About this mod

The most advanced and complete weather, lighting and visual overhaul available for Fallout 4.
5000 random weathers within a customizable climate, shader FX to turn the pipboy into a small ENB, night vision goggles & functional sunglasses, drugs FX, skin and water enhanced and more...

Permissions and credits
  • Czech

Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth
is a complete all-in-one DLC sized weather, lighting and visual enhancer for Fallout 4.

From the lighting and the climate to the skin shaders, almost every aesthetic aspects of the game have been altered in some way
to give the most natural and eye candy visual possible.
Because NAC changes so many aspects of the game and because some cannot be made as optional (see description below)
the mod comes as an ESM, like any other DLC, to let anyone chose and modulate which features to keep or not.

*All the pictures from the author's gallery and the description have been made without Enb-Reshade-SweetFX*


NAC is almost entirely modular from Pipboy :
to change ingame the climate and season, to use real time season, to enable & disable any weathers and storms,
to change night and interior settings (luminosity, dynamic fog levels), to enable or disable special effects...

It's even possible to shut down NAC climate and weather to only use all other NAC features with another weather mod
or to use the "Hybrid Climate", which allow to have both NAC climate & weather running along with another weather mod.

Click the spoiler below to read more:

  NAC holotape: to call weather, change timescale and to tune your experience whatever you like. (See NAC holotape overview below)

  More than 70 different natural and atmospheric weathers templates: including new original radstorms with different effects on the player and its surrounding. All of this weathers are based on true-to-life color and lighting and all have different colors, lighting, clouds, post processing and properties.

  Whole climate redone: time of day, weather chances, transitions, volatility and more in order to produce 5000 random weather variations based on the weather presets. The climate, balanced by default, now always lives, slowly evolves and changes, to feel more alive, natural and unpredictable.

Climate for Far Harbor, Nuka World and Commonwealth has been fine tuned to be more natural and different from each worldspaces. Commonwealth is
pretty well balanced, Far Harbor is darker with a Lovecraftian feel and Nuka World much more sunny and New-Vegas like. (kind of)

  Longer, darker and all unique night times: from bright to pitch black, with or without direct lighting, diffuse lighting, godrays, all depending of the moon occlusion, the atmospheric density and the sky configuration.

  Advanced lighting and features for all weathers: sunlight variation for cloudy weathers, wet effect for some heavy fog situation, god rays depending of the atmospheric density, fake bounce lighting, diffuse lighting and more. Darkest hour of the Night featured around 5 am, before dawn.

  A.I detection  tweaked according to NAC's changes, and individually for each weather.

 ♦ New and redone effects: particles effects, clouds, sounds, post processing effects, HDR system, godrays, sound tweaks...

  All interior's location lighting redone on case by case: from both lighting template, post processing, fog density, color and distance. All the light sources besides those that can be used in workshop mods have also been reworked to match real life temperature and fall off.
Once each cell will have the right colors and contrast I plan to rework the lighting scenario in some places: This is the NAI plugin (wip)

  Life-like Night vision goggles and headgears and functional sunglasses: green or black and white, and functional sunglasses when sun hit too hard. All NVGs can be upgraded to life detection or recon sight from an armor bench.

  VATS, scopes, vats-cinematics, water, radiations, special effects, subsurface scattering and skin tons, blood splash, drugs... all enhanced or remade to suits NAC changes.

NAC adds many special effects by default, many of them being toggleable ingame from pipboy.
VATS is also reworked to be more stylized with a wider variety of effects, from natural to more cinematic.

Radiation system has been entirely redone with the introduction of a shelter feature and visual effects have been made when player is radiated, as well for underwater situations.
All chems now produce a "trippy" visual effect depending of the drug used.

  For Hardcore gamers, NAC also offers the option to get radiation from all rain weathers.

  FPS lossless and lightweight.

  NAC comes with an optional but recommended ini file used to get better ambient occlusion, rim lighting and to optimize and enhance the god rays. You can now safely use Ultra settings without too much performance drop.

