About this mod

Quests, new dungeons, new villages, fully customizable mount obtainable from quest, followers, headhunts, new shrines and blessings, new spells, new player homes, and more.

Permissions and credits
TLDR About the mod

This is Volume 2 of Mana Vault Adventures, an optional compilation of several quests, dungeons, followers, mounts, new villages, new player homes, magic spells and much, much more.

Version 0.2-ALPHA now available. Please check below to see what's included.


This mod runs completely independently from Mana Vault Adventures Dungeons and Quests Collection at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community , but I still highly recommend that you get it as well.
I have taken care to properly comform all components of this mod to USLEEP changes (not required) and to the other mods in my constellation of overhaul mods, including especially the first instalment of Mana Vault Adventures.
I have used excellent Expressive Facegen Morphs by Niroku and Vanilla hair remake by jg1 (backported by me) to remake the face and hair meshes of the NPC included in Aurora Village, Oar's Rest, They All Fall Down, The Grand Paladin, Depths of the Reach and The Final Cataclysm.
This mod is flagged ESM with persistentified records where necessary. Please load it AFTER the first Mana Vault Adventures if you're using both.

How to start

There is much to do in this mod. Some of it is level-triggered (meaning the quest triggers only when you reach a certain level), some of it is reachable by exploring, by finding a note, or by talking to an NPC. Just play your game normally, and things will eventually happen. Do read the notes and books you encounter, as they might provide either a map marker or clues to where you should go next.
If you must know beforehand where you're supposed to go, please refer to the original mods' pages. I won't give spoilers here.

Mana Vault NOTICE:

- This mod is built to my taste and to conform with my own mod list. It is compatible with Forgotten Dungeons, Skyrim Sewers, Interesting NPC, ezPG, Ambriel, M'Rissi, Vilja, Serana Dialogue Addon and Meridia's Order and with all my own mods (Mana Vault Adventures, Hearts of Darkness and Vine, Bikiniborn EX, Nirnfeel DynaMo and Erisa and the Treasure Hunter's Guild are the mods that make additions to the world space). I have not tested with Hammet's Dungeons or with Skyrim Underground, and do not currently plan to, as I am running a level 50+ save at the moment and don't want to add those mods mid-play.

- If you already have a highly modded game, this mod may not work correctly, especially if you already have many scripts running. Mod responsibly, by first thoroughly testing for features and stability. If you have questions that are not addressed by the original mod authors, please use the comment section here to thoroughly describe your issue, while giving me a notion of how modded is your game.

- I do not use mods that overhaul towns or inns, apart from my WeReLight mod. As such, I cannot provide any support in the case that you do and stuff is clipping.

- I do not use ELFX or Lux or similar, the only mod I use for lighting is my own WeReLight. I use HHaley's Kwanon (Loxia) ENB Preset. I cannot provide support for any other preset at this moment.

- I have included fantastic Covered Bridges of Skyrim, because it's very much to my taste and is a seamless addition to the vanilla game. Please be aware that this is NOT compatible with Bridges of Skyrim or other mods that radically change the bridges mesh design.

- Winterhold Shelter Aya's hair has physics. Sometimes it behaves a bit strangely. If you don't like this, just give her a static hair wig (several mods out there that you can use, including KS Hairdo's Wigs) or a hat/helmet. Body meshes are game data-based and textures are UNP-based. I will not change this.

- Caranthir Tower Reborn is a very intricate, at times delicate quest/player home mod to play through. Sometimes things don't happen immediately. Sometimes you need to go somewhere else and return. This is not supposed to be finished in one go, it's something to work through while you're playing your game. You NEED to save often while in there, and NEED to pay attention and use the objects that are given to you throughout, to progress, including the custom sword. Remember this.

- Gunnar Tomb clips (very little, but still) with a building that belongs to Meridia's Order (which in turn is directly next to a dungeon from Forgotten Dungeons, but it doesn't clip with it)

- If you have Skyrim Sewers installed, you don't need to get arrested to be able to explore Iron Grotto, as you can explore your way through the sewers to get there.

