About this mod
Replace most weapons' block animations. Allow you to use weapon/shield block bash to parry the NPC and Draugr, backstab the NPC. Compatible with Elden Rim - Weapon Arts and EldenParry.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
• Replace "block bash" and "block idle" animations, add MaxuBlockOverhaul "block hit" animations, and Execution animations base on Elden Rim - Weapon Arts. The types of weapons included are as follows:
- GreatSword
- Two-hand hammer and axe
- One-hand hammer and axe
- One-hand sword
- Dagger
- One-hand hammer and axe
- Dual sword (with dagger)
- Duan hammer and axe
- Shield
- Unarmed
- Spear (From Animated Armoury)
• Parry attack from the NPC or Draugr through block bash. After two times parry to the same NPC/Draugr you can perform an Execution and deal damage.
• BackStab the NPC or Draugr through block bash.
• After the execution you can gain different BUFF.
• Compatible with Elden Rim - Weapon Arts. The basic Parry and Execution System is from Elden Rim - Weapon Arts. Many thanks to black364 and AchangAlax
1. Install with your MO, the install and load order is the Number at the beginning of file name.
Make SURE you have requirements installed. Especially ModernStaggerLock and Payload Interpreter. The Execution system can't work without them.
Make SURE you have installed Behavior Data Injector(BDI) and it's Payload patch. Without these two the Execution can't be trigger. I forgot about it in first publish, oops.
2. Details of each files are as follow:
• “00 Rim Parry Stand Alone”
Main file. It also contains the Parry and Execution system from Elden Rim - Weapon Arts.
• “01 Rim Parry Elden Rim_patch”
Elden Rim - Weapon Arts Compatibility patch. With this you can gain EldenTalentLevel if your execution kill the enemy. Also it's needed to avoid the interruption from special stagger in Elden Rim when performing an Execution.
• “02 Rim_Parry_Elden Parry_patch SA ver”
This is the patch for Elden Parry, It will disable Elden Rim Parry system, and let the Elden Parry take over it. DO NOT install it if you don't want to use Elden Parry.
• “EldenParry Sound Effect”
Sound effect I collected for Elden Parry. The same one you have listened in the Preview video. Load it under Elden Parry.
3. If you are using Elden Parry, you must set the value of "fParryWindow_Start" above 0. You can find it in "EldenParry.ini", in the Elden Parry mod folder.
Here is the value setting I am using myself:
fParryWindow_Start = 0.02
fParryWindow_End = 0.2
4. You must install Dual Wield Parrying SKSE to use Dual Wield block and unarmed block.
5. In TDM MCM "Projectile Settings" menu, I suggest setting the Missile Aim Mode to "Predictive". This can make execution magic effect hit the target more accurately.
Ver1.1 Update Notice
Before update ver1.1. I recommend that go to an indoor area, unequip and drop the Hornet Lost Ring. Then go outside and save.
After that you can update ver1.1. Load that save you just saved outside with no Hornet Lost Ring equiped, and forge a new Hornet Lost Ring.
Not compatible with Disable NPC Taunt
Not compatible with Impactful blocking
Not compatible with mod that conflict with ModernStaggerLock. The execution stagger is totally depends on ModernStaggerLock.
Not compatible with Dynamic Grip MCO, some users report that this mod will disable 2hm_blockbashintro animation, cause the parry can't work properly.
1. Parry
First use TDM to lock on the enemy. When the enemy is attacking, use your shield or weapon do a Light block bash. The enemy attack will be interruptted and forced into stagger. Do that to the same enemy for the second time within the time limit, the enemy will knee down and can be executed.
- Default Parry
If you don't use Elden Parry, the mod will use parry system from Elden Rim - Weapon Arts as default. It's the same as "the caestus" in it, but let the block animation trigger it. The time limit is 10 seconds. Easy using, your parry almost 100% success. But you will still get hurt if the enemy attack reach your first.
- Elden Parry
If you seek for challenge like me, try using Elden Parry. The time limit is 60 seconds. (Because Elden Parry need practice and reactivity to trigger, like soul games. So I increase the time limit)
2. Back Stab
First use TDM to lock on the enemy. Stand within an area of 60° behind the enemy. Then use your shield or weapon to do a Light block bash, the enemy will be knock down and can be execuated.
3. Execuation
After two times successful parry the eneny will knee down and can be executed. You need to use TDM to lock on the enemy. Standing within an area of 120° in front of the enemy or within an area of 60° behind the enemy. Then press "Right Attack/Block"(Normally just press your left mouse) to perform the execuate.
4. Damage Calculation
Abandon using magic effect to cause damage in old version.
In ver1.1 the damage is calculated by “Your Weapon Crit Damage (Wearing Hornet Lost Ring to scale it up) + Precision”
You can forge and equip the "Hornet Lost Ring" to increase the execution damage. The multiplier increase value is determined by your block level.
5. Execution Buff
You can gain different Buffs after execution. It depends on your weapons and skill level.
One-hand weapon buff require 30 mag. Two-hand weapon buff require 45 mag. The buff will last 30 seconds.
- One-hand Sword: Increase "Melee Damage". Enchanting your weapon with "Magic Absorb"
- Dagger: Increase magic regeneration. Slow down 50% speed of the enemy. Increase the damage taken by enemies
- One-hand Axe: Increase health and stamina regeneration. Increase Movement Speed in battle
- One-hand Mace: Increase damage resist. Creat a ward that can absorb magic damage WHEN blocking
- GreatSword: Increase "Two-hand weapon Damage". Reduce dragon shout 20% cool down. Player can't be staggeredwhen attacking.
- Two-hand Axe: Increase stamina regeneration. Enchanting your weapon with "Health Absorb"
- Two-hand Hammer: Increase Max health and Max stamina. Increase player Armor perk. Increase player magic resist.
- Spear: Enchanting your weapon with "Fire". Release an Fire Explosion at the end of execution.
- Shield + Sword: Player reduce stagger and damage taken. Increase follower "Melee Attack" damage. Give "Brave" to follower
- Shield + Dagger: Player reduce stagger and damage taken. Increase follower "Crit". Give "Brave" to follower
- Shield + Axe: Player reduce stagger and damage taken. Increase follower "Movement Speed". Give "Brave" to follower
- Shield + Mace: Player reduce stagger and damage taken. Give follower a ward that can absorb magic damage. Give "Brave" to follower
- Unarmed: Increase "unarmed damage". Restore player and surrounding follower health.
1. This mod takes a lot of OAR priority. I can't make sure it won't have priority conflict with other mods.
2. Because Skyrim is using Blended animation, if you block while moving, there will be two animations control you at the same time. The block animation will control your two arms and hands, the walk\run animation will control the rest especially the waist. So block while moving may looks weird if both of them don't match well.
• Many thanks to black364 and AchangAlax. The whole parry and execution system and some animations and materials are from the Elden Rim - Weapon Arts they created. They provide me the tools and tutorial to make animation for skyrim. This mod can't not be made without their help. Here is their wiki: Elden Rim wiki.
• This mod first inspiration is from Elden Parry made by Dtry. I really love this mod and base on that I start my work.
• Clothes in the preview is Ashtoreth Duskrogue Armor 3BA