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About this mod

Backup to disk/restore/copy/move/rotate/scale anything from single items to complete settlements. Save patterns to disk to restore in other save games, place at other settlements, or even share with friends.

Permissions and credits
A year and a half after Struckur sadly had to stop supporting Clipboard, and with the exceptional programming (and patience) skills of WolfMark over on the Nexus Forums, I'm proud to announce the return of one of the best settlement building tools ever to be created.

With permission granted by Struckur to "modify/repost any of Clipboard", I've repackaged his final version with support for the latest Fallout4 and F4SE versions and am also offering a repackaged build of the older 230 version for people who don't use F4SE.  With skills taught to me by WolfMark, I hope I can keep rebuilding Clipboard with each new Fallout4/F4SE version, but because I have absolutely NO programming skills whatsoever I can't promise miracles and also sadly can't offer bug fixes or feature requests.

All questions/comments welcome, and I will do my best to provide as much support as I can.

I'd also like to encourage people to share their "clips" with the Clipboard community.  I've seen some pretty fantastic work from a few users and it would be nice if we had some sort of a forum where we could connect and share our work.  If anyone has any ideas/suggestions please feel free to speak up.

To use the updated version first make a backup copy of your clips library (they're located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\Clipboard), just in case they get overwritten and make sure any currently placed clipboard tools are removed from your game world and then re-save.  Uninstall any older versions of Clipboard and install the new one either manually or with your mod manager.  I use and can highly recommend Vortex.

Alternatively, you can attempt to recompile it yourself by following the work WolfMark and I did here.

For a more detailed description of Clipboard, how it works, and it's development history and changelog, please read through Struckur's original page here.

Clipboard 2-7-6 features both MCM (Mod config menu) support which provided access to several settings and keybindings but is NOT a requirement, and also Text Input Menu support which adds the ability to name your Clips, also not a requirement.  F4SE is naturally a base requirement.

NOTE:  I am NOT the "owner" or creator of Clipboard and I must reiterate - I am NOT a programmer and my skills amount to maybe a basic "Hello World!" level.  If anyone out there with mod creation skills wants to pick up the ball on this and carry Clipboard to the next level - I'm all for it and will gladly make way for someone with more skill.

All source code and VisualStudio config files along with instructions and everything I learnt will be made available on the downloads page.