About this mod
A quest completion tracker. Never miss a quest again.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
- A quest tracker in a convenient interface.
- Tracking of quest completion
- Tracking of quest failures, including instances where a quest cannot start due to NPC death or expulsion from a guild
- Optional spoiler-free descriptions for every quest with details how to initiate them if such details are necessary
- Option to hide quests you do not need
- Included vanilla and DLC (not required) journal quests + Arena ranks
- Support for various popular UI mods
- LINK configuration
- Gamepad support (only with NorthernUI/NorthernUIAway)
- A straightforward framework for adding support for 3rd party quest mods via simple ini files

- xOBSE v21.5+
- MenuQue
- LINK (soft requirement, as LINK is the only way to configure the mod, LINK Plus Plus is also compatible)
- Unofficial Oblivion Patch (soft requirement as it fixes quest stages and NPC statuses in some quests)
UI Mods Compatibility
Compatible with the vanilla interface, Darnified UI, Darn Dark UI, BTMod, BAIN versions of these three mods, MajorJim's UI Updated, MajorJims UI - NorthernUI Edition, NorthernUI/NorthernUIAway, OA_Dark Transparent UI.
Additionally, a custom DarnUI-like font is provided in case your default interface font does not allow for an optimal layout.
Mod Support
The mod offers a convenient framework for adding mod quest/questlines for tracking with a simple ini file placed into Data\Ini\ProgressTracker. You can find the details regarding creation of your own ini/adding support for your quest mod in the Articles section. If you make a compatibility ini for a quest mod, I would be more than happy to include it.
Notably, the mod does not require Oblivion.esm making support for total conversions possible.
3rd party support for mod questlines:
Quest INIs for Progress Tracker - support for 6 mods, including The Lost Spires and The Heart of the Dead
Progress Tracker Ini Mod Compendium - support for 34 mods, including Knights - Revelation, Kvatch Rebuilt, Tales of Cyrodiil, Simyaz's Mods, and many more
List of supported mods out-of-the-box:
AFK Weye
Arthmoor's Villages: Faregyl, Feldscar, Frostcrag Village, Gottshaw Village, Molapi, Reedstand, Sutch Village, Urasek, Vergayun
Better Cities
Integration - The Stranded Light
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul
OOO Shivering Isles
Region Revive - Lake Rumare
The Ayleid Steps
Unique Landscapes
Known issues
- While keyboard/gamepad navigation in the menu is fully functional, there are some minor quirks. When scrolling through the left pane you need to explicitly press left/right buttons to select left/right elements. If you find that the quest menu has lost the focus, try to reenter the menu.
- Users with 1280*1024 or other 4:3 monitors may experience some clipping
Please report any discovered bugs in the "Bugs" section. Reasonable improvement requests are also welcome.
Does it work with existing saves\mid-playthrough?
I want to hide certain quests/questlines.
Right-click on the quest/questline in question.
How do I access the menu?
There is a large button in Quests/Stats menus.
How can I hide certain quests/quest groups?
Right-click on them.
Is updating the mod midgame safe?
Yes. If you update from pre-1.3 versions rebuild your Bashed Patch.
A Word on Quest Failure Conditions
Among other things, the mods tracks quest failures. Unfortunately, defining what constitutes a failure can be subjective for many quests. I have run a small survey on Discord on whether certain quest outcomes are considered a failure, and the votes were split close to 50%/50% in most cases. I still had to choose the "default" conditions; however, if you disagree with my choices, you can easily adjust the conditions in the Data/Ini/ProgressTracker/Oblivion.esm.ini which contains failure/completion conditions for every quest. Additionally, there is an option to treat failed quests as completed for progress % calculations - check the LINK menu.
Some of the default choices (spoilers for the game's quests):
The Wayward Knight - if Farwil is dead or you haven't completed the quest before the end of MQ it is a failure
The Assassinated Man - if Francois Motierre is dead it is a failure
Clavicus Vile - if the player decides to keep Umbra it is not a failure
Corruption and Conscience - if Ulrich is dead it is not a failure
Paranoia - if the player refuses to help Glarthir and does not report him to the guards it is a failure
The Killing Field - if one of the brothers is dead it is a failure
The Siren's Deception - if the player kills someone from the gang prematurely it is a failure
Order of the Virtuous Blood - if Ronald Jenseric is dead it is not a failure
kyoma - MenuQue
shadeMe - CSE
Maskar - LINK which is used for mod configuration and, much more importantly, for inspiration, some ideas (putting stuff into ini's correspondent to esp is LINK's idea), and examples of how things work (I'd never figure out Oblivion's scrolling sliders dragging on my own)
UESP - an indispensable source of information on Oblivion + xml documentation
Darn - for DarnUI, the UI for which this mod was mainly developed
Kevin King - for Kingthings fonts included in the archive
Vrugdush, Nephiah and others from Dispensation's Discord - for ideas and support
Lava Croft - for helping to isolate the bug when updating to 1.3
WalkerInShadows - Integration The Stranded Light walkthrough