About this mod
Discrete Female Skeleton (DFS) is the solution to Fallout 4's skeleton limitation. Now you can use completely separate skeletons for male and female characters without any issues.
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This mod adds a new hard path for female-specific skeleton files. The default human skeleton will now only be used by male characters.
This mod is just a framework and includes just contains copies of the vanilla skeleton files, so by itself, it won't do anything. You must install your preferred female skeleton mod after installing this. Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE (v2.5+) has been updated with DFS support to make installations even simpler.
Discrete Female Skeleton has a few important improvements over Gender-Specific Skeletons.
-No more player-gender-specific installation. A one-time install and it will work regardless of whether the player is male or female.
-No more CTD when starting a new game or using the incorrect version (i.e using the male version of the mod with a female player character).
-Extremely simple set up. Just put your preferred female skeleton into the correct folder. That's all.
Make sure to remove GSS fully before installing this.
For a typical setup, for example, a skeleton for males and Skeletal Adjustment for females; just install the male skeleton normally. For Skeletal Adjustments, use the DFS option in its fomod setup. Done.
If you are using an old skeleton or a non-Skeletal Adjustment mod, you need to manually copy your female skeleton files here when using DFS:
And first-person skeleton files here (Important! Do not copy the normal skeleton here! 1st Person files are different. If you are unsure, simply don't move anything here):
This is a pretty simple mod, but it does edit the HumanRace record (same as GSS) and will conflict with mods that do the same. Compatibility files are available separately. Custom race mods are not compatible with DFS, since the player/NPCs will no longer make use of the default HumanRace.
Due to a limitation in Classic Holstered Weapons System (CHW), it does not work with skeletons that are using a different path than the default one. You will need this Additional Skeleton Support addon (original link).
Use the optional file in the 'Files' page to add DFS support to it.
Instructions for downloading from the original Tullius board link (For Firefox, Chrome and Edge): Right-click the green image, select 'Save Link As' (not 'Save Image As'!). Once it is saved, change the file extension to '.7z' (the file size of the 'jpg' is approx. ~145KB). Yes, the download method is strange but it works with the above instructions).
With the exception of CHW, every other skeleton-based feature, such as HHS, 3BBB, OCBP, CBP, OCBPC, etc. work fine with DFS without needing any additional configuration.
This mod is made possible thanks to the karlarsch1913 and Blazze69. My mod is a combination of their findings and my own edits into one convenient package. Please download/endorse/kudos their mods and them to show your support.
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