Turns Whiterun into a more vibrant Economic hub. In Version 3.0 there are some 90+ Buildings and structures and 260+ NPCs added across new districts, towns and camps. It adds a Trade network of tradeposts, couriers and merchants as well as citizens, hunters, herders, guards, farmers, workers, followers, hirelings, beggars, trainers and animals.
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
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Author notes
Feel free to use and abuse my *&$*#&.
File credits
In this mod I have used some modding resources from the following:
STROTI - Converted by TAMIRA - Various packs including Hobbit house resource and other building resources YUGHUES - Converted by TAMIRA - New Plants JOKERINE - Misc resources OARISTYS - Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension TAMIRA/PHITTS - Lanterns Mod TAMIRA - Assorted Resources MIGHTYNINE - Tap Warehouse TARSHANA - Winterbrook Furnishings JSNIDER/VICN - VICN Creatures IXWIND - The Witcher Cards NORTHBORN - Northborn FurHoods 0Prime0 - Blades Samurai Armor and Kimonos MIHAILMODS - A range of Creature Mods (all awesome), Druid Backpack and Rustic Weapons pack JET4571 - A wide range of item modding resources (several mods) MIRROU4KA - New Beddings SIRANFAR - Hotsprings Resource
This mod also uses dialogue from Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - CLOUDEDTRUTH
Much appreciation to these modders.
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
Minor tweaks here and there to the actual external layout of the District.
Moved Chunderwitt manor next to the Warehouse.
Replaced that manor with new Wayfarer Guild (Adventurer's Guild where you can invite a variety of Followers to join you on your quests!)
Removed probably around 30 item from the Marsh district, mostly redundant things that you'd never notice or even old object buried under buildings.
Added gallows with poor unfortunates hanging from them
Expanded Warehouse greatly, it now has three floors rather than the one!
Added Whiterun Tradepost, replacing outdoor area.
Reworked front gate and walls
Reworked The Wayhouse, which now has large expansive underground rooms to house many of the districts itinerant NPCs
Added several Follower NPCs
Added new Sewer system to the district that connects The Wayhouse, The Wayfarers Guild, The Merchant Guild and Chunderwitt's Manor (this will hopefully reduce the number of NPCs moving around above ground when you fast travel to the area)
Added 'King of the tramps' to Sewer, and made other tramps sleep in the sewers
Reworked rundown area and made Sewer entrance
Replaced all the Market stalls with single meshes (so fewer items to load in - hopefully a performance improvement there)
Reworked Healers interior completely, now also has tower with three levels.
Reworked Bookstore largely, also has tower with multiple floors
Reworked Market area, now also has gate that connects with Whiterun City's Wind District.
Reworked AI packages for most NPCs in the district.
Reworked many building interiors to add detail or improve in some way.
Moved Traders into the same building
Moved Gelder sisters back into the district
Moved Speech trainers house next to the Wayfarers Guild
Added new shop - Fletchers & Bowyers + Shopkeeper
Added several NPCs
Reworked rundown area
Removed lots of coloured light and lighting from the open market area, this was leading to light overlapping that apparently can cause performance issues. It was critical levels in several places according to the Creation Kit.
Looked at Mules, and found I'd left out a few things - for example Mule skeleton - so they should now walk more realistically.
Reworked entranceway, removed exterior desk and replaced with Whiterun Tradepost building
Reworked some of the clutter in entranceway
Replaced the gates to Marsh district with new gateways and new portcullises
Replaced the dog skin of Nordennus
Removed Windwalker's house (she now lives in newly expanded Apothecary Guild)
Replaced WIndwalker's house with new Millers
Added Miller and wife
Reworked exterior area of Gravediggers house and graveyard
Reworked exterior area of Stonemason
Reworked exterior area and moved house of Wheelwright's house
Reworked Animal market area
Completely reworked exterior of Gardener's House, now has Orchard and Greenhouse
Reworked Hildor's Farm exterior
Re-introduced Maiden Loom's Manor (just as Cutting Room Floor does, so you'll need a patch!), opposite the Stables
Removed the Goat Pen
Removed the Apiary (Beehives) and moved them to Hvidfal
Introducing Hvidfal!
Technically a new district on the outskirts of Whiterun (where the brewery is) but it has wealthy merchants who pay for a local militia
Added some 10 buildings in additional to those already in the area
Added fortifications and new guards
Added a unique looking Mill with Miller
Added Hvidfal Tradepost
Added Trader NPCs
Added a FIshery to expand greatly on original Fishing area
Added several boats and other clutter
Added several Fishermen (you'll recognise them, they have distinctive beards!)
Moved Nazeem back into his Wintersand Manor with wife (and now a kid!)
Added Fishery Owners Manor
Added Waterfront area with walkways and boats
Moved Shepherd out, he's not a Herder out in the wilds with his sheep
Added Beekeeper, with Apiary
Moved rundown play home to the area
Added Guard houses and Brewery workers house
Expanded on the exterior of the Brewery
Gave farmer on Nazeem' farm a wife
Expanded Battle-born farm slightly
Added rooves to bridges
Introducing Aeldsten fiefdom!
Reworked Aeldsten mine, making it into a fully fleshed out town.
Expanded the old mine to be around three times as big with more interesting interior
Added some ancient standing stones that offer the player powerful blessings
Added Aeldsten Tradepost with docking area
Added stable area and toolshed
Added toilet
Added Warehouse
Added large Workshop
Added around 9 houses, housing the various traders, miners, warehouse workers, cooks etc
Added probably around 12 worker NPCs
Added 6 guards with new uniform and 'Aeldsten' shields
Added the Steward and his wife
Added the Lord's Manor
Added the Lord, his wife and son
Added a family Mausoleum
Added a beacon
S K A L S G E L D C A M P + R O R I K S T E A D T R A D E P O S T
Introducing Skalsgeld Camp!
