About this mod
This mod adds furniture XMLs for Advanced Animation Framework (AAF) that will make it recognise furniture from 52 mods so you can play animations on the furniture.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Advanced Animation Framework (AAF)
- At least one of these 6 animation packs:
- Atomic Lust
- C.H.A.K. Animation Pack
- Leito's animations
- BP70's animations
- Savage Cabbage's animations
- RohZima's animations
- And at least one of the mods listed below.
List of furniture XML
- (All) means you can play at least one animation from any of the 6 animation packs on furniture from that mod.
- (SC) means you can play at least one animation from Savage Cabbage's animation pack on furniture from that mod.
- (RZ) RohZima's animation pack.
- (BP) BP70's animation pack.
- (CHAK) C.H.A.K. Animation Pack.
- (Leito) Leito's animation pack.
- (AL) Atomic Lust animation pack.
- Renovated Furniture (All)
- Hzs Easy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds (All)
- Heather Casdin (All)
- Pristine Workshop Assets (All)
- PsBoss BEDS (All)
- SnapBeds (All)
- VonHelton Integrated - Double Beds and Bunk Beds (All)
- VonHelton Integrated - Chairs and other Furniture (All)
- VonHelton Integrated - Custom Modular Homes (All)
- Fallout 3 Workshop Furniture (All)
- Project Mojave (All)
- Project Mojave Workshop Pack (All)
- V's Stylish Decor (All)
- Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture (All)
- Jets Bed Collection (All)
- Its Furniture (All)
- Minimalist Homewares (All)
- AK Build Menu (All)
- Home Improvements (All)
- Old World Plaids (All)
- USO Unlocked Settlement Objects (All)
- Homemaker (All)
- Settlement Supplies Expanded (All)
- Cozy Couch (All)
- The Cozy Scavver (All)
- Scavver's Settlement Kit (All)
- Cabin Workshop Pack (All) - (I made XML for both the ESP and ESL version of this mod.)
- Cozy Beds - with MY BED option (All) - (I made XML for both versions of this mod. MyBed version is optional)
- TTP's Money Bed (All) - (requires the bed + mattress version of this mod)
- Prewar Buildable Items (All) - (requires the all-in-one version of this mod)
- You Can Crash on the Couch (All) - (requires the ESL version of this mod)
- This is MY Bed (All) - (requires the Extended version of this mod)
- Settler Sleep AI Fixes (All) - (requires the main file, ESL version, of this mod)
- Creative Clutter (All) - (this XML was made for a newer version of this mod, not the old one that was on Nexus)
- Lovers Luxury Bed - The Black Widow (STANDALONE - MYBed) (All) - (I made XML for both versions of this mod. You can use one of them or both)
- Lovers Luxury bed - The Lady Killer (STANDALONE - MYBed) (All) - (I made XML for both versions of this mod. You can use one of them or both)
- Wasteland Workshop Evolved (WWE) (Main file: All, Optional file: SC) - (I made XML for both the main and optional file. Optional one is not required)
- Nothing Fancy Hot Showers (SC)
- Iron Throne (SC)
- Prisoner Shackles (SC)
- Build Your Own Pool (SC)
- Campsite (SC)
- Standalone Workbenches (RZ, SC)
- CWSS Redux (SC, CHAK, RZ)
- Singing Settler and Singing Settler Wardrobe (Singing Settler: BP, SC, CHAK) - (Wardrobe: BP, SC)
- HZY-furniture and decoration (SC, Leito, CHAK)
- Hotchpotch (AL, SC, CHAK, RZ)
- Captain's Workshop Pack 1 - Mega Collection (AL, RZ, SC, CHAK)
- Pimp Workshop (AL, BP, RZ, SC, CHAK)
- Summer Beach (AL, BP, RZ, SC, Leito)
- Settlement Objects Expansion Pack (AL, BP, RZ, SC, CHAK)
- Institute Build Kit (AL, BP, RZ, SC, CHAK)
Not all furniture from these mods have been included in my XML. Some furniture had too much clipping or animations didn't look right when played on it (for example, some beds were too low or too high and the actors would float in the air or clip inside the beds).
If the animation packs you are using already have furniture XML for any of the furniture mods listed above, you no longer need them if you install my XML for these furniture mods.
If you use the Settlement Menu Manager mod, I have made SMM patches for 24 of these furniture mods so your workshop won't get too cluttered: Settlement Menu Manager Patches (SMM), but these patches are not required.
How to play animations on the furniture
- Stand near the furniture and press the Home key to open the AAF menu, then press Enter to start a new scene.
- Use the Page Down key to select actors for the animations.
- Press the Right Arrow key and wait for AAF to search for furniture.
- Select the furniture you want to play animations on and press the Right Arrow key.
- Then select the animations you want to play and press the Right Arrow key again.
Other mods can play animations on the furniture if it is nearby. You may have to change the settings for some mods to enable furniture animations or to increase the chances of them using furniture instead of the ground for the animations.
You could also use mods such as Renovated Furniture - Base Object Swapper to replace the vanilla furniture in the world with the modded furniture I have made XMLs for.
This mod will not work if you have compacted the formIDs to flag the furniture mods as ESLs (light plugins). You will need to update the XMLs and change the old formIDs in them to the new formIDs if you have done this.
Other furniture XML mods
For those who play Sim Settlements 2, Boceifus has made some XMLs for the furniture from that mod: AAF Sim Settlements 2 and Sim Settlements Chapter 2 Furniture Data.
Credits and thanks
- dagobaking, for making AAF.
- Wenderer, for making the FOMOD Creation Tool.
- ElminsterAU and the xEdit Team, for making FO4Edit.
- The animators: Leito, Savage Cabbage, BP70, RohZima, AVilas and TheRealRufgt.
- All the authors of the furniture mods I made XML for.
- All of you who downloaded this mod. I hope you find these XMLs useful. Thank you!