Phenderix Magic World adds a massive amount of content including new spells, weapons, bosses, followers, locations, and much more! Download today to unleash hundreds of new roleplaying options and discover a new world where magic has just begun to awaken.
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
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Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
phenderix - created all content not mentioned below.
CUSTOM ASSETS USED BY THIS MOD Skyrim Nexus User: 747823 - Weapons of the Third Era - meshes and textures used for several items contained within this mod. Awesome work! Skyrim Nexus User: lolikyonyu - Lolicept Resources - clutter items that make locations much more interesting. Thanks for this resource!
ASSISTED IN CREATING THE OLD VERSION OF THE SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY Skyrim Nexus User: Sjogga - created a large portion of the main hall interior for the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Skyrim Nexus User: Timmy19992 - assisted in creating part of the exterior for the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and creating texture files. Skyrim Nexus User: HellCommander711 - assisted in creating old version of navmeshes.
MISCELLANEOUS SHOUT-OUTS The SkyEdit Team - You made a fantastic program! You allowed me to start making mods in 2011 before the official creation kit was even released! Bethesda Softworks - You created an amazing game that stands the test of time and made what I believe to be the best game of all-time.
Donation Points system
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This is huge update to this mod that requires a new save game if you previously used Magic World. A new game is not required if you have not yet used Magic World.
Removed Manantis Bridges, Oromis Island and Menoa Tree areas. Moved content here to Manantis and other areas. This has resulted in a more dense and interesting world as well as better performance in some areas.
Created several new large pathways connecting areas of this mod. (Lookout Mountain to Elesma, Lookout Mountain to Sophitia Isle, Willhelm Hill to Elesma, etc.)
1000s of edits to Manantis worldspace (new clutter, trees, terrain changes, etc.)
Manantis player home "Guild Hall" now has display cases, an anvil, workbench, tanning rack, and new rugs
Made improvements to the spell experimentation room and the wandering magician inn
Made many clutter changes to make areas fit together better thematically
Other misc changes and fixes
Version 6.0.5
Stripped Magic World of all elemental fighter content.
If you would like arcane fist weapons, check out my latest mod Phenderix Arcane Brawler.
It is a much improved and overhauled version of the arcane fist content that used to be integrated into this mod.
Version 6.0.4
Stripped Magic World of all arcane archery content.
If you would like arcane arrows, check out my latest mod Phenderix Arcane Arsenal.
It is a much improved and overhauled version of the arcane archery content that used to be integrated into this mod.
Also, check out my mod Phenderix Magic SPID - Spells for NPCs. It will distribute some spells added by this mod to NPCs throughout Skyrim.
Version 6.0.3
[Fix] All summon spells now have absorption/reflection flag checked. Solves issues of player character failing to summon creatures under certain circumstances.
[Misc] Necrohaven vendor now sells soul gems.
Version 6.0.2
Reintroduced FOMOD installer. Can confirm it is working in mod manager and vortex.
New and updated ESL patch for leveled lists integration. (contained within FOMOD installer)
New and updated open cities ESL patch. (contained with FOMOD installer)
Updated baked-in support for Spell Research. It should now work with the new ESM structure.
Version 6.0.1
Packaged loose files into BSA. Should be able to work in Vortex now. (removed FOMOD installer for now)
Version 6.0.0
This update will require a clean save if you are already using this mod. (Disable this mod, enter your game and save, enable this mod) New users of this mod do not need to worry about this.
Mod is now in ESM format. More stable and better performance overall. (also was cleaned in SSEdit)
New FOMOD installer that will be used going forward. (It will have optional patches and add-ons soon)
Redid all voiced dialogue lines within the mod. It has been significantly improved.
Added many new lines of voiced dialogue.
Hundreds of changes to world exterior cells.
Hundreds of changes to interior cells.
Huge improvement to Elesma. It is now a shopping district with many shops that were previously located in the Manantis Bridges.
Huge changes to Manantis Bridges. Removed/moved almost every structure. Many locations that were here are now in Elesma.
Expanded Northern Wildlands to have one new area.
All school tower dormitories are now located within the college building.
Many new mountains and other terrain changes.
Updated world map and redone LOD.
Dozens of new ambient sound markers in places like waterfalls, fireplaces, etc.
Many navmeshes were recreated by hand to allow for better NPC AI pathing.
Blended terrain near bridges. (big improvement)
Complete overhaul of elemental interaction script used in spells. (it will be easy to create patches for other mods soon - more updates on this later)
Deleted arrow spells. (over the years I have gotten reports of these causing crashes and I just want this mod to be as error-free as possible)
Removed wardrobe entrance in Dragonsreach. You can now only get to Manantis by using the teleport spell.
New screenshots and a heavily updated guide to the mod.
Previous patches like the leveled list and open skyrim patches, will not work in V6. New patches may come out in the following weeks.
Version 5.1.1
Edited and refined loading screens added by PMW.
Decreased casting time for all teleport spells from 5 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
New AI package for Amelia to sleep at home at night.
New AI package for Eragen to sleep at home at night.
New AI package for Oromis to sleep at home at night.
Significantly improved the appearance of Oromis's house. (new clutter & furniture)
DO NOT USE the PMW file from High Poly NPCs. I tested it and confirmed it breaks all voiced dialogue.
Version 5.1.0
Improved appearance of Castle Grey and The Wall. (terrain, clutter, trees, items, etc.)
Completely redid the NavMesh at Castle Grey and The Wall. (huge improvement)
New interior cell at Castle Grey. (Captain Roland's quarters)
New interior cell at Castle Grey. (Blacksmith/Armory)
Added Routines to Wildlands NPCs at Camp Troy, Castle Grey, and The Wall (they will now explore further and sleep in shifts at day or night)
There is now a blacksmith named Wentun Eldric at Castle Grey.
Castle Grey now has a map marker that the player can easily travel to upon discovery.
The Wall map marker was removed and replaced with two map markers "The Northern Wall" and "The Southern Wall".
Added new map marker to Manantis Bridges Market.
Added two new vendors to the second level of Manantis Bridges Market, one selling Animal Pelts/Furs and one selling general Food. (both with routines)
Slimmed number of generic Manantis mages.
Moved Siurge boss to Wight Cemetary to decrease chances of permanent stun-lock (previously was next to another boss that also stunned)
Prank Book, Requirement Room, Perfect Sweetroll, Lost Remeglass quests now grant the player's house favor/popularity upon completion. (this will matter and lead to new options in quests and dialogue in the future)
Fixed some grass clipping at Camp Troy. (should be a little better now but depends on your grass mods)
Fixed exposed seam of mountain cliff at Wilhelm Hill.
Version 5.0.0
If this update receives a lot of love then every update going forward in the near future will add additional voiced dialogue, quests, and more NPC AI routines. If this update seems to go unnoticed, then I may stop working on this project. Please let me know about your experience playing this mod! Feedback is critical in the development of a project this size - especially with me as the only developer!
New clutter and items in each of the 4 college dormitories.
Added a few more waterfalls and fixed existing waterfalls.
Regenerated LOD (to get your world map to look like mine in the trailer you will have to use DynDoLOD)
Several new mountain ranges and many changes to terrain to improve the appearance of Manantis worldspace.
Improved appearance of Camp Troy, Forbidden Forest, Wilhelm Hill, Manantis Bridges, Oromis Island and more (trees, clutter, items, etc.)
New small extended area of the forbidden forest
New AI package for eating at Apotek Restaurant. (several NPCs will now visit for dinner)
Improved NavMesh in many areas of Manantis world.
Removed Heroes Keep interior and building. (was just a clone of a Riften building and not original, there was nothing to do here)
Enhanced the exterior of The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Many other small changes and fixes to the world of Manantis.
Version 4.6.0
Improved appearance of nearly every shop in this mod.
Many new clutter objects scattered across interiors throughout this mod as well as to Manantis exterior cells. (improvements using new clutter will continue in future updates)
The following NPCs now have voiced dialogue: Henrald (Market Meat Vendor), Ralina (Angela's Clothing Assistant)
Added several new lines of voiced dialogue to Herme. (formerly named Hermion)
All Manantis vendors and employees now sleep at night. (some other random town NPCs now also have sleep schedules)
Dock Workers will now sleep at night inside ship.
Elemental Archers, outside market vendors, Apotek employees now sleep in shared housing rooms on second level of Mannatis Bridges.