  NACFX: is an unique feature that will turn your pipboy into an ingame build ENB for no fps loss.

This allow anyone to easily change the visuals to its taste.
Colors, gamma, luminosity, sunlight, sky intensity, exposure, blur, motion blur...you can tweak anything you want.
NACFX can also be very useful to tune a ReShade or an Enb that you feel miss something or doesn't work well in a particular condition.

>If you don't want to make your own NACFX simply use the "Stand Alone A" preset to get a quick, clean and natural look.<

Indeed in order to keep enough room for user's post processing and Enb&ReShade like PRC, CFL, Film Workshop or others:
the NAC's visuals are "neutral" and lossless by default but not meant to be used as is without Enb.

N A C  H O L O T A P E  O V E R V I E W
The NAC holotape should be automatically added into your inventory at the first launch of the game with NAC installed.
However, if you don't get it then you can also craft it from any chemical bench for free.

Since the category names are self explanatory and all made with descriptions, only the MISC section will be covered here:

Click the spoiler below to read more:

 ♦ Chems&Alcohol VFX: When on, all chems and alcohol produce a different animated visual effect depending of the drug used based on life-like drugs.

 ♦ Complex Hit VFX:
When on, the hit effect uses a bright flash quickly followed with red and blue shift based on life-like hit. The more heavy the hit is, the more pronounced the effect is.

 ♦ NAC Extended Glowing Sea Climate: When on, the Glowing sea and all other radiated region may have some other weathers than radstorms.

 ♦ Functional Sunglasses:
Makes all sunglasses use different life-like shades depending of the glasses used. Can be in 1rst person only or disabled.

 ♦ NAC Fake Interior Darkening: When on, under-roof locations get darker when inside to fake the lack of exterior lighting.

 ♦ Underwater VFX:
When on, a subtle distortion of the screen occurs when underwater.

 ♦ Radiation VFX:
When on, the screen get blurred and grayed when radiations are taken.

 ♦ NAC Radioactive Rain: When on, any rain weather gives radiations.

 ♦ NAC Sunlight Variation:
When on, the sunlight intensity will vary over time for any cloudy weather to fake the passage of clouds in front of the sun.

 ♦ SaveGame on "Reset All Settings": When on, an automatic save is made on each reset from the main menu.

 ♦ Debug Monitoring:
When on, an hidden menu appears in the holotape to monitor NAC and to help to debug.

Remember to

 from the main menu of the holotape.

NAC holotape allows to make safe saves before the uninstall of NAC.
This will prevent crashes with any loaded saves from NAC to another mod or with vanilla game.
N A C - H Y B R I D E

NAC Hybride is an optional feature which allow to combine NAC weathers, climate, seasons and lighting features with another weather mod.
Be sure the other mod is loaded after NAC and then enable the Hybrid Climate from the climate section of the holotape.
Then set the priority between the two mods for the weather rotations.

I personally do not recommend using it thought, because NAC does suffice in itself, but the option is here and works fine.

If you only want to use another weather mod but keep all other NAC features then just disable NAC climate from the holotape.

N A C  S E A S O N S

The NAC seasons and climate are built-in weather limiters and climate settings
available ingame from the holotape to change the general atmosphere of the game.

Winter is snowy and colder, Spring is rainy and cloudy, Summer is sunny, Fall is foggy and cloudy.
Real-Time automatically loads one of the four seasons based on the ingame month.
Nuclear is a dark, grit and apocalyptic climate. It is the base of inspiration for mods like Moribund World and Pilgrim.

The option to disable/enable any NAC weather from the holotape also gives the possibility to create custom made climates.

