About this mod
Replacer for Skyrim interface in a dark fantasy style with some QoL improvements.
Easy on eyes.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
All further updates will be made only for SE versions of my mods.
A complete interface replacer for SkyUI and other Skyrim UI menus.
Works on any aspect ratio (automatically, no actions needed).
New UI sounds included (optional).
What's new in comparison with old Dear Diary besides visual aspect:
- moreHUD
- Frostfall and Last Seed widgets
* Dialogue menu is now covered, based on my Convenient Dialogue UI mod
* Book menu is now based on my Convenient Reading UI mod
* Item cards completely redone to have consistent look in terms of size and text positions
* Almost all images have their own external SWFs to allow skins creation without the need of edit framework files
* Stats menu is now compatible with any resolution / aspect ratio, you don't need to select options (your screen parameters will be autodetected)
* Some mods will be autodetected now as well (moreHUD I.E., Experience)
* Added new images for all crafting stations (like for Alchemy and Enchanting previously)
* MCM is now based on Wider MCM Menu's Option 2 ("Even Wider")
* Journal menu is rearranged a bit (longer lists for Save-Load, Help, Settings, Statistics), faster save-load screenshots appearing
* Loading menu with optional time on screen (12h or 24h), level percentage, hide 3D model, etc
* Two different text color options: warm golden (recommended) and white (mostly for external skins)
* Optional UI sounds added
1. Choose one version: with warm (golden yellow) or with white text. I recommend the warm/golden one, it is shown on my screenshots. It offers a good contrast ratio without the eyes fatigue.
2. Install with mod manager, follow the FOMOD installer instructions and choose whatever you like.
3. After installation you may open the file interface\deardiary_dm\config.txt for enabling-disabling some options and to set transparency if you need it. There is detailed description for every option in that file. Some tweaks available:
* Hide lock level
* Map markers size and alpha
* Directionless player map marker
* Hide player map marker
* Show additional weapon stats in inventory item card
* Scrolling speed in inventory menus and favorites menu
* Hide book UI or some specific buttons
* Hide lockpicking UI
* Max sleep-wait timer
* Time on loading screen
* Hide 3D object and/or text on loading screen
* Configurable dialogue menu
* Set transparency (alpha) of any menu
The HUD is configurable via interface\skyhud\skyhud.txt file. There is detailed description for every option in that file as well. Some tweaks available:
* Hide/show stealth text
* Hide/show stealth meter
* Make HP/MP/SP bars persistent
* Scale and move almost any information
Completely safe to install / uninstall / update mid-game (if using any modern mod manager).
Dear Diary DM is made with compatibility in mind. Some mods are already included, most mods are compatible out of the box, and even "incompatible" mods may be used without any issue if you let them overwrite Dear Diary DM files, the UI will just lost visual consistency.
This mod doesn't require the original Dear Diary mod.
Let Dear Diary DM overwrite EVERYTHING
unless stated otherwise
SkyUI by SkyUI Team (for most menus)
SkyHUD by Fhaarkas (for HUD in this mod)
Redundant / included / included similar functionality (you don't need to install those):
Favorite Things by uranreactor (Dear Diary has favorites menu option with extended list)
Convenient Dialogue UI by uranreactor
Convenient Reading UI by uranreactor (install only for faster page turning and let Dear Diary DM overwrite it)
SkyUI Flashing Savegame Fix by ousnius
Simple Reading - Remove Book Menu UI by moretroublethanitsworth
Immersive Bookreading and Lockpicking by Wirodeu (options in config.txt)
Immersive Loading Icon by Aurora555
Lockpick Pro (KenMOD) by Kenney (option in config.txt)
Better Messagebox Controls by ecirbaf
Better Dialogue Controls by ecirbaf
Smooth Interface (60fps) by ModdyMC or any other similar mod
Ultrawidescreen Fixes for Skyrim LE by ciathyza (install only for racemenu if you need it and let Dear Diary overwrite it)
ReCleaned Menu by enzeinzen or any other similar mod
Smaller Map Markers for SkyUI 5.2 by rusecraft (option in config.txt)
SkyUI Weapons Pack by Ashingda
Sleep Wait Menu - 48 hours by theit8514 (option in config.txt)
No Menu and Loading Smoke by IceKK
Body Slots - SkyUI by mlthelama or any other "Show Armor Slots" mods
Main Menu Design Replacer by Fozar
Fully compatible:
Frostfall by Chesko - use with next two:
Last Seed by Chesko and Aytrus
moreHUD by Ahzaab
moreHUD Inventory Edition by Ahzaab
iHUD by Gopher (install compatibility patch from SkyHUD's FOMOD)
Experience by zax
Flat Map Markers by underthesky
MFG Console by kapaer
Paper World Map by Warburg or any other similar mod
Oblivionesque Category Icons by ElSopa and any other similar mods (overwrite Dear Diary DM with it)
Better SkyUI Config - Smart sorting by type by jn64 (use DDDM compatible version and overwrite Dear Diary DM with it)
Immersive Jewelry by Forteverum
Quick Loot by himika
Wheel Menu (UIExtensions) by Expired
Prosperous Alchemist by Axxonite
Extended UI by MrJack
Any SkyUI-compatible map marker mods
Any new starting wallpaper mods
Any new loading screens mods
Any new fonts mods
Any new on-screen widgets
Any game language
Any retextures/remeshes of 3D UI elements, such as:
Skyrim SE Skill Interface by Arndas
JS Lockpicking UI SE by JohnSkyrim
Less Intrusive HUD by Crashnburn (my HUD is based on SkyHUD)
Hide SkyUI by Tomycins and other similar mods
SkyUI - Vanilla Crafting menu by SilentMeowDawn
SkyUI Item Card Fixes by Gruffys or any other Item Card replacer other than moreHUD I.E.
Any other complete UI overhaul (you can combine them, but the UI will be visually inconsistent)
Load order example:
SkyHUD SE (with iHUD patch)
moreHUD Inventory Edition
MFG Console
Quick Loot with patch
Wheel Menu
Immersive Jewelry
Prosperous Alchemist
<any Dear Diary Dark Mode external skin>
Better SkyUI Config - Smart sorting by type (DDDM option)
<new category icons>
<map markers>
<SkyHUD compass markers>
<start menu wallpapers>
All mods from the list above are optional. You can use Dear Diary DM with only SkyUI SE installed (and SkyHUD if you want to use Dear Diary DM's HUD).