Removed Slumber Tower. (interior looked terrible and I'm too lazy to redo it all - easier to just create something new later)
Removed Manantis Ship interior cell. (made no sense - replaced with bed rolls on the ship)
Several fixes to texture files. (a couple were uncompressed with and had no mipmap)
Slightly reduced number of generic Manantis mages.
This mod now uses resources from LiamsClutterResource. (new clutter and furniture)
Version 4.5.0
I present to you version 4.5.0! This is the largest update since V.4.0.0!! (this will be only for PC for now - XB1 rollout will likely happen later once I confirm everything is working properly on PC)
MASSIVE ENHANCEMENT!!!! - All students now have routines and do things like meet in the great hall, attend class, go to the athletic fields, drink at local taverns, hang out and sleep in their affiliated towers.
This will be improved in the future and additional routines will be implemented for other non-student NPCs in the next few updates.
Trimmed the number of students in each house. Now each of the 4 houses has 12 students. (48 college students total)
Captain Davie at the Manantis docks can now take you to Dawnstar, Solitude, and Windhelm.
Added first radiant quest! Speak with Cerdric to do a repeatable quest where you deliver ale to the different student dormitories. Completing quest gives favor to your house. (this was a big learning process for me - hopefully I will be adding many more repeatable radiant quests to the mod going forward)
Added popularity/favor system to Manantis. By completing certain quests, you will gain favor among students and make your chosen house more popular. This will be further fleshed out in the future. (only 1 quest uses favor system as of now)
Added house points system to Manantis. By completing certain quests, you will gain points for your chosen house. This will be further fleshed out in the future. (no quests give house points yet)
There are now four banners in the main hall that allow you to check the total current house points balance for each house.
Overhauled the college's main hall and its dining tables. (better performance - less random clutter)
Deleted kitchen area in the school main hall. A higher quality version may be added in the future
Deleted old version of school interior used in a 2016 version of the school. (trimmed esp size)
Improved NavMesh inside the Red/Yellow/Blue/Green House Dormitories.
Improved NavMesh across many areas of Manantis town exterior.
Completely redid Navmesh inside Scholar's Drink.
Improved NavMesh inside the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
NPC AI Position Process Fix is now a recommended mod - helps significantly with handling the routines of the large number of NPCs in Manantis.
ElSopa HD Dirt Blast is now a recommended mod - makes many of the earth spells added by PMW look significantly better.
Version 4.4.0
Apotek Host, Apotek Server, Jen's Gems Vendor now have voiced dialogue. (more voiced dialogue to come in future updates via SKVA Synth tool)
New map marker for School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Terrain improvements to the area surrounding Camp Troy and Menoa Tree.
Several new mountain ranges.
Generated new LOD for Manantis. (world map looks better now)
Wilhelm Hill now has a tower that will fully heal magicka, health, and stamina for all that enter it.
Deleted remnants of old Forbidden Dimension worldspace that is no longer being used. (slimmed size of esp)
Can now temper almost all weapons added by this mod. (credit to RestitutorOrbix for adding this!)
Improved Wilhelm Hill appearance.
Improved Pointed Fletching shop appearance.
Improved Potent Potions shop appearance.
Version 4.3.0
Significant enhancements to Manantis Bridges and their overall appearance. (new mountains, updated ramps, less mismatching of different assets)
New range of mountains near Aleknai Woods.
New small extended area of Elesma - will be further developed in the future.
New small extended area of Northern Wildlands - will be further developed in the future.
Generated new LOD for Manantis. (world map looks better now)
Improved Necrohaven shop appearance.
Version 4.2.1
Professors Mcbonic and Lockert now have voice acting.
All college professors' vendor chests are now locked at the master level.
Enhancements to Manantis docks and portal area. (new clutter, terrain changes, etc.)
Removed both Lore Friendly patch and KS Hairdos add-on. They had many errors when used in combination with the new voiced version of Magic World. I will not release another version of the Lore Friendly Patch. Over time I will try to make the NPCs of Manantis look better by incorporating assets from other mods in the future.
If you care about having a lore-friendly experience, please use Magic Evolved, instead. (I have relaunched and updated Magic Evolved)
Version 4.2.0
Virtually all existing lines of NPC dialogue are now voiced. (generated by SKVA Synth)
~100 new additional lines of text/voiced dialogue. (generated by SKVA Synth)
Slight edits to many existing dialogue lines to make them work better with SKVA Synth application.
Removed text dialogue found for generic NPCs. (mages, guards, etc.) Dialogue in the future will be given only to unique NPCs.
The next few updates will focus primarily on adding hundreds more voiced dialogue lines to unique NPCs throughout Manantis. (to flesh out the world)
Generated voiced dialogue may be a little be rough for some characters. Expect there to be significant improvements over time as the SKVA Synth tool gets better and more voice types get released.
For example, I can't create voiced dialogue for male elves / argonians, etc. yet. Once this functionality becomes available through SKVA Synth the voice type and associated voice acting for some NPCs in Manantis will likely change.
Version 4.1.4
Changed the World Art and Inventory Art of many spell tomes to correctly match the associated magic archetype. (destruction, illusion, etc.)
Added new spirit variant to "Summon - Chaurus Assortment".
Added new spirit variant to "Summon - Giant Assortment".
Improved navmesh across various parts of Manantis town.
Fixed MCM menu - it should now work once again. (may not appear for existing saves)
Fixed a couple of papyrus errors related to the Elemental Interaction System.
There is also now a patch for this mod to work with Open Cities Skyrim.
Version 4.1.3
Enhanced area surrounding the southern entrance to "The Wall" with additional trees, clutter, and flora.
Enhanced "Elesma" with additional trees, clutter, and flora.
Fixed spelling issues with a couple spell tomes.
A few small fixes to the built-in Spell Research compatibility.
Version 4.1.2
Added cheat option to MCM menu to toggle whether Blood spells cause damage to the caster.
Buffed extra damage that occurs when a Magnetism spell hits a CHARGED target.
Corrected descriptions of PMW enchantment spells.
Fixed Frostspark spell to properly register as frost and shock damage.
Fixed Excaliblade sword's magical effect. (I broke it last update - sorry!)
Fixed and tested Oromis given Templar quest. It should start, progress, and end correctly.
Fixed paralysis bolt projectile visuals.
Version 4.1.1
Regenerated Manantis LOD. (used for faraway objects and Manantis world map)
LOD textures now in BC7 format instead of 565. (may fix crashing some users had upon traveling to Manantis)
Updated MCM menu to include a new cheat option that changes Divine Chakra Gates to no longer harm the caster.
Enchant spells are now equipped in the voice/shout slot. (allows the caster to enchant two weapons at the same time)
Enchantment spells now enchant both weapons equipped in left and/or right hand.
Enchantment spell descriptions updated and improved. (balance also changed slightly)
Fixed issue where Divine Overshield/Resistance Field/Resistance Barrier didn't cost any Magicka.
Bug fix related to choosing default options in MCM menu. These now save properly.
Elemental Interaction - CORRUPTED effect duration increased from 10 to 12 sec.
Elemental Interaction - BURNING effect duration decreased from 10 to 7 sec. (now does slightly more dmg)
Lowered Magicka cost of Divine Resistance Field/Barrier and Shield spells.
Divine Embrace duration reduced from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
Redid silent dialogue for Legolai NPC. (previously had faint background noise)
There is now an optional add-on for the mod Spell Distributor that adds PMW spells to NPCs.
Version 4.1.0
Assortment summon spells now cast a default spell if used by an NPC/follower.
Draugr/Skeleton/Ghost warrior summons now use better swords as the player increases their level. (4 variants of each warrior now - iron/draugr/orcish/daedric)
Draugr/Skeleton/Ghost archer summons now use better arrows as the player increases their level. (4 variants of each archer now - iron/draugr/orcish/daedric)
Manantis Player Home now purchasable from Eragen for 3,000 septims. (key no longer dropped by boss)
Phenderix Magic vendor can now be found in Winterhold College Arcaneum.
Transmogrify spell now has a projectile.
Updated description for Teleport Mark/Recall spells.
Improved Elemental Interaction - Corruption effect now has 4 levels of armor reduction that scales with the caster's Illusion magic skill. (previously was just 1 level that didn't scale or stack)
Improved Elemental Interaction - Corruption effect now stacks. (each Darkness spell/arrow/weapon that hits a target reduces armor for 10 sec)
There is now an optional add-on that adds PMW spell tomes to vanilla Skyrim vendors.
There is now an optional add-on that adds KS hairstyles to PMW NPCs.
Version 4.0.0
I present to you the best update that this mod has ever seen! (over 100 hours of additional development time!)