0.2 Notes:

- You NEED Gilfre (from Mixwater Mill) to be alive so you can purchase materials from her for Riverside Shack.

- Avoid town or outskirts overhauls when possible. I won't test them out against this mod, as this is meant to expand on several locations already, and I have a couple of expansions planned for inclusion in this myself.

- If there is a specific feature of my mod you:

- don't want or don't like, or
- your mod list is already to complex to take this in, or
- you're in a running save that you're afraid to mess up (I literally made this IN a running save, but my game is extremely stable for a modded LE game, and I take no responsibility for your modding approach or consequences of it),

PLEASE don't install this or commit to it without EXTENSIVE testing.
This is a very, very complex mod that includes many moving parts.
It works perfectly in my game, and so I will take no requests for removing this or that section, and will not provide support to those who decide to make changes on their own.
The best you can do in any of these cases is to look at the mods I linked below to find the ones you DO want or like, and install them individually (you can take the opportunity to endorse the original mods and give kudos to their authors. Even if they are no longer active, which the case for many of them, appreciation is always best when shown).

Included Mods

These mods are included and as such, Mana Vault Adventures Volume 2 is NOT compatible with them:

Shalidor's Migrant Portals , Oars Rest and Caranthir Tower Reborn , all by Darkfox127
The Iron Grotto by Zeeb
The Bottomless Pit by Kaminazo and Friends-Nightskia spintochick badgremlin and avpke
Gunnar Tomb by WhateverDev
Nuvanja by celitcsaw
Remember The Old Ways I - Ancient Nordic Temple , Remember The Old Ways II - Yokudan Sanctuary and Legionnaire's Chronicles by XutzBR (thank you so much to XutzBR for permission grant to include this wonderful mods!)
Winterhold Shelter by HHaley
Aurora Village by Luxrah
They All Fall Down and A Hope Called Vengeance by HorribleAndy
The Grand Paladin - 2021 (Remake) , Depths of the Reach LE Backport and The Final Cataclysm Backport - ESM-flagged and Optimized by Kittytail (backport by me except for The Grand Paladin)
Zim's Aenbyr Custom Horse by Zim
Covered Bridges of Skyrim by sa547

0.2-ALPHA additions:

Mornfallow Manor - Hearthfire Buildable Windhelm Home (Legacy) and Esterah - Jewel of the Redguard by morganmarz
Horker Tusk Homestead and Skeever Tail Shack by aao-fyi
Riverside Shack LE and Millwater Retreat by Darkfox127
Laid to Rest by Aragorn58
Jurgholm by Sierain
Henriks Tomb Revisited_Larrys Legacy by GreenSmirf

Requirements (non-negotiable, hard requirements, otherwise you are certain to get issues):

FNIS or Nemesis
Dynamic Animation Replacer
HDT-PE Extensions
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE

If you enjoy this mod and/or my work in general, please take a moment to endorse.


I have a DISCORD Server, The Mana Vault Inn! Join the community, I am happy to welcome you!



Shalidor's Migrant Portals

File creds:

Oars Rest

File credits:
A big thanks to Phayntom for the location, some mod ideas and general support. Thanks also go to my partner simsim899 for moral support and some minor resources. Many thanks to Enirac for creating some of the signage artwork.
Other resource providers also listed below.

