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Dark Fortune Teller

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About this mod

Dark Future is a fully-featured Survival, Gameplay, and Immersion mod with systems for Basic Needs, Anxiety, Addiction, and more.

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Dark Future contains gameplay elements that may be upsetting to some, including themes of substance abuse and anxiety. While these features can be disabled, you may still see references to them in various descriptions in the game. If you struggle with addiction or mental wellness, you may not have a safe experience when using this content. Stay safe, choom!

SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. Please visit to learn more.

DARK FUTURE is a comprehensive Urban Survival, Gameplay, and Immersion mod for Cyberpunk 2077. It provides new gameplay challenges, and encourages engaging in the world around you in order to stay physically and mentally fit. Dark Future greatly incentivizes returning to one of your apartments to periodically rest and relax.

One year in the making, Dark Future was made with the goal of creating a fully-featured survival gameplay overhaul that feels like a seamless part of the base game. If you love survival gameplay, this mod was made especially for you. Or, if you're just looking for a bit more immersion and not so much difficulty, it's got you covered as well; you can fine tune to your heart's content in Mod Settings. Nearly every feature can be configured or even disabled.

Dark Future has a lot going on. Basic Needs, Injury, Addiction, a rebalance of nearly every consumable... the list goes on, and it might seem overwhelming at first. I encourage you to skim over this page, install the mod (check the requirements!), and jump straight into the game without worrying too much about whether or not you've got it all down. New tutorials will appear that cover each of the mod's most important features, so you can learn as you go. Don't worry, I gotchu, choom.

For the most detailed documentation, head on over to Dark Future's wiki:

View the source code on GitHub:

The primary mechanic of Dark Future is Nerve, which represents how calm and collected you are. When Nerve is low your breathing becomes rapid, your hands tremble when aiming, and Stamina takes longer to begin recovering.

When Nerve is very low, you will become too nauseous to eat and drink, and too restless to sleep. If Nerve reaches 0, you will suffer a fatal heart attack.You won't have to worry about this very often, but if left ignored, the stress eventually adds up. Living in Night City can be demanding.

(Nerve is the only Basic Need that can kill you in Dark Future; you cannot die of starvation, dehydration, or exhaustion. The rate of Nerve loss can be configured in Mod Settings. You can also disable death from 0 Nerve.)

Nerve is lost rapidly when exposed to stress:

  • Being in combat
  • Being traced from Quickhacks while undetected
Nerve is also lost slowly over time when your other Basic Needs are not met.

Nerve is restored by:

  • Engaging in relaxing activities in your apartment and the open world (showering, sleeping, dancing, spending time with a romantic partner, and many other interactions for you to discover!)
  • Consuming certain substances (alcohol, cigarettes, narcotics), all of which are addictive by default.

Combined with disabling Fast Travel and limited vehicle summoning (see below), this creates a new gameplay tension between spending time to return home, or staying out in Night City just a little while longer...

Dark Future introduces four Basic Needs. You'll see them represented on the HUD as meters just below the Health and Stamina bars. They show and hide based on context, just like Health and Stamina; if all of your needs are met, they hide automatically.

You can configure their color, size, position, and behavior in Mod Settings.

(Top: Nerve meter. Bottom: Hydration, Nutrition, and Energy meters.)

The max value of every Basic Need is 100. When any Need falls to certain thresholds (85, 75, 50, and 25), increasingly severe penalty status effects are applied.

When a penalty effect is applied, you will see and hear spoken sounds and visual effects (configurable via Mod Settings) for each Need, letting you know that something has changed. Tremendous care was taken to make these effects as immersive, non-intrusive, and non-annoying as possible.

Dark Future intelligently suspends all effects during important moments. You shouldn't have to care about your growling stomach during an important cutscene.

For a full breakdown of every Basic Need and every penalty, see the Basic Needs page on the Dark Future wiki.


Represents how calm and collected you are. Impacts your ability to eat, drink, sleep, recover Stamina, and aim weapons effectively. You will die if Nerve reaches 0 unless disabled in Mod Settings. See above.
  • Depletes From: Combat, being traced, unmet Basic Needs
  • Recovered By: Relaxation activities or consumables
  • Status Effects: On Edge (85), Anxious (75), Distressed (50), Desperate (25)

Represents how well your thirst has been quenched. If Hydration is low, your Stamina Regen Rate will decline, and sprinting and jumping will cost Stamina.
  • Depletes From: Time
  • Recovered By: Drinking non-alcoholic drinks
  • Status Effects: Slightly Thirsty (85), Thirsty (75), Parched (50), Dehydrated (25)