Location "Sophitia Isle" (a new outdoors arena-style challenge area and a new way to earn gold!)
Location "Elesma" (new land to explore near the Manantis Athletic Fields)
Complete overhaul of Divine archetype and associated spells
Complete overhaul of Elemental archetype and associated spells
Overhauled, refined, and/or enhanced nearly every spell added by this mod. (1000+ changes and tweaks)
Many enhancements and refinements to Phenderix Magic elemental fist weapons.
The elemental interaction system has been implemented across all the Phenderix Magic elemental fist weapons.
The elemental interaction system has been implemented across all the Phenderix Magic arcane arrows/bolts.
The elemental interaction system has been implemented across all the Phenderix Magic staves.
Spell "Darkness - Corrupted Cloak"
Spell "Blood - Ravager"
Spell "Summon - Alphatize"
Spell "Manipulate - Character Creation Menu"
Spell "Manipulate - Add/Remove Spell (Target)"
Spell "Manipulate - Unequip All (Target)"
Spell "Manipulate - Unequip All (Self)"
Quest "Selfas Shards - Part 1"
Quest "Searching for Drake Glass"
Quest "Message for the Archmage"
New Elemental Interaction - Blood spells now cause both the caster and the target to begin BLEEDING for 8 sec. (not just the caster anymore)
New Elemental Interaction - Earth spells, when they hit a POISONED target, trap in toxins with dirt/sand and cause additional poison damage to occur.
New Elemental Interaction - Wind spells, when they hit a DIRTY target, blow away the dirt, and cause the effect to be dispelled.
New Elemental Interaction - Casters that cast poison spells while BLEEDING, will get inflicted by a low-level poison as toxins seep into their body too
New Elemental Interaction - Magnetism spells fly towards a target significantly faster and do slightly more damage if that target is CHARGED.
Spell "Manipulate - Unlearn Spell (Self)" now allows the player to choose to forget a spell equipped in their left or right hand.
Merged 8 "Enhance - Gate" spells into 1 spell called "Divine - Chakra Gate Unlock". (Now a Divine Restoration spell with a menu system and new FX)
Merged 6 Manipulate Size spells into 2 spells called "Manipulate - Size (Self)" and "Manipulate - Size (Target)".
Merged 5 teleport spells into 1 spell called "Teleport - Skyrim City". (also added 12 new teleport locations)
Merged 3 farm animal spells into 1 spell called "Summon - Farm Assortment".
Merged 7 nature animal spells into 1 spell called "Summon - Nature Assortment".
Merged 3 jumping spider spells into 1 spell called "Summon - Jumping Spider Assortment". (also added new jumping oil spider variant)
Merged 8 dragon summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Dragon Assortment". Standardized stats of variants and added new variants.
Merged 4 troll summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Troll Assortment". Standardized and adjusted stats of troll variants.
Merged 3 chaurus summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Chaurus Assortment". Standardized and adjusted stats of chaurus variants.
Merged 2 giant summons into 1 spell called 'Summon - Giant Assortment". Standardized stats of giant variants.
Merged 4 wolf summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Wolf Assortment". Standardized stats of wolf variants.
Merged 2 ghost summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Ghost Assortment". (added new ghost archer variant in addition to existing warrior & maiden)
Merged 4 sabre cat summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Sabre Cat Assortment". Standardized stats of sabre cat variants.
Merged 3 draugr summons into 1 spell call "Summon - Draugr Assortment". Adjusted stats of draugr variants.
Merged 3 riekling summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Riekling Assortment". Adjusted stats of riekling variants.
Merged 3 spriggan summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Spriggan Assortment". Adjusted stats of spriggan variants.
Merged 4 bear summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Bear Assortment". Standardized stats of bear variants.
Merged 5 skeleton summons into 1 spell called "Summon - Skeleton Assortment". Adjusted stats of skeleton variants.
Merged 2 horse spells into 1 spell called "Summon - Horse Assortment". (also added 2 new horse variants)
Merged 3 bomb spells into 1 spell called "Fire - Bomb". (no longer require clay to cast; bomb spells are now in the fire archetype)
Bombs are now placed below the player's feet, not at a target's location.
Bombs now have timers that are set by the player upon bomb placement.
Enhanced "Lair of the Deathbringer" boss encounter.
Generated new LOD and created an updated and improved world map for the Manantis worldspace.
Spells "Teleport - Targeted Blink" and "Teleport - Pull" are no longer registered as hostile magic to targets.
Spirit conjuration spells renamed and moved to Summon archetype.
Restore spells renamed and moved to Divine archetype.
Enhanced several old Phenderix scripts to make them more efficient and flexible.
This mod no longer edits the max number of placeable runes. (increases compatibility with other mods)
100+ new lines of text dialogue.
Completely redid the built-in compatibility support for the mod Spell Research. (if using this mod, you'll want to do a clean save for version 4.0.0)
Phenderix Magic and Weapon vendors have been merged into 1 vendor.
Phenderix Magic Vendor now in Whiterun's Dragonsreach, Solitude's Blue Palace, Riften's Mistveil Keep, Markarth's Understone Keep, and Windhelm's Palace.
The mod has been cleaned and checked for errors in SSEEdit. (0 errors pop up for version 4.0.0)
My mods Magic Evolved, Arcane Archery, and Elemental Fighter mods have been hidden. (There is no reason to choose those mods over Magic World)
Removed many spells that were duplicative in nature, a gimmick, or simply not interesting.
Version 3.9.0
Content: Moderate overhaul of Fire, Frost, Lightning, and Conjuration Arrow spells. Depending on the specific spell, the following may have been changed: visual effects, sound effects, lighting effects, spell description, spell name, and balance. These overhauls to the existing archetypes are intended to make this mod extremely polished, visually stunning, and fun.
Improvement: Minor additions and enhancements to Manantis town. (In particular, Lookout Mountain)
Bug Fix: Ghost Warrior summon is no longer invulnerable to attacks.
Misc: New LOD generated for Manantis.
Misc: Blood spells now do more damage to the Caster if the Caster is already BLEEDING.
Misc: Lightning explosion will occur on WATERLOGGED targets only if the Lightning spell cast is Adept level of above.
Removal: Several Fire, Frost, and Lightning spells. (others were renamed)
Removal: Spell "Summon - Dremora", replaced by the new Sanguine Offering spell.
Version 3.8.0
Content: Complete overhaul of Blood and Wind spells. Depending on the specific spell, the following may have been changed: visual effects, sound effects, lighting effects, spell description, spell name, and balance. These overhauls to the existing archetypes are intended to make this mod extremely polished, visually stunning, and fun.
Improvement: Significant enhancements to appearance and detail of Manantis Town.
Improvement: New clutter, flora, trees, items, and objects added to Manantis Town.
Bug Fix: Solved room bound issue in the school kitchen interior. (no more disappearing or falling objects)
Misc: New LOD generated for Manantis.
Misc: Edited AI Packages of many NPCs to allow them to wander further than before.
Removal: Several Blood and Wind spells. (others were renamed)
Version 3.7.1
Fixed missing meshes for boots item found in Manantis world.
Version 3.7.0
Content: Complete overhaul of Poison, Water, and Earth spells. Depending on the specific spell, the following may have been changed: visual effects, sound effects, lighting effects, spell description, spell name, and balance. These overhauls to the existing archetypes are intended to make this mod extremely polished, visually stunning, and fun.
Content: Location "Drake Glass Mine"
Content: Craftable Drake Glass Weapons that do extra damage against Wights. (Requires Glass Smithing perk)
Content: 20+ new NPCs added to Manantis world. (including 2 bards and 2 street vendors)
Improvement: Significant enhancements to appearance and detail of the Wall and Northern Wildlands
Improvement: New clutter, flora, trees, items, and objects added to both of these areas.
Improvement: New loot chests and additional hidden items in new locations added by this mod to encourage exploration.
Balance: Darkness magic buffed and further refined.
Misc: New LOD generated for Manantis.
Misc: Changed the unique names of school students without dialogue to generic names.
Misc: Windfleur boss encounter relocated to the Northern Wildlands.
Misc: Removed unused files that were in the mod package, meaning the mod is now slightly smaller and takes up less storage space. (something especially important on XB1)
Removal: Several Poison, Water, and Earth spells. (others were renamed)
Version 3.6.0
Content: Complete overhaul of Darkness spells. Depending on the specific spell, the following may have been changed: visual effects, sound effects, lighting effects, spell description, spell name, and balance. This is the first of many overhauls to the existing archetypes that is intended to make this mod extremely polished, visually stunning, and fun.
