About this mod
Gun framework for U12: bullets shot will match the current weapon spell. You can cycle through fire modes (Burst/Semi/Full Auto) by pressing the Spell Menu Button. Includes NPC waves and options for customization and making your own gun mods.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
You can imbue the weapon with a spell, and the bullets fired will have that same spell charge applied.
The Firearms can currently be found under "Firearms".
Note: This mod is currently a work-in-progress, so I will continue to fix bugs / add more models.
Elemental Guns Update 4.0.0 - "U12" Update
- Updated for game Version U12
Elemental Guns Update 3.2.0 - "Execution" Update
- Fixes "Bullet Bounce" issues
- Added dynamic system for close-up shots vs long-range shots
- HitScan distance can be configured or disabled entirely
HitScan/RayCast System
To configure or toggle the HitScan system for close-range shots, edit the following values in 'Levels/Level_Master.json':
"useHitscan": true,
"hitscanMaxDistance": 1.0
'useHitscan' can be either true or false, and 'hitscanMaxDistance' is how close (in meters) you must be for the system to activate.
You can also control the HitScan system for individual items by adding these fields to the 'SimpleBallistics.ItemModuleMagicFirearm' module of those firearms.
Elemental Guns Update 3.0.0
- Support for U11
- Damager fixes
- Added Harmony for Bullet Penetration patches
- Temporarily removed NPC Waves (not ready for release, see optional files on mod page)
Elemental Guns Update 2.1.1
- Fixed a fatal bug for people who didn't also have Modular Firearms Framework installed
You can update to v2.1.1 for the fix, or you can (optional) apply the Hotfix to your existing v2.1.0 installation.
Elemental Guns Update 2.1.0
- Updated Dungeon support
- Fixed Weapon Rack positions
- Misc. balancing
- Misc. optimizations
- cleaned log outputs, adding a `verbose_logging` field (bool) to the module
Elemental Guns Update 2.0.0
!!! U10 Update !!!
- Updated mod framework for Game Version U10
- Updated AI-Firearm interaction code
- Updated JSON files to U10 format
- Updated modder prefabs and How-To guide for U10:
** Known Issues **
- No custom hand poses enabled
- AI will always aim at the player's 'ParryTarget'
- Faction firefights are not fully supported yet
Elemental Guns Update 1.9.0
- Updated mod for Game Version U9.3
Elemental Guns Update 1.8.0
!!! Collision and Imbuement bugs are fixed with this version. Update to fix your dependent gun mods !!!
- Fixed collision breaking bugs
- Fixed imbuement breaking bugs
- Continued improvement of flintlock system
- Added additional error-checking for helper functions
Elemental Guns Update 1.7.1
Minor stability fixes and feature enhancement.
- Fixed Vortex mod-manager installs (manifest issue)
- Added NPC Firearm Wave II: "Dual Wieling Magnums"
- Updated "Drakefire" as an example/template Flintlock firearm
- Added JSON swtiches to allow modders to make Flintlock pistols
- Updated example prefabs for modders
Elemental Guns Update 1.7.0
This update should allow you to run the Framework with Game Version U9 (Performance Update).
- Added Minor tweaks to how bullet collision are handled
- Renamed mod folder to "SimpleFirearmsFramework"
** Known Issues **
Same as mod version 1.6.0
Elemental Guns Update 1.6.0
This update adds a few bugfixes and includes some minor features for modders
- Added code to support behaviours for single-shot weapons like muskets
- Added Drakefire Pistol
- Added additional NPC firearm waves
- Tweaked NPC AI and containers
- Added options for continuous fire sound loops
** Known Issues **
- Shooting a fire-imbued bullet at the skybox will cause post-processing to be washed out for a short time.
- No custom handposes enabled yet
- Dual-Wielding NPCs have "twisted" left wrists
Elemental Guns Update 1.5.0
This update ports all code and interactions into the new u8.4 Beta 6 version of Blade and Sorcery. Performance is greatly improved and almost everything is now working great!
You can find the NPC firearm waves at the bottom of the book, under "Firearm Waves".
- Updated codebase for u8.4 asynchronous spawning methods
- Updated assets and JSONs to new addressable asset structure
- Tweaked code for NPC waves/damage
** Known Issues **
- Shooting a fire-imbued bullet at the skybox will cause post-processing to be washed out for a short time.
- No custom handposes enabled yet
Note for modders: I have included my Unity prefabs in the mod folder. You can find a complete guide for making firearm mods here: Elemental Firearms Modder Guide 1.5.0
Elemental Guns Update 1.4.0
This update adds the much anticipated Firearm Waves!! Time to even the fight ;)
You can find the five (5) new waves at the bottom of the book, under "Firearm Waves".
(Warning: Some waves can be intensive and might lag some machines)
- Added NPC Waves
- NPC interaction code added to framework
- Added custom JSON templates for Brain, Container, CreatureTable & LootTable files
- Enabled dual wielding for certain NPCs
- Increased player health during Firearm waves
Elemental Guns Update 1.3.0
This update is mostly related to the code optimization, so hopefully there will be less lag now overall now! I have also continued tweaking the bullet physics.
(You might still see lag spikes when you first load/shoot the weapons, but it should be much better overall now)
- Continued tweaking on bullet physics
- Code optimization and refactoring (hopefully less lag overall after some initial spikes)
- Imbuement effects only last shortly now
Note for modders: If you are making guns with this framework, you might want to try setting the mass of the bullet close to "1.0" and set the "bulletForce" on the weapons slightly lower. I have done that in my example weapons, and I find that these slower, heavier bullets tend to have better overall impacts.
Elemental Guns Update 1.2.0
In this update I've added ammo tracking, so if you run out of ammo press the SpellMenu button to reload.. I have also added the Nambu and "Enforcer" pistol variants, which use this new ammo tracking feature.
The grip angle for the handles should also be fixed now. I have set the angle to be 30/60 degrees from horizontal/vertical axes respectively.
The Nambu is single shot only, and the Enforcer can cycle fire modes (SpellMenu button when not empty)
Full Change log here:
- Added two (2) new pistol variants: "Nambu" and "Enforcer"
- Fixed handle orientations (gun grips now held at 30 degree offset from horizontal)
- Improved bullet physics (better penetration, less "bounce" from indirect hits)
- Implemented ammo tracking and reloads (if "ammoCapacity" is set in JSON, otherwise pistol will have inf ammo)
- Added support for reload sounds
- Reduced the "bare minimum" required to create a Unity Prefab that works with the framework
- Removed support for `soundVolume` option in JSON (not compatible with AudioMixerLinker)
- Cleaned up some log message spam
Elemental Guns Update 1.1.0
In this update I've added a 9mm pistol variant and have included support for Burst and Full-Auto modes. To cycle through fire modes, press the Spell Menu Button while holding the 9mm pistol (revolver only has single fire mode).
This will hopefully make it easier for myself and others to create rifles in the future.
Note for Modders:
You can add this mod as a dependency to create your own guns with my plugin.
You can find a full setup guide here: