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  1. Glitchfinder
    • premium
    • 750 kudos
    Mod Compatibility Post

    I'll list mods that people ask about here, along with their compatibility and resolution status.

    Compatible Mods:

    Incompatible Mods:

      - Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests: This mod can break quests and render them impossible to complete, when combined with other mods that make changes to the same quests. Making Minimal Minutemen Radiants compatible with the mod will not fix that, but may result in misdirected bug reports from users who try my mod in combination with that and other minutemen mods.
      - No Minutemen Radiants: This mod can break quests and render them impossible to complete, when combined with other mods that make changes to the same quests. Making Minimal Minutemen Radiants compatible with the mod will not fix that, but may result in misdirected bug reports from users who try my mod in combination with that and other minutemen mods.

    If you need a specific combined patch, feel free to ask and I can probably make and upload it in short order. The same goes for asking about other mods not already listed here.
  2. zelldralsoni
    • supporter
    • 29 kudos
    Why the deleted records for the 'Taking Independence Fix'? Was there no better way?
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      There are no deleted records. There are, however, records with the "Partial Form" flag, which tells the game I make no changes to them and to skip trying to load that form. When applied by the Creation Kit, "Partial Form" clears out all data from the form it's been applied to. The current version of FO4Edit does the same.
    2. zelldralsoni
      • supporter
      • 29 kudos
      ah, just looks confusing over fo4edit, nvm then (and probably something I need to try myself)
  3. carnappe
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Does this touch the Minutemen "Help Defend" radiants or the optional "Disable for owned settlements" patch does that already? Thank you.

    ADD: Just in case, I have WATM, Militarized Minutemen, and all patches for all 2 to work with this mod (as KRIC all versions and Who's the General IIRC needs no patch).
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      This mod affects all radiant minutemen quests that show up in your quest log as full quests rather than miscellaneous objectives. What the core mod will do is prevent you from generating these quests from Preston or Radio Freedom - instead the quests only become available when you visit a settlement that needs or wants help. If you leave before picking up the quest from settlers, that is when you can pick the quest up from Preston or the radio.

      The optional file will completely prevent generation and acquisition of the "MinRadiantOwned" group of quests, which includes:

      • Five different variations of Defend [Location Name]
      • Stop the Raiding at [Location Name]
      • Kidnapped Trader at [Location Name]
      • Defend the Artillery at [Location Name]
      • Two different variants of [Resource Name] for [Location Name]
      • Suspected Synth at [Location Name]

    2. carnappe
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Thanks again.
    3. Northslayer420
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Does one need both the main file and the optional, I like recieving the amount of quests I do I just don't enjoy having to go back to settlements with 60 defense because the turrets somehow allowed regular raiders to kidnap a fucking minuteman
    4. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      Yes. The optional files are meant to be additional changes to the main file rather than a replacement for it.
  4. BlazeStryker
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    As you also made Who's the General, I was quite pleased (but not surprised) that you made them compatible.

    Honestly, it's no wonder that The One Who Is Odd Towhard Us made Preston so unlikeable without bailouts like this. Without things like Who's The General and Minimal Minutemen Preston Garvey's reduced to being the Exposition Dump, like Gandalf in the truly half-baked Lord of the Rings (Part One), also known as Bakshi's Folly.
  5. quietwolffallout
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    iv always wondered about this, why Bethesda didn't just do localized quests and span out as you claim and help more settlements. we have no radio communications no phones or any other means beyond hoofing it to tell someone they need help. and that could take days if the messenger makes it there at all. be a really cool mod if someone made a two way radio system for the mm that requires the player to activate the towers around the map as they stomp around the wasteland. lol then Preston could actually be right when he says he heard another settlement needs our help. couldnt be too hard just a hand held radio with an ativator that starts the dialog with preston or the mm running the radio at the castle.
    That being said Thankyou for this. i always do mm runs but it does get tiring having to revisit settlements that have over 100 defense and literal 12 ft tall fence around the place for some jackwagon to get kidsnatched some fkn how. 
    1. totallynotabot10
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      This would be neat, like far cry radio towers.
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    absolute life saver, those radiants are just frustrating to deal with since they never stop

    if i may ask, do i need to DL both the base mod, and the owned settlement  patch on xbox to be entirely rid of those? only missing places are the one near the coast guard pier and spectacle island
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      The patch requires the base mod as a master, so you'll need both if you want to use the patch. As for what the patch does, it's pretty simple. It turns off the radiant quests that don't get used to give you new settlements.

