About this mod
An expansion for Shane that gives him 379 lines of dialogue, 200+ lines of marriage dialogue, new heart events, schedule, and gift tastes. Shane keeps his progress on the rough road to recovery.
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This mod will (hopefully) give you a more immersive experience by exploring Shane's character arc. Works on new and existing saves. You can use this whether or not you want to romance him!
Event Changes
I made new events and tweaked the vanilla ones to make a deeper, more cohesive narrative:
- The 2-heart event now lets you choose whether or not to accept a drink from Shane. This choice will not affect your relationship because Shane doesn't judge.
- The 4-heart event is now dependent on the 2-heart event. This way, they'll be sure to play in chronological order.
- A new post-Community Center completion event that addresses Shane's unemployment after JojaMart closes.
Make sure you've seen his 6-heart event and have at least begun the Dark Talisman quest. Go to the ranch between 4 pm to 6 pm when Marnie is there.
- Tweaks to the 7-heart event for a deeper look at Jas and Shane's relationship and how his behavior affected it. You'll get an actual conversation between the two where Shane addresses their problems.
- A new 8-heart event in year 3 that'll add to endgame content and show you the progress that Shane's made at improving his life.
Be in year 3 or later. Have at least 8 hearts with Shane and 6 hearts with Jas. Visit the ranch on a non-festival day between 1 pm and 6 pm.
- The vanilla 10-heart event was moved to happen at 8 hearts if you're dating him. The event itself seemed like something that would happen when you start dating (i.e. at 8 hearts), and not when you're already in an established relationship. You now have a choice to kiss him or not, and this choice won't affect your relationship. I also changed a tiny bit of the dialogue to reflect his sobriety.
- A new 10-heart event that reflects that you're in an established relationship. Kinda cheesy, but we all know that Shane's a cornball!
Go to your farm between 10 pm and 2 am on a sunny day once you're at 10 hearts with Shane.
And a few little surprises here and there!
Shane has 34 used lines in the vanilla game. I kept most of those and wrote 340 more! Here are their special features:
- You'll see each line of dialogue once a month at most. There are also a bunch of lines that you'll only see once a year because they're set to play at specific heart levels, seasons, days of the month, and story conditions. This will make things more interesting and less repetitive!
- Custom strings. He now has his own unique comments when you dig through the trash, etc. etc. Some of these lines will only play if you have aedenthorn's Custom Fixed Dialogue or datamancer's Custom Fixed Dialogue - Continued installed, so I definitely recommend installing it to get the full experience.
- Questions. Shane originally has no questions in his dialogue, so I added at least one question for each even-numbered heart level.
- He gives you gifts. Like buddies (and sometimes, acquaintances) do!
- Shane talks about events and festivals. I always found it weird how no one ever talks about upcoming events, so I fixed that! Shane will now talk about birthdays and festivals on the day before and on the day of. What he'll say about them will depend on his heart level, of course.
- Shane talks about his family and friends. As his arc progresses, his attitude will change not just towards you, but towards other people as well! Some of the dialogue will touch on his improving relationships with Jas, Marnie, Emily, Gus, and Sam.
- You can talk to him at work! Instead of ignoring you all the time, Shane's dialogue at work will change depending on his heart level.
Marriage Events
The vanilla game only has one event for Shane after marriage, his 14 heart event. As the event has negative implications about Shane's recovery and about the farmer and Marnie's trust in him, this mod removes it and adds three more as replacements!
- Checking In. Shane and the farmer have a serious conversation before they end the day.
Have Shane at at least 12 hearts. Go to the farm on a winter night between 10 pm to 2 am. Won't trigger on a Monday, Friday, Saturday, or Festival day.
- Jas's Birthday Part 1. Jas visits the farm to invite Shane and the farmer to her birthday celebration.
Have Shane at at least 13 hearts, Marnie and Jas at 10. Leave your house between 6 am to 9 am on Jas's birthday (Summer 4). It must be a sunny day.
- Jas's Birthday 2. Jas, Marnie, Shane, and the farmer celebrate Jas's birthday.