N A C  &  O T H E R  M O D S

NAC does a lot of what other mods can do and more,
but in its own way and calibrated for itself, with the insurance of total compatibility and optimization.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of mods that are redundant with NAC and will overwrite NAC changes if used :

Click the spoiler below to read more:

  ○ True Storms:  NAC offers new and original Radstorms, new thunder sounds and thunders lightning effects, sounds tweaks, different rain textures and more. USE NAC Hybrid Climate and be sure TrueStorm is loaded after NAC to use both mods.

   Vivid Weathers:  NAC adds more new and uniques weathers included in a fully redone climate system. Because Vivid Weather use a different Cloud meshe file than NAC this mod remains not compatible, even with Hybrid Climate.

   Moribund World:  NAC and its Nuclear season offers the same kind of experience and more. USE NAC Hybrid Climate and be sure Moribund World is loaded after NAC to use both mods.

   Fr4nsson's light tweaks:  NAC weathers use new image spaces for all time of day of all weathers and also changed all the interiors lighting and image spaces. Fr4nsson's light tweaks can only work with vanilla weathers.

   Interior enhanced:  NAC changes all interiors lightning templates and light sources. Not compatible with Natural & atmospheric Interiors.

  Enhanced Lights & FX:  NAC changes all interiors lightning templates and light sources. Not compatible with Natural & atmospheric Interiors.

   Darker nights & True Nights:  NAC offers a wider variety of different night times depending of the moon occlusion, the humidity level and the cloud density. A.I detection has been tweaked according to the changes and more. Darker Nights can only work with vanilla weathers.

   Remove Interior Fog & dynamic interior fog remover:  NAC uses fog for interior lighting in its own way and has its own dynamic fog removal setting available from the holotape when in interior location.

   Remove Interior Fog Remove Interior Fog Fog Out & any exterior fog mod: NAC changes the fog distance and density depending of each weather. NAC also changes the detection on each weather depending of the fog density. Fog Out only work for vanilla weathers.

   Fallout 4 enhanced color correction, Neutral luts & every other game luts mods:  NAC weathers use new image spaces and disable LUTs to only work with raw color and light. This mods can only work with vanilla weathers.

   Heavy rain:  NAC tweaks the rain and its sounds and adds different textures depending of each rain weather.

   Climate tweaks:  NAC entirely changes the climate system and the Time of Day values.

   LFX:  NAC changes the light sources to get the right temperature and intensity.

   Nuclear weather:  NAC adds its own radstorms.USE NAC Hybrid Climate and be sure Nuclear Weather is loaded after NAC to use both mods.
   Any other weather mods:  USE NAC Hybrid Climate and be sure other weather mod is loaded after NAC to use both mods.

   Radiant Clouds and Fog:  NAC uses its own fog system for no fps loss and its own clouds textures (you can try to use RCF textures tho).

   Console enabler mods for survival:  Console is enabled by default for all difficulties with NAC.

   Terminal speed mods:  NAC multiplies the speed of terminals by default for ease of use of NACFX

   Timescale mods:  NAC has various timescale options from the NAC holotape.

TLDR; Any mod for weather, climate, water, time of day, fog, colors, image space & LUTs, interiors & exteriors lighting, godrays, particles, visual effects, timescale... are no longer needed with NAC.


Subtle and optional companion Enb for those who can spare 5 extra fps, NAC Enhancer focus on what cannot be done from NAC:
Additional ambiant occlusion, Various lighting enhancements, Better distant atmospheric fog, Custom Depth of Field
*Compatible bloom for Enb Light Overhaul and Extreme Particles Overhaul by MaxG3D

NAC Enhancer has been made to be used with NACFX.
If you are using the kind of Enb like Vogue or Subtle with NAC,
you'll have much better visuals using NAC enhancer with NAC for the same performance hit.

*: Enb bloom is disabled by default, to enable it just open the enb menu with end key:
Disable "UseOriginalBloom" from the EFFECT tab then click "EnableBloom". Lastly click "Save Configuration" from the upper left corner and close the menu.

