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Redshiftja and TheBlackKnight3000

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About this mod

A Deep Elf (Dwarven) race mod. It adds a new playable Timelost Dwemer race with unique chronokinetic powers, two dwemer followers, 30+ varieties of craftable automatons, and many new and powerful trinkets, weapons, and armor to obliterate your enemies with!

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin



* Lore expansion, new challenges
* Vampire expansion, new blood magic automatons
* Minor fixes 

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I wanted to make a dwemer mod that was not simply a texture swap and one or two racial abilities. I wanted a unique Deep Elf race with spells and abilities that no other race has access to in Skyrim: the latent ability to control time, and the skills to craft their own dwarven warmachines. Thus, the Timelost Dwemer was born.

4000 years ago the entire Dwemer race was erased from existence. All that remained were their empty cities and the ceaseless automata that they left behind to guard them. Many centuries passed in their absence until something stirred in the Void. 

The fabric of time and space rippled and tore – and in a flash, a figure dropped to its knees in the wintry lands of Skyrim. The Timelost Dwemer stood, trembling – gazing upon the land with disturbing familiarity. Everything was where the ancients had left them, and buried beneath the mountains of Skyrim, the sins of the past beckoned to be found. The mer listened, and strode forth, knowing what had to be done. Evil walked the lands of Tamriel, and the forbidden secrets of the ancient Dwemer could not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

Not again.


* RaceCompatibility
* The Timelost Dwemer - Essentials Patcher 


* Constructible Object Custom Keyword System [Highly Recommended!]
- (Con Obj Custom Kw Sys 1.5.97 Version)
- Organizes craftable items into neat categories in most crafting menus.
- Make sure to install the Timelost Dwemer Constructible Object Custom Keyword System Patch to add the Magecrafter categories to the Smithing and Cooking menus.

*Simply Order Summons and Swiftly Order Squad - Simply Order Summons integration [Highly Recommended!]
- These mods together allow you to quickly issue commands to your automatons with a radial menu. 

* Inventory Interface Information Injector and Racial Abilities - I4 icons
- (IIFJ SE 1.5.97 version)
- Racial Abilities - I4 icons adds unique icons for Timelost Dwemer spells and abilities

* Race Compatibility Dialogue SSE
- Installing this mod will let NPC's recognize you as an elf (a dark elf, specifically)

* Disable Follower Collision 
- Lets you walk through your followers, including automata. Useful to prevent being trapped by your army of automata.

* MoreHUD Inventory Edition
- The automaton recipes in this mod are quite long. This mod will help make them easier to read in the blacksmith forge interface. 

* Alternate Start - The Last Dwemer 
- The Last Dwemer addon gives you an origin story that fits the Timelost Dwemer.

* Mecha Deep Elf Skin Renewal 
- Mechabare BnP skin for Timelost Dwemer!


 Schlongs of Skyrim SE or Schlongs of Skyrim Light SE 
- The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race SOS Plugin Installer 
- SOS/SOS Light Patch for The Timelost Dwemer

 The New Gentlemen
- The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race TNG Patch
- TNG Patch for The Timelost Dwemer


Their skills and abilities are weighted towards sword and shield, and two-handed warriors. However, their unique chronokinetic racial abilities encourage high risk, high reward gameplay as players slow time and teleport into the fray. Their chrono powers also give them an edge in other pursuits, such as archery or sneaking.

  • Smithing 10 
  • Enchanting 10 
  • Alchemy 10 
  • Heavy Armor 5
  • One-Handed 5
  • Two-Handed 5
  • Block 5

  • ANCIENT DARKNESS - You have been marked by a presence older than Oblivion. Thus, you may wield the POWER OF THE VOID to manipulate time and space with your latent CHRONOKINESIS, but at the cost of health and magicka. 

  • - Abusing your chronokinetic powers will cause you to develop VOID PATHOSIS, a chronic wasting disease that progresses into VOID NECROSIS, which slowly kills you. 

  • MALEFICARUM - 4000 years ago your people profaned all of creation with their abominable hubris, and were cursed for all of eternity. Thus, you are unable to regenerate magicka on your own, and you are 25% more vulnerable to all magic damage.

No dwemer can be dissuaded from their quest for power and knowledge. Use your powerful dwemer intellect and ingenuity to adapt and survive, and conquer the curses that tried to humble you. 

  • MAGECRAFTER - You are a Magecrafter: an engineer-sorcerer that can weave magic into machines and bring them to life. 

  • - Assemble powerful new devices that can strengthen your grasp over the powers of the Void, and protect you from its perils.

  • - Construct 30+ varieties of dwarven automata, ranging from skittering animunculi, intelligent simulacra, to titanic warmachines.

  • - Forge new weapons, power armor, and explosives to annihilate your enemies with!

 harness the perilous energies of the void to exert their will over space and time, but this great power comes at a price: their CHONOKINETIC ABILITIES are highly-unstable, and cause them to slowly fade back into the dimension whence they came.

Excessive use of chronokinesis can be fatal, but this damage can by mitigated by powerful new devices and equipment. 

Wield powerful chronokinetic spells that reward high-risk, high-reward combat!

  • TIME WARP - Once per day, freeze time and increase your attack speed by 550%.

  • TIME DILATION - Slow time to 10% of its normal rate.

  • WARP JUMP - Dive silently through the fabric of Mundus and teleport to a target location.

  • ASSAULT JUMP - Hurl yourself through the fabric of Mundus. Your violent reentry back into the universe detonates a singularity at your destination that knocks down all enemies around you. 
  • - It's like Biotic Charge from Mass Effect 3.

Timelost Dwemer can also wield more powerful chronokinetic abilities by assembling and equipping devices that further enhance their command of the void. 

  • NULL LANCE - Unleash lances of void energy that vaporize magicka and slow movement speed. 

  • ATTENUATE - Emit a pulse that ceases the magicka regeneration of nearby enemies.

  • GRAVITY BOMB - Detonate a singularity, damaging and hurling away nearby enemies.

  • END TIME - Rip open a hole in space-time, summoning a black hole at a target location that annihilates anyone caught inside. 

The dwemer by nature covet power and knowledge above all else, but how far will they fall in this pursuit?


Dwemer vampires gain new skills and improved chronokinesis that strengthens the more blood-starved they become. Some may say you are cursed by the void and by your unholy blood, but to a dwemer vampire, the unnatural powers you wield are the key to your ascension as a higher being. 

  • UNDEATH ASCENSION - Giving into your bloodthirst hones your chronokinetic abilities. Teleport farther and slow time longer - but beware, your heightened powers come at the cost of a greater weakness to fire and magic. 

  • VOID GRIP - Timelost Dwemer vampires can strangulate their victim with the chilling embrace of the void, paralyzing them and doing damage over time.

  • VOID TEAR - An improved variant of Void Grip: seize your victim and teleport them to you, paralyzing them and doing damage over time.
  • - It's like Death Grip from WoW.
  • Compatible with Better Vampires by default, with patches for Sacrosanct and Sacrilege available!

Build unique haemomantic warp cores and blood-bathed automata that drain the life from your foes and transfer their life force to you. 

  • THE CALLING - Once per day, override a hostile automaton’s behavior protocols with your mind, making it an ally for 12 hours. 

  • REPAIR AUTOMATON - repair your automata with concentrated, instant, or AOE repair spells that are unlocked as you unlock Magecrafter perks

  • AUTOMATON OVERDRIVE - Send your automata into overdrive, increasing their damage for a short period of time

  • RECALL AUTOMATA –Instantly teleports all your deployed automata to your location.

  • DWEMER ARMS – Deal 30% more damage with dwarven weapons.

  • DWEMER ARMOR - Dwarven armor is 20% more effective. Improve dwarven armor 15% more effectively at a forge.

  • DWEMER SMITHING – Craft Dwarven weapons and armor at the start of the game.

  • POWER ARMOR TRAINING –Taught by reading the Liber Dwemervamidium (Power Armor Manual) which allows you to pilot and operate Aetherial Power Armor.

The Timelost Dwemer adds several new powerful and craftable dwarven items to the game!


** Requires Vampirism

  • ELEMENTAL GRENADES - Throw explosive fire, frost, and shock grenades at your enemies! Comes in 3 varieties with different effects.

  • POWER CLAWS - Increases unarmed damage.

  • POWERED WEAPONS - Includes powered warhammers, greatswords, and battleaxes. Ignores 50% of enemy armor.

  • AETHERIAL POWER ARMOR - Craft the Dwemervamidium, and the Advanced Dwemervamidium (by MihailMods)! They provide a multitude of resistances, wards, and powers that allow you to tank devastating amounts of damage while closing in with the enemy!

  • AETHERIAL WARHAMMER - Powered aetherial warhammer that staggers targets and ignores 100% of enemy armor.

  • ATRONACH CUBE - Atronach Cubes absorb magic damage, and resist and regenerate magic. These invaluable machines come in five increasingly powerful varieties and help offset the effects of the Maleficarum Curse.

  • WARP CORE - Warp Cores these devices augment your chronokinetic abilities, and allow you to harness more powerful spells like Assault Jump and Gravity Bomb. Comes in three increasingly powerful varieties.  

  • HAEMOMANTIC WARP CORE ** - Exclusive to vampires only. Similar to the original Warp Core, the Haemo Core improves the chrochronokinetic powers of vampiric dwemer, while also granting them Void Tear, as well as Assault Jump and Gravity Bomb. 

  • STEALTH GENERATOR - Stealth Generators come in three increasingly powerful varieties. These devices grant you the Active Camoflage power, which allows you to become invisible for a short amount of time. 

  • PROTOCOL ASSIMILATOR - Cracks the cryptographic algorithms of hostile automata and make them your minions. Comes in three varieties that match the complexity of more advanced automata. 

  • TEMPORAL REVERSAL MODULE - TR Modules save can save you from near-death experiences by reversing time, rapidly regenerating your health, stamina, and magicka and slowing time for three seconds.

  • NULL CORE - Null Cores are incredibly powerful devices that allow you to harness the power of the void to nullify enemy spellcasters. These devices grant you Null Lance, which vaporizes a target's magicka, and Attenuate, which ceases the magicka regeneration of all nearby enemies. 

  • TESSERACT CUBE - Tesseract Cubes provide unlimited storage space within the infinite void inside them.

  • CHRONOKINETIC STABILIZER - Chronokinetic Stabilizers are the pinnacle of Timelost Dwemer technology: they stabilize your chronokinetic abilities, preventing damage from the perilous energies of the void. This prized machine unlocks your full potential, and grants you the the powerful End Time spell.

  • AUTOCROSSBOWS - Craft burst fire, semi-automatic, and fully-automatic crossbows (by J3X and Rizing).

This mod fully-integrates a tweaked and expanded version of TheBlackKnight3000's Dwarven Automaton Crafting mod into the game. This mod would not have been made possible without TheBlackKnight3000's work.

Craft and command 30+ varieties of Dwarven Automata to aid you in combat. 


DWEMER AUTOMATA are advanced magical constructs designed and assembled by the Ancient Dwemer thousands of years ago. Since the disappearance of the Ancient Dwemer race, no civilization on Tamriel has been able to recreate this esoteric elven technology. These tireless machine servitors come in all shapes and sizes.

There are five tiers of automata that you can unlock through the new Magecrafter perks, divided into two categories of automata: ANIMUNCULI, and SIMULACRA.

  • Animunculi are automata of varying degrees of sentience, such as spiders, spheres, and centurions
  • Simulacra are near-sapient Ancillary-Intelligences (AI) that you can recruit as followers. 

Each tier contains increasingly powerful and expensive automata that fit into different combat roles and with both strengths and weaknesses. 

  • Automata are not summoned like spells. 
  • They are assembled at blacksmith forges. 
  • They are deployed from throwable, Pokeball-style containment spheres, and can be stored and repaired. 
  • Some automatons can even be upgraded to stronger, advanced variants!

For instructions on how to operate and maintain automata, you may read the ingame books you start with, or the Mod Documentation further below.

While you may craft your own automata, you may salvage and capture hostile automata, too!

  • AUTOMATON SALVAGE - Salvage the wrecks of defeated automata and rebuild them!

  • PROTOCOL ASSIMILATION - Break the ciphers of hostile automata, and make them your minions!


* Requires Extra Automatons addon 
** Requires Vampirism


Spiders are small, compact, arachnoid automata. Although they are tasked primarily with janitorial and maintenance duties they are also quite capable of defending themselves and their worksites, as well as their creators. They are fast, scurrying about with their clacking legs before lashing out from a distance with bolts of magical lightning. In melee, they leap at their enemies to tear at them with their mechanical claws.

Balespiders are small, fast, and capable fighters, much like their shock-magic infused cousins. However, rather than lashing out from range with lightning magic, Balespiders hurl firebolts at their enemies, lighting them on fire before leaping forth to tear at them with their spindly metal legs. 

Bolt Spiders use miniature crossbows to attack their foes. These crossbows fire armor-piercing bolts that are effective at taking down heavily-armored targets. Although capable of engaging at both melee and range, Bolt Spiders prefer to provide fire support with their crossbows. 

Observers are floating ball-shaped constructs charged with magical electricity that saps magicka away from their foes. Observers bounce and flit about, dodging attacks before landing swift, crushing blows that stagger their enemies. Originally designed for exploring and mapping out underground caverns and even the surface, Observers can pack quite a punch, ramming foes with their heavy frames and electrifying them upon contact. 

Flayers are dangerous, worm-like constructs designed to mutilate enemies with their flesh-rending, spiked frames. Meant not to wage war but to inflict terror, Flayers tear gaping, bleeding wounds into their helpless foes, leaving behind unrecognizable heaps of ruined flesh in their chattering wake. Often found in packs, Flayers engage their foes from a distance, hurling fireballs at them before closing in for the kill. 

Bloodletters are haemomantic variants of Flayers. Their spiked frames crackle and glow with forbidden blood magic, and their attacks drain the life of their foes. In combat, bloodletters siphon vitality to their vampire master with haemomantic blood bolts.

Venators are beast-like warmachines capable of charging their foes and mauling them with powerful, crushing blows. These constructs are fast and deadly, closing the distance between their foes in mere seconds before striking them down. Often accompanying dwemer legions in battle, these machines lie in wait until the line-troops have the enemy pinned in melee before flanking them from the sides or chasing down skirmishers. 

Helots are mer-shaped animunculi with strong, mechanized limbs designed for menial labor. Unlike advanced simulacra, Helots operate on simpler programming and can only perform menial tasks and engage in single-minded combat. Helots are often found in mines, plumbing the earth for precious metals and ores, or aiding in the construction of cities. 

Although they are designed for labor, these automata are not to be underestimated, as their powerful limbs can drive an axe through plated armor, or crush bone and mail alike.


Seekers are small, Autonomous Explosive Devices. These suicide drones explode upon death or after a five second fuse, or upon remote detonation, consuming anyone unfortunate enough to step on or crush them in magical spellfire. 

Fire, Frost, and Storm Seekers
Magecrafter perks unlock Volatile and Advanced variants with stronger and larger blast radii. 

Ballistae are automated, light artillery pieces. They are armed with miniature ballistae, launching powerful, armor-piercing bolts from afar to impale even the most heavily-armored foes. 

Ballistae are accurate and dangerous skirmishers, but they are extremely vulnerable in melee, and should be screened with proper support.

Spheres are partially-humanoid automata, guarding and patrolling dwemer cities and roads. Aptly-named, Spheres can fold themselves into balls, allowing them to roll through pipes and other inaccessible areas. 

Upon detecting a hostile, they unfold and charge, attacking with arm-mounted swords and crossbows. Often underestimated by their seemingly harmless, spherical shapes, these automata are fast and aggressive, chasing down or cutting down their foes with well-placed crossbow-fire. 

Flame Sphere, Storm Sphere - equipped with explosive elemental crossbow bolts. 

Repair Spiders repair nearby friendly automata. Although capable of fighting, they are not as strong as other spider variants, and prefer to electrocute their enemies from range. 

Repair Balespider *


Medi Spiders heal nearby friendly combatants. Although capable of fighting, they are not as strong as other spider variants, and prefer to electrocute their enemies from range. 

Medi Balespider *


Armigeri are advanced meric Simulacra, programmed with a near-sapient Ancillary-Intelligence. Armigeri are hardy and robust, and are designed to serve as heavy infantry on the battlefield.  

Their modular exoskeletons can be equipped with heavy armor, and they are adept at wielding anything from swords to greatswords, and even bows and crossbows. These automata can shrug off blows that most men and mer cannot. Armigeri will hold them line.

Upgradeable to the MK II Armiger, which boasts combat skills and performance that are superior to the MK I.

Packhorses fulfill the purpose that their name implies: they carry things. These mechanical beasts will carry your burdens. 

Ancillae are shapely, feminine Simulacra. Nominally-designed for pleasure and household duties, Ancillae are highly-modular and can be equipped for combat. These Ancillae often serve as maids for dwemer nobles, care for their children, or entertain them and their guests at extravagant gatherings. 
When their masters are threatened, Ancillae leap into action, hacking apart their foes, or disintegrating them with magical lightning. Ancillae are especially adept at stealth, and can remain undetected among hostiles. 

Upgradeable to the MK II Ancilla, which boasts combat skills and performance that are superior to the MK I.

Ancilla Spellswords wield both blade and magic. 

Ancilla Stormswords unleash streams of crackling lightning that leave lingering, electrifying damage.
- Upgradeable to the MK II Stormsword that casts Lightning Bolts in battle. 
Ancilla Flamesword unleash gouts of flames that lights their foes on fire.
- Upgradeable to the MK II Flamesword that hurl Firebolts in battle. 
Ancilla Bloodborne ** unleash life-draining blood magic that heal their vampire masters. 
- Upgradeable to the MK II Bloodborne ** that hurls Bloodbolts in battle.


Striders are lithe, yet sturdy feminine warmachines designed to wade into the heat of battle and sweep aside surrounding foes. They are programmed for shock combat, shrugging off blows that would crush even the most well-armored mer, and retaliating with powerful, fiery melee attacks. 
Their magical cores are enchanted with self-repairing sorcery, which quickly buffs dents and reattaches parts even in the heat of battle. These warmachines will stand their ground against any odds.

Witchslayers are brutal hunter-killer units designed to defeat sorcerers. Their attacks tear apart flesh and pulverize bone, but these are the least of their powers: these automata sap the magicka from their foes, disabling them and preventing spellcasting. 
They are dangerously quick, relentlessly pursuing enemy spellcasters and slaughtering them like animals. Their heavy frames are highly-resistant to magic, and only the most powerful of conventional attacks can stop them.


Tempestae are partially-humanoid, feminine automata that wield powerful lightning magic. They hover about the battlefield, unleashing lightning strikes upon their foes, disintegrating them and casting their ashes into the wind. 

They are fast, and will often evade melee combat, dodging arrows and swords alike, only engaging in close combat when cornered. Tempests prefer to blast apart their foes with their electrified sorcery. Their lightning attacks are so powerful that they will often utterly obliterate weaker and unarmored enemies, and stagger stronger ones.

Upgradeable to the MK II Tempesta, which can unleash Chain Lightning onto their foes. 

Drakainai are powerful, fire-wielding automata. Designed with a lithe, feminine shape, these graceful constructs are as deadly as they are beautiful: their roiling power-cores are enchanted with fire magic that glows with tinges of superheated, bluish flame.
Drakainai lob fireballs that can melt through even the thickest of platemail. Those who are simply incinerated are the lucky ones, as their fiery attacks often cook their helpless foes inside their burning armor. Although vulnerable in melee, Drakainai are capable of defending themselves with kicks and swipes that light their attackers on fire.

Upgradeable to the MK II Drakaina, which can hurl Fireballs at their foes. 

Drakontes are among the dwemer’s strongest and most robust automated infantry. Designed to be an amalgamation of mer and dragon, Drakontes glow with burning spellfire that radiates from their magically-enchanted cores. Wielding fire-enchanted battleaxes, Drakontes breathe fire upon their enemies before wading into battle and cleaving them apart.

Arachnovamidia are huge warmachines, used as mounts and powerful magical artillery pieces. They may be ridden into battle, used as transportation, or ranged fire support.

Tyrants are among the dwemer’s most terrifying killing machines. They are armed with vicious arm-swords that they use to slash apart their foes in savage, brutal combat. 

On the battlefield, these blood-bathed constructs launch terrifying shock attacks upon enemy troops, disrupting formations and slaughtering those who are unable to withstand their whirling storm of metal. When damaged, Tyrants can enter berserker mode, allowing them to shrug off the mightiest of blows and continue fighting. They are truly a savage, and dangerous foe.

Praetorians are towering warmachines that seek out the strongest and largest foes on the battlefield to engage them in single combat. Armed with a variety of giant weapons, Praetorians cut down monsters and soldiers alike, hurling them aside and launching them into the air like ragdolls. 

Although not as sturdy as Centurions, Praetorians are a force to be reckoned with, and are often sent to disrupt enemy lines with their powerful attacks.

Centurions are some of the most advanced automata ever designed. These walking siege engines are slow but immense, and can shrug off many attacks and squash their foes like insects. 

Armed with a giant warhammer in one arm, and an equally giant battleaxe in the other, Centurions besiege castles and knock down gates before pulverizing the hapless foes cowering behind them. When surrounded, Centurions can vent steam from their engines, boiling away flesh from bone and driving back their scalded attackers.


Infernals are larger, rarer variations of Centurions, built to guard areas of extreme importance, or to lay waste to enemy fortifications. Whereas their smaller cousins were designed for knocking down gates, Infernals knock down walls. 

