new version and if they modified Heather's plugin directly you may end up with more than one Heather in your game. 2. make sure you go into the game before installing Heather v2 and spend some time there to make sure all the scripts that might still be running from v1 finish up. That might take a while. 3. Install the new version but don't report problems you run into as bugs. If you get stuck there is likely little I can do to help. You can come to the mod thread to ask, but if something doesn't work I'll assume it's because you've installed the new version over the old.
YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HIRE Heather if the "Home Sweet Home" quest is currently active or if you completed NW as the Overboss. If you get kicked out by the raiders and the quest fails you can hire her.
2. Compatibility
FDI/XDI: Heather no longer needs a patch to work with XDI or Full Dialogue Interface
NO MORE GRANNY PANTIES will work with v2
OTHER PATCHES: I can't say if they'll still work or not. The person who made the patch will have the information. Do not automatically install patches you used on previous versions before you verify they'll still work. An easy first check is to look in the file or the file preview to see if it includes a plugin titled, "llamaCompanionHeather.esp" because they definitely will not work and will cause problems like you will have more than one Heather in your game.
COMPANION MANAGMENT MODS: If you try to manage Heather with another mod it will break her AI. She doesn't use the vanilla companion system which they are designed for.
3. Gear Changes
a. Her outfit has been modified so I could easily add a Casdin Caravan logo to it. Her items will be unlocked to craft when you reach 750 affinity with her which is when her mom's power armor is unlocked. Mom's PA now has a personalized paint job and its decals and the one on Heather's combat armor torso will also be available to craft. You can add ballistic weave to her outfit and bag.
b. Her weapon has been personalized and can be upgraded. You can take it and it uses proper ammo now. The barrel has her name and the CC logo on it and I've created a set of the vanilla barrels that have been given a unique texture and can be crafted to upgrade it.
c. Products
Her products all have a unique look now and she adds a new one at the end of the Far Harbor and Nuka-World quests.
4. Gameplay Changes
a. HIRING: 1. When you enter the game for the first time "A Promising Partnership" will start after you get to Sanctuary (or maybe as late as Concord). There is no longer a separate radio quest. 2. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HIRE Heather if the "Home Sweet Home" quest is currently active. She won't talk to you as the Overboss. If you get kicked out and the quest fails you can hire her.
b. There are nearly 1000 new dialogue lines. Most of those are in Far Harbor and Nuka-World, however, she has 20ish lines for Automatron and I've added nearly 200 additional combat barks and new generic chatter and more stories.
c. The "Chat With Heather" topic is now its own menu. "Chat With Heather" is part of that, but I've added a "Your thoughts?" topic which has about 40 stories Heather tells randomly and on repeat so there is always something to listen to there. And I've moved the topic to check her affinity points to that menu. If you max affinity romantically with her that topic becomes sweet talk.
d. She has quest content for Far Harbor. If you max affinity romantically with her you'll be prompted by the quest to put a wedding ring on her finger (equip a vanilla wedding ring in her inventory) and you'll get an objective to talk to her. She'll suggest you go to Far Harbor. If you don't max affinity with her there is also quest content, but it will become available once you've been in FH for three or four days. IF YOU DESTROY FAR HARBOR SHE WILL LEAVE YOU. IF YOU HAVE MAXED AFFINITY WITH HER AND CHARISMA >= 8 YOU CAN CONVINCE HER TO COME BACK, HOWEVER, IF YOU ALSO ATTACKED THE COMMONWEALTH WITH THE RAIDERS SHE WILL LEAVE YOU FOREVER.
e. She has quest content for Nuka-World. It's a tour quest and completing its objectives count toward completing "Tour of the Commonwealth." However, if you complete TOTC before going to Nuka-World you'll get the quest when you enter Nuka-Town USA after the Coulter fight. IF YOU AGREE TO WORK WITH SHANK TO ATTACK THE COMMONWEALTH AND SHE CANNOT TALK YOU OUT OF IT SHE WILL LEAVE YOU. IF YOU HAVE MAXED AFFINITY WITH HER AND HAVE A CHARISMA OF >= 8 YOU CAN TALK HER INTO COMING BACK TO YOU BUT ONLY AFTER YOU'VE CO.MPLETED "HOME SWEET HOME' OR IF YOU GET KICKED OUT BY THE RAIDERS.
d. I've rebuilt her chatter so there is no more painful repetition of her stories while following and added some singing. You can turn different categories of her chatter (including the singing) on/off in her terminal (either the cheat one or the one in her bunker).
e. I've added a lot more clutter to the bunker and as you finish her quests new items will be added. One item is added if you complete Automatron with her. She also has a cat now, named Cosmo, who goes in and out of the bunker with the player/Heather.
f. A marker is automatically added to Heather when she goes into bleedout so she's easy to find under the car that exploded and then landed on top of her or when she's obscured by the luxurious new foliage added by your favorite landscape mod. You can turn it off in the Miscellaneous tab of your Pipboy quest log if you don't like it or complete it in her terminal.
The UFO cave is no longer an objective in the quest. Only the ship itself. If you do go into the cave with Heather and shoot the alien and loot the weapon she has dialogue for that, will ask for the weapon, and affinity points will be awarded for giving it to her.
The locations in Heather's Nuka-World quest count toward the total locations needed to complete TotC. That means if you go to Nuka-World before you've completed TotC the locations you take her to in NW may complete TotC. However, if you complete TotC before going to NW you will still get to do all of Heather's NW quest.
h. She has a Misc Quest that tracks her bleedout state. If she is bleeding out she gets a marker so you can find her under the car that blew up and knocked her down. You can turn it off in the quest log if you don't want the marker, but it will always be there like A Promising Partnership.
Looking for a new quest mod experience? Heather has a small role in MunkySpunk's The Fens Sheriff's Department - Bleachers 2. Munky and I collaborated to make that happen. She'll comment in some scenes and be involved in some quest shenanigans with the FSD.
Heatherv2 does not require patches for XDI or Full Dialogue Interface.
Patches for Heatherv1: XDI, Full Dialogue Interface, Bhaal's Better Sorting, Valdacil's Item Sorting and Armorsmith Extended
Heather Casdin - Assorted Patches
HEATHER v2.6 for XBOX1 IS CURRENTLY UPLOADED AT BETHESDA.NET. Heather's Bethesda.net mod page
Thanks Bethesda, for making another game for us to write mods for and I'm very grateful to the devs who built the vanilla companion system; it helped me tremendously while building Heather (having triggers in game to borrow, systems for getting her on/off Vertibirds, etc was awesome).
VOICE ACTING CREDITS: Heather is voiced by llamaRCA
DISCLAIMER: Modding your game is a very serious and very risky endeavor. Play it safe and be sure to create a save before you install any new mod, including this one.