      ...that said, that won't give you quests for Spectacle Island or Egret Tours Marina. Both of those settlements are unlocked by on-location quests, and cannot be targeted by normal recruitment radiants.
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      alrighty, thanks again, was sick of preston and his radiants, 120 hours in, level 60, almost 100 radiants, and more piling up

      edit: works like a charm, turned in last one i had, both preston, and radio freedom finally stopped, even after spending 12 in game hours standing around inside the castle
  7. GuardianMF
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    I've been meaning to ask, would you consider it safe if one was to install this mod on an ongoing playthough? The only "radiant quests" mods I'm using right now are Keep Radiants in the Commonwealth UFO4P Version and We are the Minutemen.
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      It should be, yes. This mod adjusts things in the same way some DLC quests are managed, and those are designed to be safe to add mid-game.
    2. GuardianMF
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Thank you for your reply. I am going to add your mod for the sake of my sanity as I am trying to focus on HQ requirements as part of the SS2 questline.
    3. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      Oh, I can definitely understand how that might be a distraction. Mind that while this will reduce minutemen radiant quests, the settlement attack system is a separate mechanic and is also utilized heavily by late-game SS2.
    4. hughesjr99
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Your instructions say there id an optional file from 'We are teh Minutemen' .. they no longer have an optional file for this.  The 'WATM Tweaks' link does. Is thet patch alone good enough with this?
    5. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      The we are the minutemen patch is in this mod's optional files.
  8. fgambler
    • supporter
    • 121 kudos
    Does this mod also makes sure the unowned settlement will give a quest? Because sometimes we visit a settlement we don't own and the settlers don't give any quest, that's frustrating when we want to take the workshop, that happens even when we don't have any other settlement radiant quest active. Warwick Homestead is a nightmare to get sometimes. There are mods that force workshop ownership, but actually forcing the quest for the ownership would be a nice addition to this one. Like increase the condition to 100% to get the radiant quest if the settlement is not owned. Removing the settlement quest limit would be nice as well but that would be a minor thing.
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      Yes but also no. You won't be guaranteed a quest on approach because there's a cooldown on generating them, but when building the mod I actually went and verified that I could acquire all inhabited settlements without killing the current inhabitants. This mod actually makes it easier to acquire Warwick, because it will no longer be blockaded by preston generating quests for other settlements closer to Sanctuary.

      This is because Minutemen radiant quests give priority to the nearest applicable location when you generate quests, and so if you keep generating quests by turning completed quests in to Preston while at Sanctuary, it will clear out every other possible radiant objective before finally settling on Warwick.
    2. fgambler
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Got it, thanks. Does the mod also removes the radiant quest limit for settlements? I think the vanilla limit is 2 or 3 quests. I'm gonna use it in conjunction with We Are the Minutemen, does the patch overwrites WATM percentages and limits? I want it to take control over WATM.
    3. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      This mod retains the base game's limit, and the WATM patch forwards all relevant changes made by WATM. If you don't use the patch, just make sure this mod loads after WATM and you will get this mod's changes to radiant quests instead.
    4. fgambler
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Yes I don't want to use the WATM changes, because it has problems, like Preston often doesn't give any other quest other than the quest to become general, making it impossible to get Taking Independence, as it only becomes available if the settlement quest was given by him. But if I can just use this mod without the WATM patch that's perfect, thanks.
    5. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      Huh, that's not a bug I'm aware of with WATM, but I also haven't looked into that mod in a while. All the WATM patch does for this mod is merge the changes made to radiant quests, so it wouldn't fix that issue, with or without the patch.

      Edit: Wait, I think I know what would be happening. Is WATM relying on the "Report back to Preston Garvey" objective to trigger Taking Independence? If it is, you can work your way around the issue by running near a settlement (at least 72 ingame hours after the last time you generated a quest) and then going to Sanctuary to speak with him. I'll need to update the WATM patch to accommodate it properly, however.
    6. fgambler
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Edit: Wait, I think I know what would be happening. Is WATM relying on the "Report back to Preston Garvey" objective to trigger
      Taking Independence?

      Yes, the radiant quest needs to report back to Preston. If a settler initiates the quest instead, the quest is completed without having to talk to Preston and it won't trigger Taking Independence, even if the other conditions are met. It is actually a vanilla thing, but WATM does some changes which makes very difficult to get subsequent quests from Preston after becoming general, I don't know why.
    7. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      Ah, yes. I see it. That is a legitimately nasty flaw with the base game and I'm going to need to adjust it.