These towering warmachines stride across the battlefield, towering over their foes and annihilating them with their massive arm-mounted weapons, and obliterating those that remain with hellish magical flames. 

Deathwings are some of the rarest, most advanced, and most complex automata ever designed. Some may even say that these constructs contain fully-sapient Ancillary-Intelligence. Whatever it is that drives these machines to prosecute Dwemer wars with such calculated destruction is unknown, but they are more than willing - if not happy to bring death upon the enemies of their creators. 

Built in the dreadful image of the ancient dragons, these legendary and fearsome warmachines strike fear in the hearts of entire armies as their winged shadows fall upon them. This is often the last they see before they are utterly disintegrated in brilliant storms of magical lightning.


Colossi are awe-inspiring and horrifying sights on the battlefield. The immense presence of these titanic warmachines alone can rout and defeat entire armies. Colossi are so large that one colossus alone could assault a castle and lay waste to its cowering defenders. A Colossus is a walking meteor strike, pounding its enemies into extinction with spellfire-enchanted fists, or tearing huge rents into the earth with their colossal powered weaponry. Their magical power cores burn with the fire of a raging inferno, and simply being close to one can ignite cloth and flesh, and melt away armor and bone. 

When a Colossus enters the battlefield, very few live to tell the tale.

You may also install an optional Deep Elf Follower Plugin that adds to the game three Deep Elf followers: Ashtaret, Ereshkiga, and Nizrok. 


Ashtaret - Arkngthamz
Ereshkiga - Nchuand-Zel Excavation
Nizrok - War Quarter, Blackreach

Ashtaret prefers two-handed weapons, and Nizrok prefers to use a one-handed weapon and a shield. Ereshkiga prefers bows/crossbows and one-handed weapons, but is equipped with a special bow that increases her rate of fire.

* KS Hairdos - Renewal SSE

Traits: Two-Handed, Heavy Armor, Summon Animunculus Guardian: Zara (Zara's remains must be recovered to enable this ability; see Ash's inventory for hints)

Ashtaret, in the early days of the First Era, was the daughter of a noble family who enjoyed the finer life of the dwemer aristocracy. Belonging to the minor but respected Clan Namtara of Arkngthamz, she had access to great wealth - wealth that she squandered on her decadent and libertine lifestyle... much to the disdain of her parents. However, the discovery of aetherium in Blackreach sparked the Aetherium Wars, and many of Clan Namtara marched off to war only to be killed by their own kin. Ashtaret, with her parents and most of her friends and family dead, found herself alone for the first time in her life. Ashamed that she had done nothing but indulge in vice and vanity as her parents fell in battle and Clan Namtara burned, she swore to her ancestors that she would restore her and her family's honor.

As the Aetherium Wars came to a close, and Arkngthamz lay in ruin, Ashtaret mustered what little of her family's wealth that remained and delved into the science of magecrafting. From apprentice to master, Ashtaret constructed automata that helped rebuild and revitalize her city after the destruction of the Aetherium Wars. Centuries passed, and the dwemer empire thrived once again - thanks in part to some of Ashtaret's patented automaton designs. Now, as a master magecrafter, Ashtaret had finally restored the honor and respect Clan Namtara had held in ages past. However, she was still the sole surviving progeny of her clan. With Arkngthamz restored to its former glory, she decided that it was time to settle down and start a family of her own. However, this dream was never realized. 

In the 700th year of the First Era, the upstart chimer of Resadyn declared war upon their dwemer neighbors. Ashtaret joined the Arkngthamzite legion, and drilled and practiced in the art of swordsmanship in case their dwemeri allies in Resdayn called for their aid. Though far from the carnage, Ashtaret felt a strange and inexplicable force pull her into nothingness and she and the rest of the dwemer disappeared from the face of the universe.

In the void, four-thousand years passed in the blink of an eye, and once more, Ashtaret found herself in Arkngthamz - but it was not the Arkgnthamz she once knew. Surrounded by mutant falmer, Ashtaret took up arms against the vagrant savages and slew her way out of the city and into a completely different world. She looked upon the land of Skyrim and saw distant lights and cities that she could not remember. The world had changed in her absence, and once again, she found herself alone. Confused and quaking with despair, Ashtaret gathered her wits and wandered Skyrim, hoping to carve out a new life for herself in that strange new world. 

Traits: One-Handed, Block, Heavy Armor, Power Armor Training (can wear personal power armor; see Nizrok's inventory for hints to its location)

Nizrok was a family mer, but remained distant from his kin because of the years he spent soldiering in the dwemer legions. During his service to the kingdom of Bthar-zel, he had seen and slain at least one of every man, mer, and monster that walked the lands of Skyrim. Whenever he returned home, his children, much older than the last he saw him, would shy away from him. To them, he was nothing but a stranger in their eyes. Saddened by the rift that had grown between him and his children, Nizrok promised to his wife that he would soldier no more. Finally settling down, Nizrok looked forward to rebuilding his family and becoming part of their lives. Just as he was opening his first chthonic food emporium, the Aetherium Wars shook the foundations of the dwemer empire. Bthar-zel, his home city, conscripted every able-bodied mer to fight against the forces of Arkngthamz for control over its rich aetherium stockpile.

With a heavy heart, Nizrok donned his armor and carried his shield and axe into battle once more, leaving behind his family. The war was a devastating one, and countless dwemer perished as it raged across Skyrim. Worse, as the dwemer city-states fought amongst themselves, the nords saw an opportunity for conquest, and swept across Skyrim to lay waste to dwemer lands. While the legions of Bthar-zel were fighting against the Arkngthamzites, the nords preyed upon the city. As the Aetherium Wars came to a close, Nizrok returned from the war to find Bthar-zel utterly destroyed. He dug through the rubble of his home until his fingers bled and he despaired. His family was nowhere to be found. His wife and children were gone forever. Without a home and a family, Nizrok fell into a deep depression that threatened to consume him, and he cast himself off into the wilderness of Skyrim with nothing but his old legionary armor. 

For many centuries, Nizrok wandered Tamriel as a traveling mercenary, honing his fighting skills and swinging his axe for coin until his journey came to an end in the distant lands of Resadyn. When another elven war broke out, Nizrok, empty from working the honorless job of a mercenary, thought that he could find purpose in life once more by joining the dwemer legions of King Dumac. As a weathered veteran of the Aetherium Wars, Dumac's dwemer legions accepted him wholeheartedly into their ranks, and they marched against the chimeri armies at the Battle of Red Mountain.

It was there, in the heat of battle that Nizrok felt his skin crawl and nothingness swallowed him whole. Then, just as quickly as the darkness had come, a light erupted around him and hurled him into the carnage of the Red Year. Hunted by roving bands of argonian dunmer-slayers, Nizrok fled Resdayn - now known as Morrowind, and joined a group of dunmer refugees on their way to Solsteim. There, Nizrok settled down for the first time in centuries (or thousands of years), and it was there that he finally found peace in the loving embrace of a dunmer woman named Nirina, whom he later called his wife. This woman made him whole again, and for once he finally felt at peace. 

Together, Nizrok and Nirina built a dwarven ceramics business, and he sometimes travels to the Skyrim mainland to secure trade deals with the nords of Markarth who are eager to collect his authentic dwarven art. Currently, he is stuck in Skyrim proper for the time being, unable to return to Solsteim due to Imperial and Stormcloak naval blockades around the mainland.


* Ashtaret and Nizrok will probably spawn a Hunting Bow into their inventory when first recruited. This is a bug that all custom followers have. You will need to remove the bow from their inventories, or they may not use their own weapons. You only need to do this once. I can't fix this without breaking every follower mod out there, so manually removing that stupid Hunting Bow from his inventory ingame is the only way around this bug (thanks Bethesda

  • Timelost Dwemer can become werewolves too!

  • Timelost Dwemer can harvest their own blood to obtain a dwemer blood sample for Septimus Signus! 

  • Simply click the Essence Harvester to sample your blood!

  • Males and Females use recolored textures from talented modders (with permission) to create a unique elven race!

  • Default skin tones include: Bluish-Purple, Pale Purple, Plum Purple, Bronze, and Pale Yellow. Check out the gallery to see more screenshots!

- You must install the TIMELOST DWEMER ESSENTIALS PATCHER to use these skin textures!

  • The Timelost Dwemer does NOT use custom body meshes, and is thus compatible with CBBE-based and UNP-based body mods!

- Your character will use whichever body mod you have installed, and consequently any body-slide armor you're using!
  • This mod is compatible with Schlongs of Skyrim and SOS Light!

- The Timelost Dwemer features never-nude and vanilla body options too!

compatibility and patches

The Timelost Dwemer may not be compatible with everything. Please read the list below.

  • Mods marked with Green are compatible. 
  • Red indicates that the mod is either incompatible or unsupported. 
  • Yellow indicates some compatibility.

If a mod is not listed or if you aren't sure if it's compatible or not, feel free to ask me.


  • CBBE and UNP

  • All enchantment overhauls

  • Moonlight Tales

  • Ordinator, Perkus Maximus, Vokrii, Vokriinator, Vokriinator Black, SPERG, Adamant, Perkapalooza, SkyRem

  • Immersive Creatures

  • Requiem

  • Better Vampires, Sacrilege, and Sacrosanct

  • Summermyst

  • Immersive Jewelry

  • RaceMenu SE

  • Fertility Mode SE, and Fertility Mode v3 Fixes and Tweaks

  • High Poly Heads

  • Aesthetic Elves

  • CBBE Muscle Solutions

  • Manbeast

  • Pilgrim

  • Vampire eye textures 

  • Dwarven armor and weapon mods
  • - As long as the dwarven equipment has the DwarvenMaterial keyword, then my mod's perks will detect them and increase their damage/armor accordingly. If not, then the DwarvenMaterial keyword can be added easily to the equipment in the CK or XEdit.

  • Body/Face Textures Mods
  • - This mod will not overwrite any body or face textures. All body and face textures used by this mod are self-contained.
  • - This mod uses whatever body mesh mods you have installed. This means that any body mesh that is based on CBBE or UNP bodies are compatible with this mod
  • - Some face texture mods may be incompatible and may make your face discolored or brighter than the rest of the body. You should be using a face texture mod that's compatible with the skin textures you chose in my installer
  • - You may replace my mod's textures with your own body/face textures to tailor your Timelost Dwemer to your own liking

  • Wildcat and other Combat Overhauls
  • - Timelost Dwemer is compatible with most combat overhauls, but may need patches to reduce players' self-inflicted damage from chronokinetic spells.


  • Enhanced Character Edit

  • Ethereal Elven Overhaul

  • Mihail's Dwarven Power Armor

  • Perk overhauls
  • - Any perk overhaul that is not listed in the COMPATIBLE section needs a patch

  • Beast form mods (needs a patch)
  • - True Hybrid, Path of Trancendence, and Growl are unsupported

  • Vampire Mods (needs a patch)
  • - Any vampire mod not listed in the COMPATIBLE section needs a patch

  • Other Dwarven Automaton Crafting Mods
  • - Mihail's Dwarven Mods, Dwemer Automaton Crafting, Aetherial Palace Reborn... any mods that add craftable automata or automaton enemies
  • - These mods are unsupported by Timelost Dwemer's crafting system, and need to be patched and balanced to fit in
  • - Attemping to use Timelost Dwemer automaton functions with them may break their AI

You are also free to make patches for my mod if a mod you're using isn't compatible. You can either use my mod's .esm file to make your patch, or the mod's .esp file which is in the development folder.

installation guide

"File Path too long" errors:
* If you can't install due to a "File Path too long" error in Vortex, download the mod manually from the site, and rename the .zip file that you downloaded to something shorter, like "". Then try installing it again.

Disclaimer: Installing with MO2 is preferred. Vortex & NMM do not allow users to manually-reorder their mods and plugins, and in some cases may cause bugs specific to Vortex and NMM. This is the case for most mods with facegen data and patch plugins on the Nexus. Your experience may vary!

1. Install RaceCompatibility

  • If you are using Growl or Moonlight Tales, you must select Moonlight Tales compatibility in RaceCompatibility's installer

  • If you are using vampire overhaul mods, you must select the vampire mod you are using (Better Vampires, Sacrosanct, or Sacrilege)
  • - if you are NOT using any vampire mods, select No Vampire Overhaul

2. Install The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race. Opening The Timelost Dwemer with your mod manager will open an installer program which will guide you through the installation process.
  • Please follow the instructions on the first screen, or the installer will terminate prematurely. 

3. Choose your difficulty level.

  • Choosing Normal changes nothing. Play Timelost Dwemer the way they were meant to be played. 
  • Choosing Easy nerfs the Maleficarum Curse so that you regenerate magicka at a normal rate. 
  • Choosing Easier removes the Maleficarum Curse entirely.

4. Select any addons you wish to install. After making your selections, click Install to finish installing the main mod.
Patch/Plugin Information:

Some options may be pre-selected for you, because they are required, or the installer detected the addon's prerequisite plugin in your load order.


  • Fertility Mode Patch
  • If you are using Fertility Mode, and want your female dwemer character and female dwemer followers to have a menstrual cycle and experience pregnancy, you can install one of these plugins. You must select the plugin that corresponds to the version of Fertility Mode that you are using. 
  • - Requires Fertility Mode or Fertility Mode Fixes and the Timelost Dwemer Follower Plugin

  • Timelost Dwemer-Ancient Falmer Unified Fertility Mode Patch
  • If you are using BOTH the Timelost Dwemer fertility (fixes) mode patch AND the Ancient Falmer Fertility Mode (fixes) patch, you MUST INSTALL ONE OF THE UNIFIED PATCHES in order for both plugins to work together


  • Deep Elf Follower Plugin
  • Requires KS Hairdos - Renewal SSE
  • Follower Location: Ashtaret - Arkngthamz, Ereshkiga - Nchuand-Zel Excavation, Nizrok - War Quarter, Blackreach

  • Deep Elf Follower Plugin RDO Patch
  • If you use Relationship Dialogue Overhaul, you can install this patch to replace Ashtaret and Nizrok's voice sets with more fitting voices. 

  • Extra Automatons Plugin
  • Requires Skyrim Immersive Creatures but does NOT require the SIC plugin. Only requires SIC's meshes and textures.
  • - See the Load Order Guide below for more info.

  • Gynoid HDT Options
  • If you want your Gynoids to use any of the HDT body options, you must have some variation of CBP Physics, the XP32 Maximum Extended Skeleton, and FNIS or your game will crash


  • High Poly Heads Patch
  • If you are using High Poly Heads, you may install this patch so that deep elves can use the high poly face parts. 

  • CBBE Muscle Solution Patch
  • If you are using CBBE Muscle Solution, you may install this patch so that Muscle Sol's progressive muscle-weight feature applies to female dwemer.


  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures
  • If you are using Skyrim Immersive Creatures, you may install the SIC Patch if you want to salvage and capture hostile SIC automata. 
  • - The SIC Patch requires the Extra Automatons Addon, so if you want to use this patch, you must install Extra Autos a well.

  • Immersive Jewelry Patch
  • If you are using Immersive Jewelry, you must install the Immersive Jewelry Patch, or the materials you need to craft the new items and automatons will be unreasonably heavy to carry

  • Wildcat Patch
  • If you are using Wildcat, it is highly-recommended to install this patch, as it prevents you from obliterating yourself every time you use chronokinesis by reducing the damage that your powers do to your character.

  • Vampire Lord/Werewolf Carry Weight Patch
  • Your Tesseract Cube may unequip after returning from your beast form, rendering you overencumbered. This patch should fix that.

  • Requiem Patch
  • If you are using Requiem you should install this patch
  • - NOTE: Fozar's Requiem Patch is no longer supported

  • Better Vampires
  • Better Vampires is compatible without a patch as long as you selected Better Vampires in the RaceCompatibility installer in Step 2
  • Mod and plugin need to be loaded in a certain order. Follow instructions in the Load Order Guide after Step 8.

  • Sacrosanct Patch
  • If you are using Sacrosanct, you must install this patch
  • Sacrosanct Unified Patch
  • If you are using both the Timelost Dwemer Sacrosanct and Ancient Falmer Sacrosanct patches, you MUST install this patch. 

  • Sacrilege Patch
  • If you are using Sacrilege, you must install this patch
  • Sacrilege Unified Patch
  • If you are using both the Timelost Dwemer Sacrosanct and Ancient Falmer Sacrosanct patches, you MUST install this patch


  • Ordinator, Perkus Maximus, Vokrii, Vokriinator, Vokriinator Black, SPERG, Adamant, Perkapalooza, and SkyRem Patches
  • If you are using Ordinator, Perkus Maximus, Vokrii, Vokriinator, Vokriinator Black, SPERG, Adamant, Perkapalooza, or SkyRem (available under Optional Files in the downloads section), you must install the corresponding patches or you might not be able to access and unlock the new Magecrafter perks. You can only use one perk overhaul at a time.

5. Download the ESSENTIALS PATCHER from the Timelost Dwemer Patch Center.

  • You MUST install the Essentials Patcher or autocrossbows won't work, and your character will not look like anything close to the dwemer in my screenshots. 
  • - select the options that correspond to the textures you're using, or choose the options that you like the most.

  • After installing all the required files, you must load the Essentials Patcher AFTER the main mod, like this:

6. Run LOOT.
  • If you want to, merge the Timelost Dwemer patches and addons with Mator Smash or Merge Plugins in order to save plugin space.
  • Read the Load Order Guide below and make sure LOOT put your plugins in the right order.


The following section will instruct you on how to load the optional plugins and patches you installed in their required order.


If you are using Adamant, you should have installed the Adamant Patch in the previous installation steps, or you will not be able to acquire the new Magecrafter perks.

Make sure that Deep_Elf_Adamant_Patch.esp is loaded after MysticismMagic.esp and Adamant.esp

  • MysticismMagic.esp
  • Adamant
  • Deep_Elf_Adamant_Patch.esp


Better Vampires does not need a patch in order to work with Timelost Dwemer.

However, you must load Better Vampires' plugin after RaceCompatibility USKPOverride like this:

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Better Vampires.esp

You also need to load the mod folders of RaceCompatibility, Better Vampires, and Timelost Dwemer in the order below:

  • The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race
  • Better Vampires
  • RaceCompatibility


Users that DO want to play with Skyrim Immersive Creatures should have installed both the Extra Autos Patch and SIC Patch as well. See load order instructions below:

Extra Automatons AND Skyrim Immersive Creatures Patch:

  • You must install and ENABLE the Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp plugin
  • Then load your plugins in the following order:

1. Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
2. Deep_Elf_Extra_Automatons.esp
3. Deep_Elf_SIC_Patch

For users that DO NOT want to play with Skyrim Immersive Creatures, follow the instructions below:

Extra Automatons ONLY:


Mod Organizer Users

  • ENABLE the Skyrim Immersive Creatures mod and the Timelost Dwemer mod 
  • DISABLE the Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp plugin
  • ENABLE the Deep_Elf_Extra_Automatons.esp plugin

In MO2 your mod folders should look like this:

Your plugins list should look like this:

Vortex Users

Vortex users must DELETE the Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp plugin

1. Enable the Skyrim Immersive Creatures mod, then Open in File Manager

2. Delete Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp


If you installed the Deep Elf Fertility Mode Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm(p)
  • Deep_Elf_Followers.esp
  • TLD_Fertility_Mode.esp

If you installed the Deep Elf Fertility Mode + TKAA Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm(p)
  • Deep_Elf_Followers.esp
  • TLD_Fertility_Mode.esp
  • TLD_Fertility_Mode_TKAA.esp
  • TAF-TLD_Unified_Fertility_Mode_Patch.esp

If you installed the Unified Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm(p)
  • Deep_Elf_Followers.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Followers.esp
  • TAF_Fertility_Mode.esp
  • (TAF_Fertility_Mode_TKAA.esp)
  • TLD_Fertility_Mode.esp
  • (TLD_Fertility_Mode_TKAA.esp)
  • TAF-TLD_Unified_Fertility_Mode_Patch.esp


If you installed the Deep Elf Fertility Mode Fixes Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm
  • Fertility Mode 3 Fixes and Updates.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp

If you installed the Deep Elf Fertility Mode Fixes Unified Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm
  • Fertility Mode 3 Fixes and Updates.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Followers.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Followers.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp
  • TAF-TLD_Unified_Fertility_Mode_Patch.esp


(Taken directly from Enai's mod page)
RaceCompatibility compatibility workaround

RaceCompatibility modifies werewolf scripts and distributes them as loose files, which
will take precedence over any regular mod you have installed, resulting
in an unavoidable conflict regardless of load order.

To avoid this:
  • If you have no mods that REQUIRE RaceCompatibility: There is no need to
    install it. Growl already handles custom races correctly.
  • If you have not yet installed RaceCompatibility and want to install it
    using the included installer: Choose Moonlight Tales compatibility. According to the author of RaceCompatibility, this will result in the werewolf scripts not being installed.
  • If you have not yet installed RaceCompatibility and want to install it
    manually: Do not install the PlayerWerewolfChangeScript that comes with RaceCompatibility.
  • If you have already installed RaceCompatibility: Remove the loose PlayerWerewolfChangeScript
    it comes with. If using a mod manager, it will be in its own directory. If installing manually, it will be in your Scripts folder.

SO BASICALLY, you need to either Select Moonlight Tales compatibility when installing RaceCompatibility, or delete the PlayerWerewolfChangeScript inside of RaceCompatibility's script installer.