Please delete any previous Reshade or Enb before installing NAC Enhancer: enbseries andreshade folders, dxgi.dll, enblocal.ini, enbseries.ini, reshade.fx, d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll

  1• Download the v0.317 Enb binaries and drop ONLY d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll into the Fallout 4 main folder, where the game's .exe are.
  2 • Download manually NAC Enhancer and drop all the files into the Fallout 4 main folder, where the game's .exe and the Enb binaries are.

Press Scroll Lock to toggle the effect
End to open the menu
del to toggle DOF
Minus (numpad) to toggle the FPS

N A T U R A L  &  A T M O S P H E R I C

 While NAC only edits light sources, image-spaces and some lighting templates for the interior locations,
NAI goes much further and adds new light sources with reworked interior lighting for all interior cells.
NAI also creates an interior climate using several different weathers types with dynamic sun lighting for all interiors with windows,
using accurate position of the sun depending of the time of the day.

In other words; NAI is NAC but for interiors.

Because it is still in work in progress, some interior locations are performance taxing but optimization will get better as the work will progress.
NAI is stand alone, which means it can be used with or without NAC.
• Credits & Thanks
FO4Edit by Zilav
Bethesda for their games and their Creation Kit.

NAC is the result of more than a year and a half of hard work so:
Many thanks to everyone who endorse, donate, give feedback or add screenshots in the user gallery:

TJChaos -"Easy endorse, definitely a "Must-have" mod. The customization alone boggles the mind."

AllosZodiac -"this mod is criminally underrated. I've used Vivd and True, but this one is is by far the best. What you did with interiors alone is enough for a
glowing endorsement, but I always really REALLY love the new weathers and exterior lighting."

evildeadhead  -"I'm amazed more people don't know how good this mod is I instantly fell in love."

Leo1515 -"The best weather and lighting mod hands down"

nappilydeestructio -"It reminds me of NLA in every way but more advanced. I love this weather mod."

Augh3d -"Having been using the same weather mod since they started to appear. Switching to NAC I have to say, it is impressive.
Not gonna name names but NAC definitely seems better behaved and a little lighter on performance than my previous,
and it doesn't seem to spam heavy fog all the time as so many weathers do. Tons of options to tweak, very very nice."

fishgeekted -"Beautiful work. Wow!"

Lucideux -"Never used NAC as I was convinced it'd not do anything for me, and boy I was wrong. NAC is most likely the only mod so far that's absolutely blown me away. The work you've put into it is absolutely amazing!"

jadebond  -"One of the best mods I've seen put together within here or Skyrim."

AzraelDC  -"I love NAC, simply because it's like having an ENB controllable from the Pip Boy."

kerneweger -"Having previously been a Truestorms user over all the other weather overhauls, i have to say i'm impressed I now prefer this one hands down over TS, and the lighting is now improved greatly."

weinerman11 -"This mod is quality work."

X-buZZ -"the best visual experience for Fallout 4!"

BlazerXZ -"One of the best if not the best weather and lighting mod out there. Improves the overall experience and makes the game more immersive. 10/10 - IGN."

AbySSsSss -"I have been using this mod for a few days now and must say it is EXCELLENT!"

oldgregg4369  -" I just installed this yesterday for a new game. Took out truestorms I was excited to try it but was totally BLOWN AWAY by that first experience. It was like my very first time playing fallout all over again."

cefalux -"My god, this is amazing. Man, you improve the game 400%. And i found this only yesterday."

Cag93 -"Still the best weather overhaul for F4 in my opinion. The lighting is just masterful."

dstansberry -"I confess, it took a bit of dragging to get me away from Vivid Weathers, but I'm glad I've made the switch.
Both are really great mods, but this one fits my playstyle and expectations of the world just that much better."

BAPWAS -" clearly as it is said, Best Fallout 4 weather and lighting mod"

dmbachleda  -"you, sir, are a god among men. thank you for your contribution to all of us. your work has made my gaming experience much more immersive, and shockingly beautiful. "

DeadlyPhoenyx  -"I absolutely love NAC. I was sceptical giving up all my other conflicting mods at first, but N.A.C is incredible, and in my opinion has the potential to be one of the best mods on the Nexus."

