About this mod
Configuring MCMs has never been easier!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
MCM Recorder
Watch the video for a demo!
GitHub: https://github.com/mrowrpurr/McmRecorder
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrowrpurr
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SkyrimScripting
Discord: https://discord.gg/5GcjtUBt
1. Load MCM Recorder after SkyUI (or MCM Recorder won't work)
2. Install PapyrusUtil (you probably already have it installed )
3. Install JContainers (you probably already have it installed)
Recording MCM Configuration Settings
1. Open the game
2. Go to the "MCM Recorder" mod configuration menu
3. Begin recording
4. Configure all of your MCMs as desired
5. Quit the game
Applying MCM Configuration Settings to a new game
1. Open the game
2. Go to the "MCM Recorder" mod configuration menu
3. Click on a recording and say "Yes" when prompted if you would like to run the recording
4. Close the mod configuration menu
5. A popup will appear. Either choose "Play Recording" to play all or "View Steps" to play individual steps
6. Observe as your MCM menus are configured for you, just the way that you like them
~ FAQ ~
What versions of Skyrim does it support?
Does it support MCM menus which require you to "Exit the MCM to continue"?
Does it support MCMs where the pages don't all show up until you "Install" or "Activate" the mod?
Does this conflict with any other mods?
Thus far, we have determined this conflicts with:
- Ye Olde MCM
- SkyUI - Resort
- MCM Limit Upgraded
These will not be compatible until patches are developed.
I can't find my McmRecorder folder with the generated files
If you use Mod Organizer 2, it's in your Overwrite directory. Go to
Settings and then the Paths tab and you'll see the path to your
Overwrite folder. It should contain your McmRecorder directory.
Can I share my recordings with others?
Yeah, for sure!
You can just put your McmRecorder folder into a .zip file. That's it! You can release it on NexusMods if you
like or just share it with friends. Folks can install it using any mod
manager and it'll show up as an available recording in the MCM Recorder
mod configuration menu.
You can even add your own name and give your recording a version number! Just edit the McmRecorder\[My Recording].json file. Be sure to distribute this file along with the McmRecorder\[My Recording] directory containing all of the .json files describing the MCM steps.
Why can you run recordings using Keyboard Shortcuts and VR Gestures?
Sometimes it could be useful to toggle different MCM options quickly, e.g. via
keyboard shortcuts. This was a request from users and it can actually be
really useful!
~ Advanced ~
The recorder puts files into folders inside of Data\McmRecorder
The files are intentionally very easy to read and edit by hand.
Simply open them up in any text editor and you will see something like this:
"Mod": "Apprentice",
"option": "Light Armor",
"page": "Trained Skills",
"toggle": "on"
If you cannot guess, this instructs MCM Recorder to load the "Trained
Skills" page of the "Apprentice" MCM menu and toggle the "Light Armor"
checkbox to "on" (if it's not already on)
If you want to learn the format of these files, I recommend you simply make a
recording and then view the files that are generated.
Auto-Run Recordings
Do you want to automatically run a recording for new games that you start? (Very useful for distributed modlists!)
Open your main recording file. It can be found at Data\McmRecorder\[Your Recording].json
In the file, update "autorun": "false" to "autorun": "true". Now whenever Skyrim starts, this recording will automatically run.
"author": "Mrowr Purr",
"name": "Purrfectly Awesome Modlist",
"version": "4.2.0",
"autorun": "true"
Note: multiple recordings can be configured to be autorun
~ Modlist Customization ~
There are a few things MCM Recorder provides to better support modlist authors:
- Autorun MCM Recordings (which run right after RaceMenu closes)
- Show a custom popup message when the recording begins playing
- Show a custom popup message when the recording completes playing
These can all be configured in the recording definition file, e.g. Data\McmRecorder\[Your Recording].json
"author": "Mrowr Purr",
"name": "Purrfectly Awesome Modlist",
"version": "4.2.0",
"autorun": "true",
"welcome": "Welcome to my Purrfect Modlist!\nThis is on a newline",
"complete": "Purrfect mod configuration complete! You are now ready for adventure!"
Keep requesting features to make MCM Recorder one of the best mods available for creating modlists!
That's it, y'all
Enjoy <3
~ Mrowr Purr ~