Content: Introducing the 3rd round of elemental interactions!! Please read the content in the magic guide to learn more!
Content: Introducing the 1st round of elemental interactions!! Please read the content in the magic guide to learn more!
Improvement: Overhauled Teleport Manantis spell. On first cast it will take the player to Manantis. On second cast, it will take the player to wherever they were upon first casting Teleport Manantis. The cycle then starts over.
Improvement: Overhauled Teleport Mark and Recall spells. They now work globally and can be used across any world or cell in the game.
Improvement: Followers can now walk through Manantis portal and enter the Skyrim School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Improvement: Navmesh enhanced in key connecting parts of Manantis town.
Bug Fix: No more duplicate Alessandra NPC.
Bug Fix: Dozens of fixes to spells associated with proper skill level.
Bug Fix: Lightning - Volley animations now work properly.
Misc: Removed the portal outside Whiterun. There is now a wardrobe in Dragonsreach that connects to the Manantis portal.
Misc: Several other small changes to spells and effects.
Improvement: Built-in compatibility support for the mod "Spell Research". (Note: You do not have to use Spell Research for this mod to work properly. No additional patch is required.
Improvement: Blazebolt spells now leave a firewall on impact.
Improvement: Spell "Fire - Slasher" will now cause an explosion upon impact if the caster is a Master of Destruction.
Bug Fix: Fixed all 23 errors that showed up in SSEEdit. There are now 0 errors.
Bug Fix: Corrected errors caused by Requirement Room location.
Bug Fix: Dozens of fixes to spells associated with half magicka cost perks.
Bug Fix: Dozens of fixes to spells associated with proper skill level.
Bug Fix: Several fixes to spell tome vendor lists.
Balance: Spell "Summon - Armored Troll" buffed and made Conjuration Master level.
Balance: Nerfed loot dropped by Demented enemies and Embris boss.
Balance: Phenderix Arrows/Bolts are now more expensive and do less damage.
Misc: Renamed Phenderix Cloak and Enchantment spells and assigned them to appropriate Archetypes.
Misc: "The One Ring" is now obtainable once again. (Chest in the Wildlands)
Misc: New item "Magnetized Metal" that is required for Magnetism spells is sold by some Manantis vendors. It is also craftable.
Version 3.0.0
Content: Massive overhaul of Manantis town and worldspace.
Content: The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is now in Manantis. This is a massive change and completely enhances the atmosphere of Manantis. There are no longer any changes to the area near Markarth by this mod. This will massively increase compatibility with other mods and improve FPS performance. Players will now get to Manantis using a teleport spell given to them at the start of the game. (In addition, the player is now given an Unlearn Spell ability at game start)
Content: Quests "The Wight Thing to Do", "Angela's Cloth", "Clank Clank"
Content: 200+ new lines of text dialogue.
Improvement: New LOD and updated Manantis World Map.
Improvement: Additional detail, NPCs, and clutter added to Manantis.
Improvement: Navmesh enhanced in the new locations added by this mod.
Improvement: Teleport spells now spawn to centrally located markers.
Bug Fix: NPCs will now be able to properly enter/exit Manantis buildings.
Bug Fix: Paralysis bolts now launch properly.
Bug Fix: Requirement Room no longer has old references that spawn NPCs.
Removal: All Host Conjuration spells. Will be released as a separate mod.
Removal: 2 Shadow Shroud spells. (These caused game crashes)
Removal: All changes related to perks.
Removal: All edits to Skyrim worldspace. (Besides 1 portal near Whiterun)
Removal: All edits to leveled lists, meaning Phenderix spell tomes cannot be purchased from any vendor outside Manantis and Dragonsreach)
Misc: My individual mods including Magic Evolved, Elemental Fighter, and Arcane Archery have all been updated to include content from Magic World v.3.0.0. (For Skyrim SE)
Version 2.7.0
Content: New shop in Manantis called "Staves of Power".
Content: 15 new staves that use spells added by this mod. More staves and increased functionality to come in future updates.
Content: New spells "Divine - Fortify Magic", "Divine - Fortify Creativity", "Divine - Fortify Strength", and "Divine - Fortify Dexterity". These 4 spells replace 19 spells.
Improvement: Additional clutter and detailing added to the area by Slumber Tower.
Improvement: Overhauled The Lair of the Prime Evil location.
Improvement: Significant enhancements to Manantis Bridge on Manantis Mountain. (WIP)
Improvement: Increased compatibility with perk mods that impact weapons, ammo, spells, and summons by adding additional keywords to content added by this mod.
Bug Fix: Divine Volley and Divine Barrage now function properly and do appropriate damage.
Bug Fix: Fixed several landscape issues near the Forsworn camp by The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Bug Fix: Several female NPCs no longer use male voice types.
Bug Fix: Manantis Mage NPCs now properly cast spells while in combat.
Balance: Buffed and enhanced Prime Evil and made his summon spell cost more magicka.
Removal: "Fortify - Conjuration", "Fortify - Alteration", "Fortify - Destruction", "Fortify - Illusion", and "Fortify - Restoration to be replaced with "Divine - Fortify Magic".
Removal: "Fortify - Alchemy", "Fortify - Enchanting", "Fortify - Smithing", and "Fortify - Speech" to be replaced with "Divine - Fortify Creativity".
Removal: "Fortify - Archery", "Fortify - Stamina", "Fortify - Lockpicking", and "Fortify - Sneak" to be replaced with "Divine - Fortify Dexterity"
Removal: "Fortify - Block", "Fortify - One Handed", "Fortify - Two Handed", "Fortify - Light Armor", "Fortify - Heavy Armor", and "Fortify - Carry Weight" to be replaced with "Divine - Fortify Strength"
Misc: Hergrid NPC is now a vendor and sells staves.
Version 2.6.0
Content: Spell "Elemental - Concussive Strike".
Content: Merged Touch/Telekinetic spells to create "Channel" spells.
Content: New buildings on the second level of Manantis bridge now have interiors that can be entered. (3 new interiors WIP)
Improvement: Significant enhancements to appearance and detail of area north of Manantis town.
Improvement: New clutter, flora, trees, items, and objects in the area north of Manantis town.
Improvement: New loot chests in locations added by this mod to encourage exploration.
Improvement: Slight changes to Manantis town and interiors.
Balance: "Channel" spells do initial extra damage if the caster is close to a target.
Misc: Renamed potent spells and assigned them to Fire, Frost, and Lightning archetype categories.
Misc: Background work on a massive undertaking to improve spells added by this mod.
Version 2.5.0
Improvement: Significant enhancements to appearance and detail of Manantis town area.
Improvement: New clutter, flora, trees, items, and objects in Manantis town area.
Improvement: New loot chests and additional hidden items in new locations added by this mod to encourage exploration.
Bug Fix: Deleted random tower at Fort Skull Lookout.
Misc: PC and XB1 versions will be simultaneously updated going forward.
Misc: File cleaned using SSEEdit
Version 2.4.1
Bug Fix: Fixed BSA file. It should properly work now. Improvement: Smaller file size.
Version 2.4.0
Content: Ammo Arrow/Bolt Calm. (3 Ranks)
Content: Ammo Legendary Arrow/Bolt Blink Strike.
Improvement: Massively improved frost spells with properly functioning movement and weapon speed slowing effects.
Improvement: Frost ammo now has slow functionality.
Improvement: Glacial Strike ammo now has slow functionality.
Improvement: Gate spell effect functionality and descriptions.
Balance: Major functionality changes and updates to Frost spells.
Balance: Nerfed Frost archetype spell damage.
Balance: Nerfed "Enervate" spell.
Balance: Nerfed "Skeletal" Ammo.
Version 2.3.0
Improvement: Added additional detail and clutter to "The Wall".
Improvement: Added working ladders to "The Wall".
Bug Fix: Fear and Frenzy arrows have been altered and now work properly.
Bug Fix: Slippy NPC is no longer essential. (Fixes Remeglass Quest)
Misc: Replicate ammo is now classified as a legendary ammo.
Misc: Slight changes to several legendary ammos.
Misc: Removed spell "Summon - Cow Painted".
Version 2.2.0
Content: New Ammo Legendary Arrow/Bolt Glacial Strike.
Content: New Ammo Legndary Arrow/Bolt Inferno Blast.
Content: New Ammo Legendary Arrow/Bolt Eternal Black.
