About this mod
True Storms Special Edition is a complete overhaul of the storm systems in Skyrim SE/AE, including new heavy and unique weathers, loads of new intense sound effects, interior sounds, particle effects, new rain, snow, and dust textures, heavy fogs, new weathers for Solstheim including dust storms, and much more!
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One of the top 10 mods of 2015 for Skyrim, and a top 5 mod of all-time for Fallout 4, with over 1 million downloads comes to Skyrim Special Edition!
True Storms: Special Edition is a complete overhaul of the storm systems in Skyrim SE/AE, including new heavy, light, and unique weathers, loads of new intense sound effects, interior sounds, particle effects, new rain, snow, and dust textures, heavy fogs and wind effects, new weathers for Solstheim including dust storms, and much more! Simple at its core, True Storms has a BIG impact on the atmosphere of Skyrim. Retains vanilla style, but makes things much more dramatic and varied.
True Storms Special Edition has been re-built for Skyrim SE / AE, and includes many new features over its original Skyrim Classic counterpart!


#1 overview video by me, #2 incredible cinematic video by Hodilton

MORE VIDEOS (Skyrim Classic)
Older video reviews for the original SKYRIM CLASSIC version. These are not up to date but still give you some additional insight!


There are a multitude of patches available for nearly all of the popular weather mods, thanks to the wonderful community. A search for "True Storms" here on Nexus will yield many results.
• Darker Nights (100% compatible! Patch part of Darker Nights v1.4!)
• Frostfall (100% compatible)
• Wet and Cold (90% compatible) -- we both add Solstheim weathers, so whatever loads last will 'win' til a patch is made but will work fine otherwise
• ELFX (90% compatible) -- ELFX mostly edits interiors, but if you're using ELFX Exteriors or Weathers, just load True Storms after in your load order
• Realistic Lighting Overhaul (90%) -- Interiors are fully compatible, but not the RLO weathers. If you load True Storms after RLO you will get RLO's interiors, and my storms.