File information
Created by
Drunkzealot and Croc - ported to SSE by Hilli1Uploaded by
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About this mod
This pack includes historically accurate and lore friendly armors and weapons, originally made by Drunkzealot, Croc, Moraelin, Urwy, xXKevinSaerXx, Matherthebec and redxavier. English, German and Spanish version available.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
- Changelogs
Somewhat Historically Accurate Weapons and Norse Viking Gear
This is a port to Skyrim Special Edition based on the work of Drunkzealot and Croc with permission from the original author's.
Original Mod's:
Drunkzealot's somewhat historically accurate weapons by Drunkzealot
NorseViking Armor II by Croc
Version 2.0:
Added Viking Sword Petersen Type X by xXKevinSaerXx.
Added Medieval Sword - Oakeshott Type XVIa by xXKevinSaerXx .
According to the description of the two original mod's, the mod's are free to use as long as credit is given and the original-author is informed where the mod is used.
Version 3.0:
Added Scale Armor by Croc
Added Type K Basterdsword by Urwy
Added Raider Helmet by redxavier
Added Matherian Viking Shields Set by Matherthebec
Added parts of Arming Swords, Moraelins Maces, Secret Of The Silverblades and European Greatsword by Moraelin
All added mods have open permissions. Under the credits you will find details.
Note: I don't accept any kind of donations. Furthermore I will not take part on the mod authors donation system in any way. Any earned donation points for all
my ported mods go to the original mod authors to 100 percent. When you feel you should donate, please give some money to the animal shelter next to you.
Of course you can donate the original author when you find a donate-button on the original page. Let modding be free. Forever.
Firstly I wanted to port Drunkzealot's somewhat historically accurate weapons only. For taking some nice pics I searched for a proper armor and found the amazing Norse Viking Armor II by Croc. I felt these armors fitting perfect the viking shields and axes from Drunkzealot's mod and so came up the idea to combine these two wonderful mods. Besides the six medieval blades you find here a full viking set with armors, weapons and shields. Versions 2.0 and 3.0 expanded this mod to a large viking styled mod with a lot of items included.
This pack includes historically accurate and lore friendly armors and weapons. As of version 3.0 this mod adds 36 new weapons, 56 shields (28 different shield styles, each in light and heavy variant) and 33 armor pieces to the game. The srmors can be used by males and females. Since the armors do not show much skin they should be (more or less) compatible with most body mods.
This mod is completely standalone. No other items of the original game will be overwritten. The meshes are optimized with Nif-Optimizer. Most textures are in 2K. All weapons can be crafted and tempered. English, German and Spanish versions are available. The ESP is cleaned, hand-polished and checked for errors in TES5Edit.
As of version 2.0 there are two versions of the mod available:
All weapons can only be crafted and tempered. The weapons are NOT added to levelled lists and NOT distributed in the world. Choose this option for maximum compatibility.
All weapons can be crafted and tempered. In addition the weapons are added to levelled lists and are distributed to the world. The weapons have a chance to appear in the world and it is possible to buy them from blacksmiths after reaching a certain level. The needed levels are different for every weapon, depending on the weapon stats.
IMPORTANT: Don't forget to make a Bashed Patch if you use the levelled-lists version.
If you need help making a Bashed Patch look here: Wrye Bash Installation and Bash Patch Tutorial or S.T.E.P. Project Wiki - Bashed Patch.
How to craft ?
A forge can be used to create a weapon or a armor piece. To craft an item you need to know the correct crafting perk and you need to have the needed materialsin your inventory (details see spoiler below). In addition there are crafting books for every weapon. Keep the correct book in your inventorywhen you want to craft a weapon. Otherwise the item will not show up atthe forge. A sharpening wheel can be used to improve the weapon twice as much. Crafting books are not needed for tempering.
Note: Some weapons may require more then 100 points in smithing when you want to upgrade them to legendary. To achieve this you have to fortify your smithing skill by using special items or potions, for example Blacksmith's Elixier, Necklace of Peerless Smithing, Ring of Peerless Smithing or similar.
