About this mod

This is a grass fix for overgrown grass and grass clipping issues caused by grass mods adding grass to land textures that aren't suppose to have grass. It can be use to fix issues in areas that other mods do not fix. All options are light plugins (ESPFE/esl flagged) and can be added or removed at anytime.

Permissions and credits

This mod will fix most of the overgrown grass and grass clipping issues caused by using a grass mod. It is a universal fix and will fix issues in both vanilla and modded areas. It can be used alone, but will work best when used in conjunction with other mods such as Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods, No grass in caves, No grass in Cities, and No Grass In Objects. If you are using Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods or No Grass In Objects, you still need this mod. Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods only has patches for the more popular settlement mods and doesn't cover newer mods, less popular mods, or unreleased mods. No Grass In Objects does a great job with grass and object clipping issues, but it doesn't handle non-clipping grass issues. No Grassias fixes issues by returning land textures to their vanilla state. It doesn't alter textures that have grass. This means that areas that are suppose to have grass will still be full of grass, but areas such as settlements, caves, clearings, and roads will be less overgrown. This mod doesn't fix grass issues caused by high grass density, tall grass, vanilla clipping issues, or custom land textures. If you see overgrown grass in the middle of the road or elsewhere while using this mod, that grass is supposed to be there. No Grassias does not remove any vanilla placed grass. It only prevents grass mods from adding grass to areas that didn't have grass in the vanilla game. Areas such as the roads in Dragon Bridge have grass in the middle of the road and look fine in the vanilla game. It's the taller grass and higher grass density from grass mods that makes it look overgrown. You will need Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods or No Grass In Objects to fix that. Your results with this mod will vary with the mods you are using. This mod can be added or removed at any time.

There are some confusion about this mod and its usage, so I'll try to simplify things here. No Grassias fixes issues caused by grass mods. It doesn't fix vanilla issues. Some grass mods add grass to land textures that do not originally have grass. This makes wilderness areas look great and full of grass. However, it does the opposite to player homes and settlement areas. No Grassias creates ITMs of the vanilla land textures. When it is loaded after grass mods, it will undo the changes made by grass mods. To put things simpler, grass mods throw grass seeds and fertilizer all over Skyrim. This makes wilderness areas look great, but makes settlement areas look not so great. What No Grassias does is say, "No thank you." to the grass seeds so that only the fertilizer gets thrown. The results are that areas that originally have grass will have fuller and taller grass, but areas that didn't have grass will remains grassless. No Grassias is a universal fix and will affect all of Skyrim (Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Hearthfire.esm, and Dragonborn.esm). If the player home or settlement mod was created with the correct land textures, there shouldn't be any issues. No Grassias doesn't make any landscape or cell edits, so it can't fix vanilla issues or issues cause by a grass mod using custom land textures. For those issues, you need Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods or No Grass In Objects. Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods allows the grass seeds and fertilizer to be thrown. It then goes to specific areas, trims the grass, and sprays the grass and weed killer. You can see this in the screenshots on the mod's mod page. Some areas, that were green and had grass before, are now just dirt. This method is more specific and will give better results than No Grassias. The drawback is that every player home or settlement mod that has issues will require an individual patch. So until the author of that mod decides to create a patch for every single player home or settlement mod available, you still need No Grassias as well. No Grass In Objects handles grass and object clipping issues in both vanilla and modded areas, but doesn't handle other grass issues. The only two scenarios in which you won't need No Grassias are if you are not using any grass mod that adds grass to nograss land textures or if you are only using mods that already have patches by Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.

If you have grass issues caused by a grass mod and are using a player home or settlement mod that is not covered by Landscape Fixes, you should definitely be using No Grassias. If you are still unsure about using No Grassias, take a look at the last two rows of images on page 3 of the Images tab.


A grass mod that adds grass to nograss land textures. This mod won't have any benefit for grass mods that don't adds grass to nograss land textures.


Add the contents of archive to the Data directory manually or with a mod manager. Place this after the grass mod in the load order. Enable the mod and play. This mod only needs to load after grass mods. Loading it before or after Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods won't have any effect. If you notice anything different, it's because grass doesn't generate in the same way every time.

There are two recommended procedures for using No Grassias. This first one will have the highest compatibility.
Start off by using NoGrassias.esp and No Grass In Objects. If this doesn't fix the issue, try NoGrassias Extended instead. If this doesn't fix the issue, try NoGrassias Ultimate instead. If this still doesn't fix the issue, you'll have to use Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods and the individual Landscape Fixes options. If that doesn't fix the issue, you'll need a custom patch. Use only one No Grassias esp.

