This settlement blueprint is for Covenant. It is HIGHLY recommended, that to avoid breaking one's game, that the player complete the quests in Covenant BEFORE importing this blueprint.
I achieved empty space there using three important things: One, "Scrap Everything" (mod); Two, "Place Everywhere" (mod); and Three, the console, using the "scrapall' command, and then individually disabling (via the, "disable" command) everything that wasn't taken care of by the "scrapall" command.
If you don't prepare the space this way, you WILL have issues with assets original to the settlement clipping into the items you're trying to import with this blueprint. Please properly prepare your space before importing.
Finally, before importing, I recommend you use Place Everywhere to move your workshop in toward the middle of the settlement to keep it from clipping into the fortifications.
My mod assumes that you know how to use the Transfer Settlement Blueprints mod.
***Other Blueprints by Me***
Sanctuary Ob Der Concord
Jamaica Plain Abbey
FOB Bradburton