Completely removed the old Skinner camp to create this new encampment / village on the outskirts of Rorikstead.
It keeps the Skinner family from the old camp, moves several of the vagabond hunters and Horse herder there and also adds around three new ones: a Shaman, a Bowyer and a Fletcher.
Added some seven huts.
Added a spirit tent
Added an outdoor working area and a stone circle
Added an empty hut for the player to stay in and perhaps role play as a hunter.
Added the Bowyer and Fletchers.
Added Rorikstead Tradepost opposite the encampment.
Completely reworked Herder camps, now with larger circular tents with interior spaces to visit.
The areas have more clutter and look more realistic.
The Goat herder has been moved and now lives in a small camp of three tents and a small family unit of 4 NPCs.
The Mammoth herder now has a house and revamped outdoor area
Wim the Woodcutter now also has a new home, with reworked area in stead of the old Treehouse.
The Shepherd is also now a herder out in the wilds and again like the others will take his flocks to various locations
Version 1.42
Update Notes 1.42
Book Repository (next to Doctors) interior pretty much complete
Book Repository Curator - Ignatius Gray-Mane
Ignatius also sells a few special glasses as well as books and scrolls
Artur Skargull's House interior
Artur's Son (a Miner) - Alaf Skargull
Professor Tingleberry - an Archaeologist researching the cave paintings at the mine (no dialogue or quests though)
Clutter to Aeldsten Mine
Added Awning to front of Meig's Tailors.
Added the odd but of clutter to various houses
Tweaks / Fixes
Made Trade Network animals and herder's animals tougher, and also many of them Protected (so that player can still kill them)
Added back in missing textures of the Guard's Cape
Version 1.41
1.41 - Update Notes
Added Occlusion Planes inside most buildings around the Market which apparently prevents items being rendered that you wouldn't ordinarily be able to see. I noticed an improvement of around 3-8 fps just from this alone.
Moved Mystic Meig into a Shack to remove multiple items from the world space.
Interior complete.
Moved campfire and sleeping area to rear of Warehouse.
Moved Wim and his treehouse further away from City (which fits in better with his whole hermit thing). Romoved forest also.
Repaired and altered Navmesh for Wim's old area.
Removed approx. 20 items from Market area which I felt weren't really adding anything (and at the end of the day 20 items is a lot to render)
Removed many plants and rocks from Market area (making them initially disabled)
Reduced number of NPCs visiting market
Reduced number of things happening on Sunday (it was the most hectic day with the Mammoth herder, Horseman, three vanilla npcs and 2 followers all visiting at the same time).
Removed Meig's Horse and 1 Chicken.
Removed several plants from Moon Windwalker's house.
Added Mystic Meig's Emporium of Finery
Changed Potter's stall to a fish stall which will have both Samwise and Rayne man at different times.
Changed Ulrika to be a trader, she will travel back and for between Ivarstead and the Market during working hours.
Changed Ulrika's outfit.
Added all pottery items and bowls etc back into Bertha's trader chest.
Added a Mule to Mine which will help the miners ferry the ore down to the Metalworks each day.
Tweaked some idles which were floating in market area.
Added more items to fish traders chest.
Hopefully fixed Windhelm Caravan Guard so he won't attack people in Whiterun (removed Stormcloak factions in list)
Sorted some Navmesh issues at Mine
Sorted a floating idle in Mine
PLEASE UNINSTALL OLD VERSION BEFORE UPDATING TO 1.4. It is now using a bsa file whereas before it was always loose files.
ALSO - the Underworld Mushroom world will have to be redone, by all means go down and have a look around but the portals between rooms aren't working. You can run through the weird blue voids to get to the next rooms but there's not much there anyway. It's just a placeholder really for a quest in 1.5 (FINAL VERSION...thanks god ;) ).
Version 1.34c
Update 1.34b
Make a screw up with placing NPC facegen files in wrong folder, I imagine most people weren't getting new hairs etc? :/
Deleted extra unecessary Whiterun textures that the Creation kit had added into the archive list (so now all buildings will be original vanilla textures)
I'd also named a folder incorrectly, so probably people weren't seeing several items :/ - Now fixed
Fixed Meig, she was naked for me anyway... :/
Tweaks to Whiterun Inn
Made bard play more instrumentals
Moved bard play spot so that NPCs could get around him
Made loft accessible in Inn
Added idle markers to Market around Meig and Windwalkers and Sword
Added AI packages
Added more creatures to Eastern Whiterun Hold
Added more items to various traders inventories
Fixed a couple of floating beds
Fixed Navmesh around Meig so NPCs won't 'float' near fire
Deleted Eyebot from Grimetungs abode
Gave Bobarina a location which should make her travel
Made main road in one cell priority again, it had been normal navmesh in previous update.
Update 1.34
Have changed the Cow Herders Cows' textures to Aurochs, male and female
Have changed the skins of Nordicus (never liked the vanilla dog skin in Skyrim), the herders dogs and Skubi
Have changed the Mammoth textures
Added modders hairs to several characters, might add more later - but not too many, the hairs are pretty flashy and don't really fit in with the general feel of a market place in my opinion.
Reworked Ukrin Eorvik.
Added more work-related weapons to Merchants, Couriers and Workers - so for example Meig is a tailor, so carries scissors. Samwise carries a fishing rod etc.
Added a rabbit cage at Skinner camp, and three rabbits
Added two Peacocks to the Whiterun Beergarden just for aesthetics. Let me know if you think they're too incongruous or lore unfriendly and I'll remove them. I kinda dig them though :)
Added workbench to Bertha's pad
Added some clutter to Guardhouse
Added a couple of other (including female) giants to make the giants appear more integrated into a society rather than just loners.
Added 1 line of dialogue to Metalworks guards.
Added some new armors and clothing to make some NPCs more interesting, especially the Followers
Added a Shrine to Ogrennsten Standing stones.