The second procedure will have the best visuals.
Start off by using NoGrassias.esp, No Grass In Objects, and Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp as a base. If this doesn't fix the issue, add the individual Landscape Fixes options. If this doesn't fix the issue or if no option exists, try NoGrassias Extended instead. If this doesn't fix the issue, try NoGrassias Ultimate instead. If that doesn't fix the issue, you'll need a custom patch.

In some cases you can get by with using only No Grass In Objects and Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods. In other cases you can get by with using only No Grass In Objects and No Grassias. This will all depend on the grass mod, player home mods, and settlement mods that you are using. However, it is recommended that you use all three to get the most benefit. Each mod is able to fix issues that the others can't. No Grass In Objects mainly just fix clipping issues. Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods can only fix areas that it and its patches have edited. No Grassias can't fix grass issues caused by high grass density, tall grass, vanilla clipping issues, or custom land textures. In some cases, Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods can cause compatibility issues. This will be a landscape height or landscape seam issue or both. This can usually be fix by loading the conflicting mod after Landscape Fixes. If this doesn't work you will have to create a patch.

NoGrassias Lite only affects textures that have the words dirt or path in them. It will not reduce the visuals of grass areas, but it will also not fix grass issues outside of areas with dirt or dirt roads. It is meant to be a supplement rather than a full fix. When used with the standard NoGrassias option, it will give a level of fix that is in-between NoGrassias and NoGrassias Extended. It should not be used with the extended or ultimate versions, as that would be redundant. It can also be used to supplement No Grass In Objects and/or Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods to fix more areas without any visual loss. It only needs to load after grass mods and can load before or after other fixes.


Remove contents of the archive manually or with a mod manager.


Compatible with every mod


The ITMs are needed. Do not clean this mod. It Is already as clean as it can be.

Tested with Verdant, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, Veydosebrom, Viscous Foliage, Northern Grass, Tamrielic Grass, Folkvangr, and Cathedral Landscapes. This mod is not needed for the vanilla version of Veydosebrom.

No Grassias is compatible with every mod. It won't take up any of the 254 slots. It will fix any land that uses vanilla land textures, including new lands added by mods. Also, it can be safely added or removed at any time. It does, however, have some downsides. It can't fix certain types of grass issues. You will need to use it in conjunction with other mods or patches, if you have those issues. It will remove grass from some land textures. Depending on the grass mod you are using, this removal can be unnecessary and will slightly reduce the overall visual of the land. This can be seen in the images of the Rift Imperial Camp on page 2 of the Images tab. In this particular case, Verdant adds 3D leaves to the land. The leaves do not cause any grass issues, but are removed by No Grassias. This really can't be helped. If No Grassias left out this particular land texture and another grass mod added tall grass rather than 3D leaves, it would created grass issues. The only way to avoid this is to create specific versions of No Grassias for every grass mod. That won't happen here, but you can do it yourself. Simply load both the grass mod and the version of No Grassias that you are using in SSEEdit, left click on the + in front of No Grassias, left click on the + in front of "Landscape Texture", left click on the texture you want to change, press and hold the left click button on any record that isn't green on the grass mod column in the right panel of SSEEdit, and then drag these record into the No Grassias column. Save and exit when done. Keep in mind that this will make No Grassias dependent on the grass mod.