      Edit: I just did some code diving, and it turns out the adjustment is unnecessary. The global variable used to track settlement count is updated via multiple avenues, including by clearing a settlement location, completing a settlement recruitment quest (no matter the source), clearing a radiant minutemen quest for an already-owned settlement, and potentially a few other sources as well. Once you've recruited enough settlements, Taking Independence is activated and can be picked up by speaking with Preston Garvey. I'm going to follow up and check to see how WATM limits the dialogue, just to be sure they handle it safely.

      Edit 2: It looks like it should Just Work™

      More specifically, you don't ever need to turn a quest in to Preston for it to work with WATM. That mod locks the dialogue for Taking Independence until the player is at least level 20, but so long as you actually complete minutemen radiant quests, Taking Independence will be generated (but not visibly added to your quest log) once you've claimed enough settlements.
    8. fgambler
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Hmm that's weird because many times I was over lv 20 with almost all the settlements and Preston didn't give the radiant quest when using WATM. Anyway I'm starting a new playthrough soon and I'll let you know if something strange happens. I'll use your mod and WATM but without the WATM patch.

      By the way I suppose this mod is also compatible with SKK Workshop Utilities, as long as the "no minutemen radiant quests" option from it is left untouched (disabled)? That mod also has an option to disable settlement attacks.
    9. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      It will work with SKK's mod in its entirety. Workshop Utilities sets a per-settlement setting that exists in the base game, and is used for a few settlements like the Mechanist's Lair.
    10. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      I looked into it further, and you're correct - there's at least one edge case in W.A.T.M. that I was able to reproduce that will generate Taking Independence but lock you out of the quest and prevent you from actually picking it up and adding it to your quest log. This is a problem that can even be reproduced if that is the only mod in your load order.

      I've uploaded a file into miscellaneous files that patches a single line of dialogue from Taking Independence, to make it so Preston can give you that quest the same way he does most other main Minutemen story quests - by walking up to you and slapping it in your face as a greeting.

      That patch doesn't require anything other than Fallout 4 and W.A.T.M., and it does not conflict with my other files either. It's free to use and incorporate into other mods as needed, up to and including direct inclusion in W.A.T.M. if TheFirstEnD deems it appropriate to do so.
    11. fgambler
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Nice, thank you! That has been really a long time issue, glad you patched it.
    12. Babaloo321
      • premium
      • 86 kudos

      Thanks for making that fix! I've added the change to my W.A.T.M. Tweaks mod, so more people will be able to make use of it!

      I've also uploaded a patch for this mod that carries over the radiant quest cooldown changes I made, but to your replacement quests.
    13. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      Glad to hear that fix is going to make its way into more hands. WATM is a popular and well-used mod, so it's always nice for the general experience to be improved. I can't guarantee it will fix all instances of acquiring Taking Independence, but it should address some of the more common issues tied to limiting radiant quests and Preston's dialogue.
    14. fgambler
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Just a feedback, playing with the WATM + this mod + Taking Independence patch (no WATM patch), I got Taking Independence at lv 20 from Preston just fine. He walked to me without needing the "report back to Preston" quest stage.

      Just one funny thing, I've been only getting kidnap quests from the unowned settlements that have two settlers by default (I just got the 5th), but that's not really an issue. Maybe the RNG is just playing with me.
    15. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      Definitely sounds like RNG, unowned settlements mostly gave me greenskins while I was testing this mod. Glad to hear it's working well for you, though!
    16. TheFirstEnD
      • member
      • 227 kudos
      I still doesn't understand how WATM can mess with the Castle quest. I didn't change how the quest and the dialogues works. I simply added a level 20 condition preventing all Min02's dialogues to appear.
    17. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      It doesn't lock players out of the quest, actually. My initial testing was flawed because I hadn't yet tracked down the interaction between stage 20 and the quest's starting dialogue, and by the time I made the patch I'd already resolved the apparent problem. My apologies for that, as this problem with Min02 is very much not WATM's fault.

      That said, for players of the base game, WATM makes the already unintuitive acquisition of Min02 even worse, because by the point they're level 20, they're likely to have largely moved on from actively doing minutemen quests. Which isn't bad, you have the means of acquiring the quest clearly documented.

      Unfortunately, when paired with this mod or Who's The General, that already unintuitive method of starting the quest is made significantly worse. With this mod, they need to actively go out of their way to start the quest. With Who's The General, they may wind up locked out of the quest entirely. Not your fault, not my fault, just a bad interaction between otherwise fantastic mods.

