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ScrabbulorUploaded by
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About this mod
A broken, mostly empty Skyrim with opened cities. Only undead, creatures and animals remain.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
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===General Permissions===
Please make Shattered (Alternate Skyrim.esp) a requirement for your mod if you use it as a starting point or use it's edits or navmesh.
To clarify, do not edit Shattered's esp/esm/esl and upload it. Instead make Shattered a master for your mod.
Making your own mod that's dependent on Shattered does not require permissions or sharing of any form of revenue or points.
===Bethesda/Zenimax Permissions===
I give public permission for anyone to upload this mod and its options to so long as it is maintained and removed if asked to do so.
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- French
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name French Author: Scrabbulor Shattered FR - Un Bordeciel post-apocalyptique - Changelogs
Version BETA9c
- Looked at how a few other mods modified Hired Thugs. Should be gone for good.
Version BETA9b
- Removed USSEP requirement from Shattered and all of it's additional files.
Version BETA9a
- New pass of the VoiceTypes "LChars" to maximise random NPC variety without increasing file size.
- Changed the height of the boulder behind Riverwood Trader.
- Patched a collision hole in Solitude.
- Navmeshed Riften water and added 4 stairs. The AI seems to have a hard time with the navmesh layers being so close together but they still teleport around. Better than completely shutting down when they fall in.
- Disabled an ambush at Dimhollow/Frostmere.
- Disabled a light in a tent at Eastmarch Imperial Camp.
- Placed a Navcut rectangle over a problematic rock opposite Duskglow Crevice.
- Changed the height of a boulder on the Nothern steps of Labarynthian.
- Added a fallen pillar to smooth the Staircase on the Southern slope of Labarynthian.
- Added 2 NavCut rectangles to Morthal. Keeps free roaming NPCs from tossing themselves into the water.
- Added 2 NavCut rectangles to a rock behind Meeko's Shack.
- Small adjustments and disables around shack, mine and hamlet exteriors (glows, doors, etc).
Version BETA9
- Navmeshed water in cities that can be entered and exited through regular terrain.
- Started adding additional jump ledges to new Navmesh.
- Removed two floating lights outside the cave at Reach Cliff.
- Disabled miscellaneous floating Kataria Ship pieces around Solitude.
- Changed the AI package (travel only) that forces Durak to speak to the player and removed the teleport collection assigned to his "quest" that forces him to teleport.
- Used the same solution above (for Durak) on the thugs that appear when the player steals or kills innocents (no scripts edited for either).
Version BETA8g
- Reparented the Bandits in Bleakfalls Barrow to the human enemies toggle marker.
- Disabled Baknar and Karita on the 7000 steps.
Version BETA8f
- On New Game the player will no longer be prompted to side with Hadvar or Ralof.
- On New Game Unbound will instantly be completed. This will aid with mods that need the intro to be completed.
- Disabled a named NPC in FrostmereCryptWorld01.
- Disabled a human witch outside of Glenmoril Coven.
- Disabled human witches at Orphan Rock.
- Disable a Necromancer north of Lakeview Manor.
- Disabled the resilient Bandit ambush east of Helgen without scripting. There were giant trigger boxes labeled AMBUSH.
- Fixed a bridge in the Navmesh between two cells in Windhelm. Previously NPCs would travel the entire perimiter of the City to get to the other side.
- Included a Whiterun drawbridge mesh fix generously provided by EXIT on the Shattered Discord. Previously the drawbridge mesh would extend into the city causing a minor visual bug as the cities were not intended to be open.
- Added more rubble to the various ruins in Shattered but improved their naming so they can be easily identified by mod authors.
- All rubble in the previously instanced cities are attached to a single marker for easy removal.
- The player must touch the boat at Dilapidated Jetty or Japhets Folly to travel, preventing accidental travel.
- Added a previously inaccessible key to Japhets Folly's Sea Cave that unlocks the rest of the settlement's unique doors.
- Disabled the fires and a candle at Japhets Folly.
Version BETA8e
- Edit: Did not always work! Unbound will now be completed upon starting a new game. It will not occupy your quest log. Might make some mods work? Untested.
- Edit: Did not always work! Dragonborn DLC can now be started. Visit the temple of Miraak in Solsthiem to begin the quest. Like Dawnguard I don't know if this breaks along the way. It's been confirmed that both DLCs are completable. Some of the DLC radiant quests are not. Save scum to obtain completable radiant quests.
- Disabled Meridia's beacon. After some digging it turns out there was a simple global variable that could be set to 0.
- The courier and thugs have been disabled. Their quests have had their quest aliases and story manager events emptied.
- Reduced the number of chests in some locations in the Random Loot plugin.
- Durak will no longer travel to and tell the player about the Dawnguard. The mini quest that makes him travel will simply no longer start. This method of disabling an event will only work on new games started after BETA8e.
Version BETA8d
- Moved 4 NAV triangles Bethesda left under a rock in external Whiterun.