If you are using Immersive Jewelry, you should have installed the Immersive Jewelry Patch in the previous installation steps, or you will have some issues with gathering materials for the new items. 

  • Immersive Jewelry.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Immersive Jewelry_Patch.esp


If you are using Ordinator, you should have installed the Ordinator Patch in the previous installation steps, or you will not be able to acquire the new Magecrafter perks.

  • Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Orderinator_Patch.esp

When you start the game, you will be prompted by an options screen asking you what kind of Meric Smithing you would like to specialize in.

You already start with Dwarven Smithing, so it would be a good idea to click on the “Contemporary Meric” option so that you will learn how to craft Elven weapons and armor too. Clicking the “Dwarven” option does not benefit you at all because you already know Dwarven Smithing!!!


If you are using Perkus Maximus, you should have installed the PerMa (Perkus Maximus) Patch in the previous installation steps, or you will not be able to acquire the new Magecrafter perks.

  • PerkusMaximus_Master.esp
  • PerkusMaximus_Warrior.esp
  • Deep_Elf_PerMa_Patch.esp

Make sure that Deep_Elf_PerMa_Patch.esp is loaded after ALL your PerMa plugins.


If you installed the Requiem Patch, you must load 
  • Deep_Elf_RequiemSE_Patch.esp
AFTER Requiem. 

  • Requiem.esp
  • Deep_Elf_RequiemSE_Patch.esp


If you are using Sacrilege, you should have installed the Sacrilege Patch in the previous installation steps.

Load your plugins in this order.

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Sacrilege - Minimalistic Vampires of Skyrim.esp
  • DeepElf-Sacrilege.esp

Make sure that your RC, Sacrilege, and TLD mod folders overwrite each other in the following order, or vampirism won't work:

  • The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race SE
  • Sacrilege
  • RaceCompatibility with Fixes for SSE

UNIFIED PATCH (Ancient Falmer Users)
If you are using both the Timelost Dwemer and Ancient Falmer Sacrilege Patches, you should have installed the Sacrilege Unified Patch. Load your plugins in this order: 

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Sacrilege - Minimalistic Vampires of Skyrim.esp
  • SnowElf-Sacrilege.esp
  • DeepElf-Sacrilege.esp
  • SnowDeepElf-Sacrilege.esp



If you are using Sacrosanct, you should have installed the Sacrosanct Patch in the previous installation steps.

Load your plugins in this order.

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Race_SCS_Patch.esp

Make sure that your RC, Sacrosanct, and TLD mod folders overwrite each other in the following order, or vampirism won't work:

  • The Timelost Dwemer -  A Deep Elf Race SE
  • Sacrosanct
  • RaceCompatibility with Fixes for SSE

UNIFIED PATCH (Ancient Falmer Users)
If you are using both the Timelost Dwemer and Ancient Falmer Sacrosanct Patches, you should have installed the Sacrosanct Unified Patch. Load your plugins in this order:

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Race_SCS_Patch.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Race_SCS_Patch.esp
  • TLD-TAF Unified SCS Patch.esp


If you are using SkyRem, you should have installed the SkyRem Patch which is available in the Optional Files section of the mod page, or you will not be able to acquire the new Magecrafter perks.

SkyRem Perks.esp

Make sure that Deep_Elf_SkyRem_Patch.esp is loaded after SkyRem Perks.esp.



If you are using SPERG, you should have installed the SPERG Patch in the previous installation steps, or you will not be able to acquire the new Magecrafter perks.

  • Sperg-SSE.esp
  • Deep_Elf_SPERG_Patch_SSE.esp

Make sure that Deep_Elf_SPERG_Patch_SSE.esp is loaded after SPERG-SSE.esp.



If you are using Vokrii, you should have installed the Vokrii Patch in the previous installation steps, or you will not be able to acquire the new Magecrafter perks.

  • Vorkii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Vokrii_Patch.esp.esp

Make sure that Deep_Elf_Vokrii_Patch.esp is loaded after Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim.esp.


If you are using Vokriinator, you should have installed the Vokriinator Patch in the previous installation steps, or you will not be able to acquire the new Magecrafter perks.

  • Vorkii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim.esp
  • Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
  • Vokriinator.esp
  • Deep Elf Race - Vokriinator Patch.esp

Make sure that Deep Elf - Vokriinator Patch.esp is loaded AFTER Vokrii, Ordinator, and Vokriinator as shown above


If you are using Vokriinator Black, you should have installed the Vokriinator Black Patch.

Make sure that Deep_Elf_Vokriinator_Black_Patch.esp is loaded AFTER all of VK Black's requirements.



If you are using Wildcat, you should have installed the Deep Elf Wildcat Patch, or your chronokinetic abilities will kill you deader than dead.

You must load Deep_Elf_Wildcat_Patch.esp AFTER Wildcat.esp

  • Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Wildcat_Patch.esp


I aim to provide updates and bugfixes for this mod when I am able. These updates should not break your save, however, there are some steps you should take to make sure your character's traits are updated properly. 

There is no need to conduct these procedures unless stated in the changelog.

Standard Updating Procedure

This is the standard updating procedure for 1.0 and above, unless specifically stated otherwise.

- Hit Tilde ~ to open the console, type in 'showracemenu' (without quotes) and press enter
- You will now be in the RaceMenu Screen. Make any changes you want (you don't need to) and press R to save and finish
- You should see on the top left of your screen: "Timelost Dwemer perks and spells have been added successfully."
- Done!

Advanced Updating Procedure

Do not use this updating procedure unless instructed to.

- Hit Tilde ~ to open the console, type in 'showracemenu' (without the quotes) and press enter
- You will now be in the RaceMenu Screen. If you are using the RaceMenu mod or ECE, I suggest that you save a character preset of your current character before continuing 
- Change your character's race to any other race 
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see the message at the top left of the screen: "Timelost Dwemer perks and spells have been removed successfully"
- Open the console a second time, and enter RaceMenu again
- Change your character back to a Deep Elf, load your the character preset you saved
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see a message on the top left of your screen: "Timelost Dwemer perks and spells have been added successfully." Your new skill bonuses should be applied, and the Smite ability should be in your spellbook

You may also need to rebuild your Bashed Patch if I update the leveled lists, but I will let you know if you need to.



If you want to use your own custom textures to fit your custom body meshes, all you need to do is replace this mod's textures with yours. 

Open the Timelost Dwemer Essential's Patcher and simply drag and drop your textures (such as,, etc) into the following folder:

...\The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race\Textures\deep elf\male


...\The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race\Textures\deep elf\female

Click yes to overwrite any files if asked.

If that doesn't work, then make sure the Essential's Patcher is overwriting the main mod.


If you're a Vortex user, then it's more complicated because Vortex is inferior doesn't give users the necessary controls needed to manually-modify their load order. 

  • Open the contents of the Essential's Patcher
  • Drag and drop your textures (such as,, etc) into the following folders 
  • ...\The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race\Textures\deep elf\male 
  • and or ...\The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race\Textures\deep elf\female
  • Copy the entire contents of the Essential's Patcher and paste them into the main mod's folder. 
  • Overwrite when prompted. This will manually-overwrite the assets of the main mod with the contents of the Essential's Patcher.


I wrote up a thorough and detailed documentation for this mod, and I usually edit it with every major update when I have time. 

The documentation covers the following topics: 

* Automaton deployment, capture, assimilation, and maintenance 
* Descriptions of the mod's spells, perks, weapons, armors, and automatons
* Detailed crafting guide with charts/material lists for all the items and automatons added to the game
* Gameplay tips and strategies

You can download the documentation at the link below. However, you can preview the PDF without downloading it, as well.


These skin tones aren't lore friendly, they break my immersion, peepee poopoo skin tone bad etc
  • If my dwemer skin tones are not to your liking, you can change them by replacing my mod's textures. Instructions on how to do this are under the Customization section of the mod description. 

Why do your dwemer look like elves?! They're dwarves, they're supposed to be short, hairy andfrl;adnfkjeb;uohg;aurohh;weoincdfdajl sl;sshsssssssssssiw[ol

Will you make a friendly automaton plugin?
  • No.

Can you make a standalone version? I only want to play with the race/spells/perks/automatons etc
  • No.

How do I craft/salvage/capture the automatons? 
  • You start with several books in your inventory. Perhaps you should read them.

How do I craft the crixic powders?
  • See the previous answer.

How do I remove or overcome the Maleficarum Curse?
  • You can nerf or remove the curse by selecting the mod's difficulty when installing the mod. This only works on new playthroughs.
  • You can overcome the curse ingame by enchanting your armor with magic resistance or magic regeneration enchantments, and constructing the new Timelost Dwemer items. 

Help! My dwemer don't look like the dwemer in your screenshots!
  • You forgot to install the ESSENTIALS PATCHER from The Timelost Dwemer Patch Center. Make sure it loads AFTER the main mod, meaning the contents of the Essentials Patcher must overwrite the Timelost Dwemer's mod folder.

  • If you installed the ESSENTIALS PATCHER and the skins still aren't changing, then you're probably using Vortex. Vortex doesn't give you the same amount of load order control as Mod Organizer does (cough Vortex is inferior cough) you need to do some extra work.
  • For instructions, see the spoiler below:

  • You need to open the contents of the Essentials Patcher, and cut and paste it into the main mod's folder. Select yes if asked if you want to overwrite. 

Can I harvest my blood to complete Septimus Signus's quest (Discerning the Transmundane)? How?
  • Simply click the Essence Extractor, and you will sample your blood!

The Multiballista, Manuscorpio, Autoballista - Autocrossbows in general are missing models or aren't working! 

My game is crashing on start!
  • You are most likely missing a requirement. Read through the installation guide again and make sure you installed every requirement needed for the mod to function. If you installed any plugins or patches, you must make sure their requirements are installed, too.

I started a new game and I'm crashing when I select Deep Elves in RaceMenu!

  • This can be caused by one of several things, but it is all related to the male body meshes or textures in some way, shape or form:
  • - You chose the SOS body in the installer, but didn't install Schlongs of Skyrim
  • - You chose the SOS Light body in the installer, but didn't install Schlongs of Skyrim Light
  • - You chose the SkySight Skins body in the installer, but didn't install Skysight Skins
  • - There is a mod in your load order that is overwriting the SOS, SOSL, or SkySight Skins body meshes and causing CTD's
  • - You are using incompatible Oldrim textures in SSE (not all Oldrim textures are compatible with SSE)
  • Please make sure you installed the right requirements, and that there are no incompatible mod conflicts in your load order. If anything overwrites the male body meshes that SOS or SOSL provides, you will most likely crash. If you chose SOS or SOSL in the installer, and you do not have either of the two main mods installed, you WILL crash for sure.

My male deep elves have holes in their crotches!
  • You are missing the Deep Elf SOS Plugin. You need both SOS/SOS Light and the Deep Elf SOS Plugin if you want your male deep elves to have genitals.
  • If you have the Deep Elf SOS Plugin installed, and your Deep Elf males still have holes in their crotches, you may need to manually-apply their schlongs. Make sure to apply the Deep Elf schlong.

Vampirism isn't working!

My character isn't getting his/her Better Vampires/Sacrosanct/Sacrilege spells!

  • Reinstall RaceCompatibility, and make sure you selected the corresponding patch for the vampire overhaul you use (you can only pick one)
  • Reinstall the Timelost Dwemer, and make sure you installed the corresponding patch for the vampire overhaul you use (you can only pick one)
  • Read the Load Order section of the mod description under Installation > Load Order. You must load the vampire overhaul mod folders, plugins, and patches in a particular order for things to work. 

Where are the Deep Elf followers?
  • Ashtaret is in Arkngthamz, Ereshkiga is in Nchuand-Zel Excavation, and Nizrok is in the War Quarter in Blackreach.

Do NPC's refer to me as a deep elf ingame?

The Deep Elf race isn't showing up in RaceMenu!
  • If the Deep Elf race isn't showing up in RaceMenu, make sure you are using RaceMenu, and the most updated version of RaceCompatibility.

Where and how do I build a Colossus?
  • You need the Extra Automatons plugin
  • You need the second and final level of the Master Magecrafter perk
  • You must craft it at the Aetherium Forge

How do I operate power armor (AKA Aetherial Dwemervamidium)?
  • You must have at least one Aetherium Fuel Rod in your inventory, and you must learn Power Armor Training from a training skillbook (which can be found in the Reachwind Eyrie and in the Winterhold library).

Which KS Hairdos do I need for the Follower Plugin? Will you make an HDT version?
  • You must install the NON-HDT version of KS Hairdos. 
  • No I will not make an HDT version of my followers. 

Nexus Mod Manager isn't installing this mod correctly!
  • Don't install with NMM.

The Deep Elf SOS Schlong isn't showing up on my male character!
  • Make sure you installed the right SOS schlong. My mod provides compability for SOS's 3 default schlong shapes. You must pick one in the Timelost Dwemer SOS installer, as well as a Futa schlong for CBBE
  • You may have to manually-apply the schlong to your character via the SOS MCM

How do I equip parts onto or give items to my Gynoid/Armatus/Packhorse?
  • First you need to ask them to follow you. You will then be able to access their inventory via dialogue. Simply add any item you want them to use into their inventory, and they'll equip it, if possible.

My textures look messed up!
  • Make sure you load the Essentials Patcher AFTER the main mod's folder.
  • If you’re experiencing weird texture stretching on females or males, then you might have installed the wrong textures. For example, if you are using CBBE, you MUST install the CBBE option in my mod's installer. If you are using Skysight Skins, you must install the Skysight Skins option in my mod's installer etc

Does X dwemer armor or X weapon mod work with the dwemer buffs?
  • As long as the armor or weapon is tagged with the DwemerMaterial keyword, then they will be buffed by my deep elf race's racial abilities. If it isn't, then it can be added to the equipment easily via the CK or XEdit. 

Is there an Xbox One port? Xbone port when?
  • I don't own an Xbox so I have no plans to port the mod. Other users are welcome to try though, provided they ask me for permission and follow my mod's permissions. 

Is this mod compatible with Growl?

  • See the Installation > Load Order > Growl section.

My female deep elves have discolored or brighter-colored faces!
  • You are probably using a face texture that is incompatible with the deep elf skin that you selected in the installer. You must use face textures that are compatible with the skin that you installed.

Can you make Ashtaret into a character preset?
  • No, sorry!

New penis mod came out. Can you make a patch for it?

When is the Xivkyn race coming?
  • Not anytime soon! 


Caused by switching from the female sex to male sex in racemenu. Can be fixed by dragging the Face Part slider to the left until the forehead looks normal again. See pictures below:

Entering Beast Form and reverting back to your humanoid form transforms you to a vampire.

This can be fixed by adding the Dwemer Werewolf Fix item to your inventory and equipping it before you activate Beast Form.
You can obtain this item by entering the console with tilde ~ and typing in: help "dwemer werewolf fix" (with quotes) and add the item to your inventory with player.additem ____________ 1 (where the blank is the item's code)

Warp Jump may clip you through walls and cause you to fall through the earth. Not much I can really do about that so just be careful of where you warp jump to, and always try to aim at the floors. 

The Slow Time effect may trigger later than it should, or sometimes not at all when using Warp Jump, Gravity Bomb, or End Time.
  • - This is caused by script lag, which occurs if a user has too many script-heavy mods running, or if a user has low FPS. Basically, Papyrus runs as fast as your framerate, and if your FPS is too low, or if Papyrus is clogged up, my slow time scripts may execute later, or they may not execute at all.

SUPER SLOW TIME [Unverified mod incompatibility]
If you are using any shout or slow time related mods, you might experience the super slow time bug. You should disable or uninstall these if you want to play this mod.

AUTOMATON NOT DEPLOYING [User variable; fixable]
Sometimes your automaton will not deploy when you drop your containment sphere
  • - This can be caused by script lag. 
  • - Basically, Papyrus runs as fast as your framerate, and if your FPS is too low, or if Papyrus is clogged up, my slow time scripts may execute later, or they may not execute at all. 
  • - Try picking it up and deploying it again, or go indoors and deploy in there
  • - Sometimes your automaton’s containment sphere can bug out and you will need to either craft a new one, or add a new one to your inventory via the console.
  • - Just make sure you get rid of the bugged automaton first by either removing it from your inventory or disabling it in the console


If you can't install due to a "File Path too long" error in your mod manager, download the mod manually from the site, and rename the .zip file that you downloaded to something shorter, like "". Then try installing it again, manually

future plans



Old Changelogs:

Closed Beta Changelogs

0.9b RC 1.0
Initial closed beta release

0.9b RC 1.1 
* Fixed the hole in ground at the Understone Keep's entrance. You won't fall through it when you enter from the front door anymore.

0.9b RC 1.2 
* Updated the description of Magecrafter perks to show what requirements you need to unlock them.

* Reduced Warp Jump's Time Shifting damage to 20 per use
* Reduced Time Dilation's Time Shifting damage to 10 per use
* Time Dilation now lasts 2 seconds, rather than 1.5
* Time Warp lasts 6 seconds now
* Time Warp's Time Shifting damage now does a total of 90 damage over 12 seconds
* New Ability: Gravity Bomb - Once per day, if you have an Advanced Warp Core or a Chromatic Warp Core equipped, overload your warp core, briefly creating a gravitational singularity before detonating it, hurling away all enemies within 50 feet of the detonation and dealing 50 damage to them over 5 seconds. Inflicts 9.6(*1.25) per second for 5 seconds.

* All Atronach Cubes now use Slot 55 rather than Slot 60. This should prevent them from being unequipped if you are using Dual Sheath Redux
* All Warp Cores now buff Time Warp
- Warp Core (Tier 1) - Time Warp now also lasts 2 seconds longer, but deals 5 more damage per second after casted. Warp Jump's distance is also buffed to +25ft.
- Advanced Warp Core (Tier 2) - Time Warp now also lasts 4 seconds longer, but deals 10 more damage per second after casted. Warp Jump's distance is also buffed to +50ft.
- Chromatic Warp Core (Tier 3) - Time Warp now also lasts 6 seconds longer, but deals 15 more damage per second after casted. Warp Jump's distance is also buffed to +75ft.
* Removed unintended 10% Magic Resistance enchantment from Warp Cores
* Advanced Warp Core and Chromatic Warp Core now give the Gravity Bomb ability

0.9b RC 1.3 
* Gynoids, Armati, and Packhorses have been reworked to be compatible with multiple follower overhauls
- When you deploy a Gynoid, Gynoid Spellsword, Armatus, or a Packhorse, the Containment Sphere will choose from a leveled list of unique, named animunculi to spawn (Gynoids will spawn 'Iztar Alpha - Omega', Armati will spawn 'Nerchul Alpha - Lambda', and Packhorses will spawn Mzarduk 'Alpha - Lambda')
- these individual animunculus actors can be managed as if they were individual followers, where previously each Gynoid, Armatus, or Packhorse was essentially a duplicate of the same individual (which prevented you from giving their duplicates equipment)
- NOTE: You can only have 12 of each Gynoid, Gynoid Spellsword, Armatus, and Packhorse type before the game starts making duplicates again (these duplicates will not be compatible with follower overhauls)
* New automaton: Gynoid Flamesword - Gynoid variant that uses Gynoid Flamesword
* Renamed Gynoid Spellsword to Gynoid Stormsword
* Remade the Armatus automaton because I couldn't figure out why the original Armatus couldn't use weapons
- this new, remade variety of Armati should fight with any weapon you give them rather than fighting with their fists -.-
* Gave Armati their own armor so it wouldn't be overwritten by other mods
- Only Armati can wear the following items without becoming invisible:
- Dwarven Armatus Boots, Dwarven Armatus Armor, Dwarven Armatus Gauntlets, Dwarven Armatus Helmet, and Dwarven Armatus Shield
- these items can be crafted on their own, or converted from regular Dwarven armor pieces (for example: bring a Dwarven Shield to a forge, and just convert it into a Dwarven ARMATUS Shield)
- Armati now have a variety of helmets to use 
- these helmets look different but have the same stats
* Armati now require Greater Soul Gems to build, rather than Common Soul Gems.
* Gynoid equipment is only equippable by gynoids now (anyone else who equips it becomes invisible)
- Power Claws are still equippable by both Gynoids and Deep Elves.
* Fixed Gynoid rebuild schematics so that Broken Gynoid Spellswords are rebuilt as Gynoid Spellswords, not regular Gynoids
* Fire Seeker will now only attack hostiles
* Seekers will engage hostiles upon deployment
- they will not wait for you to attack; they will initiate combat as soon as they are deployed
* Seekers now explode after 5 seconds even if they are not killed. The explosion affects you too! So don't deploy unless you're in combat
* Helots now use Dwarven Warhammers

Ordinator Patch
* Changed the name of the Magecrafter perk from Apprentice Magecrafter to Magecrafter
* Noted clearly in the Magecrafer perks' description what Smithing and Enchantment skill level you need to unlock the next level.

