Welcome to Nevada Skies 2281, the most up-to-date and advanced weather mod for Fallout: New Vegas on the Nexus. Besides 400+ weather types, Nevada Skies also features a wide range of functions allowing you to costumize it according to your liking.
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Fixed Issues in the Script which prevent to work Correctly Resize and Reworked XML Part (also a lot smaller now) Rewrote Entire Scripting to xNVSE 6.1 (Reduce scripting amount by almost halft and increase overall Performance) Fixed Weather Effect Script which didnt worked correctly. Fixed Language Support (Should Work now like it should) Sound Slider does not work longer invert and behave now like a Normal Volume Slider Fixed a weird behaviour with GetCurrentClimate and GetCurrentWeather which dosent seems to like "eval" and caused script to stop working Fixed Weather Chance which didnt worked (reason above) Interior and Exterior Weather will sync now (i tested dozen of Time the issues with Dead Money. stop using outdated shit) Snow Weather Option in MCM work now like it should and dosent longer trigger Sandstorm
All Issues has been Fixed and NS is 100% Stable and dont harm Performance in any way. (Exclude Sky Seams) Any bugs which you notice are from your Mod Setup or while following the "U.L.T.R.A.T.R.A.S.H. GUIDE" or because you simple dosent load Nevada Skies as last plugin in the list
Version Final
-Added Multi-Language Support -Change some Codes to benefit from xNVSE 6.0.6 -Added Interior Lighting Overhaul -Added Fake Sky and Fake Light Remover (Can be found in the Advanced.ini) -Moved some Feature to Advanced.ini -Added Option for Light Source can be found in Advanced.ini -Added Remember Settings on New Game -Added Option to Disable Error Message -Soft Depencies of Johnny Guitar NVSE -Propably Fixed the Pitch Black Issues -Added Dynamic Lighting for Interiors -Higgs Village Behave Like a Exterior now. (Higgs Villiage count as Worldspace but why ever it act in Vanilla like a Interior) -Adjust the Storm Weathers for better handling and better transition -Shrink Script Use. Script Parts will now Call Accurate and run only what current needed instead of running a lot unessarcy Things which isnt needed for certain Option -Fixed an issues with the FX Editor which was working in MenuMode even if it wasnt Displayed and caused visual bugs.
Fix a Critical issues in the Weather Effect Script Remove Prints Added Full support for Italian
This shit drive me really crazy i hope this contain now all missing files from this mod
Version 5.13
Added Tropical Dreams (i forgot to add it) Fixed Skin Bug Added Seperate Option for Day and Night for Dusty Distance Small Adjustment to Interior Overhaul
Dump unfinished and untested Interior Overhaul Addon Dump unfinished and untested TTW Version Dump unfinished and untested Version 5.13
Use at own Risk
Version 5.0
Rework of Entire Scripting to xNVSE V6 Removed Weather Variation 07 01.10 because the Weather Lighting was horrible. Rework of the IMOD which make Sunset and Sunrise less Bright and the Days Brighter. Adding back the Weather Spawn Chance. Fixed a lot issues with the FX Setting. (Include Night Slider, Contrast and more) Added a full own Conflict Detection to make sure User Installed Nevada Skies right. Full New Effect Script with better Transition and control for the intensitivity for performance. Also effects can be disable entirely. The Weather Firestorm, Sandstorm, Icestorm and Toxicstorm has been splitted and can be enable disable individually. Weather will never change on Fast Travel or while enter/leaving a interior. Dusty Distance has been integrated in Nevada Skies and you can choose your own Fog Distance in MCM. Reencode of Audio FIles to hopefully got rid of Clicking and Noise. Rain nifs has been replaced to work better while rise the performance. Longer Transition between Weathers
Modular Edition and Non DLC has been removed and arent supported anymore. (11 Years guys the game cost damm 5 euro in Ultimate Edition) I wasnt able to fix Sky Seams.
Version 4.22
Rework of the Effect Script (Thanks to Roy and his TTW Team) Performance should be increase
Carry over TTW Rain Fix Maked sure all TTW/YUP fixed are carried over
Unlocking Frostfall for Modular Version
Version 4.20
Frostfall is now Playable for DLC and NON DLC TTW 3.4 is comming soon i dont will do TTW Version Twice
Visual Update of XML Description Fix Added Modular Version for peoples which dosent have all DLC
Fixed Again this no rain bug Fixed a issues with the Event Handler Fixed a issues with XML which was visible during Menu Mode Fix a issues with Shuffle fire which was fire sometime for no reason
TTW Version will be update to 4.18 gain all benefits from above - Frostfall
Version 4.16
Frostfall Update
Fixed the Rapid Weather Change (Caused by a Syntax Error) Update the XML to use Eventhandler instead of a long script Update all Hotkey Related Function to use EventHandler Update MCM to use MCM commands Fix a issues with TTW
Include Frostfall Frostfall is Current Deacitvate. Some Fucntion arent finish yet.
Version 4.03
Fixed German Name Fixed Rapid Weather change Fixed Rain dont Display
Version 3.3
Remove Johnny as Hard depencies to unlock MCM (Still needed for Custom Location Patcher) Remove Interior Fog are Removed Vanilla Enhanced are Removed Fixed Conflict with some Vanilla Scripts Cell Climate is Removed Some Typos Fixed Removed Unused Script and Records Reworked MCM Fixed Flickering in Custom Loaction
Version 1.5
Script adjustments to improve performance
TTW 3.2 support
Version 1.4.2
- Fixed Bug in TTW Edition with black Weather in Tranquility Lane
- Fixed Bug in Ultimate Edition with frozen Character after finishing Lonesome Road
Version 1.4.1
- The ESP files of DLC Edition and Basic Edition got somehow corrupt. This is a fix for it.