Crafting books:
Since it took ages to scroll through the crafting menu because of all the mods I installed, I was thinking about a solution to clean up the crafting menu. The solution is an additional crafting book for every weapon which you need to have in your inventory when you want to craft the specific item. Simply remove the books from your inventory and nothing will show up in your crafting menu. This way you can easily declutter your crafting menu. All crafting books will automatically added into your inventory when you run this mod for the first time. Thishappens with a little quest (without any additional scrips) which runs only once. I did my best to create pleasing crafting books. Every book contains useful information to craft the item. I plan to add this feature bit by bit to all my existing mods.
Why did I add the books direktly to the player's inventory? Well, what are the alternatives?
- Adding them directly to the inventory of merchants for selling. Possible, but it is not a good modders practice and would cause incompatibilities. Every mod which
alters merchant's inventory would be incompatible.
- Adding them to merchant's levelled lists for selling. Possible, but I don't know a possibility that items always appear in the merchants inventory this way. That's why
this possibility is out of question.
- Adding them to the world so that you have to search them. Possible and most immersive but it would cause incompatibilities with every mod which alters the place
where the specific book is located. Compatibility patches will be needed for all those mods.
I want my mods as compatible as possible. So I decided to add the books directly to the players inventory. It is the best way in my opinion and causes no problems. You can always remove the books from your inventory and store them somewhere.
You need to have the right crafting book in your inventory when you want to craft an item.
(Receips will be added here later.)
Item ID's:
You can use the mod AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer to obtain the weapons. In case you want to add the items via console use the following item ID's:
Note: You must replace the "XX" with your specific mod index.
Anderthalbhander - XXCC0EBB
Bastard Sword - XX00538A
Bidenhander - XXDA01E1
Broadsword - XX002DBB
Dane Blade - XX003321
Flambard - XX002DC9
Flanged Mace - XXDA0208
Flanged War Mace - XX001D99
Kindjal Dagger - XX006917
Longsword - XX000D67
Morning Star - XX00182F
Pernach Mace - XXDA01FF
Spiked Mace - XX001833
Spiked War Mace - XXDA0204
Swordstaff - XX00C4D4
Type K Sword - XXCC0EF8
Type X Sword - XXDA01FB
Type XI Sword - XX0012C9
Type XII Sword - XX0012D0
Type XIIa Sword - XXDA01EE
Type XIII Sword - XX0012D1
Type XIIIa Sword - XXDA01EA
Type XIV Sword - XX0012D2
Type XV Sword - XXDA01E6
Type XVa Sword - XXDA01E7
Type XVIII Sword - XX0012D3
Type XIX Sword - XX005E6C
Type XIXa Sword - XX005E6A
Type XX Sword - XX00537A
Ulfberth Sword - XX000D65
Viking Axe - XX00286A
Viking Battleaxe - XX00435B
Viking Broadsword - XX004E26
Viking Greatsword - XX0074F3
Viking Sword - XX0074F8
Zweihander - XX000D63
Nordic Bracers - XX000D69
Nordic Brynje - XX00746C
Nordic Brynje Lamellar - XX007465
Nordic Fur Boots - XXCC0EEF
Nordic Hauberk - XX00746A
Nordic Hauberk Lamellar - XX007462
Nordic Heavy Helmet - XX004361
Nordic Heavy Leather Scale Hauberk - XX001DAF
Nordic Heavy Nasal Helmet - XX004363
Nordic Heavy Scale Boots - XXCC0EA9
Nordic Heavy Scale Gauntlets - XX001DA8
