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About this mod

Adds guidebooks to the different standing stones, with hidden collectables at each stone and a customizable buff if you complete a hidden quest.

Permissions and credits

Sightseer offers an immersive, in-game method for the player to target and motivate their exploration of the standing stones. No longer must the player rely on a magic compass (or internet searches) to seek them out. Instead, guidebooks can be bought from vendors that provide guides to their locations.

But that's not all. To motivate the player to explore these far flung reaches, Sightseer adds hidden gems to the standing stones. When in the player's inventory, each gem provides a minor buff themed around its stone. There's also an unmarked quest that gives dedicated explorers a larger reward - the ability to magnify the effects of one gem in return for sacrificing all others.

The guidebooks can be bought from regular shops, though they are most likely to stock guides to the more accessible stones. For the harder to reach stones you should check in with court wizards. They will also sell a book on "Nordic Customs" that will point you in the right direction for the unmarked quest. For spoilers head to the bottom of the mod page.

SPID - to distribute guidebooks to vendors.

Recommended mods
Favorite Misc Items - to favorite guidebooks for quick access.
Undiscovered means Unknown - extreme compass edition (new) - so you actually need to pay attention to the landscape. I suggest turning off undiscovered location icons entirely.

Download and install through your mod manager of choice. It is safe to install on an existing save. The plugin is ESL-flagged.

Check the update notes. Updates that change script properties will require a new game.

Safe to uninstall at any time.

Performance impact

Sightseer adds gems to the world space around standing stones. Mods that alter the stones or the landscape around them may cause the gems to be in the wrong place or to be unobtainable. There is a patch for Ryn's Standing Stone Overhaul in the optional downloads.

Building Your Character
Master of One - A perk overhaul that transforms perks from generic character progression into a means to craft unique and specialized builds.
Curse of the Firmament - A standing stones overhaul that emphasizes tough choices.
Legacy - A race overhaul that bring strengths and weaknesses to each race.
Acolyte - A progressive-yet-unobtrusive religion overhaul with a long path to divinity.

Enemies and Combat
Know Your Enemy (armor modulepatcher version) - A resistance and weakness overhaul for enemies and armors.
Know Your Enemy 2 (armor moduleintegration patch) - An upgraded resistance overhaul: more damage types, more configuration, more polish.
NPC Stat Rescaler - A patcher that adjusts player and NPC stats for faster, fairer, and less spongy combat.
Enemy Releveler - A patcher that adjusts NPC levels to truly delevel the world.

Stats and stat growth
Exhaustion - Incremental Fatigue - An ultra-lightweight injury/fatigue system.
Exercise - Incremental Growth - An add-on for Exhaustion that converts fatigue into stat growth.
Geometric Stat Growth - Stats grow by a configurable percentage on level up, instead of a fixed value.

Leveling and skills
Tribute - Gold Based Leveling - A configurable and lightweight spell that turns gold into character levels.
Configurable Perks Per Level - An MCM to edit how many perk points you get on level up.
Trainers Galore - An expansion of the training system designed for "training only" leveling.
XP Editor - A patcher that adjusts xp gain and leveling.

Challenging Spell Learning - Spell Tomes trigger a costly ritual you must pass to learn spells.
Pick Your Poison - An alchemical handbook to support strategic foraging.
Sightseer - Standing Stones - Guidebooks for the standing stones, collectibles to find, and a hidden quest to unite them.

Mod Lists
Thoughtful Skyrim - A small, gameplay-focussed modlist that rewards preparation and planning.

Thanks to u/dom_optimus_maximus who created the image used on this mod page.


You sure you want to ruin the surprise?

Really sure?

Okay, if you insist...

Visit each stone and collect the gems. The gems are small, but usually within a yard or two or the stone. Some are concealed among plants, but none should be too hard to find. These are the locations:


Apprentice - In the deathbells just to the right of the stone (the stone's right).
Atronach - In the pool immediately in front of the stone, among jazaby vegetation.
Lady - Among the stones to the standing stone's left, look at the ground.
Lord - In or under the bandits cooking pot.
Lover - On the ledge behind the stone, don't fall!
Mage - Behind the stone, fallen off the ledge into brush.
Ritual - SW of the stone, on the platform.
Serpent - Behind the stone, on the edge of the cliff.
Shadow - Left of the stone (its left), near a skeleton.
Steed - On top of a small rock pillar to the stone's left.
Thief - Inside the circular opening within the stone, you'll need to jump and grab it.
Tower - Off the edge, on a tiny ledge, behind the stone. Don't fall!
Warrior - Immediately behind the stone.

If you use Ryn's the stones are in basically the same positions, but with some minor differences:
Mage - gems remains on ledge behind stone
Shadow - you may need to drag the skeleton to be able to pick up the gem due to an added bush.
Tower - Tiny ledge is a big ledge now!
Warrior - Gem is now infront of the stone.

If one is lost (e.g. you shout it off a cliff) you'll need to use the console instead. Type help "<sign> Gem" to see its form id (e.g. help "Lord Gem"), then use player.additem <formid> 1 to give yourself the gem.

The effects of the gems are as follows:

Apprentice - spells cost 3% less magicka
Atronach - 5 more magicka
Lady - 5 more stamina
Lord - power attacks cost 3% less stamina
Lover - 5 more health
Mage - magicka regenerates 3% faster
Ritual - illusion spells are 3% more powerful
Serpent - resist poison +3%
Shadow - sneak attacks deal 3% more damage
Steed - stamina regenerates 3% faster
Thief - pickpocketing is 3% more likely to succeed
Tower - 10 more armor rating
Warrior - health regenerates 3% faster

Once you have all the gems you will be informed that they feel restless. Keep an eye out for future notifications, you may also want to re-read the Nordic Customs book. If you can't figure it out here's what you need to do:

Go to the Guardian stones on a clear night (between 10pm and 3am), activate a stone and it will offer to enhance the effects of its gem, or the gem of a constellation under its charge (so if you want the atronach buff, go to the mage, but if you want the steed buff, go to the warrior etc.). Accept and you lose all gems, but gain the more powerful buff. The buff is the same effect as the corresponding gem, but five times as strong. For the serpent buff, go to the serpent stone (again on a clear night) instead of the guardian stones.