Starting trying to make the Horse Herder be able to sell the player a horse. So far not working, will try to figure it out. For now, he sells horse hides.
Reworked a couple of other NPCs, with custom beards and jewelry.
Reworked Ulrika and Caiya.
Tried to make Caiya Skinner a bard. think its worked.
Made Horse Herder's horses his property so the player can't just take one.
Olvir will now rent out a bed, well a bit of hay on the floor, to the player
Aldman is now a metal ore/ingot trader (might change later due to quest)
Added Package to make Auroch Herder visit the Leatherworking camp
Fine-tuned some relationships between Herders, dogs and herds
Remade Navmesh at Pygmy Mammoth Herder Camp to try to stop mammoths standing on the fire
Added more items to various traders chests
Tweaked some outfits for some NPCs
Sorted out Bobarina Fetta, she was wrong all over the place - now follows AI packages and talks.
Exported faces again to prevent Bobarina having grey face.
Fixed a couple of Markers so that NPCs wouldn't hover in mid-air while performing idles
Made voodoo dolls visible, it looks like I put the mesh in the wrong folder
Version 1.4
Update Notes 1.4
Still learning how to do quests, think I'm almost there now (though they will be simple)
Added 1 very simple hunt and kill quest, accessible from Noticebard (very basic)
Market area:
Completely revamped market.
Different textiles on market stalls.
Changed textures of Townhall building
Changed textures of Windwalker house
Changed textures of Whiterun Inn
Added/altered clutter to most stalls
Added signs to most stalls and some buildings
Changed textures of central tree and Windwalker's tree
Added Stable near Warehouse, for mules
Moved the entrance to Urkin's hovel
Moved/changed sign to more central position, added notes (this will also serve as a place to activate various quests)
Added Hodorsen Family Farmstead (moved Ulrika into old farm shack)
Added Mill, Storage area, Apiary, and Cornfields to Farm area.
Removed well and replaced it with a tree and seating area
Added a fountain and statue to Market centre
Deleted some trees near Wim's treehouse and moved others further away from City to reduce stutter hopefully a little
Added Foundations to most buildings in area, raising the buildings up
Added statue and revamped fronts of Guardhouse and Townhall
Added clutter to front of Whiterun Inn, and changed Skull.
Added clutter to Mystic Meig's camp, changed her cart to one for tailors.
Reworked front of Windwalker's house, new fences, slightly more space in garden.
Added a sign and a statue to Windwalker's house and altered textures to house
Made the Windwalker's house freely open to the player (kinda think of it as a Hippy commune)
Added trellis to entrance way to Inn beergarden
Added Pottery Market Stall (will add more items later, not sure what yet) - Ulrika tends this stall
Added Warehouse stall with new NPC (Mayor will now only sell a few more expensive materials)
Added Porch to Warehouse
Added clutter and changed cart to front of Warehouse
Added Shepherd camp near farm
Lowered ground around the stalls, so now flatter and more space. Added idles.
Reworked the Knackers Yard at the back of the Butchers
Reworked front of Butchers.
Reworked Navmesh in places to improve NPC movement.
Fixed tear between cells near Hodor's former shack (Now Ulrika's)
Fixed some Idles that were hovering in midair or badly placed
Added Well near Ulrika's and Bertha's Shacks
Metalworks area:
Added bridge near back of Metalworks area to allow access to Mine further up stream
Added Bjork's campment close to Meadery
Leatherworking area:
Tweaked some idle markers
Added a covered area to main tent
Had another go at making Caiya a bard
Aeldman Mine area:
Added Aeldsten Mine area.
Added Map Marker.
Added come clutter to exterior
Added Two Miner's cottages
Added Bridge to cross river and access Mine.
Added Mine Owner's House (exterior only)
Added main mine storage / office by river
Riverwood area:
Added Lumberjack camp near Riverwood
Added The Whiterun Apothecary Guid
Added steps from road to access Guild
Whiterun City area:
Added new building: Doctor Shintlegrafter's Surgery
Added statues to front of Chunderwitt Manor
Changed soem textures to Manor
Other areas:
Added Shrine to Ogrinnsten
Added several camps around Whiterun belonging to Herders, Lumberjacks and Wandering traders
Added Bjork's camp
Reworked Navmesh around Guardcamp near Rorikstead
Reworked Guard Camp to include Jyodr's camp and horse and mule
Made Cave network under Windwalker house, reachable through Portal in house (prob 60% complete), will be quest in next update.
Added Shrines to several buildings
Added Skill training books to some houses
Completed 80% Mine interior
Completed Doctor's Surgery interior
First pass at both Miner's houses (prob 80% done)
Mostly did Hodor's Homestead interior (80% complete)
Completed The Whiterun Apothecary Guild interior
Added some clutter to Whiterun Inn
Added clutter to Warehouse Interior
Added clutter to Chunderwitt House
Added clutter to Guardhouse
Added clutter to Townhall
Added clutter to Windwalker house
Added mules (3) to follow trader NPCs and simulate goods being transported
Added two new trade routes, one between Windhelm and Whiterun and one between Whiterun and Rorikstead.
Added small camp behind Windhelm stables
Added Guard to escort the trader and mule to Whiterun
Added 3 Wandering traders (Herbalist, Healer and Poisons seller) who are based in Apothecary Guild except for one
Added PackGoat to follow Wandering Herbalist
Added Guild Master and Guild Housekeeper
Added Lumberjack
Added Warehouse Clerk who sells Warehouse resources
Added Doctor and Nurse Shintlegrafter who sell various healing potions and balms
Added 2 mine workers
Added Mine Owner - but just works all day at present as has no home :/
Added Sheepherder and several sheep.
Added Sheep to farm
Added some hip packs to some Market NPCS, appropriate to their professions
Added cloaks and scarves to all Guards beyond Whiterun City
Added Rooster to Windwalker coop
Added lots more items to all trader chests
Added many clothing items (mostly that my mod adds to NPCs) to Meig's tailers.