0.9b RC 1.4
Main Mod
* Increased the effectiveness and cost of all repair spells
* Changed automaton overdrive FX to a red color
* Aetherial Power Armor now also requires 1 Aetherial Fuel Rod to be built
* Deathwing Tempests now also require 1 Aetherial Fuel Rod to be built
* Aetherial Fuel Rod added to leveled lists - 10% drop rate from dwarven boss chests
* added powered dwarven weapons to leveled lists - 50% chance from boss chests and 30% from large chests
* added 1 guaranteed Aetherial Fuel Rod drop to the Timelost Juggernaut, who is wearing Aetherial Powered Armor. 
- he can be found at the Mzulft Aedrome during the Revealing the Unseen quest
- you will probably need to choose whether to loot his power armor or the fuel rod if you don't have enough inventory space
* increased weight of Aetherial Power Armor to 250
* reduced damage of Aetherial Warhammer 
* powered weapons, the Aetherial Powered Warhammer, Praetorians, and Ballistae now properly ignore armor
* Removed Deep Elf/Deep Elf Vampire requirement to unlock the Magecrafter perk
- now, non-Deep Elf characters can access the tree
- Magecrafter lvl 1 still requires Dwarven Smithing, though
* Added a two-handed version of the Aetherial Warhammer
- it can be converted back and forth between the 1H and 2H version for free

Extra Automatons Plugin
* Adds four additional craftable automatons: the Balespider, Bolt Spider, Drakon, and the Colossus.
- requires Skyrim Immersive Creatures and Mihail Dwarven Colossus 

0.9b RC 1.5
Main Mod
* Added two additional and increasingly powerful tiers of Dwarven Seekers: Volatile Seekers and Advanced Seekers. Higher tiers do more damage and have a higher blast radius. 
- Volatile Seekers require Magecrafter level 3
- Advanced Seekers require Magecrafter level 4
* All Seekers now require some kind of soul gem to assemble. See the Automaton Crafting Guide in the documentation for the required materials. Or just check ingame.
* Observers now require 1 Common Soul Gem to construct now, rather than 3 Common Soul Gems
* Fixed Armatus 11 and 12's Relationship, which previously prevented them from being followers as they were not classified as allies to the player. 
* Infernal Centurions are a little shorter now. 

Extra Automatons Plugin
* Bolt Spiders now prefer ranged combat, and will hang back and shoot their crossbow

0.9b RC 1.6
Main Mod
* Added a yellowish, chimeri-looking skin color for the immersionologists who'll probably complain about how dwemer aren't supposed to look like drow
* Replaced the fourth skin color option with a bronze color
* Drakaines no longer disappear/become invisible when killed - you can see their corpses now
* Renamed several scripts to provide compatibility with TheBlackknight3000's mods  
* Added a faction check to the Store Automaton option that requires you to dismiss an automaton follower before storing them
- previously, storing an automaton follower without dismissing it first resulted in the automaton being stored while still taking up a follower slot
- this is no longer possible as the Store option will not be displayed unless have been dismissed
* Added a debug notification that warns players to clear their gynoid's/armatus'/packhorse's inventory AND dismiss them BEFORE storing them
* Corrected some timeline inconsistencies in the documentation and in the mod text
* NPC's will no longer think you're naked if you're wearing power armor
* Updated the starting books so that they reflect the new revisions to the documentation
* Added Dwarven Jump Charges
- craft Dwarven Jump Charges to rapidly recharge an inert automaton to its primed state 
- they function as 'scrolls', and are consumed when used
* Added the Recall Automaton and Mark Automaton spells
* Fixed Warp Cores so they don't interrupt Time Warp anymore

Extra Automatons Plugin
* Changed the Armatus model so it doesn't use the goofy looking one that clips through its own body

Follower Plugin
* Changed Ashtaret's face complexion to make her look younger (MARRY HER! lol) 
* Nizrok is no longer marriable to stay consistent with his background story 
* Nizrok can wear power armor

Main Mod Changelogs

Initial Release

[Version 1.01 Reuploaded]
* Added optional difficulty modes that nerf/remove the Maleficarum Curse. ONLY WORKS ON NEW GAMES.
* Fixed Gravity Bomb so it doesn't cancel out Slow Time and end its effects early
* Dwarven Armor Perk now requires 3 dwarven armor pieces rather than 4
* Packhorses aggression level changed from Very Aggressive to Aggressive, making it so that they only run away from hostiles
* Primed Helot containment spheres spawn Helots now
* Excluded all craftable automatons from the effects of The Calling 
- casting The Calling near your automatons will not bug them out anymore.

SSE Only
* Fixed formatting on the Animunculi Maintenance book so it doesn't bug out on SSE
* Fixed the text-squishing in the Animunculus Maintenance handbook

Extra Automatons Plugin SSE
* Fixed Armatus deployment CTD
- fixed by reverting Armatus model to the one it uses when SIC is installed

[Version 1.011]
* Fixed Warp Core scaling so it scales your Time Warp attack speed too, not just slow time

[Version 1.02 Reuploaded]
You MUST follow this updating procedure:
* Go to your spellbook and equip the 'Debug - Unmark All Automatons' spell
* Aim at a crafted automaton and cast it (does not work on Armati, Gynoids, or Packhorses)
* You should see on the top left a notification that says: "All automatons unmarked."
* You can now proceed to remark your automatons for teleportation.

* Dwemer beards shouldn't stretch anymore
* Fixed HDT Gynoids. Gynoids will have body physics if you install HDT Gynoids
* Added a debug spell that removes all autos from the teleportation formlist - dead or alive
* Added a script that removes autos from the automaton teleportation formlist when they are killed
- This makes it so that you can no longer teleport dead automatons. Teleporting dead autos would make their remains unrecoverable. My bugfix prevents this.
* Mark Automaton only works on living autos
* Mark Automaton no longer affects Gynoids, Armati, and Packhorses. YOu don't need to teleport them because they are followers and are programmed to teleport to you if you get too far away anyway
* Fixed Powered Battle Axe 1st-person model so it's an axe, not a hammer
* Removed the skill level requirement from the Aetherial Power Armor and Warhammer
- you can craft it right after obtaining Magecrafter level 4 now
* Aetherial Powered Warhammer 'conversion' schematics only show up in the forge when you have an Aetherial Powered Warhammer in your inventory
- FYI: you can convert Aetherial Powered Warhammers between 1-handed and 2-handed versions whenever you want at a forge
* Removed sound fx from all powered weapons because they were really stupidly loud and annoyingly inconsistent 

[Version 1.03b]
* If updating from 1.02 to 1.03, you MUST follow the STANDARD UPDATING PROCEDURE after installing. See the Updating Guide in the Installation section of the mod description for instructions on how to properly update your game. The new features in this mod will not work unless you follow the Standard Updating Procedure.

Power Scaling
* Chronokinetic powers now scale to your level, to make them less overpowered and more challenging to use up to level 100 (past that, scaling stops entirely)
- The damage that Time Dilation inflicts upon you increase by about 0.6 per level
- The damage that Warp Jump inflict upon you increase by about 0.6 per level
- The damage that Time Warp inflicts upon you increases by about 0.5 per level 
- The damage that Gravity Bomb inflicts upon both you and hostiles increases by about 0.5 per level
- The magicka cost of both Time Dilation increases by about 0.45 per level
- The magicka cost of both Warp Jump increases by about 0.45 per level

* Warp Jump will not cause the 'super slow time bug' anymore
- I found out that it happens when you aim Warp Jump at a live NPC
- Casting Warp Jump at a live NPC will no longer teleport you, but it will slow time for half a second... so in order for Warp Jump to work as intended you MUST target a surface that isn't an NPC (ground, ceiling, wall, barrel, tree, etc) 
* Each Atronach Cube increases magic resistance by an additional 5%, up to 35%
* Warp Cores no longer increase the damage that chronokinetic spells inflict upon you, as this mechanic was replaced with the scaling

Chrono Powers
* Gravity Bomb now does 10 base damage to enemies per second for 5 seconds, and 5 damage to the player for 5 seconds
* Time Dilation increases your melee and bow damage by 10% for its duration

* You now start with Steel Smithing

File Structure
* Moved dwemer beards to the deep elf folder

Ordinator Patch
* You now start with Smithing Mastery level 1

New Perkus Maximus Patch
* Added PerMa Patch 
- Integrated PerMa's Medi Spider into the Animunculi Deployment system and renamed it to Repair Spider
- Disabled ALL of PerMa's automaton crafting since my mod does the same thing and more
- Replaces Animunculi perks with Magecrafter perks
- Replaces Mass Production with High Explosives (equivalent to Dwarven Explosive Studies which unlocks Seekers and explosive bolts and arrows)
* This patch is only required if you are using the Warrior Module, which makes changes to the Smithing Tree
- if you do not use PerMa's Warrior Module, then you DO NOT need this patch
* You start with the Craftsman level 1, and Material: Steel perks

New SPERG Patch
* Added SPERG Patch
* replaces Wordly Smithing with Meric Smithing levels 1 and 2
- Meric Smithing level 2 unlocks Dwarven Explosive Studies (i.e. the explosive arrows, bolts, and Dwarven Seeker bombs)
* replaces Open Mind with Magecrafter level 1-4

[Version 1.031b]
Main Mod
* Added Assault Jump power, which is the same as Warp Jump, except it breaks stealth and knocks down nearby targets
- acquired by equipping Warp Cores
* Warp Cores
- weight changed from 50 to 1
- Warp Core now takes up Slot 54 in order to provide compatibility with the Dwarven Goggles/Scouter Mod
- gives players the Assault Jump power
- Warp Cores also increase the duration of the damage buffs that Time Dilation gives you
* Warp Jump
- Jump no longer breaks stealth (YAAAAY!!!!) 
- just don't Warp Jump so close that you touch an NPC, or they will be alerted by your presence
- Warp Jump's description updated to say that it deals light damage
* Time Dilation
- Time Dilation now slows time to a near standstill (in the same way that Time Warp does)
- its duration has been incerased by 1 second
- it also increases all damage done by 10% while active 
- Time Dilation's description updated to say that it deals moderate damage
* Dwarven Automatons
- The Tempest's Tempest Strike ability now does Shock damage, instead of Frost damage

Ordinator Patch
* Dwarven Explosive Studies requires Magecrafter level 2 now

[Version 1.02 Reuploaded]
You MUST follow this updating procedure:
* Go to your spellbook and equip the 'Debug - Unmark All Automatons' spell
* Aim at a crafted automaton and cast it (does not work on Armati, Gynoids, or Packhorses)
* You should see on the top left a notification that says: "All automatons unmarked."
* You can now proceed to remark your automatons for teleportation.

* Dwemer beards shouldn't stretch anymore
* Fixed HDT Gynoids. Gynoids will have body physics if you install HDT Gynoids
* Added a debug spell that removes all autos from the teleportation formlist - dead or alive
* Added a script that removes autos from the automaton teleportation formlist when they are killed
- This makes it so that you can no longer teleport dead automatons. Teleporting dead autos would make their remains unrecoverable. My bugfix prevents this.
* Mark Automaton only works on living autos
* Mark Automaton no longer affects Gynoids, Armati, and Packhorses. YOu don't need to teleport them because they are followers and are programmed to teleport to you if you get too far away anyway
* Fixed Powered Battle Axe 1st-person model so it's an axe, not a hammer
* Removed the skill level requirement from the Aetherial Power Armor and Warhammer
- you can craft it right after obtaining Magecrafter level 4 now
* Aetherial Powered Warhammer 'conversion' schematics only show up in the forge when you have an Aetherial Powered Warhammer in your inventory
- FYI: you can convert Aetherial Powered Warhammers between 1-handed and 2-handed versions whenever you want at a forge
* Removed sound fx from all powered weapons because they were really stupidly loud and annoyingly inconsistent 

[Version 1.03b]
* If updating from 1.02 to 1.03, you MUST follow the STANDARD UPDATING PROCEDURE after installing. See the Updating Guide in the Installation section of the mod description for instructions on how to properly update your game. The new features in this mod will not work unless you follow the Standard Updating Procedure.

Power Scaling
* Chronokinetic powers now scale to your level, to make them less overpowered and more challenging to use up to level 100 (past that, scaling stops entirely)
- The damage that Time Dilation inflicts upon you increase by about 0.6 per level
- The damage that Warp Jump inflict upon you increase by about 0.6 per level
- The damage that Time Warp inflicts upon you increases by about 0.5 per level 
- The damage that Gravity Bomb inflicts upon both you and hostiles increases by about 0.5 per level
- The magicka cost of both Time Dilation increases by about 0.45 per level
- The magicka cost of both Warp Jump increases by about 0.45 per level

* Warp Jump will not cause the 'super slow time bug' anymore
- I found out that it happens when you aim Warp Jump at a live NPC
- Casting Warp Jump at a live NPC will no longer teleport you, but it will slow time for half a second... so in order for Warp Jump to work as intended you MUST target a surface that isn't an NPC (ground, ceiling, wall, barrel, tree, etc) 
* Each Atronach Cube increases magic resistance by an additional 5%, up to 35%
* Warp Cores no longer increase the damage that chronokinetic spells inflict upon you, as this mechanic was replaced with the scaling

Chrono Powers
* Gravity Bomb now does 10 base damage to enemies per second for 5 seconds, and 5 damage to the player for 5 seconds
* Time Dilation increases your melee and bow damage by 10% for its duration

* You now start with Steel Smithing

File Structure
* Moved dwemer beards to the deep elf folder

Ordinator Patch
* You now start with Smithing Mastery level 1

New Perkus Maximus Patch
* Added PerMa Patch 
- Integrated PerMa's Medi Spider into the Animunculi Deployment system and renamed it to Repair Spider
- Disabled ALL of PerMa's automaton crafting since my mod does the same thing and more
- Replaces Animunculi perks with Magecrafter perks
- Replaces Mass Production with High Explosives (equivalent to Dwarven Explosive Studies which unlocks Seekers and explosive bolts and arrows)
* This patch is only required if you are using the Warrior Module, which makes changes to the Smithing Tree
- if you do not use PerMa's Warrior Module, then you DO NOT need this patch
* You start with the Craftsman level 1, and Material: Steel perks

New SPERG Patch
* Added SPERG Patch
* replaces Wordly Smithing with Meric Smithing levels 1 and 2
- Meric Smithing level 2 unlocks Dwarven Explosive Studies (i.e. the explosive arrows, bolts, and Dwarven Seeker bombs)
* replaces Open Mind with Magecrafter level 1-4

[Version 1.031b]
Main Mod
* Added Assault Jump power, which is the same as Warp Jump, except it breaks stealth and knocks down nearby targets
- acquired by equipping Warp Cores
* Warp Cores
- weight changed from 50 to 1
- Warp Core now takes up Slot 54 in order to provide compatibility with the Dwarven Goggles/Scouter Mod
- gives players the Assault Jump power
- Warp Cores also increase the duration of the damage buffs that Time Dilation gives you
* Warp Jump
- Jump no longer breaks stealth (YAAAAY!!!!) 
- just don't Warp Jump so close that you touch an NPC, or they will be alerted by your presence
- Warp Jump's description updated to say that it deals light damage
* Time Dilation
- Time Dilation now slows time to a near standstill (in the same way that Time Warp does)
- its duration has been incerased by 1 second
- it also increases all damage done by 10% while active 
- Time Dilation's description updated to say that it deals moderate damage
* Dwarven Automatons
- The Tempest's Tempest Strike ability now does Shock damage, instead of Frost damage

Ordinator Patch
* Dwarven Explosive Studies requires Magecrafter level 2 now

[Version 1.032b]
IF YOU ARE ALREADY PLAYING A DWEMER VAMPIRE, YOU MUST ROLL BACK TO A PREVIOUS SAVE BEFORE YOU GOT INFECTED, AND RE-INFECT YOURSELF. That, or start a new vampire character via Alternate Start. If you do not do this, vampirism will not work properly. You could also try setting your race to 11DeepElfRaceVampire3, but that might not work well.

Almost every single optional patch and plugin for this mod has been updated to accomodate the latest Deep Elf Vampire race fix. Make sure to check every plugin/patch you had installed in previous versions when installing 1.032b

Main Mod
* Deep Elf Vampires and Werewolves should now be playable
- The fix to the "I'm a werewolf, and when I reverted back to my humanoid form and became a vampire" bug only works on new saves... a work-around/fix for that is coming soon in the next update
- mod is now compatible with, and should work well with vanilla vampirism, Better Vampires, and Sacrosanct
- your eye color should not change when you become a vampire
- you should obtain all the starting vampire abilities when you become a vampire
* Flameswords should be able to equip Gynoid equipment now
* Ballistae shouldn't engage all nearby NPC's anymore
- their aggression was set to unaggressive, so they should only attack in self-defense or when you attack
* Assault Jump's detonation radius increased to 400, and force increased to 450
- knockdown radius is basically quite larger, and enemies should get ragdolled a bit
* Disabled Gynoid Cape 1 because its mesh is bugged and I don't know how to fix it

* Fixed book 'melding' in The Animunculariary book 

Optional Plugins
* Deep Elf Followers plugin updated 
* Ordinator Patch updated
* Perkus Maximus Patch updated
* Sacrosanct Patch updated 
* SPERG Patch updated
* SOS - Deep Elf Addon updated

* New plugin: Better Vampire Lord Transformation - Deep Elf Edition
- this will change female vampire lords so that they use female deep elf appearances
- NOTE: Installing this plugin will change the appearance of ALL female vampire lords, whether they are of nordic, dark elven, etc origin. All vampire lords will look like female deep elves.

[Version 1.0321b]
It seems as though the werewolf fix in 1.032 only works on new saves, so users who started playing dwemer werewolves pre-1.032 may experience different results from the new patch when they revert from Beast Form. Some users report being turned into vampires upon reverting, while others report that 1.032 fixes this bug.

However, I've devised a workaround for this bug for pre-1.032 dwemer werewolves: the Dwemer Werewolf Fix item (yes, such an inspired name)

* Added Dwemer Werewolf Fix item
- when equipped before entering Beast Form, this item will change you back to the proper Deep Elf race when you change back. 
- Obtain this item by entering the console with tilde ~ and typing in: help "dwemer werewolf fix" (with quotes) and add the item to your inventory with player.additem ____________ 1 (where the blank is the item's code) 
- basically, when the game re-equips all your items after reverting from Beast Form, this item will set your race to Deep Elf race 
- this item also sets your race to the Deep Elf race when it's equipped in general
- DO NOT USE THIS ITEM IF YOU ARE A DWEMER VAMPIRE!!!!!! If you equip this as a Dwemer Vampire, you will be changed to the default Deep Elf race!
* gave Warp Core a proper armor addon in the CK 
* Reduced the weight of the Chronokinetic Stabilizer to 10
* cleaned main Deep_Elf_Race plugin and Follower Plugin

[Version 1.0322b]
* Time Dilation now increases combat skills by 50%, rather than 20% (this results in a more noticeable damage boost)
* Added Aetherium Fuel Rods in notable locations in the world: 2 in Blackreach, and 1 in the Aetherium Forge. Additionally, as a reminder, you can get one from Mzulft by defeating the Timelost Juggernaut.
* Removed the Nevernude body option. If you want to use vanilla bodies that aren't nude, either install the CBBE or UNP version. FYI: body textures are NOT what makes your characters nude: it is the body MESHES. Whether you install the UNP or CBBE textures doesn't matter - if you do not have any body mesh mods installed (in other words, if you are playing vanilla Skyrim), your character will not be nude no matter what textures you are using. 
- TL;DR both CBBE and UNP body textures will work with vanilla bodies
* Fixed knee gaps in Armati legs when they equip armor. 
* Changed the name of the Timeshifting debuff to Corporal Distortion
* Reduced the damage that Warp Jump and Assault Jump do to you by 10%
* End Time is now a castable power - you have to charge it up in one or both hands to use it.
* End Time ignores line of sight and all magical resistances (not that it could really be resisted anyway seeing as it instant kills things...)
* Removed effects from Maleficarum duplicate (Unerring Materialism?) ability that may have been added to players in previous patches

[Version 1.033b]
* Added Void Grip power to dwemer vampires
- paralyzes and applies a DoT to your target, dealing a ton of damage that scales to your level.
* Added Aesthetic Elves Patch
* Removed Ethereal Elven Overhaul as a requirement for the mod (it is optional again)
* Included RaceCompatibility in the installer to make installation easier
* Updated installation guide
* Please read the installation guide when updating...
* Also FYI: if you installed the BVLT Plugin, load it after your vampire mods or close to the bottom of your plugin order or it won’t work. Forgot to mention that.
* Changed sound effects of the End Time power

[Version 1.034b]
* You can now upgrade your Atronach Cubes and Warp Cores to the next tier for about half the material cost (e.g. Lesser Atro Cube can be upgraded to an Atro Cube)
- this will make it easier to obtain the Dwarven power-boost items
* Resolved 2 NULL errors in TESV5Edit 
* Chronokinetic Stabilizer now nullifies Time Warp damage
* Power Armor now counts as a full set of armor, so it benefits from full-set perks
* Integrated and tweaked Automatic Crossbows mod 
- NOTE: rate of fire may vary due to script lag
- Autocrossbow - Automatic crossbow that holds 30 bolts per magazine 
- Manuscorpio - Semiautomatic crossbow that fires bolts that ignore 100% of a target's armor; holds 8 bolts per magazine
- Multiballista - Burst-fire crossbow that fires 3 bolts per trigger pull; holds 15 bolts per magazine
* Void Grip is now a Destruction spell and can be casted repeatedly
- its magicka cost is high (about 80 MP at level 1), and it scales with your level up to level 100
* Time Dilation now costs less HP and more MP to cast
- HP cost is now the same as Warp Jump (14.5)
- Base MP cost at level 1 is 18 magicka 
- Time Dilation also specifically increases damage of bows by 100% 
- other weapon skills as well as the Destruction skill are increased by 50%
- I did this to make Time Dilation more useful, and to encourage players to use it constantly in battle rather than only at decisive moments
* Time Warp increases weapon skills and the Destruction skill by 25%
- I found that Time Warp was less effective at higher levels, so I added a damage increase to compensate for this
* Gravity Bomb now ignores line of sight, so it will knockback and affect everyone around you no matter were they are standing (whether they are behind a wall, or a chair)
- Because of this, Gravity Bomb now RELIABLY knocksback and affects your enemies (sometime enemies wouldn't be affected because they were standing behind a blade of grass or something stupid)
* Both Time Dilation and Warp Jump increase your armor rating significantly for a few seconds after the spells' effects wear off to make the spells less punishing if miscasted or used at the wrong moment
- Time Dilation inreases armor rating by 50% for about 1.5 seconds after it is casted
- Warp Jump and Assault Jump increase armor rating by 100% for about 2 seconds after either is casted
* Chronokinesis spells no longer make your character go 'oof' everytime you cast them (they are flagged as 'painless' so that you don't bleed/cry out when you're hurt by them)
* Doubled the projectile speed of Void Grip (it is now 5000)

[Version 1.04]
You must do the Standard Updating Procedure if updating from 1.034b to 1.04!!! See the Installation>Updating section in the mod description for instructions.

Major changes to Power Armor operation... please read the changelog or documentation!!!

New patch!
Vokrii Patch
* Renames Dwarven Smithing perk to Dwarven Magecrafting 
- Dwarven Magecrafting level 0 (first one you unlock) unlocks Dwarven weapons and armor
- Level 1-4 unlocks the Magecrafting perks
- Level 3 unlocks Dwarven Explosive Studies (Seekers, etc) as well

Main Mod
* Fixed Automaton Overdrive so that it is actually usable now (previously, the Magecrafter perks weren't adding it to players' spellbooks because it didn't belong to a magic skill)
- players who start a new game should receieve the spell automatically or after unlocking Magecrafter
- players who are updating will need to do the following to obtain the spell:
- enter the console and type: help "Spell Tome: Automaton Overdrive" . The console will then tell you spell tome's item id (xx9A795) the first two digits (xx) will be different from user to user
- type player.additem _______________ and type in the item id, then press enter. Overdrive's spell tome will spawn in your inventory and you can read it 
* Non-dwemer players can now mark and recall automatons, as the spells are now added by unlocking Magecrafter level 1
* Added 5 character presets for each sex 
* Consolidated the different tiers of repair automaton and overdrive spells into single spells
- removed Repair Auto tiers 2 and 3, removed Restore Auto tier 2, and removed Overdrive tiers 2 and 2.
* The strength and magicka cost of automaton repair and Overdrive spells are increased by each Magecrafter perk you unlock
- See the documentation for more info on how the repair spells are buffed 
* Tweaked and (tried) to balance the repair automaton spells
* Obsolete repair and overdrive spells are hidden from players now
* End Time now uses the Master-level ritual spell animations
- requires both hands to cast, and you will be immobilized while charging it up
- you will only be able to aim wherever you started casting (you can only aim up and down, not left and right) so aim first then cast!
* Rewrote some perk and item descriptions across all perk patches and the base mod
* Hid Magecrafter magic effects
* Added sound effects to the following spells:
- Gravity Bomb
* Renamed Ancient and Legendary Atronach Cubes to Chromatic and Timelost Atronach Cubes, respectively 
* Corrected some typos in item descriptions
* Added an Aetherium Fuel Rod to Nchuand Zel Control

Power Armor
* Added several Power Armor Lockers to the world
- Locations: Nchuand Zel Armory, Blackreach War Quarters, Arkngthamz 
- Not all of them have power armor in them...
* Power Armor now needs the following two things to be operable:
- At least 1 Aetherial Fuel Rod in your inventory
- Power Armor Training
* Power Armor Training is no longer unlocked instantly after unlocking Magecrafter 4, it must now by learned from a book
- Two copies can be found in the Reachwind Eyrie and in the College of Winterhold Arcanaeum
* Aetherial Power Armor no longer occupies the Circlet slot, meaning you can now use circlets (like the Aetherial Crown) with power armor

Main Mod - SSE
* Most Timelost Dwemer items (Warp Core, Chrono Stabilizer, etc) should preview properly in the item menu (except power armor and aetherial warhammer... can't figure out how to fix those)

[Version 1.041]
New Plugin:
Carry Weight Patch
* Increases carry weight of Werewolves and Vampire Lords so that they don't get encumbered when your Tesseract Cubes are unequipped while transforming

Main Mod
* I forgot to convert Deep_Elf_Race.esp to and .esm in the Oldrim version, so none of the changes in 1.04 carried over into the main mod... this is fixed. 
- (I'm debating whether or not I should drop development for Oldrim, since it's such a hassle to port it back and forth between updates...)
* Corrected some typos in the Atronach Cube line of items. Their descriptions should accurately describe your magicka regen rate now when equipped
* Hid Time Warp buffs from the UI, because there's a ton of them 
* Fixed some ITM errors in the Deep_Elf_Race.esm

BVLT Plugin
* Applied the Vampire Lord carry weight fix from the main mod to the BVLT Plugin - therefore, if you load the BVLT plugin at the bottom of your plugin list (as instructed in the installation guide) you should have infinite carry weight as a vamp lord 
- this should prevent encumberance when using a tesseract cube while a vampire 

[Version 1.042]

New Plugins:
Wildcat Patch
* Makes chrono abilities less damaging to players, since Wildcat amplifies chrono-damage to insane degrees

Vokriinator Patch (SSE only)
* Adds skill tree compatibility for Vokriinator

Main Mod
* Primed, Inert, and Broken Ballistae have an inventory model now
* Multiballistae can now be crafted at Magecrafter 2
* Exploding Dwarven Arrows should have projectile models now
* Animunculi followers cannot be teleported via Recall Automaton anymore
- they are excluded to prevent waiting animunculi followers from teleporting to your location when Recall Automaton is used
- Animunculi followers teleport to you on their own, anyway
* Skin tone of femdwemer preset 3 changed to brown
* Removed unintended record changes to DLC2KagrumezLvlDwarvenBallistaFight1
* Power Armor Training Manual should be interactable/usable/readable now
- For future reference: they can be found in power armor lockers (randomly), but they are set to spawn in the Reachwind Eyrie and Winterhold College's Arcanaeum. 

Followers Plugin
* Updated Ash's face to match my version's more refined model

[Version 1.043]

Main Mod
* Fixed a bug that was causing a CTD when Armati, Spheres, (and possibly) Centurions are deployed
- I think I fixed this in 1.01/1.02, but it showed up again while I was making 1.043. Not sure if the bug was active in 1.03/1.04 patches, but there ya go: it's fixed

Revamped Observers!
* ATTENTION! In order to use the revamped Observers, you must dispose of any Observers or Observer containment spheres you have. 
- You can dispose of them by disabling them in the console
- Only newly-crafted Observers will have the new behaviors and abilities below
* Observers now have a Cloaking ability that renders them invisible upon entering combat for 10 seconds
- This allows them to close in on enemy spellcasters while invisible
- Upon attacking a hostile, they will become visible again
- This Cloaking ability refreshes at the end of combat, allowing them to cloak once more in the next encounter
* Observers also pursue enemies in combat now (they couldn't before, for some unknown reason that I magically fixed)

Improved Gynoids!
* Gynoids (excluding the Spellsword models) have new perks to make them a viable option along with the newly-improved spellswords:
- Critical Shot (15% chance of a critical hit that does 25% more critical damage.)
- Improved Quick Shot (Can draw a bow 50% faster.)
* Gynoids (excluding the spellsword models) now cloak themselves upon entering combat for 10 seconds
- Cloaking is disabled when they attack
* Regular Gynoid models now have the following perks:
- Critical Shot (15% chance of a critical hit that does 25% more critical damage)
- Quick Shot (Can draw bows 50% faster (20% faster than players with the normal Quick Shot perk))

General Animunculi
* Crested Armata helm texture changed so that it uses whatever textures you have installed
* Gave animunculi accurate damage resistance values ingame:
- Armati resist 20% damage now (without a full set of Armatus armor)
- Helots resist 20% damage now
- Gynoids resist 20% damage (without a full set of Gynoid armor)
- Centurions resist 60% damage
- Striders resist 40% damage
- Praetorians resist 35% damage
- Infernals resist 80% damage
- Tyrants resist 15% damage
- Venatores resist 10% damage
- Colossi resist 80% damage
- Drakontes resist 30% damage
* Jump Charges for Colossi, Bale Spiders, Bolt Spiders, and Drakontes require glass as an ingredient
* Gynoid Spellswords, Drakontes, Drakainas, Tempests, Witchslayers, and Deathwings now have Flame/Lightning Cloak powers that damage enemies in melee range
* Schematics for Spiders, Spheres, Colossi, Bale Spiders, Bolt Spiders, and Drakontes now only appear in the smithing menu if you have at least 1 Containment Sphere in your inventory
* Reduced movement speed of Armati and Gynoid models to 100, so they don't zoom around like Sonic anymore
* Observers and Flayers now require Lesser Soul Gems to assemble
- hopefully this makes people use them more, since Lesser Soul Gems are easy to obtain
* Drakons, Balespiders, and Bolt Spiders are now interactable (meaning you can see their names and stuff ingame)

* Warp Jump now muffles your movement for 3 seconds, as well as increasing your Sneak by 15 points

[Version 1.043b]

Main Mod
Plugin Dependencies and Error-fixes
* Removed USLEEP and USSEP dependencies from the Oldrim and SSE versions, respectively
- removed USLEEP and USSEP dependencies from all of my optional plugins
- I did this in case anymore USLEEP/USSEP-related shennanigans occur (if you know, then you know). This might also make my mod usable on VR?
- this also makes porting my updates to SSE easier because I don't have to rename master dependencies during the porting process...
* Cleaned all of my optional plugins
* Removed some useless errors from the main plugin
- did this by replacing missing Critical Effect with a Dummy spell
- straight up just removed some armors that had errors

[Version 1.05]

Main Mod

Plugin Dependencies and Error-fixes
* Removed USLEEP and USSEP dependencies from the Oldrim and SSE versions, respectively
- removed USLEEP and USSEP dependencies from all of my optional plugins
- I did this in case anymore USLEEP/USSEP-related shennanigans occur (if you know, then you know). This might also make my mod usable on VR?
- this also makes porting my updates to SSE easier because I don't have to rename master dependencies during the porting process...
* Cleaned all of my optional plugins
* Removed some useless errors from the main plugin
- did this by replacing missing Critical Effect with a Dummy spell
- straight up just removed some armors that had errors

Animunculus Armors
* Tweaked Armatus armor set
- new armor ratings for set pieces (AR = armor rating; DR = damage resistance):
- Boots 55 AR
- Cuirass 90 AR
- Gauntlets 35 AR 
- Gynoid armor is classified as Light Armor now
- new armor ratings for set pieces (AR = armor value; DR = damage resistance):
- Helm 30 AR 
- Shield 40 AR
- 210 AR in total (without shield) 30% total DR
- 250 AR in total (with shield) for 35% total DR
* Tweaked Gynoid armor set
- Gynoid armor is classified as Light Armor now
- new armor ratings for set pieces (AR = armor value; DR = damage resistance):
- Boots 25 AR
- Cape 30 AR
- Arm 15 AR
- Cuisse 10 AR
- Dress 50 AR
- Goggles 5 AR
- Hair 5 AR
- Helm/Crown 20 AR
- Pauldrons 20 AR
- Power Claws 5 AR
- Shoulder Seeker 0 AR 
- 140 AR in total (without pauldrons, and using hair + faceplate instead of helm) for 20% total DR
- 175 AR in total (with pauldrons, and using helm instead of hair + faceplate) for 25% total DR

* Dwarven Seekers now require explosive powder to assemble, instead of Fire/Frost/Void Salts - this will make Seekers easier to make because they now require more common materials
- Fire Seekers require Pyrocrixic Powder
- Frost Seekers require Cryocrixic Powder
- Storm Seekers require Astrocrixic Powder
* All three varieties of Explosive Powders require Dwarven Oil and Bone Meal to craft at a Cooking Pot
* Both of the Dwarven Venators' power attacks now have higher stagger multipliers, making them capable of hurling aside enemies like Tyrants can
* Fixed typos in Deathwing Jump Charge

* Warp Cores, Reverse Time Modules, and Chronokinetic Stabilizers use enchantments instead of scripts to apply their effects to players
- this  should guarantee that Warp Cores, RTM's, and Chrono Stabilizers will apply their effects to players even under laggy Papyrus conditions
* Aetherial Power Armor renamed to Aetherial Dwemervamidium
* Aetherial Dwemervamidia now count as a full set of armor, allowing it to benefit from dwarven armor set perks
* Salmon now yield 20 units of Dwarven Oil at Cooking Pots

* Explosive Bolts and Arrows now require explosive powder to assemble
- 3 Pyro/Cryo/Astrocrixic Powder = 10 Explosive Bolts
* Explosive Bolts and Arrows can still be crafted using salts
- 1 Fire/Frost/Void Salt = 30 Explosive Bolts

[Version 1.06]

Removed Power Armor Patch
- it is redundant, pointless, and if you installed it in the past, you should start a new game without it
- alternatively, if you don't want to do the above, I've provided the Dwarven Power Armor patch as a separate download on my mod's Nexus page

Main Mod
* Added Detonate Seekers (only works on Remote Seekers)
- if you have the Dwarven Explosive Studies perk, but you don't have the Detonate Seekers power in your spellbook, enter the console, and type in: help "detonate seekers" and type player.addspell _______________ and enter the ID of the Detonate Seekers spell
* Added Remote Seekers that can be remote-detonated with the Detonate Seekers power which is added to your spellbook via the Dwarven Explosive Studies perk
* Added Null Core(requires Magecrafter 4 and the Aetherium Forge to craft)
- Adds Null Lance and Attenuate powers
- Null Lance instantly vaporizes 150 points of a target's magicka, and slowing their movement speed to 50%
- Attenuation ceases all magicka regeneration of hostile NPC's within a 100 foot radius around you
- Null Lance can be used repeatedly, but costs magicka
- Attenuate costs no magicka, but must recharge after each use
- Both are best used in conjunction with one another to silence spellcasters
* Added Stealth Generator (Requires Magecrafter 2+ to craft at any blacksmith forge)
- 3 increasingly powerful tiers
- each tier can be upgraded to the next one with about half the resources
- Adds the Active Camoflage lesser power that makes you invisible for 10 secconds, but drains 5 magicka for the effect's duration
- Cannot be used in combat
* Null Cores and Stealth Generators use the same slot as the Reverse Time Module, so you can only choose one
* Added Aetherial Ward to Aetherial Dwemervamidium (aka Power Armor)
- Absorbs up to a maximum of 250 magic damage for 10 seconds. Can only be used once every 2 minutes.
* Players move 30% faster in power armor now
* Removed the stomping sound power armor makes when you run in it
* Drakaines now do AoE damage with their attacks
* Powered weapons and both types of Aetherial Warhammers are now enchantable, after I removed their descriptions
- power weapons and aetherial warhammers still ignore 50% and 100% of enemy armor, respectively, despite the description being blank
- the auto crossbows still aren't enchantable (enchantments don't work on them, anyway)
* Aetherial Warhammers now ignore 100% of enemy armor
* Recall Automatons now ignores terrain, so you should be able to cast it in most places and summon your automatons on your first try
* You can no longer disenchant power armor
* Changed Void Grip's spellbook visuals
* Most magical animunculi now explode violently when destroyed, knocking down or hurling away nearby NPC's
- doesn't do any direct damage, because I couldn't figure out how to exclude non-hostiles from explosion damage

Extra Automatons 
* Colossi, Drakontes, and Balespiders explode as described above

[Version 1.07]

Main Mod
* Removed the PlayerWerewolfChangeScript.pex from the installer, which should allow Moonlight Tales users to use their howl abilities and other werewolf stuff again
* Implemented some resources from Dwarven Modular Automaton (
* Recall Automaton is now a SELF-targeted spell, meaning it casts whether you're aiming somewhere or not
- this should, hypothetically, make Recall Autamaton work 100% of the time (it failed, often, in previous patches) but I haven't tested it thoroughly yet
* Added 5 Faceplates (with glowing eyes and static expressions) to Gynoids
- New Gynoids start with a random faceplate 
- You can craft other faceplates and replace the one they start with for no resources
* Added 3 Gynoid 'Crown' helmets which replace their hair 
- same stats as Strider Crown, but different appearances
* Adjusted all Gynoid Blindfolds to fit new faceplates
- all blindfolds will look weird unless your gynoid has a faceplate equipped
* All Gynoid Crowns are classified as light armor
* Gynoids that have already been crafted and spawned will not have these new faceplates, and you will need to equip them with faceplates
* All Power Armor now has a world model, which means you can drop it and pick it up
* All other TLD devices, Aetherial Fuel Rods, and Colossal Aetherial Fuel Rods DO NOT have world models... SO DON'T DROP THEM
* Observers now explode upon death, dealing magicka damage to nearby NPC's
* Observers now produce Inert Observers when stored
* Deathwing death explosions are now bigger and more violent, hurling enemies many feet away from the blast
* Tier 3-4 automatons have new death explosion sounds
* Adjusted Gynoid Pigtails to it doesn't cover one eye too much
* Fixed equipment slots for Gynoid Centurion and Powered forearms
- they should appear on Gynoids when they are equiped now

Extra Automatons
* Hostile colossi now resist 50% of all incoming damage
* Added a hostile colossus in the Fahlbtharz Grand Hall
* Colossus death explosions are just as powerful as Deathwing death explosions
* The Forgemaster is now a colossus!
- This means that the Aetherium Forge battle will be a lot harder, and having a party of animunculi and followers is pretty much mandatory to overcome this boss
- The Forgemaster is also a lot tougher than the other colossi, as it takes 75% less damage from all sources
- The Forgeamster's death explosion is the same as the Colossus... except it does 100 damage to anything caught in its blast
* Deconstructor Hammer now only drops from the Forgemaster 
* Removed Calcemo's Colossus from the game because it's annoying as hell

[Version 1.08]

After two years of mod releases, I noticed that very few people play the Oldrim versions of my mods in comparison to the SSE versions.

Therefore, from this point onward, I will slowly discontinue support for Legendary Edition (Oldrim). I will still update the MAIN MODS and fix bugs as they're found, but I will no longer update or create PATCHES for Legendary Edition. Any requests to make patches or plugins for LE will be politely declined or ignored. 

I apologize for this decision, but I think it's for the best, as it cuts down on my work and lets me focus on modding the version of the game that I actually play. The SSE Creation Kit (when tweaked properly) is much faster, more efficient, and more optimized than LE's CK. 

Now that I'm migrating over to SSE, I can start work on my new mod: The Coldharbour Exile - A Xivkyn Race. TCE will be exclusive to SSE, and I will start working on it after I've wrapped up development for TLD. 