      My patch resolves this issue by giving Min02 a second entry point. The non-repeating line of dialogue that starts the scene is a greeting that Preston will say as soon as you approach. I removed the stage 20 requirement from that line of dialogue, and have it set stage 20 for good measure. With that change, you no longer need to turn a quest in to Preston in order to start the quest - you can just walk up to him and he'll start it for you.

      Edit: Redid the whole post because it was unnecessarily long and detailed.
    18. TheFirstEnD
      • member
      • 227 kudos
      Ha ok, I understand now.
      But since it's your mods that remove Preston from radiants quests equation, wouldn't it be more judicious to incorporate your patch directly in Who's the general mod?
      Because even without the condition added by WATM the problem of not being able to start Taking independence by returning back to Preston after a radiant quest still persists.
    19. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      It does make sense to approach it that way, yes. I'm already in the process of creating an update to Who's The General anyway, though it will take quite a while to make since I'm going to put out a casting call to fill some missing dialogue for Phyllis Daily and Jacob Orden.

      Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, Who's The General can't instigate this problem at all. From a technical perspective, I handled moving Preston's quest prompts by actually adding the shared dialogue (which includes the Min02 trigger) to part of Preston's normal dialogue.
    20. TheFirstEnD
      • member
      • 227 kudos
      Preston's normal dialogue?
      EDIT: I just looked into Who's the general file and yes, I think it's the one causing the problem. COMPreston quests have lower priorities than radiants quests so to ensure the castle trigger when all the conditions are met it's better to edit the original intro dialogue of min02 quest to trigger at stage 10 like you have done in your patch.
    21. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      It's actually fine as is, because I broke the chain, so to speak. With how Who's the General works, you either directly ask Preston for the quests or pick them up from the radio or settlements. The only point where radiant dialogue overrides Preston is when a quest is ready to pick up from him (completely suppressed via dialogue conditions in Who's The General), or when a quest is ready to be turned in to him. (Skipped entirely if the quest is completed after becoming general of the minutemen.)

      As a result, the only remaining quests to override COMPreston are one-time named quests like Out of the Fire, as well as the main Minutemen quests. It would make more sense for me to add the change to Minimal Minutemen, because the nature of this mod makes it difficult to obtain the relevant turn-in condition and it does not offer an alternative path to the same dialogue.

      Edit: I apologize for what might feel like me giving you the runaround on how Who's the General works. It's been a while since I made that mod and while I remember the features, I haven't considered its internal implementation in quite a while. I do think that the best result, at least on my end, would be to implement the aforementioned change into Minimal Minutemen at some point.
  9. PSS1
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Wow, three different characters and they all get Finch Farm for 'Out of the Fire' as soon as I become the General. How is THAT near? XD

    I don't have any mods that effect Minutemen other than what Spifferino gives (Watchtowers and Organized Militia) yours and Keep Radiants in the Commonwealth UFO4P version.

    I'm starting to believe that playing on Very Hard or higher just shifts the quests to them at this point.
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      "Out of the Fire" and "Troubled Waters" are unique quests specific to those locations, and so I haven't modified them directly. As a result those tend to skip the queue even in a normal savegame. With the other changes made by this mod, it pretty much guarantees they'll show up early.
  10. lordamonas052
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Is this mod compatible whit your mod whos the  general 
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
  11. lazloarcadia
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    As a work around if you want to completely shut down the MM radiant quests there is another way to do it (other than simply not joining them in the first place).

    Assign Preston to live at the castle after you recover it.  I don't recall if FO4 vanilla will allow you to do this, so I use Amazing Follower Tweaks (AFT) and there is an option to reset what they see as "home".   Once done simply don't go to the Castle, don't speak with Preston (he is now living at the Castle anyway) and don't turn on Radio Freedom.  

    You still get the quests from the settlers at new camps you come across, supply lines still work, etc etc.
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 750 kudos
      Like any other follower, Preston allows you to assign a destination settlement when you dismiss him. This approach will mostly prevent Minutemen radiant quests, too. However, this workaround means the following:

      • You cannot use Preston as a follower. (Fun fact! He has more random dialogue than any other follower from the base game, if you talk to him while he's following you)
      • You cannot use The Castle as a settlement. (A shame, since The Castle is one of the most interesting settlements to build, and has plenty of space and resources)
      • You cannot listen to Radio Freedom. (Also a shame, because Radio Freedom has some very lovely violin tracks)

      This mod, however, allows you limited access to the Minutemen radiant quests without making it overbearing to do all three of the above.