Changed clothing for multiple NPCs (Moon, Mayor, Scar, Sammi and others)
Tweaked/added money to traders
Added many many more AI packages to add complexity.
Added many idles
Fixed a lot of items that I'd deleted (vanilla items) early on with the modding, and deactived them instead, may have been causing a crash or two with some mods that referenced those items.
Reduced the number of Pygmy Mammoths.
Reduced the number of horses that come in to town.
Increased HP of many creatures to avoid early deaths
Version 1.3
UPDATE 1.3 Changelog
Reduced lighting in Butchers and added clutter
Added clutter to Guardhouse
Added clutter to Town Hall
Added pictures to Moon's bedroom
Added clutter to Whiterun Inn Basement
Completed interior to all 3 Metalworkers houses
Completed interior of Metalworks Boss's house
Completed interior of Grima Wurmtung's house
Completed interior of Dwemer artifact trader
Completed Skinner clan Leatherworking camp
Completely reworked entire cell Navmesh for Skinner Camp
Added AI package to make all guards return to Guard house for a few hours here and there
Added Dwemer Dog 'Coggy'
Added 2 more guards to Riverwood who patrol between metalworks and Riverwood and sleep in Guardhouse
Added Horsetrader + Horses who will roam the wilds and sometimes come into Whiterun to do business at the stables, and also visit the Leatherworkers camp.
Added Ulrika Vilka, sister of Bertha who works as a trader between the market, Leatherworking camp and Rorikstead
Added Skinner NPCs: Freiyja, Grenya, Dorin and a dog Skubi.
Made the machine Guards act as 'guards'.
Added Hunters: Hobbyn Roode and Bobarina Fetta - these will hunt the wilds and also come trade at the Leatheworkers camp and visit the market
Added several robot minions to Aldman's house: Tuktuk, Eyebot, Smasha and Neo.
Completed AI packages for all Metalworkers, they now sleep and work
Completed AI packages and relationships for Skinner family
Olgin will visit his family once a week
Added Dwemer goods trader to Metalworks area
Added some more animals
Added pack of wild dogs with large boss dog that roam the wilds of Whiterun
Added domesticated boar and chickens to Skinner camp
Replaced most items in market place with static items with no need for scripts to keep them in place, hopefully will reduce mouth sync bug and improve performance.
Added flowers and clutter to rear of Town hall
Added brazier and pillar to rear of Town hall
Added market notice board.
Removed grass (altered textures to non grass) around Skinner camp, near Mystic Meig's tent and Fishing camp
Added Bunting to beer garden
Added fast travel point (mapmarker) to Leatherworking Camp
Navmesh fixing
Increased strength of Deerherder so he doesnt die early on out in the wilds
Replaced many many items in market area with statics.. this will drastically reduce the amount of scripts in the area. I'm hoping based on what I've read that this will reduce lag and lip sync lag. So far looking good, but please let me know.
Version 1.2
1.2 Changelog
Added NPC - Wurma Grimetung (no AI as yet)
Added NPC - Maximilian
Added NPC - Draximilian
(Aldman Aldkennis not added in yet as house interior not done)
Added houses for metalworkers (exteriors only)
Altered some NPC factions altering and adding some dialogue in the process, especially Olgin Skinner, the herders, the mayor.
Finally added CONVERSATIONS, NPCs will now initiate random 2-way conversations. So far all are in the market or the inn.
Added unique weapons to several NPCs
Added more dialogue, some idle dialogue, some greetings and farewells
Added more map markers
Added rats to Urkin's Hovel
Added Ledger to Butchers and some other clutter
Added standing stone circle
Added rats to god-awful places where you'd expect rats (well mini-skeevers)
Added clutter to Chunderwitt House (now almost 100% completed I'd say)
Added windowsills to outside of Moon's house
Added some clutter to Urkin's Hovel
Added possibly temporary static sword at stone
Changed Nordicus relationships so some npcs now say 'good dog' not just 'stupid dog'
Added more AI packages to vanilla NPCs to make them visit various people, eat or visit the Inn or market.
Added some lighting, mist and more graves to graveyard area (will probably jazz this area up with the Quest update)
Changes / Alterations
Did lots of ESP cleaning, especially some accidental cell edits (hopefully fixed some issues with NPCs' mouths not syncing with speech
Corrected a couple of floating items
Made all NPCs 'bosses' in the houses they occupy. Apparently that's what you do! :)
Changed name of safe in Chunderwitt household
Altered sleeping cycles at the Fish dock
Changed Sword in square to temporary Static model
Rotated a hay bed so that the NPCs head isn't buried :/
Fixed seperated Navmesh on Fish dock (that explains why they were sometimes getting stuck :/)
Added more AI packages to make more Vanilla NPCs interact with my mod
Altered some clothing/outfits
Finally got round to making the ghost Oeddin appear. he doesn't move or say anything ;)
Reworked Mystic Meig's dialogue to be branching. She will introduce herself as you approach and there after you will have multiple options that you can return to. Her introduction only plays once.
Version 1.1
Update 1.1 Changelog
Added building - Town Hall, meetings occur here every Monday (interior completed)
Added building - Whiterun Market District Guard House (interior completed)
Added building - Bertha's House (interior completed)
Added NPC - Pygmy Mammoth Herder, a half-giant, I'm totally scared of him.
Added NPC - Captain Morggen
Added Pygmy Mammoth Herder's Camp
Added Pygmy Mammoths
Added clutter to some buildings
Added some notes and letters around the place to add a little backstory
Added lots more AI packages, hopefully bringing the buildings and market place to life
Added several more lines of dialogue
Alterations / Changes
Renamed Market to Whiterun Market District, in line with the naming of districts in the city
Completely rebuilt the Navmesh for the cell around the crossroads where most of my mod is. So far this seems to have had a big impact on NPC movement, and I haven't seen one NPC sitting incorrectly in the beergarden after hours of playtesting so far.. let me know if you spot one.
