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About this mod

This overhauls Citadel DLC so that the mercenaries are more varied in what armaments they use, while also adding a CAT6 Flamer enemy, several named lieutenants to fight, and also fixing the CAT6 Snipers so that they no longer are noodle-armed.

Permissions and credits
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Are you sick of fighting faceless hordes in Mass Effect 3?

Improved Personality

Mass Effect 3 took an approach that differed from ME1/2 by making all its generic enemies faceless. They are all hidden behind helmets, and so there is no real empathy for the hundreds you slaughter during the game. No empathy for them, and no personality from them.

This design choice worked for Geth & Reaper enemies, and to an extent the story justifies the same for Cerberus, but it doesn't for CAT6 mercenaries. We fought numerous mercenaries across the first two games, and even when they wore helmets we could usually see some kind of face. This is something I have returned to for the CAT6 goons. You will see their faces in many of the battles you fight, and the faces will also vary from person to person, making them all feel more real.

All three vanilla enemies have undergone this change, as have the pilots of the CAT6 Atlas.

Varied Weaponry

As we only have three enemy archetypes to fight (Heavy, Sniper and Specialist), I decided to inject even more variety and personality into the enemies by giving them more varied weaponry. You will come across Heavy's that use Talons, Specialists using anything from Sabers to Spitfires and Snipers also have these changes.

The first mission features only the vanilla weaponry, but as you fight through the rest of the DLC their gear will become more varied and deadly.

New Enemies

Alongside the helmet and weapon changes, I have also added two enemies to their roster; the CAT6 Pyro and Hacked Mechs. CAT6 Pyro's are a variant of the CAT6 Specialist that uses a flamethrower and is a nod to the flamer enemies from Mass Effect 2. The Hacked Mechs use the Rampart Mech as their archetype, and are a reimagining of some content that was cut from the dlc missions.

Additionally, there is one named enemy to fight that uses a Centurion archetype as its foundation.

Clone Shepard Vocalisation

As an added treat for INT audio users, CloneShepard will use previously unused henchman audio from Mass Effect 1. This means when s/he loses shields, gets knocked back, identifies targets, etc. s/he will use Shepards sound effects instead of those of a Cerberus Trooper.

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Is this mod compatible with X?

Hard to say. The mod will be compatible with all of Expanded Galaxy Mod and Spectre Expansion Mod, as well as any and all of my other mods. Any others are on a case-by-case basis, but it should be noted that very few mods edit these missions.

What enemies are affected by this change?

All CAT6 are enemies affected by this mod.

Have all of these enemies had their armour replaced?

No, I have kept enough generic CAT6 enemy appearances to keep their vanilla appearance in peoples minds for when they fight them in Armax Arena (when using Armax Expansion Mod), but I have done my best to give the enemies more personality by showing their faces. Those replacements that do happen are for helmets rather than full armour suits.

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Sil/Tydeous - Created the mod
Audemus - Creating mod logo
Beckaboo - CAT6 Sniper mesh edit and head removal of CAT6 Specialist
Deepk - Spanish translation