After Jas invites you, go to the forest between 11 am and 1 pm on Summer 4.
- Revisiting the Dock. Shane and the farmer reflect on how much life has changed since their first drunken encounter at the dock.
Have Shane at at least 14 hearts. Go to the forest between 8 pm and 9 pm on a sunny spring day. Won't trigger on Mondays, Fridays, or festival days.
Marriage Dialogue
When you marry him, Shane sort of loses all the progress he makes in his recovery. He goes back to really unhealthy habits and has no self-awareness whatsoever. I made it so that while he still struggles with depression, he knows how to cope and does his best to do so. I also edited the generic hardcoded spouse dialogue that all the characters share so that the lines are more in-character for him. Some of these lines will only play if you have aedenthorn's Custom Fixed Dialogue or datamancer's Custom Fixed Dialogue - Continued installed. If you have a mod for multiple spouses, you'll also need to install CFD.
Gift Tastes
It's jarring when he's at 0 hearts and you give him a loved gift. He'll be all excited and then immediately tell you to scram. This part of the mod fixes that by changing the way he reacts to gifts depending on his heart level, with custom gift responses for some items!
- Special heart-dependent birthday dialogue.
- He'll also get upset if you give him alcohol when he's in recovery.
- He'll like receiving the chicken statue artifact! He also starts liking Joja Cola after his 6-heart event.
Schedule Changes
In the vanilla game, Shane talks about making lifestyle changes and seeing a therapist, but we don't see any changed behavior. Depending on your heart level, this mod will make the following changes:
- Shane spends time with Jas. He'll take a day off on her birthday and spend his Sundays hanging out with her because she deserves that from her godfather.
- He gets an annual medical exam from Harvey. Shane gets his act together and schedules a yearly check-up. This way, it won't take a life-threatening case of alcohol poisoning him to see a doctor.
- He takes over manning the ranch counter when Marnie's out on Mondays and Tuesdays. He can't sell animals, but he'll sell everything that Marnie sells in the ranch shop.
- His schedule stays consistent even after marriage (unless it rains, in which case he stays at home).
- He'll still go to the saloon most nights to hang out with Emily and Gus, but just imagine that he's drinking sparkling water like he said he does. :)
Map Edits
Both Shane's room at Marnie's place and his spouse room have stacks of cans, a spilled drink, and other booze trash. While appropriate for his early hearts story, it's out of place later on and doesn't match the progress he's made. This mod will remove all alcohol-related items from both his room and his spouse room after his 6 heart event and, depending on his heart level, will also dynamically clean or not clean the muddy footprints, empty pizza boxes, and other bits of trash (because even on his good days, Shane's still a bit of a slob).
You can choose which features you want to use using Generic Mod Config Menu. Open the game, click on the cog icon in the lower left corner of the title screen, and select Immersive Characters - Shane from the list.
- No Profanity: Gives you the clean version of the mod without swearing. Defaults to "true". Set it to "false" if you want to let Shane swear (which is what I recommend).
- Jas Auncle: Decides what term Jas will call you at high hearts. Options are "Nini", "Aunt", or "Uncle."
- Event Changes: Adds new heart events and modifies existing ones.
- Gift Tastes: Changes his reactions to gifts depending on his heart level. This will also make alcoholic drinks hated after seeing the six-heart events.
- Schedule Changes: Changes his schedule depending on his heart level. Turn this off for compatibility with Shane's New Job and/or SVE.
- Daily Dialogue: Adds 350+ lines of dialogue! Setting this to false will allow you to use other dialogue mods instead.
- Marriage Dialogue: Changes Shane's marriage dialogue. Setting this to false will allow you to use other marriage dialogue mods instead.
- Shane Ranch Job: Toggles whether or not you want to use the shop feature of this mod. If either "Schedule Changes" or "Event Changes" is turned off, Shane won’t work at the Ranch even if this setting is set to `"true"`.
- Shane Room Changes: Changes Shane's room in Marnie's house depending in his heart level. After seeing his 6 heart event, all alcohol will be removed, and at 8 hearts, the footprints & other trash will (most of the time) be cleaned up.
