About this mod
Play through Cyberpunk 2077 again with top-tier gear.
Start a new game from the beginning of V's story or fast-track to your first meeting with Johnny Silverhand.
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Were you dissatisfied with the state of NG+ for this game? The fact that CD Projekt Red didn't want to make one themselves? The fact that all the ones on Nexus weren't truly offering a CDPR-like experience, needing you to go ingame to save your progression preset?
So was I. So I decided to do something about it - attempting to bring a NG+ that would be similar to what CDPR would have made. The mod originally started as an experiment in what you could do with custom game definitions.
What does New Game+ transfer?
- Your progression data (level, street cred, perk points, attribute values, attribute points, Relic points, proficiencies, cyberware capacity shards...) (Note: your level will be capped to 50 in transfer, 40 if you don't own Phantom Liberty - this is to add some progression within NG+)
- Your inventory and stash (the only items that aren't transferred are the ones invisible in UI, the GOG reward items and Skippy/Dying Night)
- Your equipped and unequipped cyberware (some cyberware will be unequipped at the start due to potential concerns with the player's cyberware capacity, your upgraded cyberware stats shards are preserved)
- Your vehicle garage, apart from a few vehicles (Jackie's Arch, Demiurge, Hoon)
- Your wardrobe's clothing store
- Your EquipmentEx outfits
- Q: Does this conflict with (x)?
- A: Unlikely. New Game+ avoids modifying original game files and only certain scenes are modified. Some mods may require extra files to activate with New Game+ due to the way New Game+ achieves fast-tracking to the new start points.
- Q: Can I change my gender/life path from the original save going into New Game+?
- A: Yes.
- Q: Can I disable various bad guys attacking me while I'm doing something?
- A: Yes, via the mod settings menu.
- Q: Can I have the Post-Heist start's start point a little later? I don't like all the cutscenes...
- A: The mod settings menu has a setting for that. You can have the Post-Heist start begin from Misty rolling you into your Megabuilding H10 apartment.
- Q: In Post-Heist start, when Misty rolls you into your apartment, the game is stuck on a black screen with a looping sound...
- A: You may have a quest mod that outputs a tutorial when you enter the apartment. Try spamming C.
- Q: Can I run this on the Fitgirl/Dodi edition of the game?
- A: No.
So, what does this mod introduce that's so unique? How is this better than the other NG+ mods?
- Were you dissatisfied with the starting options the base game provided? Was starting from Phantom Liberty doing too many quests? So was I.
New Game+ has two start point options. One starts from rescuing Sandra Dorsett, the other from after completing The Heist. Both will fast-track previous quests. The "Post-Heist" start option is now available NG+-free as well, with it applying the same build as the "Skip ahead to Phantom Liberty" start option.
- Were you dissatisfied with the fact other NG+ mods would need you to go into a savegame to transfer out your inventory? So was I.(no offense to you, psiberx, Respector is great)
As long as the latest save of the playthrough was made on a Patch 2.0 or later version of the game, New Game+ can load the save data straight from the save selection menu, without needing to continue from the save.
I will not spoil other pieces of content that the mod adds here, so go out and play! Certain content is only available with Phantom Liberty, though I may make it available on non-PL copies later.
While the mod does introduce new enemy abilities for difficulty enhancement, I recommend Enemies of Night City for additional difficulty, as befits a New Game+. This mod introduces several new enemies for additional challenge, as long as you have Phantom Liberty installed.
How do I know that I am eligible for New Game+?
Saves are eligible for New Game+ progression transfer if they are made on Patch 2.0 and up and:
- Are Point Of No Return saves or
- Have Hanako waiting for you at Embers or
- Have Reed waiting for you at Misty's Esoterica
Saves are filtered by playthrough, and only the latest save per playthrough gets shown on the save selection screen.
You will know when you have New Game+ eligible when you have the "New Game+" menu button on your screen.
If your only requirement-meeting saves are from Patch 1.63 or older, then simply continue into a game from one of those saves, make any kind of save again, then go back to the main menu. Once you are in the main menu, New Game+ will have found the new save and have the button displayed for you.
Currently the mod only supports English, though translations are possible and encouraged. The mod utilizes ArchiveXL for localization.
- You need New Game+ installed to load saves from games started using New Game+. This is a hard requirement and will not be lifted.
- Following from this, New Game+ saves will NOT run on consoles using crossplay.
- Saves from consoles are not supported for progression transfer due to differences between console and PC saves, you will have to resave again on PC.
- The mod will not keep the player's selected perks due to the possibility of changing attributes during character creation. Perk Points, along with Relic Points (in case of Phantom Liberty), will be refunded to the player.
Known issues
- In Love Like Fire, the Relic Malfunction sound may be playing during the flashback. I do not believe this is a major bug, as most of the sound is drowned out by the combat and the music. It will be fixed whenever it will be fixed, there's no ETA.
- Some bugs may happen with the transfer of Dying Night from pre-2.0 saves, resulting in The Gun being uncompletable. This should not be a problem in the release version of the mod.
Did I forget to mention it's open-source?
You can find the source code of the mod at https://github.com/alphanin9/CyberpunkNewGamePlus. The mod is licensed under GPL 3.0. Releases may be published quicker on GitHub.
The code is currently awaiting refactoring in certain areas.
- psiberx for extensive help with RED4ext, ArchiveXL, Codeware and TweakXL - even adding new features to TweakXL due to my requests!
- Seberoth for being the developer of CyberCAT, which this mod inherits its save parsing logic from and helping me along the journey
- The WolvenKit developer team for helping me along the way and building awesome tools
- MorningSpice and other dataminers for ideas regarding content I could add to make NG+ a more interesting experience, special thanks to MorningSpice for the thumbnail!
- Vanaukas for providing the header, as well as help with styling the page and support with the thumbnail
- Bioskop for help with page, header and thumbnail design
- Testers for important feedback
- The redmodding discord for general help and moral support
Buy me a coffee!
Support is only provided for legitimate updated copies of the game. The mod will only work on the latest version of the game, and support for older versions is not planned. If you're using an older version, you're on your own.