Nordic Heavy Scale Hauberk - XX001DAA
Nordic Heavy Scale Helmet - XXCC0EA8
Nordic Heavy Steel Helmet - XX001001
Nordic Heavy Veiled Helmet - XX006E8C
Nordic Leather Boots - XX007468
Nordic Leather Helmet - XX004365
Nordic Leather Jerkin - XX003DFB
Nordic Leather Nasal Helmet - XX004367
Nordic Leather Scale Haunerk - XX001DAE
Nordic Leather Shoes - XX0048D2
Nordic Light Helmet - XX001D9F
Nordic Light Nasal Helmet - XX001DA1
Nordic Scale Boots - XXCC0EB0
Nordic Scale Gauntlets - XXCC0EAE
Nordic Scale Hauberk - XXCC0EB4
Nordic Scale Helmet - XXCC0EB2
Nordic Splinted Greaves - XX005398
Nordic Splinted Bracers - XX005E62
Nordic Red Tunic - XX000D6B
Nordic Blue Tunic - XX000D6D
Nordic Scale Heavy Shield - XX001DAC
Nordic Scale Light Shield - XX00183D
Viking Shield Birds (heavy) - XX007971
Viking Shield Birds (light) - XXCC0EC4
Viking Shield Blue Spiral (heavy) - XX007EE3
Viking Shield Blue Spiral (light) - XXCC0EC6
Viking Shield Blue (heavy) - XX00692F
Viking Shield Blue (light) - XXCC0EC5
Viking Shield Brown Cross (heavy) - XX008468
Viking Shield Brown Cross (light) - XXCC0EC7
Viking Shield Celtic Blue (heavy) - XX002862
Viking Shield Celtic Blue (light) - XXCC0ED9
Viking Shield Celtic Knot (heavy) - XX00691B
Viking Shield Celtic Knot (light) - XXCC0EC9
Viking Shield Celtic (heavy) - XX00693E
Viking Shield Celtic (light) - XXCC0EC8
Viking Shield Chess (heavy) - XX006939
Viking Shield Chess (light) - XXCC0ECA
Viking Shield Cross (heavy) - XX0063B4
Viking Shield Cross (light) - XXCC0ECB
Viking Shield Cyan Spiral (heavy) - XX00846D
Viking Shield Cyan Spiral (light) - XXCC0ECC
Viking Shield Double Cross (heavy) - XX006934
Viking Shield Double Cross (light) - XXCC0ECD
Viking Shield Dragon (heavy) - XX00746E
Viking Shield Dragon (light) - XXCC0EDB
Viking Shield Dragon (heavy) - XX008459
Viking Shield Dragon (light) - XXCC0ECE
Viking Shield Flower (heavy) - XX007EE8
Viking Shield Flower (light) - XXCC0ECF
Viking Shield Golden Dragon (heavy) - XX00692A
Viking Shield Golden Dragon (light) - XXCC0ED0
Viking Shield Grey (heavy) - XX002866
Viking Shield Grey (light) - XXCC0EDA
Viking Shield Primitive (heavy) - XX006943
Viking Shield Primitive (light) - XXCC0ED1
Viking Shield Raven (heavy) - XX007EF2
Viking Shield Raven (light) - XXCC0ED2
Viking Shield Red (heavy) - XX002859
Viking Shield Red (light) - XXCC0EDC
Viking Shield Red Spiral (heavy) - XX008463
Viking Shield Red Spiral (light) - XXCC0ED3
Viking Shield Red Yellow Chess (heavy) - XX007EED
Viking Shield Red Yellow Chess (light) - XXCC0ED4
Viking Shield Star (heavy) - XX007ED4
Viking Shield Star (light) - XXCC0ED5
Viking Shield Three Ravens (heavy) - XX00845E
Viking Shield Three Ravens (light) - XXCC0EC3
Viking Shield Viking Knot (heavy) - XX007ED9
Viking Shield Viking Knot (light) - XXCC0ED6
Viking Shield White (heavy) - XX006920
Viking Shield White (light) - XXCC0ED7
Viking Shield Worn Red (heavy) - XX002894
Viking Shield Worn Red (light) - XXCC0EDD
Viking Shield Yellow Spiral (heavy) - XX007EDE
Viking Shield Yellow Spiral (light) - XXCC0ED8
Viking Shield Yellow (heavy) - XX00285D
Viking Shield Yellow (heavy) - XXCC0EDE
Viking Arrows Red Paint (with a quiver and a shield on top) - XX007516
Viking Arrows Yellow Paint (with a quiver and a shield on top) - XX007517
Viking Arrows Blue Paint (with a quiver and a shield on top) - XX007514
Viking Arrows Grey Paint (with a quiver and a shield on top) - XX007515
Viking Arrows Worn Red Paint (with a quiver and a shield on top) - XX00435F
How to install ?