Version BETA8c
- Patched a hole behind the Skyforge.
Version BETA8b
- Fixed a crash that would always occur when approaching the Underforge's alternate exit west of Battle-Born Farm.
Version BETA8a
- Restored missing keys to Mzulft.
- Fixed a flag that would cause Nahkriin to be disabled.
- Removed Port Gate barrier from location in Japhet's Folly.
- Human enemies disabled at Reach POI.
- Disabled floating fires in Ysgramors Tomb.
- Restored portal to Sovngarde.
- Restored Dragonrend Shout.
Version BETA8
- Sorry about the wall of text. Would take an hour or two to sort the patch notes and I didn't want to delay the update or upload without them like BETA7.
- Misc Object cleanup. Floating pans, fireless light glows, smoke, idle markers, invisible flames, etc.
- The Courier is now an unkillable ghost.
- Instead of disabling the courier and breaking mods that need him I instead edited odd quest deliveries.
- The Courier should no longer deliver Jarl messages or Inheritance letters. These events may still happen once more in existing saves.
- Wizard Challenger quest will no longer start. He may still appear in existing saves.
- The Katariah has been disabled.
- Wreck of the Icerunner restored. Human enemies disabled.
- Restored Unique Halted Stream Camp Axe.
- Reachcliff Cave 2nd tomb opened. Alternate and special entrance accessible.
- Restored Unique Reachcliff Ring.
- Disabled Forsworn at POI south of Reachwater Rock.
- Restored Unique Weapon in Alftand.
- Fixed a mistake I made with Dragon Priest Vokun.
- High Gate Ruins exit fixed and access to Word Wall restored.
- Fixed a mistake I made with Jyrik Gauldurson.
- DarkBrotherhoodSanctuary opened.
- Disabled Conjurer and lights outside of Ansilvund. Restored Unique Weapon and exit.
- Soljund's Sinkhole door disabled.
- Shroud Hearth Barrow Phantom disabled. Resotred Dragon Claw.
- Froki's Shack Door disabled and Navmeshed.
- Brinewater Grotto true entrance restored.
- Ysgramor's Tomb and Unique Shield Restored.
- Irknghtand Unique Gems restored.
- Snow Viel opened. Quest barriers removed.
- Traitor's Post Bandit Boss disabled.
- Shrine of Azura Named NPC disabled.
- Movarth's lair human enemies disabled.
- Ghosts in Yngvild disabled.
- Disabled force spawned NPCs outside of Ironbind Barrow.
- Korvanjund opened.
- Snapleg Cave witches and neutral/witch hating Spriggan disabled.
- Lost Knife human enemies and animal victims disabled.
- Hillgrund's tomb opened.
- Whiteriver Watch Overlook named NPC disabled.
- Fellglow Keep dungeons opened.
- Gallows Rock human enemies disabled (parent flipped).
- Mara's Eye Den human enemies disabled.
- Witchmist enemy disabled.
- Cragslane Cave Bouncer and immortal Pit Wolves disabled.
- Angarvunde restored. 3 Draugr that would force a quest to begin disabled.
- Treva's Watch NPCs and scene trigger disabled.
- Boulderfall Cave Necromancer Boss disabled.
- Haemar's Shame human enemies disabled.
- Forelhost opened and completeable. Disabled associated quest and triggers.
- Darklight Tower human enemies disabled (parent flipped).
- Southfringe Sanctum exterior Spellsword disabled.
- Shriekwind Bastion human enemies disabled.
- Knifepoint Ridge exploreable.
- Glenmoril Cave human enemies disabled.
- Sunderstone Gorge exterior necromancer disabled.
- Ilinalta's Deluge is now accessible from Ilinalta's Deep.
- Dainty Sload exterior NPCs disabled.
- Broken Oar Grotto human enemies disabeld.
- Thieves guild exit to old Riften temporarily disabled.
- Widow's Watch Ruins human enemy disabled.
- Pinemoon Cave human enemies disabled.
- The Ritual Stone human enemy disabled.
- Human enemies north of Lund's Hut disabled.
- Serpent's Bluff human enemies disabled.
- Bleakwind Bluff human enemies disabled.
- Broken Tower Redoubt human enemies disabled.
- Dragon Bridge Overlook human enemies disabled.
- Bruca's Leap human enemies disabled.
- Deepwood Redoubt interior and exterior human enemies disabled.
- Hag's End human enemies disabled. Unique armor restored.
- Harmustahl NPC disabled and exit restored.
- Druadach Redoubt human enemies disabled.
- Bard's Leap ghost restored.
- Dead Crone Rock human enemies disabled.
- Japhet's Folly is now accesible from a new point of interest (Dilapidated Jetty).
- Japhet's Folly human enemies disabled.
- Potema's Catacombs restored.
- Removed insible walls around Solitude and specific balconies.
- Extended mountains north west of Solitude to cover repeating textures.
