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About this mod
Galac Varangian studios Quest and Tacticool Armor Mod
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Automatron Far Harbor Nuka World Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes DEF_UI Optional for HUD Galac Tac Mercs and Music Optional for bug updates and more content Overlay Framework Optional for HUD Remnants Bunker Required RU556 - Assault rifle Required RU556 Armoury Project Required Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes Fallout 4 Patch 1.10.162 (Update your game!) If your Fallout 4 is not updated to this version, IT WON'T WORK! Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
- Console modding permission This mod will not be available on Bethesda.net for console users
Author notes
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File credits
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- Russian
- Mandarin
- French
- Changelogs
Version 2.0
- Mercs and Music voice lines and bug fixes
Version 1.9
- updates needed for Mercs and Music and minor fixes and reduce NPC chatter
Version 1.8
- updates needed for Mercs and Music and minor fixes
Version 1.7
- Bug fixes to quests the Foundlings to Anvil and Hammer , In to the Breach, Homefront, and Pirates.
- fix material files for the infantry helmet,
- increased volume of Sandra's lines
- fix to weighting issue on certain gear,
Version 1.6
- This will fix issues with non-progression at Quincy during the clear out the super mutants stage,
- includes a kick out feature if the player kills to many guards. Killing 3 guards cause them to go hostile on you
- will allow players who have completed the molecular level quest prior to installing the mod giving them access to chapter 3 missions and the ability to complete the game with the guard (assuming they have not chosen a vanilla ending)
Version 1.5
- Changes corrected Ghost challenge for having all companions for specific missions that require them.
- Fixed Vlad idles where he stopped speaking them and flagged Thomas as Essential rather then protected
- Fixed MM General turn down workshop restoring mechanic, and issue where if the player has completed Foundlings before turning down being the general.
- Fixed missing Heavy Helmet skins and issue with DPM chest skin
Version 1.4
- Fixed a few minor bugs like Vlad not speaking and a few grammar errors
Version 1.3.1
- Fixes esp name to work correctly
Version 1.3
- Fire mission Fixed issue with Big Mac being dead prior to start of mission
- Into the Breach Fixed issue with Father being dead prior to start of mission
- Hoist the black flag Fixed issues with “Intimidation” Scene Added 2 interior cells Added voice lines and lip syncing
- FULLY COOKED GRILLED CHICKEN STRIPS Fixed issues with the terminal entry firing the quest early
- WELCOME TO THE PARTY PAL Removed the Gunner target, key now spawns in the top room and not on the gunner.
- Fixed Batch returns for pod for chapter 2 and 3
- Fixed female lite left arm and right arm
- Fixed NVG placement
- Fixed PA right arm first person
- Companions are less chatty but requires clean save, or new game for effects to take hold
Version 1.2
- Mission Fire Mission Now has a script to check if the targets are already dead or killed out of order
- Hammer’n Avil Now has a script to check if the targets are already dead or killed out of order
- Gunner mission Junkyard Dogs Now has a script to check if the target is dead.
- Hoist the Black Flag Missing textures have been added, voice lines for Sandy have been added. 2 new interior cells have been added for that mission.
- No missions require use of the vehicles for fast travel. Other than quests that specify taking the vehicle to specific locations. (Lightly Fried Fish Fillets and Into the Breach).
- Ghost no longer accepts PODs during briefing scenes, once the briefing is over the player will be able to return PODs
- PODs can now be returned in large batches
- Super Mutant forces at West Roxbury no longer respawn once the mission is completed.
- Fixed missing crafting recipe for the robin hood/scout hood Can now be crafted at the GT forge under Clothing.
- Fixed stats for the Heavy Helmet, now provides 30 Physical and 30 Energy protection.
- Fixed lite right arm for female half armor
- Fixed Power Armor arms Armor rating
- Fixed Power Armor Right arm Material
- Fixed 4 Chest armor camouflage texture swaps
- Added missing Dev-Thomas Texture patterns for Russian helmet and Mask
- Fixed several spelling mistakes.
- The foundlings now has a script to check if the father is dead or missing, as well as the target.
- Noble will now get out of power armor when ordered to
- VG Troopers no longer fire off idle lines on a timer and will now do it based on your proximity
- Thomas and Ghost no longer talk in their sleep
- Idle chatter fire times for Companions have been adjust, however the effects seem minimal on making them less chatty (Still be investigated)
- rebuilt precombines and previs for FOB location
Version 1.0
- Fixed Overlay for helmets and added a new UI option for Def_UI
- Initial release and added Hot Fix for patch crash
Version 1..6
- will allow players who have completed the molecular level quest prior to installing the mod giving them access to chapter 3 missions and the ability to complete the game with the guard (assuming they have not chosen a vanilla ending)