Use a mod manager of your choice (recommended):
Mod Organizer 2, Nexus Mod Manager, Vortex:
Install as usual. Run the FOMOD-installer and choose your options.
Wrye Bash:
WB does not support FOMOD-installers. As a WB user you probably know how to handle FOMOD's. One possibility is to use MO2 or NMM to pick your poison and repack the result as 7zip-file. After that you can install the new created archive in WB.
Manual installation (not recommended):
Unpack the archive somewhere and choose one of the 2 core folders and one of the 6 ESP's. Then put the content of the choosen folders in your data-folder. Pick a patch if needed.
Skyrim Special Edition. USSEP technically not needed but highly recommended.
Patches / Compatibility:
Frostfall by Chesko
The armors are fully compatible with Frostfall. All armors have a warmth and coverage rating. No Patch needed. The mod is compatibe out-of-the-box.
ABT SE - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks by Kevkas
There are different patches for the mod ABT available. You can choose a regular ESP or a ESPFE. For each version patches are available with the following speed tweaks for arrows: +10%, +25%, +50%, +75%, +100%. The gravity of the arrows is tweaked from 0.35 (Vanilla) to 0.20. The patches work for both versions of the main mod.
Complete Archery Overhaul by Horrible Andy
Regrettably the mod was deleted by the author by now. Having said that the mod is interesting, especially because of the added need of fletchings and bow strings for crafting arrows and bows. When you use that mod, here comes the patch for the arrows. The viking-arrows fly 50% faster and the gravity of the arrows is tweaked from 0.35 (Vanilla) to 0.25. Beyond that the receips for the viking-arrows were adjusted. You will need fletchings for crafting now.
Load the patch after HistoricalWeapons.esp and SE_archeryFTW.esp. The patch is not compatible with ABT or any of the ABT-patches.
Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade - Fully compatible. CCO globals were added to every recipe.
Dual Sheath Redux and Ecotone Dual Sheath - Fully compatible. I created and added DSR meshes for all one-handed weapons. Note: The patcher from Ecotone Dual Sheath doesn't work with BSA files. The models have to be loose or it can't find them.
MorrowLoot and MorrowLoot Ultimate - Compatible. Those mods completely remove higher level objects from levelled loot lists. Using the Levelled-Lists version of Albion Swords may result in inconsistencies with the scope of those mods, because the new added items including higer level weapons will appear in levelled lists. Because of that I recommend to use the Smithing-Only-Version, which is fully compatible, for the ML/MLU user. An experienced user can remove the higher lever weapons from the leveledlists using SSEEdit to make the Levelled-Lists-Version fully compatible with those mods.
Skyrim Revamped - Loot and Encounter Zones - Compatible. Same as ML/MLU.
Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - Compatible. Crafting recipes and stats may be a bit inconsistent here and there. I could make them more constistent but I
did not want to differ too much from the original mods. You can easily adjust the item stats using SSEEdit by yourself.
YASH - Yet Another Skyrim Hardcore mod - Compatible. YASH completely delevels the world. That means there is a chance to find every item in the game as of level 1, including higher level gear. This makes every mod which adds levelled items to levelled-lists inconsistet with YASH. Using the Levelled-Lists version makes the new weapons available after reching a certain level (see description section). Because of that I recommend to use the Smithing-Only-Version, which is fully compatible. When you want to use the Levelled-Lists-Version you must delevel the levelled lists to ensure a full compatibility with YASH. On the YASH page you find in the descriptions a link to a SSEEdit script, which delevels every mod very easily. Alternatively you can use the Unlevel-Item-Lists feature of the mod True Unleveled Skyrim by DanielUA. Note: When building the bashed patch always load YASH last, otherwise the levelled lists will be releveled again. Special tip: After building the bashed patch you only need to delevel every entry in the bashed patch, since the bashed patch overwrites any other changed levelled lists.
Known Issues:
1.) The red and blue tunics can be weared by males only. Females will wear the red/blue vanilla merchant tunic.
2.) Depending on the body mod you use, there can occur some slightly mismatches when wearing the armor. I use the new CBBE and noticed a small gap between hand and body when using the armor without bracers. So simply use bracers, gauntlets or gloves and you will be fine.
Mods used in pictures:
Armor: Norse Viking Armor from this mod
Character: The character preset is taken from Shiva's Beautiful Presets
Screenshots were taken using the mod The DollHouse Photo Studio.
Pose mods used: Halo Poser SE, Wulf Pose SE, Nise's Poser SE. Google them.
Q: Does this mod work with Skyrim VR ?
A: Usually this kind of mod should work, but I don't know it for sure. I don't own VR equipment and cannot test it. You have to find it out by yourself.
Q: Is the mod compatible with ... ?
A: The mod adds new items only. Apart from levelled lists no original assets of the game are affected. Technically this mod should be compatible witheverything.
However inconsistencies with other mods may appear. Some notes for specific modsyou can find in the compatibility section of this page.
Q: Is this weapon added to leveled lists?
A: You can choose an option with levelled lists support.
Q: Does this mod use scripts?
A: No.
Q: Can I savely merge the mod with others?
A: Yes. If you want to merge this mod, please use the loose-files version. Alternatively you have to unpack the bsa-files by yourself.
Q: Can you port the mod for XB1 ?
A: No. I don't use XB1.
Q: Can you provide ESL files ?
A: I considered it, but no.
Q: Why ?
A: Several reasons. ESL files require to change the form ID's. That means ESP and ESL versions are not compatible, meaning any future changes would have to be done
twice. Switching between a ESP and a ESL in a save game is not possible. Both files are different mods in the end. When updating a ESL version and converting it to
ESL again, the form ID's will have changed again. All this tends to result in issues. I really don't need complaints like "My sword is gone. Help!". Beyond that I detected
that Wrye Bash currently ignores ESL files when building the bashed patch. That's why ESL's are not useable for files that alter levelled lists. When you have too little
free ESP slots I recommend to merge ESP's. Especially weapon and armor mods are suitable to merge. So I strongly suggest to learn how to use Merge Plugins.
Q: Can you backport this mod to Oldrim ?
A: Seriously? When you are still on Oldrim use the original mods. But why still using Oldrim? Switch to SSE. It's time. Really. I mean it.
Q: I found a bug.
A: Oh damn! Please report it in the bugs section of this page. Try to describe the issue as accurate as possible and mention the version you use.
I will try to fix as soon as possible.
Q: Are the weapons lore-friendly ?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you add ... ? / Can you change ... ?
A: Maybe. Feel free to ask.
Q: I don't like these weapons.
A: I don't need any complaints how you don't like the mod. Simply move on and use a mod you like.
Credits and special thanks to
Drunkzealot for Drunkzealot's somewhat historically accurate weapons
Croc for NorseViking Armor II and Scale Armor
shingouki2002 for original helmet model
Nate Hallahan of Hammerwing Studios for heavy helmet
TH3WICK3D1 for lamellar cuirass model
ActusReus for lamellar and belt texture
xXKevinSaerXx for Viking Sword Petersen Type X and Medieval Sword Oakeshott Type XVIa
Urwy for Type K Bastardsword
Moraelin for Arming Swords, Moraelins Maces, European Greatsword and Secret of the Silverblades
Matherthebec for Matherian Viking Shields Set
Redxavier for Raider Helmet
IWantMyMod for letting me use his backshield models for Auto Unequip Shield to Back
Kevkas for the ABT SE Mod and the ABT SE Tutorial
HorribleAndy for Complete Archery Overhaul
FrankFamily for helpful tips to fix the Ulfberht sword
Celiand for the spanish translation
and (of course):
Bethesda for one of the best games ever
ousnius for SSE Nif Optimizer
Other tools used: CreationKit 2.0, SSEEdit 3.2.1, NifSkope 2.0.0, Gimp 2.10, MergePlugins 2.3.1, ESP-ESM Translator 3.50, 7-zip
For those who are interested here are the permissions from the mods I used:
Thank You
Thank you for checking out the mod. I did my best to provide a good mod for YOU.
Please come back and endorse when you like the mod. Thank you.
You have read until here? Really? I am impressed. Congratulations. You are probably the only one in a hundred. But now it's time to play ... Have fun !