Main Mod
* Added Tempered Males skin options: with undies, nude SOS, and nude SOS Light
* Removed Power Armor patch from Oldrim installer 
* Add Tempered Male Skins textures
* Added Repair Spider 
- Has a repair aura that slowly heals nearby automatons for 5 health every 2 seconds 
- prefers ranged combat, will usually stand in the back and shoot rather than run into combat and die
- isn't particularly good at combat... it attacks at least every 3 seconds with a ranged shock attack that applies a minor damage over time effect
* Added Repair Spider Jump Charge
* Observers and Gynoids shouldn't spam invisibility in combat as much anymore 
* Removed Aetherium Fuel rod from power armor's CRAFTING requirements
* Made power armor description clearer. Moved all the stat info to the magic effects screen
- please don't ask me how to operate power armor anymore. It literally SAYS IT RIGHT THERE IN THE ITEM'S DESCRIPTION
* Updated the "Assembling Animunculi" book so that it mentions that you need at least ONE Containment Sphere in your inventory in order for animunculi schematics to appear in your blacksmithing screen
* Increased Ballista's bolt launcher projectile speed to 10000 (player ballistae only)
- this should make them hit things more consistently 

New Plugin: Timelost Dwemer Fertility Mode (SSE Only) 
* Requires further testing: I haven't tested whether or not dwemer babies grow up into dwemer children yet, because it requires me to start a new game...
- spawning dwemer babies for sure works, though
* Requires Fertility Mode SSE 
* Pretty sure a decent number of people wanted this but were too ashamed to ask for it lmao
* Allows female deep elves to get pregnant (including female deep elf players), and give birth to deep elven babies that grow up into children
* Vampire children are still unsupported, but I will update the plugin when Narue adds vampire support to Fertility Mode

SOS and SOS Light Plugin (SSE)
* converted plugins to form 44
* Added Tempered Skins options for SOS and SOS Light

Follower Plugin (SSE Only)
* Added Ashtaret's Dwarven Sentinel, Zara, House Namtara's family guardian 
- Ash will summon Zara once every 24 hours when she enters combat. Zara will accompany you until it is defeated. After 24 hours has passed since Zara's last summoning, Ash will resummon it again upon entering combat
- Zara resists 50% magic damage and 20% physical damage, has a 50% chance to absorb and completely negate magic damage entirely, and totally annihilates most enemies in close quarters combat, but does not have a lot of health compared to Ash or the player
* Nizrok now, by default, wears his own version of power armor
- it confers about half the benefits that regular power armor has, but is still immensely powerful
- his power armor is invisible in his inventory, so you can't steal it >:DDDD
- once recruited, he will still be wearing his normal dwarven armor outfit, but if you take/add something to his inventory (like the hunting bow that the game adds to his inventory) then he will auto-equip his power armor
* Both Ashtaret and Nizrok use a lesser version of Gravity Bomb with their standing power attacks, hurling away enemies within a 5 foot radius around them and applying a minor debuff that does damage over time

Extra Automatons (SSE Only)
* Fixed 2 dirty edits related to Calcemo's deleted colossus and the Drakon Battleaxe 
* Deconstructor Hammer now only drops from the Forgemaster (for sure this time lolz)
* Bolt Spider prefers to attack with crossbow the majority of the time
* Increased Ballista's bolt gun projectile speed to 10000 (player bolt spiders only)

[Version 1.081]

Main Mod
* Changed Deep Elf race ActorProxy to Dark Elf
- this means that if you have RaceCompatibility - Dialog Changes (for Oldrim) or Race Compatibility Dialogue SSE installed, then NPC's will recognize you as a Dark Elf

[Version 1.082]

Main Mod
* (Hopefully) removed all trace of RaceCompatibility from the installer

NEW Ancient Falmer + Timelost Dwemer Unified Fertility Mode Patch
* Now that both my mods have Fertility Mode support, you will need this patch if you are playing with both the Ancient Falmer and Timelost Dwemer installed
* You NEED this unified plugin if you want to use the TAF and TLD Fertility Mode plugins at the same time

Fertility Mode Plugin
* Deep Elf Follower race added to list of races that can get pregnant
* Unfortunately, the features in TLD Fertility Mode Plugin only work if you do a clean reinstall of Fertility Mode, or start a new game
- I recommend you start a new game, but if you don't want to, here's how to clean reinstall Fertility Mode:
 - Download and install FallrimTools - Script Cleaner
 - Open your mod manager and disable Fertility Mode and my TLD Fertility Mode Plugin (or remove TLD Fertility Mode from your merged patch, if you merged all my plugins)
 - Open Skyrim and load your save (you will be notified that the save is missing mods. Proceed anyway)
 - Save your game and exit 
 - Open the save you created with FallrimTools, remove all unattached instances, and resave the save game
 - Open Skyrim, load your save, and wait for Fertility Mode to load
 - Done: Fertility Mode should be 'updated' to detect both female dwemer players and female dwemer followers
* Made the deep elf baby's skin lighter
* Plugin now requires the Deep Elf Follower Plugin
* Unique dwemer children
- the male and female dwemer children use dwemer eye colors now
- changed their hair colors to brown

Fertility Mode TKAA Patch
* changed the hair styles and hair colors of both dwemer children

Deep Elf Follower Plugin
* Updated Ash's face to look like my personal preset

Extra Automatons Plugin
* Fixed a weird bug that removed Nizrok from the Follower Plugin

[Version 1.083]

Fertility Mode Plugin
* Updated plugins for Fertility Mode v3.0+
- the plugins for Fertility Mode v2.9 and below are still included in the installer
* If you are updating the Fertility Mode plugin for use with Fertility Mode 3.0+, you will need to do a clean reinstall of Fertility Mode, or start a new game
- I recommend you start a new game, but if you don't want to, here's how to clean reinstall Fertility Mode:
 - Download and install FallrimTools - Script Cleaner
 - Open your mod manager and disable Fertility Mode and my TLD Fertility Mode Plugin (or remove TLD Fertility Mode from your merged patch, if you merged all my plugins)
 - Open Skyrim and load your save (you will be notified that the save is missing mods. Proceed anyway)
 - Save your game and exit 
 - Open the save you created with FallrimTools, remove all unattached instances, and resave the save game
 - Open Skyrim, load your save, and wait for Fertility Mode to load
 - Done: Fertility Mode should be 'updated' to detect both female dwemer players and female dwemer followers

[Version 1.09]

Main Mod
* New Advanced Aetherial Dwemervamidium!
- uses Mihail's new power armor model
- its Aetherial Ward absorbs up to 500 magic damage for 10 seconds, but takes 4 minutes to recharge
- players move normally while wearing advanced power armor (they aren't slow)
- resists 65% of incoming magic damage
- it reduces both Sneak and Lockpicking skills by 25 points (unlike the regular THICC power armor, which completely nullifies stealth skills)
- has a pair of Magic Missile launchers, granting players the Magic Missile A and Magic Missile B powers
- both launchers must be charged one at a time with their corresponging Charge spell, or their shots won't do damage 
* Rebalanced Aetherial Dwemervamidium
- now confers 400 base armor
- nerfed its magic resistance from 65% to 45% 
* Fixed Remote Seekers
- they will explode when you detonate them via the Detonate Seekers spell now (scripts were missing in previous versions)
* Set Aetherium Power Armor's enchantment duration to 0 - this should astronomically-reduce the armor's sell value (not that you could sell it, anyway)
* Corrected the basic Aetherial Ward tooltip
- it says that it absorbs 250 magic damage (the correct value) now instead of 500
* The fact that I have more installation options for males and penises bothered the hell out of me, so I added two new sets of skins for female dwemer:
- Added Bijin female skins for CBBE and UNP users
- Added Fried's Nevernude CBBE and vanilla skins for females
* Added Bijin CBBE and UNP skins for female dwemer

SOS Plugin
* Added support for SOS Full's Muscular and Regular schlongs (with a Tempered Males version available on SSE)
* The Deep Elf SOS plugin only supports one SOS schlong type. Cannot support all three - so pick the schlong you mainly use in the installation menu

Ordinator Patch
* Updated to support Ordinator 9.30's changes to Auto Cannon friendly-fire damage

Followers Plugin
* Ashtaret and Nizrok have secret treasures that players can find and equip them with 
- see their inventories for their newly-added journals/diaries that should give you a clue on where to find these treasures 
* New follower: Ereshkiga 
- she can be found in the Nchuand-Zel Excavation Site
- Eresh is a sneak archer with active camo that lasts 60 seconds out of combat
- She comes equipped with a unique quick-draw bow, and several thousand high velocity dwarven arrows (they travel faster than regular arrows)
* Moved Ashtaret to Arknthamz and Nizrok to the War Quarter, Blackreach
* Fixed Nizrok's skin color: it now matches his face
* Ash should now summon Zara in combat (scripts were missing in previous versions)
* Reworked Ash's Zara guardian
- you must find Zara's Containment Sphere and give it to Ash (can be found on Zara's corpse in the Avanchnzel Animoncultory)
- once she equips it, she will be able to deploy Zara about a day after she equips it (due to my scripting limitations)
- she can only summon Zara once every 24 hours
- If Zara is killed, Ash will simply summon her again the next day when she enters combat
* Reworked Nizrok's power armor
- Nizrok no longer spawns with his armor. It must be looted from Bthar-Zel (aka Deep Folk Crossing... it is under the bridge) Note: the power armor locker can only be opened with Nizrok's key
- Nizrok's power armor no longer requires a fuel rod
- Nizrok's power armor can be taken from his inventory, and it weighs nothing
- HOWEVER, the armor only functions when Nizrok wears it because he has an exclusive perk that the player cannot obtain by normal means
- trying to equip Nizrok's power armor will render players immobile
* All dwemer followers are now the same height as the player
* Eresh and Ash are both Brave and Aggressive, while Nizrok is Foolhardy and Aggressive

[Version 1.091]

Main Mod
* MOST REQUESTED FEATURE ADDED: Harvesting your own blood for Discerning the Transmundane 
- Dwemer players can now click on the Essence Harvester to harvest their own dwemeric blood and quickly complete Septimus's blood sample quest
* Finally fixed Gynoid dresses with body-fitting meshes 
* Updated the body shape of Gynoids, Drakaines, Striders, and Tempests 

SSE Only:

Vokriinator Black (new)
* Added Vokriinator Black Patch
- largely untested; I don't care enough to dig through VK Black, but preliminary tests suggest that my Magecrafter perks work. Please report any bugs, even though I probably won't get to it for another 6 months 

Follower Plugin
* Updated Ash's face 

High Poly Head Patch (new)
* Added Kboot's High Poly Head Patch which allows players to use VectorPlexus's high poly head meshes

[Version 1.1 Hotfix 1]
* Added the correct Extra Automatons plugin to the installer, which conesquently removes Mihail's Colossus plugin from the mod (for sure  this time)
- for more info, look directly below

[Version 1.1]
README: This update removes Mihail Colossus plugin from Extra Automatons requirements. This means  that the Mihail Colossus plugin (mihailesocenturion.esp) is no longer included by default in the Extra Automatons installation. 

This may have some consequences on your save file.

After updating, if Skyrim tells you that you are missing mihailesocenturion.esp when you load your save,you must install the Mihail Colossus plugin in my installer or you will get an error message the next time you load your save game. 

If you wish to proceed without mihailesocenturion.esp, then you must clean your save game with Fallrim Tools. If you don't do this you might cause irreparable damage to your save game.

If you have been merging the Timelost Dwemer plugins together, then you shouldn't have to do any of the above. All you need to do is remove mihailesocenturion.esp from your merge. You might need to reinstall mihailesocenturion.esp to do this. 

Main Mod
* Reworked End Time
- it uses the black hole visuals from Lertkrush's Singularity
- it no longer simply obliterates everything in a straight line in front of you, instead exploding at a target location and affecting everything in the 100 yard radius it hits with varying degrees of damage, ending with a final explosion that usually finishes off all remaining enemies
* All repair skills have been reclassified as Alteration spells
* Explosive steel ammo recipes unlocked with Magecrafter use crixic powders now
* Removed all Magecrafter-related explosive ammo recipes that use elemental salts
- they are all crafted with crixics now
* Crixic recipes produce 4 powders per build, now
* Overhauled Seekers
- increased health of Seekers to 80 points
- Seekers are now deployed via throwable "grenade" scrolls
- I got the idea from TheBlackKnight3000's Aetherial Palace automatons :D
- Seekers no longer follow you around like normal automatons if they aren't in combat
- this protects you from being accidentally blown up by these little bastards
- Seeker recipes only produce 1 Seeker per build, now
- Seekers blast radius and damage increased
- Seekers now explode 3 seconds after death or deployment (remote seekers unchanged)
- Fixed Fire Seeker recipe so that it requires Pyrocrixic instead of Cryocrixic
- I didn't delete the obsolete Seekers containment spheres, so you'll still have them in your inventory 
* Added 3 increasingly-powerful varieties of elemental hand grenades 
- includes Fire, Frost, and Storm varieties for both grenade types
- Grenade recipes yield 2 grenades per build
- Grenades are cheaper to make (don't require soul gems), have a smaller blast radius, and deal less damage than Seekers
- Grenades have a shorter fuse than Seekers (1.5 seconds)
* Added 3 increasingly-powerful varieties of the 3 types of explosive dwarven arrows and bolts
- they all require crixic powders to craft
- they do less damage than grenades or seekers, but they are easier to craft and you can make 10 of them with one recipe
* Automaton Overdrive duration increased to 60 seconds
* Added ambient mechanical sounds to all dwarven automatons 
* Every consructable automaton now has a chance to drop either a filled or empty soul gem if killed
- this should make repairing automatons easier 

funniguy12869's mesh fixes also included in this patch
* Added physics to many droppable dwarven items and equipment added by this mod 
- does not include dwemer trinkets, or gynoid legs, shoulders, faceplates, or helmets
* Aligned Gynoid capes to face the player in the inventory/crafting menu screen 
* Fixed broken Gynoid Cape 1

Requiem Plugin by tarkanice9801
* added basic Requiem patch
* added Dragonborn Requiem patch
- requires both Requiem and Fozar's Requiem - Dragonborn Patch 

Follower Plugin 
* added Relationship Dialogue Overhaul voice set patch that changes Ash and Nizrok's voice sets to use the highelfhaughty and commoner voices, respectively

Extra Automatons Plugin
* Removed Calcemo's Colossus from Markarth once and for all
* Increased Colossus follow distance 

[Version 1.101]

Main Mod
* Added new versions of the vanilla beards that fit male Deep Elf faces
- this means that you do not need Ethereal Elven Overhaul to make beards work with my male Deep Elves anymore
* Renamed Corporeal Distortion magic effect to Chronokinetic Feedback

SOS Addon
* If you are using SOS Light, you must reinstall the Deep Elf SOS Addon
* Fixed Tempered SOS Light textures 
- uses the right Deep Elf textures now
* I moved some SOS Light assets between the main installer and the SOS installer. 
- If you are using SOS Light you must download and install the updated Deep Elf SOS Addon on Loverslab

New Adamant Patch!
* Attached the Magecrafter series of perks to the Rare Styles perks
* Attached the Dwarven Explosive Studies perk to the Weaponsmith perk

[Version 1.102]

Main Mod
* Fixed Attenuation 
- it now ceases regeneration of hostile NPC's within 100 yards
* Null Lance can now be casted several times, consecutively, without a cooldown 
* Made several tweaks to The Calling
- longer affects targets in an area: it only affects the target you're aiming at 
- effect lasts 1 minute now
- mind-controlled automatons are destroyed after the effect wears off 
* Atronach Cubes now increase magicka by +20 per tier

[Version 1.103]
Standard Updating Procedure required as a precaution for this update. See the mod's Nexus page's mod description Installation > Updating for instructions.

Upon loading a dwemer character, you will receive a Timelost Dwemer Starter Kit. It will give you original starter books when clicked, and they may be duplicates if you already have them.

This is normal.

Newly-created dwemer characters will NOT receive duplicate books. 

Main Mod
* Fixed AddBooks scripts. It will no longer add duplicate books to your inventory
- it now adds 1 Timelost Dwemer Starter Kit to your inventory when you unlock the Magecrafter perk (in previous patches, AddBooks added all your books when you started the game, causing Papyrus to stutter and give duplicates)
- Clicking the Timelost Dwemer Starter Kit will add the starter items and the free dwemer spider to your inventory
* Fixed the Animunculariary book's overlapping text bug
* Added schematics to the Animunculus Schematics book 
- it now contains the recipes for all the animunculi in this mod, sorted by tier
* Fixed Gynoid dress boob clipping 
- gynoid dresses should fit your gynoid's boobs now
* Removed Full HDT Gynoid body from the installer
* Partial HDT Gynoid ONLY has vulva physics now
* Divided Partial HDT Gynoid body options into 2 options:
- Partial HDT CBBE Special Gynoid
- Partial HDT CBBE 3BBB Gynoid
- Use the correct body that corresponds to what you have installed
* Partial HDT Gynoids now have flesh colored genitals, instead of the rubbery black color in previous updates
* Gynoids are now the same height as female dwemer

[Version 1.104]

Main Mod
* Mark Automaton is no longer needed 
- Automatons are automatically-marked for teleportation as soon as they are deployed 

Extra Automatons
* Auto-Mark for Teleport script added to Extra Automatons units

[Version 1.104RE]
Mod Assets Were Restructured
Many assets were moved to separate patches at "The Timelost Dwemer SE Patch Center". See the notes below for more info.

Main Mod
* All Timelost Dwemer skin textures were moved to "The Timelost Dwemer - SKIN PATCHER" 
- if you do not install the SKIN PATCHER, your dwemer will use basic, edited, vanilla skin textures

* BVLT patches were moved to "The Timelost Dwemer - BVLT PATCHER"

* J3X's Auto Crossbow Resources were moved to "The Timelost Dwemer - AUTO CROSSBOW SCRIPTS" file

* Completely removed Dwarven Mechanical Dragons assets from my mod, as I deemed them too risky to use (the mod author's permissions are a goddamn mess)
- thus, the Dwarven Deathwing will now, by default, use the VICN Resource Pack's Dwarven Dragon, which is much less impressive, but safer for me to use 
- HOWEVER, if you use the Extra Automatons Plugin, the plugin will swap the appearance of Dwarven Deathwings with their old model from Skyrim Immersive Creatures

* Completely removed all Ethereal Elven Overhaul assets (the mod author's permissions are also a goddamn mess)
- consequently, I removed all the Ethereal Elven Overhaul beards that I added in 1.102. If your male dwemer was using them before the update, they will now be beardless upon installing this new update
- because of this, the Aesthetic Elves patch is no longer needed, and has been removed from installer
- both male and female dwemer will now use the default, vanilla headmorphs, and will consequently use whatever headmorphs you install. This should make my mod more compatible with head mesh mods

* Removed the Aesthetic Elves Patch from my mod, as it is no longer needed

[Version 2.0]

Main Mod
Work on this patch spanned several months so I probably forgot to write down some of the changes, but the most important ones are written below:

* Automaton deployment system COMPLETELY-OVERHAULED!!!
    - (Inspired by the automaton deployment system of Aetherial Palace Reborn, by TheBlackKnight3000!)
    - Automatons are now deployed via equippable "pokeball-style" Containment Spheres (classified as scrolls, in your inventory)
    - To deploy an automaton, you must equip one of the aforementioned spheres (scrolls) you crafted, and throw it. It will be deployed wherever the sphere lands.
    - All automatons that were crafted in previous patches can be converted to "pokeball-style" Containment Spheres for free
        - 1. Old automatons are classified as "Misc items". Drop one of these old misc-type primed automatons to deploy it
        - 2. Collect the automaton. It will be placed in your inventory as an inert automaton
        - 3. Reactivate the inert automaton at a blacksmith, and it will be converted into a throwable "pokeball" containment sphere
* All player-built automatons now have 35% magic resistance
* Dwarven Observers and Slayers now have improved magic resistance (75%)
* Dwarven Observers now have improved movement speed (200) to catch those pesky cloth-wearing mages faster
* Dwarven Tyrants will enter Berserker Mode when their health reaches 30%, decreasing incoming physical damage by a significant amount and increasing attack damage by 200% for 15 seconds. This effect does not stack and it cannot occur more than once every 2 minutes.
* Buffed self-heal effect in Tyrants' melee attacks: normal attacks now heal 15HP, and power attacks heal 45-60HP
* Repair Spider, Flame Sphere, and Storm Sphere storage fixed: they should yield their respective Inert forms when stored
* Freed up equipment slots by changing the assigned slots of the equippable dwarven tech as follows:
    - Atronach Cubes now use Slot 61
    - Warp Cores now use Slot 48
    - Stealth Cores now use Slot 60
    - Tesseract Cube, Null Core, Reverse Time Module, and the Chronokinetic Stabilizer do not occupy an item slot when equipped
* Removed Soul Gem requirements for Jump Charge schematics
    - This makes jump-starting inert automatons in the field more convenient
* Added Mini Repair Kits, which can be crafted by breaking down 1 Small Repair Kit into 2 Mini Repair Kits
    - Mini Repair Kits are used to perform partial-repairs on Flayer and Observer Pods
* Automatons that are deployed in pods/groups (Flayers and Observers) can now be partially-repaired, depending on how many inert and broken units you've collected
    - For example: if you have have 2 Inert Flayers and 1 Broken Flayer, you can use 1 Mini Repair Kit and 1 Lesser Soul Gem to repair the Broken Flayer, and combine it with the 2 Inert Flayers to make 1 Primed Flayer Pod
    - Another example: if you have 1 Inert Flayer and 2 Broken Flayers, you can use 2 Mini Repair Kits and 1 Lesser Soul Gem to repair the Broken Flayers, and combine it with the 1 Inert Flayer to make 1 Primed Flayer Pod
    - Last example: if you have 1 Inert Observer and 1 Broken Observer, you can use 1 Mini Repair Kit and 1 Lesser Soul Gem to repair the Broken Observer, and combine it with 1 Inert Observer to make 1 Primed Observer Pod
* Flame Spheres, Storm Spheres, and Repair Spiders SHOULD now return Inert and Broken forms when stored, or if their remains are collected
    - if you are still experiencing this bug, please write a bug report in the comments, and list which of this mod's optional plugins you are using
* Moved the Timelost Juggernaut to the War Quarter in Blackreach, to reduce mod and quest conflicts

Vokriinator Black Patch
* Updated patch requirements to be compatible with latest version of VK Black

Extra Automatons
* Overhauled all automatons in this addon
    - I hope you enjoy throwing a colossus into a group of enemies as much as I do!
* Resolved conflicts that were preventing Flame Spheres, Storm Spheres, and Repair Spiders from returning Inert and Broken forms when stored, or when their remains are collected
    - if you are still experiencing this bug, please write a bug report in the comments, and list which of this mod's plugins you are using

PerMa Patch
* Resolved conflicts that were preventing Flame Spheres, Storm Spheres, and Repair Spiders from returning Inert and Broken forms when stored, or when their remains are collected
    - if you are still experiencing this bug, please write a bug report in the comments, and list which of this mod's plugins you are using

Extra Automatons + PerMa Patch (New!)
* You need this patch if you are using both Extra Autos and the PerMa Patch
    - it will be automatically installed if you selected both Extra Autos and the PerMa Patch in the installer
* This patch resolves conflicts between Extra Automatons and PerMa Patch that were preventing Balespiders, Boltspiders, Drakontes, Colossi, Flame Spheres, Storm Spheres, and Repair Spiders from returning Inert and Broken forms when stored, or when their remains are collected
    - if you are still experiencing this bug, please write a bug report in the comments, and list which of this mod's plugins you are using

Fertility Mode Fixes Patch (New!)
* Adds support for FM Fixes
* Deep elf females and deep elf female followers can conceive unique deep elf children

[Version 2.01]

Main Mod
* Fixed Essence Extractor
- Technically, I added it back into the mod, because for some reason the
changes to the Extractor were reverse in a previous patch. Clicking it
will instantly complete the Blood Harvest quest by drawing dwemer blood
from your veins

[Version 2.02]

Fertility Mode Patches
* Removed SG Hairs as a requirement from ALL TAF-TLD Fertility Mode Unified Patches, including the TAF-TLD Fertility Mode Fixes Patch.