OnlyCocobolo -"Best weather mod..."

roszi -"Great modification all in one , I miss some Ghouls that added True Storm but it was worth"

iiikkk77 -"This is really must have"

RelicDuDe -"Absolutely brilliant mod, it actually adds FPS, instead of eating them.."

JasonNG141 -"This is the best weather and lighting mod on Nexus, look so GREEEAT."

TheLORDMJ -"It changed my experience of the game tremendously and I can't wait to see where you go with this mod next."

rainvendor  -"I was using vivid weathers since the beginning, but since I'm replaying the game I decided to freshen things up and try this. I think this is a lot better."

UltimateZero -"This all looks awesome, and while I dread reworking my mod load-out (around 15 plugins to be removed), it looks totally worth it."

Woudangst  -"this mod is truly a must have.some of these radstorms give me creeps man. Holy s*** XD."

nissan720  -"Update .9 is so good, I couldn't play without this mod anymore!"

Carrolj2 -"I've been pretty blown away with this mod so far. The blood red sky weather pattern actually got my heart pumping the first time around."

DkColt -"This is a masterpiece."

Malachai6669 -"Dude...this f***ing mod? It's AWESOME !!! You have single handedly removed about 15 esp's from my load list."

javamonsoon2o2p  -"I'm very impressed with this mod.The mod does indeed bring very realistic lighting effect to the commonwealth, as true to life as possible on current hardware. This mod is now a must-have mainstay in my load-order!"

BlackGnar -"Better than Vivid Weathers, thanks!"

drhamm -"this mod is a revelation. The Commonwealth looks more realistic than ever."

genolune -" I don't think I'll ever try True Storms after playing with this."

nolz -"The shear amount of options is incredible! along with the NACFX options."

octorp -"Man the weathers in this mod fantastic. Some of them are bone chilling to be honest.. The blood red sky one is nuts when you get caught in it unprepared.."

Genisis325  -"Bro, this mod is dope. The Presets are sick."

y1529363631 -"Obveriously you've done a masterpiece!"

oscarn7 -"probably the best Fallout 4 experience I've ever had."

dwarano -"This mod, is a godsend. Made my game better, and my load order lighter."

Blackice010  -"FANTASTIC mod! Best graphics mod out there.
+ All-in-one pack (darker nights, weathers, lighting, etc.)+ Customizable+ Excellent weathers+ Zero FPS cost+ Compatible with ENB/Reshade"

Lodango -"Simply amazing and thank you! Your mod made my fallout actually enjoyable. Increased my performance everywere dramatically."

XIIICaesar -"I've tried TS & VW but this is awesome. I can change the timescale at will, night vision and NV gear too!
So many weathers and all of them look very natural and feel that way as well.
Plus, with the NACFX I can turn on pseudo DOF and a very good Bloom with no FPS loss which makes it so I can disable them in my ReShade setups & save some FPS :p
The preexisting presets you have in NACFX are also awesome too."

tat2atco -"Wow!! What a wonderful mod! Super easy install. Looks and sounds fantastic! Been playing since day one and never has my game looked and sounded so good."

Charmareian -"The lighting is bright(not blindingly so) and realistic. I turned my music off only to remember this mod adds amazing sound when outside. Immersion 10/10. I don't believe I'll be needing an enb."

gurugeorge -"Really enjoying the realistic looking visuals of this, especially the way things are desaturated with certain weathers. e.g., a rainy day looks grim and grey just like it does irl, but a blazing hot day is desaturated in another way, like slightly "bleached out" looking.
Very nice and subtle and realistic."


NAC is also available for XB1

If you enjoy my work as modder and everything I have brought to all the games I have modded so far,
please consider checking out my Ko-Fi to help me  so I can continue my work and make new content: