Skyrim Special Edition


  1. cincydba
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    This doesn't work. It did absolutely nothing. Same with No Grass In Objects. Installed both. Still grass growing through road, no change. Any tip to getting this working?
    1. quinnfuzzball
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Load grass removal mods after grass addition mods. In Vortex, change rulesto let grass removal load after grass addition mods. Adjust load order of mods where necessary for testing and use the individual file picker to choose which files Vortex (or whatever MM you use) overwrites from what mod. Let this mod in plugins to load as a "late patch." Run loot again (important step). This mod doesn't fix all grass in all areas so check multiple known bad areas before you make any decisions. Use command "coc (location name)" to quickly teleport for testing.

      Hopefully this helps others.
    2. cincydba
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      You're awesome, thanks so much for the details and sorry I just now saw this!. Unfortunately, this still doesn't do anything in my game. Probably some other conflict. I use MO2 as well, so perhaps I'm not able to exactly emulate the instructions you gave for Vortex, could be me for sure. I use Folkvangr grass mod and there are areas where it over does it but I can't find a fix for it anywhere. 
    3. ZonaryQuasar
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      Did you tried "Landscape fixes for gradd mods" mod?
    4. BENDJ1
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I had the same problem with Skoglendi - A Grass Mod. Try selecting “Bethesda settings” in FMOD. That solved all my grass problems.
  2. maumanga
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I see the work you did there, and its quite commendable for cleaning all these areas. Good job.
    In the end, I also believe its up to each one to analyze which appearance works best for the game. Some people might prefer cleaner holds while others (like me) do enjoy the real feel of a nature overhaul, claiming everything back and growing out of the walls/floors. Not all country people have time to trim the yard and keep it neat and clean every week, after all.

    So, its awesome that you gave us player this option. Thank you for allowing us to choose. :)
    May you have a great week!
  3. LeastDegenAzuraEnjoyer
    • supporter
    • 31 kudos
    The default version fixed my grass from NGIO clipping into the Khajiit Has Wares caravan mod.

    Ill have to keep playing and see if its patchy or not, but Whiterun still looks nice and lush.

    Good mod.
  4. EnesBaba1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mode completely destroys the grass in some places and provides a terrible view. There is no solution. It's a pity that the community seems to be useless in this regard
    1. Zanderat
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      It removes grass.  What do you expect?  If you don't care for this mod, move on. 
    2. cppcooper
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      I hear you man, I am running wild lands and folkvangr and this seems to just remove all the grass period. If I were to guess it's the landscape changes that make it incompatible.. but I dunno just spitballing. I'm just gonna eat the bullet and do the insane precache process.
    3. Soldream
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      why so self-critical?
  5. Oakenshielb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i use lite version with skoglendi  and looks nice
    anything else just leave skyrim completely bald
  6. Fear2288
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Where does this fall in relation to something like Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods?

    Is it a case of this OR that, or can both be used simultaneously with no issues?
    1. wisefries
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      From the first few sentences on the mod page
      ?It can be used alone, but will work best when used in conjunction with other mods such as Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods, No grass in caves, No grass in Cities, and No Grass In Objects.
      It would have only took a few seconds to find what you needed, which is less time than it takes to post this. At the very least you can use Ctrl + F to search for it.
    2. Devonien01
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Can be used with LFfGM and must be loaded after it.

      I will not blame the author for this very efficient grass fix, but after strong testing all around the game, this mod appear more like a Roundup than a fix. Using alongside Folkvangr/ Cathedral 3D Pine Grass/ Origins of Forest/ QW's Grass Patch :

      No grassias ON :

      No grassias OFF :

      No Grassias ON :

      No Grassias OFF :

      And there are, unfortunately, many empty areas like thoses ones around the whole game.
    3. golivie
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Devonien01 Can totally confirm. It does "fix" many instances of grasses where it shouldn't be (Roads mainly), but also removes grasses from spots where it really isn't necessary. I found many of these places in the Rift, which seems to align with the pictures you showed. 
    4. EnesBaba1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      devonien did u fix ? I have same problem
  7. Spacefrisian
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Just wanted to confirm if this mod also removes the underwater folliage, i have a pretty barren underwater look now besides the mod i added to get some of that back.
  8. Taragaarn
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    • 0 kudos
    standing in dragon bridge looking at skyrim flora overhaul growing out of the centre of the road, downloaded no grassias, and it's still there. so I deleted and tried the extended one, and the grass was still growing out of the centre of the road, lastly I tried the ultimate, and guess what? that's right, there was STILL grass growing out of the centre of the road. 
    1. Vlad254
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
      I know what you're saying and you're correct but it does work however it can't selectively remove grass due to so many different grass mods for one, then of course there are so man different mod setups each of us have. Here's the thing, if you remove too much grass you'll see many of the blemishes in the game's terrain and after much testing I can tell you some of those blemishes are plain ugly. 

      I settled on the 1st file, the standard version, then you can throw the Lite version on top of it which will only remove additional grass from areas marked as dirt. No it's not perfect but it is an improvement and once I spent considerable time in game running around and checking I can say it does a decent job getting rid of some unwanted grass.

      According to the description this is one of those mods that can be removed at any time so you can try just the main file, then take a look, then add the Lite file on top of it and look again. Thing is, imho you really don't see the full scope of the mod in action until you have spent considerable traveling around the game.

      The mod author does not list Tamrielic Grass in the description (at least I didn't see it) but that's what I'm using and I do see an improvement although I admit I wish some areas didn't have grass, but I'll take it instead of the ugliness the grass hides. I see many comments here from people that are very happy with the results.
  9. biovespa
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    10.000 Thanks !!! 07
    should be first thing installed on any mod order 
  10. alloz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This fixed the excess grass on the northen roads in ma game. Thank you friend