- Shane Spouse Room Changes: Changes Shane's spouse room to remove the alcohol. Depending on the config chosen, the footprints and other items will also be cleaned: 'Messy' removes only the alcohol, 'HalfMessy' removes the trash but not the footprints, and 'Clean' removes both footprints and trash. 'Dynamic' allows his room to change depending on his heart level, but due to Content Patcher limitations, the spouse room will only update when re-opening the save. 'Off' disables all spouse room edits for compatibility with Less Ugly Spouse Rooms or other spouse room mods.
- Anniversary Season: Set the season of your marriage anniversary. Accepted values: spring, summer, fall, winter. This won't affect gameplay if you don't marry Shane.
- Anniversary Day Of Month: Set the day of your marriage anniversary. Input a number from 1 to 28. This won't affect gameplay if you don't marry Shane.
This mod only requires Content Patcher! For additional custom strings, particularly if you intend to romance or marry Shane, aedenthorn's Custom Fixed Dialogue or datamancer's Custom Fixed Dialogue - Continued is optional but recommended.
The following mods have built-in compatibility with Immersive Shane:
- Diverse Stardew Valley: If installed, Shane's shop portraits will match his DSV variant and outfits and he will also wear his Joja uniform in his work portraits. Other portrait mods, including Seasonal Outfits Slightly Cuter Aesthetic, should also work but are untested
- Platonic Partners and Friendships: PPAF will automatically edit IC Shane's events and dialogue if he's in a platonic relationship with the farmer.
- Gender Neutrality Mod Tokens: Replacing the GenderNeutral configuration option in previous versions, IC Shane will now automatically detect your config settings from GN Mod Tokens and display the appropriate pronouns and word choices.
- Less Ugly Town Interiors: The Shane Room Changes config option will automatically adapt to LUTI's room changes for Marnie's ranch
- Fourteen Heart Events for All: 14 Heart Events for All's edits are compatible with IC Shane and its alternate 14 heart event for Shane is recommended as a companion event for Immersive Shane
- Pelican Town Potluck: If installed, Shane's dialogue about the Luau will automatically switch to the Potluck instead
- Marnie is a Good Aunt and Marnie is a Good Aunt (Redux): If either of these are installed, IC Shane's event edits will also include the appropriate changes for Marnie
- Clint Rewritten and Dammit Clint Stop Hitting on My Wife: IC Shane makes minor edits to Clint's 3 heart events if Shane is sober and is compatible with edits made by both of these mods
Potentially Incompatible Mods
- Stardew Valley Expanded: To use IC Shane with SVE, turn off IC Shane's Schedule Changes, Shane Ranch Job, Shane Room Changes, and Shane Spouse Room Changes config settings. There may still be other incompatibilities and further support or compatibility will not be added.
- Other Dialogue Mods: If you wish to use other dialogue mods with Immersive Characters - Shane, set IC Shane's DailyDialogue and/or MarriageDialogue config setting to "false", depending on which type of dialogue is affected by the other dialogue mod.
- Other Schedule Mods: If you want to use Shane's New Job by Ran or other mods that affect Shane's schedule, set IC Shane's ScheduleChanges config setting to "false".
- Other Event Mods: If the mod adds new events, there should be no conflicts. However, if the mod edits existing events, their changes will conflict with this mod's changes. If you prefer to use the other mod's event changes, set IC Shane's EventChanges config setting to "false".
- Other Map or Spouse Room Mods: If you want to use Less Ugly Spouse Rooms or other mods that affect either the interior map of Marnie's Ranch or Shane's spouse room, set IC Shane's ShaneRoomChanges and/or ShaneSpouseRoomChanges to "false" or "off", depending on which map is affected.
Thank you to tenthousandcats for creating the original mod and for giving me (Airyn) her blessing to update and maintain Immersive Characters - Shane <3
Thanks to Nom0ri for his i18n-ifier app, which made converting this mod to i18n significantly easier!
To learn more about the background of this mod, check out my GitHub wiki. :)
If you like this mod, feel free to buy tenthousandcats a coffee! :)