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The main goal of the project is to extend Papyrus with JSON-based data structures (arrays and maps).
If you have some programming background, you'll notice that you can not simply instantiate a class (or a script) in Papyrus. Almost everything exists in a single exemplar, except aliases and magic scripts. Papyrus arrays aren't expandable, single array can hold a values of a single type only.
JContainers brings JMaps so that you can use them the same way FO4 structures are used. Considering the ability of JArray, JFormMap, JIntMap structures to reference/contain each other - and you can build large graphs of structures.
Embeded Lua
Ability to filter/search/modify data structures with Lua. Ability to write your own Lua scripts. Example:
int obj = JValue.objectFromPrototype("[
{\"magnitude\": -9},
{\"magnitude\": 11},
{\"magnitude\": 3}
int eleven = JValua.evalLuaFlt(obj, "return jc.accumulateValues(obj, math.max, '.magnitude')")
int minusNine = JValua.evalLuaFlt(obj, "return jc.accumulateValues(obj, math.min, '.magnitude')")
[New] Domains
The Domain is isolated, standalone sandbox, non-global (per-save file), personal storage of JC's data, created by a modder for personal (or non-) use. The feature enables automatic removal of the data stored in a domain once a mod linked to the domain gets uninstalled.
Example of the mod that use domain -
[New] Form Observing
Internal improvement. Mimics the way a script references a form - a form referenced by any of JContainers' containers won't be unloaded by the game (unless force unloaded). Once a form deleted, the FormObserver will receive a notification and form references to that form will be set to zero.
Quick feature overview
Latest documentation
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Special thanks
- to Saerileth and Gooser, without your interest that project would be abandoned on very early stages
- to Skwerlman and Alexdunn for documentation improvements
- to Verteiron for feedback, bugreports
- to RealAntithesis for feedback, object' identifier generation idea
- to Djarb, specifically for default-return-values idea
SKSE team - it would be impossible to imagine Skyrim modding without it
boost framework authors - real treasure for any C++ programmer
Akheron, who made jansson - nice JSON parsing library
Lua and LuaJIT creators
- You are free to
- It's up to you to report to a user of incompatibility of installed JC API version and the version mod has been compiled for the best user's experience. Valid condition is `JC.APIVersion == hardcodedAPIVersion && JC.featureVersion >= hardcodedFeatureVersion`.
- The files in this plugin are not to be modified under any circumstance as that could cause problems when a load order includes multiple mods that use the plugin and one or more mods have modified the files in this plugin.