Vokriinator Black Patch
* Fixed several errors caused by my previous update, which replaced Ordinator Combat Styles with the correct requirement.

[Version 2.03]

* Rewrote Fertility Mode section to be more straightforward and easier to navigate

Sacrilege Patches (New!)
* Added a Deep Elf Sacrilege patch
* Added a Snow Elf-Deep Elf Sacrilege Unified Patch

[Version 2.031]
* Hotfixed End Time spell

[Version 2.04]
* The free Dwarven Spider you get from the Starter Pack doesn't duplicate itself anymore
* You no longer need Containment Spheres to "reveal" automaton recipes in the Blacksmith or Aetherium Forge
* Deathwings, Infernals, and Colossi can only be built, repaired, and reactivated at the Aetherium Forge now 
- Deathwing, Infernal, and Colossus Jump Start items can only be built at the Aetherium Forge
* Praetorian variants require filled Grand Soul Gems to construct now

Dwarven Spider Chariot Addon (New!)
* Adds TheBlackKnight3000's Dwarven Spider Chariot mount, which can fight like a normal automaton as well when dismounted 
- requires Magecrafter level 3 to craft

[Version 2.1b Automaton Overhaul EXPERIMENTAL BETA]
* all automatons except for seekers/remote detonators use the summoning method, this is to be intended to be used with the mods "swiftly order squad," and "simply order summons"-new spell store all automatons which dispels your summons and brings them back as inert
* atronach cube can now be used to increase the summoning limit for automatons only
* the store button is set to only work while sneaking
* observers -re-priming recipe has been changed from requireing 2 to 1 (as sumnmoning you can only summon one thing at a time)
* while the humanoid npcs can no longer give casual dialogue, you can still add items via the (simply order summons mod)
* capturing vanilla automatons is back but requires to be sneaking realisticly
* perk rank 4 of magecrafter redueces automaton scroll weight to zero when reached
* deathwing has the no dragon soul absorb faction now

[Version 2.12b Automaton Overhaul EXPERIMENTAL BETA]
* Fixed atronach cubes not giving the perk which increases the automaton summoning limit (which also requires the right alteration level for each tier) - changed the voices on packmuel, gynoid artemus etc to dwarven sphere
* added weapons to the gynoids and artemus for now (until I figure out how to make it for the player to affect the base actor for outfits so they dont lose them when they die)
* gynoids have a temporary outfit for now (until I figure out how to make it for the player to affect the base actor for outfits so they dont lose them when they die)

[Version 2.05]
Main Mod
* Removed obsolete deep elf vampire races
- should prevent the game from selecting the wrong deep elf vampire race when succumbing to Sanguinare Vampiris (i.e. not becoming a proper vampire)

Difficulty Patches
* Fixed Nubbin and Technomage patches

Fertility Mode Patches
* Updated for Fertility Mode Fixes v2.59
* Updated TLD-TAF Unified Plugin for FM Fixes v2.59
* Added deep elf vampire support
- deep elf vampires can now give birth to deep elf vampire babies!

Hipoly Heads Patch
* Fixed a mod conflict from the Hipoly Heads Patch that was making deep elves unable to transform into vampires 

Diverse Racial Skeletons Patch
* Added support for Diverse Racial Skeletons
* Not really sure what this mod actually does but this patch makes my custom race use DRS's custom high elf male and female skeletons

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Timelost Dwemer:
I will review the changes made in the Automaton Overhaul Beta and merge them with my mod.

[Version 2.1]
Main Mod

Automaton Deployment Overhaul [IMPORANT!!! PLEASE READ!!!]
* Integrated TheBlackKnight's Automaton Deployment Overhaul
- Players may now issue commands to automatons viaSimply Order Summons and Swiftly Order Squad - Simply Order Summons integration
- Without Simply Order Summons and Swiftly Order Squad - Simply Order Summons integration, automatons will mostly function as they did originally in previous patches
- HOWEVER: if you want to interact with your Armatus, Gynoid, or Packhorse, you MUST at the very least have the Simply Order Summons mod installed, or you will not have the option to trade with them or give them equipment to carry. 

* Storing Automatons [IMPORANT!!! PLEASE READ!!!]
- Method 1: Use the "Store Automaton" or the "Store All Automatons" spells to return automatons (as inert) to your inventory 
- Method 2: If you're using Swiftly Order Squad + Simply Order Summons, speak to your automaton and dismiss them via dialogue to return them to your inventory 
- (the store automaton spells still work too)

* Automaton Deployment Limit [IMPORANT!!! PLEASE READ!!!]
- Deep Elf players are limited to deploying 1 automaton at the start of the game
- Attempting to deploy a number of automatons beyond your Deployment Limit will send the last automaton you deployed back to your inventory
- You may expand your Deployment Limit by crafting and equipping Atronach Cubes
- The more advanced the Atronach Cube, the more automatons you will be able to deploy and maintain on the battlefield

* Observers no longer deploy 2 at a time
- you may still craft 2 at a time, and repair/reactivate up to 2 at a time at the blacksmith forge
* Flayers no longer deploy 3 at a time 
- you may still craft 3 at a time, and repair/reactivate up to 3 at a time at the blacksmith forge
* Magecrafter 4 reduces all automaton scroll weight to 0
* Automatons should now follow you through fast travel
- if they don't, then please install Swiftly Order Squad + Simply Order Summons, then teleport them to you via Swiftly Order Squad or Recall Automatons

Changes From Beta
* Atronach Cubes no longer require Alteration skill to expand your Automaton Deployment Limit
- just build 'em and equip 'em and you're good to go

Various Fixes, Tweaks, and Additions
* Added new Medi Spider (New!)
- heals 10HP per second 
* Fixed the "Bound Weapons Disappearing at Level 45" bug, thanks to darkvador83's discovery in the Warp Jump scaling array
* Gynoids now start with random outfit pieces. You can always craft new outfit pieces to replace or add to their outfit if you want. 
* Armati now start with armor, and a random helmet
* Armatus Shield and Helmets now requires Magecrafter 2 to craft (so it doesn't show up in the blacksmith UI unless you know how to craft armati)
* Helots now start with random two-handed weapons
* Gynoids and Armati now have new perks that make them stronger in combat
* Deathwing Tempests no longer give dragon souls 
* Automatons are now compatible with Disable Follower Collision
- Players can now walk through them, and they will no longer block hallways
* Observer death explosions damage enemy magicka and leave lingering magicka damage for 3 seconds
- Should be good at silencing enemy spellcasters.
* Stealth Generators no longer drain magicka when in use

Various Crafting Tweaks
I generally made many of the automatons and equipment easier to craft at earlier levels by removing uncommon ingredients from them. 
* Armatus boots, cuirass, and gauntlets are no longer craftable, since Armati start with them anyway
- Armatus shields and helmets are still craftable, and may be created with Dwarven Shields and Dwarven Helmets, respectively
* Drakainai require 8 Pyrokrixic, and 2 Fire Salts to craft now instead of 4
* Drakontes require 4 Pyrokrixic, and 2 Fire Salts to craft now 
* Tempests require 8 Astrokrixic, and 1 Void Salts to craft now instead of 5
* Deathwings require 4 Daedra Hearts to craft now instead of 10, and 6 Void Salts to craft now instead of 12
* Infernals require 1 Daedra Heart to craft now instead of 5, and 4 Fire Salts to craft now instead of 5
* Gynoid Flameswords require 4 Pyrokrixic to craft now instead of 1 Fire Salts
* Gynoid Stormswords require 4 Astrokrixic to craft now instead of 1 Void Salts
* Witch Slayers require 4 of each elemental krixic to craft now 
* Colossi require a total of 12 Fire Salts to craft instead of 17 Fire Salts
- Cannon cost is unchanged (2 Fire Salts) 
- Core requires 2 Fire Salts instead of 3
- Assembly requires 8 Fire Salts instead of 12
* Spider Chariots require 1 Void Salt and 8 Astrokrixic to craft now
* The Dwemervamidium (Power Armor) requires 3 Void Salts instaed of 5 to craft now
* The Advanced Dwemervamidium (Advanced Power Armor) requires 6 Void Salts to craft now instead of 6 to craft now 
- it costs 3 Void Salts to upgrade (rig) the regular Dwemervamidium to the Advanced Dwemervamidium
* Tier 1 and 2 Warp Cores no longer require void salts to craft. Should make it easier to obtain. 
* Tier 4 and 5 Atronach Cubes require 1 less elemental salt to upgrade to
* Null Core needs 3 void salt to craft instead of 4
* Tier 1 Stealth Generator no longer requires void salts to craft. Should make it easier to obtain.
* Stealth Generators now require ectoplasm to craft.
* Atronach Cube Tier 4 requires 1 Void Salt to craft, instead of 2
* Atronach Cube Tier 5 requires 2 Void Salts to craft, instead of 3
* Aetherial Powered Warhammer requires only 1 Void Salts to craft instead of 5 or something idr

Difficulty Modes
* Updated Difficulty Mode patches: both patches should work properly now on a new game only

Extra Automatons
* Added Spider Chariot (New!)
* Integrated TheBlackKnight's automaton deployment overhaul to all extra automatons, and the spider mount
* Various Extra Automatons recipe tweaks (see the previous "Various Crafting Tweaks" above)

Perkus Maximus Patch
* Repair Unit now requires 35 Smithing, instead of 45 to unlock
* Removed PERMA's Repair Spider, since Repair and Medi Spiders are available in the main mod now
* Repair and Medi Spiders need the Repair Unit perk to craft

Spider Mount Addon [Removed]
* Removed as an installable option because it was merged with Extra Automatons 
* If you are updating my mod during a game in progress and you need this plugin, please download it from my mod's Nexus page

Extra Automatons + Perkus Maximus Patch [Removed]
* Removed entirely, because it is no longer needed. 
* If you are updating my mod during a game in progress and you need this plugin, please download it from my mod's Nexus page

[Version 2.11]
Main Mod 
* Removed wind up time for all elemental grenades
* Added increasing Magecrafter requirements for all grenade recipes
* Added increasing Magecrafter requirements for Volatile and Advanced explosive bolt and arrow ammo
* Fixed Atronach Cube not increasing deployment limit, and causing automatons to not register as summoned units (making them incompatible with Simply Order Squad)
* Fixed the Warp Core's soul gem requirement (needs a filled sg)

Extra Automatons 
* Fixed Bolt Spider AI so that it prioritizes ranged combat again

[Version 2.11 Hotfix 1]
Main Mod
* Dismissing Striders will return an Inert Strider to your inventory now instead of a primed strider 
* Some housekeeping

[Version 2.11 Hotfix 2]
* Reverted Armati, Gynoids, and Packhorses to 2.042 Follower versions 
- I did this because I realized that if Armati, Gynoids, and Packhorses die or are dismissed, then they instantly lose everything in their inventory
- Now, Armati, Gynoids, and Packhorses are regular followers again, not conjured/summoned NPC's
- this means they will not be unsummoned when they are slain. However, they will be unsummoned if you fully-dismiss them.
- They are still manageable by Swiftly Order Squad and all other follower frameworks
- Armati, Gynoids, and Packhorses must be RESET or you will encounter issues 
- First, remove everything from their inventory so their equipment doesn't get lost
- Next, dismiss the automaton. This will return them to your inventory as INERT
- Next, PRIME them at a blacksmith forge (just click on the priming recipe at a forge to re-prime)
- Finally, deploy the PRIMED automaton as you normally would with the scroll, and transfer back all their equipment
- Recruiting/Dismissing Armati, Gynoids, and Packhorses
- Since they're back to being regular followers again, they can only be returned to your inventory after dismissing them, and dismissing them a second time via their dialogue.
* Removed starting equipment from Armati and Gynoids, and set the value of all Armartus and Gynoid equipment to 0 to prevent exploits
* Added Heavy Dwarven Power Claws
* Removed some recipes that don't belong in the mod anymore

[Version 2.11 Hotfix 3]
* Restored the "Store Automaton" and "Collect Remains" dialogue options for Armati, Gynoids, and Packhorses
- You should be able to Store Armati, Gynoids, and Packhorses now (henceforth called "Follower Automatons" out of convenience), in the same way you could in version 2.042
- If you have any Follower Automatons from before 2.11 Hotfix 2, you NEED to RESET them first:
- 1. remove everything from their inventory so their equipment doesn't get lost
- 2. dismiss the automaton. This will return them to your inventory as INERT
- If there is no option to dismiss, then you may need to just kill them, and take all their equipment. Killing them via the console should return them to your inventory as inert. You will then have to reprime or rebuild the automaton, or spawn another deployment scroll via the console. 
- 3. PRIME them at a blacksmith forge (just click on the priming recipe at a forge to re-prime)
- 4. deploy the PRIMED automaton as you normally would with the scroll, and transfer back all their equipment
- NOTE: You must recruit them as followers. Simply deploying them and letting them follow you around may cause them to get lost between loading screens.
- 1. DEPLOY them via their scroll item, if you haven't already.
- 2. ACTIVATE THEM. This will open a dialogue box that will say "Store Automaton" and "Talk"
- 3. SELECT "Talk". This will take you to the default follower NPC dialogue
- 4. SELECT "Follow me. I need your help." This will recruit them as a follower under your command. They can be managed via the vanilla follower system, Swiftly Order Squad, or any other follower framework.
- 1. sure to collect all their equipment and any items first
- 2. DISMISS them, if they are following you
- 3. ACTIVATE them. This will open a dialogue box that will say "Store Automaton" and "Talk"
- 4. SELECT "Store Automaton". This will return them to your inventory as an inert automaton.
* Added Heavy Power Claws recipe lol
* Some other small stuff I forgor

[Version 2.12]
Main Mod

Magecrafter Tweaks
* Added final level to Magecrafter perk, Timelost Magecrafter (i.e. Magecrafter 5)
- requires Ench 100 and Smithing 100 to unlock
- replaces the skill requirements to build endgame TLD devices and the Colossus (i.e. the Colossus requires Magecrafter 5 to build now)
- this should make it clearer to users to figure out the requirements for the endgame craftable items without having to ask me in the mod comments 
- Null Core requires Magecrafter 5 to build now
- Tier 3 Warp Core and Tier 3 Stealth Generator require Magecrafter 4 to craftable
- Dwarven Colossus, Tier 5 Atronach Cube, Chronokinetic Stabilizer, Null Core, Reverse Time Module, Tesseract Cube, and Advanced Power Armor require Magecrafter 5 to craft now
* Updated the contents of the following books to reflect Version 2.1:
- The Animunculariary, Assembling Animunculi and Animunculi Usage and Maintenance
* Magecrafter perks now give you schematics books that list the components needed to build animunculi 
- e.g. Magecrafter 1 gives you "Magecrafter I - Animunculi Schematics", "Magecrafter 2 gives you Magecrafter II - Animunculi Schematics" etc.
- Explosive Studies perks and its equivalents (name may vary in the different perk overhauls), and Magecrafter 3 and Magecrafter 4 give you Explosives Schematics books

Automaton Upgrade System (New!)
* Added upgraded variants of Gynoid, Stormswords, Flameswords, and Armati that gain enhanced stats, additional perks, and new abilities
- Gynoid Variata gains poison attacks and can sometimes avoid direct damage entirely 
- Stormsword Variata's Sparks spell is upgraded to Lightning Bolt, and now has a Lightning Cloak
- Flamesword Variata's Flames spell is upgraded to Firebolt, and now has a Flame Cloak
- Armatus Variatus gains a passive magic absorption field that has a 50% chance to absorb magic attacks.

Follower Automaton Tweaks
* Armati now come wearing armor and a random Armatus Head, which means they don't spawn as dwemer metal skeletons 
- the starting Armatus skin "armor" has 0 Armor Rating, which means you have replace them with actual Armatus Armor, which is craftable at the Blacksmith Forge
* Gynoids and Armati will now spawn wearing their randomized head/face
* All Automaton Follower models use the Greek alphabet now
* Added 12 additional models to each Automaton Follower type, to reduce the chances you will spawn a duplicate
* Renamed Stormsword models to Niniya Alpha-Omega
* Renamed Flamesword models to Galirra Alpha-Omega
* Removed the Greek Alphabet suffix from the Packhorse (Mzarduk) models and replaced them with Roman numerals
* Gynoids now stay cloaked for 30s instead of 10s

Crafting and General Automaton Tweaks
* All animunculi now have weight when stored in your inventory 
- I removed the Magecrafter weight modifier from the mod because it defeats the purpose of the Tesseract Cube
* Reduced the crafting cost for making Jump Charges: all Jump Charges require only 1 Glass and 1 Dwarven Ingot
* Reduced the weight of all Jump Charges to 3
* Added "Dwarven" prefix to all Timelost Dwemer devices
* Renamed all Seekers, Grenades, Explosive Bolts, and equippable devices in such a way that they are grouped by item types now, rather than tiers
- e.g. "Dwarven Fire Grenade (Volatile)", "Dwarven Atronach Cube (Chromatic)", "Dwarven Remote Seeker (Advanced)", etc
* Renamed the Stealth Generators to make more sense: "Stealth Generator", "Stealth Generator (Advanced)", and "Stealth Generator (Hypermemetic)"
* Stealth Generators will drain your magicka while in use
- Stealth Generator drains 4 magicka, Stealth Generator (Advanced) drains 2 magicka, and the Stealth Generator (Hypermemetic) doesn't drain any at all.
* Added crafting keywords to all craftable items in the mod, for compatibility with Constructible Object Custom Keyword System
* Gynoid Face Plates cost 1 Dwarven Ingot to make 
* All animunculi now weigh 10-40 units when stored in your inventory, as primed or inert 
- animunculi do not weigh anything when returned to your inventory in a broken state (for gameplay reasons) 
* Lowered cost of Exploding Steel Bolts and Arrows to 1 Crixic powder instead of 3
* Repriming an Inert Strider should return a Strider scroll to your inventory now, instead of the old misc item Strider
* Lowered damage of Ballistae but added 50% armor penetration to their ranged attacks

Player Fixes
* Most (hopefully) armors will be visible on Deep Elf player characters now 
- this means that modded rings, for example, will be visible on Deep Elves now
- I did this by setting the Deep Elf and Deep Elf Vampire races' Armor Race, and the Deep Elf chest, feet, and hands armor addons to NordRace


Constructible Object Custom Keyword System 
* Adds the Magecrafter category to the applicable crafting stations
- e.g. automatons are now categorized under the "Animunculi" section in the "Magecrafter" category of the Blacksmith Forge
- this will make finding items and crafting components easier, now
- also the organization is nice to look at :)
* List of sections under the Magecrafter category:
- Blacksmith Forge and Aetherium Forge 
- Animunculi, Autoballistae, Components, Devices, Explosives, Jump Charges, Panoply: Armatus, Panoply: Gynoid, Power Armor, Power Weapons, Repair Kits
- Cooking Pot
- Crixic Powders, Oils
* Timelost Dwemer crafting categories cover Extra Automatons, too

Extra Automatons 
* Forwarded all automaton changes from the main mod to the extra autos as well 
* Colossus requires Magecrafter 5 to build now


CBBE Muscle Solutions Patch
* Cleaned up error records

Fertility Mode Fixes Patch
* Fixed the missing textures on dwemer kiddos

Mysticism Patch
* A tiny patch, and not really needed. All it does is make it so that the Deep Elf Soul Trap spell uses Mysticism's Soul Trap magic effect. 
- If you don't know how to merge plugins, or if you don't want another plugin in your load order, then just use the base game's Soul Trap spell instead of the Deep Elf Soul Trap spell.

Perma Patch
* Updated for Magecrafter level 5

* Updated for Magecrafter level 5

Adamant Patch
* Updated for Magecrafter level 5
* Updated Magecrafter level 4's description, noting that it requires Weaponsmith lvl2 to unlock

Ordinator Patch
* Updated for Magecrafter level 5
* Updated Magecrafter level 4's description, noting that it requires Dwemeric Weapon Studies to unlock

Vokrii Patch
* Updated for Magecrafter level 5

Vokriinator Patch 
* Updated Magecrafter level 1 for TLD version 2.1

yunico's Vokriinator Patch 
* No update needed, but I did update the description in the installer: the thing that makes yuniko's patch different from the other Vokriinator Patch is that it adds the Magecrafter perks to the Smithing perk tree as individual perk nodes, rather than upgrades of a single perk.

Vokriinator Black Patch
* Fixed Magecrafter level 4 so that it requires Dwemeric Weapon Smithing, and updated the description to reflect this


* Cleaned up some backup bloat files and compressed the image files in the installer by a considerable amount, reducing the installer's size by 72mb

Hotfix 1
* Hotfixed invisible body bug for CBBE Muscle Sol, Requiem Patches, and Diverse Racial Skeletons

Hotfix 2
Main Mod
* Removed the extra damage resistance from the power armors
* Fixed the power armor active magic effect descriptions

Follower Addon
* Hotfixed invisible body bug for Follower Addon

[Version 2.2]

  • Most plugins and patches are now esl'ified plugins, which means they won't count toward the 255 plugin limit. 
  • - Also, Extra Automatons no longer needs Skyrim Immersive Creatures.

  • The aforementioned changes have resulted in form changes throughout all affected addons and patches, and may result in the loss of perks and items.
  • - NOTE: the main plugin is not affected, and equipment and automatons from the main mod will not be lost. However, perk patch users, for example, may lose their Magecrafter perks upon updating. 