Reworked the beergarden, now on a platform
Moved Inn back further away from road
Moved stalls to fall into line, better for people who suffer from OCD :)
Finally realised that some clutter wasn't showing in my uploaded mods, hopefully rectified that.
Hopefully got the ghost to appear, not 100% sure might have been a fluke, I'll playtest more.
Wim now chops wood every day.
One of the traders now travels each day to Whiterun rather than Rorikstead
Reworked the Fishing Dock area, now with gazeebo.
Version 1.0
1.0 Changelog
Added Metalworks interior
Added Hodor's Homestead interior
Added Metalwork's Housing, so far just exterior (as it will play a role in the Quest)
Added 4 camps on the other side of Whiterun
Added 2 Guard posts to main road
Added Slaughterhouse/Butchers
Added clutter to Warehouse, better containers in Windwalker house, Inn basement and Inn
Added Old Abandoned Guard house
Added clutter to Chunderwitt residence
Added locking cycles to some houses
Added secret passage from Chunderwitt's house to Dragon's Reach
Added a Safe to the Chunderwitt's house
Added 2 metalworkers and an Overseer
Added 2 Herders, a goat herder and a cow herder, both will at times bring their animals into town (to theoretical slaughter)
Added cow and goat herds and 2 dogs
Added 7 guards, 2 at each Guardpost (who will also patrol the road) and 3 who roam the north moving across 4 camps
Altered all NPCs, so most now are in Whiterun town and crime factions, which means that they will defend each other
Added more Dialogue to NPCs, including Meig. Also tried to add two scripted scenes, but dont think they work, will try to figure it out
Added Oeddin Eorvik, ancestor of Wim and Urkin (Ghost obviously )
Added more AI packages, the Mayor will visit the Jarl once a week for example.
Samwise and Rayne both now sell Fish
The Butcher, surprise surprise, sells meat produce
Added more Krabbes, fish etc to the rivers of Whiterun Hold
Fixes / Alterations
More Navmesh refinements
Changed stone which holds the sword
Reworked Wim's wood for performance reasons, far fewer trees for now
Version 0.9
0.9 Changelog
Added a Metalworks, just a little further up from the Meadery. (Can't enter yet, will be complete in 1.0)
Added a trade network whereby several traders travel between Rorikstead, Riverwood, The Market, Whiterun and the Metalworks.
Added the Chunderwitt Family.
Added the Chunderwitt Residence, within outer defences of Whiterun.
Interior of Chunderwitt house 75% done.
Added Mayor Chunderwitt + Bodyguard, who runs the Warehouse in the market. He is also a merchant.
Moon is now a trainer.
Added Urkin's Hovel, a run-down cess-pit of a home - follow him to find out where it is.
Added additional detail to the front of the warehouse.
Added a small companion for Mushikun in the Windwalker's house.
Added some clutter to Windwalker house, Inn basement and Warehouse.
Mystic Meig now speaks telepathically to you, as well as talking normally when trading. Okay, okay I was having problems getting the lip sinking to work, but then I realised that it kinda works. Please let me know if you think her voice is dreadful. But I think it sounds like the usualy annoying mystics I usually hear. Will add more to her in 1.0.
Added Dialogue to several NPCs. Again more to come, but using RDO, several of them respond to questions and speak up randomly. I will hopefully add conversations between two npcs in 1.0 if I can figure it out.
Added more creatures to the river, 3 more native to Whiterun hold. The Blodfish, The Hellfish and the Nargrenkle (Nordic Aquatic Troll) which tends to live under bridges.
Added Hodor's family shack, only exterior at moment - near Warehouse.
Added ability to rent room in Whiterun (although he won't show you to it)
Lots of new AI packages, making more NPCs both new and vanilla to visit the market.
Lots of Navmesh adjustments.
Lots more Idles in the market.
Fixed side-door issue of Inn, NPCs can now enter easily.
First pass at performance improvement. Eliminated all overlapping lights hopefully improving things in wood and market.
A vanilla npc keeps wandering strangely, I'll have to investigate, I have a theory..
Still occasional NPC teleporting
Version 0.8
0.8 Changelog
Wim now has a place to call home in the forest - please visit!
Mystic Meig now has a more fleshed out camp and sells clothing
First pass as making Inn basement not so depressing to visit, but its still bare bones
Rare river creatures added, native only to Whiterun hold, called the Shellkrabbe and Bonekrabbe
Added clutter to Windwalker house
Added a little surprise guest in the Windwalker's place who tends to the Mushrooms called Mushikun
Added lots of new AI packages, Nordicus now follows other NPCs, some NPCs now visit the stalls
More NPCs visit the fishing dock and visit the Inn
Windwalkers now stay in their house sometimes
Some major Navmesh reworking / fixing - some Cell boundaries had become broken, and so some NPCs might not have been able to travel
Minor Navmesh work all over the place
Reworked the beer garden with improved spacing and navmesh so now hopefully far less NPC teleporting and standing on tables :)
Removed back door to Inn as NPCs were using it and then dropping down the hole to get to the bar area, kinda funny but..not cool!
Replaced Nordicus with Follower version, so hopefully no more random attacks- bad boy! Technically he's Nordicus2 in the files so this suggests that perhaps Nordicus 1 was taken out back and given the old no-look sudden pitchfork thrust manoeuvre
Some NPCs had problems with the Inn sidedoor, will look into it
NPCs sometimes teleport sometimes still, especially Rayne Onmi - although it might just be my end, as I hear V-sync can affect it
House and Inn still open 24/7 will introduce locking cycles next patch hopefully
For some reason the vanilla NPCs are no longer visiting the Inn. Can't figure out why. Might be previous working around Immersive Citizens has left some dirty edits, will have to clean esp.