Improvement: Custom Arrows now all use vanilla meshes and textures found in vanilla Skyrim.
Improvement: Appearance of Manantis Docks.
Improvement: Sound FX for "Divine Healing Blast".
Improvement: Updated climate data for Manantis.
Bug Fix: "Divine Healing Blast" is no longer a hostile spell.
Bug Fix: Fixed ramp position at "The Wall".
Bug Fix: Lost Remeglass quest now properly completes.
Bug Fix: Prank Book quest now properly completes.
Balance: Skeletal Bolts nerfed.
Misc: Removed dragons in Manantis. May return in future.
Misc: Removed pop-up message at the start of the game.
Misc: Removed "Teleport - Forbidden Dimension" spell.
Misc: Removed old MCM menu for Magic Transcended.
Misc: Removed optional Beauty Patch. Didn't work.
Version 2.1.0
Content: Spell "Divine - Concussive Strike".
Content: Spell "Fire - Blazebolt (Cheat)".
Content: Weapon "Hand - Blood".
Improvement: Arcane Arrow and Bolt names are now much simpler. (Rank I, II, III)
Improvement: Forbidden Forest Appearance.
Improvement: Moved Manantis portal to Manantis Mountain.
Optional Files: Released "Phenderix Magic World - Beauty Add-On".
Optional Files: Updated "Phenderix Magic World - Lore Friendly Patch".
Misc: Renamed Arcane Mountain to Manantis Mountain.
Balance: Concussive Strike spells buffed and rebalanced.
Balance: Decreased gold value of legendary weapons.
Balance: Nerfed several necklace and ring artifacts added by this mod.
Balance: Rune Repeater spells now cost more magicka.
Bug Fix: Properly placed Brisinblue and Naegrand in correct boss inventories.
Version 2.0.3
Bug Fix: Working dialogue and thus working quests.
Version 2.0.2
Bug Fix: Luna can no longer be recruited as a follower.
Improvement: Updated script for interaction with summons.
Version 2.0.1
Bug Fix: Shraken is no longer essential.
Bug Fix: Manantis portal linked properly.
Version 2.0.0
Content: Ammo "Arrow - Blood" and "Bolt - Blood".
Content: Basic text dialogue added for many NPCs.
Content: Location "Camp Troy".
Content: Location "Hydrafish Pond".
Content: Location "Lookout Mountain".
Content: Location "Northern Wildlands".
Content: Location "The Chamber of Sircets".
Content: Location "Windfleur Hill".
Content: Location "The White Cemetery".
Content: Location "Castle Grey". (WIP)
Content: Location "The Wall".
Content: Location "The Forbidden Forest".
Content: Massive expansion of Manantis worldspace.
Content: New boss encounters scattered throughout new and old locations.
Content: New custom decorations from joceline mod.
Content: New enemy type, Wights. (Custom textures)
Content: New interiors and shops at Manantis. All buildings have working linked doors.
Content: New unique and generic NPCs in Manantis.
Content: New unique dragons with custom textures.
Content: NPC "Hergrid". Added to School.
Content: NPC "Murtle". Added to Arcane Mountain.
Content: Quest "Camp Troy Ammunition".
Content: Quest "Templar Resistance" and Templar encampments.
Content: Quest "The Chamber of Sircets".
Content: Quest "The Lost Food Caravan".
Content: Quest "The Perfect Sweetroll".
Content: Quest "The Prank Book".
Content: Quest "The Stolen Remeglass".
Content: Quest "The Sorting Hat".
Content: Quest: "Requirement Room".
Content: Spell "Magnetism - Pummel".
Content: Spell "Teleport - School of Witchcraft and Wizardry". (Obtained from Quest)
Content: Stable in Manantis. Purchasable horse.
Improvement: Custom meshes for hand FX for many spell archetypes.
Improvement: Custom sound effects for all "Force - Strike" spells.
Improvement: Custom sound effects for all "Lightning - Strike" spells.
Improvement: Custom sound effects for all "Time - Analysis" spells.
Improvement: Custom textures for all elemental arrows and bolts.
Improvement: Custom textures for Brisinblue legendary weapon.
Improvement: Every Manantis interior has been enhanced with additional content.
Improvement: Exterior Appearance "Arcane Mountain".
Improvement: Exterior Appearance "Manantis".
Improvement: Hydrafish encounter reward.
Improvement: Increased optimization for school exterior. (Higher FPS)
Improvement: Ladder access to the Arcane Mountain.
Improvement: Lair of the Deathbringer encounter.
Improvement: LOD Generated for "Manantis". (Custom Map)
Improvement: More lore-friendly names for NPCs.
Improvement: Overhauled Arcane Mountain dragon appearance and pathing to its mouth.
Improvement: Overhauled old boss encounters. Many have changed locations.
Improvement: Reduced the number of janitors at the school.
Improvement: School Dining Hall appearance, clutter, and optimization.
Misc: I now manage and keep track of all changes to this mod using Asana.
Misc: New MessageBox informing users of how to successfully install this mod.
Misc: Official Nexus guide has been trimmed and further edited.
Misc: Video trailer for version 2.0.0.
Misc: Video walkthrough for version 1.1.2. (PS4 exclusive)
Removal: Reduced number of followers added by this mod.
Removal: Spell "Charm - Silencing".
Removal: Spell "Darkness - Invisibility".
Removal: Spell "Divine - Detect Life".
Removal: The Forbidden Dimension. Moved boss encounters to new areas.
Balance: Some minor changes to spells and arrows/bolts.
Bug Fix: "Guild Hall" bed ownership.
Bug Fix: Arcane Mountain map marker.
Bug Fix: Changed the location of several important school NPCs.
Bug Fix: Darkness spell archetype experience issues.
Bug Fix: Deleted a floating tree in the Tamriel worldspace.
Bug Fix: Divine sorcerers would heal the player during hostile combat.
Bug Fix: Excaliblade FX visibility.
Bug Fix: Summon ghost warrior.
Version 1.1.1
Bug Fix: Can now properly craft Divine arrows and bolts.
Bug Fix: Potentially fixed Shruicann flight issues.
Balance: Buffed the damage of several Divine spells.
Version 1.1.0
Bug Fix: Multiple summons should work properly now.
Bug Fix: Summon Dragon descriptions updated.
Bug Fix: Removed some unused spell tomes.
Bug Fix: Hermione Granier wears a Red House outfit.
Bug Fix: Fixed Menoa Tree Ramp Position
Bug Fix: Azkalin Prison Hole
Bug Fix: Properly added "The One Ring" to "The Chest of the True Adventurer".
Bug Fix: Improved pathing in the "Lair of the Prime Evil".
Bug Fix: Players are now allowed to explore the interior of "The Commodore".
Improvement: "Professor Severius" now sells potions. Custom potions may come in future updates!
Improvement: The interior of "The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" has been optimized and now provides much higher FPS.
Improvement: Altered many of the names of many NPCs at "The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry".
Improvement: "Arcane Mountain Dragon" LOD and appearance.
Balance: Giants in "The Magic Isle" have their level scale with the player's level.
Balance: Buffed "The Demented" Level and Health
Balance: Buffed "Lightning Encounter" boss.
Content: Added house elves to the kitchen in "The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry".
Content: Added Divine arrows and bolts.
Content: Added new island in Manantis - WIP (No interiors)
Location Showcase Trailer: (This is for V5, so many things have changed since then...but still does a pretty good job of showcasing the world.)
Magic Showcase Trailer:
Alternative Versions and Download Locations: Released for Skyrim SE on PC (Bethesda, Nexus) (Bethesda PC version is outdated. I would recommend downloading the Nexus version!) Released for Skyrim SE on Xbox (Bethesda) (Bethesda Xbox version is outdated. It may be updated to V6 one day.) Recommended Mods: NPC AI Process Position Fix - helps with processing NPC routines El Sopa HD - Dirt Blast - makes earth spells look better
Welcome to the awakening of magic in Skyrim. The next evolution begins now.
Phenderix Magic World is the largest, most comprehensive magic mod available for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. The new features added by this mod will completely enhance your gameplay experience and unleash hundreds of new roleplaying and character options. This mod is designed for all types of characters, not just mages. Also - cool fact - it's compatible with virtually every mod made for Skyrim and should contain no major bugs or issues as it has been tested for years.
This mod adds a new world called Manantis, but the player is not forced to visit the new world in order to obtain most of the content added by this mod. Most content added by this mod can be purchased from select vendors across Skyrim. Therefore, visiting the new world of Manantis is an optional experience.