Some users are still confused about what this mod actually does. I'll try to explain it here. The only grass mod that I used in Skyrim LE was SFO, but I always wanted to try one of the dense grass mods. The screenshots for grass mods were amazing and the comments were full of praises so my expectation was high. When I finally did try these grass mods in Skyrim SE, I couldn't have been more disappointed. Sure, wilderness areas were indeed great, but settlement areas were awful. There were overgrown grass and grass clipping issues everywhere. This did not make Skyrim look better. It made Skyrim Looked worse. Everyone has his/her own preferences, but I prefer better looking settlements over dense grass in wilderness areas. There was Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods, but it didn't have a patch for every mod that I was using. After editing a few mods myself, I decided that I would rather not use a grass mod than have to edit every single settlement mod that needed fixing. Those who do not mod themselves do not have a true appreciation for the work and efforts of modders like the author of Landscape Fixes. Landscape editing is more art than science. There is a limit of six textures per quadrant in a cell and edits that may work one one grass mod may not work for another. It's a bit frustrating and the undo button isn't reliable. After trying out a few grass mods, I tried Veydosebrom. Veydosebrom had a vanilla version, which was pretty much all that I wanted. I did not have to have grass that looked like it was gardened by the Department Of Public Works. The only issue was some clipping issues due to the taller grass. I looked for some shorter grass mods, but they didn't have a vanilla version. As I was about to edit a mod to create a vanilla version, it occur to me that instead of creating a vanilla version for every grass mod, I could simply create a patch that when loaded after the grass mod would give the same results as a vanilla version. This was how No Grassias came to be. No Grassias will essentially give you three different vanilla versions of your preferred grass mod. That's all it does. It is not a replacement for Landscape Fixes nor No Grass In Objects. No Grassias may not be for everyone, but for those who prefer better settlement areas to better wilderness areas, there's nothing simpler. No Grassias will fix some issues not fix by Landscape Fixes nor No Grass In Object. If your issue isn't fixed by those mods and you don't want to use No Grassias, your only option is to create a patch yourself.

Note that "land textures" mention here refer to Landscape Texture records in the esp and not texture files. You can use No Grassias with any texture replacer.

If you use DynDOLOD, you should run it again after enabling this mod. This may prevent some mysterious CTDs. You may want to do this also when
adding or removing mods that affect grass or landscape. Note that this is only based on guesswork. No playthrough has been done with DynDOLOD and no CTDs have been observed while testing No Grassias.

There are a lot of confusion about esl and mod limits, so here is a brief summary.
There are a total of 256 slots in the game. This is the case with Morrowind and Oblivion as well. Of the 256 slots, one is reserved for the ess file. This leaves 255 slots for esm/esp files. 255 is the esm/esp limit, not the mod limit. Some mods do not take up any slots. The five official masters are part of the game and shouldn't be consider mods. Therefore, the esm/esp mod limit is actually 250. It has often been stated that esl and esl flagged esp files do not take up a slot. That is incorrect. Using one or more esl or esl flagged esp file will reduce the 255 esm/esp slot limit to 254.

A side effect of using this mod is a small FPS increase.


Inconsequential sub-record changes to all versions. The extended version now includes all textures that have the words dirt or path in them.

Initial release


Grass FPS Booster
Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
No grass in caves
No grass in Cities
No Grass In Objects


Linthar for More Informative Console
LOOT Team for LOOT
MO2 Team for Mod Organizer 2
Nukem for SSE CreationKit Fixes
SKSE Team for Skyrim Script Extender
Wrye Bash Team for Wrye Bash
xEdit team for SSEEdit

Bethesda for the game and Creation Kit


Animated Mounted Casting (allows you to cast one-handed spells while on horseback and to dismiss your horse)
Breezehome Oarrvaskr Fish Aquarium (Adds 2K-4K CC Fishing fish tanks and plaques to Breezehome and Jorrvaskr)
Ebony Armor Male Neck Fix SE (fix for neck gap and neck clipping in the male ebony armor)
Jorrvaskr Holidays (allows you to decorate Jorrvaskr for the holidays)
Jorrvaskr Tavern And Companions NPCs (turns Jorrvaskr into a lively tavern and adds new NPCs to Jorrvaskr)
Jorrvaskr Trapdoor (adds trap doors between the main hall and living quarters)
Jorrvaskr Wuuthrad Display (allows weapons and shields to be mounted on the display)
Karthwasten The Silver Anvil (adds a blacksmith/inn)
Kolskeggr Miner's Hall (adds a blacksmith and more miners)
Kolskeggr Mining Hamlet (a great Kolskeggr settlement overhaul with services)
Morthal Where's Wares (adds a much needed general store)
Morthal Quartermaster (adds a blacksmith to the Guardhouse)
No Grassias (a universal grass mod fix that works well with Landscape Fixes and No Grass In Objects)
SICKM - Skyrim Interface Controller Keyboard Mouse
Skyforge Complete (adds missing blacksmith stations and a blacksmith sign)
SMIM Upper Furniture Fix (2K-4K texture fix for SMIM's mismatched upper furnitures)
This Is Jorrvaskr (a great and customizable Jorrvaskr overhaul, turns Jorrvaskr into an awesome player home)
Whiterun Watchtowers (minor improvements to Western Watchtower and Whitewatch Tower)


Open permission. You can use this mod however you like as long as it isn't for profit or in violation of Bethesda's EULA.