About this mod
Allows content patcher mods to create customized versions of ExtraDialogue and some StringsFromCSFiles strings
Updated for 1.6
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
I've done my best to update their excellent mod for use with Stardew Valley 1.6
It is crucial that you remove previous versions of Custom Fixed Dialog when installing this one.
There are two versions of the file available:
- Custom Fixed Dialog - Compatibility has the same UniqueID as the original - mods that have not yet been updated to use the new UniqueID should work with this one, however Vortex (and potentially SMAPI) will tell you to "Use Custom Fixed Dialog - Continued Instead" - you can ignore this error.
- Custom Fixed Dialog - Continued has the new UniqueID
Mod Authors, the Unique ID has changed! It is now `datamancer.CustomFixedDialogue` - please update accordingly!
As this is not my mod originally, I will do my best to answer questions or resolve issues.
I appreciate your support and patience while I learn more about modding. If you should feel so moved to support my work monetarily, I have a ko-fi
Known Issues:
- On install with Vortex: "Archive Damaged" and "Incorrect reparse Stream" etc etc
I made a conscious choice to leave the Unique ID of this mod the same as Aedenthorn's original mod - the advantage in my mind is that this mod becomes a drop-in replacement for theirs. However, Vortex is now emitting some strange errors - I am looking into how best to resolve this. For the moment, I believe this error can be ignored (just hit Continue. You'll see a warning like "use custom fixed dialog - continued" - I believe this can be ignored.