HOW TO GET TO THE NEW WORLD? Upon starting Skyrim with this mod installed, the player will be given a teleport spell that can take them to Manantis. Cast the teleport spell a second time to return to wherever you last were in Tamriel.
WHERE TO FIND NEW ADDED CONTENT? Most content can be purchased from vendors in Manantis and Skyrim. A small amount of content can only be looted from bosses found in Manantis or obtained through a quest found in Manantis. Visiting the new locations in Manantis is an optional experience. You do not have to go to the new land to obtain most of the content added by this mod.
Most content added by Magic World can be purchased from a new vendor in Whiterun's Dragonsreach, Solitude's Blue Palace, Markarth's Understone Keep, Riften's Mistveil Keep, Winterhold College's Arcanaeum, and Windhelm's Palace of the Kings. (and of course from a plethora of vendors in Manantis)
The level of the player's magic skills determines what spell tomes are available to purchase from vendors. For instance, to purchase a master level destruction spell tome from a vendor, the player must have their destruction skill at the master level.
There is also a "Cheat Chest" in Farengar's room in Dragonsreach which contains most of the spell tomes and weapons added by Magic World. A small amount of content must still be obtained from bosses found in Manantis or obtained through a quest found in Manantis.
This mod does not edit leveled lists, meaning you will not be able to buy spell tomes from random vendors across Skyrim. This has been done to enhance compatibility with other magic mods. You can only buy spell tomes from vendors in Manantis and from vendors in the Skyrim locations noted above.
This mod adds an entire worldspace complete with new locations, shops, followers, NPCs, boss encounters, quests, and purchasable items!
MANANTIS -a completely new worldspace with a magical town and more locations to explore! (hours of exploration await you) How to get there? Teleport spell automatically added upon installing this mod. The teleport spell will initially take the caster to Manantis. On the second cast, it will take the caster to wherever they were before traveling to Manantis. (works similar to teleport mark and recall) The cycle will then start over.
Sample of Locations found in Manantis: Manantis Town - a large town with inns, shops, student dormitories, a player house, a stable, and more The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - a college teeming with students and professors (classrooms, dorms, libraries and more) Elesma - shopping district and outdoor environmental area, many specialty shops for you to check out Sophitia Isle - an outdoor arena-like challenge area (a new way to earn gold!) The Wall - A fortified outpost where guards try their best to protect the city of Manantis Wildlands - a region that is unprotected by the guards of Manantis - who knows what you will find Northern Wildlands - a land where death lingers and life falters The Forbidden Forest - a forest containing many creatures that will definitely bite Camp Troy - a fortified outpost of guards defending Manantis town Azkalin Prison - a dungeon containing many terrifying apparitions and maybe a prisoner
This mod adds 160+ new and unique spells to the game along with an elemental interaction system.
These spells can be obtained from vendors in The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Manantis, Whiterun's Dragonsreach, Solitude's Blue Palace, Markarth's Understone Keep, Riften's Mistveil Keep, Winterhold College's Arcanaeum, and Windhelm's Palace of the Kings.
As you level up your magic skills, you will find that vendors offer more spell tomes to choose from. Most spell tomes must be purchased from vendors, however, there are some tomes that can only be acquired by completing boss encounters.
If you would like to cheat to obtain the spells added by this mod, there is a cheat chest in Whiterun's Dragonsreach near Farengar. You will still have to earn the spell tomes dropped by bosses. (or use the console's help function)
Many of the offensive spells added by this mod scale with enchantments and perks that affect the vanilla fire, frost, and shock magic types.
This allows you to use your favorite spells throughout the game to varying degrees of effectiveness.
PMW adds a unique elemental interaction system that greatly enhances the Skyrim magic system and adds an additional layer of complexity to combat. Elements now interact with one another - they can create synergies together...or neutralize each other. Upon combining elements, a whole host of interesting things could occur to the target or even to the caster. I've listed out all of the elemental interactions added by PMW in the appropriate spell archetype sections below. (in purple) These combinations and unique interactions are also implemented for the elemental fists portion of PMW. I hope you enjoy this new system and share your ideas on how to make it even better!
Dispels will work on many types of magic across mods. Added compatibility and keywords from other mods.
THE MANIPULATE ARCHETYPE spells that add new features to the game, some features can be regarded as cheat spells depending on how they are used MAGIC SKILL: ALTERATION SCALING: NONE
Manipulate - Unlock (expert) - unlock a container/door Manipulate - Lock (expert) - lock a container/door THE FIRE ARCHETYPE Fire spells damage health and cause a target to begin BURNING. For 7 sec, the target will take fire dmg. Higher level Fire spells will do increased dmg. - If target is CORRUPTED, the target will also be mentally attacked by an illusionary purple fire explosion that also does damage. - If target is WATERLOGGED, the target will become STEAMING for 3 sec. - If target is FREEZING, the ice will melt, causing FREEZING to be dispelled, and the target to become STEAMING for 3 sec and WATERLOGGED for 10 sec. MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: FIRE
Fire - Channel
(apprentice) Fire - Firebolt Repeater (adept) Fire - Enchantment (adept) Fire - Bomb (adept) - place a bomb and set the timer for when it goes off Fire - Flying Bird Bomb (expert) Fire - Fireball Repeater (expert) Fire - Dragon Blast (expert) Fire - Dragon Breath (master) Fire - Slasher (expert) Fire - Blazebolt (master) Fire - Blazebolt (Cheat) (master) Fire - Blaze of Wrath (master) Fire - Concussive Strike (master) THE FROST ARCHETYPE Frost magic damages Health and causes a target to become FREEZING. For 8 sec, the target will have decreased movement speed and attack speed. The magnitude of this slowing will scale with the level of the Frost magic used. This slowing effect will last for 8 sec, even if FREEZING is dispelled. - If target is BURNING, the fire will be put out and the target will become WATERLOGGED for 10 sec instead of FREEZING. BURNING will be dispelled from the target and the target will become STEAMING for 3 sec. - If target is WATERLOGGED, the water will freeze and thus the WATERLOGGED effect will be dispelled from the target. MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: FROST
Frost - Channel
(apprentice) Frost - Icicle Repeater (adept) Frost - Enchantment (adept) Frost - Ice Storm Repeater (expert) Frost - Entombment (expert) Frost - Dragon Blast (expert) Frost - Dragon Breath (master) Frost - Concussive Strike (master) THE LIGHTNING ARCHETYPE Lightning magic damages both Health and Magicka and causes them to become CHARGED for 10 sec. For Adept/Expert/Master Level Lightning Spells: - If target is WATERLOGGED, a lightning explosion occurs on the target. The explosion does increased damage that scales in effect with higher level Lightning spells. The WATERLOGGED effect will be dispelled from the target. MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: SHOCK
Lightning - Channel
(apprentice) Lightning - Enchantment (adept) Lightning - Strike (expert) Lightning - Discharge (expert) Lightning - Charged K Beam (master) Lightning - Concussive Strike (master) THE POISON ARCHETYPE Poison magic harms a target and causes them to be POISONED and take a small amount of dmg/sec for 30 sec. The amount of damage caused by the POISONED effect scales in power with the level of the Poison spell used - If caster is BLEEDING, then the caster will get inflicted with a low-level poison as toxins also seep into their body when casting a poison spell MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: SHOCK
Poison - Bug Beam
(apprentice) Poison - Spit (adept) Poison - Immobilizing Gas (expert) Poison - Spider Bite (expert) Poison - Toxic Cloud (master) THE EARTH ARCHETYPE Earth magic damages both Health and Stamina and causes the target to become DIRTY for 10 sec. - If target is POISONED, the dirt/sand/dust from the earth spell further traps in the toxins and causes additional poison damage to occur over time. MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: FROST