- Covered a hole in the ground in Solitude proper.
- Reduced the likelyhood of a NPCs getting stuck in the Navmesh around Winking Skeever in Solitude.
- Wolf Skull Cave restored.
- Ustengrav Depths opened.
- Hela's Folly Unique glow disabled.
- Generic Fishermen and women across Skyrim have been disabled.
- Gloomreach exterior human enemeies disabled.
- Clear Skies shout restored.
- High Hrothgar terrain hole filled.
- Windhelm terrain, wall, roof and building holes filled. Duplicate wall ornaments cleanup.
- Extended a moutain west of Windhelm.
- Covered a building gap and improved rooftop collision for player and NPCs in Riften.
Version BETA7a
- Absolutely enormous amount of edits in BETA7 so I'll give more of a summary.
- Disabled even more sane NPCs with a heavy focus on interiors.
- Restored Discerning the Transmundane (Dawnguard DLC requirement).
- Restored Forbidden Legend.
- Restored access to all Dwemer Ruins and quests required to access them.
- Restored access to most quest locked dungeons through a variety of modding methods.
- Restored access to many unique items.
- Restored inaccessible shout carvings now give the player all the words they are missing from that shout.
- Tried another method of disabling the courier but needs long term testing.
- Disabled objects and corpses that start generic incompletable quests.
- Disabled functioning exterior cooking pots, fires and associated warm hands markers.
- Hundreds of minor issues addressed. NPCs, Doors, Navmeshes, floating objects, invisible walls, etc.
Version BETA6
- Added Velothi Mountains to Skyrim. This will take the player to Skuldafn.
- Opened Skuldafn, it's script locked areas and preserved Nahkriin's battle.
- Opened Labyrinthian, it's script locked areas and preserved Skeletal Dragon and Morokei's battle.
- Mistwatch Keep has been opened.
- Darklight Tower has been opened.
- Changed character creation armor to generic fur without helm.
- Wisp Mother and TestJeremyBig removed from voice specific LChars.
- Missing Markarth farmhouse building walls restored and their doors barred.
- Adjusted existing wall and rail leaning markers to match new ruins.
- Disabled Hired Thugs.
- More NPC cleanup (toggleable with optional file).
- Highgate Ruins Light cleanup.
Version BETA5
- Added base factions and relations that will allow more granular control over roleplay in Alternate Skyrim Add-ons.
- Added LChar pools of each vanilla voice type. Very handy in specific use cases.
- Half-Moon Mill destroyed and Navmeshed.
Version BETA4
- Added an extremely simple trigger box script to add words of power to the player. Source in miscellaneous (for mod authors).
- Added +2 Unrelenting Force, +1 Whirlwind Sprint and +1 Fire Breath to High Hrothgar and Throat of the World.
- Half Moon Mill was still enterable. Simply removed it's door for now. Will destroy and navmesh in another update.
- Miscellaneous cleanup. Collision boxes and the odd lantern, fire, crafting pot without fire under it, candle-less glow, that kind of thing.
- Learned a lot about how the quest system works and applied that to the intro quest. It simply spawns the player. It has no other stages.
Version BETA3
- Disabled the still triggerable fade in and fog effect from the cart ride road.
- Disabled the large green door blocking Helgen's western exit.
- Adjusted many Dragon Landing points to better match modified structures.
- Disabled non-dlc Dragon Claw doors in Skyrim.
Version BETA2
- Added a BSA that contains one edited vanilla script triggered on New Game.
- Removed the "Hadvar or Ralof" prompt and spawn as the quest "Before the Storm" can no longer be started.
- Helgen is now as destroyed and barren as the other villages, it uses Bethesda's navmesh however.
- Removed the Giant outside Whiterun (used in the Companions quest).
Version BETA1
- Release.
Shattered Skyrim Addons
Originally the beginnings of an alternate timeline mod now split into a standalone mod.
The potential for singleplayer, co-op and survival add-ons felt worth going all in on the concept.
All signs of ongoing civilization have been disabled by hand.
Cities and villages have been destroyed and caves and dungeons only contain creatures and spirits.
Tasteful, comprehensive mod reviews by SoftGaming!
Skyrim SE|AE -> Shattered -> Forced ccMod Patch (if you use them).
Skyrim VR -> bLoadVRPlayroom = 0 -> Shattered.
===Known Issues===
Skyrim versions before 1.6.1130 require an index incrementing mod.
Alternate Start mods are not compatible. The game will stall when starting a new game.
The Engine Fixes mod may stop the game from starting. Disable the achievements fix in EngineFixes.toml.
After attempting numerus unscripted fixes, being attacked by hired thugs when stealing still occurs. A scripted fix will be included in the next update.
Compatibility Guide
Vanilla mod compatibility focused.
Nearly unbreakable thanks to thousands of manual edits made with more than a decade of experience.
Brand new Navmesh made with 0 automation for every city and structure changed.