Represents how well your hunger has been satisfied. If Nutrition is low, your Max Health and Health Regen Rate will decline. You will also swing melee weapons more slowly.
  • Depletes From: Time
  • Recovered By: Eating food
  • Status Effects: Slightly Hungry (85), Hungry (75), Famished (50), Starving (25)
Represents how rested you are. If Energy is low, your Max Stamina, RAM Recovery Rate, and reload speed will decline.
  • Depletes From: Time
  • Recovered By: Sleep, or by consuming caffeinated drinks or narcotics a limited number of times per in-game day. (See note on Stimulants on the Dark Future wiki)
  • Status Effects: Drained (85), Tired (75), Fatigued (50), Exhausted (25)

You'll need to periodically return to one of your Hideouts to recover. Showering, dancing, spending time with a romantic interest, and other relaxing activities are the best (and healthiest) ways to restore Nerve. What's more, consumables can only restore Energy a limited number of times per day, so you'll eventually need to get some sleep.

Interactions outside of V's Hideouts work like you'd expect as well; for example, you can restore Nerve by dancing in a nightclub. Just as in the base game, the only place to sleep is in your own bed, so you will need to return to a Hideout eventually to recover your Energy.

When using an interaction that would cause V to consume something,
you will gain all of the benefits of having consumed a similar item. Example: V's Coffee Machine in the Glen Apartment restores Hydration and Energy, grants the Hydrated status, and adds a stack of the Stimulant status, similar to other coffee items.

If the interaction involves consuming an addictive substance (alcohol, smoking, narcotics), these interactions will contribute to addiction, just as if you had consumed a similar item from your inventory. See Addiction below.

Dark Future uses Status Effects to apply penalties to your character when needs are not met.

Open the Weapon Wheel to view your status at any time. By default, the Weapon Wheel is opened by pressing and holding:
  • Alt (Keyboard)
  • Y (Xbox)
  • Triangle (PS)
This control might be different if you have rebound the "Cycle Weapon" key.

On this screen, you can always see the new Basic Need meters, as well as details on all Status Effects that might be impacting your character. The Basic Need meters are also visible in the Inventory and Skip Time screens.

For experienced Dark Future players: To keep your HUD cleaner during gameplay, toggle "Hide Persistent Status Icons" On in Mod Settings. This will hide long-term status effect icons (Basic Needs penalties, etc) next to the Health bar. You can refer to your meters or the Status Effects in the Weapon Wheel instead.

All Nerve-restoring consumables in the game are addictive. While you won't become addicted right away from using them, continued use of these substances will eventually lead to addiction. When you become addicted, a status message will appear on the screen to notify you.

Addiction mechanics are very configurable via Mod Settings, and can also be disabled entirely.

As noted in Interactions in the World above, when using an interaction that would cause V to consume an addictive substance, those interactions will restore Nerve, grant negative status effects, and will progress addiction as if you had consumed a similar item from your inventory.
Examples include smoking in V's Japantown Apartment, or drinking at a bar.

Consuming alcohol restores moderate amounts of Nerve, while also reducing Mitigation Strength and reload speed. By default, alcohol is difficult to become addicted to. When stacked multiple times, alcohol applies the Numbed status, granting a benefit to Nerve loss while in combat.

  • Where To Find: Bars, restaurants, and loot throughout Night City. Can drink alcohol as an interaction in Bars and certain Hideouts.

Nicotine (Cigarettes)
Smoking restores large amounts of Nerve. Reduces Max Stamina and causes consumption of Stamina when sprinting and jumping. By default, it is relatively easy to become addicted to smoking.

  • Where To Find: Kiosk (Newsstand) vendors. Occasionally found in junk and for sale at Junk Stores. Can smoke as an interaction in certain Hideouts.
  • Note: The existing "Pack of Cigarettes" junk items from the base game were converted into consumables. Dark Future also adds Vargas Black Label as a consumable.

Using narcotics restores significant amounts of Energy. Narcotics randomly restore or deplete Nerve, which can kill you. The more powerful the narcotic, the more that can be restored or depleted, making them very dangerous to use when Nerve is already low. Narcotics often provide powerful combat bonuses. By default, narcotics are very easy to become addicted to.

  • Where To Find: Kiosk (Newsstand) vendors now sell Mr. Whitey. Mr. Whitey vending machines (rare). Unmarked drug dealer vendors on Jig-Jig Street and Saki Seo in Dogtown Stadium sell more potent narcotics like Black Lace and Glitter.
  • Note: Mr. Whitey is now classified as a narcotic, not food. Glitter was added as a powerful narcotic that can slow time.

Addictive substances, especially alcohol, can be used sparingly and never lead to addiction. Any built-up Addiction progress you have will decrease naturally over time. If you cross the line, however, and consume enough of the substance, a message will be displayed letting you know that you have become addicted.