Earth - Sand Strike
(apprentice) Earth - Boulder (adept) Earth - Quake (expert) Earth - Avalanche (expert) Earth - Sand Storm (master) Earth - Sand Burial (master) THE WATER ARCHETYPE Water magic damages Health and causes a target to become WATERLOGGED. For 10 sec, the target has increased fire resistance, decreased shock resistance, and increased carry weight. These effects will last 10 sec, even if WATERLOGGED is dispelled. - If target is BURNING, the target will become STEAMING for 3 sec. The BURNING effect will be dispelled from the target. - If target is DIRTY, the water will clean off the target and cause the DIRTY effect to be dispelled. MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: FROST
Water - Hydro Touch
(apprentice) Water - Liquid Orb (adept) Water - Condensed Stream (expert) Water - Geyser (master) THE DIVINE ARCHETYPE Divine magic damages a target's Health, heals the caster, and causes the caster to become FAVORED for 10 sec. - If caster is FAVORED already, Divine spells also restore Stamina to the caster. The amount restored scales with the level of the Divine magic used. For Expert/Master Level Divine Spells: - If target is CORRUPTED, the target will be cleansed by a divine explosion and the CORRUPTED effect will be dispelled. MAGIC SKILL: RESTORATION SCALING: FIRE
Divine - Scorching Ring
(apprentice) Divine - Unlock Chakra Gate (apprentice) - 8 levels of speed enhancements but they cause damage to the caster Divine - Fortify Creativity (adept) Divine - Fortify Dexterity (adept) Divine - Fortify Magic (adept) Divine - Fortify Strength (expert) Divine - Cleansing Light (adept) Divine - Cure Disease (expert) Divine - Purifying Flames (expert) Divine - Embrace (master) Divine - Healing Blast (master) Divine - Overshield (master) Divine - Resistance Barrier (master) Divine - Resistance Field (apprentice) Divine - Concussive Strike (master) Divine - Resurrection (master) Divine - Shield (adept) Divine - Sunray (master) Divine - Restore Health Target (apprentice) Divine - Restore Magicka Target (apprentice) Divine - Restore Stamina Target (apprentice) Divine - Restore Stamina Self (apprentice) THE BLOOD ARCHETYPE Blood magic users cause damage to their own health and cause themselves and their target to become BLEEDING for 8 seconds. If the caster is already BLEEDING, then the caster will take increased damage from casting a blood spell. MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: FIRE
Blood - Seep
(apprentice) Blood - Cloak (adept) Blood - Transfusion (adept) Blood - Sanguine Offering (adept) Blood - Ring of Ruin (expert) Blood - Hemorrhage (expert) Blood - Eradication (master) Blood - Ravager (master) THE DARKNESS ARCHETYPE Darkness magic users channel dark spirits into the minds of targets to do damage to health and cause a target to become CORRUPTED. For 12 seconds, the target will have decreased armor and therefore be more vulnerable to attack. This armor reduction effect will last for 12 seconds, even if CORRUPTED is dispelled. When proper conditions are met, these spirits can jump into the bones of the fallen to spawn a Skeletal Mage. For Expert/Master Level Darkness Spells: - If target is BURNING, Darkness spells will spawn a Spirit Skeleton Fire Mage. - If target is CHARGED, Darkness spells will spawn a Spirit Skeleton Shock Mage. - If target is FREEZING, Darkness spells will spawn a Spirit Skeleton Frost Mage. The spirit skeletons will survive for 15 seconds and are allied with the player. The level of the spirit skeleton will scale with the level of the player. Only 1 spirit skeleton will be allowed at a time. (If the caster of a Darkness spell is not the player, the spirit skeleton will not spawn) MAGIC SKILL: ILLUSION SCALING: FIRE
Darkness - Mind Ripper (apprentice) Darkness - Corrupted Cloak (adept) Darkness - Corrupted Flames (adept) Darkness - Corrupted Fireball (expert) Darkness - Tentacle (expert) Darkness - Black Death
(master) THE WIND ARCHETYPE Wind magic staggers or knockbacks a target and causes a target to become WINDSWEPT. - When using a low level wind spell, if target is BURNING, the BURNING effect will be amplified and its duration reset to 10 seconds. - When using a high level wind spell, if target is BURNING, a fire explosion will occurs on the target. The BURNING effect will be dispelled from the target - If target is DIRTY, the wind spell will blow off the dirt and cause the DIRTY effect to be dispelled from the target. MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: FROST
Wind - Blow
(apprentice) Wind - Gust (adept) Wind - Cyclone Ball (expert) Wind - Force Strike (expert) Wind - Gale (master) Wind - Force Omega Blast (master) Wind - Rapid Squalls (master) THE ELEMENTAL ARCHETYPE magic that does fire, frost, and/or lightning damage MAGIC SKILL: DESTRUCTION SCALING: MIXED (FROST/FIRE/SHOCK)
Elemental - Firespark
(expert) Elemental - Frostfire (expert) Elemental - Frostspark (expert) Elemental - Enchantment (expert) Elemental - Firespark Cloak (expert) Elemental - Frostfire Cloak (expert) Elemental - Frostspark Cloak (expert) Elemental - Trinergy Cloak(master) Elemental - Concussive Strike (master) THE SUMMON ARCHETYPE summon nearly every creature found in Skyrim and then some MAGIC SKLL: CONJURATION SCALING: MOST SUMMONS SCALE IN LEVEL WITH THE PLAYER All summons added by this mod can be interacted with and be dismissed or have their stats viewed dynamically.
(adept) - 17 teleport locations available (if you are using Open Cities Skyrim - check out this patch!) Teleport - Manantis (adept) - on 1st cast, teleport to Manantis; on 2nd cast, teleport to where you were before teleporting to Manantis Teleport - Mark (adept) Teleport - Recall (adept) Teleport - Targeted Blink (adept) Teleport - Pull (adept) Teleport - Vertical (adept) THE TIME ARCHETYPE slow and manipulate time MAGIC SKILL: ALTERATION SCALING: NONE
Time - Slow
(adept) Time - Stop (master) Time - Analysis (expert) Time - Analysis (Greater) (master)
Curse - Transmogrify
(expert) Curse - Cruciating (master) Curse - Killing (master) Curse - Commanding (master) THE BELOTH ARCHETYPE store and withdraw Magicka from a magical artifact MAGIC SKILL: ALTERATION SCALING: NONE
Beloth - Withdraw Energy
(Acquired from looting a boss) Beloth - Store Energy (Acquired from looting a boss) THE MAGNETISM ARCHETYPE take metal items and fling them at targets - If target is CHARGED, metal projectiles fly towards a target significantly faster and do slightly more damage MAGIC SKILL: ALTERATION SCALING: SHOCK some spells require magnetized metal to cast, acquire from Manantis vendors or forge them using steel ingots (requires steel smithing perk)
LEGENDARY ARTIFACTS This mod adds a variety of new magical artifacts, legendary weapons, staves, and items to the game.
Magical Artifacts - rings and amulets that boosts stats Location: Scattered throughout content added by this mod. (The One Ring) (The Archmage Ring) (The Dragonborn Amulet) (The Demigod Ring)
Excaliblade - a mythical sword set in stone that has been unmoved for centuries, causes the user to feel..."saiyan-like" ;) Location: Near the entrance of Azkalin Prison (must be above level 50 to acquire) Brisinblue - a magic sword that unleashes blue fire upon its target Location: Owned by Shraken, can loot from corpse Naegrand - a magic greatsword that burns targets with golden fire Location: Owned by Araglag, can loot from corpse Tamerlina - a magic sword that blasts targets with green magical energy Location: Owned by Colossus, can loot from corpse Vandilight - a magic sword that consumes targets in white fire Location: Owned by The Soul Taker, can loot from corpse Volundix - a magic axe that electrifies targets Location: Owned by The Lord of Shadows, can loot from corpse Vrangra - a magic sword that shrouds targets in darkness Location: Owned by Galbatrick, can loot from corpse Zar'rook- a magic sword that scorches enemies with crimson fire Location: Owned by Embris, can loot from corpse Butcher Sword - a magic great sword that causes a fire explosion with every swing Location: Owned by the Wight Butcher, can loot from corpse The Necklace of Beloth - a necklace that allows for the transference of energy - ASSOCIATED SPELLS FOUND IN MAGIC GUIDE Location: Owned by Galbatrick, can loot from corpse
This mod also adds 15 staves to the game that cast spells added by this mod. They can be bought from Hergrid at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or from the Staves of Power shop located near the Athletic Fields. Additionally, there are new items from "Weapons of the Third Era" that you can purchase from the Manantis blacksmith.
This mod currently adds 15 new quests for the player to complete.