Version 0.7
0.7 Changelog
Another 2 NPCs added, one follower in the Inn and another near the market.
Connected the Inn basement to the world and gave Inn residents sleep cycles which are working, but the basement is barren except beds, only visit if you want to get depressed.
Added chickens to Windwalkers residence.
Further improved interior of Windwalker house, although still more to do.
Lots of small additions too small to bother listing.
More idles placed.
Fixed some clipping issues and some floating objects.
A lot of Navmesh work done around new areas.
Guard seems to occasionally hold an invisible torch.
Very occasional NPC teleporting, might be my nooby AI skills, need to look into making them walk 100%.
Inn and Windwalker house open 24/7 at present.
Door to Inn attic still doesn't work for players, have to figure out why.
Version 0.6
Added new NPC, Star Windwalker, daughter of Moon.
First attempt at the interior of Moon's house.
Incorporated some modder resources to improve variation of visuals in Moon's house and Whiterun Inn.
Added a little more life to the Fishing dock area.
NPCs will now visit the Fishing dock. Can't 'fish' as such but they'll always look like they're about to, or just finished lol.
Added dog, don't know whose it is yet - Nordicus.
Added some steps near fishing dock to aid NPC movement.
Enlargened the forest a little.
Finally figures out why some objects were sometimes falling. Have started the process of moving all these items over to Static items. Now they simply can't move. So far have covered all the items that tended to fall, so no more moving swords and furs etc (hopefully).
Bertha now sells items!
Fixed a few more floating items.
Fixed wall with no end.
Moved the platform in beer garden to be lower set in ground.
Changed tree in Moon's garden. (for Boszz! :) )
Irkin now has shoes! (again for Boszz! :) )
Reduced the size of the two swords on the front of the Whiterun Inn. (for AustrianTirol...although prob not small enough :) )
Some Navmesh refinements.
Finally got Wim to sit down as planned.
Adjusted several idles to be in better positions.
Still couldn't get the guard to sleep, so now he disappears to the Bannered Mare.
Version 0.5
Added another 2 NPCs, although one of them doesn't do much at the moment (but will be used in quest)
Finished interior of Warehouse, can now enter and steal food goods and a chest
Added another stall (selling tools)
First attempt at deepening AI, had to scale back a bit as the Followers were causing issues but most market and stable NPCs should now eat at Inn
Cleaned the esp a little, removing erroneous changes
Fixed some floating items
Tinkered with the fishing area (NPCs will fish there next update or at least visit there)
Altered NPC AI in Whiterun Inn to try to make is feel more natural, with new idles
Moved Fur trader to new spot, which should help with pathfinding of NPCs near Beer garden
Overhauls Whiterun Hold, turning it into a more vibrant economic hub
Adds two new districts to outskirts of City
Adds three additional and distinctive towns / villages / camps (or whatever you want to call them)
Adds an 'Apothik' Guild (Apothecary)
Scatters various Hunter and Herder camps around the plains surrounding the city
Includes in total around 250+ NPCs
Includes in total around 90+ buildings, interior spaces and structures
It adds Followers, Hirelings, Traders, Merchants, Citizens, Guards, Hunters, Herders, Trainers and more
Adds a Trade network, incorporating TradePosts, Traders and Merchants, Warehouses, delivery mules and stables
Includes some of my own sign and clothing textures
The Marsh District
In recent decades the City of Whiterun under the astute stewardship of the Jarl Balgruuf has returned to its status as undisputed centre of trade and industry of the province of Skyrim. To accommodate this increase in interest from the other great cities and even further afield, The Marsh district has spring up to service the merchants, couriers, tradespeople and guards who now frequent this outskirts of the city. Whilst the district is still firmly under the auspices of the Jarl, its unsavoury character has meant that it often goes unnoticed in the eyes of the authorities.
The result is a fairly corrupt barracks of guards who perhaps frequent the local brothel and beerhalls more often than duty requires, a powerful Merchant guild which largely holds sway over the district and is controlled by the wealthy Chunderwitt family, thieves' dens, illicit skooma dens, fences, poverty, homelessless, lawlessness and debauchery. But there are certainly also those who seek a more honourable living; craftsmen and women, a market proudly displays its wares, and other stores and services of a more reputable standing. The district has also become a hub in recent years of adventurous souls in search of rare items and treasure, and news of potential quests.
The Marsh District includes:
An expanded guard area including; storage room, wash room, contraband office , walkway and stables, modified walls and extra gateways
The Whiterun Tradepost
A three-story Warehouse
The Chunderwitt manor
The Wayfarer's Guild
A rundown area
Traders housing that houses some 7 traders
Various housing for other citizens
A Bowyers and Fletchers
A Tailor (who dabbles with the occult)
A Musical Instrument maker
The Merchant Guild Hall
A brothel (Madame Lasivius' Parlour)
A Barracks and outdoor training area
A small holding cell and office
The Wayhouse - An Inn with expansive underground rooms that houses almost twenty NPCs
A Cooper (Illegal tunnel access point for Thieves Guild)
A Basket Weaver (Fence)
A Potter
A Locksmith (Owns lots of stolen keys / Picklocks)
A Candlemaker (Looks a little shady however)
A Shoemaker
A Jeweller (Horrible man, third richest in the district some say)
A Toolsmith
A Carpenter
A Retired Artist/Actor (Trainer)
The District Library
A Healer
A School
An Orphanage
The Bird's Nest Inn - Thieves Guild
A Sewer network connecting various buildings
The Greenfields District
Predating the sprawling Marsh District, the Greenfields district has long been the centre of agricultural trade, where animals are regularly brought to sell or be slaughtered. Here are to be found farms and fields of glistening wheat and the other vital links in the chain that ultimately sees food on the grubby tables of the citizens of Whiterun; Millers, Bakers and various other craftsmen and women, all reside in the shadow of the great city. You'll also find artisans in some of the more functional aspects of life not least of which is the local Gravedigger.