Version 1.4
- Fixed Cloud Seams
- Fixed Western Sky Weather Theme
- Fixed Height Values for Meter in DLC and TTW Content
- Fixed lots of Bugs in TTW and DLC Edition
- Fixed some unintended weather appearances
- Fixed Double Rain Bug
- Included HQ Storm Textures made by Hectrol
- Increased Cloud Variations
Version 1.3.2
Fixed dirty entry in TTW Edition
Added Mod Override to TTW Edition and DLC Edition
Version 1.3.1
Fixed a Bug with Winter Edition, not to get always Icestorm and Snow on first installation
Version 1.3
- Some major bugfixes
- Especially storm and rain appeance frequency fixed
- Some fix for display values of the weather devic
Version 1.0
Sound Rework
Rework of all Moods and Weather Variants
Tons of Bugfixes
New Storms and Effects
Rework of Menu System
Version 0.6.2
- Fix for persistent damage and effects bug, that appeared after version 0.6.1
Version 0.6.1
- Fix for persistent Sandstorm and Radstorm Effects
Version 0.6
Weatheritem can now be unpinned and pinned in your inventory
Time display for metering
Metering can now be taken on hotkey if you unpin the item
4 new special moods
There are now 60! different weather conditions
Strip Light changed. Should look bright and fuzzy again
Blur heavily reduced
New Special Condition for Searchlight
Background fog should look quite good now mostly
Thundersounds have delay in some cases
Some changes on weather appearance
No more instant transitions
Interior sounds for rain
Changed appearance of nightsky. Old version available as optional download.
Welcome to Nevada Skies 2281, the most up-to-date and advanced weather mod for Fallout: New Vegas on the Nexus. Besides 400+ weather types, Nevada Skies also features a wide range of functions allowing you to costumize it according to your liking.
A huge Thanks to DarkPopulous for this insane good Showcase.
It has now been about 2 years since I received Yossarian's permission to maintain Nevada Skies. We had good and bad times, good and less-than optimal updates along the way, good choices but also mistakes were made. It was a long and stony road to get to this point, and I fully admit that I also made some bad decisions along the way - but the end result is all that matters.
I present to you Nevada Skies 2281, my final and major update to the mod. From this day onwards, I won't provide any further support or updates to it. I spent a lot of time to ensure everthing works as intended. I apologize if any mistakes or bugs are left in the mod - I am only human, I make mistakes.
From Ancient (1.4) to Final:
Moved the terminal system to an MCM system for easier configuration.
Updated scripts to benefit from JIP LN NVSE and xNVSE functions.
Effects scripts have been fully updated to ensure the transitions work better and performance cost is minimized to almost zero.
Updated all sound files.
Old addons have been recreated and integrated into the MCM so you can simply toggle them on/off.
Converted esm/esp into a single .esp which contains everthing.
Added an FX Editor heavily inspired by Dynavision V3.
Integrated a sound effect volume control system by popular demand.
Climate list has been reworked to suit the different worldspaces much better than before.
DLC integration has been fully reworked to ensure that Moods work in them. (Yes, this includes Dead Money)
A brand new Interior Lighting Overhaul which features a Fake Sky Remover, Fake Light Remover, etc.
The new Interior Overhaul also can affect any custom Interior by default if you wish so.
Added some QoL features such as the mod remembering settings across saves.
Nevada Skies also features multi-language support by default. (Currently fully supports English Italian, and German. Doesn't fully support French and Spanish.)
Highly customizable Easy to use 400+ weathers QoL changes Bug fixes Interior Lighting Overhaul A lot more
Any Weather Mod (Yes, this includes Fellout, Clarity, etc.)
Snow effect tanks FPS if set to High Quality, the effect mesh is a leftover from the mod's earlier iterations. Sky Seams - Caused by cloud textures. (I am not able to fix this.) Gigantic sun - A conflict with EXE. Fuzzy sky textures.
Q: Nevada Skies shows me error messages.
A: Read the error message to solve the underlying problem.
Q: Where are the optional files?
A: They are now included in the main file and can be toggled in the MCM.
Q: I dont have the MCM Menu.
A: Make sure you have MCM installed properly.
Q: I see no new Weathers.
A: Make sure Nevada Skies load as last Plugin. Vortex has some issues with it and LOOT doesn't do it correctly.
Q: Does the mod affect performance?
A: Yes. Extended light source radii can noticeably harm performance if increased via the radius multiplier setting. Snow weather effect will eat FPS if set to High Quality.
Q: I don't see all features in MCM.
A: Some of the options were moved to a config file which you can find under: Data/Config/NevadaSkies/Advanced.ini
I didnt want to include some advanced options in the MCM because of technical issues or because they can cause issues if instructions aren't followed properly.
If you want to use assets from this mod, you need to seek permission from their respective authors as well. Check file credits list for more info. You have complete permission to provide compatiblity patches for other mods.
You do not have permission to change anything related to Nevada Skies' pop-up and error system. You are not allowed to reupload NevadaSkies.esp or make a replacement .esp. All changes must be done via seperate plugins requiring the original mod.
Allnarta for fixing the Cloud Nif EPDGaffney, Marcurios and the TTW Discord for teaching me how to script and for the huge support along the way. Yossarian22 and Marcurios for the orginal Nevada Skies. Thanks to RoyBatterian and his team for the Weather Effect script. ElPascal for countless grammar fixes in both English and German, and also for being a friend. Fallout2AM for Italian Translation.