The Stolen Remeglass - find and return a stolen item and gain a friend along the way (Started by talking to Nevil Longs) [GIVES FAVOR] Rogue Templar Resistance - eliminate those that seek to do Manantis harm (Started by talking to Oromis Thrandurin) Camp Troy Ammunition - help restock supplies (Started by talking to Olly) The Lost Caravan - find out what happened to a supply route (Started by talking to Asha) The Chamber of Sircets - discover what lurks in the chamber (Started by talking to Mertle) Prank Book - have fun reading an innocent book... (Started by talking to Fred or George Weslie) [GIVES FAVOR] Requirement Room - help with finding a suitable meeting place (Started by talking to Harold Potter) [GIVES FAVOR] The Perfect Sweetroll - bake a delicious dessert for a hungry fellow (Started by talking to Ron Weslie) [GIVES FAVOR] Angela's Cloth - gather materials for a shop in Manantis (Started by talking to Angela) Message for the Archmage - deliver a message to the Archmage (Started by talking to greeter NPC by Manantis Portal) Searching for Drake Glass - gather drake glass for a vendor in Manantis (Started by talking to a market vendor) Clank Clank - gather materials for a shop in Manantis (Started by talking to Horst) The Wight Thing to Do - kill wights and earn a reward (Started by talking to Roland) Dormitory Party Supplies - a repeatable radiant quest that has you deliver ale to student dorms (Started by talking to Cerdic) [GIVES FAVOR] The Sorting Hat - become a student at the college (Started by talking to Albus)
There is a rudimentary popularity/favor system. This system will be further fleshed out in future updates. The goal is to have certain quests provide favor and make your house more popular on-campus and around Manantis. This could lead to unique dialogue choices, unique ways to end quests, and unique rewards. I will hopefully build onto this and develop an interesting framework for players to experience.
There is a rudimentary house point system. This system will be further fleshed out in future updates. My intention with the house point system is to have quests give points to the player's house upon their completion. Doing certain quests or tasks for college professors and other important NPCs will generate points for the player's house. Total points for every house can be viewed by interacting with the house banners in the college's main hall. As of now, there are no quests that give house points but this will be expanded in future updates.
To gain house points or favor you must first complete The Sorting Hat quest to become a student at the college.
This is huge update to this mod that requires a new save game if you previously used Magic World. A new game is not required if you have not yet used Magic World.
Removed Manantis Bridges, Oromis Island and Menoa Tree areas. Moved content here to Manantis and other areas. This has resulted in a more dense and interesting world as well as better performance in some areas.
Created several new large pathways connecting areas of this mod. (Lookout Mountain to Elesma, Lookout Mountain to Sophitia Isle, Willhelm Hill to Elesma, etc.)
1000s of edits to Manantis worldspace (new clutter, trees, terrain changes, etc.)
Manantis player home "Guild Hall" now has display cases, an anvil, workbench, tanning rack, and new rugs
Made improvements to the spell experimentation room and the wandering magician inn
Made many clutter changes to make areas fit together better thematically
Other misc changes and fixes
6.0.5 - Stripped Magic World of all elemental fighter content. 6.0.5 - If you would like arcane fist weapons, check out my latest mod Phenderix Arcane Brawler. 6.0.5 - It is a much improved and overhauled version of the arcane fist content that used to be integrated into this mod. 6.0.4 - Stripped Magic World of all arcane archery content. 6.0.4 - If you would like arcane arrows, check out my latest mod Phenderix Arcane Arsenal. 6.0.4 - It is a much improved and overhauled version of the arcane archery content that used to be integrated into this mod. 6.0.4 - Also, check out my mod Phenderix Magic SPID - Spells for NPCs. It will distribute some spells added by this mod to NPCs throughout Skyrim. 6.0.3 - All summon spells now have absorption/reflection flag checked. Solves issues of player character failing to summon creatures under certain circumstances. 6.0.3 - Necrohaven vendor now sells soul gems. 6.0.2 - Reintroduced FOMOD installer. Can confirm it is working in mod manager and vortex. 6.0.2 - New and updated ESL patch for leveled lists integration. (contained within FOMOD installer) 6.0.2 - New and updated open cities ESL patch. (contained with FOMOD installer) 6.0.2 - Updated baked-in support for Spell Research. It should now work with the new ESM structure. 6.0.1 - Packaged loose files into BSA. Should be able to work in Vortex now. (removed FOMOD installer for now)
This update will require a clean save if you are already using this mod. (Disable this mod, enter your game and save, enable this mod) New users of this mod do not need to worry about this.
Mod is now in ESM format. More stable and better performance overall. (also was cleaned in SSEdit)
New FOMOD installer that will be used going forward. (It will have optional patches and add-ons soon)
Redid all voiced dialogue lines within the mod. It has been significantly improved.
Added many new lines of voiced dialogue.
Hundreds of changes to world exterior cells.
Hundreds of changes to interior cells.
Huge improvement to Elesma. It is now a shopping district with many shops that were previously located in the Manantis Bridges.
Huge changes to Manantis Bridges. Removed/moved almost every structure. Many locations that were here are now in Elesma.
Expanded Northern Wildlands to have one new area.
All school tower dormitories are now located within the college building.
Many new mountains and other terrain changes.
Updated world map and redone LOD.
Dozens of new ambient sound markers in places like waterfalls, fireplaces, etc.
Many navmeshes were recreated by hand to allow for better NPC AI pathing.
Blended terrain near bridges. (big improvement)
Complete overhaul of elemental interaction script used in spells. (it will be easy to create patches for other mods soon - more updates on this later)
Deleted arrow spells. (over the years I have gotten reports of these causing crashes and I just want this mod to be as error-free as possible)
Removed wardrobe entrance in Dragonsreach. You can now only get to Manantis by using the teleport spell.
New screenshots and a heavily updated guide to the mod.
Previous patches like the leveled list and open skyrim patches, will not work in V6. New patches may come out in the following weeks.
Detailed patch notes for updates released prior to version 6.0.0 can be found in the changelog section of this mod page.
This mod is available for use on PC and Xbox.
Xbox Series X / Xbox One (Xbox) Xbox is currently on V6, it may be updated soon.
Playstation 5 / Playstation 4 (Playstation) Unable to publish mod for Playstation due to Sony's decision to not allow external assets in mods for Skyrim Special Edition.
Q: Does this mod make any changes to Skyrim's Worldspace?
A: No - besides placing a few invisible reference markers that are used by teleport spells. This maximizes compatibility.
Q: Does this mod make any changes to perks?
A: No. There are no changes to perks. This maximizes compatibility.
Q: Does this mod make any changes to vanilla leveled lists?
A: No. There are no changes to vanilla leveled lists. This maximizes compatibility.
Q: Should I use both Phenderix Magic World and Phenderix Magic Evolved?
A: No - you should be using either Magic World or Magic Evolved - not both.
Q: Is this mod compatible with Apocalypse, Odin, Mysticism, Arcanum, Forgotten Magic, and other magic mods?
A: Yes - this mod should be compatible with every spell mod.
Q: Is this mod compatible with the mod "Spell Research"?
A: Yes, it is. No additional patches or downloads are needed. Support is baked into the main file.
Q: Is this mod lore-friendly?
A: Yes, and no - it really depends on how you define the word lore-friendly. Obviously, these new locations and spells don't exist in Tamriel lore.
Q: Is this mod compatible with Ordinator, Adamant, Vokrii, or other Skyrim perk mods?
A: Yes, it is! The spells added by this mod have many keywords attached to them and should be impacted by perks.
Q: Dialogue isn't working, what's wrong?
A: If you are having issues with dialogue options popping up, save the game and reload - sometimes this fixes the problem. Lastly, try reinstalling this mod.
Q: Can I bring my followers to Manantis?
A: Yes, pretty much every area is navmeshed and will enable you to bring a follower on your new adventures.
phenderix - created all content not mentioned below.
CUSTOM ASSETS USED BY THIS MOD Skyrim Nexus User: 747823 - Weapons of the Third Era - meshes and textures used for several items contained within this mod. Skyrim Nexus User: lolikyonyu - Lolicept Resources - clutter items that make locations much more interesting. Skyrim Nexus User: LWatson95 - Liams Clutter Resource - clutter items to add variety and intrigue to the world of Manantis.
ASSISTED IN CREATING THE OLD VERSION OF THE SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY Skyrim Nexus User: Sjogga - created a large portion of the main hall interior for the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Skyrim Nexus User: Timmy19992 - assisted in creating part of the exterior and creating texture files. Skyrim Nexus User: HellCommander711 - assisted in creating an old version of navmeshes. Skyrim Nexus User: RestitutorOrbix - created tempered recipes for many weapons and armors.
ASSISTED IN CREATING PATCHES CONTAINED WITHIN FOMOD INSTALLER Skyrim Nexus User: AkaoniBlack - created OCS patch. Please enjoy this mod and realize that mods like this are a massive undertaking. Thousands of hours went into this mod's development. I look forward to hearing about your experience using this mod and any suggestions you may have!