Once enough time has passed after becoming addicted, you will gain an Addiction Withdrawal Status Effect. These status effects limit your total Nerve, preventing you from fully recovering. This limit is represented as a colored region on the right side of the Nerve meter.
(Remember Rads in Fallout 4? It's like that.)

Withdrawal effects expire over time, eventually leading to curing the addiction. Consuming the substance again will remove the Withdrawal immediately... while also progressing your addiction further and resetting any progress you may have made toward curing the addiction.

As you continue to use an addictive substance, your addiction will become more severe. All addictions have the following levels of severity: Early-Stage, Advanced, Severe, and Dependency. Higher levels of addiction severity will cause you to experience longer, more severe Withdrawals, and you will need to use the substance more frequently to prevent them.

The only cure for any addiction is time. Once all of the Withdrawal effects expire, you will gain the Cessation status effect. This is always the final Withdrawal stage.
Once the Cessation effect expires, the addiction will be cured.

While there are no consumables that immediately cure addictions, you can use Addiquit to help pass the time while waiting to be cured. You can find it for sale at all Medpoint vendors. See the Consumables page on the Dark Future Wiki.

If you tried to take the edge off and accidentally ended up with an addiction, don't sweat it! Stock up on food, drinks, and Addiquit, and try to sleep as much as you can in your apartment for a few in-game days until the Withdrawals subside. You'll kick the habit in no time.

In Dark Future, taking damage will eventually result in gaining an Injury. Each stack of this status inhibits your ability to heal damage using Health Items.

The Health Booster item has been renamed Trauma Kit, which now cures the Injury status on top of its previous effect. Trauma Kits are found and purchased everywhere Health Boosters once were, primarily Medpoint Vendors.

The Injury status can be configured or disabled in
Mod Settings.

Dark Future adds new consumables, and updates nearly every existing consumable in the game.

As a general rule, the weight of consumables has increased in order to add friction to buying and carrying large amounts of food, drinks, and medication. (This was seen as preferable to increasing the Eurodollar cost of these items to a fictionally unbelievable degree to achieve the same effect.) By default, you can also no longer store consumables in V's stash (toggleable in Mod Settings). So, use it or lose it!

Consumables that can be used in combat are now clearly labeled as a Combat Consumable. Black Lace and Mr. Whitey are now classified as Combat Consumables.

New Consumables
  • Addiquit - Ignore the effects of Addiction Withdrawal. Costs significant Energy to use.
  • Emergency Cardioregulator - A Combat Consumable that grants a significant amount of Nerve, at the cost of Energy. A lifeline if you're about to run out of Nerve in a prolonged combat encounter or boss fight. Also a narcotic; use wisely.
  • Endotrisine - Reduces the amount of Nerve lost while in combat.
  • Glitter - A powerful and addictive narcotic that slows time.
  • Cigarettes - Restores a large amount of Nerve. Reduces Max Stamina and causes consumption of Stamina when sprinting and jumping for 5 min (this duration can be shortened by using the Syn-Lungs cyberware; see below). Adds Yeheyuan Filters and Morley Fusion, converted from base game junk items, and all new Vargas Black Label with new inventory art and mesh / textures when dropped. (Yes, you can now finally buy Vargas after seeing all of those ads!)

Changes to Existing Consumables
  • Food and Drinks - All food and non-alcoholic drinks restore Nutrition and Hydration. Low-quality food and drinks (typically from vending machines) also deplete a small amount of Nerve. Only higher-quality food and drinks sold at Food Vendors grant the Nourishment and Hydrated bonus, and even then, only if your Nutrition / Hydration is satisfied. Caffeinated drinks grant Energy a limited number of times per day.
  • Alcohol - Now restores a moderate amount of Nerve. Reduces Mitigation Strength and reload speed instead of weapon handling, and adds a new status effect, Numbed, when stacked. You can get the benefits of this status with fewer stacks of alcohol by using the Endorphin Regulator cyberware (see below).
  • Mr. Whitey / Black Lace - Now classified as narcotics, and can be used in combat.
  • Boosters - Normal and "black market" boosters received various adjustments to make them more compelling in light of Dark Future. See Boosters on the Consumables page on the Dark Future wiki.

Dark Future adds two new cyberware available for sale at most Ripperdocs: Syn-Lungs make a return from being cut in earlier versions of the game, as well as the new Endorphin Regulator. Both cyberware start at Tier 3, and can be found starting at Level 17. They can both be upgrade to Tier 5++.

Dark Future also updates the Second Heart cyberware to help prevent the fatal heart attack from Nerve loss.

Dark Future includes a host of other features, changes, and base game bug fixes, all of which are covered in detail on

Fast Travel is disabled by default in Dark Future at DataTerms and Metro Gates. The map marker for DataTerms will still appear on your Map Menu, allowing you to get your bearings.