  • Before updating: take stock of your perks and equipment. After updating, re-add them to your character via a cheat mod (such as Immersive Cheat Menu) or via console commands. 
  • - Users of Extra Automatons MAY lose their automaton scrolls and other items from this plugin. So please take note of your belongings before updating so you can re-add them to your inventory.
  • - 99% of items and perks can be recovered through console commands. 
  • - Unfortunately, Fertility Mode users will lose their baby to the void upon updating. 
  • - Timelost Dwemer followers may also be reset upon updating. So please clear out their inventories before updating. 
  • - In somewhat better news, however is that most automaton scrolls will not be lost in the update, as they were unaffected by the form changes.


Main Mod 

Renamed Automatons
* Renamed Gynoid to Ancilla 
* Renamed Armatus to Armiger
* Separated Automatons into two categories: Animunculi (non-follower automatons) and Simulacra (recruitable follower automatons)
- this change carries over into the Crafting Categories for SkyUI addon, which places Armigeri, Ancillae, and Packhorses into the "Simulacra" crafting category. 
* Renamed Dwarven Tempest to Dwarven Tempesta
* Added "Animunculi" and "Simulacra" prefixes to all automatons so they appear organized in your inventory 

New Gameplay
* Added Automaton Salvage (by TheBlackKnight3000) (NEW!)
- If you have a Containment Sphere in your inventory, you can salvage destroyed automatons and repair them at a Blacksmith Forge.
- this feature allows you to rebuild powerful automatons that would normally be locked behind   Magecrafter perks
* Added Automaton Capture (by TheBlackKnight3000) (NEW!)
- Added the Dwarven Protocol Assimilator (3 tiers: Symmetric, Asymmetric, and Quantum), and Dwarven Pulse Cartridges
- Equipping a Protocol Assimilator enables Automaton Capture. The Protocol Assimilator requires at least 1 Dwarven Pulse Cartridge and 1 Containment Sphere to initiate Automaton Capture. Capturing automatons expends 1 Pulse Cartridge and 1 Containment Sphere. 

* All primed, broken, and inert automatons have weight now
* All automatons and explosives have value now, and will level up your smithing skills appropriately. 
* Added Drakaina Variata fireball variant (NEW!)
* Added Tempesta Variata chain lightning variant (NEW!)
* You can collect Broken and Inert upgraded (MK II) Armati and Ancillae now
* Fixed inventory preview model for Ancilla Centurion Arms
* Added Jump Charges for the upgraded Armiger and Ancilla variants
* Rebalanced  Tempesta and Drakaina variants so that they have longer cast times for their abilities 
* Flame Sphere and Storm Sphere are now upgraded variants of the Sphere recipe
* Strider now returns the correct inert/broken item
* Rebalanced Drakaina firebolt so that its AOE DOT does less damage
* Renamed Greater Atronach Cube to Advanced Atronach Cube
* Destroyed Repair Spiders return Broken Repair Spiders now
* Fixed Repair Spider repair recipe so it requires a broken Repair Spider
* Changed Deathwing Tempest mesh to RoboBirdie's Dwemer Dragon (it looks a lot cooler than the old model)

* Crixic Powders now have several alternate recipes now:
- Astrocrixic can be made with Ashen Grass Pod, Bee, Giant Lichen, Trama Root, Nirnroot, Hagraven Feathers, Void Salts
- Pyrocrixic can be made with Bleeding Crown, Juniper Berries, Troll Fat, Burnt Spriggan Wood, Moon Sugar, Fire Salts, Powdered Mammoth Tusk
- Cryocrixic can be made with Ash Hopper Jelly, Elves Ear, White Cap, Ice Wraith Teeth, Abecean Longfin, Frost Salts
* Elemental Grenades and Seekers inflict special effects on targets now
- Fire Grenades inflict lingering fire damage
- Frost Grenades slow targets movement speed by 50%
- Shock Grenades also inflict damage to the target's magicka pool, and reduce magicka regen. rate
* Edited the prefixes of all grenades and Seekers so that they appear organized in your inventory 

Mod Documentation
* Updated to latest version: 2.2

* Added "Composition Crixic - The Pyrolicist's Cookbook", which serves as a primer for Elemental Powders (Crixic) which are required for most automaton recipes now
- The Pyrolicist's Cookbook also lists the recipes for Crixic powders 
* Added recipe books for the Magecrafter devices, and Timelost Dwemer weapons and armor that are given to the player upon unlocking their respective Magecrafter perk
* Removed the Automaton Assembly book
* Rewrote the Usage and Maintenance Manual (renamed to Operation and Maintenance Manual) so that it teaches players how to assemble, deploy, reactivate, repair, rebuild, arm, salvage, and capture automatons
* Added Automaton Capture and Salvage book that instructs users on how to do both of those things

* Dwarven Oil can be crafted with any of the fish ingredients found in the game, as well as salmon
* Added Enchanced Dwarven Crossbow Recipe for Magecrafter 2
* Astrocrixic now requires Nirnroot instead of Ectoplasm to craft now
* Medi Spider now requires Magecrafter level 3 to craft.
* Added Crixic material requirements to Tier 1 automaton recipes 
* Rebalanced Dwemervamidium and Advanced Dwemervamidium 
- Dwemervamidium focuses on buffing HP and STAM
- Adv. Dwemervamidium focuses on buffing MAG and magic resistance
* Automaton Overdrive no longer has a cast time. Just equip and click to cast instantly. 
* Increased the magicka cost of Automaton Overdrive
* Changed Greater Atronach Cube to Advanced Atronach Cube
* Added Dynamo Cores to the recipes of the Advanced Stealth Generator and onward, and the Null Core
* Null Core and Temporal Reversal Module are now craftable at Magecrafter 4
* Multiballista is now unlocked at Magecrafter 3
* Manuscorpio and Autoballista are now unlocked at Magecrafter 4
* Tons of recipe changes that I lost track of and even if I was keeping track of them I wouldn't care to list them all here

Immersive Creatures Patch (NEW!)
* Enables automaton wreck salvage for SIC automatons
* Enable automaton capture for SIC automatons
* Divides the DraugrDwarvenRace into the DraugrDwarvenRace and the DramanDwarvenRace 
- changes the race of DramanDwarven NPC's to the DramanDwarvenRace too
* Renamed SIC automatons to the Timelost Dwemer equivalents

Extra Automatons
* No longer requires Skyrim Immersive Creatures!
* Added Balespider versions of the Medi Spider and Repair Spider 
* Added a smaller version of the Spider Chariot 
* Forwarded balance changes from the main mod to Extra Automatons 

Fertility Mode
* Ancillae can equip baby carriers now

SOS Patch
* Dwemer Vampires should be able to equip schlongs now

Perkapalooza Patch (NEW!)
* Added compatibility for Perkapalooza
* Replaces Dwarven Smithing perks with Dwarven Magecrafting perks. 
- Dwarven Magecrafting level 2 unlocks Explosive Studies (grenades and seekers)

[Version 2.21]

Main Mod (Read me!!!)
* Renamed the Deep Elf Vampire Race so that vampire mods recognize it 
- this edit should make the SCS Patch abd Sacrilege patches work again 
- new deep elf vampires should change into the deep elf vampire race
- if you are already a vampire, you will need to use console commands to change into the Deep Elf Vampire Race

Sacrosanct Patch 
* Should work now 
* Forwarded Sacrosanct 6.0 edits to this patch
* Check the installation instructions > Load Order guide in the mod description after updating, because I also updated the load order

Sacrilege Patch
* Should work now
* Added load order instructions to the installation guide

Highpoly Heads Patch
* Forwarded Deep Elf Vampire Race name changes to the Highpoly Heads edits 
- previously, this plugin was preventing deep elf vampires from  changing into deep elf vampires

[Version 2.22]

Main Mod
* Fixed typo in Crixic powder names, originally written as Krixic, but now spelled Crixic to be consistent with the documentation
* Removed the Explosive Studies requirement for Crixic Powders (this was not intended, I just forgor to remove it in patch 2.2) 
- this allows users to craft Crixic Powders by default now, without needing to unlock any perks
* Added containment sphere models for all broken and inert automatons (many of them were missing)

Extra Automatons
* Added containment sphere models for all broken and inert automatons (many of them were missing)

Immersive Creatures Patch
* Added containment sphere models for all broken and inert automatons (many of them were missing)

[Version 2.23]

Main Mod 

* Liber Dwemervamidium (Power Armor Manual) now has physics and can be interacted with in the world space
* All TLD books now have physics and can be interacted with in the world space
* Changed the models for the Magecrafter schematics books so that the animunculi, devices, and arms schematics use three different models 

[Version 2.24]

Follower Plugin
* Fixed duplicate books bug that came from Nizrok's Magecrafter 4 perk
- removed MG4 from his spell list, so he should no longer add books to your inventory every time you recruit him 

[Version 2.25]

Main Mod 
* The Maleficarum Curse spell description was moved to a magic effect description instead
- this lets me change the spell description without directly modifying the spell
* Added new spell TLD Debug: Dispel Animunculi and Active Effects
- this spell will clear all active effects from the player, and dispel all active animunculi. Note: simulacra NPC's will not be dispelled. 
- Use this spell to clear unwanted "Deployed: Dwarven Ancillae/Armigeri/Packhorse" active effects from your spellbook
- Ancillae/Armigeri/Packhorse active effects are unneeded and may be cluttering your spellbook, so they can be safely dispelled without affectin your game or deployed simulacra
* Deployed automata are now indicated as active via an active magic effect in your spellbook via "Deployed: Dwarven [Name]"
- when debugging your game with the new Dispel Animunculi and Active Effects spell, you should check your active effects to see if deployed automata are still active in your spellbook.
* Deploying simulacra no longer displays a message to the player that a script has fired

Difficulty Modes
* Changed the spell descriptions of the Maleficarum Curse in the Nubbin Mode and Technomage patches
- Nubbin Mode: the Maleficarum Curse no longer appears in the magic effects section of your spellbook 
- Technomage: Maleficarum Curse spell description has been moved to a magic effect description

Extra Automatons Addon
* Lightweight Spider Chariot can now be repaired/reactivated at the blacksmith forge

Follower Addon
* Buffed Nizrok's power armor so that it has 500 armor value and enchantments equivalent in strength to the player's power armor 

SOS Patch
* SOS genitals should be visible on players now (see Loverslab for the SOS plugin)

[Version 2.251]

Main Mod
* Edited the Protocol Assimilation and Salvage book
- book now tells you that you need at least one empty CONTAINMENT SPHERE to salvage a defeated automaton.

Mod Documentation
* Updated to reflect changes to the Protocol Assimilation and Salvage book

[Version 2.252]

Main Mod
* Fixed Store Automaton spell 

Extra Automatons
* Spider Chariot renamed to Arachnovamidium

Sacrosanct Unified Patch (New!)
* Install this if you also have the Ancient Falmer SCS patch installed
* Resolves formlist conflicts with Ancient Falmer 

Sacrilege Patch
* Adds Undeath Ascendent ability to deep elf vampires, which augments the duration and range of their chrono spells when blood-starved 
- this is a prelude to a bigger vampire patch in the main mod
* Re-eslification may affect deep elf vampire progression on saves in progress. Recommended you start a new game when installing this. 

Sacrilege Unified Patch
* Resolves formlist conflicts with Sacrilege Patch changes in both the Timelost Dwemer and Ancient Falmer.

[Version 2.26]

Main Mod
* SKSE is no longer required 
- SKSE was originally used by my mod to add most of the Timelost Dwemer perks and spells to the player
- This is no longer needed, as I've added these perks and spells directly to the Timelost Dwemer race, rather than through RaceMenu with SKSE scripts
- I did this in case Bethesda decides to release Skyrim a 4th time and break SKSE for everyone again

Perk Overhaul Patches 
* All perk overhaul patches have been updated to support the new version
* Please report bugs, such as missing chrono abilities or being unable to craft Timelost Dwemer automata etc

[Version 2.261]

Main Mod
* Removed Magecrafter requirements from the broken automaton repair and inert automaton reactivation schematics
- users should be able repair/reactivate automatons they've salvaged or captured now, without the need for Magecrafter perks
* Fixed Packhorse deployment bug 
* Removed DeepElfPerkStart script, which should prevent the "Deep Elf perks successfully removed/added" message from ever appearing again

Extra Automatons Addon
* Removed Magecrafter requirements for the repair/reactivate schematics as well

[Version 2.3 - The Ancient Darkness Patch]

Ancient Darkness and Perils of the Void
* Added new perks and curses to expand upon the lore of the Timelost Dwemer, explaining the origin of your chronokinetic powers and its association with the Void, and punishing the hubris of the dwemer.
* Chronokinetic Feedback has been renamed to Perils of the Void

* ANCIENT DARKNESS - Not so much of a perk, but more of a lore explanation for your chronokinetic spells.
    - "Your return to Mundus hurled you through dimensions outside of the known realms of Aurbis. You remember only a split second of unspeakable darkness, but in that second, a presence older than Oblivion stained your soul. The power of the Void crackles across your flesh, and while you may wield it to manipulate time and space, your powers will cost you dearly. Exercise extreme caution..."

* VOID PATHOSIS - Inspired by Void Pathosis from ESO, Timelost Dwemer's Void Pathosis is a chronic wasting disease that is inflicted upon the player after using Time Warp for the first time.
    - the true purpose of this curse is to "encourage" players to utilize Timelost Dwemer's crafting system to survive.
    - Void Pathosis is an incurable, interdimensional curse that is triggered by chronokinetic powers. Continuous chrono-casting will further exacerbate your pathosis, triggering Void Necrosis, which slowly kills you over time (it also stacks).
    - Void Pathosis may be SUPPRESSED with ATRONACH CUBES, causing it to no longer trigger Void Necrosis.
    - Void Pathosis is mostly incurable, but equipping a Chronokinetic Stabilizer (now renamed to Voidspace Stabilizer) will eliminate it and your Maleficarum curse, and render you immune to the Perils of the Void
    - Life hack: if you equip an Atronach Cube before casting Time Warp, you will never be afflicted with Void Pathosis.
        - Players are warned TWICE in the Ancient Darkness perk, and in Time Warp to exercise extreme caution when using your ultimate powers. Use your superior dwemer intellect to cure your pathosis!

* B-but I just want to unga bunga bandits with warhammers!!!"
    - You have three choices:

    - don't abuse your transcendental powers, and you won't be punished for your hubris.
    - use the crafting system to survive and eventually eliminate your curses
    - remove Void Pathosis by installing one of the lower difficulty patches.
        - don't bother trying to remove Void Pathosis ingame with console commands. An array of scripts and spells will continue to re-apply the curse to you every time you use your chronokinesis.
Dwemer Vampire Expansion
* Added Undeath Ascendent perk - Giving into your bloodthirst hones your chronokinetic powers.
* Void Stalker - Your Warp Jump power now renders you invisible for 2 seconds. Equipping Warp Cores further augments the duration of your invisibility.
* Void Tear - Equipping a Warp Core adds Void Tear to your spell book. Void Tear paralyzes and teleports enemies toward you.
* Added new haemomantic automata (haemonculi):
    - these automata are craftable by vampires (of any race) only
    - Haemolacrum - Ancilla Bloodborne Mk1 and Mk2 - Haemomantic Ancillae that wield blood magic that siphons vitality back to their masters. Mk1 casts Blood Drain, a concentrated drain spell akin to Vampire Drain. Mk2 casts Blood Bolt, similar to Fireball but it absorbs health, and Blood Cloak, which absorbs health from nearby enemies.
    - Haemonculus - Bloodletter - Haemomantic variant of the Flayer that wields blood magic. Casts Bloodbite, which is a lesser version of Blood Bolt. Its melee attacks also absorb health from their victims.
* Added new haemomantic Warp Core variants, which increase the effectiveness of your haemonculi blood siphons, as well as doing the same thing warp cores do.

New Items

* Atronach Cubes no longer increase your Deployment Limit. This functionality has been replaced with Dwarven Control Wands. See below:
* Added Dwarven Control Wands
    - These "armor" pieces, when equipped, increase your Deployment Limit
    - Comes in 5 increasingly powerful varieties

Other Minor Changes
* Timelost Atronach Cube renamed to Transcendental Atronach Cube
* Added jump charges and jump charge recipes for upgraded ancillae mk2's
* Removed magecrafter requirements for jump charge recipes, so you can jump charge autos that you've salvaged at any level
* Warp Cores can only be crafted by non-vampire races
* Simulacra no longer clog up your active magic effects

Requiem Patch (New!)
* Adds compatibility for Requiem. AE supported.
* Fozar's Requiem Patch is no longer supported.

SkyRem Patch (New!)

* Adds compatibility for the SkyRem Perk Overhaul

Sacrilege Patch
* Removed Undeath Ascendent abilities from Deep Elf Vampires, because they have been integrated into the main mod

[Version 2.301 Hotfix]

Main Mod
* Void Necrosis no longer applies if you have Void Suppression active. 
* Time Warp should no longer apply Void Pathosis either if you have Void Suppression active.

[Version 2.302 Hotfix]

Main Mod
* Drakaina and Drakaina MKII recipes are fixed so they produce the correct unit now
* Added Jump Charge for Armiger MKII

Follower RDO Patch
* Fixed Nizrok's infinite magecrafter 4 book bug 

Difficulty Patches
* In both patches, Void Pathosis and Void Necrosis are no longer added to the player when Time Warp is used 


Thank you for featuring my mod!!!

Thank you!!!

TheBlackKnight3000 for Dwemer Automaton Crafting
Anuiel for Dwarven Beards
MihailMods for Dwarven Power Armor, Dwarven Sentinels, and Dwarven Colossus
ECE Team, dimon99, Radioragae, REN, Peggy, NewSea, and SKS for the gynoid body and accessories
Edhildil for Dwemer Cyborg BBP
AVS for Dwarven Cyborg Collection
Vicn's dwemer automatons from the Vicn Creature Pack
mahty for Dwemer over Technology resources
lifestorock for Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Rizing for Dwarven crossbow models (assets were moved to a separate file at the Timelost Dwemer Patch Center)
Avias for Dwarven Modular Automaton
Darkinger for Female Creatures Reworked's female automaton shapes
cyrkon for Medium and Light Dwarven Armor
Robobirdie and Galagna for New Dragons Resource and Dwemer Dragon Resource
takozawa for Fulcimentum - More Staves and Wands of Skyrim

LogRaam for The Eyes of Beauty eye textures
(ALL of following texture assets listed below were moved to a separate file at the Timelost Dwemer Patch Center)
ZwabberdieBo for the Veteran Skin male body textures
Fadingsignal for the SkySight Skins male body textures
urshi for the Fine Face Textures of Men face detail textures
Geonox for High Res Face Maps for Men
pikkatze for Smooth Faces for Ladies and Gents
Regenbot03 and Anini for the Demoniac UUNP PureSkinTexture CBBE body textures
scivirius for the Clams of Skyrim CBBE Demoniac Texture Patch
Maevan2 for the Mature Skin Texture's femaleheaddetail textures
traa108 for Tempered Skins for Males body textures
HHaleyy for the Fair Skin Complexion body textures
TheFriedturkey for Fried's Female Skin Textures
Shiva182 for Bijin Skin 
Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase by Zonzai and Seren4XX
Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for CBBE (Beta) by drunkenmojo
Real Women of Skyrim - Texture Overhaul by Gearhog
SG Female Textures Renewal by Hello Santa
UNP Tender Hands by Hidanna
Better Makeup for SKSE by Diethardt

Caliente for Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
T3ndo for Perkus Maximus
Jaxonz for Jaxonz Blink Teleport
MurderWrath for Recall Followers
VectorPlexus, Smurf, and b3lisario for Schlongs of Skyrim, and their ‘How to make an SOS Plugin guide’
Halofarm for Halo's Poser, which I used to pose my characters in the screenshots above
Apachii for ApachiiSkyHairs
Kalilies for KS Hairdos - Renewal
LordBishek for his Silenced Blink Teleportation tweaks
Narue for Fertility Mode
subhuman0100 for Fertility Mode Fixes
kboot for High Poly Heads Patch
funniguy12869 for the mesh fixes
tarkanice9801 for the Requiem patches
Lertkrush for Singularity 
triptherift for The Kids Are Alright
Narue for Fertility Mode 
Lactina and Vioxsis from LoversLab for the baby item armor models/textures.
giamel for the baby item world model/textures
(The following assets listed below were all moved to a separate file at the Timelost Dwemer Patch Center)
J3X for Automatic Crossbows (Assets were moved to a separate file at the Timelost Dwemer Patch Center)

SKSE Team for SKSE, and their scripts
the1yunico for the Vokrii patch, Vokriinator patch, and Slow Time fix scripts

Made by Redshiftja with Photoshop CS6

TheBlackKnight3000 for Dwemer Automaton Crafting because one of the primary features of this mod wouldn't be possible without his help and work
anime slush puppy, BARANLANKA, JesterAx, coffeelemental, and sodapopcool for helping beta-test my mod before release
TMPhoenix for RaceCompatibility and all his help (I wouldn’t have been able to get this mod working without him)
StackEmHigh for his guides on Creating a Playable Race (I wouldn’t have been able to put this mod together without them)
r/SkyrimMods/ for helping me with my scripts and making my mod work as intended


J. C.
M. T.
M. D.
A. L.
N. T.
S. P.
T. S. II
