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ChickenMike MissileMann Lackrhymo

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About this mod

Fixes clipping, weird placement and adds some watertowers to mod added areas.

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I made some patches for Watertowers of Skyrim for personal use and figured I'd share. Please bother me or Lackryhmo if you have an issue with my patches not the original mod authors. These patches were made by me ChickenMike and not Gonzeh84. All plugins are .ESL flagged .ESPs so they won't take up a place in your load order.

IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ADD THESE PATCHES TO A NEW GAME. To quote robertgk2017 "Modding is illegal post character start." You might be able to get away with it if you haven't entered the cell yet but this is neither recommended nor supported. 

There are optional versions of the patches that work with Climb Watertowers of Skyrim, so you can climb most water towers!
And install EVGAT - Dynamic Climb-able Ladder Doors if you want climbing animations.

- Expanded Towns and Cities - Moves the towers in Morthal, Karthwasten, Rorikstead and Darkwater Crossing so they don't clip with anything. . Will work with either the AIO version of ETAC or the individual ETAC Version. These patches was made by MissileMann. Go check their stuff out!
- Capitals and Towns of Skyrim Moves the towers in Morthal and Old hroldan, so they don't clip with houses added by this mod.
- ClefJ's Karthwasten
- Holds The City Overhaul Patches created for Darkwater Crossing, Ivarstead and Karthwasten. The masters have been deactivated so that this patch is compatible with the modular and the full version of Holds The City Overhaul.
- Ivy - Gates of Riverwood move the tower to remove clipping with a wall added by the mod.
- Morthal - City of the Drajkmyr Marsh - changes the tower to the snow version and disables icicles so that it makes sense with the removed snow. 
- Old Hroldan Ruins SE climable version of the "Old Hroldran Ruins - Watertowers Patch" which is present in the optional files of "Watertowers of Skyrim. (Original file isn't needed)
- Riverwood Overhaul By BigHead - Moves the tower so it's no longer inside a building. A version of the patches is available to make them compatible with Nature of the Wild Lands (editing three trees position to not clips with the tower). An alternative version of the climbable patch which move the tower in front of the Sleeping Giant Inn for a more centralized view of the village from the tower roof is available.
- The Great City of Dragon Bridge - Moves the tower so it's no longer inside a building. 
- The Great City Of Morthal - Moves the tower so it's no longer clipping with a palisade and disables some trees to make room for it. 
I've also included a patch for The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns that includes all of the changes from the above patches. 
- The Great Village of Old Hroldan - Moves a Water tower so it's no longer covering a field of cabbages. 
- JK's Skyrim - Moves the tower in Morthal and Rorikstead and rotates the tower in Ivarstead to fix clipping. Fixes to this patch were provided by Lackryhmo. Go check their stuff out!
- Settlements Expanded - Move the broken tower at Heartwood Mill that clips with the house added by the mod.
- Traverse the Ulvenwald - Moves a clipping tree at Merryfair Farm. If there are any other clipping trees please tell me and I'll fix it. 
- Ryn's Whiterun CIty Limits - Disables objects and move collision boxes to ensure consistency between the two mods. I've also included a patch for the JK+Ryn patch on the Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection page. I had to rotate the tower slightly for this patch. A version of the two patches is available with a compatibility for Whiterun Has Walls Redone.
- Warbird's Whiterun Metropolis - Moves the watertower from randomly in the ground to outside the city walls. 
- JK's Fort Dawnguard - Immersive Fort Dawnguard Mashup Added a climbable version of the patch for "Watertowers of Skyrim" available in the Fomod of "JK's Fort Dawnguard - Immersive Fort Dawnguard Mashup and Patch Collection".
Original file isn't needed for this patche to work.
- Woodsheds of Skyrim The patch on this page has been integrated into the tower-climbing patches. Installation of the Gonzeh84 file is not required.
Green Thumb - Jelidity's Darkwater Crossing - Moves the watertower out of the farming area to the side of it. 
Watchman's Drelas' Cottage - Moves the water tower out of the farming area to the front of it. 

Memorable Bounties - Witcher Inspired Quests - Adds a broken tower to Frostholm. An additional patch is provided for Nimwraith's World Revamp to prevent clipping. This patch was made by  MissileMann. Go check their stuff out! 
Moon and Star - Adds a tower to Little Vivec. 

If anyone has any fun ideas to add water towers to other mod added areas I am more than willing to take suggestions. 


Q:Why do the ETAC screenshots look so much better than the others?
A:Because MissileMann took them instead of me. 

Q:Can I climb the towers?
A:Yes by installing Climb Watertowers of Skyrim and the compatible patches in my Fomod.  And install EVGAT - Dynamic Climb-able Ladder Doors if you want climbing animations.

Q:Do these patches work with my game version?
A:I have not updated my Creation Kit yet so as far as I am aware these patches should work with all game versions. 

Q:Wow these patches and addons sure look complicated to do how did you make them?
A:Truthfully it's not that complicated. It took me like an hour to learn the CK and to be honest you should already know how to use SSEedit. Janquel's guide is an invaluable resource and without it I wouldn't have known where to even start. If I can do it you can too!

Q:Why are your screenshots so bad?
A:I literally haven't intentionally taken a screenshot in Skyrim in my over 1600 hours until the week before I uploaded my first patch collection. I'll get better hopefully. 

A:Maybe eventually. I currently don't know how and everything I've read has said its a time consuming process. I'd rather get patches out the door then figure out how to improve installation. 

Q:Do you take patch requests?
A:My primary reason for making patches is personal use but if I can make the patch quickly I'll consider it. 

Q:You haven't had any recent activity on Nexus and I need to get a hold of you, how can I do that?
A:@ChickenMike in either Ryn or Janquel's discords and I should see it. I'm also in a bunch of other discords, but I check those two the most regularly.

Ryn2g for their many wonderful mods and open communication as well as Ryn's Whiterun CIty Limits.
robertgk2017 for advice on how to actually upload a patch collection and general encouragement. 
Gonzeh84 for being a general joy to make patches for. 
Janquel for their excellent guide. I wouldn't know where to start without it.
MissileMann for sending me patches to upload, making great mods and their fun streams. 

Thank Yous
Gonzeh84 for Watertowers of Skyrim
GanXingba for Moon and Star
nimwraith for Memorable Bounties - Witcher Inspired Quests
Archinatic for The Great City of Dragon BridgeThe Great City Of MorthalThe Great Village of Old Hroldan and The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns
robertgk2017JanquelCzasior and ra2phoenix for Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection (JK - Ryn's - Market - Capital)
missjennabee for Expanded Towns and Cities
Wigfrid09 for Traverse the Ulvenwald
jkrojmal for JK's Skyrim
WarbirdShaman for Warbird's Whiterun Metropolis
TheOneTrueFuzzBeed for Green Thumb - Jelidity's Darkwater Crossing 
ImperialWatchman for Watchman's Drelas' Cottage
Bethesda for the Creation Kit and Skyrim
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
All of these mod authors do excellent work and you should check all their stuff out.