Caranthir Tower Reborn

File credits:
First and foremost, I have to thank simsim899 who I would never have finished this mod without. She’s helped make the mod what it is today with her amazing mesh work, scripting assistance, bug testing, general support and much more. She really is a treasure to the modding community and personifies what this modding community is all about. Go and give her some kind words and digital hugs.
Before I continue with the credits here I want to state that keeping track of the files for this mod and resources used has been a very difficult task. To that end, if I appear to have left anyone out for whatever reason, please get in touch and let me know so that I can rectify the problem.
Aarchduke, Blary, BrettM, Bellyache, cad435, DDProductions83, dimon99, Elianora, ECETeam, Hanaisse, InsanitySorrow, Jokerine, 
K13RaN64, Lilith, lolikyonyu, LondonRook, mikegemini, mrpdean, mrsilka, Oaristys, Radioragae, sjogga, SKS, stoverjm, Stroti, Sydzilla, Tamira, tco1za, thefunktasm, tueffelachtein, Urwy, Vicn, wildtextures.com
Other contributions & General support
BlueDragon, Bozzer, Dave0523, Enirac, Jenniyi, Leianne, LordofAllFrogs, MadPleasure, Nozi87, PlagueHush, RagnarokV2, Xander9009, Zylice
Mod & Trailer Music:
Mark Petrie
General Notice by Darkfox127 on April 18, 2023:
"Thank you to everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed my mods over the years. It's amazing to see so many people enjoying the content I create.
I no longer intend to provide updates to any of my existing mods and focus some time on new projects. I will be keeping the bug reports tab available for reporting issues and offering solutions to anyone else that may encounter similar issues.
Here and there, you may find me replying to some comments but certainly not all.
You are free to create alternative versions of my mods, patches or translations so long as I and others included in the original mod's development are clearly credited for their work."


The Iron Grotto

Kaminazo and Friends-Nightskia spintochick badgremlin and avpke

The Bottomless Pit


Gunnar Tomb
CC BY-NC 4.0




Legionnaire's Chronicles

File credits:
The music of the player homes and the temple are from an amazing game called Gothic 3. The music of the pirate ship is from AC Valhalla. I used them cause I'm a big fan of those games. All credits go for their producers for these awesome soundtracks that fit so well in my mod.
The text on the tablet at Kyne's Temple is not of my making. It is a shrine inscription from ESO. The credits for that goes to Bethesda itself.
A very special thanks for Darkfox127 CK tutorials!
And the used Modder's Resources:
Kelretu's Modders Resources
Lolicept Resources
Oaristys Modders Resource Pack
Blary's OpenBooks
Blary's Alchemy Clutter Resource
Blary's FoodContainer Resource
Blary's Booksets
Apepi's Art Assets
New Beddings
Orient Set
Estroya Resources
Darkfox127 Resource Collection
Rug Resource
Tlaffoon's Rugs and Tapestries
Hanging Mage Satchel Resource
Malo Statues
Liam's Clutter Resources
DK's Lore-Friendly Nord Ships and his special permission
Lor Modders' Resources
The Witcher 3 Mega Resource Pack
Modders Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension

Remember the Old Ways I - Ancient Nordic Temple

File credits:
A special thanks to lesi123, author of the Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim, for helping me out with the creation of the mod.

Remember the Old Ways II - Yokudan Sanctuary

File credits:
All the content of the books (not the journals) inside the sanctuary were taken from the UESP Wiki or, in the case of the book "Yokudan Creation Myth", from the game itself from a book called The Monomyth (linked above). In that case I just made a book with the more relevant content to the current scenario, although it's better to read it all. The credits of those texts go all to Bethesda itself.
As for the songs played inside the sanctuary, two of them are from another game called Gothic 3 (a great inspiration whenever I create a redguard playthrough): Ishtar and Welcome to Varant, by Kai Rosenkranz. The others are Marco Polo by Loreena McKennitt, Arabian Nights by Brandon Fiechter and Desert Throne by Derek Fiechter.


Winterhold Shelter

File credits:
- Audio Assets -
Audio Productions
Berlin Atmospheres
- BodySlide and Outfit Studio -
- KS Hairdos -
Kylie Hair Style
- Mods Used for Creating Characters -
Enhanced Character Edit
- PapyrusUtil -
- SKSE -
Ian Patterson
Stephen Abel
Paul Connelly
Brendan Borthwick
- SkyUI -
schlangster and SkyUI Team
- Texture Assets -
DIMONIZED UNP female body


Aurora Village

File credits:
The road signs were made using Hana's Blank Roadsigns by Hanaisse.
I made this village when I was first learning how to use the Creation Kit, and it just kept growing and improving. Thanks to Darkfox127 and so many others for their amazing tutorials!