While other mods exist to disable your ability to Fast Travel, Dark Future allows you to have one fewer mod in your load order to get this feature. Fast Travel is disabled by default, but can be re-enabled with Mod Settings.

If you'd like to continue using your preferred Fast Travel mod, just set "Disable Fast Travel" to "Off" in Mod Settings.

Summoning vehicles now works on a new charge-based system, similar to Healing Items and Grenades. These charges are called Summon Credits. The number to the right of the vehicle hotkey indicates the total number of available Summon Credits.

When the Summon menu is opened, the total number of Summon Credits and the time until the next Credit will be granted is also displayed. If you are out of Credits, you will be unable to summon a vehicle until a new Credit is granted.

Encourages riding the metro and stealing vehicles more frequently, even in the end-game when money is plentiful.

(New in 1.1) You can sleep inside vehicles by pressing and holding X (keyboard) or D-Pad Right (controller).

To sleep, the vehicle must be:

  • Stationary
  • Not on a road or highway
  • Enclosed (cannot sleep while on a motorcycle)
By default, sleeping in a vehicle is less restful than sleeping in a bed. Nerve does not recover, and the amount of Energy you can recover is limited, which prevents clearing the Stimulant status from consumables.

Night City's gangs are always on the lookout for an easy target. You may be ambushed while sleeping in your vehicle.

Special compatibility has been added to support Enhanced Vehicle System. With it, your car will automatically shut off when sleeping, and automatically turn on again after waking up. It's very immersive; try it!

Sleeping in vehicles and being ambushed can be configured, or disabled, in Mod Settings.

To change the key binding to sleep in a vehicle, modify the following file in your Cyberpunk 2077 installation directory:
Cyberpunk 2077\r6\input\Dark Future.xml
For a list of valid keycodes, see:

This small feature of Dark Future limits crafting only to locations where a Stash can be accessed.

When this feature is enabled, the Crafting option is cleanly removed from the Main Menu and the Inventory Menu. The Crafting Menu Hotkey is also disabled.

To access Crafting, move near one of V's Stash containers. You will see a new prompt for Crafting alongside the Open Stash prompt.

Several perks have been updated in order to mention their new benefits in Dark Future, or have been slightly adjusted to more closely align to Dark Future's intended gameplay. See the Perks page on the Dark Future wiki for more info.

Other changes include:
  • Significant new Carry Capacity limits (configurable)
  • Slight adjustment to Stamina Recovery Time, which has a significant impact on combat difficulty (configurable)
  • Disable storage of consumables in V's stash (configurable; prevents stockpiling food, drinks, and medication)
  • VFX and SFX when consuming cigarettes. This is not a first-person smoking animation, and does not block movement or gameplay.

See the Mod Settings page for a list of all settings, and the Other Features and Changes page for more info.

Install this mod by copying the contents of the zip file into your Cyberpunk 2077 directory, or, use Vortex mod manager to install. See the Getting Started page on the Dark Future wiki for installation notes, requirements, and uninstallation.

This mod is Phantom Liberty-aware, but does not require it.

Once installed, Dark Future automatically activates when you load a save game; a welcome message will be displayed.

If starting a new game, Dark Future will be suspended until after you have completed The Rescue. If using the Phantom Liberty quickstart, Dark Future will become available immediately following the first call with Songbird.

Dark Future should be widely compatible with most mods. For a list of mods with specific compatibility notes, please see the Compatibility
section at the bottom of Getting Started.

  • Should be compatible with other mods that restrict or modify Fast Travel. To ensure compatibility, toggle Disable Fast Travel to Off in Mod Settings.
  • Incompatible with Santa Muerte - Death Alternative (as of version 12-8-2024). The mod currently has an issue preventing the game to correctly re-enter the combat state after being resurrected, preventing the Nerve mechanic from working.
  • Partially compatible with Idle Anywhere. You gain the benefits of having consumed an item, but you do not gain the specific benefit of certain items, and in the case of cigarettes, an item is not required or removed, which causes a balance issue.

Please see the FAQ page on the Dark Future wiki.

This mod was made by me, Dark Fortune Teller. I love survival games and survival mods for other games. I hope you enjoy it! If you enjoyed this mod, feel free to drop me a line at [email protected].

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the following people, without which this mod would not have been possible. Your work, encouragement, and willingness to share your knowledge was invaluable.

Psiberx, flib - For many invaluable tools and shared knowledge on Discord.
Manavortex - For encouragement and excellent UI documentation.
Di Crash - For the Survival System mod, who showed that this kind of mod was even possible to make for Cyberpunk.
- For generously adding support for Dark Future in Custom Quickslots.