The people of the Greenfields district tend to distrust the folk of the Marsh District, considering them too self indulgent and amoral to undertake a decent days work. As such they tend to limit their time in the City, preferring the slower pace of life down in the valley.
The Greenfields District includes:
Expanded Whiterun Stables
Maiden Loom's Manor is now in game (will need patch if using Cutting Room Floor)
Whiterun Mill
A Bakery
A Butchers with back knackers yard
A Stone Mason with work area
A Wheelwright with work area
A Graveyard, Gravedigger's house and work area
A Mausoleum
A Gardener's Shack with gardens, Greenhouse and Appletree Orchard
Hildor's Farm (rival to Pelagia farm)
An animal market area with auctioneer stand
The Town of Hvidfal
The town of Hvidfal nestles amongst the ruins of the old Hvidfal keep that once dominated this strategic crossing of roads and waterways. Now four major local Businesses and powerful families have brokered an uneasy alliance in this burgeoning market town, and business is flourishing. The Honningbrew Meadery takes advantage of the local supply of hops and honey in the area, The local Fishery is a place of work for many, and then there are the two main landowners of the area; the Nazeems and the Battle-Borns. Business is so good infact that these four powerful groups share the upkeep of a local militia of guards, charged with protecting their assets at all costs. The Jarl tolerates their fascade of independence, as the city benefits greatly from this outcrop of commerce and enterprise. However, there is an uneasy eye kept lingering over their activities, and the knowledge that power ultimately corrupts...
View from above
Hvidfal Town includes:
A Fishery that straddles the riveron stilts with a processing area, other fishing areas and traps and boats
The Hvidfal Tradepost with storage barn and stables
An expanded Honningbrew Meadery exterior with lots more clutter and life
The Wintersand Manor where the Nazeems live
The Fishery Owner's Manor
Hvidfal Mill, a distinctive local oddity
A main square complete with bunting and seating areas
A small marina for mooring boats and unloading supplies
A rundown player house (more for storage, it's a dump!)
Some 8 other houses for local residents
A Beekeeper and Apiary
A local militia
Rundown fortifications of Hvidfal Keep some of which are still defensible
Fiefdom of Aeldsten
Deep in the Mines of Aeldsten, there are to be found the remains of a mysterious ancient culture. Who these people were nobody knows, but they have left behind great monoliths and subterranean structures as their testament. Strange markings scrawl across their surface, attracting the attention of local scholars as well as the hardy men and women who eek out a meagre existence in the deep dust-filled tunnels. The site has, however been prosperous for some, and the once scattering of houses has burgeoned into a small town. The wealth has also made its owner increasingly ambitious, and he has financed a small local soldiery to defend the riches of the town. Whiterun tolerates this brazen confidence because she relies on the steady and sizeable supply of ore and weaponry and equipment from the towns large Workshop. As such the Jarl has opted to pander to the Lord of Aeldsten's ego and granted the town 'Fiefdom' status. A vassal city within the Hold. So long as the ore flows, and the Lord keeps the prices low, there will undoubtedly be peace.
View from above
Aeldsten includes some 16 Buildings and structures:
9 Houses to house the various Miners, Blacksmiths, craftsmen, traders and guards (some have multiple floors accessed from separate doors)
A Workshop
A Mine
A Tradepost
A storage barn
An outdoor kitchen area
An outdoor Smelting area
A stables
A dock
A toilet
The Hystorrean's House
The Lord's Manor
The Apothik Guild
There has always been the Apothika. The women of the poultice and balm, the magic of the leaf and root. Sadly they have not always been welcome in Skyrim, and have been largely itinerant vagabonds for decades, accused of being witches or the worshipers of forest spirits.
Ever since the Grandmaster Hilinda healed a local Millworker, the Apothik Guild has however been welcome in the village of Riverwood and invited to set up home on the villages outskirts. Their numbers have swelled over the years. Locals still whisper from time to time, failed crops, inclement weather, all are at times blamed on the presence of such a mysterious and secretive order, buried as they are deep in the burrows of their home in the hillside. But, the current Guildmaster is an astute politician as well as healer, and knows when to reach out to the farmers and millworkers with timely gifts of medicines and poultices.
In the Guild it is said, there is always a bed available for an inquisitive soul, a would-be Apothecary.
The Apothik Guild includes:
The Guild itself, a large underground complex of many rooms and tunnels
An outdoor eating area
An outdoor greenhouse
Skalsgeld Encampment
Ever since the establishment of the Tradepost in Rorikstead, an increasing number of hunters, trappers and leatherworkers have chosen to lay down more permanent roots in the area. A virtual village, Skalsgeld, of ramshackle shacks and tents has risen up on the outskirts of Rorikstead. Their unofficial leader, Sturgrimm, has managed to largely keep the peace with the neighbouring farming community but there are certainly cultural 'differences', and the people of the once mostly peaceful hamlet of Rorikstead watch with growing concern as the camp of Skalsgeld attracts an increasing number of opportunistic hunters and their wild ways. There is whisper that these 'savages' worship their own gods, or spirits of the forest. That they perform strange rites and ceremonies that would turn most people's stomachs.
Top-down View
Whiterun Tradeposts
The establishment of the tradeposts across Whiterun has been perhaps Jarl Balgruuf's most astute initiatives and has led to greatly increased wealth and resources in the City itself. Today, traders can be seen traversing the many paths and roads of the Hold, relatively safe in the knowledge that they do so under the protection of the Jarl himself. There can be found tradeposts at Riverwood, Aeldsten, Hvidfal, Rorikstead and Whiterun city. Principle material such as Ores and wood can more more freely than ever before.