They All Fall Down

File credits:
Thanks to AllyMcC for her VA work. You can check out her YouTube channel 


The Grand Paladin

File Credits
- Whirlwind Sprint Lesser Power by Nalacar.
- AeonVita for Dragonbone Weapon Model.
- Tamira, Malos for "Malo Statue".
- DIntRCenter01 Fixed Mesh by squ3lch.
- Vicn Creatures.
- Bethesda Game Studios.
• CreazzyGamer47 for the backport.

The Final Cataclysm
Backport and improvements/edits by The Mana Vault https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/118788

File credits:
Weapon Of The Third Era, by 747823
The Witcher 3 CD Project Red.
FN PDC - FeyKrosah Nin the Personal Defense Crossbow by Justice.
Vicn creature resource.
Special Flora of Tamriel by Link815.
Insanity Dwemer Clutter Stuffs.
Ghosu Weapons.
Various Tesa resources. (Bone Button, Dwemer Stuffs)
Daedric Reaper Armor by Deserter X.
The Gemstone Collector by Haxokron.
Dwemer Automatons HD by Wolflord13.
SSE NIF Optimizer by Ousnius.
scytheV1_6C by Mingyannu.
HoddminirGroundTextures by Elinen.
Compound Bow Collection by Alrock10.
ARC Entertainment.

Depths of the Reach
Backport and improvements/edits by The Mana Vault https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/118782

File credits:
Vicn Creatures
Smooth Animations
Ritevice - Sword of Stendarr
Dawnguard Music Overhaul - Skyrim Fan-made Music
Umbral Knight Armor


Zim's Aenbyr Custom Horse

File credits
Special thanks to Krittakitty for assets from Realistic Primitive Horse Breeds.
Special thanks to Christian Paskota and gechbal for assets from Sethai and Elthrai Horse Armors.

Horrible Andy

A Hope Called Vengeance


Covered Bridges of Skyrim

Mornfallow Manor
File credits
Elianora - lots of stuff
Darkfox127 - drapes and hearthfire script
mrpdean - lakeview resources
jet4571 - beds
MrDanSG1 - display scripts
InsanitySorrow - blocks
afro - mesh to fill the holes in the wall
kesta - mesh to fill the holes between those meshes
File credits
I used a lot of different resources in this mod. If you see yours here, and i didn't credit you, please just send me a message and i'll fix that as soon as possible.
Blary: Clutter resources
BrettM: FPI Research resource
Tamira and mrsiika: BS Highrock Resource
Darkfox127: Resource Pack
mrsiika/Kraeten: Griffon Fortress Resource
Insanity: Clutter, rugs, tapestries
GKB: Trees
Lilith: Doilies first and foremost, plus clutter
mrpdean: Lakeview Manor Evolution resources
muppetpuppet: Jungle flora
Oaristys: Modder's Resource Pack
stoverjm: New open books
stroti and Tamira: Strotis mesh resources
Tamira: Plants, rugs, tapestries, wind chime
TESA: Resource kit
The_funktasm: Morrowind Clutter resource
yourenotsupposedtobehere: Rugs
CStextures: Marble
Elianora: Resources and also a huge amount of personal help
Nostromo79: Dwemer shelves resource
farinelli: Shield and scimitar
Garnet: Orient set
BanjoBunny: Brighter bedroll textures
glenchild: help with the dome
TerrorFox1234/Avalux Audio: Music
aao fyi
Horker Tusk Homestead
file credits
CC BY-NC 4.0
Oaristys and Tony67 - Modders Resource Pack
Skeever Tail Shack
file credits
CC BY-NC 4.0
Oaristys and Tony67 - Modders Resource Pack
Riverside Shack
File credits
Insanity Sorrow
Millwater Retreat
File credits
Insanity Sorrow
Malo & Tamira
Laid to Rest
File credits
Mod by Sierain
Voice acting by Natenator77
Henrik's Tomb Revisited Larry's Legacy