Hunter & Herder Camps
The plains of Whiterun have long been home to a wide variety of Herdsmen and women, who brave the harsh winds and rain, as well as the ever--present threat of a violent end, that Whiterun Hold is famous for. Patrols of soldiers try their best to protect these hardy citizens, but these folk must always realistically be armed and prepared to take the law into their own hands. For there are worse things out there than just mere bandits.
Version 3.0
Footage of Whiterun Valley starts around 2h30m
Version 2.0
VIDEO: Courtesy of Metalyard.
Designs of the Nords SSE (Improves Banners) Whiterun HD / Skyland - Whiterun Epic Gate of Whiterun Beautiful Honey Signs / Signs of Skyrim SE / ElSopa HD Hand Made Signs
In this mod I have used some modding resources from the following:
Minor tweaks here and there to the actual external layout of the District. Moved Chunderwitt manor next to the Warehouse. Replaced that manor with new Wayfarer Guild (Adventurer's Guild where you can invite a variety of Followers to join you on your quests!) Removed probably around 30 item from the Marsh district, mostly redundant things that you'd never notice or even old object buried under buildings. Added gallows with poor unfortunates hanging from them Expanded Warehouse greatly, it now has three floors rather than the one! Added Whiterun Tradepost, replacing outdoor area. Reworked front gate and walls Reworked The Wayhouse, which now has large expansive underground rooms to house many of the districts itinerant NPCs Added several Follower NPCs Added new Sewer system to the district that connects The Wayhouse, The Wayfarers Guild, The Merchant Guild and Chunderwitt's Manor (this will hopefully reduce the number of NPCs moving around above ground when you fast travel to the area) Added 'King of the tramps' to Sewer, and made other tramps sleep in the sewers Reworked rundown area and made Sewer entrance Replaced all the Market stalls with single meshes (so fewer items to load in - hopefully a performance improvement there) Reworked Healers interior completely, now also has tower with three levels. Reworked Bookstore largely, also has tower with multiple floors Reworked Market area, now also has gate that connects with Whiterun City's Wind District. Reworked AI packages for most NPCs in the district. Reworked many building interiors to add detail or improve in some way. Moved Traders into the same building Moved Gelder sisters back into the district Moved Speech trainers house next to the Wayfarers Guild Added new shop - Fletchers & Bowyers + Shopkeeper Added several NPCs Reworked rundown area Removed lots of coloured light and lighting from the open market area, this was leading to light overlapping that apparently can cause performance issues. It was critical levels in several places according to the Creation Kit. Looked at Mules, and found I'd left out a few things - for example Mule skeleton - so they should now walk more realistically. Reworked entranceway, removed exterior desk and replaced with Whiterun Tradepost building Reworked some of the clutter in entranceway Replaced the gates to Marsh district with new gateways and new portcullises Replaced the dog skin of Nordennus
Removed Windwalker's house (she now lives in newly expanded Apothecary Guild) Replaced WIndwalker's house with new Millers Added Miller and wife Reworked exterior area of Gravediggers house and graveyard Reworked exterior area of Stonemason Reworked exterior area and moved house of Wheelwright's house Reworked Animal market area Completely reworked exterior of Gardener's House, now has Orchard and Greenhouse Reworked Hildor's Farm exterior Re-introduced Maiden Loom's Manor (just as Cutting Room Floor does, so you'll need a patch!), opposite the Stables Removed the Goat Pen Removed the Apiary (Beehives) and moved them to Hvidfal
Introducing Hvidfal! Technically a new district on the outskirts of Whiterun (where the brewery is) but it has wealthy merchants who pay for a local militia Added some 10 buildings in additional to those already in the area Added fortifications and new guards Added a unique looking Mill with Miller Added Hvidfal Tradepost Added Trader NPCs Added a FIshery to expand greatly on original Fishing area Added several boats and other clutter Added several Fishermen (you'll recognise them, they have distinctive beards!) Moved Nazeem back into his Wintersand Manor with wife (and now a kid!) Added Fishery Owners Manor Added Waterfront area with walkways and boats Moved Shepherd out, he's not a Herder out in the wilds with his sheep Added Beekeeper, with Apiary Moved rundown play home to the area Added Guard houses and Brewery workers house Expanded on the exterior of the Brewery Gave farmer on Nazeem' farm a wife Expanded Battle-born farm slightly Added rooves to bridges
Introducing Aeldsten fiefdom! Reworked Aeldsten mine, making it into a fully fleshed out town. Expanded the old mine to be around three times as big with more interesting interior Added some ancient standing stones that offer the player powerful blessings Added Aeldsten Tradepost with docking area Added stable area and toolshed Added toilet Added Warehouse Added large Workshop Added around 9 houses, housing the various traders, miners, warehouse workers, cooks etc Added probably around 12 worker NPCs Added 6 guards with new uniform and 'Aeldsten' shields Added the Steward and his wife Added the Lord's Manor Added the Lord, his wife and son Added a family Mausoleum Added a beacon
S K A L S G E L D C A M P + R O R I K S T E A D T R A D E P O S T
Introducing Skalsgeld Camp! Completely removed the old Skinner camp to create this new encampment / village on the outskirts of Rorikstead. It keeps the Skinner family from the old camp, moves several of the vagabond hunters and Horse herder there and also adds around three new ones: a Shaman, a Bowyer and a Fletcher. Added some seven huts. Added a spirit tent Added an outdoor working area and a stone circle Added an empty hut for the player to stay in and perhaps role play as a hunter. Added the Bowyer and Fletchers. Added Rorikstead Tradepost opposite the encampment.
Completely reworked Herder camps, now with larger circular tents with interior spaces to visit. The areas have more clutter and look more realistic. The Goat herder has been moved and now lives in a small camp of three tents and a small family unit of 4 NPCs. The Mammoth herder now has a house and revamped outdoor area Wim the Woodcutter now also has a new home, with reworked area in stead of the old Treehouse. The Shepherd is also now a herder out in the wilds and again like the others will take his flocks to various locations